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Reader comment on item: CAIR Instructs the Police about Islam

Submitted by L Raj (United Kingdom), Jun 4, 2010 at 05:25

Its a toe-hold to future sessions where they will push islamic agenda on to the police.


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Reader comments (18) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Attention World Leaders - The Koran Bans itself via EXISTING LAWS [86 words]Hugh RockfordJul 11, 2010 13:59175428
surprising [20 words]car313Jun 12, 2010 15:05174304
Walk does not match talk [78 words]sandra L. johnsonJun 7, 2010 17:10173999
1CAIR thinks it is Moses on Mt. Sinai.. [88 words]Benny zeeJun 6, 2010 11:40173929
Bin Osama - CAIR thinks it is Moses on Mt. Sinai. [89 words]SumbaJul 19, 2010 12:09173929
thin wedge [16 words]L RajJun 4, 2010 05:25173831
CAIR Instructs the Police about Islam [80 words]MichaelJun 4, 2010 02:46173827
CAIR Instructs the Police about Islam – The Indoctrinization of the West [739 words]Angry ScotsmanJun 3, 2010 22:38173816
1No intermediaries in Islam [109 words]David PintoJun 3, 2010 17:41173798
"No intermediary" doctrine is a joke. [203 words]Ted NortonJun 8, 2010 03:35173798
The Arrogance of Cair [21 words]FrancisJun 3, 2010 17:14173795
CAIR, Iran-Turkey-Hamas flotilla and Hezbolah [47 words]steven LJun 3, 2010 16:41173791
instructions from CAIR or rather taqiyya on taxpayers dime. [117 words]DaleJun 2, 2010 00:55173711
Don't you know CAIR can follow different rules then the rest of us. [148 words]Ted NortonJun 1, 2010 22:37173708
1C.A.I.R. tries to make it look like it is fighting the extremists, but they have NEVER spoken out against terror or terrorists. [212 words]Phil GreendJun 1, 2010 17:30173687
what is the true objective [131 words]mythJun 1, 2010 12:06173662
Link to article... [19 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
cthornMay 31, 2010 09:32173577

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