Muhammad'sMiracles and Other ItemsReader comment on item: Why Would Anyone Want to Blow Up Times Square? Submitted by TruthWFree (United States), Jun 6, 2010 at 10:06 Omar, Maybe you can supply some written references for these miracles. These are probably later day responses to Christians like me who find no evidence of witnessed miracles by your prophet in the Quran. On the issue of the moon, I believe that you had an Islamic cleric in Egypt still insisting that the world was flat. Scientific knowledge of the solar system and the universe has been a development of the west and other non Muslim countries. Free thinking that might contradict the Quran is not something you find in Muslim countries. The moon does not rotate so that may be more likely the reason there is a difference as opposed to any unproven miracle by your prophet. Outside of that, you may note that all of the so called miracles you claim are related to Muhammad trying to escape people wanting to kill him. I presume most of these attempts at killing him was after he went to Medina and began robbing caravans, killing, and taking slaves and booty. I have read about attempts on his life (Robert Spencer, "The Truth About Muhammad", but it is understandable people would want to kill him based on the violent and robbing behavior he began in Medina and his actions against unbelievers. Jesus Christ had one documented situation (before His arrest and crucifixion) where he walked through a crowd that was about to stone him (not necessarily a claimed miracle). All the others were curing lepers, giving sight to the blind, driving demons from people, raising Lazarus, the young man on the funeral mat, and Jarius daughter from the dead, walking on water, quieting a storm, feeding 5,000 with five loaves and a couple of fish and again feeding 4,000 (counting men only in both cases) with a few fish and 7 loaves of bread, curing cripples, etc. Note that all of these are written in the Gospels written by Matthew and John who were of His 12 apostles and Luke and Mark who were disciples of Jesus and contemporary with Peter Paul and the apostles. Also note that all of Jesus miracles were performed primarily to help people in need and to glorify God and to prove that He was God. As I stated earlier, later in the Gospels He says "the Father and I are One" (John 10:30) and "you have seen me you have seen the Father" (John 14:9), not something a mere prophet would say. Even your Quran says he was born of the Virgin Mary. If so, who was His Father? The Gospel of Luke says that He was conceived of the Holy Spirit of God and that is what Christians believe. Another point is that this teaching of helping others is evident in Western civilization. When the tsunami hit Malaysia (a predominately Muslim country), aid from US and the West surpassed Saudi Arabia and the Muslim countries (according to my reading). Saudi Arabia instead uses its oil monies (oil discovered and developed by Western sources) to build mosques in the US and the West, and from what I've read, teaches hate for the West and us infidel unbelievers in those mosques. Quite a difference in the philosophies for the betterment of mankind, wouldn't you say? Also, after His crucifixion on the third day, Jesus rose from the tomb and was seen by many including His apostles who were locked behind closed doors in fear. Doubting Thomas said "My Lord and my God" (John 20:28) (Thomas was not there the first time Jesus appeared to the Apostles) and Jesus did not reprimand him. This also happened with a blind man (blind from birth) Jesus had cured "who worshipped Him". When Jesus ascended into heaven, over 500 witnessed His Ascension into Heaven. Angels told the people witnessing that He would return the same way He left. So Jesus is alive. He also told His followers that if anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching, My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. (John 14:23) Relative to Sharia Law, I did not say all Muslim countries are governed by Sharia Law. My implication is that the influence of Islam on the free thinking of the people who espouse it, limits their ability to come up with new innovations whether there is Sharia Law or not. Also, only half the population can be productive since Muhammad stated that women have only half the intellect of a man (i.e. two women testify in court verses 1 man, same in inheritance, and other matters). Turkey claims to be secular, but since it's 99.8% Muslim, but economically, it's only a little better than those espousing Sharia Law and there is basically no religious freedom as in almost all Muslim countries (none in Saudi Arabia). Egypt has a fairly large percentage (10%?) of Christian Copts but they are second class citizens. Those Muslim countries with high per capita GDP are due to the oil revenues developed by Western countries. It is my understanding that tiny Israel has more scientific patents then the rest of the Muslim world combined (six million people verses a billion). That a pretty good indictment of the lack of free thinking in Islamic societies and I (and many others) believe it is due to Islam and its teachings. Although the Ottoman Empire was around from 1299 through WWI to 1922, there was little innovation and they lived off of the countries of the infidels they conquered. America was discovered by the Christian Christopher Columbus because of open minded thinking that the world was not flat and because land routes to the Orient was under control of the Muslim Ottomans (Turks). The Ottoman Empire was defeated at Lepanto in 1571 and at Vienna in 1683 (Actually September 11 and 12, 1683, rather timely with another payback event on 9/11 with the World Trade Centers, don't you think?) And the Ottomans got defeated in their war of aggression in Vienna (not defense). On the issue of violent Suras, besides 9-5 and 9-29, there is 2-193 "Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme." And 2-116, "Fighting is prescribed for you, and you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows and you know not." And 3-151, "Soon we shall cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined partners with Allah, for which He had sent no authority; their abode will be the Fire: and evil is the home of the wrong-doers!" And 4-95," Not equal are those Believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled. And those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah has granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in faith, has Allah promised good: but those who strive and fight has He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a great reward." I could go on, but you should know better than to say they are only two unless you are again practicing taqiyya on me and on Dr. Pipe's readers who generally know Islam and its teachings pretty well. I come back to the question I asked you earlier, why do your co-religionists misunderstand these violent verses and still think they should be doing them today? Could it be that you are wrong? Or that you are right but that Islam and the Quran is dangerous because its adherents don't know that the violent verses relate to 1400 years ago (as you say), or could it be that you are practicing taqiyya? One cannot go to the Gospels of Jesus Christ and truthfully come up with one of His teachings that if acted upon, would hurt or kill his fellow man. Jesus message to His followers was "love one another", even "love your enemies" which is hard to do (and sometimes we don't). I know that apostates from Islam can be killed for leaving the religion/ideology, but I ask you to read the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Gospels and come to Jesus Christ and be saved for eternity. Jesus said do not be afraid of him who kills the body, but of him who kills the body and soul in Gahanna (hell). Jesus also said that Satan was the Father of all Lies. I understand that Muhammad allowed a Muslim to lie to get the trust of a Jewish leader that Muhammad wanted to be killed, thereby allowing lying to further Islam (taqiyya). Did Satan have a hand in your religion? That would be the implication from Jesus' teachings. I find little evidence in my readings that the teachings of Muhammad support the Ten Commandments of God to Moses on Mount Sinai, two of which are 'Thou Shall Not Lie' and Thou Shall Not Kill". Jesus also said you can judge false prophets by their 'fruits'. The fruit of Muhammad has been fighting and aggression against the followers of Jesus and the Jews (believers in God) and all other non believers in Muhammad's way (which puts belief in Muhammad a required belief in Islam that is superior to belief in God, doesn't it?)
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