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Reader comment on item: Gibbon, Oxford, and Islam

Submitted by snakesavage (United States), Feb 25, 2008 at 11:33

I'm not sure how you can spin this as a victory. The muslims get their way with forcing a school district to do their bidding, and the non-muslims are allowed to keep their old menu at considerable cost and aggravation? No, this is just another step towards dhimmitude. The obligation as far as i am concerned, is for the immigrant to adopt to their new country and not the other way around, if you dont like the food, stay away from that country. What the west needs is a uniform policy of " no accomodation-- you adapt or leave".


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Reader comments (25) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
2Qatar Defying UN, Bullying India (Bharat), insulting Hindus. Harboring muslim accused by India [388 words]Ravi RanjanApr 2, 2010 08:03170879
22Wake up, Know Halal Jihad. Petition filed in Indian Parliament to let non-muslims have food of their choice. [2974 words]Ravi RanjanApr 2, 2010 07:27170877
8Halal is Jihad [11 words]mohinderAug 27, 2010 10:47170877
I do agree totaly [64 words]Mohit KhoslaNov 11, 2020 13:37170877
2what colour do the Jews wear? [116 words]KristaFeb 25, 2008 14:13121043
2Very nicely said, Krista [71 words]JeffMar 2, 2008 12:41121043
Why blaming Islam? [96 words]HassanFeb 3, 2011 17:06121043
1Blame Islam because -- it is obvious!!! [86 words]JaladhiFeb 4, 2011 14:19121043
Neither did the Muslim world. [111 words]HassanFeb 5, 2011 19:47121043
13they are trying explode [51 words]Ravi Singh Panth BhartiFeb 15, 2011 08:26121043
1Sardar Ravi Ranjan Singh "bharat Panthi" . . . are you serious [168 words]HassanFeb 18, 2011 00:33121043
3thanks [127 words]raviFeb 22, 2011 11:29121043
1Ravi [139 words]HassanFeb 24, 2011 00:52121043
4be yourself dear [123 words]raviFeb 26, 2011 11:48121043
To Ravi [153 words]HassanFeb 27, 2011 22:16121043
2Another victim of Arabian imperialism [505 words]dhimmi no moreMar 1, 2011 07:25121043
1To dhimmi no more [134 words]HassanMar 3, 2011 20:54121043
3The fragile Muslim mind [708 words]dhimmi no moreMar 5, 2011 07:36121043
to dhimmi no more- Read my comment in Egypt's Chance, not here. Be patient [279 words]HassanMar 5, 2011 20:27121043
5big deal! [99 words]snakesavageFeb 25, 2008 11:33121028
10Muslim Hallal robbing the system. [123 words]YnnatchkahFeb 25, 2008 00:17121000
2Real Princes [656 words]Sardar Ravi Ranjan Singh 'Bharat Panthi'Apr 15, 2010 10:49121000
Muslim Hallal is not dirty [117 words]HassanFeb 12, 2011 03:00121000
About Time [11 words]Tony ClarkJan 23, 2006 10:2532236
1Islam [19 words]Michelle WayneAug 22, 2009 21:1932236

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