I wish that both of us were WRONGReader comment on item: Bush's Middle East Hopes [and His Failures] Submitted by Hymie Zoltsveis (United States), Jan 24, 2008 at 19:15 Dear Sir: I truly wish that we were BOTH wrong about islam, that islam truly was a fine religion, with worthy values, that fit right into the modern world. Sadly, that is not the case. In dealing with islam, you MUST ignore what is said for Western consumption, and look to reality and read the words directed at muslims. Yassir Arafat was well-trained by his Soviet, Eastern bloc, and North Vietnamese propaganda trainers. Arafat was trained to know that IN SPITE OF vastly superior Western military technology, that the West (an impatient "microwave oven" culture) would quit, solely based on impatience and propaganda. Islam has a LONG and generally violent, troubled past and present. While there are exceptions (the so-called Golden Age of Islam), we are generally far from those exceptions today. Look around the World---most of the current wars, violence and terrorism is connected to islam. I also listen long and hard at the way that truly "moderate muslims" have dealt with mainstream muslims, and (even worse) how non-muslims have (often barely) lived with muslims. The worst situations appear to be when muslims achieve a majority (or majority of power) in a nation/region. At that time, the considtions for non-muslims and "friendly/secular" muslims become severe. In old days, the muslims didn't have the internet, the communist trainers, and the massive amounts of oil dollars. The muslims also did NOT have the idiot liberals, willing to foolishly believe that Hamas and Fatah were nothing but "Bad Cop--Good Cop." In my opinion, bringing something resembling "western Democracy" to a muslim nation is the worst thing imaginable. Look at how the folks in Gaza CHOSE to have Hamas---even worse than Fatah. Look at what has happened in formerly wonderful Lebanon. Look at how a once GREAT CULTURE (Egypt) severely deteriorated post-islam. Egypt led the world. The libraries, academics and achivements are superlative---even by today's standards. What has islam brought to Egypt?? Can you say "assassination of Anwar Sadat?" Modern political islam (in large part) is nothing but the surviving remnant of Nazism. The Nazis and political muslims were close allies. Just as Castro could survive withour the USSR, violent islam has survived the end of European Nazism. Israel, amazingly is the ONLY Jewish nation is the World. Israel, EVEN MORE AMAZINGLY, is the only Jewish nation in the Middle East. For 60 years they have survived---but only due to the general decency of the US (some help from Europe and assorted other nations, from time to time), and the providence of the Almighty. I see islam as being similar to HIV and AIDS. The HIV virus first weakens the immune system, and ultimately the AIDS disease invades the weakened body, and kills the person. Similarly, a mix of secularism and "weak" Christian, Hindu and Jewish religions (made worse by attempts to deal kindly with the claimed "religion" of Islam) have weaked themselves. You CANNOT fight the strong, toxic pseudo- religion of islam with weakened, secular, ultra-tolerant modern religions. Liberalism does NOT survive islam. The only way that islam can be fought is by STRENGTHENING our religions (not an instant cure), war with islam, and/or severe restrictions on islamic immigration and influence (including strong borders). Look at what immigration is quickly doing to the UK, France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, etc. We are next. We will NOT escape toxic islam. We will be infected by it. Right now, our libelaism is weakening our "political and cultural IMMUNE SYSTEMS. Islam has strong communist allies, who also seek the destruction of Western culture. Interestingly, both communsim and islam believe that they, ALONE, will be the last man standing. In my opinion, though, islam will be the survivor. Islam is AIDS and communism is "only" Hepatitis C. Israel is on a death dive if it continues to head in the path of making "peace" with islam. In fact, the western definition of peace, does NOT even exist in islam. Islam's definition of "peace" requires submission to islam. Israel, in my opinion, MUST re-take strategic areas---including Gaza, Judea, Samaria, probably Southern Lebanon. There should be ABSOLUTE refusal to give anything to the islamic enemy---NO equality of voting power, NO welfare or other benefits. Traitorous muslims must be expelled from ISrael. Ultimately, a large percentage on muslims must leave/be forced out of Israel. The same must occur if Lebanon is to survive. Lebanon is currently on its death bed. If Lebanon "dies" Israel's threat severely increase. There must be a realization that liberal behavior is only an indication of weakness to the islamic wild animal----a weakness that will only result in more attacks and more death. There must be a way to politically and economically weaken islam. Ways must be taken to injure economics in islamic nations. Ways must be found to support loyal dictators in friendly islamic nations---especially secular islamic nations. We have lost a LOT of ground in the last 30 years----a period started, in large part, by the absolute imbecilic Jimmy Carter---the President who should be BEST KNOWN as the man who almost single-handedly toppled a great ally (Shah of Iran) and re-surrected the most evil vile toxic fundamentalist islam. Politicians around the world must get pragnatic. They must realize that radical islam is spreading and crushing secular islam and non-islamic relgions and cultures. They MUST---ABSOLUTELY MUST---realize that DESPOTS who are friendly are absolutely necessary to maintain order and peace in islamic countries, Muslims sadly require strong secular leaders. We must NEVER try to bring "free elections" to islamic nations. Never forget Hamas in Gaza. We have a lot of strengthening and catching up to do. We have a LOT of education that is needed. If we are to survive, and NOT allow islam to get stronger, we MUST contain it, weaken it, and force it out, however possible. The alternative is massive death, destruction, enslavement of dhimmis and secualr muslims, and a world-wide caliphate. The challenge is NOW. Good luck. Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. 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