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More Vocal than Wrong

Reader comment on item: Avigdor Lieberman as Israel's Foreign Minister

Submitted by Jay1 (United States), Aug 1, 2011 at 22:21

This is an interesting article Dr Pipes has written. It may, may -be the difference between a homegrown Israeli Jew in Netanyahu, and a fairly recent Russian immigrant Jew from Russia. Israelis are trained it would seem to attempt to fit in and if necessary, fight hard. Im inclined to feel that Russian instincts have more of a fight in them from the get go. For they think big. They come from big. Many think like a boss. They also come from an area where persons still take hold and dont let go so easy. If one agrees,thats a strange bedfellow as a partner in a democracy. It begets the question if some Russian immigrants are primed for democracy. And yet, speaking ones mind, legally and thoughtfully is the wishes of democracy. Avigdor Lieberman is not all wrong. The question is whether he's more right than wrong? I would conclude he certainly is more vocal than wrong.


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Reader comments (3) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Ashton Lacks Moral Perspective [55 words]DaveApr 20, 2014 21:22214569
More Vocal than Wrong [157 words]Jay1Aug 1, 2011 22:21187908
1Coordination [142 words]yuval Brandstetter MDJul 17, 2011 05:40187468

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