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Kedar is exactly right ...

Reader comment on item: "Arabs and Muslims Will Never Accept Israel as the Jewish State"

Submitted by Bram (United States), Feb 2, 2018 at 13:24

You minimize Moshe Kedars vast familiarity with all things Middle Eastern and Arab and Islamic by referring to him as "Mordechai Kedar, a distinguished specialist of the Middle East" when his credentials speak to his thorough knowledge of the subjects he address.

He an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. A senior research associate at the Begin-SadatCenter for Strategic Studies.
He served for 25 years in IDF military intelligence specializing in Syria, Arab political discourse, Arab mass media,Islamic groups, and Israeli Arabs, and is an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups.

So he is more then well prepared to deal with the lies, propaganda and hatred of the Arabs.

Now then. Making them learn to live with it is not the same as when spoken about in the Western arena. He wants the Arabs to realize that not only will they not defeat the Jewish state, but in saying this, he heaps fiery coals on top of their heads. To demoralize them to the extent that the Arabs in Israels liberated territories leave for greener pastures, Eurabia perhaps, and those Arab Israelis living as citizens there to not even think their knifing and stabbing attacks will get them anything but a bulldozed home.

Back when Israel had strong leaders like Ben Gurion, no Arab would have thought to send their kids to kick and yell abuse at Israeli soldiers. Thats because they have not been taught that their attempts to humiliate will fall right back on them. As when China forces Muslims to stay open on Fridays and to eat and drink alcohol on Ramadan. Its not persecution. Its to keep their moral low so that China wont end up like Western Europe. That they have no hope of establishing any Caliphate anywhere near China. Which is good for the West.

You dont see how you enable the problem by referring to Arafat's kids as "Falsetinians" as though they were a legitimate nation and not a creation of their murderous Egyptian bossman. Arabs have said time and again since 1948, that these refugee, formerly "Southern Syrians" are part of the greater Arab nation. Their family names betray their land of origin, Al Masri Egypt, Al Yamani, Yemen etc etc.

Kedar is right, not only do the Arabs have to resign themselves to an eternal Israel, but to literally eat the fact so that they choke on it.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

Daniel Pipes replies:

I am glad you agree that "the Arabs have to resign themselves to an eternal Israel." That's the essence of Israel Victory. So we can welcome you to the project as well.

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Reader comments (25) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1Daniel Pipes "vs" Mordechai Kedar [554 words]Sigmund DermanFeb 10, 2018 14:56242171
2A slightly related item on Israel and the Muslim states. [316 words]PrashantFeb 8, 2018 23:11242141
1Vampire Islam [426 words]Dariush AfsharFeb 8, 2018 14:22242132
Kedar [118 words]williamFeb 4, 2018 11:38242078
Israeli victory [68 words]AnonFeb 4, 2018 08:04242075
Pipes and Keidar are both right. But Arabs need to be relocated [54 words]ShlomoFeb 3, 2018 17:53242074
By Force [741 words]David RyanFeb 3, 2018 17:38242073
So What Else Is New?! [44 words]Barry BlackFeb 3, 2018 10:50242066
For Victory, Learn From The Muslims [151 words]DaveFeb 3, 2018 08:30242063
non sequitur [80 words]rwFeb 3, 2018 06:59242062
Change comes from within and from without [338 words]Michael CaplanFeb 2, 2018 23:25242059
1good artical - the Muslims and Jews will never come together. [10 words]Pastor Donald AnamalaiFeb 2, 2018 22:17242057
Normal relation is possible [102 words]BAFeb 2, 2018 17:43242055
Neither a Purist's Religious Dream Nor A Humanist's Reasoning is Cause for Israel's Eternal Determination [262 words]M ToveyFeb 2, 2018 15:44242054
Jordan is the Arab-Palestinian State which is on Jewish land [163 words]YJ DraimanFeb 2, 2018 14:58242052
Jordan is the Arab-Palestinian State which is on Jewish land [247 words]YJ DraimanFeb 2, 2018 14:46242051
Kedar is exactly right ... [405 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
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1Not just Arabs and not just Israel [90 words]PrashantFeb 3, 2018 01:23242050
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Muslim Reformation [32 words]Barry BlackFeb 3, 2018 15:23242047

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