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About Islam : a theory, why NOT?

Reader comment on item: Once considered anti-Islam, senior scholar says he's now in the middle

Submitted by alessandro albore (Italy), Aug 30, 2010 at 07:08

Sura 2:125 "Prostrate themselves therein" - the Temple site in Jerusalem (on Mt. Moriah - 2 Chronicles 3 v 1 - built by Solomon bin David - Sura 27:16).

People can NOT prostrate themselves inside the Kaba in Mecca. It is a black rock not a Temple or House of G.d and a rock is solid. It is impossible to prostrate oneself inside it. So this statement can NOT possibly refer to Mecca. It refers to Mt. Moriah in Yeru-salem (the City of Peace).

Sura 2:126 And remember Abraham (who was a Hebrew - NOT Jewish) said: "My Lord, make this a City (Yeru) of Peace (salem) - Yeru-salem means "City of Peace".

Sura 2:125 The House (of G.d) is the Station of Abraham where he offered Isaac in sacrifice (Mt. Moriah - Genesis 22 v 2) in the "City of Peace" - "Jerusalem".

Sura 2:144 Turn then thy face in the direction of the Holy Temple: wherever ye are turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book (Torah/Tanak/Bible) know well that that is the Truth from their Lord. Of course they know to turn their faces to Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem because the Book - Bible tells them to do so - that is why all "churches" face Jerusalem - read Genesis 22 v 2-3, 14; 2 Chronicles 3 v 1 & 6 v 20-21; 1 Kings 6 v 1-2, 11-14 and 1 kings 8 v 29-30 and Isaiah 56 v 7.

There is no reference in the Koran to the city of Mecca by name nor by implication. ALL references, in the Koran, to the City of Peace refer to Jerusalem NOT to Mecca. The word Mecca does not mean the City of Peace, the word Jerusalem DOES mean City of Peace in Hebrew.

Ishmael's mother, who was called Hagar, was an Egyptian and was the hand-maiden (servant) of Sarah who was Abraham's first and legitimate wife.

The well of Beer-lahai-roi, where Hagar went whilst pregnant with Ishmael when she ran away the first time, is between Kadesh-Barnea and Bered (South of Beersheba) on the route to Egypt, her home-land.

Sarah sent Hagar away with Ishmael and she naturally went towards Egypt her home-land NOT to Mecca. They went to Beer-sheba in Paran on the edge of the Negev desert, as is stated by G.d in the Book of Genesis that God gave to Moses.

On both occasions when Hagar left Abraham she went towards Egypt her home-land, which is quite a natural thing to do.

Hagar found Ishmael an Egyptian wife. They did not go to or live in Mecca. Mecca is more than 1000 miles from Mt. Moriah across desert and much too far away for Ishmael to hear of Abraham's death and be able to return in time to assist Isaac with Abraham's burial (Genesis 25 v 9).

The story about Mecca was made up by the Meccans to advertise and promote Mecca (in their advertising brochure - the Hadith) and is a complete fabrication. It has NOTHING to do with the Koran. The Hadith contradicts G.d's Koran.

If people read the Torah/Tanak/Bible they would know that they have to make the Pilgrimage (Haj) to Jerusalem not to Mecca and the Meccans would lose all the money they make from the Pilgrims.

The Meccans then had to discredit the Bible, to stop people from reading it and finding out the Truth, so they Khadijah's cousin Waraquah, the widow catholic and ex-nun, the first wife of Mohamed, changed the name Isaac for the name Ishmael in Sura 2:125 and 2:127 and claim that the Tanak/Bible is not the True Bible and that the True Bible no longer exists, so no-one can read it. All of which is a LIE and evil Meccan propaganda.
Now people read the Hadith and its version of the Koran, instead of reading the Koran itself.

The Hadith has made it impossible for Moslems to understand the Koran's true meaning and to read the Bible and fulfill God's Covenant as God commands them to do in the Koran - Suras 16:91 and 5:8 and that is exactly what the Meccans wanted.

Mecca was an evil place when Mohammed Mustafa was born and the Meccans drove him and the TRUE KORAN out because it was about Jerusalem and would have ruined their pilgrimage-business to their black rock and idol-worship.

After Mohammed's death the Meccans changed the Koran and betrayed him and G.d.

Mecca has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Abraham; Ishmael; Isaac or G.d.

God tells people repeatedly in the Koran to read the Bible e.g. Sura 6:154-157). The Meccans then claim that the Almighty G.d has allowed the Book, that He commands people to read, to have been lost forever. That is not logical and is an insult to G.d.

Of course the True Bible still exists as confirmed by G.d Himself in His Koran (Sura 32:23)as confirmed by the "Dead Sea Scroll" of the Book of Isaiah (referred to in Sura 52:2-3).

Therefore the moslems are calling G.d a liar, which is a satanic thing to do. Satan called G.d a liar in the Garden of Eden and God condemned Adam and Eve for believing Satan's lies. These satanic lies are now being continued by the moslems when they contradict G.d by saying that the True Bible no longer exists, after G.d has told us in His Koran - Sura 32:23 that:

"We did indeed aforetime give the Book (Torah) to Moses: be then NOT IN DOUBT of its (The Torah) reaching (THEE - the readers of this Koran - moslems): and We made it a Guide to the Children of Israel."

In the 6th century A.D., when Mohammed Mustafa (peace be upon him) was born, Mecca was an evil place and Mohammed was driven out of it , to Medina.

Mecca, for hundreds of years, had been a major centre of idol-worship and a centre for pilgrims to visit and worship their many idols, which included Ishtar/Easter their queen of heaven fertility goddess and her son and they did not want Mohammed or anyone else to ruin their business, by speaking in God's name condemning their idol-worship, and telling people to visit Jerusalem instead of Mecca, as Mohammed Mustafa was teaching.

That is why they drove him out of Mecca and wanted to kill him to protect their business.

Medina was not as evil as Mecca and the people of Medina, who knew that Mecca was an evil place, accepted Mohammed and the Koran and that the "House of G.d" in Jerusalem is the centre of God's True Message and were converted to Islam.

The evil people of Mecca refused to accept God's Koran and Mohammed, so Mohammed assembled an army to attack and conquer it but he failed.

The Meccans, at that time, made (like now) a great amount of money from pilgrims coming to worship at Mecca and it was a very big and thriving "business" that they did not want to give up because it was their major source of income. That is why they rejected Mohammed, the Koran and the One True G.d, because it would have ruined their very lucrative business and they preferred to continue to serve their god - money, just like today.

After Mohammed's death, some of followers, being afraid, made a deal with the Meccans. The deal was that they would allow Mohammed's teachings into Mecca only IF the Koran made Mecca into the centre of the new "religion", so that they could continue to make lots of money from pilgrims visiting the city and nothing would change except the name of the religion and thereby the Meccans could continue to serve their god - money, just like today.

Mohammed taught his followers to face Jerusalem and G.d's "Holy of Holies" on Mt. Moriah, which is where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac and prove that he loved G.d above everything on Earth and by doing this became the first imam (example) to ALL of his children (including the children of his son Ishmael), showing what they must also be willing to do (Sura 8:28), before they too (his children) can become "friends of G.d" and "True Moslems" (Sura 2:124).

Once having made the bargain, the Meccans then wrote the Hadith to make Mecca the new centre and keep their "business" going. They gave their black rock the name Kaba, which means "Holy of Holies" or "House of G.d"(in Arabic), whereas G.d Himself says that there is only one place on Earth that is THE "Holy of Holies" and that is on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem, where Abraham went to sacrifice (Genesis 22 v 1-2) and it is referred to in the Koran as Abraham's Station (Sura 2:125 and 3:97).
Previously the black rock in Mecca had always been a site of pagan idolatry.

G.d has only EVER given permission for ONE house to be built for Him, on Earth and that is over Abraham's Station - the 'Holy of Holies", the Holiest place on Earth which was where Abraham "believed ONLY G.d" and proved his love for G.d by offering to sacrifice Isaac there - Mt. Moriah - the site of the "House of the Lord" in Jerusalem built by Solomon bin David (Sura 27:16)(2 Chronicles 3 v 1)
The word Jerusalem - Salem - Salim - Uru-Salem/Salim - means "founded on peace" and "place of safety" (Sura 2:125), as well as in the Amarna letters at the time of the Pharaons.

ALL of the references in the Koran to the "Holy of Holies" (Kaba in Arabic) refer to Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem as Mohammed taught and NOT to Mecca, as do also the references to His City of Peace (Sura 2:126 Yeru-SALEM), where the "House of G.d" or Temple was built by king Solomon (Sura 27) over Abraham's Station, where he offered Isaac to G.d (Sura 38:45-47).

The Meccans, in order to keep the deception going, had to discredit the Tanak and stop people from reading it, so that they would never find the Truth and turn away from Mecca, back to Jerusalem, as G.d intended. The Meccans, in writing the Hadith and discrediting the Tanak, have made it IMPOSSIBLE for anyone reading the Hadith to be able to understand the Koran and G.d's Truth, which is just what they intended.
The Meccans (Waraquah - the Meccan-agent of the Pope) after Mohammed's death, changed the name Isaac in Sura 2:125 and 127 for the name Ishmael and invented the story about Abraham taking Ishmael to their black rock in Mecca, so that pilgrims would continue to visit Mecca, instead of going to Jerusalem as Mohammed taught his followers to do, and for which the Meccans tried to kill him.

One of the major aims of the Meccan Shariah law is to frighten people away from the Bible and dissension from their Hadith; control; manipulation and exploitation.

The Hadith was written after Mohammed's death and it caused the splitting up of moslems into different sects, in direct opposition to the message of the Koran, which is all about the "Gospel of Unity" (Sura 42:13-17), the keeping of G.d's Covenant (Sura 5:8 and 16:91), which is written in the Torah in the Bible/Tanak, and becoming a Universal Brotherhood of believers. So the Meccans made the teachings of G.d of no effect by the teaching of their Hadith - "Traditions of their fathers", just as the Jews did when they substituted their book the Talmud in the place of G.d's Torah.
The word Hadith (in Arabic) means the same as the word Talmud (in Hebrew):
"the Traditions of the fathers".

The Hadith has become the Talmud of the moslems.

In the Koran G.d has told you to go on the "Pilgrimage", if you are a True believer and can afford to. G.d says you must visit Abraham's Station (Sura 3:97) and that is Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem NOT Mecca. Abraham did not offer Isaac (or Ishmael) at the Kaba in Mecca but on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem (Torah - Genesis 22 v 1-2)(note well Sura 32:23) because G.d says so in the Book that He has told YOU to read.
That Book is the Bibble/Tanak (Sura 6:154-156), which contains the Torah.

So the Meccans and the Pope deceived all moslems and prevented the uniting of the Books (Bible and Koran) and the fulfillment of Mohammed's mission for G.d which was to unite ALL the True believers into keeping G.d's Covenant (Sura 16:91) and being His demonstration people to the rest of the world, of how wonderful it is to live under G.d's Laws and Sovereignty, as one Universal Brotherhood, all facing and remembering Mt. Moriah as it says in the Koran and in the Tanak (Sura 2:144 and 1 kings 8 v 29-30).
The Meccans with their false propaganda and LIES in their Hadith have caused and therefore are responsible for dividing instead of uniting the believers and, as a result of that division, countless wars and billions of senseless deaths and injuries over hundreds of years.

Now is called " Islamic terrorism ", made from them, the actual Wahhabism.
Saudi sponsorship
Beginning in the last years of the 18th century Ibn Saud and his heirs would spend the next 140 years mounting various military campaigns to seize control of Arabia and its outlying regions, before being attacked and defeated by Ottoman forces.
One of their most famous and controversial attacks was on Karbala in 1802 .
There, according to a Wahhabi chronicler 'Uthman b. 'Abdullah b. Bishr:

" Wahhabis scaled the walls, entered the city ... and killed the majority of its people in the markets and in their homes. They destroyed the dome placed over the grave of al-Husayn and took whatever they found inside the dome and its surroundings. .... the grille surrounding the tomb which was encrusted with emeralds, rubies, and other jewels. .... different types of property, weapons, clothing, carpets, gold, silver, precious copies of the Qur'an."

In the early 20th Century, the Wahhabist-oriented Al-Saud dynasty conquered and unified the various provinces on the Arabian peninsula, founding the modern day Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932.This provided the movement with a state. Vast wealth from oil discovered in the following decades, coupled with Saudi control of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, have since provided a base and funding for Wahhabi missionary activity.

The Saudi government established the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a state religious police unit, to enforce Wahhabi rules of behaviour. Afghanistan maintained a similar government ministry from 1992 to the downfall of the Taliban in 2001. It was revived by the Supreme Court of Afghanistan as the Ministry for Haj and Religious Affairs.

1+1= 2 , no other result in normal mathematics.

By deduction, is not difficult, start a serius study about what is Wannabism, and to track back the origins of the corruption of faith, and to underestand the osmotic relation between the central Christianity of the Pope with Waraquah, the christian ebonite priest at his service, both the TRUE mind-making of the actual false Koran, where the verbs "to destroy & to hide" the truth, are the main teachings, and of course, to preserve them own business:
make MONEY with their Pilgrims, in Mecca or in Vatican, and to finish my opinion all about, to remember that the "legend" about Fatima's visions, are the last gift to such secret contract business, in order to give a "sweet candy" to the Islamic world:
Fatima was the daughter of Mohamed, so HADITH and its Shariah law.

" Il lavaggio del cervello inizia dalla culla " italian
" The brain's washing begin from the cradle "
Arthur Koestler.

Alessandro Albore

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Reader comments (94) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Diversity is the name of the game [267 words]Mike FranklinJan 23, 2013 14:56202755
3Moderate Muslims [170 words]John NosserOct 13, 2010 15:26179234
9Islam and the message [791 words]dhimmi no moreSep 5, 2010 07:34177695
1Stop the training of Jihad [163 words]SalOct 5, 2010 08:01177695
2Well said [313 words]OlcayJun 23, 2011 18:12177695
Islam and its victims [64 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2011 19:19177695
What is the scholarly reference for this claim of yours. [62 words]Bertan AtalayNov 6, 2013 18:05177695
1About Islam : a theory, why NOT? [2624 words]alessandro alboreAug 30, 2010 07:08177448
3Radical Islamic tribalism worse than third reich of Hitler [171 words]Muslimk***Aug 29, 2010 08:24177418
6DILEMMA ! [129 words]Ange Michel MURANGWAAug 26, 2010 20:01177327
78Islam is a matter of concentration [107 words]Big BAug 23, 2010 11:14177146
2Islam is not good for society in any concentration!!! [222 words]JaladhiSep 5, 2010 08:11177146
2And the answer is.... [56 words]yuval Brandstetter MDSep 7, 2010 17:08177146
Some viruses are harmful in small or big number [17 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh Bharat PanthiMay 17, 2011 06:49177146
1You are hypocrites [84 words]AAASep 10, 2011 05:44177146
6The question is if the fullest form of Islam, Sharia, can co-exist with Secular Law as practiced in the Democratic Western World. [429 words]Isaac HaskiyaAug 23, 2010 07:42177132
2Sharia in action [658 words]Ghulam Muhammed, MumbaiAug 23, 2010 20:46177132
1In the West , freedom comes before religion, Islam included. Good or bad is what you do with it! [355 words]Isaac HaskiyaAug 27, 2010 03:50177132
4Moderate Islam is the solution? [60 words]J PappasAug 22, 2010 11:27177094
8There is no Moderate" Islam - it's only a figment of imagination of Muslim, Muslim apologists, and inteelectual experts!!! [65 words]JaladhiAug 23, 2010 10:09177094
Re: there is no moderate Islam. [63 words]J PappasAug 26, 2010 23:12177094
Moderate Islam [93 words]SanityAug 29, 2010 09:30177094
3There is no moderate Islam - only a figment of imaginatin!!! [369 words]JaladhiAug 29, 2010 15:21177094
5Open your eyes and think for yourself to learn the truth about islam!!! [420 words]JaladhiAug 30, 2010 15:17177094
1100 years ago in Turkey [142 words]Jason PappasAug 30, 2010 21:45177094
3I still say : there is no moderate Islam and no moderate Muslim!!! [199 words]JaladhiAug 31, 2010 18:19177094
2Islam is islam [134 words]btillySep 1, 2010 05:00177094
4Have you forgotten Armenian Genocide committed by "moderate" Muslim Turkey??? [185 words]JaladhiSep 1, 2010 14:29177094
1moderate islam?moderate communist? [172 words]rwSep 3, 2010 05:19177094
1Ataturk was a nationalist not an Islamist [276 words]Jason PappasSep 6, 2010 22:07177094
3Islam and its after effects [137 words]Dr. O. P. SudraniaAug 20, 2010 12:56177016
2A Question [496 words]Ron ThompsonAug 21, 2010 22:47177016
4Understand Our Concern [115 words]Leonard MarkowitzAug 20, 2010 08:43177007
4unsophisticated tone [134 words]rwAug 20, 2010 05:27177004
nuanced solidarity [125 words]Ralph H SidwayAug 19, 2010 19:54176995
2Disappointment [44 words]PezDispenserAug 19, 2010 17:40176989
6Comments on Washington Post article [212 words]Gloria StewartAug 19, 2010 17:33176988
2Oh well, risks of being unsophisticated!!! [50 words]JaladhiAug 24, 2010 19:49176988
4Is There Really a "Middle" on this Issue? [344 words]Ron ThomposonAug 19, 2010 16:01176983
Dr. Pipes has changed viewpoints and possibly History. [162 words]Anne-USAAug 19, 2010 16:00176982
My vote for Dr. Pipes [41 words]Ghulam Muhammed, MumbaiAug 28, 2010 04:11176982
5my problem with islam is the murder, rape, stealing, and world domination attempts. [46 words]Phil GreendAug 19, 2010 13:24176977
1Maybe we are learning [125 words]Joe Six-PackAug 19, 2010 10:54176974
How do you differ? [30 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Frank VoslerAug 19, 2010 09:36176969
3I think there is an element of Islam that WANTS and NEEDs war. [509 words]LynnAug 19, 2010 08:38176965
Not relevant [202 words]Daniel TeeboomAug 19, 2010 08:13176964
complex [189 words]mythAug 19, 2010 07:48176963
3I do not agree with Daniel's concept of possible "evolution" of islam [88 words]zedAug 19, 2010 03:19176953
The Golden Age [64 words]Barry BlackAug 30, 2010 14:30176953
The Church Had Its Golden Age- On the Other Hand, True Christianity Has Been in the Age of Grace for Almost Two Thousand Years [461 words]M. ToveyAug 31, 2010 16:38176953
1everything is changing and adapting [82 words]baker saresNov 17, 2010 12:59176953
you aren't serious [78 words]joyDec 21, 2010 14:42176953
2The fight for free speech [90 words]Cherif El-AyoutyAug 19, 2010 03:12176952
23Islam vs. "Radical Islam" [823 words]Edward ClineAug 18, 2010 22:29176940
2Islam is all radical!!! [218 words]JaladhiAug 23, 2010 16:41176940
1Religion and the Mind [304 words]RobertAug 25, 2010 14:06176940
1Internal Conflict in Islam? [484 words]Edward ClineAug 26, 2010 21:37176940
2Very intelligent post by Edward Cline [256 words]RajeevAug 28, 2010 01:25176940
1Concurrence concerning nature of Islam [148 words]Edward ClineAug 29, 2010 20:37176940
Perspective [192 words]James S. OppenheimAug 18, 2010 21:15176938
Daniel, you need to follow up with your own post on this. [271 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
JohnAug 18, 2010 18:13176925
Big Distinction Indeed [114 words]Bob HoffmanAug 18, 2010 17:13176918
Nuance is the only hope [421 words]John W. McGinleyAug 18, 2010 16:45176914
Nature of the problem [16 words]LindaKAug 18, 2010 16:35176913
Pipes is substantial [97 words]David H. PartingtonAug 18, 2010 16:12176911
The distinction is, indeed, important, Ms. Boorstein. [109 words]Michael JoyceAug 18, 2010 15:35176908
Wilders is no rightist [107 words]Gerry Philip MokAug 18, 2010 15:34176907
13Islam in America [133 words]J.KowalikAug 18, 2010 15:27176905
2Who is afraid of Islam? [137 words]Ghulam Muhammed, MumbaiAug 18, 2010 20:21176905
4Islam: a theocratic religion [50 words]Gary GreerAug 19, 2010 11:52176905
2Delusional!!! [82 words]JaladhiAug 23, 2010 09:59176905
2There is No Fear of Islam Where There is the Love of Almighty God of the Bible [671 words]M. ToveyAug 23, 2010 19:20176905
2Islam's Abrahamic heritage [86 words]Ghulam Muhammed, MumbaiAug 23, 2010 19:38176905
1Viewing islam with a perfect lens [75 words]BernieAug 24, 2010 03:03176905
1Stll delusional!!! [76 words]JaladhiAug 24, 2010 20:36176905
reply to Ghulam [118 words]csyAug 25, 2010 02:43176905
4passing judgement on the absurd. [234 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 25, 2010 06:43176905
3A funny thing happened on the way to Israel. [97 words]LynnAug 25, 2010 08:34176905
2Abraham's Legacy and our Heritage is His Faith In Almighty God Through His Savior, Just as Jesus Christ Said. [511 words]M. ToveyAug 25, 2010 19:25176905
2Stoning of Adulterous [215 words]Ghulam Muhammed, MumbaiAug 26, 2010 19:24176905
4spirit of tolerance [830 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 28, 2010 09:50176905
4change?? [524 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 29, 2010 02:35176905
1Missing Jesus Christ's Expression of Heavenly Love - Forgiveness and the Grace of Almighty God [96 words]M. ToveyAug 29, 2010 19:33176905
2Islamism's comparison with Nazism is not entirely correct [186 words]RajeevAug 29, 2010 22:11176905
Debate for the sake of debates leads to no constructive end. [29 words]Ghulam Muhammed, MumbaiAug 30, 2010 20:23176905
1Understanding. [216 words]LynnAug 31, 2010 08:33176905
1Agreed - Accepting Jesus Christ at His Word is Sufficient - Release the Adultress to Jesus Christ's Judgment [87 words]M. ToveyAug 31, 2010 18:10176905
2Prejudiced vision [96 words]Ghulam Muhammed, MumbaiAug 31, 2010 19:31176905
2absolutely [131 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanSep 3, 2010 04:56176905
1Judging the words and deeds of Mohammad. [99 words]LynnSep 3, 2010 10:03176905
6Minor Difference - Non Issue [177 words]Jon AndersonAug 18, 2010 15:15176904
3I don't really see... [121 words]KatyAug 18, 2010 15:04176903
2Intellectualism and Islam??? [447 words]Lewis LoflinAug 18, 2010 22:57176903
3Political Correctness affecting honest intellectual behavior!! [113 words]JaladhiAug 23, 2010 09:51176903

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