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Reader comment on item: [Symposium] What Conservative Historians Are Saying about Trump's First 100 Days

Submitted by Lorenz Gude (United States), Apr 24, 2017 at 05:53

I realize this short post is the responsibility of History News Network and not yours, but given a line up of six intellectuals it is crashingly superficial. ...

I have been on your mailing list for years and don't often comment because I usually agree with you and don't have much of any value to add. The best piece I read on Trump last week was Ann Althouse's take down of Casey Williams' "Has Trump Stolen Philosophy's Critical Tools?". What I see in his first 100 days as a Republican, who is neither a neverTrumper nor a Trumpster, is an establishment still reeling from a kind of instinctive Post Modern street fighter that has the establishment emitting all sorts of clueless bilge. Althouse's article added to that perception of Trump.

From my own perspective of psychological type theory I would say that a lot of people can't see Trump accurately because he is of a very odd psychological type in a politician - an intuitive feeler. An extraverted judgemental one at that. (ENFJ) People who gather information with the senses and evaluate it with their thinking function just dismiss intuitive feelers for whom endless possibilities present themselves which they evaluate with their feeling function - that is in terms of their values. They are pretty invisible to thinking types and are easy to underestimate. So, for a simple example, Trump sees someone burn an American flag and he tweets, something like 'people shouldn't be allowed to do that.' Sensate thinkers immediately think of all the settled law on the subject and start talking about free speech. And all the relatives of American Soldiers killed under Bush and Obama recognize that is exactly the way they feel too and are motivated to get off their backsides and go out and vote for Trump and not 'the heroine of Benghazi'.

If you are a thinker - I'm a retired academic and I'm one too - he is always coming from your 6 and following an entirely different script, so he keeps getting inside your OODA loop. Another example. He sees the pictures of the gassed kids in Syria and bang, he whacks Assad 59 times before Rand Paul can get his zipper down and make a flaming idiot of himself. Intuition is instantaneous - you just know - that what makes Trump so fast. That's where I see the opportunity and the danger. He's 70 and I think he knows himself in his own way and believe it is why he put the likes of Mattis, Tillerson and Flynn/McMaster on his team. I believe that he is going to learn the ropes and his second 100 days will be better than his first and that there is a good chance he will continue to roll the establishment just like he did the Republican and Democratic parties. Thanks for all your good work.


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Reader comments (20) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Trump 100. [82 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AlbertE.May 4, 2017 00:46238956
3Meds Yeghern! Seriously Mr President? [319 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2017 07:27238830
1The Devil Made Him Do It 666 [737 words]Michael SMay 3, 2017 10:41238830
1The Deep State is it real or is it just a myth? [38 words]dhimmi no moreMay 5, 2017 05:52238830
1The connections in conspiriacies [823 words]Michael SMay 8, 2017 02:32238830
1The designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization and the "Deep State" [542 words]dhimmi no moreMay 13, 2017 09:46238830
You've convinced me. I accept the conspiracy theory [474 words]Michael SMay 15, 2017 02:45238830
1I'm flattered that I convinced you but I'm not sure that you understood what I wrote [39 words]dhimmi no moreMay 17, 2017 09:37238830
Spirits and Conspirators [336 words]Michael SMay 20, 2017 09:56238830
1President Trump Does Not Need to Keep the 100 Day Calendar - It's Not His Calendar That's in Trouble [264 words]M ToveyApr 24, 2017 16:32238793
666 - the obvious, THE OBVIOUS [1546 words]Michael SMay 5, 2017 10:27238793
What May Be Obvious to Mankind IS NOT Necessarily Revealed from Heaven [453 words]M ToveyMay 8, 2017 11:39238793
Again, The Obvious is not Necessarily the OBVIOUS [286 words]M ToveyMay 9, 2017 13:06238793
Not too helpful. [69 words]Michael SMay 11, 2017 14:17238793
Trump's agenda. America's agenda. The Church's agenda. [912 words]Michael SMay 11, 2017 15:20238793
Faux Christianity No Longer Follows Christ Because they No Longer Seek Him Over Their Own 'gods' [20 words]M ToveyMay 15, 2017 09:08238793
Loss of Focus in 'Christian Agenda' Attendant to the Apathy at the End of the Age [198 words]M ToveyMay 15, 2017 10:01238793
Being President Not A Marketing Job [263 words]DaveApr 24, 2017 13:45238791
We like Vice President Pence, But at this time who would you put in Trump's place? [390 words]Anne- USAApr 24, 2017 08:41238777
2History News Network post [480 words]Lorenz GudeApr 24, 2017 05:53238774

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