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Judge: "To call out a doctor under a false pretence on an errand of mercy, and then to shoot him in cold blood" - on murdering Dr. Anwar Shukeiri (1939) Mufti's gang / Ahmad Shukeiri Op.

Reader comment on item: Palestinians

Submitted by Sima (United States), Dec 23, 2022 at 04:45

Doctor Anwar Asaad Al-Shukairy
أنور الشقيري

דר. אנואר שוקיירי

Born: Circa 1910 - Died: June 8, 1939.

Perpetrators of his murder: Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini's gang, with help from Anwar's own brother Ahmad Shukeiri

(Ahnad Shukeiri did this crime around a year before he and his surroundings were cheering, praying for Hitler [as he wrote in his book] then actively helping Hitler [as testified in Congress in the 1960s] and who justified the Holocaust in 1946 [B'nai B'rith, July.12.46] and had endorsed Neo Nazis at UN on Nov.30.62 [on UN records and reported by ADL and others, with JTA and B'nai B'rith reported Shukeiri was fired over this]).

מבצעי הרצח שלו: הכנופיה של המופתי חאג' אמין אל-חוסייני, בסיוע אחיו של אנואר, אחמד שוקיירי.

(אחמד שוקיירי ביצע את הפשע הזה בערך שנה לפני שהוא וסביבתו הריעו, התפללו להיטלר [כפי שכתב בספרו], ואז עזר באופן פעיל להיטלר [כפי שהעידו בקונגרס בשנות ה-60] ומי שהצדיק את השואה ב-1946 ['בני ברית', ביולי 12.46] וקידם ניאו-נאצים באו"ם ב-30.62.11 [על פי רישומי האו"ם ודווח על ידי ADL ואחרים, כאשר JTA ו'בני ברית' דיווחו ששוקיירי פוטר בשל כך]).

مرتكبو مقتله: عصابة المفتي الحاج أمين الحسيني بمساعدة شقيق أنور أحمد الشقيري.

(ارتكب أحمد الشقيري هذه الجريمة حوالي عام قبل أن يهتف هو ومحيطه ، يصلي من أجل هتلر ثم يساعد بنشاط هتلر والذي برر الهولوكوست في عام 1946 وأيد النازيين الجدد في الأمم المتحدة في 30 نوفمبر / تشرين الثاني).


⁨⁨ha-Arets⁩ - ⁨הארץ⁩, 9 June 1939

'Anwar Shukeiri, son of the Mufti of Acre, was murdered.' HaArets, June 9, 1939

An official announcement says:

Dr. Anwar Shukeiri was shot yesterday at 10.15 a.m. in Acre. He later died at the Italian Hospital in Haifa.
Two people were arrested.

Our Arab informant adds:

Anwar Shukeiri, a 29-year-old doctor who graduated from the American College of Law in the capital, was the son of the old Mufti-of-Acre, a rival of Haj Amin al-Husseini for decades.

The son, like his father, belonged to the Arab opposition, and did not refrain from speaking openly about the terrorists who exploit national feelings for their personal needs.

This disclosure cost him his life.

'נרצח אנוואר שוקיירי בנו של מופתי עכו'.
הארץ, 9 ביוני, 1939.

הודעה רשמית אומרת:

ד"ר אנואר שוקירי נורה אתמול ב-10.15 בבוקר בעכו. כעבור זמן מה מת בבית החולים האיטלקי בחיפה.
נאסרו שני אנשים.

מודיענו הערבי מוסיף:

אנואר שוקיירי, רופא, בן 29, שגמר את חוק לימודים במכללה האמריקאית בבירות, היה בנו של מופתי-עכו הישיש, יריבו של חג' אמין אל-חוסייני מזה עשרות בשנים.

הבן, כאביו, נמנה על האופוזיציה הערבית, ולא נמנע מלדבר בגלוי על הטארוריסטים המנצלים את הרגשות הלאומיים לצרכם האישי.

התגלות-לב זו עלתה לו בחייו.


The Palestine Post⁩, 11 June 1939


ACRE, Saturday . — Thousands of mourners joined in the funeral procession, which took place at one o'clock yesterday, of Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, who was murdered on Thursday.
Shops throughout the town were closed, and the mourners included men and women from many neighbouring villages, where Dr. Shukeiri was particularly well-loved among the poorer classes whom he, had often been known to give free treatment.
The young doctor, a graduate of the American University of Beirut, was the son of Sheikh Assad Shukeiri, the noted Moslem leader of Acre who is a leading supporter of the National Defence Party, and at one time an aspirant to the Presidency of the Moslem Supreme Council.


It is learned that two Arabs came to the house of Dr. Shukeiri on Thursday morning and asked him to visit a patient. He followed them into the street, and when he stepped out of his car at Fakhoura Square, several shots out and he colrang lapsed, unconscious. After being given first aid treatment at Acre he was rushed to the Haifa Government Hospital, where he succumbed to his wounds an hour and a half later.

His body [today] was taken to Acre for burial. At the grave-side several eulogies were delivered, and a sister of the murdered man was heard to out cry, "Down with the Mufti and his followers."

The funeral took place on the day when Dr. Shukeiri was to have become engaged to the daughter of Haj Nimmer Naboulsi, a notable of Nablus.

'Falastin', the Mufti's organ reported the murder of Dr. Shukeiri very briefly, publishing only the official communique.


Political Diaries of the Arab World: 1939-1940. (2001). United Kingdom: Archive Editions. p. 489

On Sunday 18th, the fortieth day after the death of Sheikh Asaad Shukeiri, a large memorial meeting was held in the Acre cinema to his memory and that of his son Dr. Anwar Shukeiri who was assassinated in Acra on June 8th 1939. It was attended by D. D. C., Acre and A. S. P. and over 400 people were present and among the many speakers were Fakhri Bey Nashashibi and Bishop Hajjear (the Archbishop of Haifa and Galilee). The most impassioned oration was in the form of a poem / .



The Palestine Post, June 13, 1939

Condemnation of terrorist methods was voiced by Fakhri Bey Nashashibi, deputy leader of the Arab National Defence Party, in a telegram of condolences to Sheikh Assad al Shukeiri, of Acre, on the death of Dr. Anwar Shukeiri who was shot by terrorists in Acre on Saturday. The which is similar to message, that sent by Ragheb Bey Nashashibi President of the Defence Party was as follows:

The monstrous crime which has caused the death of Anwar must be considered as directed against the courageous, loyal and educated youth. Anwar had accomplished outstanding tasks...
The people of Palestine knew him as a sincere patriot and a true Moslem . It pains me deeply, not to be able to join those who will today be honoured by carrying Anwar's coffin. Down with the criminals who have destroyed the country and caused the suffering to its inhabitants."


Annotated Supreme Court Judgments [Palestine]. Vol.1 (1941). Tel-Aviv: S. Bursi. pp. 52-3.

Palestine. Supreme Court


The Appellant was charged at the Haifa Assizes with the premeditated murder of Dr. Anwar Shukeiri on the 8th of June, 1939, at Acre. He was charged incidentally with four other persons.

The other four were acquitted , and this Appellant was convicted and sentenced to death. The evidence showed quite clearly that the Appellant went to the house of this doctor, told him that his wife was ill, and asked the doctor to come and see her. The doctor went out with the Appellant, and in the course of their journey, outside what they call the Casino in Acre, the doctor was shot. There was a mass of evidence which showed beyond any doubt that it was the Appellant who shot, or that, at any rate, he was one of those persons who shot at the doctor and killed him.
Mr. Asfour for the Appellant has raised two main points really. The first one is that the alleged confession made by the Appellant was wrongly admitted in evidence, and, even if disregarded, must have influenced the minds of the Court; and the second, that the statement made by the deceased man in hospital to Sergeant Billing, that it was a person called Ahmad who shot him, was inconclusive as a means of identification of the Apellant.

Now, a very considerable amount of argument was advanced in the Court of Trial as to whether this confession was admissible or not.

After hearing evidence the Court decided that it was admissible, and it was admitted and read.

When it came to consider its judgment and the evidence of the defence, the Trial Court decided that no weight should be attached to this statement, and it said: "We disregard it". We think that the confession was clearly admissible.
As to the argument that it must have influenced the minds of the Court, even if disregarded, it is not as though the confession had been read to a jury.
It was read by a Bench of Judges, which makes a considerable difference.
In any case, when the Court said it disregarded it, it does not mean that it had second thoughts about it and held that it was inadmissible. The statement being, as the Court rightly held, admissible, the point is actually irrelevant.

With regard to the statement made by the dying man that his assailant was Ahmad, this would not, of course, by itself be conclusive, but the fact remains that this present Appellant's name is Ahmad. On the evidence there was ample material before the Court of Criminal Assize upon which to convict the Appellant of what was undoubtedly a most cowardly and despicable crime.

To call out a doctor under a false pretence on an errand of mercy, and then to shoot him in cold blood, is an act which it is beyond words to describe in adequate terms of condemnation.

In these circumstances there are no grounds whatever for disturbing the verdict of the Trial Court.

The appeal must be dismissed and the conviction and sentence of death are confirmed.

Delivered this 26th day of February, 1941.


'Evidence Concluded in Shukairy Case.'

The Palestine Post, January 30, 1941

HAIFA , Wednesday . — Evidence in the trial of the five men charged before the Court of Criminal Assize with the murder of Dr. Anwar Shukairi at Acre in June 1939 was concluded today, and the summing-up by the Crown Counsel is expected tomorrow rmorning.

Among the ten witnesses for the defence heard today were Police officers who testified that Police Inspector Yussef Ahmed Ali, who has been in the Police Force for 21 years, took part in engagements against the armed bands and assisted in the quelling of the disturbances. He was recommended for good work done in this connection.

Mr. John Asfour, for Ahmed Shawish (the first accused); Fuad Eff. Atalla for Awad Baytam, Said Mohammed and Mohammed Ali (second , third and fifth accused respectively); and Mr. Henry Cattan (with him Mr. H. C. Weston-Sanders) for the Police Inspector, summed the case for their respective clients...


Aryeh Disenchik, 'Night at Shukeiri's Home in Acre', Maariv, Friday, October 21, 1949, pp.2,11

In these two pictures lies the history of this house - said the Arab. The old man is the head of the family, Assad Shukeiri Bey, and the other is his youngest son, the doctor Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, who was murdered by the gangs in 1938 [1939], in the Acre market, for - according to the gangs, not only a Nashashibi man. but also a friend of the Jews, therefore - a "traitor." ...

The sheikh took for a woman one of the beautiful and rich from Turkey, and on his return to Acre he took another wife, an Arab, from Acre. The Turk gave birth to four children: Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, who was murdered, the eldest son and two daughters, who are now in exile in Lebanon. The Arab woman brought him one son, he is the attorney Ahmad Shukeiri.
The old sheikh and his descendants from the Turkish woman were among the "moderate Arabs", collaborated with Raghib Bey Nashashibi and King Abdullah and even preached for agreement with the Jews. The son Ahmad of the Arab woman, however, joined the Mufti and Jamal Husseini camp, and later served for two years as head of the Arab bureau in Washington, D.C., ever since the Shukeiri peace was disturbed, and the two camps did not talk to each other and became real enemies.

Mutual hatred reached its peak when the youngest member of the family, Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, was murdered in the Acre market by two gangs of gang emissaries. He was on his way home from a hospital visit when he was shot and killed on the spot. The two murderers were apprehended and at trial confessed that they had been sent by the Mufti to murder the young Shukeiri.

Further investigation revealed that the hand of his brother, Ahmad Shukeiri, was involved in the murder of Dr. Anwar Shukeiri. The murdered man was brought for burial in the city's Moslem cemetery. But those responsible for the murder did not have enough, even after the murderers were sentenced to death and hanged in Acre prison.

One day it was reported to the old sheikh, who could not recover from the blow inflicted with the murder of his beloved son, that the members of the Mufti gang were plotting to abuse his son's grave the next night: they would take him out of his grave, abuse his body and scatter his bones. You have no harder insult than that. When darkness came, the old man, his family, his servants and a friend went down to the cemetery, took out the body of Dr. Anwar Shukiri and reburied him in the garden of his house.

My interlocutor, from the Shukeiri family, even took the trouble the next morning to bring me to the garden, and showed me the tomb surrounded by plants and flowers. "Here we also buried the old sheikh, who died less than a year after the death of his beloved son, because he could not bear the grief" ...

Ahmed Shukeiri fled to Cairo and there re-entered the "politics" circle. Was on the Mufti's mission here and there ...

אריה דיסנצ'יק, 'לילה בבית שוקיירי בעכו' , מעריב, יום ו' כ"ח תשרי תש"י, 21 באוקטובר 1949
בשתי תמונות אלו טמונה ההיסטוריה של הבית הזה - אמר הערבי. הזקן הוא ראש המשפחה, השייך עסד שוקיירי ביי, והשני הוא בנו הצעיר, הרופא ד"ר אנוור שוקיירי, שנרצח בידי הכנופיות בשנת 1938 [1939], בשוק עכו, על -- היותו לדברי הכנופיות, לא רק איש נאשאשיבי, אלא גם ידיד היהודים ולכן -- בוגד." ...

השייך לקח לאשה אחת מבנות תורכיה היפות והעשירות, ושובו לעכו לקח לו אשה שנייה, ערבייה, מבנות עכו. התורכי ילדה ארבעה ילדים: ד"ר אנוור שוקיירי, שנרצח, הבן הבכור ושתי בנות, הנמצאים עכשיו בגלות לבנון. האשה הערבייה הביאה לו בן אחד, הוא עוה"ד אחמד שוקיירי. השייך הזקן וצאצאיו מאשה בתורכיה נמנו על ה"ערבים המתונים", שיתפו פעולה עם ראגב ביי נאשאשיבי ועם המלך עבדאללה ואף הטיפו להסכם עם היהודים. אולם הבן אחמד מהאשה הערביה, הצטרף למחנה המופתי וג'ימאל חוסייני, ואחר כך שימש במשך שנתיים ראש הלשכה הערבית בוואשינגטון, מאז הושבת השלום בבית שוקיירי, ובני שני המחנות לא דיברו איש עם רעהו והיו לאויבים ממש.

השנאה ההדדית הגיעה לשיאה עת נרצח צעיר המשפחה, הד"ר אנוור שוקיירי, בשוק עכו ע"י שני פלחים שליחי הכנופיות. הוא היה בדרכו הביתה מביקור חולים כשנורה ונהרג במקום. שני הרוצחים נתפסו ובעת המשפט הודו, כי נשלחו בידי המופתי לרצוח את שוקיירי הצעיר.

חקירה נוספת העלתה, כי יד אחיו, אחמד שוקיירי, ברצח הד"ר אנוור שוקיירי. הנרצח הובא לקבורות בבית הקברות המושלימי בעיר. אך האחראים לרצח לא אמרו די. מה גם לאחר שהרוצחים נידונו למוות וניתלו בכלא עכו.

יום אחד נמסר לשייך הזקן, שלא יכול היה להתאושש מהמכה שהוכה עם הרצח בנו-אהובו, כי אנשי כנופיות המופתי זוממים להתעלל בקבר בנו עוד בלילה הסמוך: הם יוציאוהו מקברו, ויתעללו בגופתו ויפזרו עצמותיו לכל רוח. אין לך עלבון קשה מזה. עם בוא החשכה ירדו השייך הזקן, בני ביתו, משרתיו וחבר ידידים לבית הקברות, הוציאו את גופת ד"ר אנוור שוקיירי וקברוהו מחדש בגן ביתו.

איש שיחי, ממשפחת שוקיירי, אף טרח למחרת בבוקר, להביאני לגן, והראה לי את הקבר מוקף צמחים ופרחים. "כאן קברנו גם את השייך הזקן, שמת פחות משנה אחרי מות בנו-אהובו, כי לא יכול היה לשאת בצער"...

אחמד שוקיירי נמלט לקאהיר ושם נכנס שוב למעגל ה"פוליטיקה". היה בשליחות המופתי פה ושם...


Ahmad Shukeiri, the servants of many masters. Davar, December 3, 1965.

"His brother, Dr. Anwar Shukieri, was murdered by the Mufti of Jerusalem's gangs because he was suspected of being a moderate."

אחמד שוקיירי, משרתיו של הרבה אדונים, דבר, 3 דצמבר, 1965

'אחיו, ד"ר אנוור שוקיירי, נרצח בידי כנופיות המופתי הירושלמי משום שנחשד על ידם מתון'.


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Reader comments (11) on this item

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