Islam Islam And IslamReader comment on item: [Moderate] Voices of Islam Submitted by Haji Jahangir Alam (India), Aug 29, 2009 at 15:01 Dear A B M Shamsud Doulah You said that you are exhausted ,it mean that you dont want to accept the truth .All the muslims in the world say that their religion is Very very Very Good ,But if any one point finger to their religion then they will EXHAUSTED like you and say that he is 68 years of age and excuse him and further say to accept their illogical ,unscientific , illiteracy thoughts. Whe never a person want to show the real Islam "critical attitude "is their reward .For which Iwill say thankyou to you . In the past many person were slained while speaking the truth.So if you dont have the answer then dont blame the ???????????? And when you speaks about the Snake ,Mouse ,Dog ,penice ,Stone, sun etc Is it lawful for the people like you to point finger to the followers of those who pay respect to their Ideals. Please see what the Holy Koran says "you do not revile those whom they call upon besides Allah lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance .Thus have we made alluring to each people its own doings .In the end will they return to their lord ,and we shall then tell them the truth of all that they did . (Sura 6 ayat 108 ) Now dont say that you are exhausted ?????? All the religion in the world speaks to have faith in one God , But how many follows ?????????????????? I hope that this chapter will ENLIGHT YOU IF NOT THEN BETTER PRAY TO THE ALMIGHTY because He never Enlight The Deaf ,Dumb and Blind . Scriptures Each religion has gots its own religious books, the scriptures. These scriptures contain the advice of the apostles. Each scriptures contains directives of their own times and social system. Its basis was the exchange of ideas of the present social system. To restrain the inner sin of man keeping pace with time, different scriptures were written and the social norms were introduced. Its object was to restrain man and keep him free from the evil power. In this contexts man has given his own customs and, manners of living the shape of law at different times and places and thus developed his civilisation. In this way the great civilisations of history were formed It is useless to find out if these scriptures contain the existence of God or no. The scriptures were made to do human good and establish the truth. But in modern age man has abandoned the purpose and truth of the scriptures and adopted the superstitious customs and thereby causing his own harm instead of truth. For example most of the people of India do not read the Holy Koran, the Veda or the Gita in their own understandable language and hence, without realising the real meaning of these scriptures, quarrel with each other and burn one another with great hatred. As a result the society looses peace and its path of development is always hindered. Sura Baqar 2 Aiyat 213 The Cow Mankind was once single nation and God send messengers with glad tidings and warnings ; and with them he sent the book in truth to judge between the people in matters wherein they differed, but the people of the book after the clear signs came to them, did not differ among themselves except throug selfish contarnacy. God by his grace guided to disbeliever to the truth concerning that wherein they differed from guides whom he will be a path that is straight. Sura Maida 5 Aiyat 15 The Table Spread O people of the scripture, now hath our messenger come unto you, expound unto you much of that we used to hide in the scripture and forgiving much. Now hath come unto you light from Allah and a plain scripture. It is better to obey the advices made in the scriptures instead of finding out the existence of God in the books. That no message has come as a book from the heaven, and neither they were made by any apostles, history has proved that. The perfect ness of the scripture can be realised only through its inherent good advises and the good it does to man and his society. If the scriptures are really the ideals of Gods existence then man can never change or abandon them. Enquiry has proved that in each age, in accordance with time, each and every religious book can be changed. In ages together, religious wise men have amended the message of the scriptures, likewise, much of its sanctity was disturbed in the hand of the selfish irreligious man. Modern world has proved that how much of the scriptures are real and how much of them are unreasonable. Sura Baqar 2 Aiyat 4 The Cow And who believe in the revelation sent to thee and sent before, the time and in their hearts have the assurances of the here after. One should have faith on the scriptures sent by God and obey the advices of any book and should try to build his character likewise. Remembering the old age each man should make his character clean before his death, so that he may get relieve of the agony of the old age and to follow this path means keeping faith on the last moment. Sura Baqar 2 Aiyat 41 The Cow And believe in what I reveal, confirming the revelation which is with you and be not the first to reject faith therein, nor sell any signs for a small price and fear me and me alone. All religious books have one bond only. In this context it can be mentioned that in some of the scriptures the message of God has been described in a simple way and in some others ,they are described in a complex form. As man uses different types of clothe in one body, likewise God has given the same advises to man through his different apostles. To hide this truth the infidels have explained his messages wrongly and made them willingly complex to create discriminations among the man and the scriptures. Sura Baqar 2 Aiyat 111 The Cow And they say none shall enter paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian, those are their vain desires, say produce your proof if you are the truthful. The basis of heaven or hell is human character. The identity of a human character does not depend on any religion or community. Some men set their own superstitions in the high place of severity and try to bring heaven under their control. But they are mistaken. Whether the soul of a man will go to heaven after his death or will be thrown into the hell. All these depends on the character that he keeps during his lifetime. To give legal validity to this behaviour of human race or human being religious rites and rituals have been introduced. Some men merely consider the observances of religious rites and rituals as their only objective and thus sets aside the practice of honest character and think that they will be the partners of heaven, they are virtually leaving in fools paradise and this begins the sins in them. Devoid of honest alive, no prayer or worship can reach God. Sura Baqar 2 Aiyat 121 The Cow Those to whom we have sent the book study it as it should be studied. They are the ones that believe there in, those who reject faith therein, the loss is there own. Bhagawad Gita Chapter 4 Hymn 11 As all surrender unto me; I reward them accordingly. Every one follows my path in all respects, O, son of partha. The messages of the scriptures are prepared for the humanity and civilised society. The explanations made against the humanity, love, honesty of self discipline induces men for sin. The explanations which do not tally with the meaning and reading of the book must have to be rejected altogether. God has not given any man any right to change the ideas of the messages in his own way. The messages of the scriptures should be studied understandably and their depth should be realised as well. By Gods command man should observe the present social condition carefully, and should include only those ideologies in the society, which speaks of good, the more a man reveals in his character and behaviours the ideas of God, he receives more and more peace. Some evil minded men add stories with the scriptures to earn more money and thus to satisfy their interest. Such evil minded men should be found out and their evil design should be demolished altogether. That is the main duty of man. God has given man the sense to judge what is good and what is bad. Sura Baqar 2 Aiyat 79 The Cow Then woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then say this is from God, to traffie with it for a miserable price! Woes to them for what their hands do write and for the gain they make thereby. Sura Imran 3 Aiyat 71 You people of the book! why do you clothe truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you have knowledge? Sura Araaf 7 Aiyat 3 The Heights Follow oh man! the revelation given unto you from your lord and follow not as friends or protectors, other than him, little it is you remember of admonition. All the existing communities and the scriptures of the modern world only directs of man and humanity. All the apostles worked hard for this purpose. All the languages of this world are the creation of the nature, and the entire nature is under the command of God. Hence it is totally meaningless to have a desire to gain or acquire virtue by reading the book or the scripture in any particular language Only through reading the scripture and realising its meaning can help to acquire virtue. Every one has the right to read the scripture in his own mother tongue or vernacular language. Those who compel men to read the scripture in an unintelligible language and make laws in this regard, they are the real sinner. By God grace modern world does not have much discrimination in language. Since man reads the scriptures in an un understandable language, hence he has developed religious differences among themselves. Being dependent on others for acquiring the religious training he has become addicted to unreasonable behaviour to cram or by heart the messages sent through the apostles without realising that they too are in reality the message of God, is also an irreligious and superstitions act. Religion never gives an education of blind faith or unreasonable rather man can be freed from superstition only through religion. Irreligious activities in the name of religion never suits the man, the best of all creatures. By providing him with reason and consciousness God has lifted man from the darkness and lead him to light. Those who deny this truth are irreligious men. By Gods grace, without coming in touch with the religious books man is capable of finding the right or wrong. The scripture is the guide which inspires man to walk through the honest way. The scripture like the Vedas, the Gita, Tripitak, the Bible, the Holy Koran, the Guru Grantha Sahib, all are there in this world and the persons obeying these books more or less are also there. I think that the men obeying the scriptures, and the scriptures themselves are there by the wishes of God and it is equally true that the religious base of all these scriptures and their ideas are the same. No scriptures have described any type of worship method and God is not expectant of any worship. The scriptures have explained the same advises in different ways. That is why God has not mentioned any method of worship jn any one of these scriptures. Each of these religious books only advised the quality of honesty and self discipline and to prove this as well as to ward off the differences between men and the apostles and to development the scriptures like Holy Koran and others are sent to this world. Sura Al Anam 6 Aiyat 159 The Cattle As for those who divide their religion and breaks up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least, their affair is with God, he will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did. Sura Younus 10 Aiyat 19 Mankind was but one nation but differed later, had it not been for a word that went forth before thy lord their differences would have been settled between them. Sura Nahal 16 Aiyat 93 The Bee If God so willed, he could make you all one people, but he leaves straying whom he pleases and he guides whom he pleases, but you shall certainly be called to account for all your actions. Religious books paves the ground of mans development. So that man can live a peaceful life. But when these scriptures stands on the way of development mans peace is shattered and he become puzzled. In this context the famous saying of poet Tagore may be quoted, "If religious stands as an obstruction to the development of society and take the form as a mountain on the way of the development of man, then it is better to demolish that mansion named religion." Thanking you with my best regard And Eshwar ,God ,Allah blessed you.
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