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A couple of corrections and alternatives

Reader comment on item: Identifying Moderate Muslims

Submitted by Abed Safah (United States), Aug 3, 2005 at 08:32

While it is undeniably true that modern terrorism is perpetrated largely by Muslims, it is also true that the vast majority of Muslims, over 1 billion, abhor terrorism and all that goes with it.
That doesn't mean that they don't sympathise with Palestinians or Iraqis. It just means that 99 % of the Global Islamic community finds terrorism to be extremely deviant from Islam.

Of course Muslims worldwide are going to support their suffering brothers and sisters throughout the world. That is something most wetern scholars don't understand, so please, allow me to illuminate.

Islam knows no one ethnicity. It is the great equalizer among its adherents. Anyone who has seen a picture of the pilgrimage at Mekkah can tell that. Side by side, you have Arabs, Europeans, Indians, and Asians. Black, white, brown, yellow. It's all the same. And thus, you have Indonesian Muslims sympathizing wholeheartedly with Palestinians, and perhaps even part of Bin Laden's message of clearing the Mulims Holy Land of non- Muslim US Troops.

So while many Muslims support the ends, they certainly DO NOT support the means. Any Islamic Scholar of any real merit and credibility would certainly condemn the killing of innocent civilians. Unfortunately, those voices aren't advertised. You wont hear about them on Fox News, and most likely not even CNN. So the Muslim community is derided for not condemning terrorism, even though they have, and unequivocally.

When it comes to Israel, another justification is used. Since every able bodied adult Israeli has or is serving in the military, some consider all civilians fair game, since essentially every Israeli is part of the national guard to some extent. This reasoning has justified too much violence and outright slaughter of innocents, and is undeniably wrong. However, the ends are, to some extent, right. After all, who can deny the Palestinians the right to Liberty and Freedom from Israeli occupation? While the Israelis have their "Promised Land" reasoning, we had "Manifest Destiny" here in the US, which are basically one and the same, and justify taking land from indigenous populations for use by the "civilized" society.

I'm an American, and I'm a Muslim. I travel in many circles. I was in a predominantly Jewish fraternity in college. I work in a mostly jewish industry. I am also an active part of the American Muslim community. I will tell you without caveats that there are no Moderate Muslims. Period. There are real Muslims, who follow the geniune teachings of Islam, as revealed through the Quraan and the Prophet, Muhammad. The there are those who use the plight of a population along with religious fervor to further their own, non- religeous agenda. And how many people throughout history have taken a faith and twisted and perverted it to make it fit their own world views and justify their actions?

In our present day, hating Islam and bashing it and Muslims is considered the norm. You can only imagine what American Muslims must confront in their everyday lives. If anyone would be sympathetic to that, it should be Jews. They have also confronted that kind of stereotypical hatred and public flogging.

Finally, just a comment about CAIR, which Mr. Pipes has so frequently condemned. CAIR is a civil rights organization, primarily. Their mission is not to defend every accused's innocence. Their goal is to ensure due process and the law are adhered to in every situation. If people are fired from their job because they need a few minutes a day for their prayers, CAIR steps in. When Americans are stopped at the Canadian border and are detained for 6 hours, fingerprinted, and searched, CAIR asks why. Their mission is not to promote terrorism, or extremism, as many ... have posited. They do great work, and can be compared to the ADL. After 9/11, CAIR condemned the attacks, but refused to blame Bin Laden because simply, no one knew who it was. The President didn't mention his name until he 14th, and once it was officially released that he was in fact, the man behind the attacks, CAIR and many other Muslim associations here and throughout the world were quick to condemn him and join in the attempted removal of his organization and ideas from wherever they might have been.

In conclusion, I would ask that you not be so quick to judge based on accusations that are flying around and happen to be the social norm at the time. Kahanists don't represent Judiasm, and terrorists don't represent the Islamic world. Help us Muslims weed out and destroy extremism and religious perversion, instead of fighting both the terrorist ideology and our fellow Americans.

Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (128) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1All Islam is Flawed but even more so for those who blindly believe it literally [243 words]SanamJan 2, 2016 19:59227429
Oxymoron [35 words]CeenSep 19, 2010 17:07178437
1True Oxymoron!!! [52 words]JaladhiSep 20, 2010 14:23178437
4Moderate Muslim = Murtad [92 words]NaeemahOct 25, 2008 14:28140974
What do "moderates" say about Qu'ran 2.221? [178 words]HSAug 28, 2008 12:24137561
Hypocrisy [145 words]AmmarDec 2, 2008 13:50137561
4Let sleeping....... [497 words]IlmyFeb 21, 2009 21:09137561
Aethists would save the world [669 words]SamOct 31, 2009 17:36137561
Civilizing Effect of Muslim Rule in India [127 words]BuddhaMar 7, 2011 04:51137561
Provide reference [40 words]ChristopherMar 24, 2012 23:08137561
2Moderate Muslims [179 words]Guy MacherMay 31, 2008 22:03130705
2"My body is a book made of skin and bones, where a strong desire for freedom of speech, freedom of religion and democracy is carved into it." [941 words]Rochelle E. MichaelsJul 17, 2008 13:58130705
Response to Rochelle Michaels [64 words]Guy MacherJul 31, 2008 16:32130705
"...My body is a book made of skin and bones, where a strong desire for freedom of speech, freedom of religion and democracy is carved into it...." [59 words]Rochelle MichaelsAug 1, 2008 20:01130705
My apologies [16 words]Guy MacherAug 3, 2008 20:05130705
Response to Guy Macher [19 words]Rochelle MichaelsAug 4, 2008 14:22130705
Why be a Muslim if not all the way? [216 words]Reva HolderOct 21, 2010 00:50130705
Why don't Muslims convert (reconvert)? [82 words]RochelleOct 22, 2010 19:53130705
The saddest part of all this... [579 words]Abed SafahJan 6, 2008 21:29117617
reply to Abed Safah [62 words]anomDec 15, 2008 14:05117617
To Abed Safa: you are almost right. [162 words]KurtlaneNov 25, 2009 08:32117617
Questions for Abed [571 words]KurtlaneNov 25, 2009 09:17117617
2Reply to Kurtlane- Sorry it's 8 months later [450 words]Abed SafahJun 29, 2010 17:10117617
Sorry, it's 3 years later [168 words]KurtlaneApr 21, 2013 05:12117617
Moderate Shia Muslims that endorse Dr. Pipes [15 words]YnnatchkahOct 25, 2007 22:59112351
moderate Muslims [21 words]RahmanMay 27, 2008 09:01112351
2Problem with Moderate Islam [297 words]WilliamOct 20, 2007 12:04112000
Sounds realistic to me! [238 words]concernetNov 25, 2007 00:16112000
Would You Review? [1128 words]William PillowOct 2, 2007 09:54110115
Acceptance of Abraham and Jesus [340 words]concernedNov 25, 2007 01:02110115
Muslims [71 words]MakAug 20, 2007 06:08106554
Moderate Muslims vs. Islam [266 words]WilliamOct 20, 2007 11:53106554
muslims as violent [74 words]DanielAug 7, 2007 23:20105666
Reform the Qur'an [24 words]MohammadJul 3, 2007 13:31102799
Reform the Qur'an [20 words]skDec 11, 2007 02:38102799
Moderate Moslems [58 words]KevinAug 16, 2006 10:0553048
How do you define a moderate Muslim? [145 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
NaomiMar 14, 2006 16:0140137
Moderate Muslims Are Not the Problem [156 words]JimMar 14, 2006 20:2840137
'moderate muslims' [135 words]RunaJul 14, 2006 06:3140137
Moderate Muslim Definition [121 words]Moderate Muslim DefinitionJul 15, 2006 00:5140137
Moderate Moslem Definition [121 words]Peter FaulkesNov 5, 2006 17:5140137
Definition [50 words]CeenSep 19, 2010 19:4040137
Definitions... [590 words]Sage DeMintNov 26, 2005 16:2428869
I appreciate your words SD, however.... [667 words]No DhimmiJan 9, 2006 10:5428869
some mischeifs,some misinterpretetion,some due to unjustice,some due to mishandling [341 words]sohail saamirNov 15, 2005 13:0328408
A couple of corrections and alternatives [767 words]Abed SafahAug 3, 2005 08:3224271
Confused of islam [89 words]PaulAug 2, 2006 11:2224271
Both ends of the stick. [77 words]concernedNov 25, 2007 01:1724271
1the evil christian wars [217 words]AndyJul 12, 2005 19:0023415
Born a Jew? [86 words]Matthew StantonNov 28, 2006 21:2223415
doubtfull beginings lead to confusion. [125 words]mushtaqJun 5, 2010 20:1423415
11800 years of Muslim rule in India [132 words]Dev PurkayasthaJul 11, 2005 17:3923359
Re: 800 years of Muslim rule in India by reader Dev Purkayastha [12 words]RahulJan 26, 2007 03:5523359
unbelievable comment [18 words]josehfDec 20, 2007 06:4123359
Rule of hatred [87 words]Appayya SastryFeb 17, 2008 01:0823359
800 years of muslim rule in India [18 words]mubasherJul 30, 2009 10:1223359
1acid truth [63 words]ANIRUDDHA NAGSep 23, 2009 06:4323359
the hindu destrucion by islamic rulers [110 words]parameswaranOct 7, 2010 23:3423359
neutrality of thought [49 words]saba ranaJan 19, 2013 04:1923359
The Hindu Genocide revisited [105 words]dhimmi no moreJan 20, 2013 08:4823359
Muslim Rule in India [131 words]ChoudhuryJul 16, 2013 01:5423359
Common sense [42 words]Ibrahim kOct 21, 2013 10:0623359
I like your joke Ibrahim [268 words]AnthonyOct 29, 2016 12:1923359
Moderate Islam Litmus Test [158 words]J. WarshalJan 28, 2005 10:5219932
Good work [210 words]Mario GonzalesJan 2, 2005 16:1819308
Islam is still the problem [862 words]John MurdockJan 1, 2005 17:2319291
Why is it always islam look at yourself first. [632 words]shobokshySep 2, 2007 18:2219291
It is more a modern ideological fight [112 words]saesNov 19, 2007 01:1419291
Maybe there are "moderate" Muslims but... [166 words]Greg G.Dec 20, 2004 15:0219050
Wrong Greg.. [71 words]The DoctorFeb 20, 2007 02:3219050
Metamorphosis in Muslims [102 words]Dr. B.NathanDec 4, 2004 16:0018857
Hundred of Islamist sleepers active in Europe [107 words]Oscar Laurens SchroverDec 4, 2004 09:4318853
Rasheed said: [136 words]ReportDec 3, 2004 19:3318841
Doubletalk by Islamist sympathisers [131 words]visitorDec 1, 2004 17:2518798
Gullible Americans [366 words]M. WolfNov 30, 2004 12:0018722
Comments on post by M.Wolf [256 words]Romesh ChanderNov 30, 2004 19:5618722
Clarify please [112 words]Kevin MurphyNov 30, 2004 10:1518714
How a "Moderate" becomes an Islamist [41 words]Darwin BarrettNov 27, 2004 14:1218673
Islam is the Antithesis of Moderation [222 words]Arlinda DeAngelisNov 27, 2004 11:5618670
What a joke [99 words]MunirNov 27, 2004 09:4318664
1Serious sustained research... [726 words]Chris StoessNov 26, 2004 11:2918653
1Response to Chris Stoess [100 words]Vishal VermaFeb 27, 2005 04:4918653
How can I help? [44 words]Fred SilvaNov 25, 2004 22:1518645
History [479 words]Sondjata OlatunjiNov 25, 2004 15:2418638
Good Muslim-Bad Muslim [92 words]James W. DobbsNov 25, 2004 10:1918627
To Mr Dobbs [12 words]D HamFeb 3, 2006 08:3218627
Moderate islam [34 words]MilanNov 25, 2004 08:2818625
1The problem is the interpretation of the Koran. Reform it. [183 words]Marcos BerensteinNov 25, 2004 06:1618620
A new book [27 words]CeenSep 19, 2010 17:1518620
No such thing as a moderate Islamist...... [292 words]Warren BaconNov 24, 2004 20:2418608
Thank you, Mr.Bacon! [59 words]Marcos BerensteinNov 25, 2004 18:2418608
Yes,but... [97 words]Roger WilkinsonNov 24, 2004 20:1818607
History repeating itself.. [242 words]Dwayne OxfordNov 24, 2004 17:0318596
Talk is cheap [90 words]David J. BastyrNov 24, 2004 16:5518595
Reply to David [28 words]Slim ShadyFeb 20, 2007 02:2718595
This Demo was just to please the German society [50 words]A. HoferNov 24, 2004 15:3618593
The hidden truth [102 words]HanNov 24, 2004 13:1518584
Scholarship for intelligence [56 words]Terry G.Nov 24, 2004 13:0218582
Good work [9 words]SusanaNov 24, 2004 11:2418580
Moderates? [104 words]Charles ChrismanNov 24, 2004 11:1918578
Where is the outrage? [64 words]Edson BriggsNov 24, 2004 11:1318577
Are Muslims moderate? [139 words]G.B. HallNov 24, 2004 09:1218575
Moderate Moslems? [243 words]Irene FaulkesNov 5, 2006 16:5418575
1No such thing! [49 words]Terry PassmoreNov 24, 2004 08:2318573
Moderate what? [4 words]WhatshernameFeb 15, 2011 23:4918573
Islam is the problem... [137 words]Alain Jean-MairetNov 24, 2004 06:0418572
I admit to being skeptical too...to say the least! [523 words]Robert MillerNov 24, 2004 02:4818569
Interesting but... [200 words]Samir MOHAREBNov 23, 2004 22:0518567
Moderate Muslims [42 words]Shlomo ben Avraham PinheroNov 23, 2004 21:4418566
Moderate Muslims? [34 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bob FinkNov 23, 2004 20:1618563
What did the King of Jordan say? [60 words]Yolanda CanfieldNov 23, 2004 19:5118562
Excellent [9 words]Herb StoneNov 23, 2004 19:4218561
Keeping our guard up [109 words]Juan HoveyNov 23, 2004 19:3718560
Isn't this a parallel case to: A rose, is a rose, is a rose? [120 words]Yolanda CanfieldNov 23, 2004 19:3118557
I'm sceptical... [68 words]Timothy JonesNov 23, 2004 18:3118555
Agree with Arthur and Timothy [104 words]LegunNov 23, 2004 21:0318555
Islamist's smokescreens in Germany / M-11 : M. for Morocco? [331 words]Roberto M. L.Nov 23, 2004 18:2818554
2Al-Taqiyya is used universally by all Islamists. [120 words]Vernon RichardsNov 23, 2004 17:4118553
The Qur'an is quite clear that lying to non-believers is permitted. [20 words]RahmanJan 6, 2006 01:0018553
Looks like that could be true [1 words]klewJan 24, 2006 15:4118553
Taqaiyya [61 words]Nia KhanMar 31, 2006 17:2318553
Al-Taquiaa is used by All Moslems [128 words]Russell BonneyNov 5, 2006 17:5718553
Al Taqiyya approved by Islam [96 words]AnthonyOct 29, 2016 12:4318553
Moderate Muslims? Let's not kid ourselves. [312 words]Arthur McNightNov 23, 2004 16:1218552
3Islamic virus [143 words]Shashi HollaNov 29, 2006 03:4818552
Why Fear and Hate? [281 words]Joahd ToureJan 22, 2007 00:3718552
Well - actually I am not commenting - But I would like to get your father's email - He is an old friend of mine [38 words]RaefJul 2, 2007 07:0818552

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