GAZA, JERUSALEM, AND MEFReader comment on item: "Today Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem" Submitted by Anatoly Tsaliovich (United States), Aug 12, 2005 at 21:06 Like always, Mr. Pipes hit the nail in the head: his analysis is clear cut, to the point, and based on facts, while close to a hundred comments it elicited by and large support his conclusions.So, what is there to discuss further? Before answering, I would like to remark on several related issues: 1. Does Israel need Gaza, per se? Permit me to respond in capital letters: NO!!! But only in certain context. There is nothing in Gaza to attract those universally demonized Jewish ogres, the settlers: no fertile soil, no oil, no diamonds, no Metropolitan Opera or Bolshoi Ballet. On the other hand, are the 8000 "Jewish right wing fanatics" worth the loss of Israeli soldier's blood?? Moreover, there are many powerful voices in Europe, USA, from the Arab side, even within the Jewish community, linking the Israeli "occupation" of Gaza to the terror acts in New York, London, Madrid, Bali, even in Muslim countries (?! - as little sense it makes). Sure, let's kick them out of these holy (or otherwise) sands and there will be eternal Peace on Earth – the sooner the better! 2. But then, should Israel leave Gaza? While the accurate answer is very much impossible now, my personal "gut's feeling" concurs with Mr. Pipes' conclusion: PROBABLY, NOT!!!. Or at least not the way it is being presently done. First, as far as Israel security is concerned, giving Gaza away will bring all the terrorist spoils closer to the heart of this country. When is it you looked at the map of Israel the last time? Second, "the sweet democratic West" together with "the sweet democratic and un-democratic East" should think what kind of WRONG signals they want to send to the truly bloodthirsty ogres of our time, whose only goal is to destroy the State of Israel: push stronger, kill more and you will get what you want! Unfortunately, given today's political climate in the world, they may be right. We see many allegedly decent people who try to "pay off" the bandits. They gladly resurrect the spirit of Mr. Chamberlain, but easily forget the millions of people who died thanks to this character's idiotism, ignorance, and misunderstanding of History. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, refined intelligent democrats of the civilized world wearing white gloves! The old news is waiting to hit you: those who sow the wind reap the storm! History does not forgive short sight and narrow mind. Haven't you learnt anything from Herr Hitler's experience? You cannot appease evil and should not give it a chance (even when paying the Evil with Jewish blood), or else ... . Indeed, your storm is already at your own doorsteps. You let the terrorist anti-Semitic genie out of the bottle and now it fights not only the Jews in Israel and elsewhere, but turns too on you, "righteous", in your own nooks and crannies! Third, I would like specifically to address that "intelligent and justice-loving" Jewish constituency within the latter group. What would you think of the proverbial Jewish "smarts" when Mr. Shapiro embraces the terrorist leader in ...Muqata or when a brainwashed young Jewish degenerate throws a pie in the face of Nathan Scharansky in those old free US of A – the same Scharansky who spent years and years in Russian labor camps defending the freedom and pride of himself and people (not only Jewish, by the way), including that idiot? I think that such morons (for the lack of a better term) could have greatly benefited from "intimate encounters of the first kind" with Gestapo and KGB! The single explanation of such behaviors I see in ignorance, when anti-human and anti-Semitic propaganda can reign free. That's when one could be really ashamed to call him/herself a Jew! Fourth, let us consider why would those "bad" settlers want to stay in Gaza? Setting aside the highly intellectual anti-Semitic and Islamo-fascist explanations, like "the Jews just have a natural propensity to torture other people, drink Christian (and Muslim) babies' blood, and generally love to occupy foreign lands", we are left with more realistic reasons why the settlers stick to this barren sands amidst a sea of loving and friendly neighbors. (Just how friendly they are, you may see from reading today the story of Noga Cohen, whose three children were crippled when their school bus was the target of a terrorist bomb: ten-year-old Orit lost a foot, 7-year-old Yisrael lost a leg below the knee, and Tehilla lost both legs below the knee. Allah Akhbar!). But guess what? She still sticks to her house in Kfar Darom! "If I give in here today, the Jewish people will be defeated", says Noga Cohen. "The terrorists will win and we will lose. I don't want to give in to terror. How can I give my home to terrorists who will use it against Israel?" Hallelujah! Finally today we saw the face of an evil perpetrator of human rights in Gaza: her name is NOGA COHEN. But really, does she have less right to that country than the Hamas suicide dispatchers? While the Arab fanatical degenerates sowed death and misery, Noga's family was raising vegetable crops amidst the barren desert. How awful! Indeed, may be instead of demonizing the settlers who put their and their children life on line to work hard, defend their ideals, their rights, and their pride, as well as yours, (just may be!) we should appreciate them? Aren't they the first line of defense of Israel against terrorism, the brave, unselfish, and hard-working zealots – in the better meaning of this word? 3. At long last, we are ready to address the "Gaza-Jerusalem" article question at the start of this message. Let us first try to understand at least certain features and implications in the context of the Gaza pullout. Everything Mr. Pipes says in his article is the Truth and Nothing but the Truth. But it is not the Whole Truth. While he does mention the so-called "Israel critics", I think those "critics" deserve much more "credit" (or curse) for Israel's decision to quit Gaza. Of course, I understand that Mr. Pipes just wanted to zero up on certain issues, but I think that the Gaza problem, at least the way it stands today, should be primarily considered within the worldwide pressure context. Can't you hear the unholy joint choir of hypocrites, blinded fanatics, thugs, and anti-Semites from around the world seconded by those misled, ignorant, or plain "stupid" (pardon my French) communists, leftists, and extreme liberals, and quite unfortunately supported by many "men in the street" who are just tired of the world-wide bloodshed and misery, but do not know how to handle the grim reality, the unpleasant and unpopular but necessary solutions (go, figure them out). As a consequence, I believe that it is not so much that wisdom abandoned this smart, talented, and experienced politician and warrior Sharon. And perhaps it is not so much the pressure of the enemies, as well. General Sharon fought them (and quite successfully) the whole of his life. But today he is under tremendous pressure from friends and "friends", whether in disguise or honestly deluded, both inside and outside Israel. Also, from those poor souls who got frustrated and tired of years of terrorist misery, from Israeli own Osloists (do you know, that in Russian language the word Oslo is consonant with the word meaning an ASS, which explains the whole concept of the Oslo Accords?); magnified by the relentless Western (even including the American) political pressure and arrogance and outright anti-Semitism. Now, while I whole-heartedly agree with Mr. Pipes' conclusions, we here are in no position to PRESS on the Israeli public (including the Government and the "settlers and their supporters) to make one or another choice! 4. Then, so what? But may be we can try to influence those people in positions of power, in positions to make decisions and choices, as well as the others who can vote and elect in and out the first ones of their offices? In this respect, I would like to address here two questions: 1.Why the public opinions about Israel are so often so negative? I see many reasons for this, neither of them justifiable or honorable: ignorance, short sightedness, hypocrisy, bigotry, and you name it! Let's add to this laziness and un-involvement of the "silent majority"– here it comes. Or look at the 500 year-old morals of European burgers: they don't want to be bothered, so if it is easier to support the rich and numerous oil producers against the small spec of land on even the largest scale maps, let this "entity" go to hell – it's not our business. And besides, Israel actually never planned nor conducted concerted propaganda efforts to formulate, spell out and propagate her point of view, which gave rich opportunities to her enemies to seize the initiative and sway many would be friends or neutrals into the opposite camp. How come? Sounds like a mystery to me (where is Agatha Christie?) 2. How to fight this? Paradoxically, it is easier to answer this question with regard to the enemies, although not everybody sees many of them as such (too bad!): FIGHT THEM USING ANY MEANS YOU HAVE, including the army. But can't you enlighten and educate them? Probably, not much can be done in this case. Although in theory even hardened and brainwashed down to the smooth surface of their gray matter idiots and scoundrels can be converted to the path of righteousness, this task belongs rather to the law enforcement. Another thing that law enforcement itself may need education. Yet, what about those who have a vital stake in this battle, should be interested in fighting the EVIL, but often do not see it that way? Because the ONLY answer to this issue is EDUCATION. And that is where I see the necessity and the main utility of such organizations like The Middle East Forum. But isn't it what is in the MEF Mission statement? Yes, of course, and The MEF deserves the highest praises and kudos for the work it is doing. But it could do more if it extends the great work it is doing as much as possible. In this respect, I see MEF as a kernel of a much larger entity with much broader scope, inclusion, and "footprint" if you will, than it has presently. In my opinion, a newsletter together with associated with it forum (even with a wide enough distribution and very reputable names to its credit) and occasional TV discussions are not enough. Here is item 1 in the suggested discussion agenda: while the question of what would be enough is open, it requires broad discussions, brainstorming sessions, involving broad expertise and knowledge and all available means, experiences, and professions. The item 2 will deal with the expansion of the outreach. And by that I mean not only the all important "sophisticated public" (see MEF Mission Statement), but also a much broader inclusion. While it's sure more efficient to educate the policy makers and shakers, but when it comes to elections, all the votes are equal! As an example, I would like to mention the television Fox Channel News. Not that I always agree with them, but they sure challenged the "traditional media" and got themselves quite a large audience, at many intellectual levels. May be, a similar "cultural" offensive on a large scale and broad front could and should be launched in defense of the MEF ideals! The item 3 – which way to expand. Isn't it time for a more fair analysis than used to be given by Peter Jennings to millions and millions of TV viewers (sorry, they say that we shouldn't speak negatively about the deceased people, but in my eyes that personality really embodied lots of evil promulgated by many in the media.) Yes, there is a need for RESPECTIVE and ADEQUATE TV and radio shows, newspapers, magazines, books, musicals, etc. I am sure, there are enough people around there of talent and good will to fit the bill: radio- and TV personalities, writers, play writes, moviemakers, lawyers and composers, etc. But they must be organized and result-oriented. And given a practical realistic but forward-looking purpose and plan, there might even exist financial sources to back such activities up. How about MEF radio, MEF publishers? Granted, I expect many more ideas of this kind, some fruitful – some not, all helping to promote the excellent and necessary cause MEF is pursuing on its way to "shape the intellectual climate in which U.S. foreign policy is made by addressing key issues in an accessible way" Regards, AT
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