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Need strong Police for robbers

Reader comment on item: On New York's "Khalil Gibran International Academy"
in response to reader comment: Indian Mathematicians

Submitted by Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthi (India), Sep 1, 2010 at 04:15

West must realize JIHAD IS A WAR, ever-going;

not against West, or Only West.

It is as much against East, if not more.

It is war between Jihad and Humanity. It is not Clash of Civilizations; it is Clash with Civilizations of the Barbarians.

Unfortunately, Jihad got attention of West only after, the heat was unbearable for it.

On other hand The East, especially Bharat that is India, bore the burnt for centuries.

Now human race has to fight it out, jointly.

You need to know how Jihadis overran India (Bharat).

How and why Sikhism was formed?

Why & how were Sikhs hunted, tortured to death for not accepting Islam?

Why Jihadis still consider Sikhs as enemy no.1 and Potential Danger/Death?

To Stop Jihad, west should do what Sikhs did Centuries back, and remember that time they were, outnumbered, out of power, had no nation, were on run, individual properties confiscated, having Price and Prize for their Heads.

And how handful of Sikhs overthrew Mughals the Mighty? Chased Jihadis right up to their burrow Afghanistan, took over Kabul, Kandhar, Jalalbad, made them sign 'document of repentance and apology' for their and their forefathers deeds. Made Afghans wear Salwar Kamiz, the dress of women( who were seen as lowly creatures/slave/protected by Jihadis) and was against their tenet, considered as humiliation to 'the great warriors', for the reason that, Pathans mercenaries tried to escape, disguised themselves as women by putting on Burqua, as Sikh commander-in-chief Hari Singh Nalwa ordered to his men 'no rape, no molestation, no harm to children'. Afghans had to digest it, as luck would have it latter it became part of their life, and now it is their 'National Dress'. Arabs still taunt Afghans as homos and Kafir on Salwar issue.

What were their military and other strategies and strength? What can we learn from Sikh history?

How killing was the impact of Islamic Rulers on India (Bharat), Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh; that a new religion/Panth came into being.

The Tragedy of this Century in the East was compromise of India (Bharat). Bharat was tragically partitioned nearly six decades back; the greater tragedy is it was not partitioned as Muslim India and Hindu India (Bharat) or Muslim India and Non-Muslim India (Bharat) but as Muslim India that is now Pakistan and Secular India (Bharat).

In other words Muslims got one Muslim Monopoly or Darul-Islam Country Pakistan and other Bharat (India (Bharat)) where they are equal Partners.

Hindus, Sikhs, Christians & Buddhists got one country to be shared amongst themselves and Muslims as equal Partners.

It was Victory of Jihad, but was projected as win-win situation by Gandhi and his sponsors and former Colonial Masters the British.

Busy in celebrating or reconciling WW IInd the west could not realize Jihad that has taken Place.

An Independence that has been tricked into, at cost of Millions of life, transfer of 10s of Millions of citizens on basis of religion(in a very intelligible manner favoring Jihadis) and seeds of another Jihad/Partition left in Secular India (Bharat) (hidden in grab of Liberal Hindu culture/Secularism).

It was Win-Win Situation in fact, but for Jihadis the new Rulers of Pakistan and their (natural Partners) insensitive Establishment of Secular though not for India. Jihadis got a full-fledged Nation State Pakistan and on top another Nation State called India (Bharat) in which they became Equal Partners. India (Bharat)'s new and incompetent leaders also felt as winners, because (a) got rid of their competitors in power, especially Jinnah who could outsmart Indian (Bharat) Leaders (incompetent and imposed). The ringleader of these incompetent, imposed and bogus devout wanted himself to be written as apostle of Love down the history and he succeeded in it, he fooled the world that time and the world is still fooling itself by believing that agent, powerbroker, Jihad-Sympathizer and veiled Jihadi as SAINT. He was probably also aspiring for Noble Prize, his followers who are in still in absolute power in India (Bharat) are still trying get Noble Prize for him posthumously.

As expected in six decades population of Non-Muslims that was more than 20% in Pakistan diminished to less than 3%.

The reason is Jihad, Convincing the gullible, concession/ indulgence to willing, terrorizing the sensible, forcing upon challenger the killing the defiant. Population of Bangladesh a State latter fallen apart from Pakistan had more than 35% Hindu Population now has less than 7% Hindus.

Where as Muslim Population of India (Bharat) that was 10% after Partition is now any thing between 15 to 25%.The Game of Demography, another Jihad, lost by Bharat India (Bharat)) and followers of Indigenous Dharam/Panths (Religions) and non-Jihadi foreign originated Religions (of course now these religion are as much part of India (Bharat) as Indigenous Religions/Panths) Furthermore, Zoroastrianism is condemned in its country of origin, Iran and is respected in Bharat.

Taking advantage of its religious tolerance India was and is exploited by Jihadis. Off course some Christians Missionaries are also doing the same, but its overzealousness of some Christian denominations, Churches and individuals behind it. But no way can Holy Bible be held responsible, nor is any Christian Governments budgeting the conversion or actively or remotely promoting it. The damage done by these Missionaries to Indigenous Dharma/Religion are

One: the converts are uprooted from their roots, cut of from their folks and there is mistrust between neo-converts and parental community. Two: They identify themselves with alien faith, that they hardly understand, but they are alienated from motherland. These neo-Converts in turn convert more aboriginals, Tribals, poor, disadvantageous victims. They use every method from 'planted miracles' to glorifying false stories about Jesus to draw analogies with Hindu Gods. The animal, fallible gods of primitive, lowly, colonized Hindu Race. Now these neo-converts are anti-Hindu, and identify Jihadis as lesser enemy or even friends, as discriminated cousins. Three: The neo-convert (and their white masters) in turn are extremely committed, some times carried away, sometimes because of own reasons, and most of the time to prove their loyalty, they keep inventing Christianity and have created a Pagan-Christianity. So the false Christianity is doing harm to soul of Christianity and the genuine peace loving Missionaries also get maligned. Forth: Much of Christian and Hindu force is spent contending each other, like Jews and Christians or Catholic and Protestants. This dilutes their energy to fight Universal Evil the Jihad.

The slaughter on Bharat (Bharat)) started much before that of West, Right from 714 AD. Though 'Test Fire' Skirmish took place decades before major onslaught. And nearly a century after, attacking the Jews/Mecca Pagans and on becoming a formidable power.

Now how did Bharat Survive, and is still going strong, is a study case for West.

The struggle of the Hindus to resist the Jihadi aggression into India (Bharat) was spread over a period of 600 years from 715 AD. Up to 1328 Ad. This contrasts with the swift Muslim victories in elsewhere i.e. Persia (Iran) over the Zoroastrian, Sasanid, Balkans-Caucasian and in Mesopotamia, Egypt and North Africa over the Romans (Byzantines). The Muslims could not subjugate India (Bharat) with ease. And even after subjugating different parts of the country, they were never able to rule it entirely. The next 400 years from 1328 up to 1720 was marked by a valiant and ceaseless struggle for independence by Hindus to deliver India (Bharat) from Muslim tyranny. The Hardest hit was blown to Jihadis when their power was at peak. When they were a superpower and believed to be invincible. Rajputs and Gujjars opposed them first as they were attacked first. Latter Jats opposed them, Tribals and almost every community opposed them in India (Bharat). But the role of Sikhs is a special study case and source of inspiration. As they just did not just fought Jihadis, for themselves and by themselves, but were especially created, to end the tyrant. The Sikhism Started with Guru Nanak, He opposed the mighty aggressor Babur single handedly. He called him Jabbar meaning tyrant and cruel right at his face. Later Guru Arjun Dev was tortured to death for not accepting Islam. The story of Last Sikh Guru Govind Singh begins. Aurangzeb the Emperor was most intolerant Sunni Jihadi. To him Sufis and Shias were also infidels. In intoxication of his power he was killing Hindus on refusal to convert to Islam. Kashmir being the centre of learning and Land of learned (Brahmans) was his special area of interest as he believed converting intellectuals is more useful and easy. Disappointed, helpless Brahmins of Kashmir met Guru Teg Bhadur father of Last Guru with a hope. After discussions with them Guru Teg Bhadur sent a message to Aurangzeb that "all Hindus especially Kashmir Brahmins will embrace Islam willingly, provided you convince me and convert me". This was a heartening development for Aurangzeb. By just converting one man he will get paradise, 72 Virgins. Guru visited Delhi; he was made to converse with Quazi. Kazi said Idol worshiping and ringing of bells to please God is a sin. Muslims don't do it, and we must finish these idol worshipers. Guru said I don't worship Idols nor believe in bells and I am against this ritual. Kazi asked why are you siding with them, if its so? Guru said I don't have right to kill someone if does not believes in what I believe. I am for freedom first. Not being able to convince, his companions were brutally tortured before him to terrorize him. But he did not budge an inch. Finally Guru Teg Bhadur was also put to Death. This was the turning point in the history. After beheading him Kazi announced in this land of Kafirs anyone who calls himself a Hindu, may come forward and pick your Kafir Guru's head. There was crowd of thousands and most of them were Hindus. But no one dare to come forward. That was declared end of Hinduism. However, there was a dust storm, taking advantage of it one man cleverly managed to smuggle out his head. He took his head straight to Punjab after traveling for nearly three days. He narrated the whole story to Guru Teg Bhadur's son and the next and last Sikh Guru. "No one could dare to affirm himself Hindu though they were thousands of them". If Hindus can not dare say publicly that they are Hindus that really means Hinduism has now ceased to exist. Private, in house rituals done secretly are not going to last long. One must have courage to affirm his or her faith openly otherwise let's disown our respective faiths. Timid should be turned into Soldier. So Guru Govind Singh gave Sikhs a sign bearing which he can not shy away from the fact that he is a follower of his faith. And that sign is his hair; a turncoat can not be a Sikh. If you are a Sikh you are a thorough Sikh, Sikh inside and Sikh outside. No scope escapism. Your enemy knows you, be ready to face it; otherwise you don't be a Sikh rather you can't be. That is it. This boldness and direct challenge is the only answer to Jihad, to radicals, to oppressor, to mad lunatics. No double-mindedness, I am what I am, I am here to save humanity, old or young, sturdy or fragile but I am bold and strong; I am a Sikh. Sikh Slogans and addressing forms are 'Chardikala' meaning 'in high spirits'. Sikhs chant it even when injured or dying or even as captivity. 'Sat Sri Akal' meaning Truth shall prevail. 'Raj Karega Khalsa, aaki rahe na koy' Pure shall rule (not oppressors with worldly power) and there is no impediment in that. Now whole Human race needs same firmness and zero tolerance against Jihadis. Guru TegBhadur did not die for his faith; he was not an Idol worshiper: he died for others faith and his principal and that is not to oppress and not to be oppressed. Know Sikhs, Support Sikhs, adopt their strategies. Many opportunist Hindus also sided with Jihadis against Sikhs. As may opportunist Westerners are supporting Jihadis. The Jihadi Propaganda was so strong that at one time of time even Hindus started feeling that Sikhs are to inhuman to Jihadis, without realizing Human Rights for Right Humans only. Hindus started feeling Sikhs are no more their well wishers and some Sikhs started distancing them self from their Hindu brothers. But in fact the bond between two communities is so strong that nothing can separate them. So Sikhs just did not fight Jihadis, just for themselves but for Human Race. Sikhs realized the time bomb has not to be just neutralized, but diffused and dismantled and destroyed. Sikhs also did not fight just by themselves. From the very beginning they were extrovert, developing new relations and maintaining old ones, seeking new techniques, seeking and providing help from and to everyone who can defeat Jihadis. Here continuing the Sikh Tradition I appeal to whole human race to unite against Jihadis.

Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (173) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Dhabi al-Montaser is a professional victim [61 words]LeslieJan 20, 2017 15:41235619
2Tax payer money should not support any such thing as Khalil Gibran masquerading school [68 words]PrashantJul 2, 2011 01:58186971
1One sentence says it all [38 words]Kurt BaskingMar 20, 2010 06:46170434
Hmmm ... [57 words]TinFoilMar 16, 2010 22:04170258
Me too. [28 words]Glenda LoughMar 27, 2010 19:27170258
Awake [58 words]kuroushAug 22, 2011 23:21170258
1The fact she is part of the islamist group C.A.I.R. is reason enough to consider her unfit to teach children. ...Mar.2010 [145 words]Phil GreendMar 13, 2010 21:58170108
Careless use of terminology [94 words]TinFoilMar 17, 2010 19:22170108
TinFoil's comments are misleading. [272 words]Kurt BaskingMar 21, 2010 18:06170108
Back atcha Kurt [249 words]TinFoilMar 22, 2010 19:28170108
I do not expect religious schools subsidized by tax monies in a free society. [23 words]Tom DundeeMar 27, 2010 19:32170108
Let the sun shine in... and dry up the rot. [157 words]RobWDec 10, 2008 16:58144839
Islamic USA? Obama, Islam and the election ...now islamic madrassas? [597 words]Gabrielle (from downunder)Dec 10, 2008 02:46144765
really? [95 words]The AmericanJul 15, 2009 08:48144765
Would they like some cheese with that whine? [89 words]LynnDec 9, 2008 08:34144716
CAIR and Obama [65 words]CarlitaNov 6, 2008 23:23142334
Plain-talkin' Dabah [127 words]Rebecca MouldsAug 10, 2008 10:07136528
ATTENTION: Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan BEWARE, here comes,DHABAH the Fashionable [51 words]Joe KaffirJul 18, 2008 02:27135352
Almontasser Commentary. [373 words]YnnatchkahJul 16, 2008 08:55135271
Saad Eddin Ibrahim being persecuted, makes me SICK. [242 words]YnnatchkahAug 11, 2008 14:12135271
Islamic Indoctrination in text [367 words]Archimedes2Jul 15, 2008 18:25135238
" Self " absence of logic [451 words]YnnatchkahJul 10, 2008 02:42134761
Daniel Pipes' comment on David Cantor's email to the Sun [86 words]selfApr 29, 2008 00:46127138
To Self [14 words]YnnatchkahJul 10, 2008 16:54127138
Moral decay in education. [144 words]CatarinJul 12, 2008 20:39127138
We need understanding [188 words]BillApr 28, 2008 19:29127116
Relgion vs. Ideology [99 words]Rochelle MichaelsMay 3, 2008 19:53127116
We Need to Understand [11 words]Glenda LoughMar 27, 2010 19:36127116
Dhabah makes it to the front page on the NYT [60 words]dhimmi no moreApr 28, 2008 18:32127112
GIBRAN [37 words]GhaliyehApr 6, 2008 13:49124854
Brooklyn's Maronite Christians [48 words]GWKApr 28, 2008 17:24124854
On Holly Ann Reichert [100 words]Doc TaterFeb 6, 2008 18:29119678
Tell her I bring the horoscope myself: One must be so careful these days. [177 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Kenneth KraszewskiJan 17, 2008 01:29118364
explain [20 words]zodiacloveOct 7, 2008 16:22118364
Theater Of The Absurd...That We Must Take Seriously [275 words]GeoffJan 10, 2008 10:40117897
Intrinsic Discrimination [194 words]YnnatchkahJan 10, 2008 02:07117870
Try to be constructive, please [160 words]The Northern WindJan 8, 2008 22:38117773
Muslim Conquests of Intellectually Superior People Whose Knowledge Was Then Attributed To Muslim Conquerers [89 words]RickNov 20, 2007 19:29114171
Few things from islam [130 words]VijayNov 21, 2007 04:59114171
About zero [63 words]nadiaOct 25, 2007 02:16112308
A study on Value of zero [25 words]Nishad.T.MAug 12, 2008 04:50112308
Almontasser Playing Victim to get a Job: Incompetent. [152 words]YnnatchkahOct 19, 2007 00:37111905
The Bi Lingual Arabic School [315 words]Titania JonesOct 1, 2007 11:32110037
I heard today the ACLU is going to take it [10 words]JuanitaSep 4, 2007 23:20107715
Gibran rolling in his grave [129 words]SamiAug 23, 2007 10:58106837
1Donation [39 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
john heffronAug 17, 2007 12:28106421
Chris Matthews and America's "Inability" to Connect with the Muslim World [712 words]gary fouseAug 16, 2007 23:30106397
Leave Khalil Gibran Alone [71 words]JosephAug 14, 2007 08:59106181
reply [61 words]Mike FosterDec 3, 2007 14:57106181
"Leave Khalil Gibran Alone" II [198 words]JosephDec 5, 2007 09:35106181
1The value of the Khalil Gibran School [382 words]Gabeely AmreekyAug 13, 2007 00:05105987
Muslim Schools in America [114 words]Iftikhar AhmadAug 28, 2007 17:15105987
Our dear Iftikhar Ahamd, rabina yaftakhiru bi3ilmihu and Basil Bunting and anemia [283 words]dhimmi no moreAug 29, 2007 07:00105987
response to iftikhar ahmad [71 words]gary fouseSep 2, 2007 14:02105987
Gibran Academy [56 words]gary fouseSep 2, 2007 14:07105987
Response to dhimmi no more [269 words]ommSep 4, 2007 18:05105987
Our dear Omm and big Islamic falsafa [88 words]dhimmi no moreSep 6, 2007 07:35105987
Our dear Omm and Q14:4 [102 words]dhimmi no moreSep 6, 2007 07:44105987
To onm [164 words]VijaySep 6, 2007 10:09105987
Our dear Omm al-faylasoofa al-kabeera (assuming that you are netaya) and the name of our dear Iftikhar [131 words]dhimmi no moreSep 6, 2007 18:49105987
to dhimmi [231 words]ommSep 7, 2007 04:01105987
For Our dear Omm and Islam is the religion of the Arabs and you ain't no Arab part deux [253 words]dhimmi no moreSep 8, 2007 06:50105987
For Our dear Omm and Islam is the religion of the Arabs and you ain't no Arab part trois [237 words]dhimmi no moreSep 8, 2007 07:02105987
For our dear Omm and gem time [260 words]dhimmi no moreSep 8, 2007 11:00105987
For our dear Omm and gem time part deux [257 words]dhimmi no moreSep 8, 2007 11:17105987
For our dear Omm and gem time part trois [161 words]dhimmi no moreSep 8, 2007 11:44105987
Programming? [36 words]EdNov 9, 2007 12:42105987
intrinsically disordered... [174 words]donvanNov 21, 2007 16:19105987
Compliments of the Season [30 words]Iftikhar AhmadDec 21, 2007 13:29105987
THE SKOOL IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH RELIGION JUST ARABIC LANGUAGE!!!!!!!! [94 words]natalieMay 20, 2008 18:09105987
Islamist and Liberal Jewish Stupidity, side by side. [94 words]YnnatchkahAug 11, 2007 18:51105930
Dhabah al-montaser strikes again [141 words]dhimmi no moreAug 10, 2007 17:47105854
islamic intifada academic school [256 words]davidAug 11, 2007 11:05105854
More drama from our dear Dhabah al-Montaser "malikat al-ruwaya al-taskhisiya" or the "drama queen" [146 words]dhimmi no moreAug 11, 2007 14:28105854
dhabah and fantasy world [74 words]dhimmi no moreAug 13, 2007 19:30105854
Khalil Gibran for Intifada- The Secret was revealed- NYTimes is schocked..... [104 words]YnnatchkahAug 8, 2007 21:25105736
Exposure to Islam [171 words]Richard GoodmanAug 7, 2007 13:56105629
called islamic terror school [279 words]davidJul 26, 2007 14:59104874
the title doesn't matter [162 words]shaif yahyaJun 4, 2007 18:4296021
You're right, "the title doesn't matter". [118 words]MosheJun 7, 2007 07:2496021
how can i reply to some one [16 words]shaif yahyaJun 13, 2007 21:1696021
British Schools [63 words]Iftikhar AhmadMay 28, 2007 05:4594999
exploitation of non-Muslims [126 words]VijayJul 31, 2007 10:4194999
British Schools [202 words]Iftikhar AhmadJul 31, 2007 18:0294999
Easy solutions [426 words]VijayAug 1, 2007 16:5694999
wrong.. [126 words]donvanAug 7, 2007 15:3094999
British Schools [129 words]Iftikhar AhmadAug 7, 2007 16:2294999
Why only Muslims? [357 words]VijayAug 12, 2007 18:0594999
Iftiqar ahmed's George Bernard shaw quote is available on this non-islamist website: [53 words]nadiaOct 25, 2007 01:4294999
George Bernard Shaw [66 words]Glenda LoughMar 27, 2010 19:2194999
1Go Ahead With School But... [173 words]J. LevMay 16, 2007 10:5793175
Come on Mr.Pipes - Don't mislead us. [312 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
JimmyMay 14, 2007 02:4992770
what a pity... [166 words]donvanAug 7, 2007 16:1892770
The shame of it all (August 10th, 2007 update) [238 words]Rebecca MouldsAug 15, 2007 06:5392770
To Jimmy, a different perspective. [725 words]YnnatchkahOct 20, 2007 19:4592770
To Jimmy, a different perspective. II [312 words]YnnatchkahOct 20, 2007 22:3092770
Hi there [368 words]nadiaOct 25, 2007 01:2092770
agreed [98 words]Rebecca MouldsOct 25, 2007 19:4392770
what is happening in Sudan is wrong [561 words]nadiaOct 27, 2007 17:5892770
Patricia Crone [130 words]nadiaOct 27, 2007 18:0892770
I do agree [88 words]mandinoDec 8, 2008 04:5792770
any other Arabic speakers/students who'd like to work on getting non jihadi Arabic classes in schools? [151 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Ann MarloweApr 25, 2007 02:3590574
Great idea [267 words]dhimmi no moreMay 17, 2007 06:3990574
Higher Ed. is a better plan [138 words]J. LevMay 18, 2007 13:0690574
New update to this matter [18 words]Naphtali BarzelayApr 13, 2007 03:5189116
one million american conversions? [37 words]KatApr 9, 2007 03:2688903
Shame on Board of Education. [225 words]NonnaMar 21, 2007 09:5287472
then ........ [62 words]KatApr 9, 2007 03:3987472
propaganda [22 words]jon purizhanskyMar 21, 2007 07:4687437
Arabic dreams [122 words]Arthur B.Mar 20, 2007 17:1287265
1SO TRUE.. [66 words]DONVANMar 19, 2007 08:3186883
No room for Arabic ideology in American public schools [236 words]Richard G. ClementsMar 18, 2007 00:5286679
separations......... [36 words]KatApr 9, 2007 03:3586679
Not only the zero [86 words]TimeToSpeakMar 17, 2007 15:4086639
1Indian Mathematicians [163 words]J CampbellMar 18, 2007 10:2186639
Need strong Police for robbers [2159 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthiSep 1, 2010 04:1586639
Concept of zero [153 words]Mark FarberMar 17, 2007 11:2086623
The Zero [40 words]Jackie GoymourMar 19, 2007 06:1186623
More detail on the NON ARAB origins of Zero [165 words]MarkMar 19, 2007 22:2686623
They have lied for centuries!!! [93 words]JaladhiMar 20, 2007 18:0686623
1Arabs did NOT invent the concept of ZERO [136 words]Betsy RossMar 21, 2007 13:2286623
Concept of Zero in Mathematics [32 words]CNJan 21, 2010 14:0286623
Islamic school in London UK [91 words]ColinMar 17, 2007 00:0386592
America's biggest mistake!!! [39 words]PravinMay 9, 2007 08:5786592
islamic terror academic school in brooklyn- we do not need arabic [640 words]davedJul 28, 2007 11:3786592
islamic academic school to fight u.s.a later on [252 words]davedAug 2, 2007 14:2786592
On New York's "Khalil Gibran International Academy" [522 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
John Abi-HabibMar 16, 2007 23:0186585
Response to John Abi-Habib [148 words]J CampbellMar 18, 2007 09:5586585
Concept of Zero [223 words]John Abi-HabibMar 28, 2007 09:0786585
Dear Readers [34 words]Adel AttiyehSep 23, 2008 10:0186585
Why not actually address Mr. Abi-Habib properly? [23 words]AngantyrJun 12, 2014 23:4986585
The Fallacy of the scarcity of Arabic Speakers. A plot by public agencies. [1630 words]YnnaMar 16, 2007 21:3386578
Arabic School [44 words]Herb JuristMar 16, 2007 20:1786575
Qui s'excuse.....! [397 words]Nick4693Mar 16, 2007 19:0886563
Pre-2003 Arabic Instruction at USF [345 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DanteAmongtheHypocritesMar 16, 2007 17:0886538
D E P O R T A T I O N [57 words]KatJun 11, 2007 22:2686538
Problem with the quality of Arabic language instruction, or the quality of translations? [432 words]James VesceJun 26, 2007 20:3586538
Sounds like Charter schools in the south [235 words]jMar 16, 2007 17:0686537
Academia [47 words]Steven LMar 16, 2007 17:0086534
Zero [13 words]enkayMar 16, 2007 16:1986525
Islamic academy [253 words]Ayodhya Prasad TripathiMar 16, 2007 13:1086509
Adequate Precedent Exists for an 'Appropriate' Approach [121 words]Jack BergerMar 16, 2007 11:5786459
Asian culture and Arabic language- [105 words]RitaSue SiegelMar 16, 2007 11:2186456
I'm not surprised [47 words]JoshuaMar 16, 2007 09:5586452
Khalil Gibran was Christian [27 words]Dennis DMar 11, 2007 09:4185845
3Kahlil Gibran was a christian [173 words]OlieApr 18, 2007 00:1585845
Arab Christians [23 words]DennisMar 11, 2007 09:3785842
islam did not invent zero or much else except to spread their faith by the sword [158 words]M E WebbMar 11, 2007 09:0685833
Zero was invented in India [35 words]gregMar 15, 2007 01:1685833
science should be used in right way [33 words]srikar karatlapalliApr 23, 2007 11:4685833
real truth about zero [77 words]siddiqui sarfarazNov 30, 2007 10:3685833
Zero was invented by Indian the grate Ramanujadhasar [12 words]mglnApr 6, 2009 13:1485833
The nr. zero was invented independently in India and by the Ramanujadhasar [130 words]MouguilanApr 6, 2009 13:2885833
Therefore, such an Arabic-language school needs to be established under special scrutiny. [352 words]ynna(tchkah)Mar 8, 2007 23:5585335
Not much hope [55 words]S JainMar 8, 2007 13:1581776
its deja vu all over again [56 words]david gMar 8, 2007 18:3081776
They contributed less than 0... [322 words]Archimedes2Mar 8, 2007 08:4581712
Very well Said Archimedes2 [3 words]YnnaTchkahMar 8, 2007 23:5981712
Learning Arabic [191 words]dhimmi no moreMar 8, 2007 06:5281424
A LITTLE BIT OF MECCA IN THE US... [38 words]DONVANMar 9, 2007 17:1581424
Liked what you wrote. [245 words]YnnatchkahMar 10, 2007 03:2981424
Use of Arabic [197 words]Fred SchlomkaMar 15, 2007 02:2181424
Why not borrow from Assyrian? [361 words]Arrchimedes2Mar 16, 2007 01:5981424
I see your point [25 words]dhimmi no moreMar 17, 2007 06:5781424
Hebrew does not borrow from arabic [45 words]Speaker of HebrewMar 20, 2007 03:5581424
Hebrew idioms [27 words]Fred Schlomka - speaker of HebrewMar 26, 2007 12:4681424
Of course.. [136 words]donvanNov 23, 2007 14:0081424
I hope, but how? To Donvan [157 words]YnnatchkahNov 23, 2007 22:1981424
BECAUSE.. [119 words]DONVANNov 26, 2007 09:2981424
Keep on writing. [12 words]YnnatchkahNov 26, 2007 18:4981424
a HINDU invented zero [45 words]frustrated indianMay 3, 2008 16:1781424
Reply to frustrated Indian [104 words]Gary R. WhiteMay 15, 2008 17:5581424
Zero- A gift from Nagas [129 words]SasaApr 9, 2009 03:1481424

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All materials by Daniel Pipes on this site: © 1968-2024 Daniel Pipes. daniel.pipes@gmail.com and @DanielPipes

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