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Why haven't the fomentors of hate been tossed?

Reader comment on item: How Many "Hate Preachers" Expelled?

Submitted by Todd - In NOVA (United States), Jan 9, 2006 at 12:46

Extreme Islamist imams are easy enough to identify and monitor while here in the US, UK (pick your western style state). That fact rates pretty high for not expelling them. Do that and how then can you monitor what they are saying/doing.

Got'ta know your enemy, right?

Having said that, It could be argued that continuing to host these malcontents works to their advantage in the same way, albeit it isn't likely our varying police agencies would have much luck in a middle-eastern and/or otherwise Muslim dominated lands.

So, I say keep 'em around. Makes it easier to round them up when the inevitable... hits the fan.


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Reader comments (4) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
No more plausible deniability for the PA [139 words]Marvin RabinovitchJan 29, 2006 11:2933012
Why haven't the fomentors of hate been tossed? [105 words]Todd - In NOVAJan 9, 2006 12:4631343
Back with another Politically Incorrect Thought [218 words]Heather ClarkJan 1, 2006 02:1630869
Unfortunately They hate You! [76 words]JAMEFeb 1, 2006 14:1630869

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