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Escaping Terrorism by Seeking Wisdom

Reader comment on item: [Breivik and] Norway's Terrorism in Context
in response to reader comment: Norway's terrorism

Submitted by M. Tovey (United States), Aug 26, 2011 at 15:51

If there is one thing that remains in constant confusion, it is the continuing repetition that religion is the supporting ideology many use to propagate an agenda of the attempt to conform a world to the dominant mindset, a fallacy that cannot be maintained by reason of any religion that resorts to violence. Those that use a false interpretation of the Christian ethic to legitimize conquest in the name of that religion is just as guilty as any who do the same. So we can make the same allegation about Islam when its followers quote the Quran or espouse the fundamentalist tenets as required by many of the Muslim leadership.

Dr. Pipes has been quite careful to make a distinct separation of Islam the religion versus Islam the ideology, a distinction of which is harder to make for those of us who see the two in the same light, only the shading provides any distinction. Christianity has no mandate from Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ to conquer the world, so those that think they are doing Christianity a favor by using force to convert are in just as much danger of eternal judgment as any else who reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation. Following Christ calls for following His love-it is a commandment.

The Norwegian terrorist demonstrated his lack of love for the things of Jesus Christ in the perpetration of his evil deeds. The conflicts and confrontations he has motivated have no true Biblical substance, things which are in evidence in his own words. In contrast, when we read of an attack, let us say in Israel and the attacker shouts allahu akhbar as he/she is detonating, what are we to infer? In the United States of America, the Fort Hood assassin did the same thing as he shot American military personnel, resounding to the cheers of Muslims the world over. One might make the argument that the victims were military and the circumstances just-but what of the Korean Christians on a mission of peace for Christ gunned down in south Asia-what should be the judgment there as those assailants went free?

Now this argument has back and forth with no quarter given for the peaceful intentions of Christians desiring nothing more that to serve Christ and being shouted out for the effort. False Christian witness gets pointed to instead because no one in the ideological religious and secular world wants to hear about the Gospels and the love of Jesus Christ, just as it has been rejected by others in this forum. For this reader, it is there to be heard and understood; or otherwise the debates go on and on with no resolution and eventually the battles incited by the rhetoric of the Norwegian Terrorist will come to a head with those of the opposing ideologies. Just as he failed in his understanding of what it means to be a Christian by not understanding who Jesus Christ is, so too do Muslims who misunderstand who Jesus Christ is by the words of the Quran. And that is the central conflict.

Shortly, the world will try the patience of the eternal Sovereign of the Universe; and will fail for the lack of understanding. Religion will not help from either side: only knowledge will provide the way out, the kind of knowledge provided in the true words of Jesus Christ. Finding that wisdom in the Holy Bible is the only way to get above the conflict we see in the world today.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (122) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
I am still trying to figure out how could anybody believe that an anti-Islamist killed a hundred Norwegians, but not a Single Muslim. [7 words]Petros HouhoulisJan 23, 2014 19:14212774
Double Standard Much? [46 words]Muslim at a Catholic CollegeAug 24, 2011 22:23188822
7Breivik's case is different from that of Islamist killers [83 words]PrashantAug 27, 2011 02:32188822
1Norwegian Extremist's Abuse of Christianity No Different Than Any Other Abuse [397 words]M. ToveyAug 30, 2011 11:27188822
2EXPERIENCE IDENTIFIES ISLAM AS EXCEPTIONALLY VIOLENT!! [113 words]Nur el Masih Ben HaqSep 3, 2011 15:27188822
You missed the point. [94 words]BenJun 18, 2012 14:00188822
confusion re Breivik's ideology [265 words]JeffAug 21, 2011 16:22188552
2Your other right! [62 words]Allie IrenenAug 30, 2011 14:22188552
2An act of civil war [288 words]GregAug 6, 2011 14:43188116
Good and bad terrorism [257 words]A SimpletonAug 6, 2011 13:16188113
Norway to bomb Israel. [26 words]Philip SmeetonAug 4, 2011 08:46188019
Fish oil [14 words]Radjab PunvikAug 30, 2011 14:32188019
1Propaganda [68 words]MuslimAug 2, 2011 15:32187964
state terrorism [205 words]mythAug 4, 2011 05:35187964
1I beg to differ [182 words]Peter HerzAug 5, 2011 17:07187964
2Moderate Islam [207 words]GregJul 30, 2011 23:18187870
2Inter-cultural respect vs the multicultural IDEOLOGY [597 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Ron ThompsonJul 30, 2011 21:43187869
Islamism and the Koran [72 words]Mark DAug 5, 2011 11:18187869
3Ideologically main steam conservative. [60 words]GregJul 30, 2011 13:37187861
4Islam and the rest of humanity [471 words]dhimmi no moreJul 30, 2011 08:51187859
The rest of humanity [15 words]B SoetoroJul 4, 2012 08:04187859
Victims of Arabian imperialism and islam is the religion of the arabs only part two [137 words]dhimmi no moreJul 6, 2012 06:39187859
3moderate means rejecting the prophet [39 words]leighJul 29, 2011 20:56187853
2Extreme views [54 words]IanusJul 31, 2011 16:38187853
Religion and the Book [187 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mark D.Aug 1, 2011 23:09187853
Article [23 words]Mark D.Aug 5, 2011 11:21187853
Religion and the Book [296 words]M. ToveySep 7, 2011 13:55187853
Der Spiegel's take [22 words]LisaJul 29, 2011 17:04187844
9expectations based on quicksand [643 words]Loots/ The NetherlandsJul 29, 2011 09:09187832
an Indirect Declaration of War to the Rest of the World [266 words]Ron ThompsonAug 2, 2011 09:49187832
2uniform [75 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
mythJul 29, 2011 07:43187829
2Reflecting on Breivik is unnecessary because Christianity is the religion of peace :-) [316 words]PrashantJul 29, 2011 01:36187815
The Religion of Peace [134 words]Amin RiazAug 2, 2011 07:54187815
2not so strange [258 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 3, 2011 18:57187815
Breivik's Christianity [101 words]Peter HerzAug 5, 2011 00:50187815
There is No Peace When Religion Sponsors War. [509 words]M. ToveyAug 12, 2011 16:05187815
9Statistical comparisons [121 words]Charles R.L. PowerJul 28, 2011 11:12187799
2another disconnect [77 words]mythJul 28, 2011 10:51187797
The link [193 words]Theo PrinseJul 28, 2011 08:27187791
21Moderate Islam ? [32 words]imnokuffarJul 28, 2011 07:12187786
the mm's and the cc's [67 words]mythJul 29, 2011 06:58187786
3Breivik's actions and Fjordman's worldview [386 words]Aymenn Jawad Al-TamimiJul 28, 2011 05:35187782
5What next? [477 words]dhimmi no moreJul 29, 2011 07:28187782
6Some animals are more equal than others [334 words]JamesJul 29, 2011 19:27187782
Good points, DNM [158 words]Aymenn Jawad Al-TamimiAug 12, 2011 18:17187782
1Christian [5 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
soopermexicanJul 28, 2011 02:17187777
1Christian [548 words]IanusJul 29, 2011 03:35187777
Ummm-Christian? Not According to Jesus Christ [448 words]M. ToveyAug 12, 2011 16:38187777
1Norway's terrorism [75 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
NiyazJul 28, 2011 01:37187775
...DREAMING ABOUT RADICALS. [103 words]IamJosephJul 29, 2011 00:48187775
Islam and the U.S. [275 words]NiyazAug 2, 2011 02:23187775
1STOP SPEWING WITH IMPUDENCE. [305 words]IamJosephAug 3, 2011 18:21187775
The Koran As Inspiration [19 words]Mark DAug 5, 2011 11:33187775
3Moslems' gratitude [484 words]IanusAug 13, 2011 07:32187775
Escaping Terrorism by Seeking Wisdom [584 words]M. ToveyAug 26, 2011 15:51187775
1Moderate Islam where? [94 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
NuritGJul 28, 2011 00:44187774
Blood spilling wars are coming. [163 words]batya daganJul 27, 2011 22:07187768
2No one knows what is in the head of a lunatic [254 words]NuritGJul 27, 2011 21:37187767
11About Winning a War [418 words]MichaelJul 27, 2011 20:39187764
Michael do justice [36 words]MasoodJul 29, 2011 11:57187764
2I agree with you [464 words]MichaelJul 30, 2011 19:46187764
2or Armenians ... [236 words]IanusAug 2, 2011 15:54187764
2Anti-Israel [44 words]Jonathan UsherJul 27, 2011 19:46187761
2Replacing facts with opinions [418 words]IanusJul 28, 2011 07:35187761
9Chain dogs of political correctness [1128 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
IanusJul 27, 2011 18:09187759
3Norway's Terrorism in Context [255 words]Judith DaviesJul 27, 2011 18:08187758
1Norway's Terrorism [204 words]JACQUES HADIDAJul 27, 2011 17:00187756
2Oslo mass murder [307 words]moJul 27, 2011 15:36187752
1But He Did NOT Kill MUSLIMS~ [60 words]saraJul 27, 2011 19:24187752
5islamic hypocrisy [104 words]dhimmi no moreJul 29, 2011 07:36187752
1Error [68 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AlanJul 27, 2011 15:15187751
3Part of the larger picture of what happened in Oslo [164 words]NoraJul 27, 2011 14:15187747
2Europe cannot have it both ways. [59 words]IamJosephJul 28, 2011 06:48187747
1Right [24 words]NoraJul 28, 2011 21:31187747
2The European Union doesn't represent Europe. [246 words]IanusJul 29, 2011 16:49187747
2Sorry Sir - both Europe & Europeans merit blame, as in the past. [129 words]IamJosephJul 30, 2011 19:34187747
3Addendum [138 words]IanusJul 31, 2011 16:47187747
1Collective guilt [242 words]IanusAug 2, 2011 02:37187747
1Ianus: The crimes are not menial but amongst the worst ever commited and continueing. [182 words]IamJosephAug 3, 2011 18:00187747
3Breivik a Neo-Nazi? [322 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Edward ClineJul 27, 2011 13:22187746
4A friend of Israel as a 'neo-Nazi'? [518 words]IanusJul 29, 2011 18:07187746
Reply to Ianus [23 words]Edward ClineAug 1, 2011 21:12187746
1Reply to Ianus II [229 words]Edward ClineAug 1, 2011 22:45187746
1Reply to Ianus III [230 words]Edward ClineAug 1, 2011 22:47187746
1Breivik's Game Plan [401 words]Edward ClineAug 2, 2011 06:54187746
Why Manifestos Never Work [666 words]M. ToveyJul 27, 2011 13:22187745
5How do the media explain that not a single Muslim was harmed by Breivik? [644 words]DrRJPJul 27, 2011 13:22187744
Approximately 10% of victims were muslim [41 words]G, LobeJul 27, 2011 21:33187744
... Logic [58 words]Naushad OmarJul 27, 2011 11:59187743
8Reductio ad absurdum [252 words]Edward ClineJul 27, 2011 20:45187743
5Jews guilty of "occupying Palestine"? [82 words]ThomasJul 27, 2011 22:21187743
5muslim invasions and inflitrations [60 words]L. ManoharJul 28, 2011 01:52187743
Elaborate [11 words]Amin RiazJul 29, 2011 08:31187743
Worship The Lord Who has created you. [325 words]RevivethesunnahJul 30, 2011 08:33187743
7Oh charity starts at home except for hypocrites [228 words]dhimmi no moreJul 31, 2011 08:14187743
5yes, we must be careful - [269 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 1, 2011 03:29187743
3Another victim of Arabian imperialism and of Islam and more mistakes in the Qur'an [302 words]dhimmi no moreAug 3, 2011 08:31187743
Christians DO Worship the LORD Jesus Christ [460 words]M. ToveyAug 3, 2011 12:38187743
2misguiding [795 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 4, 2011 06:01187743
14Norway and Silencing Rational Criticism [1683 words]Prof. Paul EidelbergJul 27, 2011 11:46187739
1Another Excellent Article by Prof Eidelberg [57 words]Steve DaleJul 28, 2011 02:56187739
1Humanism is the solution, not the problem [181 words]Kevin BjornsonJul 29, 2011 18:46187739
3Not only the insanity of the left [1210 words]IanusJul 30, 2011 17:24187739
1Norway and the "Right" [76 words]Paul EidelbergJul 31, 2011 09:43187739
2Europe's Zeitgeist [450 words]IanusAug 1, 2011 08:08187739
4Whose humanism ? [823 words]IanusAug 1, 2011 09:41187739
2Anti-anti ... [140 words]IanusAug 2, 2011 02:25187739
2Former friends [107 words]IanusAug 2, 2011 11:08187739
Brzezinski [93 words]Paul EidelbergAug 3, 2011 16:34187739
1To Ianus [398 words]moAug 3, 2011 17:07187739
1Muslim logic [79 words]dhimmi no moreAug 4, 2011 06:22187739
1Dhimmi no more ... [61 words]moAug 4, 2011 17:26187739
2Moral absolutism, Brzezinski and the US-jiahdist axis [1023 words]IanusAug 6, 2011 16:49187739
2Put the Lime in the Coconut, You Got A Closed Mind [554 words]TL Winslow (TLW), the Historyscoper (tm)Jul 27, 2011 11:42187738
More like Manson than any blogger [61 words]Abu NudnikJul 27, 2011 10:55187734
2Scandinavia [75 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mathias HellstenJul 27, 2011 09:19187731
Thank you [11 words]Mathias HellstenJul 28, 2011 16:30187731
3and maybe not [182 words]A. ChaverJul 27, 2011 08:37187729
1Exactly [818 words]IanusJul 29, 2011 16:22187729
2Shocking but not surprising [168 words]StephenJul 27, 2011 08:00187728
11RADICAL ISLAM NOT THE PROBLEM. [124 words]IamJosephJul 27, 2011 07:23187727
On the head [7 words]Allie IrenenAug 30, 2011 14:24187727

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