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O Islã NÃO vencerá! Suas AÇÕES, nos deixaram ATENTOS. ALERTARAM o mundo livre!

Reader comment on item: [London Airline Plot] Plans Destroyed
in response to reader comment: Justifying the indefensible

Submitted by Maria (Brazil), Feb 10, 2016 at 02:03

Os Islamitas a meu ver, cometeram um ERRO básico: suas ações violentas já chamaram a ATENÇÃO, das pessoas que não professam seu credo, e isto em todos os cantos do mundo, PREVININDO-AS! Alguns governos já estão cientes que a TOLERÃNCIA completa, a seu modo DESRESPEITOSO de comportar-se,assim que recebem a cidadania, deve tornar-se medida de avanço para o próximo passo: PROIBIÇÃO DO VISTO, para os que estão na fila! Quando "eles" se derem conta, que as nações, antes receptivas, agora estão fechando suas portas, vão perceber que quando uma pessoa educada vai para um paíz estrangeiro, deve seguir as regras da casa, e não violentamente tentar impor as suas, para não tornar-se PERSONA NON GRATA....

Senão vejamos: Qual governo continuará permitindo que mais "destas pessoas adentrem suas fronteiras, aumentando assim o perigo para a população nativa, que o governo tem obrigação de proteger? Penso que está na hora de dar um basta! Chega de receber tais imigrantes, que afrontam destemidamente os que os recebem, que querem impor seus costumes, ao invés de adaptar-se aos já existentes,que desfrutam das regalias que não tem em sua pátria, como oportunidade de estudos em universidades, boas casas, e um padrão de vida que so viam em filmes...eles agradecem? Não! Eles sentem inveja, eu acho, por isso querem destruir nosso modo de vida. Lá no país deles, há leis e costumes medievos, por isso saem de lá! Mas não se conformam que grande parte da população mundial, trabalha em ambientes sadios, faz churrasco, curte a noite, vai a shopping, cinema, teatro, enfim dá boas risadas, se diverte.Meu marido estava dormindo, peguei a bolsa e as chaves do carro e saí para algumas compras, quando voltei, comentou: E aí, amor? estava gastando? Se eu morasse lá no país deles, talvez recebesse uma boa surra...se eu não gostasse de apanhar e me revoltasse, talvez ouvisse por três vezes a palavra divórcio, e caberia a mim, não ao cavalheiro, sair porta afora, segundo tenho lido...

Fazendo compras encontrei um grande amigo nosso e tomamos juntos um cafézinho, se eu morasse LÁ, podia bem ser que esta hora estivesse morta (honra)...E isto em 2016, com todos os avanços científico-culturais que temos...Penso que já PASSOU da hora de dizer BASTA a tanto DESREGRAMENTO! Se alguém se hospeda em um hotel e não se porta EDUCADAMENTE é "convidada" a sair e ir fazer bagunça na sua própria casa. Se não gostarem de bebidas, biquinis ,carnes variadas, vestidos curtinhos,e liberdade feminina, não devem ir morar em lugares onde há estes costumes! E principalmente, se não gostam dos povos JUDAICO-CRISTÃO e outras manifestações religiosas,á solução é obvia, devem RETORNAR aos países que professam o Islã! O NÃO AUMENTO DA POPULAÇÃO ISLÃMICA,dentro das fronteira de qualquer nação ocidental deve ser prioridade, de todos os governantes que zelam pela manutenção do "status quo" da sua população nativa. Pois como comentei no início, tais extremistas cometeram ERROS básicos, na sua estratégia de dominação dos povos: assustaram as populações ocidentais,que já pressionam seus governantes sobre as políticas de imigração, pois conhecem através da MÍDIA , sobre cada estrupo, cada passeata, cada maldição que vamos arder no inferno, além de ameaças físicas e morais, desrespeito á religião e a fé dos outros ( isto é, nos países onde foram acolhidos ) e imposição de hábitos estranhos, críticas ferozes em alto e bom som, de costumes seculares de quem os abriga. Isto é ultajante! Não se deve mais aceitar!


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (200) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Great stuff [6 words]alan CoombesDec 26, 2009 09:19166296
Pakistan-Jihadistan; Also Renewed Offensive Against Jews by Islamists [63 words]GFAug 21, 2006 23:5853658
The future of air travel [54 words]AnonymousAug 20, 2006 17:0753545
Pakistan at the Centre of the Vortex of Jihadi Terrorism [274 words]GFAug 20, 2006 03:1453507
UK plotters are linked to Indian Airlines' Kandahar hijackers [138 words]GFAug 19, 2006 22:5553489
All muslim terrorism comes from their ideology -- Islam. [16 words]emiAug 17, 2006 22:4753298
6Free choice = Muslim-free airlines [206 words]MiriamAug 16, 2006 01:3953000
Miriam's Article [294 words]clarence puckettAug 17, 2006 00:3953000
1This is no better than what the Muslims are saying. [453 words]John SmithSep 27, 2006 18:2453000
Religious correctness [227 words]TerryNov 16, 2006 19:1253000
Religious nonsense [276 words]TerryNov 18, 2006 20:1053000
Islamist sympathisers [259 words]TerryNov 24, 2006 20:3953000
religions and tolerations. [58 words]Dhan RachelMay 16, 2009 06:1353000
prejudice is ignorance [108 words]Ali SikandarAug 12, 2009 15:4653000
AM A MUSLIM & AM NOT A TERRORIST! [66 words]Bethlehem YadettaApr 30, 2012 14:2253000
ISLAMIC FASCISTS MIGHT USE OTHER MEANS TO HURT US [157 words]Ike MuzAug 15, 2006 21:3652957
GIVE IT UP! [292 words]Sanna AhmedAug 15, 2006 15:5852918
Sanna Ahmed, we need your help [397 words]PatAug 15, 2006 19:0652918
Please dont identify all Asians with Muslims [252 words]Carlos NaronnaAug 16, 2006 09:1552918
SANNA [222 words]DONVANAug 21, 2006 14:1052918
to Carlos Naronna [85 words]Anubhav SinghAug 22, 2006 09:4652918
Excellent [271 words]TerryNov 25, 2006 20:3952918
Well done, Pat [77 words]Frank MascaroFeb 11, 2007 16:4552918
well...late reply! [277 words]Sanna AhmedJun 17, 2007 17:4352918
Greetings and salutations.. [175 words]donvanJun 18, 2007 08:3152918
hmmmm.... [179 words]Sanna AhmedJun 19, 2007 08:0652918
Thanks [204 words]donvanJun 20, 2007 08:5552918
i'm ever so sorry about the late late reply! [394 words]SannaDec 17, 2007 10:4852918
dogma... [112 words]donvanDec 18, 2007 08:1752918
honour killings.... [393 words]Sanna AhmedJan 23, 2008 11:2152918
Opinions [194 words]DONVANJan 23, 2008 20:3952918
propaganda against islam [129 words]aliJan 6, 2010 14:1652918
1It is time to infiltrate the mosques. [151 words]American ManAug 14, 2006 13:1352731
Yes, infiltrate! [157 words]Wang XiaAug 14, 2006 21:3352731
1Excellent Idea [164 words]Eva KohlAug 16, 2006 00:3252731
trouble if that happens!!! [27 words]ahmad zafireAug 17, 2006 22:0152731
2stop propaganda against islam! [162 words]think aboutSep 2, 2006 07:0052731
i agree [7 words]ahmad zafireSep 3, 2006 08:2852731
dont be a fool [24 words]eliasOct 19, 2006 09:3652731
propaganda against Muslims [188 words]TerryNov 23, 2006 20:1252731
Please correct me if I'm wrong [79 words]Frank MascaroFeb 11, 2007 16:5552731
We already know trouble is coming [147 words]Frank MascaroFeb 13, 2007 16:5052731
Frank Mascaro [259 words]ahmadzafireFeb 14, 2007 10:5752731
Ahmadzafire [243 words]Frank MascaroFeb 16, 2007 17:0252731
ARMY STRONG!!! [234 words]ahmad zafireFeb 18, 2007 08:3652731
Speaking before listening [119 words]Frank MascaroFeb 20, 2007 13:2852731
ISLAM and Terrosim [370 words]Zohaib ButtJan 14, 2008 07:4752731
i love islam [150 words]zahoor ahmadOct 20, 2008 22:5952731
islam said peace [7 words]saqib iqbalJan 2, 2009 08:3852731
1what are the reasons for this fell? [238 words]ItalianAug 14, 2006 05:4252675
Reply to Italian [4 words]peganAug 15, 2006 21:4852675
1My Italian friend [187 words]Frank MascaroFeb 12, 2007 16:5452675
Islam Fascim [153 words]John RAug 13, 2006 17:1452625
5Islam is fascist , Militant , Voilent , Destructive , fanatic , fundamentalist & Terroristic in nature [118 words]CajraraeAug 13, 2006 23:4352625
1CIA , Mossad , FBI , NSA , Shin Bet,FSB , MI6 must focus on gathering intelligence from Islamic communities [144 words]ChristinaAug 14, 2006 05:5452625
Exactly [56 words]TashaMar 1, 2007 18:3452625
If they say we are dogs who don't believe in islam [61 words]non believerFeb 17, 2008 10:5752625
Gathering Intelligence... [12 words]Joey Alizio JrJun 25, 2008 12:4452625
agents in every mosque [65 words]vegarApr 28, 2009 07:1752625
of intelligence community [32 words]gautlingFeb 4, 2011 06:4252625
Islamists and Terrorists [1065 words]NariAug 13, 2006 12:1852604
1Pakistan is using Islamic Tactics of deception or Taqqiya to fool the gullible Western Leadership [410 words]RashtrapurushAug 14, 2006 00:0852604
Suicidal Mistake of Israeli leadership [75 words]CharakAug 13, 2006 06:2352586
Ceasefire [137 words]John RAug 13, 2006 21:1452586
Hate begets hate [300 words]HammadAug 16, 2006 11:0552586
3Mr.Hammad , open your eyes and see what Islam has done in Indian subcontinent [1013 words]MachiavalliAug 16, 2006 23:1352586
In response to Mr. Machiavalli [2228 words]HammadAug 18, 2006 08:2052586
1AIDS is also spreading fast , it doesn't make AIDS good for Mankind [151 words]KhuntiAug 19, 2006 00:0752586
Its not about numbers [72 words]HammadAug 19, 2006 16:1652586
1Justifying the indefensible [382 words]Georges FernandezSep 4, 2006 14:0052586
The message of Peace [121 words]HammadSep 5, 2006 09:1252586
Reply to Hammad [296 words]clarence puckettSep 6, 2006 23:5652586
Message of Peace????? [61 words]MosheSep 7, 2006 03:2652586
There are a few nut cases out there [119 words]HammadSep 8, 2006 06:3252586
Just a few nut cases out there...Really? [67 words]MosheSep 9, 2006 14:0952586
PEACE > BS !!! [80 words]JabberOct 31, 2006 14:5452586
Why are you astonished? [371 words]Frank MascaroFeb 14, 2007 17:2052586
Astonished [384 words]HammadFeb 15, 2007 16:5252586
We are not perfect [303 words]dfwhite19438Feb 16, 2007 01:0152586
About living on war [259 words]HammadFeb 17, 2007 17:0052586
O Islã NÃO vencerá! Suas AÇÕES, nos deixaram ATENTOS. ALERTARAM o mundo livre! [570 words]MariaFeb 10, 2016 02:0352586
Special Measures for Muslim Passengers must be taken by Airlines staff [67 words]BernardAug 13, 2006 06:0752583
Some thoughs. [84 words]MoravianAug 12, 2006 18:5152523
Love West or Leave West : Two options left for Muslims in West [74 words]MoshikAug 13, 2006 05:5652523
Muslims should give up the Terrible Islamic Traditions to assimilate in host countries [153 words]HiranandAug 14, 2006 00:2252523
He's called them "Islamic fascists" before. [42 words]MargieAug 12, 2006 16:3552512
Bush must declare an open war against " Militant Islam " [73 words]NashakAug 13, 2006 04:5452512
"Plans Destroyed" Is Another Needed Wake Up Call [61 words]AnneMAug 12, 2006 10:1652494
Religious Muslims arectime bombs and will explode sooner or later [84 words]KarenAug 13, 2006 04:4952494
Missing Nuclear Suitcase Bombs [93 words]Wang XiaAug 14, 2006 21:3952494
Nuclear , Chemical , Biological Attacks on Western Soil is matter of time [90 words]Vigilant RepublicanAug 16, 2006 00:5052494
Why allow any carry-on baggage? [210 words]A.G.Aug 12, 2006 07:4452489
Pakistan Airlines , Saudi Arabian , Emirates , Gulf Air are safest Airlines [85 words]Ex-MuslimAug 13, 2006 06:3852489
Why other passengers should suffer because of Muslims ? [89 words]NracissAug 16, 2006 12:0752489
you don't understand Islam. May Allah guide you [123 words]Mrs. MobinMay 20, 2007 07:0652489
Divert attension from Israel / Hezbullah Problem !!!!!!! [15 words]George ThomasAug 12, 2006 07:1752487
1Radical Islam is like cancer creating problems in every part of World [121 words]PeacenikAug 13, 2006 05:0152487
The "forgotten" Iranian nuclear program. [25 words]MosheAug 14, 2006 02:3352487
profiling [121 words]rwAug 12, 2006 06:3752486
Profiling of Muslims and advance checking before boarding aeroplanes : tips for safety [114 words]HobanisAug 13, 2006 05:1452486
check : www.danielpipes.org/comments/52557 [13 words]joe kaffirAug 13, 2006 23:1052486
How can you hide the facts? [21 words]A.ASep 11, 2007 06:1652486
Fight fire with fire [137 words]Thomas Justin KazeAug 12, 2006 01:3052473
No Human Rights for Devil of Militant Islam [69 words]NarangAug 13, 2006 05:0752473
ignorants or conspiracy...which one can it be???? [324 words]AHMAD ZAFIREAug 11, 2006 21:3152460
Shias or Sunnis , doesn't matter Terrorists are Terrorists and they kill in name of same allah and quoting from the same Koran [85 words]Dr.PorajsuAug 13, 2006 06:3352460
no need to label all [34 words]ahmad zafireAug 13, 2006 18:3152460
You think infidels are fools? [227 words]WahabiAug 13, 2006 18:4052460
Zafire, you have just revealed your true-self! [126 words]MosheAug 16, 2006 04:5352460
Past has gone , The present problem is Islam & its Militant Followers [76 words]CornaalsoAug 16, 2006 13:2252460
Muslims will never stop unless whole world converts to Islam or Mecca is nuked [41 words]Rob YoungAug 16, 2006 13:3052460
MOSHE..PLEASE... [159 words]ahmad zafireAug 16, 2006 21:3152460
I AGREE TO A POINT [85 words]AHMAD ZAFIREAug 16, 2006 21:3952460
wahabi...your answer [79 words]ahmad zafireAug 17, 2006 21:5552460
rob young [15 words]ahmad zafireAug 17, 2006 22:0552460
Make Up Your Mind Ahmad [93 words]InfidelAug 18, 2006 13:5652460
INFIDEL....MAKING IT CLEAR FOR YOU AGAIN. [127 words]AHMAD ZAFIREAug 18, 2006 17:3352460
You are the type they been warning us about!!! [101 words]ahmadzafireAug 20, 2006 14:5452460
Ahmad and his perverse explanation [200 words]InfidelAug 20, 2006 20:0552460
Ahmed [175 words]donvanAug 21, 2006 14:3852460
None intended... [74 words]ahmad zafireAug 21, 2006 23:0852460
You're fed up???? [135 words]ahmad zafireAug 21, 2006 23:2052460
Response to Donvan [314 words]clarence puckettAug 22, 2006 00:3452460
Zafire No More Prevarication [406 words]InfidelAug 22, 2006 19:2052460
seems that you haven't studied enough [208 words]ahmad zafireAug 23, 2006 04:0252460
response to ahmad zafire [407 words]clarence puckettAug 23, 2006 23:3252460
Ahmad and The Sinister Jews and Christians [172 words]InfidelAug 29, 2006 11:4752460
infidel [88 words]ahmadzafireAug 30, 2006 12:4052460
clarence puckett [228 words]ahmadzafireAug 30, 2006 13:0852460
response to ahmadzafire [466 words]clarence puckettAug 30, 2006 22:4152460
clarence puckett [113 words]ahmad zafireAug 31, 2006 20:4552460
Reply to Ahmad [449 words]clarence puckettSep 1, 2006 23:0252460
clarence puckett [298 words]ahmad zafireSep 3, 2006 08:2052460
reply to your comments on terrorists [387 words]ibrahim sidatSep 10, 2006 04:3152460
Traveling Light [51 words]Jeff FosterAug 11, 2006 21:0852457
Reminder that terrorists are still plotting attacks to kill our innocent people [34 words]Huma KothariAug 13, 2006 05:5852457
Cowardly Newspaper [152 words]lindaAug 11, 2006 19:5752454
Behind every Terror attack you will find hand of a Muslim ??? Why ?? [78 words]LimnirosAug 13, 2006 06:0352454
Good or Bad? [15 words]lindaAug 13, 2006 18:2452454
Alienating Muslims [178 words]Concerned InfidelAug 11, 2006 17:3652447
You're kidding? [216 words]caleb whiteAug 13, 2006 02:4852447
alienated youths [38 words]rwAug 13, 2006 03:2652447
Its better to upset bunch of Militant Muslims than loosing our precious lives to their deadly cult, [97 words]TimAug 13, 2006 05:2152447
Disappointing Response [116 words]Concerned InfidelAug 13, 2006 20:4052447
Kick them out! [73 words]MosheAug 14, 2006 02:4352447
Safety & Security of innocent civilians is more important than human rights of Militant Muslims [127 words]DhanjibhaAug 14, 2006 05:4352447
I have a better idea [66 words]Lucy R.Aug 14, 2006 13:2652447
Home grown [188 words]PCMadnessAug 14, 2006 20:3052447
to Moshe [15 words]SiddaAug 14, 2006 22:2452447
To Sidda [22 words]MosheAug 16, 2006 05:0652447
To PCMadness [23 words]MosheAug 16, 2006 05:1452447
Execute , Deport or Arrest the Terrorists and their supporters [73 words]TarjanAug 16, 2006 13:3452447
Muslims will never join the real fight against Islamic Terrorism [204 words]TaousnAug 16, 2006 13:4552447
ode to freedom [47 words]Mr. FreedomJul 20, 2009 03:5052447
Time for inventory [135 words]David W. LincolnAug 11, 2006 17:2752437
Attack Rogue Regimes harbouring the Islamic Murderers [59 words]John ChristianAug 13, 2006 06:1852437
Hit list and then ___ the torpedoes [177 words]David W. LincolnAug 13, 2006 18:5652437
Breaks have failed as far as Bus of Islam is concerned [92 words]TerryAug 13, 2006 23:3652437
Multiculturalism is Ok and New Immigrants are welcome but... [68 words]TargetAug 16, 2006 13:5552437
Some things do not compute [169 words]David W. LincolnAug 17, 2006 01:4652437
Thank the stars for Al Quaeda incompetence [122 words]SullyAug 11, 2006 17:0052435
Islamic Terrorists will use more sophisticated means to murder civilians [38 words]JuanjaiAug 13, 2006 06:2752435
Muslims underestimate the danger because they overestimate the patience of the U.S. Street [226 words]SullyAug 16, 2006 01:0252435
Islamic Calendar Date Attacks [163 words]M AranoffAug 11, 2006 16:4052433
hummm... [11 words]ahmad zafireAug 12, 2006 18:1252433
Islamic dates , Serial Bombs and Threats are hallmarks of Al Qaida [87 words]MisrimalAug 13, 2006 05:2652433
Police tip off Muslim Leaders [52 words]PeterAug 11, 2006 15:2152427
These Muslim Leaders will alert all the Terrorists hiding in Muslim Communities [75 words]BanhathsAug 13, 2006 05:3752427
Civil rights and commercial gridlock in the Age of Terror [258 words]Art FrankAug 11, 2006 15:1552426
Muslims / Arabs must be checked thoroughly for the safety of fellow travellers [83 words]GeorgeAug 13, 2006 06:1352426
Muslims must travel by " Al Islamia" " Jehad Airlines " " Air Islam " " Halaal Airways " [60 words]DarfurAug 16, 2006 14:0152426
you don't have to kill to terrorize [158 words]ddsAug 11, 2006 14:5652423
More Diligent Profiling [261 words]Clarence PuckettAug 11, 2006 14:4852421
CAIR upset over Bush's remark [236 words]TomAug 11, 2006 13:5352418
CAIR is an Anti American organisation , It should be banned in US immediately [78 words]MichaelAug 13, 2006 05:4352418
Another thought -- since I live in Canada... [336 words]J.S.Aug 11, 2006 13:3052414
..USA is the only bastion of defense for civilisation [80 words]DanielAug 13, 2006 05:5252414
Canada, refuge of last resort [50 words]joe kaffirAug 13, 2006 23:2052414
Everyday The Truth About Islam Is Coming Out [38 words]AnneMAug 14, 2006 10:2852414
Canada, A Land of Many Nations [382 words]InfidelAug 16, 2006 01:3952414
Writing on wall is clear " Islam is Terrorism & Death " [43 words]RosenbheruAug 16, 2006 13:2752414
Muslims are planning Al Qaida type attacks in Toronto & Ottawa [83 words]FaimsiAug 16, 2006 13:5152414
Indeed, Canada is a conglomerate of separate "nation-states" [613 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
J.S.Aug 16, 2006 16:3352414
Thank you for your reply, Dr. Pipes [56 words]J.S.Aug 17, 2006 13:5752414
Response to J.S. [76 words]AnonymousAug 20, 2006 17:3552414
About "perfection"... [330 words]J.S.Aug 21, 2006 13:4552414
Christianity a watered down version of Islam?! [168 words]JustMeAug 21, 2006 17:1652414
Stop the immigration of Muslims now! [81 words]firemanOct 6, 2007 16:3152414
mate! [273 words]SannaDec 17, 2007 11:0752414
stop the insanity [105 words]firemanDec 17, 2007 21:2352414
A terror plot foiled; experts react [85 words]mikeAug 11, 2006 12:2952409
Revoke citizenship and start mass deportation of Muslims to Arabia [52 words]WinstonAug 13, 2006 05:4752409
Yeah No More Muslim and .. [23 words]WellSaidAug 22, 2006 02:5052409
Muslim youth volunteering for martyrdom [290 words]Mamdouh M.Aug 11, 2006 12:1652408
Calls of Jehad in Iraq has been answered by Muslim Volunteers in Europe and USA [151 words]KarnaAug 14, 2006 00:3352408
Honestly!!! [118 words]Abdul Latyf LNA MendozaOct 6, 2006 04:5952408
Reply to Honestly (Oct 6 2006) [104 words]TerryNov 22, 2006 14:1352408
Missed points by the commentator [439 words]author of the commented articleNov 23, 2006 07:2252408
Missed points and opportunities [248 words]TerryNov 25, 2006 18:1252408
Islamic peace [267 words]Frank MascaroFeb 10, 2007 08:1552408

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