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Reader comment on item: The Leftist-Islamist Alliance in Pictures
in response to reader comment: "Palestinian" Arabs

Submitted by Mufid (United States), Sep 21, 2006 at 18:07

I am sorry I couldn't get to read your entire article, because it's based on lies upon history, and depicts your great ignorance in such historical concepts. Have you got to know that the Arabian society is consisting of different ethnicity form different religions, and different backgrounds? Thus, it consists of Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs and Jewish Arabs as well. Palestine is an Arabian country, occupied by the Zionist and their allies from the imported Jewish from Europe and United States, whom they know that one day they have to leave the stolen land and go back to where they came from, but , not before they pay the price!!!.

And one last thing about the Christian Arabs, I would rocomend you to read some thing- if you know how to read – for Edward Said, Azmi Besharah, Joseph Mosaed and more, whom you don't know for the reason I have mentioned before (great ignorance) …. Think!


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Reader comments (12) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Western civilization [106 words]rymo yamboDec 28, 2008 16:26146089
fear [87 words]kimoSep 29, 2007 20:04109924
1"Palestinian" Arabs [137 words]Osher BaruchSep 15, 2006 03:5356000
Responce to your post [157 words]MufidSep 21, 2006 18:0756000
To misguided neoconservatives... [1419 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratMay 15, 2006 12:2045654
Hear hear, Pro-Israeli Democrat! [155 words]ArcaneMay 17, 2006 17:4945654
On "Neoconservatives" and my all-too-long title. [306 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratMay 19, 2006 11:1245654
Good to hear... [248 words]ArcaneMay 19, 2006 20:0645654
Extremism hurts everyone [1199 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratMay 23, 2006 00:4445654
Infidel leftist [92 words]btillyMay 14, 2006 14:5745589
Useful idiots [38 words]MaryMay 31, 2006 12:3345589
Islamist? [16 words]SebMar 1, 2006 11:0438503

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