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The Arab racists' & Islamic bigots' campaign at: DURBAN - racists cry "racism"

Reader comment on item: Uniting to Exclude Saudi Arabian Airlines
in response to reader comment: Saudi Ristrictions identical to South African Restrictions under Apartheid Regime at its Worst!!

Submitted by May (United Kingdom), Oct 27, 2008 at 09:53

The Arab racists' & Islamic bigots' campaign at: DURBAN - racists cry "racism"

When racist Arabism & bigoted Islamism displays its hypocrisy

Jul 26, 2008 ... The Racism Cry Returns. By Matthew May. Having begun softly during the primary season, an incessant drumbeat has steadily gained strength ...

UN's Durban II Conference Against Racism?

By: Sam Harari, The Bulletin


The Durban World Conference against Racism, organized by the United Nations and held in South Africa in 2001, was driven by noble and just ideals. Its stated hope was to achieve recognition and prevention of crimes related to intolerance, racial discrimination and xenophobia.

To the dismay of the many who shared the spirit of the conference's goal, the debate degenerated into a festival of overt bigotry. According to the Canadian government, it spiraled into "a circus of intolerance."

And now, in anticipation of Durban II planned for 2009 in Geneva, human rights advocates and government officials alike predict it will be just more of the same.

Some Background

The first Durban conference's condemnation of Western European colonialism became tainted when it omitted mention of far more recent colonial crimes, including that of Armenia, and China's ongoing repression of Tibet.

Arab and Islamic states attempted to impose an agenda declaring Palestinian victimhood at the hands of Israeli "colonialism and oppression."

Further, they attempted to equate modern Zionism, the belief in Jewish self-determination in their ancestral homeland, with racism.

The Sudanese Minister of Justice displayed perhaps the most overt example of the hypocrisy of the conference; representing a country guilty of ongoing slavery and genocide, the minister demanded reparations for historical slavery.

French philosopher and writer Pascal Bruckner put it best when he said, "It was like a cannibal suddenly calling for vegetarianism."

At the NGO forum, hatred for Jews (and by extension for the U.S.) was not veiled behind politics.

Anti-Semitic cartoons were circulated. Copies of Mein Kampf and the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" were handed out. A mob screaming, "You are killers," shut down the only session on anti-Semitism, one of the most ancient and virulent forms of intolerance. A number of delegates were physically threatened, amidst calls of "Death to the Jews."

Australia and Canada issued statements condemning the conference's hypocrisy. The Israeli and U.S. delegations walked out....

Arab history, Arab hypocrisy.(United Nations World Conference against Racism, 2001)(Brief Article)
Midstream, November, 2001 by Rodman, David
It's sadly ironic, but not really surprising, that the summer 2001 United Nations conference on racism in Durban, South Africa, turned into a racist conference -- indeed, a racist farce. By attempting to delegitimize Jewish nationalism and the Jewish state through vicious and preposterous condemnations, the Arabs (and their sycophants around the word) once again hijacked an international forum in a blatant effort to blot out the Jewish people's right to a national existence in its homeland...

The United Nations of Reparations Hypocrisy ...
Singling out Israel to blame for the Middle East's problems was probably the straw that broke the camel's back, leading both the U.S. and Israel to withdraw their delegations from the conference in Durban. Arab caricatures of Jews with big noses and bloody fangs were hardly a way of being against racism.

UN Watch Briefing - UN Watch
UN Watch Exclusive from Nigeria: Today's Durban II Text Date: 8/26/2008 ... [Arab] Racism and Historical Truth: Jewish Refugees [expelled] from Arab Lands Date: 4/15/2008 ...

Durban 2001 myth debunked... 9/17/08 Iran to Execute Minority Arabs after Bogus Trial - 1/11/07 ...

[How far will Arab Muslim bigots go at the UN? The Arab Muslim apartheid against Israel's ambulances] Arab Red Cross societies seek to censure Israel and Magen David Adom - 11/26/07

The disgrace of Durban - five years later

Irwin Cotler
National Post, September 12, 2006

It was said in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 that "the whole world changed." I don't know if the world is any different. But it is clear that 9/11 had a transformative impact on our politics and collective psyche.

But if 9/11 was a transformative event, the same description must apply to another event that ended on the eve of 9/11. I am referring to "The World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance" in Durban, South Africa, which was the "tipping point" for the emergence of a new wave of anti-Semitism masquerading as anti-racism. Unfortunately, the 5th anniversary of this event has gone largely unremarked.

As one of my colleagues put it at the time, if 9/11 was the Kristallnacht of terror, Durban was the Mein Kampf. Those of us who personally witnessed the Durban festival of hate -- with its hateful declarations, incantations, pamphlets and marches -- have forever been transformed. For us, Durban is part of our everyday lexicon as a byword for racism and anti-Semitism, just as 9/11 is a byword for terrorist mass murder.

When the World Conference Against Racism was first proposed some 10 years ago, I was among those who greeted the news enthusiastically. This was to be the first world conference of its kind in the 21st Century. Anti-racism was finally going to be a priority on the international human-rights agenda. The underrepresented human rights cases and causes, such as those of the Dalats of India and the Roma of Europe, would now have a platform and presence. The fact that Durban was chosen as host city was a commemoration of the dismantling of South African apartheid, itself a watershed event in the international struggle against racism.

But what happened at Durban was truly Orwellian: A conference purportedly organized to fight racism was turned into a festival of racism against Israel and the Jewish people. A conference intended to commemorate the dismantling of South Africa as an apartheid state resonated with spurious calls for the dismantling of Israel's alleged apartheid state. A conference dedicated to the promotion of human rights as the new secular religion of our time increasingly singled out Israel as a sort of modern-day geopolitical Anti-Christ.

How did this happen?

The World Conference Against Racism was organized around four regional conferences -- in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Each regional conference was to formulate a declaration against racism and a plan of action. Then the four regional declarations and plans of action were to be collated in Durban into a composite draft declaration against racism.

The problem originated with the Asian regional conference, held in Tehran in February, 2001. Although Israel belonged to the Asian group, the conference organizers excluded Israel and Jewish non-governmental organizations from participation: Contrary to the United Nations' own principles with respect to universality and equality, a member state was made a pariah. The Tehran conference also supported a country-specific indictment of Israel, yet another breach of international human-rights principles and the UN's own procedures in this regard.

The six-point indictment emanating from the Tehran regional conference, which became a dominant blueprint for Durban, has emerged as one of the more scurrilous documents relating to Israel and the Jewish people to appear since the Second World War.

The first specific indictment of Israel spoke of the "occupation" of disputed territories in the West Bank and Gaza as a crime against humanity, as a new form of apartheid, as a threat to international peace and security. While UN Security Council Resolution 1373 adopted in the aftermath of 9/11 would characterize terrorism itself as a threat to international peace and security -- which no cause or grievance could ever justify -- Tehran and later Durban would characterize terrorist acts against Israel as "resistance" to occupation. In both Tehran and Durban, delegates would ignore the fact that the root cause of the Middle East conflict was, and is, the denial of Israel's right to exist in any boundaries.

Second, Israel was characterized as being an apartheid state. And since delegates at Durban saw "resistance" against apartheid states as eminently praiseworthy, Durban served to validate terrorist acts against Israel.

Third, Israel was cast as being responsible for all the evils in the world, the "poisoner of the international wells," the contemporary analogue to the medieval anti-Semitic stereotype of the scheming, murderous Jew. In this regard, the delegates at Tehran and Durban were very much taking their cues from the larger UN itself: In March, 2001, one month after the Tehran conference, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights condemned Israel, and Israel alone for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Fourth, Israel was accused of the "ethnic cleansing" of "Mandatory Arab Palestine" in 1947-48; of being, in effect, an "original sin" in its very creation, though its international birth certificate was sanctioned by the UN Partition Resolution of 1947. (The Jews, readers will recall, accepted the Partition Resolution, the Arabs rejected it, and launched, in their words, a "war of extermination" against the embryonic Israeli state.)

Fifth, the documents emanating from Durban introduced a new perspective on the notion of "holocausts," intentionally written in the plural and in lower case. A large number of states even sought to minimize or exclude any references to the Holocaust, or to marginalize and ignore anti-Semitism, while holding up Israel's treatment of the Palestinians as an example of a "real" holocaust. Zionism was characterized not only as "racism," but as a violent expression of racist supremacy. In the ultimate Orwellian inversion, Zionism was held out to be a form of anti-Semitism itself.

As it happens, all of this hateful Durban-speak became a legitimizing instrument for a new wave of anti-Semitism in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, as evidenced by the following examples:

1. The Jews were blamed for 9/11 in a set of new "protocols" reflective of what some see as a new international Jewish Conspiracy. For example, in many Arab and Muslim countries, teachers, religious leaders, and the media propagated the theory about the 4,000 Jews who supposedly had been tipped off to stay away from work at the World Trade Centre, and the Jewish film crew that supposedly had advance notice to be on the scene to film the planes plowing into the Towers. Today, five years later, polls show that some 50% of British Muslims believe 9/11 to have been an American-Israeli conspiracy.

2. In the anti-terrorism debate that took place at the UN in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, Arab states and their supporters opposed any attempt to classify "resistance" as terrorism, thereby appropriating the Durban rhetoric of the de-legitimization of Israel, on the one hand, and the legitimization of terrorism as "resistance" against Israel, on the other.

3. A global campaign against Israeli "apartheid" was launched in the form of post-Durban calls for boycotts and divestment. In an astonishing but revelatory development at a pro-divestment conference in Michigan, a resolution calling for a two-state solution "if Israel were to transform itself and become a real democracy" was defeated, but a resolution calling for the dismantling of Israel as a racist apartheid state was adopted.

4. The first UN Human Rights Commission meeting in the aftermath of Durban -- not unlike the one on the road to Durban -- sought to single out Israel for differential and discriminatory treatment, with 40% of all the resolutions passed at the meeting indicting Israel, while the major international human rights violators, such as China, Sudan or Iran, enjoyed immunity. This Alice in Wonderland human-rights perversion has been replicated by the newly formed UN Human Rights Council.

5. The convening, in December 2001, of the contracting Parties to the 1949 Geneva Conventions on international humanitarian law was a particularly egregious discriminatory act. For 52 years, the contracting Parties had never met -- notwithstanding the genocide in the Balkans, the unspeakable and preventable genocide in Rwanda and the killing fields in Sierra Leone. The first time, and still the only time, that the contracting Parties have ever come together to put a country in the docket was in the aftermath of Durban. That country was Israel, an offensive singling-out that undermines the whole regime of international humanitarian law.

In sum, Durban became the tipping point for the coalescence of a new, virulent, globalizing anti-Jewishness reminiscent of the atmospherics that pervaded Europe in the 1930s. In its lethal form, this animus finds expression as state-sanctioned genocidal anti-Semitism, such as that embraced by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Iran, and its terrorist proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah.

None of this is intended to suggest that Israel is somehow above the law, or that Israel is not accountable to the international community like any other state. On the contrary, neither Israel nor the Jewish people are entitled to any privilege or preference because of the horror of the Holocaust or the threat of anti-Semitism. But human-rights standards should not be applied selectively. If they are applied to Israel, which they must be, they must be applied equally to everyone else. If Israel must respect human rights, the rights of Israel deserve equal respect, including the right to live in peace and security.

Anti-Semitism -- both old and new -- is the canary in evil's mineshaft. As history has taught us only too well, while it begins with Jews it does not end with Jews. Combatting racism and anti-Semitism is everyone's responsibility.

Racists cry racism at U.N. conference Bravo Bush for withdrawing U.S. delegates from the United Nations Conference Against Racism. At the Durban debacle, racists cried racism and anti-Semites ...

There They Go Again, Those Arab Racists... No, as Arabs, they are part of the greater Arab Nation... There They Go Again, Those Arab Racists
Jul 5, 2004

CULTURE OF HATE--JIHAD RACISM ACROSS THE WORLD - The Durban World Conference Against Racism — where the culture of hate was ... This Arabization and Islamization of the Bible thus robs not only the Jews ...

UN World Conference Against Racism But the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist campaign is not uninformed bigotry, it is conscious politics.

Durban & Islamo Arab Apartheid

The Bigotry of Jihad, They stand ? admirably ? ever-prepared to expose that bigotry to the light ... the prejudice that animates anti-Israeli and anti-American sentiment

Durban Alert, August 27, 2007 Aug 27, 2007 ...This surge in racism adopted new forms

Arab Racism

One of the accusations which the various Arab countries (including Egypt and Jordan which have peace treaties with Israel) often make against Israel is that "Zionism is racism". Defining Zionism, the national liberation movement of jews, the victims of racism, as racism is particularly cynical, yet it seems that the Arabs have succeeded to convince the leaders of some nations, themselves victims of racism, to support this vicious accusation.

The latest attempt to define Zionism as racism was at the 2001 UNESCO conference which was held in Durban, South Africa. The resolution which was initiated by Arab countries enjoyed the support of most participants. Especially painful was the support of such African leaders as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Some Western countries, however, notably Australia and Canada, objected and accused the conference of hypocrisy. The Canadian delegation, for example, issued the following statement:

"Canada is still here today only because we wanted to have our voice decry the attempts at this Conference to de-legitimize the State of Israel and to dishonor the history and suffering of the Jewish people. We believe, and we have said in the clearest possible terms, that it was inappropriate - wrong - to address the Palestinian-Israel conflict in this forum. We have said, and will continue to say, that anything - any process, any declaration, any language - presented in any forum that does not serve to advance a negotiated peace that will bring security, dignity and respect to the people of the region is - and will be - unacceptable to Canada."

It was for that reason that both Israel and the United States under the leadership of Secretary Colin Powell, himself no stranger to racism, pulled their delegations from the conference. The final text adopted by the conference drops all direct criticism of Israel, but does recognize the Palestinians' right to self-determination and expresses concern at their plight under foreigh occupation.

That was only the latest attempt to define Zionism as racism. In November 1975, the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 declared that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination" In December 1991, the General Assembly rescinded this resolution through Resolution 4686.

All those years the Arab countries continued to promote this false notion. It is therefore of interest to check how different things are on the other side of the fence, namely in the Arab countries. Even though there are many blacks who live in those countries the question whether they are subject to racism was academic for a long time and one had to resort to circumstantial evidence in order to answer it. One well-known fact is that most Arabs refer to blacks as "Abed" which means "slave" in Arabic. This seems to say something about the situation of racism in the Arab world. Today, due to the recent events in Darfur and the active role that the Arab Janjaweed play in the slaughter of black Africans there, this question has become more urgent and relevant than ever before. It is time for the UN and the whole world to fight it NOW

Why Zionism is NOT, can never be "racism"




Israelis aren't 'racist' - they're worried



Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (192) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Empty Saudi plane lands in Israel [99 words]PezDispenserMay 6, 2015 10:50223195
Saudi airline fumes after plane taken to Israel [16 words]PezDispenserMay 10, 2015 08:54223195
Segregation is safer [58 words]No fly barbarismFeb 9, 2015 22:56220958
Fly on El Al [44 words]SafetyFeb 9, 2015 22:51220957
1Saudi ban on the Bible [56 words]PrashantJul 27, 2013 02:16208536
2reform is useless, try revenge [22 words]yuval Brandstetter MDJun 30, 2011 11:31186928
1Saudi arabia [217 words]realistJul 14, 2011 16:03186928
1Neither this nor that [153 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDJul 15, 2011 09:07186928
The issue is different [62 words]nicolaJan 24, 2009 05:40148923
1Muslims are the Liability to the whole World. [152 words]AyeshaJul 26, 2008 14:30135690
2#ayesha [111 words]realistJul 14, 2011 16:11135690
Acknowledge Islaam from right people. [29 words]UsmanSep 9, 2014 07:56135690
George Bush and the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY [130 words]dfwhite19438Apr 17, 2008 02:19125906
1How to end Saudi religious discrimination [26 words]Jonathan D. SafrenMar 23, 2008 05:48123333
1choices [155 words]shabaJan 1, 2008 13:28117281
1Kingdom Has its Own Rule!! [36 words]JamalDec 21, 2007 18:24116768
wahhabism and khomeinism- two horns of the serpent [65 words]muslimNov 8, 2007 15:04113437
1To Anti Muslim Comments ! [192 words]MalekSep 26, 2007 03:40109698
2Two wrongs don't make a right [242 words]Muhammad SulemanFeb 27, 2008 16:08109698
3Muslims should be isolated [42 words]Philippine CrusaderSep 21, 2007 02:28109342
Uniting to Exclude Saudi Arabian Airlines [542 words]Lori SwanbergSep 8, 2007 14:35108306
1Saudi Airlines having financial problems? [67 words]MattSep 5, 2007 22:05107892
Overblown Confidence & The Saudis [214 words]TommySep 5, 2007 20:12107884
Referenced paragraph deleted [143 words]SteveAug 31, 2007 21:41107416
Saudis Without Oil [38 words]DobutsuAug 30, 2007 00:59107265
More reasons to BAN Islam [45 words]DaveAug 29, 2007 20:51107250
Saudi Pretensions [71 words]John WeberAug 29, 2007 16:07107223
Save them the trouble: [5 words]GarvinAug 29, 2007 10:25107168
Muslims demanding separate changing rooms for sports and swimming, single sex classes for sex education, prayer rooms and new rights to Islamic worship, and different uniform rules for Muslim Students in UK [357 words]DMAug 28, 2007 17:44107132
Start a fund [54 words]KeithAug 28, 2007 15:11107124
Saudi Arabia is a liability to Islam and Muslims [39 words]AshrafAug 28, 2007 11:49107106
Saudis are upholders of true spirit of islam [809 words]PlatoAug 30, 2007 02:22107106
Plato Takes Verses Out of Context [120 words]AshrafSep 2, 2007 23:38107106
To Asharaf:The context gambit all over again. [1052 words]PlatoSep 4, 2007 10:10107106
1Let us not use context at all then [295 words]AshrafSep 7, 2007 23:47107106
To Asharaf: The odour from Surah 9 is stronger than the perfume in Surah 60. [40 words]PlatoSep 11, 2007 02:37107106
To Asharaf: The odour from Surah 9 is stronger than the perfume from Surah 60. Part II [60 words]PlatoSep 11, 2007 05:09107106
to [60 words]PlatoSep 11, 2007 22:17107106
To Asharaf: The odour from Surah 9 is stronger than the perfume from Surah 60. (Repeat) I [1865 words]PlatoSep 12, 2007 23:18107106
Stand up to these offensive "people" [166 words]DesmondAug 27, 2007 09:28107056
Revealing the Truth of the Bible [49 words]M. ToveyAug 26, 2007 18:45107026
CAPTIVE AUDIENCE [250 words]Abu NuwasAug 26, 2007 14:03107007
Malaysian Muslim Anger Over Movie [168 words]OrinaAug 25, 2007 11:15106960
too bad !! [159 words]kim segarAug 26, 2007 10:50106960
Muslims offended by " Footballs" !! [303 words]ImmiAug 26, 2007 13:33106960
When getting offended becomes second nature... [93 words]JaladhiAug 26, 2007 19:51106960
Make "Footballs" with Flags of only Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia , Iran , Pakistan , Syria , Sudan , Somalia ,etc and distribute Free in countries suffering from Islamic Terrorism [94 words]RomaAug 27, 2007 02:04106960
That soccer ball story is so discouraging [77 words]Charles MartelAug 28, 2007 13:28106960
Oh My God ! Muslims got offended once again and started mini Intifada [220 words]ZamiraAug 30, 2007 07:46106960
2"Valley of the Wolves Iraq"- the most expensive, rabidly anti-American, anti-Semitic Turkish movie [337 words]IanusAug 30, 2007 17:33106960
not surprised [259 words]shaynaAug 31, 2007 12:37106960
I enjoyed watching Valley of the wolves [30 words]SSDec 25, 2007 17:59106960
I enjoyed watching Valley of the wolves [95 words]IanusDec 29, 2007 07:29106960
Please check what you say [424 words]AAAMay 20, 2012 06:26106960
Free Will VS. Global Caliphate [168 words]InfosifterAug 25, 2007 10:16106951
please start an online petition?? Dr Pipes? [44 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
ASAug 25, 2007 06:35106947
Unrealistic expectaion [249 words]MWAug 25, 2007 00:49106940
Saudi Money & CNN & FOX & The UN &10 Downing Street & White House(Saudi de facto controls all five) [126 words]James BurkeAug 24, 2007 16:22106919
Saudi Money & CNN & FOX & The UN &10 Downing Street & White House(Saudi de facto controls all five) + the military and industrial complex [139 words]IanusAug 30, 2007 15:51106919
the long term solution [26 words]RandyAug 24, 2007 15:53106917
Great idea, Daniel [83 words]ProudInfidelAug 24, 2007 11:51106903
Uniting to exclude saudi arabian airlines [182 words]Kim SegarAug 24, 2007 10:25106895
Reply to Kim Segar's remarks [158 words]shaynaAug 26, 2007 16:41106895
exclude saudi arabian airlines [488 words]kim segarAug 27, 2007 00:44106895
Modern Islam and Memories of the Iran Hostage Crisis [189 words]Jerry HAug 29, 2007 02:24106895
religious freedom [93 words]shabaJan 1, 2008 13:44106895
Lack of faith in mohammedism [53 words]John C.Aug 23, 2007 23:08106868
I'm Blowing Off My Cross [21 words]lindaAug 23, 2007 22:49106867
we all muslims stand behind the saudi govt on that issue [40 words]syed mohammad aliAug 23, 2007 12:42106842
"we all muslims stand behind the saudi govt on that issue" - a moderate Muslim says [59 words]IanusAug 23, 2007 18:03106842
What else would one expect from a Islamist? [158 words]Mel LarawayAug 23, 2007 21:57106842
watch out what you say saeed!! [230 words]HarrakAug 24, 2007 01:35106842
You Contradict Muhammad and the Qur'an Syed [299 words]Lactantius JrAug 24, 2007 09:07106842
To Syed Mohammed Ali: That is blasphemy! [120 words]PlatoAug 24, 2007 09:43106842
2All Wahabi Sheikhs from Pure Country of Saudi are enjoying pleasures of Western World in Dubai ! [229 words]FatemAug 24, 2007 09:51106842
The purity of Islam... [123 words]donvanAug 24, 2007 10:17106842
Pure? [14 words]Jorge CordovaAug 24, 2007 15:51106842
There's a better way, Mohammed [68 words]DonAug 24, 2007 16:26106842
Double Standards [457 words]HarveyAug 24, 2007 19:09106842
saudi govt exporting hate all over the globe by petro dollers [250 words]JohnAug 25, 2007 02:43106842
Educated and Sane Muslims will never agree with the fascist attitude of Saudi Royals. [40 words]Khaleelur RahmanAug 25, 2007 10:52106842
Story of little five year old boy Youssif for Syed!!! [421 words]JaladhiAug 25, 2007 12:11106842
reply to syed mohammad ali, [121 words]shaynaAug 26, 2007 16:50106842
good to know [120 words]EsmeraldaAug 28, 2007 03:02106842
"Which prophet?" [84 words]Lactantius Jr.Aug 28, 2007 08:51106842
Syed, A great article you and all muslims must read about Quran [14 words]N.K.Aug 28, 2007 15:36106842
Reply to Esmeralda [549 words]shaynaAug 28, 2007 18:00106842
ouf, what an example of word .. [85 words]EsmeraldaAug 30, 2007 02:59106842
Reply to Esmeralda [407 words]shaynaAug 30, 2007 17:10106842
islam is not the reason why the violence is in this world [84 words]afafSep 29, 2008 14:44106842
The West's cowardice [129 words]Mike RandallAug 23, 2007 11:30106839
no saudi arabian airline in america and the west [50 words]TIRDAD GHARIBAug 23, 2007 08:41106831
Govt & Media will never support a ban on Saudi -The West needs another Saudi 9/11 day. Maybe two. [163 words]James BurkeAug 23, 2007 04:30106826
How about Saudi Arabia's option #4? [18 words]IdoAug 23, 2007 04:19106825
Are you kidding me? [101 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Leah ShalekAug 23, 2007 02:39106818
Reply to Leah Shalek blinded comments [521 words]shaynaAug 28, 2007 11:10106818
Moslem women [224 words]IanusAug 28, 2007 17:32106818
reply to Ianus [393 words]shaynaAug 28, 2007 18:27106818
A few things [452 words]IanusAug 30, 2007 16:37106818
Who will bell the Cat [116 words]Salvador FernandesAug 23, 2007 00:21106812
Hypocrecy [60 words]Fahad MohammedAug 22, 2007 22:22106807
Uniting to exclude Saudi Airlines [252 words]barbaraAug 22, 2007 20:55106798
state sponsored hate. [183 words]Phil GreendAug 22, 2007 20:09106797
Where do I sign up? [72 words]Anne JulienneAug 22, 2007 17:27106785
Saudi Arabian intolerance [179 words]Kenneth T. TellisAug 22, 2007 17:24106783
question .. [92 words]HarrakAug 22, 2007 15:15106774
Saudi Ristrictions identical to South African Restrictions under Apartheid Regime at its Worst!! [35 words]David GoshenAug 22, 2007 12:57106749
The Arab racists' & Islamic bigots' campaign at: DURBAN - racists cry "racism" [2875 words]MayOct 27, 2008 09:53106749
Thanks Dr Pipes for having the courage to tackle WAHABOFACISM [123 words]HarrakAug 22, 2007 12:11106746
What we dish out, will be dished out to us [86 words]David W. LincolnAug 22, 2007 11:45106743
"hospitable, welcoming and tolerant?" [642 words]Lactantius Jr.Aug 22, 2007 11:33106741
Not so commonly [69 words]khaledAug 23, 2007 09:28106741
"How do you know Khaled?" [324 words]Lactantius Jr.Aug 24, 2007 05:21106741
Saudi Arabia: Awash in Western money and technology [250 words]RickAug 22, 2007 11:30106740
Two years ago, Saudis specifically banned "Jewish people" from their airlines and their country [210 words]Dr RJPAug 22, 2007 11:05106738
How about a Saudi-Iranian war ? [70 words]IanusAug 22, 2007 16:42106738
Saudi Kingdom and the native Arabians and Jews [184 words]HarrakAug 22, 2007 21:19106738
3Since Muslims want to kill each other, let's get out of their way [217 words]Charles MartelAug 24, 2007 10:55106738
Saudi - Iranian War will be the best Idea to crush this rising monster of Islamism [427 words]GlobalAug 27, 2007 23:03106738
Saudi - Iranian War will be the best Idea to crush this rising monster of Islam [293 words]IanusAug 28, 2007 17:07106738
We can ask IMF and Work Bank to subsidise for their one way tickets to fight Jehad against each other ! [551 words]RushdieAug 28, 2007 18:04106738
Uniting to Exclude Saudi Arabian Airlines [92 words]EmilyAug 22, 2007 08:53106731
Be careful what you ask for. You might just get it! [52 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
There is NO Santa ClausAug 22, 2007 08:34106728
Muslim Country Airlines are the safest Airlines in the World ! [112 words]TinaAug 28, 2007 18:11106728
Why stop there [109 words]Yuval brandstetter MDAug 22, 2007 05:38106726
Excellent Point Yuval [97 words]YnnatchkahAug 22, 2007 16:24106726
Bizzaro.... [144 words]Kamel KrazieAug 22, 2007 04:03106717
Who will take the lead to confront Saudi discrimination, arrogance, and repression? [161 words]YnnatchkahAug 22, 2007 02:39106704
"FLY ME"-TO SAUDI ARABIA? [77 words]DAVID R. GROESBECKAug 22, 2007 01:47106699
'I am a moderate Muslim! "FLY ME"-TO SAUDI ARABIA' ? [88 words]IanusAug 23, 2007 18:14106699
Justice Justice Thou Shall Pursue [88 words]David SabghirAug 22, 2007 00:11106696
Personal policy and freedom [64 words]SharonAug 21, 2007 20:47106691
How to put pressure [26 words]Mohsen KhalilAug 21, 2007 19:18106688
Great idea [65 words]Jonathan UsherAug 21, 2007 18:43106686
Force the Issue [160 words]Dr. Richard BenkinAug 21, 2007 18:41106685
re Saudia Air and measures to stop its religious discrimination [111 words]Jascha KesslerAug 21, 2007 18:32106684
obsequious [16 words]alan wintersAug 21, 2007 16:48106675
Ah the Saudis [125 words]dfwhite19438Aug 21, 2007 16:33106674
Neither knowing nor caring to know - you write with malicious intent... [290 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Ken BumgarnerAug 21, 2007 16:31106672
Ken Bumgarner or Kamal Bengamrah, A Wahabi Christian! [160 words]HarrakAug 27, 2007 23:01106672
reply to Ken Bumgarner [361 words]shaynaAug 29, 2007 19:13106672
Happening for a long time in the airports [76 words]SunilAug 21, 2007 16:28106670
Because they Enjoin the Good and Forbid the Evil- Mr Sunil [31 words]non jew non christianAug 22, 2007 13:29106670
Two sayings [47 words]IanusAug 22, 2007 13:33106670
Indeed, who will tie the bell around the Saudi Cats neck? [505 words]Lloyd L KleinAug 21, 2007 16:24106669
By The End of the Day. [176 words]YnnatchkahAug 22, 2007 13:00106669
By The End of the Day. [103 words]IanusAug 22, 2007 16:30106669
Ianus- A question of Lobby.- To Stop saudis. [260 words]YnnatchkahAug 22, 2007 21:47106669
Blood for oil [463 words]HomefrontAug 27, 2007 22:28106669
Saudi Crude the source of trouble and the solution [22 words]YnnatchkahAug 28, 2007 16:44106669
Reciprocation [10 words]AlertAug 21, 2007 16:11106667
It's about time! [72 words]Anthony P. MarinoAug 21, 2007 15:56106666
wait till the oil wells dry-up!!! [22 words]prakash tirupatiAug 21, 2007 21:24106666
A good comment from Dec. 2006 on this article [653 words]IanusAug 21, 2007 15:42106664
Be straight forward , No need to be too much Politically Correct anymore [126 words]LewisAug 22, 2007 02:03106664
It gets worse [228 words]Denis MacEoinAug 21, 2007 15:38106662
The Unanswerable Question [348 words]Rebecca MouldsAug 21, 2007 15:12106659
Apart from these--how about faxing, emailing [71 words]HarryAug 21, 2007 21:30106659
Let's think first before moving too fast [39 words]Rebecca MouldsAug 22, 2007 19:02106659
Citizen Action is the Path [106 words]JoeAug 21, 2007 14:42106652
Civil disobedience [43 words]DianeAug 21, 2007 14:40106651
Where is the ACLU or the pretend Saudi version of the ACLU? [19 words]HARI IYERAug 23, 2007 00:39106651
Excluding SAA [119 words]Steven LAug 21, 2007 14:31106648
Begin with Saudia and also check other muslim airlines and rules. [32 words]RussiAug 21, 2007 14:25106646
1We fly with muslims you follow our rules... [95 words]junaid mojadidiOct 26, 2009 06:53106646
Take a Flight with Saudia with Ham Sandwiches and Bottle of Alcohol ! [146 words]DemocratAug 21, 2007 14:22106645
Ridicule May Be Far More Effective Than Outrage [111 words]Louis RosenblumAug 23, 2007 17:18106645
Best To Ban Saudi Arabian Airlines In The West [38 words]AnneMAug 21, 2007 14:08106643
What is the international decorum? [43 words]GodotAug 21, 2007 13:59106642
Mein Kampf is full of hatred and incites Genocide same as Koran so both the books should be banned. [66 words]IndianAug 22, 2007 02:08106642
Mein Kampf is full of hatred and incites Genocide same as Koran so both the books should be banned. [33 words]IanusAug 30, 2007 17:54106642
Ianus, I wonder if you would care to join the conversation... [68 words]saraOct 31, 2007 19:55106642
Saudia airlies logo [12 words]alanAug 21, 2007 13:44106641
Reducing Saudi Influence via Iraq & Afghanistan [478 words]RPaineAug 21, 2007 13:42106640
Because there is NO freedom of Religion in Saudia [31 words]David WinkelmannAug 21, 2007 13:34106639
Saudia is a NOT a Democracy. [18 words]Lahori FighterAug 21, 2007 13:29106637
Blame the US government [96 words]William HohageAug 21, 2007 13:19106636
Let Saudia Know what we want [16 words]Bob TankelAug 21, 2007 13:13106635
They want their cake and eat it too.. [79 words]jbennettAug 21, 2007 13:05106634
Another reason to ban Air Saudi [64 words]DaveAug 21, 2007 12:53106632
It's possible!!! [57 words]JaladhiAug 21, 2007 15:52106632
boycott their airlines [94 words]surjAug 21, 2007 16:33106632
Never thought of the Kamikaze as Aircrew Policy [92 words]Charles MartelAug 24, 2007 11:05106632
Just a temporary (and futile) gesture [248 words]PatAug 21, 2007 12:42106630
No more mosques in the West [98 words]Janusz KowalikAug 21, 2007 12:28106626
Oh cut it out! [148 words]Follower-of-IsaAug 26, 2007 15:24106626
Our dear Follower of Isa and his logic [167 words]dhimmi no moreAug 29, 2007 07:19106626
Business is war :-) [23 words]Charles SmythAug 21, 2007 11:07106624
Scandalous [94 words]VijayAug 21, 2007 10:25106622
Let 'em do what they want [64 words]contraryDec 22, 2008 15:08106622
It's about time... [153 words]JaladhiAug 21, 2007 10:25106621

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