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Trump is a risk worth taking

Reader comment on item: Why I Just Quit the Republican Party
in response to reader comment: Please rethink your position

Submitted by Prashant (United States), Jul 23, 2016 at 16:24

Dear Dr Pipes,

you are so right about Mrs Clinton when you say, "No, I cannot vote for her." Israel will run into existential difficulties if, God forbid, Mrs Clinton wins the White House for four or eight years. That said, if you ignore Mr Trump's bombastic style a lot of what he is saying makes sense. Consider the following:

1. If Islam were not a religion but just a political ideology (think Communism), would you not have recommended serious vetting before you allowed people following that ideology enter the US?

2. This sounds bad but a sentence repeated in the Republican convention was "there cannot be a nation without a border". Doesn't that sentence make sense?

3. Most business deals are won or lost based on Good negotiations. NAFTA was negotiated by the Clinton administration. It may not be the "worst trade-agreement ever signed" but --given Mr Clinton's extra-curricular activities-- it is very likely that a better agreement can be designed and signed.

Some one will teach Mr Trump gentlemanly behavior. I think people should give him a chance. He will probably whip our do-nothing congress into action.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

Reader comments (153) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1Well what do the Democrats have to offer us? They all speak with forked tongues.. Socialism [509 words]Anne- USAJul 30, 2019 14:52252096
1Would Trump be telling us: Islam is the religion of peace? [344 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
dhimmi no moreAug 27, 2017 11:46240612
Trump description [43 words]KamathOct 21, 2016 12:51233509
Trump Entourage V Clinton II Masses [31 words]M ToveyOct 24, 2016 11:25233509
Hillary or Trump: Lesser of two evils. [560 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Brutus BalanOct 8, 2016 20:59233226
It is a comment by Robert A J Gagnon [58 words]Brutus BalanOct 12, 2016 19:23233226
1Why a Predeliction of current American Politics Bodes Ill for America's Tragedy [327 words]M ToveyOct 20, 2016 16:17233226
"What have you got to lose?" [72 words]Brutus BalanOct 22, 2016 02:09233226
3Next two weeks in the campaign might be very productive and pleasant [334 words]PrashantOct 23, 2016 01:34233226
An American Post Mortem - What Really Died with the Loss to Democratic Socialism [282 words]M ToveyJan 11, 2021 17:09233226
However... [87 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Kepha HorOct 3, 2016 21:27233146
Please Rethink [222 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Alana RonaldSep 28, 2016 10:11233057
Please reconsider [222 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Alana RonaldSep 28, 2016 10:07233054
Margaret will not help. Thinking is a matter of brains, not pictures. [16 words]JoeSep 7, 2016 01:46232374
Your timing is horrible [72 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
ziggrlAug 28, 2016 14:54231890
Lessons for the future [109 words]PezDispenserAug 20, 2016 15:34231537
Constitution Party [18 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mike PattonAug 20, 2016 15:01231536
1agree and disagree [39 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Vincent ScopaAug 15, 2016 12:10231401
Amen. [29 words]Peter AhernAug 14, 2016 11:28231378
hobson's choice is a bitter one [92 words]walter RAug 10, 2016 13:55231278
Bravo, Daniel Pipes! [58 words]T. SAug 10, 2016 13:53231277
You are dead wrong [42 words]Floyd GreenAug 3, 2016 15:17231173
2A democratic win will do irreparable harm to Israel and the world [127 words]PrashantAug 6, 2016 23:29231173
3Leaving the Republican Party [205 words]Ilbert PhillipsAug 1, 2016 12:16231127
5The Elite Oligarchy, and the New World Order [424 words]MIchael SAug 6, 2016 00:10231127
If Timing is Everything -Then Now is the Hour of Salvation from the New World Order [175 words]M ToveyAug 10, 2016 18:45231127
No burials in the Millennium [261 words]Michael SAug 15, 2016 03:11231127
Ezekiel on the Move..... [130 words]M ToveyAug 18, 2016 10:45231127
Election of the Beast [648 words]Michael SAug 20, 2016 03:04231127
1Could not agree more [27 words]TheofiloAug 24, 2016 16:42231127
The Poor [550 words]Michael SAug 26, 2016 06:19231127
Why you quit the GOP [215 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Michail KalmanAug 1, 2016 02:30231115
Americans are Brainwashed [50 words]DENNIS DURKOPJul 31, 2016 02:36231080
No Thanks [38 words]LAMJr.Aug 7, 2016 18:04231080
If a More Credible Republican Candidate Were Available... [59 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 17:19231053
Sometimes Compromise is the Prudent Course [133 words]LAMJr.Jul 31, 2016 14:59231053
1Now is Time for a Unified GOP, Starting With you [956 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 17:13231052
2Response to Trump being chosen [55 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
A. ChequerJul 27, 2016 18:27230980
2Irrational fears? [219 words]SteinJul 27, 2016 17:21230978
1Our is not time for classical conservatism. [86 words]Phil MondJul 27, 2016 05:35230964
Trump or the Clintons [101 words]antoniJul 26, 2016 18:55230937
Dropping out of the GOP [23 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
C.CannonJul 26, 2016 13:31230904
Why I just quit the Republican Party. response to Daniel Pipes. [139 words]Anne- USAJul 26, 2016 12:00230898
The Royal Family Trump [52 words]Billy DunbarJul 25, 2016 17:05230864
Go Rogue [65 words]Tony M RobinsonJul 25, 2016 08:27230846
A compliment. [24 words]stevenlJul 24, 2016 18:49230831
Huge Respect and Admiration to Daniel Pipes [21 words]Danusha GoskaJul 24, 2016 17:07230829
easy to point out the negatives [84 words]apikorusJul 27, 2016 16:06230829
3How about... [91 words]AnonJul 23, 2016 22:06230795
4Vanity, vanity, all is vanity [194 words]Abu NudnikJul 23, 2016 10:07230779
Fascism [148 words]Tom CampbellJul 24, 2016 11:00230779
12No one should ignore Mr Trump [256 words]PrashantJul 23, 2016 07:58230775
Trumpian Views [68 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Alan GlazmanJul 23, 2016 06:01230773
9Wrong to quite the Republican Party - Better to Overthrow the Elite [419 words]Alan H BlairJul 23, 2016 03:12230772
3Mr Pipes Please Help Trump [119 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
JerryJul 23, 2016 01:08230771
okay [3 words]Mark ZabelJul 23, 2016 00:21230767
2Free speech [565 words]JoeJul 22, 2016 23:17230766
2Liberal Republicans [68 words]Hal BriggsJul 22, 2016 23:04230765
5GOP wrongly supported Trump? [138 words]Raul MarksJul 22, 2016 22:34230764
AMEN! [23 words]LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 17:35230764
Please rethink your position [90 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Kal SilverbergJul 22, 2016 18:54230757
5Trump is a risk worth taking [189 words]PrashantJul 23, 2016 16:24230757
Well, Then, Mr. Pipes... [30 words]LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 17:37230757
1A little late ... [74 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
David KoralJul 22, 2016 17:36230750
Couldn't agree more [42 words]Tom CampbellJul 22, 2016 17:34230749
Donald Trump and the rise of populism [284 words]ANN FARMERJul 22, 2016 17:16230748
2Solution for the Trump Issue [43 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Liz MarshJul 22, 2016 16:22230743
6Quiting the Republican Party [109 words]Herb YellinJul 22, 2016 16:00230741
THANK YOU! Your Reasons 1, 2, 3, & 5 Are a Perfect Compilation of Reasons for Our Concern [38 words]Allan ElversonJul 22, 2016 15:53230737
resemblance to Italian dictator [40 words]dan eJul 22, 2016 15:09230732
Congratulations---Welcome to the Club [124 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mitchell LangbertJul 22, 2016 14:09230727
1Quiting Might Have Been An Option - Had the Republican Party Not been Neutralized Already [262 words]M ToveyJul 22, 2016 13:40230723
4Sorry to see you join the others ... [688 words]BJ TrahanJul 22, 2016 13:27230721
4This is a mistake [178 words]albertoJul 22, 2016 13:23230720
1Personal accountability [105 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Trevor KiddJul 22, 2016 12:42230714
Republican party [33 words]marvin winickJul 22, 2016 12:16230709
1Better to Keep Hillary Out [29 words]LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 17:59230709
1Pipes is the only one I follow religiously but now.... [63 words]ShoshannaJul 22, 2016 12:14230708
2Why I'm voting for Trump [115 words]Ruth SiegmanJul 22, 2016 11:39230699
1Trump [79 words]John BowmanJul 22, 2016 11:31230697
1Anything Else?! [16 words]Barry BlackJul 22, 2016 11:28230696
1this is a hold your nose election [163 words]GhileminiJul 22, 2016 11:03230695
2Fanciful [103 words]Keith McLennanJul 22, 2016 11:02230694
1Future [97 words]RamblequistJul 22, 2016 09:24230680
1Russia looms and Hillary croons [22 words]judyJul 22, 2016 08:47230674
2You can't run a dictatorship from the bottom up...it is called a revolution. [172 words]judyJul 22, 2016 08:42230672
2Trump LOVES America! & NOT vested interests. He WILL Unite us! [19 words]BREE DANIELS!Jul 22, 2016 08:12230669
Political Ecumenism, Progressivism, and the Neo-Con Betrayal; Cultural Marxism in Full Bloom [538 words]David SaulsJul 22, 2016 08:07230667
For All That "Intellectual" Blather... [112 words]LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 18:09230667
1relationship with theTrump supporters [34 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
mythJul 22, 2016 07:18230663
Response to "Why I Quit the Republican Party" [316 words]Vickie HarrellAug 3, 2016 16:11230663
2I'm staying.. [47 words]Eydie WeichselbaumJul 22, 2016 06:14230659
2In the Land of the Blind [237 words]Boris GorbisJul 22, 2016 05:27230657
Lockstep is the Way to Go [83 words]LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 18:18230657
2Pragmatism 'trumps' principle [117 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Joel ScottJul 22, 2016 03:51230650
Revolutionary Era? [175 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
PezDispenserJul 22, 2016 03:50230649
2Mr Pipes [53 words]madrigalJul 22, 2016 03:10230644
5Mr [13 words]BenoJul 22, 2016 02:21230639
Bailing was good; now, reorientation [103 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Larry BehrensJul 22, 2016 02:13230638
Where to go from here [167 words]David H SpenceJul 22, 2016 01:37230636
1The Conservative Mind: vs GOP: Republican party [149 words]julesJul 21, 2016 23:38230629
2Conserve Conservatism. [130 words]Alan M BevinJul 21, 2016 22:56230625
1I don't think that word means what you think it means [126 words]Trevor KiddJul 22, 2016 12:52230625
7Disappointed [110 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Brutus BalanJul 21, 2016 21:31230623
1Trump's no Saint [43 words]LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 21:03230623
1Succinct point in raw terms [99 words]Brutus BalanJul 31, 2016 20:27230623
1Et tu, Brute...? [13 words]LAMJr.Aug 5, 2016 19:19230623
Trump is no conservative [461 words]Robert M WerdineJul 21, 2016 20:38230622
3Still Going for Trump [42 words]Jim AustinJul 21, 2016 20:22230620
11ad hominem over substance [517 words]KeithJul 21, 2016 20:18230619
3Substituting a Cage Fighter for a Sissy [97 words]waljayJul 21, 2016 20:04230618
Agree [34 words]EphraimJul 21, 2016 19:53230617
2Lest we forget [156 words]Marla HughesJul 21, 2016 19:39230616
10Unpersuasive Argument by Pipes [129 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Desmond DwyerJul 21, 2016 19:25230615
Trump [6 words]Verne DagenaisJul 21, 2016 18:44230613
Congratulations on quitting what's left of the Republican Party [40 words]John RobsonJul 21, 2016 18:31230611
7Your remarks about Mr. Trump [391 words]Margaret L.Jul 21, 2016 18:24230610
a response to Your remarks about Mr. Trump by Margaret L [132 words]Rick RossJul 22, 2016 16:55230610
You don't get it [94 words]Margaret LJul 24, 2016 10:33230610
4Disappointed [60 words]Roger FroikinJul 21, 2016 18:13230609
Please [101 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Harriet WallenJul 21, 2016 18:12230608
7Letting Hillary Clinton win is a big mistake [581 words]John MeyerJul 21, 2016 18:08230607
1Comment on Trump [56 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Michael jonak mdJul 21, 2016 17:51230606
1I Quit Too! [43 words]SAKOVKTJul 21, 2016 17:47230605
Quitting the Party is over reacting [444 words]Saul SteinJul 21, 2016 17:45230604
I'm With You [132 words]Susan HunsingerJul 21, 2016 17:27230600
1Actions speak louder [24 words]Joel ScottJul 22, 2016 04:20230600
thank you so much [151 words]Anne JulienneJul 21, 2016 17:18230596
1Ozzie time zone [10 words]Joel ScottJul 22, 2016 04:17230596
3Sour grapes [62 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
John NicholsonJul 21, 2016 17:03230595
Too late to prefer anyone else, Mr. Pipes [17 words]LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 21:21230595
2and so... [26 words]josilJul 21, 2016 17:00230594
4Bravo - no Trump, however, this election terribly crucial - No next one. [197 words]kmanJul 21, 2016 16:59230593
4Fixed That For You [31 words]Mike MacMurrayJul 21, 2016 16:41230592
7Hillary is the greater danger by a factor of a hundred [252 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Alec RawlsJul 21, 2016 16:20230591
1Fear is no excuse to elect a lifelong criminal [17 words]Abu NudnikJul 23, 2016 10:10230591
5Really? [317 words]Jordan Montgomery LewisJul 21, 2016 16:18230590
3The failure of intellectual conservative movement [158 words]Vadim AnshelevichJul 21, 2016 16:09230588
kudos [101 words]Gideon RemezJul 21, 2016 15:52230585
3I get it [244 words]George O'HarJul 21, 2016 15:46230584
Thank you, Mr. Pipes [85 words]Michael CaplanJul 21, 2016 15:24230583
Where is John Galt [165 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Richard BenkinJul 21, 2016 15:21230582
3You are dead wrong [42 words]Floyd GreenJul 21, 2016 15:17230581
8Big mistake [130 words]Michael Hanni MorcosJul 21, 2016 15:08230579
I regret I have but one chance to bail on the GOP -- because I did it already [3 words]Chip JoyceJul 21, 2016 14:44230576
6Here is why I am staying with the GOP. [474 words]Stuart FaginJul 21, 2016 14:32230575
1Well said, Stuart Fagin [1 words]Will ScottJul 22, 2016 04:05230575
Must choose [83 words]Terry HoganAug 4, 2016 16:47230575
6Trump's boorishness [195 words]Ann WigginsJul 21, 2016 14:27230574
6DISAPPOINTING ARTICLE [141 words]Jacques KoolenJul 21, 2016 14:22230572
Hopeful? [24 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
H FragmanJul 21, 2016 14:16230571
Protest vote = Hillary vote [21 words]LAMJr.Jul 30, 2016 21:12230571
5disagree [39 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
richardJul 21, 2016 14:11230569

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