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Reader comment on item: PBS, Recruiting for Islam
in response to reader comment: Muslim Propaganda

Submitted by TJ Skylark (United States), Jun 17, 2008 at 12:49


On October 9, 2004 German & Iranian soccer teams met in Tehran. They raised their hands in a Fascist salute glorifying the past history of the Persian, Roman and German imperial armies. They sang praise to their Fatherlands. IN other propaganda videos Ahmadinejad will show you his vision of a new Aryan empire from the Indus river in the east to the Nordic nations of Scandinavia in the west. So why do western politicans give into the Moslem madness? Why do they pursue to divide Israel in 1/2?

Anti-Semites will flock together and make comments on the Jerusalem Post Talkback section supporting a Palestinian homeland. You show me where the TURKS (1) Did not reign over the Middle-East 1517-1917 A.D. (2) Balfour Declaration of 1917 did not say Jordan would be the Fatherland of the Arabs and Israel would be the Jewish homeland (3) Tell me about how Egypt did not control Gaza before June 1967 & Jordan did not control the West Bank before June 1967.

IF you can show me a list of Palestinian kings reigning over the Palestinians before Arafat appeared as leader of a tribe he invented called Palestinians, show me coins, palaces, temples, ancient market places where a Turk never set foot in the Holy Land, I will send you a check for $1,000.

Some 6,000,000 Jews must die to create a mythical Palestinian nation? What madness lies on the tongues of tribal anti-Semites!

Archaeologist recently uncovered the ancient civilization of JIROFT, IRAN. Ancient times a large section of IRAN was known as ELAM. We can trace the history of ELAM from the Genesis 10:10 cities of BABEL & ACCAD/AKKAD/AGADE to Exodus with no missing links which would displease Ahmadinejad & Abbas whom crave for Jewish real estate. We must verify Exodus date at 1495 B.C.E./B.C. first before we box in history of Elam where it matches BIBLE chronology.

1495 B.C.E./B.C. Exodus means Solomon's 40 years. (1 Kings 11: 42 & 1 Kings 6:1 4th year some 480 years after the Exodus looks like this. Solomon reigned 1019-979 B.C. Solomon's 4th year = 1015 B.C. some 480 yrs. (1495) after the Exodus. This means Jericho was destroyed 1455 B.C.E./B.C. matching archaeologist Finkelstein's belief Jericho was destroyed around 1450 B.C. but somehow Finkelstein believed Joshua entered Jericho around 1280 B.C.E.


1019-979 B.C. Solomon (1 Kings 11:42) 979- 962 Rehoboam (1 Kings 14:21) 962-959 Abijam (1 Kings 15:2) 959-918 Asa (1Kings 15:10) 918-893 Jehoshaphat (1 Kings 22:42) 893-885 B.C. Jehoram (2 Kings 8:17) 885-884 Ahaziah (2 Kings 8:26) 884-878 Athaliah (2 Kings 11:1-3) 878-838 Jehoash (2 Kings 12:1) 838-809 Amaziah (2 Kings 14:2) 809-757 Uzziah (2 Kings 15:2) 757-741 Jotham (2 Kings 15:33) 741-725 B.C.E. Ahaz (2 Kings 16:2) 725-696 Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:2) 696-641 Manasseh (2 Kings 21:1) 641-639 Amon (2 Kings 21:19) 639-608 Josiah (2 Kings 22:1) 608 Jehoahaz (2 Kings 23:31) 608-597 Jehoiakim (2 Kings 23:36) 597 Jehoiachin (2 Kings 24:8) 597-586 B.C. Zedekiah ( 2 Kings 24:18)

1495 B.C. EXODUS DATE. Elamite king Kuter-Nahhunte reign ends 1495 B.C. the Exodus. Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III dies in the Exodus in the year 1495 B.C. 1 Kings 14:25 Egyptian king Shishak attacks Rehoboam in Rehoboam's 5th year 521 years after the Exodus. Shishak/ Sheshonk dies a few months later 521 years after the EXODUS in Rehoboam's 5th year 974 B.C.

Elamite king Kuter-Nahhunte reign ends & Thutmose III life ends 1495 B.C. To nail the Exodus date down at 1495 B.C. which the Egyptian Hawass would argue, I must show Shishak's death at 974 B.C. using the reign of years where Thutmose III does not die at 1436 B.C. Thutmose III dies at 1495 B.C.E. as BIBLE chronology will reveal unto us.

EGYPTIAN KINGS IN SOLO YEAR REIGN. Amenhotep II listed as 26 years but 2 were co-regent with Thutmose III. Solo Amenhotep II reign was 24 years. To solidly nail down Elamite history with cross correlated BIBLE & EGYPTIAN HISTORY--Egyptian history must be fined tuned. We have to do this cause Exodus 1:8 a pharaoh arose which knew not Joseph when Moses was born. Genesis 46:34 Egyptians hated the Hebrew shepherds, yet ONE Hebrew shepherd governor Joseph name was purged from all Egyptian records even after Joseph saved Egypt from a world famine. (Genesis 41:57) Ancient Egyptian kings were liars apparently just like modern Arafat born in Cairo, Egypt.

1495-1471 Amenhotep II reigns. 1471-1462 Thutmose IV. 1462-1424 Amenhotep III. 1424-1407 Akenaton. 1407-1406 Semenkare. 1406-1396 Tutankhamon. 1396-1392 Ay. 1392-1361 Horemheb 1361-1360 Ramses I 1360-1347 Seti I, 1347-1280 Ramses II, 1280-1268 Merneptah I, 1268-1263 Amenmesses 1263-1258 Seti II, 1258-1251 Merneptah II, 1251-1249 Tausert, 1249-1247 Irsu. 1247-1245 Setnakht. 1245-1213 B.C. Ramses III. 1213-1207 Ramses IV. 1207-1203 Ramses V 1203-1193 Ramses VI. 1193-1192 Ramses VII. 1192-1185 Ramses VIII. 1185-1166 Ramses IX. 1166-1157 Ramses X 1157-1130 Ramses XI. 1130-1103 Smendes. 1103-1099 Neferkhres. 1099-1049 Psusennes I. 1049-1040 Amenmope. 1040-1034 Osokhor. 1034-1014 B.C.E./B.C. Siamon whose daughter marries Solomon. 1014-995 B.C.E. Psusennes II. 995-974 B.C. Shishak! Shishak dies shortly after attacking Jerusalem in Rehoboam's 5th year 974 B.C. (1 Kings 14:25)

Moslems are late comers in world history. They cannot verify Israel & Egyptian history as shown 1495-974 B.C. Moslem Ahmadinejad's primary goal is to destroy civilization & world history attached to mankind's history & cultural reality!

Genesis 10:10 BABEL & ACCAD/AKKAD/AGADE starts world history. Background for real Elamite history. Lets bring out the Accad, Sumer & BIBLE chronology and then Jiroft, Iran civilization can be discovered. Humanity flees the Tower of Babel in 2243 B.C. Egyptians were at Tower of Babel building square ziggurat temple. Hawass wants us to believe a cretin named legendary Menes started Egyptian history. Square Step Pyramid was not built by Menes. The 800 years from Menes before Djoser built pyramid are lies. There are no blood kin ties starting with Menes. Djoser builds the Step Pyramid 2243-2225 B.C. Djoser is actually a living person. Menes a mere name on a list.


SUMER CHRONOLOGY: 2243-2187 Sargon/Nimrod reigns over the Genesis 10:10 city of Accad/Akkad/Agade. 2187-2178 Akkadian king Rimush Sargon's son. 2178-2163 Akkadian king Manishtushu Sargon's son. 2163-2123 Akkadian king Naramsin Sargon's grandson. 2123 B.C. Gutium knock Naramsin out of power. Gutium reign over Sumer 91 years. 2123-2032 B.C. (Archaeologist Woolley confirms Gutium 91 yrs. Utu-khegal 7 years. & 108 Ur-Nammu dynasty where king succession is father to son)2032-2025 B.C. Utu-Khegal reigns over Erech after defeating the Gutium. 2025-1917 B.C. Beginning Ur-Nammu reign to end of Ibi-Sin's reign in 1917 B.C. Ur-Nammu slew Utu-Khegal & Ur-Nammu established 108 dynasty over UR in SUMER.

1917-1895 B.C. Elamite/Amorite wars.

1895-1595 B.C. Joan Oates Babylon states Amorite kings reigned at Babylon. 1595-1495 B.C. Amorites powerful in Sharuhen,Canaan & Syria until Thutmose III ends 400 years of Amorite power. (Genesis 15:13-17) Thutmose III died in 1495 B.C. Thutmose III son was Amenhotep II. (Amenhotep II, Thutmose IV, Amenhotep III & Akenaton ALL collected tribute from Amorites-showing Amorite power was broken with Thutmose III)

1895-1495 B.C. Amorite power ends in Syria. Elamite power ends with 1505-1495 B.C. Kuter-Nahhunte II when Kassite king Agum III 1500-1475 B.C. destroys Sealander power in 1495 B.C. Sealanders held dominance over ELAM.


2243 B.C. Peleg born. 2213 B.C. Reu. 2181 B.C. Serug. 2151 Nahor was born. 2122 Terah Abraham's father born. Terah lives 2122-1917 B.C. At 1917 B.C. Abraham is 75 years old. (Genesis 12:4-11:32)2052 B.C. Haran is born. Haran dies 1925 B.C. some 430 years before the Exodus in 1495 B.C.

1992 B.C. Abraham is born. 1892 B.C. Isaac. 1832 B.C. Esau & Jacob. 1702 B.C. Genesis 47:9 Jacob age 130 entered Egypt. Joseph 30 becomes Egyptian governor. 7 good years of harvest. 2 famine years when Jacob enters Egypt 30 + 7 + 2 = 39 years old in 1702 B.C. 1741-1631 B.C. Joseph lifetime. (Genesis 50:26)

1575 B.C. Moses is born. Moses is 80 at time of the Exodus in 1495 B.C.


2243-2196 B.C. ELAM leaves the Genesis 10:10 city of Babel & Tower of Babel. Genesis 11:1-8. Mankind scatters upon the earth. Sargon/Nimrod of Akkad defeats Elamite king Luh-ishshan likely the son of ELAM.

2196-2183 B.C. Elamite king Hishep-ratep reigns over ELAM. Akkadian king Rimush 2187-2178 B.C. destroys Hishep-ratep's power.

2183-2152 B.C. Elamite king Helu reigns.

2152-2118 B.C. Elamite king Hita reigns over ELAM. Naramsin 2163-2123 B.C. captures Hita's royal family members. Hita joins military alliance with Naramsin--not willingly. Gutium destroy Naramsin's power in 2123 B.C.

Gutium reign over SUMER 2123-2032 B.C.

2118-2093 B.C. ELAMITE king Kutik-Inshushinak builds temple of Inshushinak. Elamites free of Akkadian control-- (2243-2123) Elamites now created their own language! Elam had trade with Byblos, Lebanon. Gutium called Scorpion's of the mountains by Sumer priesthood. JIROFT, IRANIAN Scorpion art appears at Meskiagnannar's UR 2129-2093 B.C. JIROFT ELAMITE ART: Snake heads with lion bodies appear in EGYPT at this time in world history. NARMER PALETTE-its not pre-dynastic--ITS JIROFT! Egyptian king Sahure pose at Wadi Magahara striking an enemy with a mace is same pose on Narmer Palette. Sahure actually reigned over Egypt 2108-2094 B.C. Egypt used cosmetics imported from Punt, East Africa in Sahure's reign. Circle in Narmer Palette used for Kohl an eye shadow cosmetic.

After Naramsin died in 2123 B.C. Silver was used as currency of exchange throughout MIddle-East nations.

2123-2032 B.C. Gutium have control over Sumer. 2123-2098 B.C. Sharkalisharri son of Naramsin is a Gutium puppet. Archaeologist uncovered Mesopatamian Letters where cattle rancher Ishkun-Dagan states he will not pay his ranch hands any silver if the Gutium steal his cattle. NOTE: Samuel Noah Kramer's book "The Sumerians" Chicago University Press. 1963. p.330 2098-2095 B.C. a Gutium king named ELULU fought to gain control over Akkad. In 2095 B.C. Gutium destroy AKKAD.

2123-2093 B.C. ERECH kings serve the Gutium: 2123-2116 Urigin. 2116-2110 Urgigir. 2110-2104 B.C. Kudda. 2104-2099 B.C. Puzur-ili & 2099-2093 B.C. Ur-Utu.

2093 B.C. Gutium king Elulu destroys ERECH. (THE SUMERIANS p. 329) ELULU reigns over UR 2093-2068 B.C. Gutian Balulu reigns over UR 2068-2032 B.C. UTU-Khegal defeats Gutian Tirigan who reigned over all Sumer in 2032 B.C. Utu-Khegal then takes over Balulu's UR- placing Ur-Nammu as governor of UR. 2025 B.C. Ur-Nammu slays Utu-Kegal. Abraham's UR exists 2025-1917 B.C.!

2093 B.C. Elamite king Kutik-Inshushinak falls from power as the Elamites from Anshan takes over Kutik-Inshushinak's kingdom.

2063-2042 B.C. Gutium Gudea governor of Lagash defeats the Elamites of Anshan. 2042-2032 B.C. Elamites under Gutium domination. 2032-2025 B.C. Elamites come under Utu-Khegal of ERECH (Genesis 10:10 city) domination.

2025-2007 B.C. UR-Nammu king of Ur dies fighting the Gutium. 2007-1960 B.C. Shulgi son of Ur-Nammu hires Elamite mercenaries to guard UR's mountain border regions. (ABRAHAM BORN AT UR IN 1992 B.C.)1960-1950 B.C. Bur-Sin son of Shulgi Elamites serve him well. 1950-1942 B.C. Gimil-Sin son of Bur-Sin developes marriage alliance with the Elamites. Gimil-Sin daughter marries the prince of Anshan the son of Elamite king Girnamme. 1942-1917 B.C. Ibbi-Sin son of Gimil-Sin reigns at UR. Elamite king Lurak-Luhhan launches attack against Susa. Ibbi-sin defeats Lurak-Luhhan in 1934 B.C. Elamite king Hutran-tempt stirs up rebellion against UR. 1929-1927 Hutran-tempt wages war against UR. Ibbi-sin wins victory.


1927-1911 B.C. Elamite king Kindattu/Chedorlaomer destroys UR in 1917 B.C. Carries off UR's king Ibbi-Sin as prisoner back to ELAM. 1925 B.C. Amorite Ishbi-Erra of Isin stops grain shipments to UR from cities north of UR. Abraham unites with Amorite Canaanites & he slays Elamite king Kindattu/ Chedorlaomer. Babylon is not yet in Amorite hands since Abraham slays Amraphel king of Shinar/Babylon (Genesis 14:1 & 14:17) & Amorite king Sumu-abum 1895-1881 B.C. becomes first Amorite king to reign at Babylon. He must rebuild Babylon's walls which were destroyed by the Sumer city of Kish after 1911 & before 1895 B.C.

1911- 1898 B.C. Indattu I Kindattu's nephew reigns over ELAM. Indattu I nicknamed "Son of Pepi" coming to Elamite throne 2 years after Pepi II of Egypt had died. Pepi II reigned over Egypt 2003-1913 B.C. Pepi II hated flies so he poured honey over his naked male & female slaves to keep away the flies.

Ur king Bur-Sin 1960-1950 B.C. Built the House of Honey at UR. Silver & honey was traded to the Egyptians for Egyptian grain.

Ishbi-Erra attacks Indattu's I army and devastates ELAM.

1898-1889 B.C. Elamite king Tan-Ruhurater marries Amorite king Ishbi-Erra's daughter before becoming king in an Amorite/Elamite wedding alliance.

1889-1878 B.C. Indattu II lives a lavish lifestyle pictured wearing a turban having successful trade with Babylon.

1878-1863 B.C. Elamite king Indattu-Napir marries an Amorite princess.

1863-1850 B.C. Elamite king Indattu-tempt is attacked by Amorite sheik Gungunum in 1852 B.C. & 1850 B.C. Elamite king Indattu-tempt is knocked out of power.


JOAN OATES BABYLON: AMORITE KINGS: 1895-1881 Sumu-ABUM. 1880-1845 Sumu-lael. 1844-1831 Sabium 1830-1813 Apil-Sin. 1812-1793 Sin-muballit. 1792-1750 Hammurabi. 1749-1712 Samsu-luna 1711-1684 Abi-Eshuh dams up Tigris River trying to starve out the Sealanders when Jacob enters Egypt in 1702 B.C. 1683-1647 Ammi-danta. 1646-1626 Ammi-saduqa. 1625-1595 Samsu-ditani.

1595-1495 B.C. We have Thutmose III drowning in the Red Sea in 1495 B.C.

Mitanni king Parattarna reigned over Syria 1542-1516 B.C. NEW Discoveries at Alalaka, Syria reveal king Idrimi reigned over Syrian town for 30 years keeping Parattarna out. 1572-1542 B.C. Idrimi is king of Alalaka, Syria. Idrimi kept Parattarna from taking over Syria. Queen Hatshepsut 1542-1535 B.C. Told Thutmose I & II not to go to war in Asia. Queen Hatshepsut reopened Egypt's trade with Punt, East Africa--she wore a beard for 7 years to keep Thutmose II her sickly husband and feeble minded Thutmose I from reign. Funk & Wagnals Encyclopedia 1965 edition p.8540 shows Thutmose I reign at 1540-1493 B.C. 1500-1493 B.C. at power struggle with Hatshepsut. Biblical time: 1582-1535 B.C.

1582 B.C. Thutmose I came to power. 1579 B.C. Third year Thutmose I invades Syria. 1579-1572 B.C. Egypt controlled Syria 7 years Idrimi stayed away. 1572-1542 B.C. 30 years Idrimi held power. The video stated Idrimi attacked the Hittites. It was Hittite king Zidanta 1564-1551 B.C. who paid Thutmose I tribute!

1595 B.C. Hittite king Mursilas sacks Babylon. Mursilas is assassinated in a plot hatched by Hantilas & Zidanta.

1595-1564 B.C. Hantilas reigns over the Hittites. 1564-1551 B.C. Zidanta reigns. 1551-1529 Ammuna reigns. 1529-1513 B.C. Huzziya reigns. 1513-1489 B.C. Telepinus reigns. 1489-1467 B.C. Tudhaliyas I reigns. 1467-1444 B.C. Arunwandas. 1444-1428 B.C. Tudhaliyas II. 1428-1392 B.C.Suppiluliumas I

When the BIBLICAL chronology is in order, all world history matches.

1582-1535 B.C. Thutmose I (47 yrs. Funk & Wagnals Thutmose I p.8540 1965 edition) 1542-1520 B.C. Hatshepsut struggles with father & husband for control over Egypt. 1542-1535 B.C. Egyptians mark Thutmose III reign with Hatshepsut's start of reign. Thutmose III 1542-1495 B.C. In Thutmose III 47th year is the Exodus:

Ian Shaw Oxford History of Egypt. Oxford University Press. 2000 p. 248 states Thutmose III 47th year--this pharaoh struck Hatshepsut's name off all Egyptian monuments. Why not Thutmose III earlier years? Earlier years he still liked his aunt . 47th year Thutmose III was receiving Moses 10 plagues in 1495 B.C. Thutmose III right before he died learned Queen Hatshepsut was once princess Hatshepsut who saved Moses life when Moses was an infant.

After the Hebrews leave EGYPT at time of Thutmose III death notice how easy the reign of years become where from Amenhotep II beginning reign to Shishak's death 521 years 1495-974 B.C. right after Shishak invaded Jerusalem Shishak died--Egyptians are not covering up their history. Reign of years (521) are easy to calculate on king's list. Abraham's visit to Egypt during Pepi II reign--Egyptians then falsify add dynasties (7-10) 1st intermediate dynasties. Joseph dies in Amenehet IV reign Egyptians then falsify add (13-17) dynasties 2nd intermediate dynasties.

Last Amorite 1595-1495 B.C. 100 years now explained by corrected Egyptian chronology.

1631 B.C. Joseph dies. Amenemhet IV dies a few months later.

1631-1628 B.C. Queen Sobekneferu wears mens clothes cause Egyptians don't like female rulers. 1542-1535 B.C. Queen Hatshepsut wears a beard for 7 years & mens clothes to stay in power.

1628-1603 B.C. Ahmose reigns over Egypt. 1608 B.C. Ahmose kicks out the Amorite/Canaanites whom arrived in Egypt trading their horses for food in 1702 B.C. same year Jacob arrived in Egypt. Genesis 47:9 & 47:17-22. Ahmose lied. Foreigners came to Egypt in peace giving horses for bread & foreigners did not destroy Egyptian temples. Joseph stated the priests kept their land!

1608 B.C. Amorites are powerful in Sharuhen,Canaan.

1603-1582 B.C. Amenhotep I reigns. NAME: Composite for AMENemhet 12th dynasty and MentuHOTEP 11th dynasty. Abydos, Egypt king lists omit 13-17 fraudulent kings. ( Alan Gardiner. The Egyptians. Oxford University Press. 1961. p.143)

OXFORD UNIVERSITY IS SO ANTI-ISRAEL. Manfred Bietak found a grave at Avaris, Egypt just containing Amenemhet IV last king of 12th dynasty artifacts and Ahmose 1st king 18th dynasty artifacts Ian Shaw Oxford History Of Egypt. Oxford University Press. 2000 p. 190 still believes one grave contains 285 years of history when 1631 B.C. Amenemhet IV dies. 1631-1628 B.C. Queen Sobekneferu reigns. 1628-1603 B.C. Ahmose reigns. From 1631-1603 B.C. is 28 years. Bietak balloons it to 285 years. This is burying the truth not revealing the truth!

1582-1495 B.C. House of Thutmose I-III Thutmose I beginning & Thutmose III's end. Both kings fought the Amorites in Asia during the last the Amorites last 100 years of power 1595-1495 B.C. Amenhotep II 1495 B.C. immediately crushed an Amorite rebellion. Amenhotep II, Thutmose IV, Amenhotep III & Akenaton all collected Amorite tribute showing Amorite power was finished with Thutmose III.


ELAMITE EPARTI DYNASTY: 1850-1830 B.C. Eparti establishes an Elamite constitution. 1830-1800 B.C. Elamite king Silhaha is treated like a prince. Elamite king Kudur-Mabuk destroys Gungunum's Amorite army. Kudur-Mabuk appoints his son Warad-Sin as king over Larsa. Warad-Sin reigns at Larsa 1835-1823 B.C. Elamite king Rim-Sin of Larsa reigns 1823-1762 B.C. Amorite king Hammurabi 1792-1750 B.C. destroys Larsa in 1762 B.C. in Hammurabi's 30th year of power.

1800-1772 B.C. Elamite king Sirktuh I regent . Susa & Elam oppossed of Hammurabi. Amorite king beseiged town Razama. Sirktuh I died in the fighting.

1772-1770 B.C. Elamite king Simut-Wartash reign little is known.

1770-1745 B.C. Elamite king Siwe-palar supports war against Amorites whom incorporate large parts of Elam into the Babylonian empire. Siwe expands Elam's border deeper eastward into land later called Persia.

1745-1730 B.C. Elamite king Kuduzulush (I) is overrun by Kassites whom invade Babylon. Amorite king Samsuiluna 1749-1712 B.C. first to witness the horse driven chariot entry into Babylonian territory. 1711 B.C. Joseph made Egyptian governor. At Buhen Nubia fortress horse skeleton was found (1959) dated with Senusert III artifacts. Ahmose destroyed both horse chariot cities: Heliopolis & Avaris, Egypt. This is why horse not mentioned in 12th dynasty--mainly the foreigners in Egypt rode in horse driven chariots.

1730-1700 B.C. Elamite king Kuter-Nahunte wins stunning victory against Amorite king Abi-Eshuh 1711-1684 B.C. Kuter-Nahunte steals the Amorite fertility goddess Nanaja. Abi-Eshu lived at the time of the global famine. (Genesis 41:57) Jacob entered Egypt 1702 B.C. age 130 in the 2nd year of famine.

Abi-Eshuh damed up the Tigris river trying to starve out the Sealanders. These Sealanders had taken over ELAM. Here is the list of Elamite kings whom served the Sealanders until Kassite king Agum III wiped out the Sealanders in 1495 B.C.

Elamite kings under Sealander domination.

1700-1698 Lila-Irtash. 1698-1690 Tempt-Agun I. 1690-1655 Tan-Uli. 1655-1650 Tempt Halki. 1650-1635 Kuk-Nashur. 1635-1625 Kuter-Silhaha I. 1625-1605 Tempt-Raptash. 1605-1600 Kudurulash III 1600-1580 Tata. 1580-1570 Atta-Merra-Halki. 1570-1545 Pali-Ishshan. 1545-1520 Kuk-Kirwesh. 1520-1505 Kuk-Nahhunte. 1505-1495 B.C. Kuter-Nahhunte II whose power ended when Kassite king AGUM III 1500-1475 B.C.(BIBLE CHRONOLOGY) destroyed the Sea landers at 1495 B.C. the time of the Exodus.

1595 B.C. Amorite king Samsu-ditana reign at Babylon ends.

1595-1571 Sealander Gandash reigns over Babylon. Sealanders make special red crystal. Job 28:17Job born 1792 B.C. Job has cattle ranch at Uz,Syria. 1722 B.C. Amorite king Samsuiluna drives Sealanders away from Babylon. They settle near UR. Chaldeans flee from UR and enter Uz. Job 1:17 Chaldean raiders. 1722-1582 B.C. Job lived 140 more years Job 42:16. Job lived to see crystal made. Job died 7 years before Moses was born.


1570-1543 B.C. Agum II. 1542-1521 Burnaburiash signs a military alliance with Assyrian king Puzur-Ashur III 1548-1521 B.C. Both Assyria & Babylon build defenses against Mitanni king 1542-1516 B.C. Parattarna who has invaded Syria. 1520-1501 B.C. Kassite king Kashtiashu III reigns over the Kassites in Babylon, while his brother 1520-1501 B.C. Ulamburiash reigns over the Sealanders. Ulamburiash meets pharaoh Thutmose III in Syria giving the pharaoh Sealander red rock crystal glasses. 1500-1475 B.C. Kassite king Agum III wipes out the Sealanders in 1495 B.C. Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep II receives immitation crystal as tribute from Syrians not top grade like Sealander crystal. Agum III also ends Elamite king Kuter Nahhunte II reign in 1495 B.C. at the same time the Sealanders are no longer with us slaughtered under Agum III's command.

WHILE MOSES SUCCESSFULLY OUTLINED MANKIND'S DAWN OF CIVILIZATION, ITS THE 12th Imam Ahmadinejad whom wants to bring civilization to its final conclusion. Everyday the anti-Semites voice their opinions loud over the internet to a worldwide audience.

Gazan Egyptians & West Bank Jordanian Arabs forge a new identity only to make Holy War since the Palestinian tribe was created by Arafat and only has a vocal history AFTER June 1967. SOME 41 years pass and western nations tribes and leaders are too lazy to investigate the history of the Palestinian tribe created by Egyptian Arafat who was born in Cairo, Egypt.

So eager is Condo Rice as she sprints around trying to secure more terrorist bases in the Middle-East by surrendering 1/2 of Israel's land. ITS an evil quest to expose 6,000,000 Jewish men, women & children to constant rocket barrages in southern Israel. After all the pictures we have seen of World War II concentration camps--I have been to Germany 1-4 November 1979 and witnessed the horror in one death camp---I believe western politicans just can't function by leaving the 10 commandments out of their lives. There are two camps of people in this world. Those whom embrace Moses and justice or those who welcome tyranny!

You can review the history of each nation. Some people believe like in ancient Egypt four male bull frogs mated with four snake goddesses and produced the human race. Korean maiden mated with bear and produced the Korean people.

When I get to Moses book and read Genesis 1:26 we were made in the likeness of GOD-this places us one step above the animal kingdom. Now we see Ahmadinejad collecting all his sanctions like the school yard bully fascinated by all the F's on his report card believing F stands for fantastic instead of failure.

All the politicans just hiding their heads in the sand waiting for World War III to happen so they can blame the war on the Jews. ITS really sickening when certain people say bad things about the Jewish people. There are no valid complaints. You don't see Jewish people wearing bombs around their belts or beheading people. Its not Jewish people living in Mecca driving up the price of oil. Its not Jewish people slaying their daughters in honor killings.

BIBLE is an accurate guide book in science, history, socialization and prophecy. It seems like now the book is telling us civilization has gone full cycle. People wonder about other places in our universe. I am sure there is still so much we can learn by a creator who will one day teach us from Jerusalem. Zechariah 14:9-10.

1579-1572 Thutmose I for 7 years goes to war against Asia.

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1Let us not allow media to be sanitised of criticism of Islam [277 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
PrashantOct 30, 2021 23:55276225
6So good points which resume all about Islam and more about women's status after Muhammad [401 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
A very concerned readerMar 17, 2021 07:40264797
2Translation of a Shia Muslim's speech in India [1011 words]PrashantMar 17, 2021 17:37264797
4And almost two decades ago, the message of this documentary is the one which people keep swallowing in the West [202 words]A very concerned readerMar 17, 2021 23:42264797
1Inconsistent Perceptions of Islam Due to Inconsistencies of Belief [290 words]M ToveyMar 18, 2021 11:57264797
3What we would really love to see and what we definitely don't want to see [526 words]A very concerned readerMar 18, 2021 15:37264797
4Learning a new religion, learning a new language, losing your identity [289 words]A very concerned readerMar 19, 2021 04:49264797
1Misunderstanding Religious Identity – Is Freedom of Choice a Religious Rite/Right? [670 words]M ToveyMar 19, 2021 18:00264797
1Islam has stolen the agenda [139 words]PrashantApr 13, 2013 22:31205148
3You want the real facts [30 words]YvetteOct 9, 2011 22:29189943
1Re: Dawa on the BBC [140 words]Aymenn JawadMay 22, 2009 13:01155997
Objectivity !!! [163 words]SouhilaJan 21, 2009 02:59148620
2Why is the eating of pork forbidden in Islam? [724 words]princeofpeaceJun 18, 2009 02:25148620
Selective freedom of expression - dangerous proposition [136 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Farman NaqviJun 1, 2008 23:26130849
3A slight misconception [901 words]Sarah HashmiMar 9, 2008 12:57122171
5the lies of islam [62 words]Kat CarresApr 13, 2008 08:31122171
ok [73 words]Sarah HashmiApr 14, 2008 05:05122171
3Response [41 words]Rick GreenJun 3, 2008 08:55122171
2The Lies of Islam-Kat Carres [98 words]AnneJul 15, 2008 11:07122171
1In response to "PROFITeer" [43 words]SouhilaJan 21, 2009 03:22122171
Have you ever... [124 words]Sarah HashmiMar 12, 2009 03:15122171
3Quran [54 words]Lujack SkylarkSep 28, 2010 18:28122171
1ALL RELIGIONS [32 words]NmOct 4, 2010 01:32122171
1Right on the button! [297 words]TripleAAAFeb 13, 2011 02:26122171
1Who will create a 'True' documentary. [62 words]AnthonySep 19, 2006 08:5156452
1WHO HAS THE GUTS [182 words]GRAVITYSep 21, 2006 16:4956452
General lack of interest in faith, religion, morality while attracted to material world. [263 words]Humayun BhattyOct 20, 2006 12:3356452
couldn't of said it better [4 words]mariamfJun 8, 2007 12:1756452
1Yes [2 words]Sarah HashmiMar 9, 2008 13:0256452
Just A Few Questiions!! [117 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
YounessJun 20, 2006 20:1747968
Are you really protesting only the funding? [101 words]MohammedOct 22, 2006 02:0447968
2Mohammad, I see a problem with fatwas [288 words]Frank CommentSep 10, 2005 11:3425634
1Islam should be illegal..... [174 words]joeAug 14, 2006 14:1125634
1know the tree by the fruit [172 words]sabu p aliasSep 16, 2006 01:3925634
ignorance [82 words]hasanOct 5, 2006 18:3325634
blame hte people not the religion [220 words]muslimDec 14, 2006 02:4825634
What Is A God Made Regligion [118 words]D. MuhammadJun 1, 2007 16:3225634
1What Is A God Made Religion? [128 words]D MuhammadJun 3, 2007 19:1825634
tunnel vision only creates more tunnel vision [153 words]zamzamSep 19, 2007 20:1625634
Wow. [476 words]Akram ZiadaJan 13, 2008 19:0025634
Be realistic, update yourself [139 words]SALMANJan 19, 2008 22:1425634
1I became Muslim years ago [99 words]HajarJan 24, 2008 22:0725634
read a book, ask a scholar. [234 words]RamtinFeb 6, 2008 17:3125634
In response to "Mohammad, I see problem with FATWAS" [430 words]SouhilaJan 21, 2009 05:5025634
Answer to comments made for a PBS program about Islam [134 words]Sal SalmusJan 24, 2005 03:0619826
2not true [60 words]PaulSep 5, 2010 13:5019826
Those with black hearts shall not understand [58 words]Humayun BhattyJul 1, 2004 11:3515865
1former convert tells the truth [215 words]faruqJan 31, 2004 15:2613662
1pbswhy?? [90 words]joseph intiliNov 4, 2003 01:4612061
2Yes, he did kill 800 jews [148 words]A.A.Aug 28, 2003 20:4310903
Did the Prophet kill 800 Jews in Medina? [34 words]A MuslimAug 23, 2003 22:2410743
1Jews of Medina by W. N. Arafat [228 words]InsightJul 9, 2010 09:5410743
Islamic Methods and Sources [526 words]InsightJul 10, 2010 07:5010743
Mr. Pipe's courage to speak his mind [370 words]GKAug 18, 2003 20:4910625
1Islam is spreading with or without publicity [54 words]Stephen SteinMay 7, 2003 22:098935
You try to hide you hatred for Islam [145 words]D. MuhammadJun 4, 2007 23:488873
Nothing wrong with PBS special [53 words]Abdul MalikApr 14, 2003 14:078355
1This could happen only in politically correct America ! [456 words]Al-MansurMar 26, 2003 04:537660
1Brainwashing lies [213 words]Maharishi GuruMar 22, 2003 15:237522
2Romancing the Evil [65 words]Naveen KrishnaMar 18, 2003 08:277350
The way Americans judge...! [103 words]YahiaMar 17, 2003 10:127328
2Militant Islam (Islamicism) in perspective [480 words]Prof. WhiteleyFeb 25, 2003 20:086920
1I'm glad someone is showing militant Islam for what it is [93 words]William SmithFeb 17, 2003 12:106700
comment [29 words]B.A.Feb 1, 2006 17:336700
1Let's get this straight... [508 words]Unbiased MuslimJul 29, 2006 20:206700
1Sara is Dead Wrong [182 words]ScottFeb 14, 2003 12:486644
There are other sources [30 words]StazangJan 31, 2003 03:256166
1I Dare PBS to Show True History of Islam [203 words]Iqbal C.Jan 30, 2003 16:106130
1PBS should follow-up with a more honest presentaion of history [87 words]JAZJan 27, 2003 22:426022
1Corrections of Mr. Emam's post [156 words]N. KhanJan 20, 2003 16:015870
I Beg to Differ [136 words]SaraJan 18, 2003 11:255842
The comments and footnotes are strongly needed [82 words]Ray DiamondJan 17, 2003 11:405828
Islam program [94 words]Gerald NelsonJan 8, 2003 12:265589
Thankyou PBS [77 words]Jason AhmedJan 8, 2003 06:225584
PBS special [72 words]Don TennisonJan 7, 2003 14:005552
Good film [158 words]DeeJan 7, 2003 10:555539
Response to Pipes, Egroeg and Bostom [2405 words]Pungky SumadiJan 6, 2003 18:365526
what a wonder [57 words]sabualiasSep 16, 2006 02:245526
1sadness in muslim countries [118 words]Phil GreendMay 25, 2007 18:245526
whats going on?! [162 words]Gohar AkhtarJan 5, 2003 17:385504
1Where were you, Gohar? [91 words]RhondaAug 25, 2007 20:005504
Taxpayer funds [59 words]VA viewerJan 4, 2003 20:485490
Good job. [102 words]Wahed HossainiJan 4, 2003 09:345478
Recruiting for Islam [92 words]Al PagliaJan 3, 2003 20:045463
An article that you may have read already [36 words]David BogomolnyJan 3, 2003 10:405450
thanks to pbs [46 words]S.MarreroJan 2, 2003 19:135435
No more PBS support [15 words]Emanuel BeerJan 2, 2003 13:225423
A start to demolish the stereotype [44 words]Amin KaderJan 2, 2003 13:185422
To Mr. Pipes: THANK YOU [182 words]Phyllis JacobJan 2, 2003 12:245420
A Great Program for everybody to watch [27 words]Shahid AbbasJan 2, 2003 12:095418
Thank you [38 words]SumaiaJan 2, 2003 10:215415
My two cents [828 words]Moataz EmamJan 2, 2003 09:365414
In about two hours... [72 words]Abdul MajidJan 2, 2003 07:535410
What are we so afraid of? [82 words]Pati MossJan 2, 2003 00:575404
Why so insecure? [177 words]Mushtaq KhanJan 1, 2003 17:165388
Totalitarianism [58 words]Gabriel GrossoJan 1, 2003 17:085387
Lost Souls [196 words]Mohit KhanJan 1, 2003 15:005383
Unreserved Condemnation [41 words]Norman & Geta FeltzJan 1, 2003 10:005375
Honest? [20 words]HykelJan 1, 2003 08:205372
2Have you seen Nonie's article "PBS Shame on You"? [680 words]Wallace Edward BrandDec 31, 2002 10:145319
1The criterion of life [533 words]MottyDec 31, 2002 01:265317
Rebuttal to the PBS film on Muhammad [35 words]silasDec 28, 2002 08:245216
shame on you [59 words]marciaDec 27, 2002 08:285158
Islam has time.. [412 words]Jason BergerDec 26, 2002 20:345149
Documentary on Muhammad [528 words]Carmen Pai DaschkeDec 26, 2002 12:215146
Muhammad: Legacy of Islam [71 words]JayNov 2, 2006 22:005146
Finally the truth is here [311 words]FareedDec 25, 2002 14:185134
PBS to IBS(Islamic Broadcasting Service) [80 words]NageshDec 24, 2002 17:435118
Interfaith education, great work [60 words]Sajid HameedDec 24, 2002 15:255116
1Shame,Shame,Shame on PBS [151 words]Hamdy IbrahimDec 23, 2002 22:545106
Muhammad, peace be on him, was the seal of the prophets. [178 words]Nayeem ChoudhuryDec 23, 2002 19:285101
1Muslim Propaganda [145 words]Dale BrownDec 23, 2002 13:525091
Use translated Islamist videos against them- Anyone want to help? [112 words]SROct 1, 2006 10:195091
1Religious nonsense. [150 words]Hal ChristensenJan 27, 2007 04:355091
Right On [86 words]David LMar 13, 2007 20:055091
1PBS rejects true Islam [210 words]RhondaAug 25, 2007 19:515091
listentothis [101 words]thewiseguyNov 2, 2007 17:345091
1MOSLEM PROPAGANDA vs. MOSES REALITY [3995 words]TJ SkylarkJun 17, 2008 12:495091
1Moslem Propaganda vs. Moses Reality [619 words]Vanishing EarthJun 27, 2008 06:255091
1Egyptian art [257 words]REXJun 17, 2010 03:005091
1Egyptian trade and tribute [607 words]Lujack SkylarkJun 19, 2010 17:385091
The Hidden Agenda [295 words]REXJun 21, 2010 15:355091
Israel wins victory over tyrants [211 words]REXJun 24, 2010 08:055091
The United Nations [79 words]Lujack SkylarkJun 28, 2010 01:195091
1Prophet Mohammed vs. Prophet Ezekiel [162 words]REXJun 28, 2010 22:415091
2The signet ring sign of power [131 words]REXJun 29, 2010 00:325091
PA guarding the Gaza crossing [102 words]REXJul 3, 2010 01:215091
2Ancient Egyptian Famines & modern starvation [351 words]REXJul 3, 2010 15:595091
1Recruiting For Islam [188 words]REXJul 5, 2010 20:185091
Where it began [205 words]Lujack SkylarkJul 6, 2010 00:235091
RECRUIT THIS [49 words]IkariaJul 6, 2010 14:515091
11495 B.C. Exodus [23 words]cindySep 15, 2010 20:385091
1The Exodus [33 words]TJ SkylarkSep 25, 2010 13:285091
1Zahi Hawass [250 words]REXNov 8, 2010 09:365091
The Quartet [288 words]REXAug 9, 2011 02:405091
PBS PR Bias regarding Islam [24 words]Robert PollockDec 23, 2002 10:135088
I got value from the film [432 words]William KinneyDec 22, 2002 23:485084
Muslim Propaganda and White washing the truth [156 words]Judith RossDec 22, 2002 20:495081
PBS, Recruiting for Islam [28 words]Frank LebmanDec 22, 2002 20:285079
PBS, Recruiting for Islam [117 words]Yale RichmondDec 22, 2002 17:055075
outrageous whitewashing [10 words]louise rabicoffDec 22, 2002 14:595072
Respose to Zahid Hassan [192 words]Karsten BraschDec 22, 2002 14:445071
PBS and Islam [120 words]Dr. Mark FisherDec 22, 2002 13:445069
NO further donations to PBS [9 words]suzieDec 22, 2002 12:025066
Wishful thinking [48 words]BobbyDec 22, 2002 00:175053
For shame [15 words]weinsteinDec 21, 2002 19:405045
grateful reader [21 words]bernie naglerDec 21, 2002 16:305042
Refreshing Change: Excellent Journalism on Islam [109 words]Z.KaraDec 21, 2002 01:515026
1Why I Am Not A Muslim [92 words]AnonymousDec 21, 2002 00:415025
1Why I Am Not A Muslim [151 words]Humayun BhattyMay 29, 2006 00:415025
It was............ [110 words]DaliaDec 20, 2002 22:385022
It takes courage to hear the truth [17 words]Zahid HassanDec 20, 2002 19:425017
1Resent PBS Islam Propaganda [112 words]GlennDec 20, 2002 17:175012
6PLEASE TYPE DR ZAKIR NAIK ON YOUTUBE TO FIND OUT TRUE ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [322 words]ALIFeb 26, 2008 23:415012
unity of muslims [142 words]qari abdul rehman kakarFeb 4, 2009 17:405012
1the quran is [13 words]babbaoJun 18, 2010 06:375012
The other side [131 words]Ahmad DeebDec 20, 2002 15:195003
Bravo and Thanks [78 words]Charles FreifeldDec 20, 2002 14:114996
No More Dollars To P.B.S. [22 words]Henry OxnardDec 20, 2002 12:224992
2Proof that Islam has degenerated into Mohammadism [174 words]hereticDec 20, 2002 09:484981
Islam is very much alive! [183 words]KureemApr 28, 2009 07:134981
Facts, not faith [43 words]MaliapachecroweMar 19, 2011 19:404981
Double Standards [58 words]Ben DonaldDec 20, 2002 09:224978
Double Standards [186 words]salman waheeduddinDec 20, 2002 09:204977
Excellent [43 words]AzimDec 20, 2002 01:384962
1Why are we asleep? [64 words]steve michniakDec 19, 2002 22:414955
Infomercial: the selling of Islam [161 words]LindaDec 19, 2002 22:224952
PBS " Recruiting For Islam" [43 words]June B. EdwardsDec 19, 2002 22:134951
Muslim Documentary [100 words]Caroline NielsenDec 19, 2002 20:554946
Bravo! [5 words]Ray AdellDec 19, 2002 19:534943
More muslim propaganda by PBS [197 words]Barbara RichardsonDec 19, 2002 18:424939
1Disappointing [43 words]JoeDec 19, 2002 18:314938
Pbs and Islam [44 words]Rochelle DreebenDec 19, 2002 18:264937
PBS and Islam--Rochelle [125 words]DebbieJul 15, 2008 10:564937
Thank You [52 words]yvonne addassiDec 19, 2002 18:234935
Jihad Is A Tony Robbins Seminar [124 words]Steve EarlyDec 19, 2002 17:494931
Sugar Coated and Sanitized Biography [97 words]J.K.Dec 19, 2002 16:194924
PBS present a commerical to recruit for Islam as in Disneyland Fairytale [112 words]Rachel NeuwirthDec 19, 2002 16:084923
USA has PBS & NPR; Canada has the CBC & SRC [173 words]Jeff BercovitchDec 19, 2002 13:124913
Freedom of Speech [83 words]JeffDec 19, 2002 13:054912
PBS documentary on Islam [721 words]Tamzin JansDec 19, 2002 12:414911
2Islamists do not need a reason for Holy War! [165 words]Chris CatorJul 16, 2007 07:274911
Comments on 2 issues here... [841 words]David IseckeDec 19, 2002 11:404907
murdering of Jews? [364 words]Amjad KhanDec 19, 2002 11:334906
Email I sent to PBS [77 words]judy pinchukDec 19, 2002 11:114904
1Disturbing how they excused the slaughter of the Jews [113 words]GloriaDec 19, 2002 11:044903
1OPINION: "Documentary" About the Muslim Relgion Prophets From Government Funding and Public Television [775 words]David P. DillardDec 19, 2002 10:454901
Islam and religion [74 words]SmithApr 28, 2008 23:314901
Completely Concur [439 words]Greg HoskinsFeb 12, 2009 11:204901
Excellent article [18 words]Sharon Feinberg, Esq.Dec 19, 2002 10:334899
2Publish Karen Armstrong's version of Quran and make it real: [235 words]hari iyerDec 19, 2002 10:154898
How logical it is to comment on a book without reading it! [141 words]umair bin sajjadFeb 29, 2008 15:354898
killing [33 words]husseinDec 25, 2010 13:524898
think again [105 words]saqib yeshuApr 11, 2013 14:134898
Dr Pipes [117 words]HasanDec 19, 2002 10:054897
That's cleared it up for me [10 words]ajjiAug 23, 2011 13:414897
Great [59 words]Moody AdamsDec 19, 2002 07:054893
Too sugar coated and flowery for me. [158 words]Ghan shyamDec 19, 2002 06:444892
Tell Everyone, Tell the World! [82 words]Randi T. VarroneDec 19, 2002 00:134883
The New Double Standard [352 words]Judith AntonelliDec 19, 2002 00:114882
The Torah and the Koran. [89 words]Robert CharlesonFeb 20, 2008 07:524882
Just Watched It!! [62 words]JoeDec 19, 2002 00:004881
Home run! [104 words]Barbara StanleyDec 18, 2002 23:394880
TV show on Islam [75 words]ScolesDec 18, 2002 23:294878
1Islam [31 words]SantiagoJan 12, 2012 11:024878
3Religion and Government Cannot be Separated [257 words]Richard EasonDec 18, 2002 23:194876
Opinion [121 words]Tyler AllemanOct 2, 2006 11:324876
disagree on rational grounds [335 words]SholmrootshellDec 21, 2006 21:114876
Flaws In the Article [151 words]DavidSep 26, 2007 22:564876
I have to disagree. [611 words]Akram ZiadaJan 10, 2008 21:134876
are you kidding? [79 words]ryanJan 3, 2011 00:314876
How about equal opportunity? [117 words]George McFaddenDec 18, 2002 23:174875
What a beautiful documentary! [92 words]Ariton MarkuDec 18, 2002 23:164874
"Slaughter" of Jews [71 words]Alexander LahozDec 18, 2002 23:134873
Opposite Effect--Not to Worry. [85 words]Fred GlassDec 18, 2002 23:124872
Film nonsense [65 words]Robert BensonDec 18, 2002 23:114871
Regarding PBS on recruiting for Islam [69 words]Myra CredeurDec 18, 2002 23:034870
Islam [19 words]J.V. White M.D.Dec 18, 2002 21:584866
Bias of PBS [51 words]mina hechtmanDec 18, 2002 21:204863
the truth must be told about Islam [285 words]Lema SbeinatiDec 18, 2002 21:144861
Need to stop this PBS program [113 words]kahanDec 18, 2002 20:594859
Congratulations [86 words]Harold Homefield, Ph.D.Dec 18, 2002 20:534858
There is a way to call the lie [25 words]krishna SankarDec 18, 2002 18:264852
PBS Frontline Rebroadcast of "Muslims" Dec 19 [72 words]Rick TierneyDec 18, 2002 17:504850
re: Muslims [80 words]Bob BrookDec 18, 2002 17:344848
PBS should teach Americans about the world [191 words]Brian SmithDec 18, 2002 17:044846
Sleeping with the enemy. [91 words]Michael BaramDec 18, 2002 17:034845
The End Of PBS? [77 words]Gene BiegelDec 18, 2002 17:014844
Important subject and article:Subject needs action by Congress [28 words]Lois J CopelandDec 18, 2002 16:424842
What Happened to Accountability? [180 words]D. MasseyDec 18, 2002 16:344840
PBS [35 words]Lorraine CollerDec 18, 2002 16:254839
Thank You Daniel Pipes - This is Indeed The Grand Illusion [2036 words]Larry StrattonDec 18, 2002 16:004837
PBS "public service" [106 words]Alex VayntrubDec 18, 2002 15:504835
Why Object? [30 words]Kashif AhmedDec 18, 2002 15:054833
With a Federal Deficit in Billions Why are we financing Islamic Propaganda? [15 words]Harold AbramsonDec 18, 2002 14:164828
History revision [125 words]nhgrouchDec 18, 2002 13:454824
Bloody Muhammad [33 words]Steven KruglerDec 18, 2002 13:424823
The Propaganda Sponsors [72 words]MontyDec 18, 2002 13:384822
Conversion to Islam [143 words]A.A.Dec 18, 2002 13:094821
PBS shouldn't recruit for the Moslem religion! [14 words]Irene WiseDec 18, 2002 13:094820
PBS tough to reach [115 words]bobDec 18, 2002 13:044819
PBS the preacher [201 words]Elie KhawandDec 18, 2002 13:004818
PBS [54 words]GloriaDec 18, 2002 12:454817
THANK YOU FOR THE TRUTH [47 words]MelissaDec 18, 2002 12:284814
The Selling of Islam [335 words]Arlinda DeAngelisDec 18, 2002 12:224813
Revisionist history of Islam [46 words]Skip LondonDec 18, 2002 12:074810
Media Persecution of Christianity [33 words]Andrew DavisDec 18, 2002 12:064809
Check the facts [42 words]MarkDec 18, 2002 11:534808
Funded by Moslems themselves [55 words]R. DelfinDec 18, 2002 11:484807
Public Funding of Religious Prosletyzing [96 words]Howard GreenDec 18, 2002 11:384806
PBS and Islam [54 words]ellen prekopDec 18, 2002 11:234805
My two cents [701 words]Moataz EmamDec 18, 2002 11:184804
PBS distortions and propaganda [630 words]Ron PollandDec 18, 2002 11:144803
It Is Not Free Speech [66 words]Rod DeleoDec 18, 2002 11:134802
PBS, Recruiting for Islam [79 words]Arnold CohenDec 18, 2002 11:114801
Sue PBS [72 words]Morton L. Metersky, PhDDec 18, 2002 11:044799
About PBS show [128 words]henri bollDec 18, 2002 10:444797
RE: who is funding this program? [114 words]Martin MurrayDec 18, 2002 10:054795
Free speech not the point- to Victor [198 words]Jerry HurtubiseDec 18, 2002 09:544793
this is deplorable....... [60 words]Noreen SlagerDec 18, 2002 09:474792
ACLU where is your outrage? [32 words]dwainDec 18, 2002 09:384791
Source of Funding for PBS documentary [18 words]gamaliel IsaacDec 18, 2002 09:014789
Out of Control!!! [29 words]JohnDec 18, 2002 08:174785
points [219 words]A M MalikDec 18, 2002 07:554783
Pro. [61 words]Ronald SpiessDec 18, 2002 06:374782
Not a free country [234 words]Ruth FisherDec 18, 2002 06:294781
PBS Islam Film [91 words]Marvin ShapiroDec 18, 2002 04:334780
Only in America [197 words]Bill GoffDec 18, 2002 04:004779
Truth in advertising [204 words]Gershom MartinDec 18, 2002 03:114777
Wonderful! [21 words]Chris LeClaireDec 18, 2002 01:544773
The Moslems always do not tell the truth [276 words]F.ShawkiDec 18, 2002 01:124772
the above article is based on lies [81 words]alhamdu- lillaMay 18, 2007 20:214772
PBS Recruitment for Islam [148 words]S.C.PandaDec 18, 2002 01:064771
Islam, Mohammed Film [86 words]Jessie JacklinDec 18, 2002 00:594770
So much for Jews controlling the media [58 words]Karsten BraschDec 18, 2002 00:444769
Why is it so? [221 words]Clever Muslim (think b4 u reply)Feb 17, 2008 09:384769
Uncritical portrayal of a religo/political leader [59 words]Muhammad SiddiquiDec 17, 2002 23:584768
SPEAK OUT AND UP [60 words]PEGGY YOUNGDec 17, 2002 23:454767
PBS Violates Its Legal Obligations [156 words]J. HoffmanDec 17, 2002 23:154765
Quo Vadis; Liberality? [144 words]Mr.and Mrs. Williiam A.KirkDec 17, 2002 22:534763
PBS should air "Jihad in America" [56 words]Carol GallowayDec 17, 2002 22:494761
Jihad at PBS [27 words]Francis DoveJun 3, 2007 21:044761
Muslims Made America Great! [208 words]William BlandDec 17, 2002 22:434760
1film on Islam paid for with public dollars, what a shame [70 words]robert singerDec 17, 2002 22:404759
response to Victor [163 words]GadFlyDec 17, 2002 22:354757
Thank you. [15 words]Robert G. MogullDec 17, 2002 21:484754
So what else is new? [65 words]Joshua TruaxDec 17, 2002 20:324751
Huh? [39 words]AmirDec 17, 2002 20:114750
REVIEW OF PBS ISLAMIC FILM [114 words]JERRY BORISDec 17, 2002 20:014749
Re: The surge of ant-semitism [179 words]henri bollDec 17, 2002 19:584748
PBS website forum [12 words]FreedomloverDec 17, 2002 19:194746
PBS program - a sham! [94 words]Herchelle YoungDec 17, 2002 18:264744
Who really controls the media? [22 words]Jeff FosterDec 17, 2002 18:174743
Isn't this free speech? [222 words]VictorDec 17, 2002 18:164742
Deceptions by Kronemer in the PBS film [82 words]SilasDec 17, 2002 18:124740
Sue PBS [29 words]Himalaya GuptaDec 17, 2002 18:084739
It is indeed an outrage! [87 words]Margaret WolfDec 17, 2002 18:034738
Islamic Missionary Documentary on PBS [217 words]I.C.Dec 17, 2002 17:524736
what's your problem. [72 words]SallmanNov 23, 2008 20:344736
PBS is shameful in recruiting for Islam [34 words]maxine davisDec 17, 2002 17:304735
Bravo! [165 words]Oskar Klausenstock, M.D.Dec 17, 2002 17:254733
With all due respect. [158 words]AmyDec 17, 2002 17:214732
Get your facts straight.. [4 words]Marcus MellonDec 17, 2002 17:154731
i regret your choice of "Recruiting for Islam [85 words]CharDec 17, 2002 17:094730
Recruiting for Islam [48 words]Peter H cahnDec 17, 2002 16:554729
Uncle or Anti? [118 words]Marvin KravetskyDec 17, 2002 16:494728
Right on [129 words]H. Alan YoungDec 17, 2002 16:454727
Conversion to Islam & Nazi link [76 words]Judith AntonelliDec 17, 2002 16:324725
Don't get mad, get even [76 words]DavidDec 17, 2002 16:194723
Read the Script and Respond [275 words]SusanDec 17, 2002 16:184722
PBS at the Height of its Arrogance [325 words]Lawrence SchmerelDec 17, 2002 16:064720
PBS Mohammed Program [58 words]Carrie OkayDec 17, 2002 15:584719
Pipes is Right on the Mark: Who's funding the program? [324 words]Esther S. BeckDec 17, 2002 15:244716
Another thank you [31 words]Ruben G. PerlmutterDec 17, 2002 15:044714
Refreshing Journalistic Integrity [110 words]Tom FillingerDec 17, 2002 14:564713
PBS Documentary on Mohammad [109 words]S.F.gohara, M.D.Dec 17, 2002 14:524712
Try to understand. [132 words]Think-Mar 2, 2006 02:144712
The Myths of Present-day Islam [495 words]Anna JordanDec 17, 2002 14:504710
When did you Learn who Muhammad was? [312 words]Fawzia MirzaDec 17, 2002 14:254707
Remove Taxpayer Funding from PBS [20 words]TerryDec 17, 2002 14:224706
NPR acts without oversight [40 words]Michael KurmanDec 17, 2002 14:154705
Outrageous! [101 words]mike levineDec 17, 2002 14:144704
Separation of Mosque and State? [53 words]John BucknerDec 17, 2002 14:104702
Thanks for PBS article [26 words]Ed JeffersonDec 17, 2002 14:034700
Shame on PBS [35 words]Nathan RosenblattDec 17, 2002 13:594699
Literal Truth in the Koran--and elsewhere [80 words]Norman LevittDec 17, 2002 13:594698
Another example of disingenuous Liberalism [188 words]Rick LasureDec 17, 2002 13:484695
Islam and the Media [30 words]william papkeDec 17, 2002 13:484694
The founder sets the future for the religion [203 words]SheerahkahnDec 17, 2002 13:464692
Beating the Sword of Islam into a Ploughshare [317 words]Robert M. PriceDec 17, 2002 13:324691
PBS Recruiting for Islam [58 words]Isaac BotbolDec 17, 2002 13:314690
1You make an interesting point [97 words]Dr. Jal HampsonDec 17, 2002 13:304689
Is disinformation justified? [67 words]Stephen ReedDec 17, 2002 12:564682
This sounds like a recruitment ad [25 words]Tony MarxDec 17, 2002 12:544681
PBS, Recruiting for Islam [52 words]Renee GordonDec 17, 2002 12:534680
total aproval [9 words]bunuel celaDec 17, 2002 12:274675
What can we do? [107 words]M. MartinDec 17, 2002 12:274674
Murder of 3,000 -- ATTEMPTED Murder of 50,000 [47 words]Dec 17, 2002 12:254673
What to do about it? [88 words]Diana NielsenDec 17, 2002 12:214672
Liberty Equality Fraternity [54 words]Gordon BergerDec 17, 2002 12:204671
Organized petition [85 words]Joe W. MoodyDec 17, 2002 12:204670
pbs [17 words]Mike DiamondDec 17, 2002 11:574666
Dont donate anything to PBS [33 words]Hari IyerDec 17, 2002 11:544665
Thank you [115 words]Julia ReevesDec 17, 2002 11:214661
PBS [35 words]Charles WinokoorDec 17, 2002 11:204660
PBS Scandal [45 words]John H. CornDec 17, 2002 10:564657
Where is the ACLU? [43 words]Charlie FinklerDec 17, 2002 09:594654
um yeah [19 words]Hidden from unsavory charactersSep 8, 2006 14:154654
Outrageous whitewashing [366 words]MaryDec 17, 2002 09:064652
Living in the Land of the Porkbarrel [211 words]Jack AjzenbergDec 17, 2002 09:014651
Challenge this use of public funds [63 words]Paul M. NevilleDec 17, 2002 08:254650

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