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These Are Your Heros?

Reader comment on item: Is the Middle East "Freer, More Hopeful, and More Promising"?
in response to reader comment: Are We Safer in Long Run?

Submitted by der Alleswisser (United States), Dec 26, 2008 at 05:58

Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, the Democrats, heros? JIMMY CARTER??? I do not think these are heros, these are liberals, and they care only about getting power, they have done so, and pander to minorities, so they can get votes, so more handouts, now they are looking at illegal aliens, vote for us, handouts of taxpayer money, more votes, totally oblivious to the Islamic threat, clueless Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid types, totally inept, a disgrace to the American People, who being shallow types that hear "Handout" and vote for such ineptitude in droves.

They think that there is this big fixed pie, and they will just slice so as to give handouts to people so they can remain in power, but they fail to understand that this pie is not fixed in size at all, and if one abandons basic financial principles, the pie can become much smaller, and indeed it is now, thanks to the Democrats, much smaller than it was as recently as October 2007.

To make sure you are up to speed, in case you missed it, here are Gregory "I am so angry" Meeks, Maxine "Ms. California Freeloading" Waters, Frank Raines, Barney Franks....horrible, corrupt, selfish, self-serving, and in a very damning alarming way, the bringers of doom of this once great nation. It is time to hand the baton to India and China, good luck Islam with China, as you have had a hard time annilating the Indian people, so good luck with the Chinese. See http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/32812

if you need to get up to speed on the Islamic Conquest of the Indian Subcontinent, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs

if you do not know who Gregory Meeks, Maxine Waters, and Frank Raines are, and do not understand the role of Bill Clinton, on your Hero's list, really are, and see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs

then if you do not understand who Barney Franks is, and what his enormous contribution to the American People was, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCEF-dNdeXo

All made up, biased, really? I am very angry at you, Gregory Meeks, and you, Maxine Waters, Barney Franks, all the rest of you Democrats, I would like to thank you for destroying this once great nation by throwing you and all your corruption through the nearest window. And think that if FDR could erupt from the grave and get up out of his wheelchair, he would too, and likewise for HST. Pitiful, but most pitiful of all is how indolent and shallow the American People have become, as evidenced by what they did on November 4th.

What, did not know about Barack Obama's $800,000 to Acorn to get out the vote of dead people, Mickey Mouse, and as many blacks as possible, after all, you are so big on handouts to minorities so they will vote for you. Mr. Obama, I hope you do not postphone the release of your next book for too long, "My Futility in Earning the Black Vote," because of all this inauguration stuff. And just one more tribute to those "heros" you have listed (only Hillary, of all of them, understands the threat of Radical Islam, but she has all that liberal baggage holding her down, and I fear that she is the better candidate as compared to Obama, let us wait and hope, hope is all there is now...), watch the second segment of Dennis Miller's Top Ten Pinheads of 2008 at http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.htmlmaven_referralObject=3333876&maven_referralPlaylistId=&sRevUrl=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,469746,00.html

First, see number 4 Pinhead, on Governor Rod Blagovich of Illinois, that American terrorist from the 70s, Reverend Wright, ....and the insuinuation that Barack Obama is common link here, this mess is still unfolding, but sad, and fatal, America, that you vote for this in droves, not even close, say goodbye to the American Empire, you had much to be proud about in the twentieth century, but this kind of indolence and total lack of integrity and the ability to maintain that integrity, you American People who perhaps have the mental acumen of a fifth grader as evidenced by how you choose your politicians, you believe anything and just want a handout, don't you. Just not sustainable, rot from within, these types of heros. Condelleza Rice, maybe, but not your Condi....

And number one on the Pinhead list, Harry Reid, a real soft touch, like Nancy Pelosi, totally inept, the Epitome of Realization of the Peter Principle, sad, sad, America, just so sad. The only thing useful about the Democrat platform is the tax the rich thing, the end of trickle down, the fat cat CEOs, Enrons, yes, Oprah, who makes $90 million a year, the baseball players who play a kid's game, and just for a few months, the pretty boy and girl movie stars who are paid millions for looking pretty, doing exactly what the directors tell them to do and say, and hate their nation and love its enemies for putting them in such an entitled shallow existance, yes indeed, tax the snot out of these ingrates and scoundrels. Hear, hear. These are the same kind of heros the British, Romans, Spanish, French, all the failed empires that have gone before us, they must have had their Democrats to steer their boat into oblivion, once great in history books, but not now and not in the future. Whiners, victims, the balm of being an Offended Person, the Intoxication of Victimology.

But you are correct on Islam. I see this as a failed civilization, no Beethovens, Teslas, Newtons, Gauss's, nothing but oil and evil, just a horrible evil. Oh, they had their Einsteins, Mozarts, but their evil religion surpressed them, their contributions never made. And the women, half of their people prevented from contributing at all, as if they had nothing to contribute but their bodies, this failure alone dooms Islam.

There will be no peace with Palestine, they are bound by their religion and dedicated to the mantra of destroy the Zionists and Great Satan, the Holocaust a myth, all of that stuff. Islam must be destroyed, all Quran's burned, all the mosques smashed, nothing but evil here, save the victims of Islam, the oppressed, especially the women, many of them who do not even know they are oppressed.

All, well, most, people are born innocent, save these from Islam, but an estimated thirtyish percent of that 1.5 billion or so Islamics who were born human have now gone to the Dark Side, they of the hard core fanatical demonic Islamic types. We can equivocate for only so long, this throwing money at the Palistineans, the billions of dollars from decent benovelent American taxpayers as orchestrated by your feckless heros, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and even GW Bush has sent them millions, wasted on doomed people who hate America. Totally hopeless, Islam, hard for all others to own up to, but this so called religion must be banished from the earth forever, the evil ones hunted down and killed. Will this happen, no, not really, I fear it will not, the heralded Clash of Civilizations of Huntington (?).

If you look at England, Spain, France, .... there is simply not the willpower and fortitude there to do this, the West Will End Not But a Bang But With A Whimper??? Political Correctitude. Sure looks that way, even America has lost its way, due to those heros of yours. GW Bush knew his administration needed to prevent a nuclear tipped Iran, and said so, that the "Military option could not be taken off the table."

But then along comes Harry Reid, not Dirty Harry, mind you, but clueless inept Harry Reid, one of the darlings of that herioc party, those brave Democrats, and out comes this bogus study that says Iran has abolished its nuclear weapons program. Does anyone really believe that? But it took the mandate out of GW Bush to address the threat, and ironically, it is now the Democrats who must deal with this, but do they, with Harry Reid, Barney Franks, Nancy Pelosi, all the Fellow Travelers of Fools and Utter Corruption that constitute the Democratic party, have the courage to do it. I think not, and very sadly I tell you that. Decline, once proud....

And then there are the Israelites taking all this in, they of the Holocaust, not the soft touches like the Democrats at all, they who have seen evil up close and personal throughout their history. As we hurtle through the final days of 2008 towards January 20th, inauguaration day for Barack Obama, do they trust this man, do they have any reason to do so, with all the weakness and ineptitude, not to mention the corruption, of the Democratic Party, what will they do as January 20th approaches?

"Islamics understand that their most powerful secret weapon is the Liberal Mindset, While at the Same Time Despising It," Serge Trifkovic, "The Sword of the Prophet"

"Tolerance of Intolerance is not Tolerance," Mark Steyn, "America Alone"


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (57) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Israel or Palestine? [549 words]Bill CunninghamJan 6, 2009 21:18147212
Bush's Fantastical Policy Making Re The Middle East -Dangerously Clueless [74 words]Adina KutnickiDec 23, 2008 12:58145743
Libya: Bush's legacy? [128 words]Sergio RubinsteinDec 19, 2008 18:25145453
Who is GW Bush? [2417 words]der AlleswisserDec 22, 2008 09:51145453
Are We Safer in Long Run? [560 words]ZentristDec 17, 2008 21:05145327
These Are Your Heros? [1479 words]der AlleswisserDec 26, 2008 05:58145327
Look and see Islam, it's at your Doorstep! [98 words]Wendy HillDec 16, 2008 03:40145210
Turkey [60 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bruce GodfreyDec 14, 2008 09:54145074
Seek the Truth on Islam, Not Just Turkey, Mr. Godfrey [2675 words]der AlleswisserDec 30, 2008 09:49145074
To J street "lovers" and Sarah Palin "haters" [582 words]Gary JosephsonDec 11, 2008 18:36144936
Forecasting the Next Middle East Crisis to be Faced - Isolation of Israel in the Next American Administration [720 words]M. ToveyDec 10, 2008 18:48144852
Islam calls for peace [93 words]mohammed ahmedJan 2, 2009 15:58144852
Then a Better Explanation from Muslims Who Cry Out For Israeli Blood Needs to Answer The Hamas Mandate [122 words]M. ToveyJan 4, 2009 00:26144852
In response to your belief, Islam is the true religion???? [198 words]Wendy HillMar 30, 2009 05:11144852
Saudi's Sanction Genocide [31 words]orange yonasonDec 10, 2008 17:58144844
The crux of the matter! [359 words]Carl Dennett Blyth, SrDec 10, 2008 08:49144799
Politely... I strongly disagree [282 words]Raul Alvaro FraserDec 10, 2008 18:15144799
There's truth in what you state [56 words]jennifer solisDec 12, 2008 15:32144799
Self-Hatred will doom you, you must know who the enemy is or you will perish [2008 words]der AlleswisserDec 31, 2008 07:30144799
Exposure of terrorist support [74 words]Joe Six-PackDec 8, 2008 20:55144681
What about Afghanistan? [131 words]saraDec 8, 2008 17:42144665
I agree with you, Sara [119 words]jennifer solisDec 12, 2008 16:06144665
Daniel being too generous -- Saddam's fall is not a positive legacy for Bush [61 words]Charles MartelDec 8, 2008 15:17144653
Sorry to say... [131 words]DONVANDec 8, 2008 10:52144642
I count more. [215 words]LynnDec 8, 2008 08:00144635
The only point in favour of Bush´s legacy [26 words]Raul Alvaro FraserDec 10, 2008 17:54144635
Legacy [76 words]LynnDec 12, 2008 09:07144635
"Our legacy is over" [362 words]Raul Alvaro FraserDec 13, 2008 05:39144635
Ownership [214 words]LynnDec 14, 2008 14:11144635
Few more points [57 words]GitanjaliDec 8, 2008 06:12144632
Pipes or Krauthammer? [302 words]ZentristDec 7, 2008 21:03144613
Depressing scenario [120 words]Rebecca MouldsDec 7, 2008 02:44144547
Good point Rebecca [48 words]Raul Alvaro FraserDec 10, 2008 18:22144547
So True! [14 words]wendy HillDec 10, 2008 22:58144547
The Fetish of Sharia Law [74 words]DavodDec 6, 2008 22:26144540
We should fear ALL MUSLIMS! [250 words]WendyDec 6, 2008 19:26144531
The mythology.. [158 words]donvanDec 8, 2008 22:07144531
With Deep Regret, Wendy, Your Assessment is Correct. Sad for all of us. [1049 words]der AlleswisserDec 9, 2008 08:59144531
God bless you, Wendy - [143 words]Charles MartelDec 9, 2008 10:34144531
Scary words [161 words]Raul Alvaro FraserDec 10, 2008 18:44144531
God Bless you 'Der Alleswisser', for replying to my sad experience in the Middle-East [708 words]Wendy HillDec 10, 2008 22:39144531
Response to Dear Charles Martel, following my comments! Thank you and God Bless you too. [178 words]WENDY HILLDec 10, 2008 22:45144531
Thanks Donvan for your kind Response! [41 words]WENDY HILLDec 10, 2008 22:50144531
Yes, I will research what you kindly offered, with appreciation [362 words]Wendy HillDec 10, 2008 23:08144531
Look! They, are telling Us what to do! Please tell me - What's wrong here??? [2635 words]Wendy HillDec 11, 2008 02:49144531
Yes, you are correct, Raul! [23 words]wendy hillDec 11, 2008 22:08144531
Today, There are 57 Islamic States. [34 words]KristaDec 14, 2008 10:14144531
Have not forgotten you, and a gift for you and others. [359 words]der AlleswisserDec 17, 2008 12:53144531
Will certainly see the film: "Immortal Beloved" [185 words]Wendy HillDec 18, 2008 02:02144531
The WHY? of Terrorism in Islam [1726 words]Dane DahlDec 18, 2008 04:38144531
Truth and the Holy Bible - It is the Composition and Verse of Heavenly Things to be Found on Earth [572 words]M. ToveyDec 18, 2008 18:06144531
There is a BoogeyMan- A Vital Message and Thank You Mr. Dahl for it [1050 words]der AlleswisserDec 20, 2008 11:24144531
Oops, Wendy I replied to you earlier but somehow sent it to Krista instead [866 words]der AlleswisserDec 26, 2008 14:53144531
Enough of this [610 words]der AlleswisserDec 27, 2008 15:42144531
Free women of Islam [744 words]HebatJan 11, 2009 20:33144531
no they cannot be trusted [32 words]Dan ZinkeJan 9, 2010 12:11144531
Thanks for your Agreeableness! [14 words]Wendy HillJan 11, 2010 00:40144531

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