Articles |
Publication  |
Date  |
A Century of the Muslim Brotherhood: Taking Stock (55 comments) |
Middle East Quarterly |
Fall 2022 |
Nasser Died Fifty Years Ago: He Lives on in Egypt (14 comments) |
Washington Times |
September 28, 2020 |
Can Egypt and Ethiopia Share the Nile? (22 comments) |
Washington Times |
February 18, 2016 |
Is Sisi Islam's Long-Awaited Reformer? (35 comments) |
National Review Online |
January 19, 2015 |
Hunger Growls in Egypt (24 comments) |
The Washington Times |
October 6, 2014 |
What Egypt's President Sisi Really Thinks (30 comments) |
Middle East Quarterly |
Fall 2014 |
Intricacies of Egypt's Coup d'état Explained (43 comments) |
National Review Online |
July 5, 2013 |
Egypt after Morsi: Joy and Worry (45 comments) |
National Post |
July 4, 2013 |
Better Dictators than Elected Islamists (72 comments) |
The Washington Times |
December 11, 2012 |
Gaza's Not the Key, Philadelphi Is (101 comments) |
National Review Online |
November 27, 2012 |
Morsi Could Discredit Muslim Brotherhood Rule (45 comments) |
The Washington Times |
November 14, 2012 |
Egypt's Sixty Years of Misery (23 comments) |
National Review Online |
July 24, 2012 |
Egypt's Real Ruler: Mohamed Tantawi (34 comments) |
The Washington Times |
July 11, 2012 |
Don't Ignore Electoral Fraud in Egypt (24 comments) |
National Review Online |
January 24, 2012 |
Egypt's Sham Election (58 comments) |
National Review Online |
December 6, 2011 |
Understanding Post-Mubarak Egypt (54 comments) |
National Review Online |
April 26, 2011 |
Egypt's Chance (57 comments) |
The Washington Times |
February 15, 2011 |
Anoush Ehteshami and Democracy in Egypt (18 comments) |
The Economist |
February 8, 2011 |
Why Egypt Will Not Soon Become Democratic (43 comments) |
The Economist |
February 4, 2011 |
Turmoil in Egypt (61 comments) |
The Washington Times |
February 1, 2011 |
Copts Pay the Price (7 comments) |
DanielPipes.org |
January 12, 2011 |
Some Common Sense in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (31 comments) |
Jerusalem Post |
December 23, 2009 |
Solving the "Palestinian Problem" [with the No-State Solution] (166 comments) |
Jerusalem Post |
January 7, 2009 |
How to Turn Gaza Over to Egypt (109 comments) |
Jerusalem Post |
February 7, 2008 |
Give Gaza to Egypt (127 comments) |
Jerusalem Post |
January 30, 2008 |
Is Tariq Ramadan Lying [about Magdi Allam]? (105 comments) |
FrontPageMagazine.com |
March 5, 2007 |
Rethinking the Egypt-Israel "Peace" Treaty (130 comments) |
New York Sun |
November 21, 2006 |
Denial: A River in Egypt (2 comments) |
New York Post |
January 14, 2002 |
EgyptAir Probe Uncovers Anti-Americanism (3 comments) |
Wall Street Journal |
November 24, 1999 |
Interview with Osama El-Baz: "Expect Arab-Israeli Peace in Two Years" |
Middle East Quarterly |
December 1997 |
Interview with Boutros Boutros-Ghali: "I Support the Algerian Government" |
Middle East Quarterly |
September 1997 |
Egypt's Problem with Ranan Lurie (1 comment) |
Middle East Quarterly |
September 1997 |
Interview with Amre M. Moussa: A Nationalist Vision for Egypt |
Middle East Quarterly |
September 1996 |
Egyptian Family Life in 1919 (3 comments) |
Muqarnas: Essays in Honour of Oleg Grabar (10): 138-40 |
1993 |
Cairo Diarist: Under Construction (1 comment) |
New Republic |
December 17, 1984 |
Three French Invasions of Egypt (1 comment) |
In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power |
1983 |
Mamluk Survival In Ottoman Egypt (1 comment) |
Journal of Turkish Studies |
1983 |
Will Sadat Follow the Shah? |
Independent News Alliance |
September 22, 1981 |
Camp David: Farseeing Diplomacy or Neocolonialism?: The key to lasting peace |
Christian Science Monitor |
April 25, 1979 |
Weakened Economy Poses Big Problems for the Egyptians |
Wall Street Journal |
March 23, 1979 |
Egypt's Phony Socialism |
DanielPipes.org |
October 4, 1976 |
Egyptian Attitudes Toward Peace [with Israel] |
Genesis 2 |
February 1974 |
Blog Posts |
Publication  |
Date  |
CAIR Again Lies About Me (5 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
January 18, 2022 |
One Year After Morsi, How Goes Egypt? (24 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 3, 2014 |
Sisi's Incompetent Anti-Islamist Campaign (41 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
March 24, 2014 |
Global Ramifications of the Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Campaign in Egypt (29 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
November 1, 2013 |
Evidence that Morsi Actually Lost the Egyptian Presidency (12 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
August 18, 2013 |
Will Turkey's Military Emulate Egypt's? (17 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 31, 2013 |
Fixing Egypt's Economy: No More Military Macaroni (26 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 30, 2013 |
What to Want in Egypt (37 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 29, 2013 |
Must Islamists Be Autocratic? (17 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 19, 2013 |
Should Egypt's Morsi Stay or Go? (28 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 1, 2013 |
140,000 Canisters of U.S. Teargas to Egypt's Morsi (17 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
April 14, 2013 |
What Planet Does John Kerry Live On? (48 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
February 3, 2013 |
Morsi vs. Hamas, Hamas vs. Morsi (7 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
January 21, 2013 |
Egypt's Palace Coup (10 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 2, 2012 |
Are Egypt's Islamists Heading for a Fall? (10 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
February 4, 2012 |
Egyptian Nuclear Power Plant Ransacked (8 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
January 16, 2012 |
L'Institut d'Égypte – In Memoriam (104 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
December 26, 2011 |
The Attack on Israel's Embassy in Cairo (27 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
September 28, 2011 |
Egypt's Military Holds onto Power (18 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 16, 2011 |
Tantawi – The New Mubarak? (17 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
May 20, 2011 |
Reflections on Hosni Mubarak's Resignation (28 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
February 11, 2011 |
Praising Military Slavery (16 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
May 18, 2010 |
"An Arabist's Guide to Egyptian Colloquial" Now Online (191 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
December 29, 2009 |
Assessing the Egypt-Israel "Peace" Treaty, Thirty Years Later (10 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
March 26, 2009 |
Europe's Islamist Imperialists |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
October 31, 2008 |
Cairene Book Covers (19 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 31, 2008 |
Gaza to Egypt – Voices of Support (5 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
February 27, 2008 |
The American University in Cairo v. Israel (10 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
November 11, 2007 |
Majority-Muslim Governments Press for Islamic Law in the West (5 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
March 8, 2007 |
Tariq Ramadan, Magdi Allam, and Me - Updates (4 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
March 5, 2007 |
The Egypt-Israel "Peace" Treaty: Updates (1 comment) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
November 21, 2006 |
"Cairo and the Age of the Hedonists" (8 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
October 12, 2006 |
Egypt's Democratic Movement vs. Israel (6 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
September 14, 2006 |
Destroy Egypt's Antiquities? (24 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
April 3, 2006 |
Jordan to the West Bank, Egypt to Gaza: The Three-State Solution (13 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
July 27, 2005 |
My Moments on Al-Jazeera (4 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
November 2, 2004 |
The Copts Find Their Voice |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
September 30, 2004 |
Is the Blind Sheikh Trying to Die? (5 comments) |
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog |
September 23, 2004 |
Reviews |
Publication  |
Date  |
Reform and Its Perils in Contemporary Islam: The Case of Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd
by Nadia Oweidat |
Middle East Quarterly |
Spring 2025 |
Midnight in Cairo: The Divas of Egypt's Roaring '20s (1 comment)
by Raphael Cormack |
Middle East Quarterly |
Winter 2022 |
Ike's Gamble: America's Rise to Dominance in the Middle East. (12 comments)
by Michael Doran |
Middle East Quarterly |
Spring 2017 |
Sacred Trash: The Lost and Found World of the Cairo Geniza (4 comments)
by Adina Hoffman and Peter Cole |
Middle East Quarterly |
Fall 2011 |
Islam without Fear: Egypt and the New Islamists
by Raymond William Baker |
Middle East Quarterly |
Winter 2006 |
Interpreting the Orient: Travellers in Egypt and the Near East |
Middle East Quarterly |
Winter 2002 |
Unfolding the Orient: Travellers in Egypt and the Near East |
Middle East Quarterly |
Winter 2002 |
Description of Egypt (1 comment)
by Edward William Lane |
Middle East Quarterly |
June 2001 |
The Cambridge History of Egypt |
Middle East Quarterly |
December 1999 |
The Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt: The Rise of an Islamic Mass Movement, 1928-1942 (1 comment)
by Brynjar Lia |
Middle East Quarterly |
June 1999 |
Cairo: The City Victorious (1 comment)
by Max Rodenbeck |
Washington Times |
March 14, 1999 |
Najib Mahfuz: The Novelist-Philosopher of Cairo (2 comments)
by Menahem Milson |
Commentary |
January 1999 |
Between Marriage and the Market: Intimate Politics and Survival in Cairo
by Homa Hoodfar |
Middle East Quarterly |
December 1997 |
Egypt's Road to Jerusalem: A Diplomat's Story of the Struggle for Peace in the Middle East
by Boutros Boutros-Ghali |
Middle East Quarterly |
September 1997 |
Infertility and Patriarchy: The Cultural Politics of Gender and Family Life in Egypt
by Marcia C. Inhorn |
Middle East Quarterly |
June 1997 |
Egypt, Islam and Democracy: Twelve Critical Essays
by Saad Eddin Ibrahim |
Middle East Quarterly |
June 1997 |
A Black Corps d'Elite: An Egyptian Sudanese Conscript Battalion with the French Army in Mexico, 1863-1867 (3 comments)
by Richard Hill and Peter Hogg |
Middle East Quarterly |
September 1996 |
"A Trade Like Any Other": Female Singers and Dancers in Egypt
by Karin van Nieuwkerk |
Middle East Quarterly |
December 1995 |
Serpent of the Nile: Women and Dance in the Arab World
by Wendy Buonaventura |
Middle East Quarterly |
December 1995 |
Egypt, Islam, and the Arabs: The Search for Egyptian Nationhood, 1900-1930 (2 comments)
by Israel Gershoni and James P. Jankowski |
Middle East Quarterly |
December 1995 |
Redefining the Egyptian Nation, 1930-1945 (2 comments)
by Israel Gershoni and James P. Jankowski |
Middle East Quarterly |
December 1995 |
Arabian Nights and Days (2 comments)
by Naguib Mahfouz |
Middle East Quarterly |
September 1995 |
The Thousand and One Nights (2 comments)
by Muhsin Mahdi |
Middle East Quarterly |
September 1995 |
Nasser's Blessed Movement: Egypt's Free Officers and the July Revolution (3 comments)
by Joel Gordon |
Orbis |
Spring 1993 |
The Social Origins of Egyptian Expansionism During the Muhammad 'Ali Period
by Fred H. Lawson |
Orbis |
Fall 1992 |
Culture and Conflict in Egyptian-Israeli Relations: A Dialogue of the Deaf
by Raymond Cohen |
Orbis |
Winter 1991 |
Palace Walk (4 comments)
by Naguib Mahfouz |
Washington Times |
February 12, 1990 |
Colonising Egypt
by Timothy Mitchell |
Orbis |
Summer 1989 |
Workers on the Nile: Nationalism, Communism, Islam, and the Egyptian Working Class, 1882-1954
by Joel Beinen and Zachary Lockman |
Orbis |
Spring 1989 |
Egypt Revealed: Scenes from Napoleon's Description de l'Egypte |
Orbis |
Summer 1988 |
Reveal and Conceal: Dress in Contemporary Egypt
by Andrea B. Rugh |
Orbis |
Summer 1987 |
Autumn of Fury: The Assassination of Sadat (2 comments)
by Mohamed Heikal |
Commentary |
November 1983 |
The Founder of Modern Egypt: A Study of Muhammad 'Ali
by Henry Dodwell |
DanielPipes.org |
March 1974 |
Spoken |
Venue  |
Date  |
The Middle East Forum at 30 Years: Reflections |
Middle East Forum |
May 14, 2024 |
Murky Details Surround Crash of Russian Plane over Sinai (1 comment) |
CTV News |
November 8, 2015 |
Egypt's moderates squeezed out by power groups (3 comments) |
Shine TV, New Zealand |
August 22, 2013 |
Understanding Egypt (6 comments) |
The Steve Malzberg Show, NewsmaxTV |
July 17, 2013 |
Discussing Egypt and Islam (35 comments) |
Dennis Prager Show |
July 8, 2013 |
The Latest on Egypt (3 comments) |
The Dana Loesch Show |
July 8, 2013 |
Recent developments in Egypt (1 comment) |
July 5, 2013 |
Making Sense of the Egyptian Presidential Election (5 comments) |
The Arena with Michael Coren, Sun News Network |
June 25, 2012 |
L'Égypte vit une transition politique décisive |
France 24 |
February 14, 2011 |
Transition in Egypt (2 comments) |
France 24 |
February 14, 2011 |
Analyzing the Turmoil [in Egypt] (12 comments) |
HaModia |
February 9, 2011 |
Egyptian Protest - Latest Developments (3 comments) |
Fox News: Fox & Friends |
February 6, 2011 |
In History, a Template for Egypt's Future? (3 comments) |
NPR: The Takeaway (with John Hockenberry) |
February 2, 2011 |
The Challenge of Islamism in Europe & the Middle East (13 comments) |
The First International Coptic Symposium |
September 23, 2004 |