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Writings by Topic: Muslims in Europe

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144 items listed.


Publication Date
Denmark Leads the West to Immigration Sanity (24 comments) National Interest October 28, 2022
How Ukrainian Refugees Could Inadvertently Erase the West (44 comments) American Spectator July 8, 2022
Poland's Border Shapes the Future of Migration (11 comments) Newsweek November 24, 2021
"Godless Saracens Threatening Destruction":: Christian Responses to Islam and Muslims (24 comments) Middle East Quarterly Winter and Spring 2021
Europe's Anti-Immigration Left (11 comments) Washington Times March 8, 2019
Europe's Jews vs. Israel (23 comments) Israel Hayom January 27, 2019
In Defense of Europe's "Far-Right" Parties (18 comments) Washington Times November 2, 2018
Europe's Civilizationist Parties: Don't shun the populists of Europe; work with and learn from them (23 comments) Commentary November 2018
Hungary: Not "Submitting to Islam" (70 comments) Washington Times August 14, 2018
Who Are Europe's Most Important Politicians? (17 comments) Washington Times August 2, 2018
Poland's Muslim Ban (21 comments) Washington Times July 2, 2018
Political Islam in Europe: An Interview Kronen Zeitung May 14, 2018
The Rise of Western Civilizationism (28 comments) Australian April 14, 2018
A Historic Step in Austria? (20 comments) Washington Times April 5, 2018
Accepting Europe's Anti-Immigration Parties (19 comments) Washington Times November 30, 2017
Italy's Apocalypse (18 comments) Washington Times November 2, 2017
Illegal Migrant Problem? Greece Offers a Solution (8 comments) Washington Times September 12, 2017
Minimize Middle East Mistakes (39 comments) Boston Globe December 8, 2016
Europe's Epochal Elections (7 comments) Washington Times December 7, 2016
Islamist Violence Will Steer Europe's Destiny (17 comments) Washington Times October 10, 2016
Ban the Burqa, Allow the Burkini (65 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer August 23, 2016
Future Surprises that Could Shock the World: A Symposium (20 comments) International Economy Summer 2016
Who Will Write France's Future? (43 comments) Washington Times June 7, 2016
The Danger of Partial No-go Zones to Europe (23 comments) Washington Times December 29, 2015
Muslim "No-go Zones" in Europe? (38 comments) Daily Caller December 2, 2015
Why the Paris Massacre Will Have Limited Impact (98 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer November 17, 2015
Sweden's Populist Surge (22 comments) Washington Times August 26, 2015
3 French Soldiers, 3 Sitting Ducks (21 comments) Israel Hayom February 4, 2015
Does Europe Have No-go Zones? (89 comments) The Blaze January 20, 2015
Did Swedes Just Decide for National Suicide? (39 comments) National Review Online December 30, 2014
Conservatives Rally on the Streets of Paris (23 comments) National Review Online April 2, 2014
Muslim Russia? (32 comments) The Washington Times October 21, 2013
[Defending Lars Hedegaard:] "A Stew of Anti-Muslim Bile and Conspiracy-Laden Forecasts" (32 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 6, 2013
Germany's Freiheit Party Joins the Fray (53 comments) National Review Online November 2, 2010
How Islamists Came to Dominate European Islam (95 comments) National Review Online May 25, 2010
Why I Stand with Geert Wilders (369 comments) National Review Online January 19, 2010
Swiss Minarets and European Islam (272 comments) Jerusalem Post December 9, 2009
Which Has More Islamist Terrorism, Europe or America? (90 comments) Jerusalem Post July 3, 2008
Europe or Eurabia? (415 comments) Australian April 15, 2008
Will Europe Resist Islamization?: [The Actions of Magdi Allam and Geert Wilders] (531 comments) Jerusalem Post April 3, 2008
MidEast Countries Threatened with Extinction (124 comments) New York Sun August 7, 2007
Is Tariq Ramadan Lying [about Magdi Allam]? (105 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 5, 2007
Europe's Stark Options (280 comments) National Interest March-April 2007
Europe is Finished, Predicts Mark Steyn (691 comments) New York Sun November 14, 2006
[Pew Poll on] How Muslims Think (408 comments) New York Sun June 27, 2006
[West Africa:] New Route to the West (157 comments) New York Sun May 30, 2006
Two German Interior Ministers vs. Islamism (137 comments) New York Sun January 3, 2006
Reflections on the Revolution in France* (257 comments) New York Sun November 8, 2005
Weak Brits, Tough French (120 comments) New York Sun July 12, 2005
[Theo van Gogh and] "Education By Murder" in Holland (126 comments) New York Sun November 16, 2004
Europe's Threat to the West (17 comments) New York Sun May 18, 2004
Muslim Europe (184 comments) New York Sun May 11, 2004
A French lesson for Tom Harkin (43 comments) WorldNetDaily.com January 5, 2004
[Muslims vs. Jews, the New] Locus of Euro-Hate (33 comments) Jerusalem Post December 10, 2003
Something Rotten in Denmark? (2094 comments) New York Post August 27, 2002
How Kosovo Plays in the Middle East (3 comments) National Post May 19, 1999
Muslim France (11 comments) Middle East Forum Wire October 1, 1995
Political Islam in Europe, Pluralism in Peril Reason July 1989

Blog Posts

Publication Date
Why Risk One's Life to Go from France to Britain? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 28, 2021
More on Europe's Jews vs. Israel Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 27, 2019
The Mundane Origins of Germany's Huge Turkish Population (35 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 30, 2016
Two Opposing Views of the Islamist Threat (29 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 26, 2016
More on the Burkini Ban (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 25, 2016
Finally Getting Serious about Identifying Islamists? (30 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 23, 2016
Paris' Eerily Familiar 1930s Immigrant Problem (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 4, 2016
More Think Tanks for Sale or Rent (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 17, 2014
Hating Geert Wilders (43 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 22, 2014
Court: The Shari'a Is Incompatible with European Values Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 14, 2013
The Left Distorts Breivik's Mental World (82 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 22, 2012
Europe's Anti-Islamic Parties on the Move (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 17, 2011
Islamist Apparel Banned in France (49 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 12, 2011
My Optimism About Europe (66 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 8, 2011
Bush Administration Disapproved Muhammad Cartoon Reprinting (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 29, 2010
Geert Wilders, Close to Exoneration (46 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 16, 2010
France vs. Niqabs and Burqas (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 23, 2010
Muslims Going Less to Mosques in Europe (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 31, 2010
Western Civilization on Trial: Why We Should Be Watching Geert Wilders (60 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 8, 2010
The Swiss Ban on Minarets: A Possible Turning Point (96 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 30, 2009
Europe's Future, Newsweek's Fantasy (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 20, 2009
Berbers as Anti-Islamists and Anti-Arab Nationalists (27 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 26, 2009
Muslim Autonomous Zones in the West? (78 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 12, 2009
Europe's Growing Pro-Israel Sentiments (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 8, 2009
A Dutch Fissure in the Leftist-Islamist Alliance (14 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 29, 2008
Europe's Islamist Imperialists Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 31, 2008
How Europe's Counterterrorism Laws Differ from America's (31 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 3, 2008
Why was Abdullah Muhammad al-Ahdal Killed in 1989? (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 2, 2008
Will Geert Wilders Show His Film on the Koran[, Fitna]? (215 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 29, 2007
Muslim Populations in European Cities (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 23, 2007
And Now, CAIR Plagiarizing? (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 15, 2007
Dreaming of Al-Andalus (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 11, 2007
Papal Aide Warns against Islamization (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 27, 2007
The West's First Niqab-Covered Public Official? (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 23, 2007
Washington to Rescue Europe's Muslims? (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 13, 2007
Mosque in Cordoba, Church in Damascus (85 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 26, 2006
Alwaleed Bin Talal Denies the First French Intifada (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 24, 2006
The 751 No-Go Zones of France (152 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 14, 2006
It Takes a Ph.D. in Political Science … (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 25, 2006
A Clash of Civilizations on Europe's Mean Streets (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 11, 2006
Europe's Muslim Population in Demographic Free-fall? (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 7, 2006
Malta and Other Outposts under Seige (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 4, 2006
Expelling Ayaan Hirsi Ali (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 17, 2006
"Pasha Bordello" Accepts Islamist Demands (57 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 25, 2006
West Africa - Europe's New Border (28 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 19, 2006
Fortress Europe (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 27, 2005
Swedish Follies (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 1, 2005
Europeans Fleeing Eurabia (123 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 11, 2004
Tariq Ramadan Exposed (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 23, 2004
The Bombing in Madrid and Its Consequences Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 18, 2004
Jewish Life in an Increasingly Muslim Europe (28 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 31, 2004
Death to France? (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 3, 2004
Immigration's Grisly Edge in Ceuta and Melilla (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 19, 2003
Are the Mujahedeen-e Khalq Terrorists? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 22, 2003


Publication Date
Islam and Nationalism in Modern Greece, 1821-1940: Stefanos Katsikas (2 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2022
Empire on the Seine: The Policing of North Africans in Paris, 1925-1975 (14 comments)
by Amit Prakash
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2022
Muslims and the Making of Modern Europe (4 comments)
by Emily Greble
Middle East Quarterly Summer 2022
The Scramble for Europe: Young Africa on Its Way to the Old Continent (8 comments)
by Stephen Smith
Middle East Quarterly Spring 2022
European Islamophobia Report 2020 (5 comments)
by Enes Bayraklı and Farid Hafez, editors
Middle East Quarterly Spring 2022
Prisoner of the Infidels: The Memoir of an Ottoman Muslim in Seventeenth-Century Europe (2 comments)
by Osman of Timisoara. Edited and translated by Giancarlo Casale
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2022
Zacarias, My Brother: The Making of a Terrorist (1 comment)
by Abd Samad Moussaoui with Florence Bouquillat
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2004
To Be a European Muslim: A Study of Islamic Sources in the European Context (4 comments)
by Tariq Ramadan
Middle East Quarterly December 2000
Marianne et le Prophète: L'Islam dans la France laïque
by Soheib Bencheikh
Middle East Quarterly December 2000
Allah in the West: Islamic Movements in America and Europe
by Gilles Kepel
Middle East Quarterly September 1997
The Legacy of Muslim Spain (4 comments) Middle East Quarterly December 1995
L'Islam et la Republique: Des musulmans de France contre l'intégrisme
by Martine Gozlan
Middle East Quarterly September 1994
The Caliphate in the West: An Islamic Political Institution in the Iberian Peninsula (1 comment)
by David J. Wasserstein
Choice November 1993
The Muslim Discovery of Europe
by Bernard Lewis
Wall Street Journal May 26, 1982


Venue Date
Famous Historian Discusses Muslim Immigration: Daniel Pipes in Copenhagen Dansk Folkeblad January 1, 2023
Europe Tangles with Immigration (1 comment) La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana & NicolaPorro.it October 12, 2022
Middle East Geopolitics: Some Predictions (79 comments) GeoPolitica (Romania) January 2022
A Perspective on Muslims and France: An Interview (1 comment) Anadolu Ajansı (Turkey) November 10, 2020
Islamism vs. Europe: Which Will Win?: Panel Discussion (1 comment) Machiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies June 13, 2019
Immigration and Islamization in Europe: The New Opposition in Poland, Hungary, Austria and Italy Cieszyn Cultural Center May 30, 2019
Europe Wake Up! (5 comments) Controverso Quotidiano (Italy) December 15, 2018
Migration to Europe Becomes a Crisis (1 comment) MEF Wire July 31, 2018
Attack in Nice, France, "Incredibly Harmful to the Islamist Cause" (3 comments) France 24 July 15, 2016
Jihad Awakens Europe (20 comments) Gatestone Institute July 15, 2016
"Charlie Hebdo shocked France. But that shock wore off." (3 comments) The Rebel January 7, 2016
Muslim Migration into Europe: Eurabia Come True? (11 comments) David Horowitz Freedom Center's Restoration Weekend. November 6, 2015
L'islam, le monde arabe et l'Europe Neuilly, France February 15, 2011
"You can't fight Islamism with ideas coming out of Europe" (65 comments) Citizen Times December 1, 2010
Interview with the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (18 comments) Israel My Glory Magazine July/August 2010
Expert on Islam discusses radicalism and the Middle East (3 comments) The Alan Jones Show (Australia) November 6, 2009
The Road Ahead: Islam and Europe in the 21st Century Woodrow Wilson International Center June 21, 2006
Free Speech and the Danish Cartoons: A Panel Discussion Ayn Rand Institute April 11, 2006

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