Preferential Treatment for Arabs in Israel (Before discussing legitimate security worries)Reader comment on item: Arabs and Jews in Israel Submitted by Solano (United States), Feb 22, 2021 at 10:23 Before even discussing safety and security, legitimate concerns, some facts first: להחזיר את האמון במערכת המשפט גם לציבור החרדי | דעה Restoring trust in the legal system to the ultra-Orthodox public as well. בית המשפט העליון פסל את מיכאל בן-ארי ואישר את עופר כסיף. שופטי העליון החליטו ברוב קולות שלא לאפשר לבן ארי להתמודד בבחירות לכנסת הקרובה. השופט סולברג התנגד להחלטה. בנוסף אושרה השתתפותן של המפלגות הערביות בבחירות לכנסת וכן של מועמד חד"ש עופר כסיף, יעל פרידסון, חסן שעלאן, אלישע בן קימון ומורן אזולאי, YNET, 17.03.19 The Supreme Court disqualified Michael Ben-Ari and approved Ofer Kasif. The Supreme Court judges decided by a majority vote not to allow Ben-Ari to run in the upcoming Knesset elections. Judge Solberg objected to the decision. In addition, the participation of the Arab parties in the Knesset elections was confirmed, as well as that of the Hadash candidate Ofer Kasif, Yael Friedson, Hassan Shaalan. מבשארה עד זעאתרה – כך הכשיר בג"ץ את הלאומנות ה'פלסטינית' | דעה. התבטאויות בעד חיזבאללה וחמאס ונגד הזדהות עם ישראל מצד סגן ראש עיריית חיפה המיועד, רג'א זעאתרה, עוררו סערה ציבורית סביב האיש. אבל זעאתרה הוא לא הבעיה, אלא התוצר של "תעודת הכשרות" שהעניק בג"ץ ללאומנות ה'פלסטינית', אלון מליק, ערוץ 20, 11.12.2018 From Bishara to Za'atara - this is how the High Court trained 'Palestinian' nationalism | Opinion. Statements in favor of Hezbollah and Hamas and against identification with Israel by the designated Haifa deputy mayor, Raja Za'atara, caused a public uproar around the man. But Za'atara is not the problem, But the product of the "training certificate" granted by the High Court to "Palestinian" nationalism. מורשת ההריסות של נאור: יד קשה אצל היהודים, יד רכה אצל הערבים. דברי הנשיאה היוצאת על "חשיבות שלטון החוק" נשמעו כמו בדיחה עצובה, לנוכח שנים של השלמה שיפוטית עם בנייה בלתי חוקית של בדואים ופלסטינים. קלמן ליבסקינד, מעריב,28/10/2017 The heritage of the destructions of Naor: a hard hand among the Jews, a soft hand among the Arabs. The outgoing president's remarks on the "importance of the rule of law" sounded like a sad joke, given years of judicial reconciliation with the illegal construction of Bedouin and Palestinians. Kalman Liebskind, Maariv, Oct.28.17 "נפעיל חוקרים פרטיים במטרה לגבות ארנונה ביישובים בדואים". בשנת 2014 הגישה עמותת רגבים עתירה לבג"ץ, בדרישה להורות למועצות האזוריות נווה מדבר ואל קסום לפעול לראשונה לגביית ארנונה ביישובים בדואים, שתושביהם מעולם לא שילמו ארנונה, שלומית צור, גלובס, 1.5.2017 "We will employ private investigators in order to collect property taxes in Bedouin localities." In 2014, Regavim filed a petition with the High Court, demanding that the Neve Midbar and Al Ksum regional councils act for the first time to collect property taxes in Bedouin localities, whose residents have never paid property taxes. בג"ץ לא פינה בדואים שפלשו לשטח בבעלות יהודית. הבדואים בדרום פלשו והקימו מבנים לא חוקיים על שטח בבעלות יהודית. בעל השטח עתר לבג"ץ, אך בית המשפט מסרב לפנות את המבנים הבלתי חוקיים, אלעד שור , ערוץ 20, פברואר 9, 2017 The High Court did not evict Bedouin who invaded Jewish-owned land. The Bedouin in the south invaded and erected illegal structures on Jewish-owned land. The landowner petitioned the High Court, but the court refuses to evict the illegal buildings. Elad Shur, Channel 20, Feb.9.17 שלושה יישובים בגצ"ו לדרך, בים בם בום. סרטון של "רגבים" משווה את ההתייחסות של בג"ץ ליישובים יהודים על קרקע בבעלות ערבית וליישובים בדואים על קרקע בבעלות יהודית'. ערוץ 7 , ט' בכסלו תשע"ז, 09/12/16 Three settlements in on the way to appeal to high court, "bim-bam-bom". A video by Regavim compares the High Court's treatment of Arab localities on Arab-owned land and Bedouin localities on Jewish-owned land. בג"ץ שוב מגן על הבדואים. בית המשפט העליון החליט לדחות שוב את פינוי היישוב הבדואי אום אל חירן בטענה שטרם נמצא פיתרון הולם לתושבים. ח"כ אבו עראר מאיים, ניצן קידר ,ערוץ 7, כ"א בחשון , תשע"ז 22/11/16 The Supreme Court again defends the Bedouin. The Supreme Court has decided to postpone the evacuation of the Bedouin settlement of Umm al-Hiran again, claiming that an adequate solution has not yet been found for the residents. MK Abu Arar threaten. רגבים: איפה ואיפה בפסיקת בג"ץ. בתנועת רגבים מתקשים להבין את היחס השונה של בג"ץ לבניה בלתי חוקית של ערבים, לעומת בניה דומה של יהודים. ידידיה בן אור, ערוץ 7, כ"ו בכסלו תשע"ד, 29/11/13 Regavim: Double standard in the High Court ruling. The Regavim movement has difficulty understanding the different attitude of the High Court to the illegal construction of Arabs, compared to similar construction of Jews. תגובות סוערות לאישור זועבי. "חבר הכנסת יריב לוין מהליכוד טען כי: "מדובר בשערורייה נוספת מבית מדרשו הפוסט ציוני של בית המשפט העליון. שופטי בג"ץ הותירו את אזרחי ישראל, חיילי צה"ל והכנסת חשופים בפני תא הטרור שהקימה ח"כ זועבי בקדנציה האחרונה. מסתבר כי עד שלא תתפוצץ ח"כ זועבי בין כתלי הכנסת לא ישכילו שופטי העליון להבין כי אין מקומה שם. מי שמעוות את החוק ומאפשר לתומכי הטרור לפעול מתוך הכנסת אינו ראוי לכס השיפוט", אריק בנדר וזאב קם, מעריב, 30.12.2012 Stormy reactions to Zoabi's approval. "Likud MK Yariv Levin claimed:" This is another scandal from the Supreme Court's post-Zionist seminary. "Until MK Zoabi explodes within the walls of the Knesset, the Supreme Court justices will not be able to understand that there is no place for it. ____ Prevelant preferential treatment for Arabs, especially in land issues in court, and to Arab students San Francisco Jewish Bulletin, May 4, 1973 - Jewish Students & Minorities Behold this statement from the Dean of the Law School of Tel Aviv University: "If we were to apply the ordinary-criteria which we apply to Jewish students, and if we were to follow the rules of equality in their technical sense, we would have few Arab students here. Thus, despite our belief in equality for all, we have had to apply discrimination in reverse in order to ensure the group rights of the Arabs as such to participate in the legal life of the country. This is merely one demonstration that group rights have a substantive meaning as distinct from the right of the human being as such." This is an expression of preferential treatment, practiced by the Israel on behalf of affirmative action for Arab students. Affirmative Action Program for Local Under-Resourced Arab Students | RIS Program Spotlight: Affirmative Action Program for Local Under-Resourced Arab Students Kidma-Sadarah is a mechina (preparatory program) designed for outstanding Arab students of a lower socioeconomic standing who have graduated from East Jerusalem high schools. Students learn Hebrew, English, math, social studies, and other skills in order to prepare for entry to Israeli universities. The goal of the program is to provide these students with opportunities for growth and development that otherwise may not have been available to them. The program began in 2015 with 70 students, and has now grown to 140 students in the 2016-2017 academic year. Kidma-Sadarah, translated as "headway," is part of a national initiative to make higher education accessible to Israel's minority groups https://overseas.huji.ac .il/hebrew-university-jerusalems-rothberg-international-school/newsletters/program-spotlight/ ISRAELI SUPREME COURT RULES ON FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Some P.A. Arab journalists, including those with permits to enter Israel, were denied press cards by the government of Israel. As a result, they could not cover news in Israel or in parts of Yesha. They petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn the government's decision. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Arabs. It declared that the government did not properly balance the interests of security and the free press. The government should have conducted security clearance tests for each individual journalist. The burden is on the government, in the case of those who had clearance to enter Israel in a non-professional capacity, as, say, tourists. If they may come in as tourists, why not as journalists? (IMRA, 8/11.) The Court ruling, as excerpted, fails to recognize that: (1) Arabs who enter Israel as journalists have entre to more sensitive places than do tourists; (2) More latitude should be given security agencies in wartime, and especially with citizens and agents of the enemy; (3) It is not the duty of Israel to balance freedom of the press in Arab countries with security its own country, nor is there freedom of the press in the P.A., where journalists report numerous death threats if they cover the spread of anarchy in the P.A.; (4) If the Supreme Court were interested in freedom of the press, it would secure it for Israel, where the print media shuts out most other views and broadcast media practices ideological censorship contrary to the standards of journalism, and the government shut down the dissenting radio station, Arutz-7. For that matter, the Court and its way are not democratic. Non-elected and self-perpetuating, it usurped the power to impose its ideology on the elected branches. Expulsion from 'Peace House' in Hevron?, Israeli Court Orders Barrier Rerouted A boy waved a Palestinian flag at an Israeli truck at the barrier in Bilin on Tuesday after Israel's top court ruled it must be rerouted. Credit...Emilio Morenatti/Associated Press Although this is not the first time that Israel's High Court has ruled in the Palestinians' favor in a case about the barrier, this case has taken on a special significance as ... [Note re Hebron, the article is being quoted for purposes of information on systematic discrimination against Jews in favor of Arabs. Not about ideology or opinions]. The Jewish Community of Hebron February 02, 2007 Inequality and Discrimination in Hebron In contrast to the false, anti-Jewish, and anti-Israeli propaganda, here are the real facts: * Hebron , a Jewish City From the standpoint of some of the Israeli and international public, Hebron is an "Arab city." This view is occasioned by Hebron's location over the "Green Line," its current demographic situation (tens of thousands of Arabs alongside only around 1,000 Jews in the inner city, plus 7,000 or so in adjacent Kiryat Arba), and incessant propaganda by the Left. History, however, did not begin in 1967. No cultured person who has studied Bible and ancient and modern history can deny the facts: Hebron is the first Jewish city in history. It is the place where the Jewish national patriarchs lived and were buried. Their burial plot-Ma'arat HaMachpela, the Tomb of the Patriarchs-was the first Jewish property purchased in the Land of Israel, and one of the Jewish people's most impressive monuments was built atop it. Hebron is an object of yearning for Jews throughout the Diaspora and is numbered among the four holy cities (along with Jerusalem , Tiberias, and Safed). The Jewish community in Hebron existed for thousands of years until it was brutally displaced in 1929-after Arab marauders murdered, raped, and burned to death scores of Jews and dispossessed the community of properties that included hundreds of acres of real estate. If the Jewish people has undeniable riggrs..., it is in Hebron . The Jewish community of Hebron today resides on a relatively small fraction of the Jewish property that had been plundered in the 1929 pogrom. This community constitutes the basis and the beginning of the return of Jews to the world's oldest Jewish city. * Jews are allowed to enter only 3 percent of the municipal area. The city limits of Hebron encompass eighteen square kilometers. Of this area, fifteen square kilometers are defined as H1, the area that was surrendered to the Palestinian Authority; this area is off-limits to Jews. Nearly all of the remaining area, H2, is open to unrestricted Arab traffic and presence. The presence of Jews is also forbidden in most of this area. In fact, Jews are allowed in only six tenths of a square kilometer, 3 percent of the municipal area! Thousands of Arabs continue to live in the Israeli zone. The Palestinian Authority deliberately operates and is establishing institutions in this area for the express (written!) purpose of "strangling" the Jewish community by attracting masses of Arabs. Across from Beit Hadassah, for example, Cordoba School continues to operate even though most of its students come there from other parts of town. Next to Tel Rumeida and the Jewish cemetery, another school is under construction today-not to meet any urban need but rather solely to crowd out the Jews in this area. Due to long-term geo-economic processes (that have nothing to do with the Jewish community), the town's central business district has moved to the western side of town. The area where the Jews live has not been the central business district of Hebron for quite some time. On the west side, opulent multistory commercial and office buildings are being put up. Nevertheless, the Palestinian Authority has instructed merchants who have shops near the Jewish community to keep them going even though there is no economic justification for doing so. In contrast, Jews are not allowed to engage in any activity whatsoever in the areas that are off-limits to them, including access to properties that they own. For example, Jews are barred from Parcel 37 (adjacent to the cemetery), the street that runs past Beit Hadassah, the bottom floor of Beit Hadassah, and Jewish-owned houses deep in the "Palestinian" zone. A Jew who dares to enter these areas risks his or her life, not to mention arrest and prosecution for "violation of orders." * Jewish traffic is confined to a minuscule area and to one street. The Oslo War (beginning in September 2000) brought on a string of terror attacks and murders against the Jewish community of Hebron that claimed dozens of casualties, including some at short range within the community's cramped area. In response, the defense system was forced to restrict and inspect Arab traffic in the Israeli part of the city. The area where the Jews dwell-only 3 percent of the town's territory, as stated-is not totally off-limits to Arab movement; instead, vehicular traffic is restricted and pedestrians are checked (per the conventional Israeli practice at entrances to public places). Thousands of Arabs continue to live and circulate in the Israeli zone; the area totally forbidden to Arab movement adds up to only a few hundred meters. Importantly, over the years the defense system has attempted to ease the movement restrictions. These attempts, however, have repeatedly failed, as each leniency was exploited for provocations and attacks that claimed a toll in blood. Concurrently, the movement of Jews in 97 percent of the town area, the part that was handed over to the Palestinian Authority under the 1997 "Hebron Accord," is totally forbidden even though the accord stipulates total freedom of movement. The prohibition was imposed after "Palestinian police" and terrorists threatened to murder any Jews who entered. The sweeping injunction includes revocation of the right to visit and worship at shrines such as Elonei Mamre and the Tomb of Otniel b. Kenaz, even though the Hebron Accord entitles Jews to free access and worship at these locations. Even within the Israeli zone (H2), Jews are denied access to various holy places such as the Tomb of Avner b. Ner and the kabbalistic yeshiva in the casbah. The most significant difference between the movement restrictions imposed on Arabs in Hebron and those imposed on Jews is neither the size of the restricted area nor the motives for the restriction. The Israel High Court of Justice recently ruled that movement restrictions should be applied against the side that threatens violence and lawbreaking and not against the threatened side. "As a rule, the military commander should discharge his duty to defend the safety of the inhabitants ... in some other way and not by closing off the areas" (Justice Beinish). "The military commander should refrain from declaring areas off-limits . for the purpose of protecting the inhabitants themselves" (Justice Rivlin). "The upholding of public order and the inhabitants' safety should be accomplished by taking appropriate measures against the factors that perpetrate riots and not by imposing further restrictions on the casualties of the violence" (Justice Joubran; all quotations are from Ruling 9593/04). The restrictions on Arab movement correspond to the rule established by the High Court of Justice because they are meant to prevent attacks, acts of violence, and lawbreaking by those whose movements have been restricted. In contrast, the restrictions imposed on Jews' movement clash with this basic rule: they were imposed on the casualties of the violence. * The Jews are almost totally deprived of their property rights. The Arabs of Hebron enjoy the natural and basic right of possession and ownership of real estate-a right that is almost totally denied to the Jewish population. The houses, shops, and lands that the Jews of Hebron left behind when they were banished from the city after the 1929 program were expropriated after the Jordanian occupation in 1948 by the Jordanian Administrator of Enemy Properties, even though these Jews had never been anyone's enemy and had been murdered and expelled for no reason whatsoever and in no context of belligerency. These properties have never been returned. The Government of Israel decided to let the injustice stand and to transfer the plundered properties from the Jordanian administrator to the Israeli one. In practice, this decision means the continued leasing of these properties to Arabs, who often treat them with contempt. To this day, for example, a building next to the Avraham Avinu quarter had once housed a kabbalistic yeshiva is being used as a cattle barn, until recently a flea market operated on the ruins of the Chabad synagogue, and so on. Even when the original owners of these properties submit official applications for possession or for the right to allow Jews to settle in them, they are answered in the negative. For example, the Government rescinded its decision to lease to Jews the dwelling units in the Hebron "marketplace," in disregard and repudiation of the request of the owners of the property. Furthermore, Jews are being denied the natural right to purchase houses and enjoy the right of ownership that all human beings share. The withholding of this right from Jews only is a blatant act of racist discrimination. Jordanian and "Palestinian law" establishes the death penalty for any Arab who sells his home to a Jew, and this stricture has in fact been carried out. The State of Israel takes no action whatsoever against these racial laws. To deny the Jews their right to possess real property, the Israel Civil Administration staff has been instructed to adopt a strict enforcement lolicy toward Jews and a lenient one toward Arabs. The planning and building laws are totally unenforced when it comes to Arabs, resulting in Arab illegal construction on a massive scale. Sometimes laws are even invented for the sole purpose of thwarting the purchase of property by Jews. An internal document written by a senior official at the military prosecutor's office, revealed in the press, states that in any legal dispute between Jews and Arabs over property, the Army, the Civil Administration, and the police are to side with the Arab party even when the latter's claim is groundless. This means that Jews will find it virtually impossible to register title to land. The directive is tantamount to racist discrimination against Jews, in contravention of the international law stating that no population group shall be given summary preference over another. * While the Arabs build massively in Hebron, the right to build is almost totally denied to Jews. Everyone in the world has the right to engage in construction and development in accordance with accepted local rules and regulations, irrespective of religion and race. The Palestinian Authority exploits this entitlement cynically by initiating wide-scale construction and development. On the western, Arab, side of Hebron, multistory buildings, malls, and high-tech buildings are going up on an immense scale, with funding from foreign governments and international organizations. On the "Israeli" side, too-the H1 area-a building, development, and housing project is moving ahead under the sponsorship of the "Palestinian government" (today, the Hamas government). The Palestinian Authority has declared Hebron a Class A Development Area: it has established a lavishly budgeted special office for the declared purpose of "strangling the Jewish community" by surrounding it with dense Arab building. Arabs who move into the Jewish area are exempted from taxes and municipal duties and receive free water, free electricity, and a monthly stipend of NIS 1000 in return for their participation in a project that is being carried out to "strangle the Jewish community." Other Arabs, who lawfully possess buildings near the Jewish community but are not interested in living in them, are forced to transfer their properties to the Palestinian Authority. In contrast, the Jews of Hebron are virtually deprived of the right to build, even on property that is unquestionably Jewish-owned, including the core of the minuscule Jewish community area, and even when the plans comply with all regulations and professional requirements. In the past twenty years, building permits have been issued for only three buildings. Offspring of the Jewish community who marry and wish to live in their community cannot do so-due to the racist Jews-only building restrictions. The Government of Israel, unlike the "Palestinian municipality," withholds building permits from Jews and busies itself with evicting Jews from lawfully purchased homes. * Law enforcement-zealous against Jews, lax against Arabs There are two de facto levels of law enforcement in Hebron-one for the Jewish population, another for the Arab population. For the Jewish population, enforcement is applied zealously, anchored in tough procedures under guidelines from the State Attorney's Office. These procedures, which were secret until revealed in a 1997 investigation by a committee of the Hebron Jewish community, stirred fierce public criticism due to the odor of crude discrimination that they exuded. The "special procedures" were ostensibly amended in 1998, but the main sections that instructed police to apply excessive enforcement against Jews remained on the books and obligatory. The procedures require the police to invest unprecedented resources in personnel, funds, and motor vehicles. High-ranking officials at the State Attorney's Office watch closely for any violation of the law-even the most trivial-on the part of Jews. The direct results of this over-enforcement are the wholesale opening of investigation files for trifling offenses and inconsequential acts, and the submission of indictments and holding of trials that often end with acquittals or closure of files on technical grounds. The direct result is a grievous ongoing blow to the personal freedoms of the Jewish inhabitants of Hebron, coupled with cumulative damage in the form of files that besmirch the inhabitants with criminal records-files that would not have been opened anywhere else in Israel. For the Arab population, in contrast, the law is chronically under-enforced and applied for show. Usually, lawbreaking by Arabs is dealt with only if it reaches the level of terrorism. Thus, dozens of daily attacks by Arabs against the Jewish inhabitants of Hebron-physical attacks, stone-throwing, sexual harassment, property damage, etc-are ignored. This is the outcome of written procedures from the military prosecutor's office, exacerbated by a shortage of police personnel because nearly all such personnel are pledged to enforcing the law against the Jewish inhabitants. The direct result of this under-enforcement is the denial of the Jewish inhabitants' right to police protection against waylaying, harassment, and miscellaneous attacks. * Activities of leftist organizations Various international and anti-national organizations have targeted Hebron for hostile activities. Most of these organizations are funded by anti-Israel foundations, enemy states, and European governments. They disseminate falsehoods and conduct propagandistic field trips, media shows, tendentious visits with VIPs, and sundry provocations in order to substantiate what they call "discriminatio against the Arabs." For example, the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a blatantly pro-Palestinian-Arab organization, floods Hebron with "anarchists" from all over the world to harass the security forces that are charged with protecting the Jews in the tiny Israeli zone. Organizations such as Ecumenical Escorters and the Christian Peacekeeping Team, among others, engage in constant provocations and incitement. Groups of antisemitic Christians encourage terrorism and endanger the lives of soldiers and civilians alike. Israeli leftist organizations such as B'tselem, Machsom Watch, Sons of Avraham, and Breaking the Silence love to tour the city with groups of Israelis, non-Israelis, and diplomats, inciting against the Jews of Hebron by giving false, warped presentations. Especially grave is the fact that these organizations act in ful cooperation with the observers of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH), even though TIPH is supposed to be objective and to refrain from provocations. Furthermore, these organizations act with the cooperation of Palestinian disrupters of order and marauders to undermine the operations of the Israel Defence Forces. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) recently joined the activities of the Left in Hebron, acting continually by legal means to breach and trample the Jewish citizens' rights to life and safety. In fact, the activities at issue, cynically huddling under the umbrella of "human rights," are racist actions that aim to bring about the ethnic cleansing of Hebron and restore the situation there to that following the 1929 program-a Hebron that is Judenrein. * Jewish worshippers are confined to only one-fourth of the Tomb of the Patriarchs area. The Tomb of the Patriarchs is the oldest Jewish-owned property in the Land of Israel and the burial place of the nation's patriarchs. The building atop the burial cave was constructed by the Jewish people during the Second Temple era, about two thousand years ago. For generations, it has been a magnet for Jews from all over the world. After the Muslim Mameluks occupied the Land of Israel, they forbade Jews and Christians to enter the building and required Jews to stand outside, next to the seventh step. This injunction lasted for 700 years, until the State of Israel struck it down. However, Jews face grave discrimination at the Tomb of the Patriarchs today-in the apportionment of floor space inside the shrine, forced separation, and the ability to develop and enhance the site. Apportionment of floor space: At first glance, the tomb appears to be divided between the worshipers of the two faiths. In fact, however, the area available to Jews is only one-fourth of that handed to the Muslims, and most of this area is an open courtyard exposed to cold, rain, and other ravages of weather. Forced separation: The ironclad rule of "separating" the adherents of the two faiths, established by the Shamgar Commission, is implemented only against Jews for all intents and purposes. Representatives of the Muslim Waqf and the muezzin are allowed to enter the Jewish area; the muezzin continues to cross the Jewish area and play raucous cries over the loudspeaker during the Jews' worship services. In contrast, Jews are unconditionally enjoined against entering the areas reserved for Muslim worship. Permission to develop and enhance the site: Jews are deprived of the basic right to enhance and improve their shrine because the Muslim Waqf is allowed to veto the Jews' enhancement and development plans. The Arabs, in contrast, are not limited in any way; lavish budgets are reserved for the halls allocated to them and are used relentlessly. Obviously, these plans are not presented for the approval of, or even for consultation with, the Jewish authorities in charge of the tomb. Consequently, the Isaac Hall, the main and largest hall in the building, is being enhanced with the help of mammoth investments in paint, decorations, and Muslim ritual objects, in total insensitivity to the Jewish nature of the place. The Jewish community of Hebron demands: Stop the discrimination! * Assure the right of free and safe movement for Jews in all parts of Hebron. * Assure the right of Jews to possess, purchase, and dwell in properties throughout Hebron. * Stop the hostile and racist propaganda against the Jews of Hebron. * Banish inciteful, antisemitic, racist, and anti-Israeli players from Hebron. * End the discrimination in law enforcement and religious and civil rights. https://www.imra.org. il/story.php?id=32837 RACHEL CORRIE AND HER HANDLERS http://www.think-israel. org/archives/1204issue/lipkin.rachelcorrieshandlers.html PART 2: ORDINARY MAYHEM PA ARABS RIOT AT JEWISH-OWNED MARKET IN SAMARIA Video courtesy of "Regavim" Dozens of Palestinian Authority Arab and foreign anarchists stormed a Jewish-owned Rami Levy supermarket Wednesday morning in Samaria, where Arabs shop and are employed, and waved PA flags while yelling, "Free Palestine." Police used stun grenades to disperse the mob while customers and workers took refuge in the store out of fear of violence from the protesters. One protester was lightly injured and taken to an Arab hospital by a PA Red Crescent ambulance. Four people were arrested. The incident took place in Rami Levy's branch in the Binyamin Regional Council, between Jerusalem and Beit El and Ofra. The supermarket chain also maintains branches in Gush Etzion and Beitar Illit, as well as in a large number of urban centers. The markets have been noted by foreign journalists as an example of co-existence, with Arabs and Jews shopping together. The supermarkets provide dozens of jobs for Arabs as well as Jews. Wednesday's riot was over 10 minutes after police arrived but not before the rioters managed to achieve what appeared to be their immediate aim — to be photographed by accompanying photo journalists. Several Palestinian Authority Arabs arrived to cause a provocation with photo journalists. They yelled and then left, Rami Levy told Arutz Sheva. He noted that his staff cannot prevent the entry of any customer so long as he passes an inspection at the entrance to ensure he is not carrying any weapons or explosives. Attorney Betzalel Smotritz, who heads the Regavim organization that publicizes discrimination in favor of Arabs on issues of property and building, said the protesters were "trying to ignite the flames of violence." "The provocation exposes the simple truth that the anarchists and PA Arabs are against co-existence. I suggest they turn their attention to neighboring Syria," Smotritz added. Arab Housing at Jewish Expense - Inside Israel - Israel National News Arab Housing at Jewish Expense Jerusalem city plan to increase Arab housing and reduce religious housing has activists up in arms. Hillel Fendel , 19/06/09 14:33 "Only if all the religious parties in the municipality quit the coalition is there a chance to stop this travesty." So says a leading Jerusalem activist, regarding a new Interior Ministry-approved municipal plan to increase Arab housing and reduce religious housing in the capital. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat signed the plans two months ago, but opponents are considering filing a petition against them in the Supreme Court. "The entire process was fraught with irregularities and illegalities," says one activist, who does not yet wish to be identified. "For instance, the public forum was heavily weighted to the left with Arab and left-wing groups, without equal representation for nationalist and religious groups." The new plans greatly restrict the construction of "sukkah porches" – i.e., porches with no ceiling or obstruction above, enabling residents to observe the Sukkot holiday without having to build Sukkahs outside the building. In addition, 14,000 new apartments are being planned in Arab neighborhoods, while plans for 12,000 apartments in hareidi-religious areas have been shelved. Another clause in the new city zoning plan stipulates that the Mt. Scopus-Beit Orot municipal park area will be used to build a new Arab neighborhood. Especially infuriating to Jewish Jerusalem land groups is the designation of Shaar HaMizrach, a Jewish-owned area run by Aryeh King near the French Hill neighborhood, as a municipal garbage dump. The area has been the source of many battles in the past, and King says that Arab groups have long been pushing to have the area declared non-residential. Politically-Based Discriminatory Trend The Sanhedrin, a group of leading rabbis who wish to revive the traditional High Rabbinical Court known in Talmudic times by the same name, has listed the following objections: "The plans indicate a politically-based discriminatory trend said to be necessary in favor of the so-called Palestinian population, at the expense of the Jewish population. This is manifest in the form of plans to change the demographic balance in the city. The plans also include leaving areas for constructing Arab governmental buildings – thus advancing the current trend of dividing the city into two political entities." It is also noted that certain employment designations – such as higher education, government, bio-technology and medicine – will be granted preferential treatment, thus discriminating against the hareidi sector, in which these fields are less popular. MK Danon: Keep Barak Away from Running Yesha - Inside Israel - Israel National News The court in an unprecedented statement: Shai Nitzan abducted the right-wing people - the HONENU organization In the verdict in the trial of Uri Baram, which published about three and a half years ago, videos against Attorney Shai Nitzan, now the State's Attorney, the Court accepted the defense claims from justice filed by Attorney Adi Kedar representing Baram on behalf of the organization. The trial ruled that Shai Nitzan was being selectively enforced by automatically closing complaints filed against leftists and Arabs for incitement to harm Jews, settlers and IDF soldiers. "The timeline of the defense of the defense of the timeline between October 2008 and August 2010 reflects a pertinent reference by the relevant enforcement authority to disclosures of extreme, dangerous and incitement violence, to violence / terrorism / racism, to soldiers, Jews, and even to the Israeli government," Judge Bechor wrote The law. "It is clear that there is evidence in the defense to indicate a theoretical, general, and almost tainted approach to automatism when it comes to denying the real possibility component of the incitement offense. Thus, mass cries for 'death to Jews', 'settler neutering' and 'killing soldiers' cannot bring about Violence towards each of the aforementioned audiences ?! ", the judge wonders, adding," Are these not harmed by acts of violence or terrorism as a daily occurrence? " Among other things, Attorney Kidder presented to the court complaints filed against leftists calling for "castration of settlers", an Arab who called the demonstration "Death to Jews", a display in a museum incited against Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and more. Submitted following a fundraising show for the anarchist activity in Israel, during which the band's soloist who performed at the event called for the killing of IDF soldiers. A complaint was filed with Shi Nitzan but it decided not to indict him because he apologized. "It is unclear why Shai Nitzan is content with the band's apology rather than the defendant's immediate apology to his interrogators," Judge Bechor wrote. "Why did we just send a warning letter to a demonstrator calling death to Jews?" It should be noted that Baram argued in his investigation that the purpose of the provocative video was to overwhelm the discrimination Shai Nitzan's leader in investigating incitement complaints. The judge severely criticized the verdict, the lack of handling of complaints about the statements of left and Arab people, and stated that this causes a feeling of discrimination among right-wingers. The judge ruled that the lack of handling of complaints, "is what creates a slippery slope of escalating incitement that does not stop or diminish the investigation or prosecution of the perpetrator, and at the same time intensifies feelings of wrongful discrimination against holders of contradictory misconduct, Of justice and legal fairness "... 'No security for Israelis till terrorists go free' - Middle East - Israel National News Holocaust survivor demolishes Israel comparison - Inside Israel - Israel A Jewish town or an Arab town? Former senior civilian officer: Administration biased in favor of Palestinians and left-wing agendas The Palestinian who sold the Patriarchal House to the settlers, Muhammad Abu Shahla, has been in prison for five years without trial, and has even been tortured (by Palestinian Authority).. Non-solution to a Non-crisis | The Jewish Press - JewishPress Is the IDF putting a hard (heavy) hand on right-wing activists in the Judea and Samaria Territories? Aug 13, 2019 · ... so we checked and discovered a steady preferential treatment of Arab Israelis: according to a 2009 study, while the proportion of residents in the Arab municipalities in Israel is about 14% of the overall population, they only collect 2% of the national income from property taxes, while receiving no less than 38% of the adjustment grants. And in 2013, the Arab municipalities received aid to the tune of NIS 1 billion compared with 1.6 billion for Jewish municipalities, meaning that the Arab municipalities received about NIS 1,000 per capita, compared with only NIS 258 in the Jewish municipalities (Source: Mida). Israel Court Rejects Law Legalizing Thousands of Settlement Homes Israel must curb the imperious Supreme Court – opinion ... Given the current makeup of the court, decisions that employ such supple and flexible principles invariably are skewed in favor the liberal side of the political spectrum. And thus, the court has ruled in recent years with a liberal fist on allocation of KKL-JNF land, Palestinian residency rights in Israel, ...commerce on Shabbat and more. Further back, Barak's High Court ruled it "unreasonable" to close the Palestinian Authority's headquarters in Jerusalem, despite the affront to Israel's sovereignty in Jerusalem occasioned by its operation. The court ruled it "unreasonable" to compromise and close Bar-Ilan Street in Jerusalem for several hours on Shabbat, despite the fact that a public committee of prominent religious and secular Jews – which was far more representative of Israeli society than the court! – had found otherwise. Kiryat Arba Closes Pool Due To Supreme Court's Order To Offer Mixed-Swimming ... Masika also mentioned the fact that the court does not intervene in Arab or Bedouin communities which offer only separate swimming in their public pools.
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