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Iranians aren't the same as Iraqis

Reader comment on item: Decision Time on Iran
in response to reader comment: On the Verge of Disaster

Submitted by Trans-parere (Canada), Nov 1, 2006 at 02:13

I think it is a mistake to associate anything in regards to Iraq to a possible strategy in dealing with the Iranians.

The method of governance in Iran and the powers of individual representatives puts less value on what the prime minister says in any public forum and the actual intent and foreign policy of the Ayatollah. Obviously by intent Iran is sending different messages. Russia and China especially can not be ignorant of Islamic fascism or the theocratic intentions of the present Iranian government. They each have history and experience. I can't believe that these two have come together after years of mutual suspicion to secure oil rights in the face of the potential of a nuclear Iran. An Iran that if, will use its nuclear weapons to expand it's theocracy into the Middle East. An Iran that would receive as good as it delivers, or much worse more likely in any nuclear exchange.

That Russia and China have pledged their support in the hopes of being first to an unusable radioactive oil supply. The Shah became (too) oppressive and the Iranian people came together to oust his government. The theocratic government of Iran is too oppressive and regardless of whatever that hand puppet Ahmadinejad has to say I think the Iranians will soon decide enough is enough. I know that they say people change but, that guy is just too butt ugly ignorant to represent for long the Iranians I knew. The joke is that the Ayatollah uses one hand when he eats and an other when he speaks as the prime minister.


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Reader comments (207) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
nucleur power is lost under the conquest of a minute invisible germ [82 words]milroyAug 21, 2021 09:44273094
Decision Time on Iran [94 words]AnneJul 13, 2008 16:46135002
1a lot of misinformation about Iran [646 words]nimaFeb 22, 2007 13:0878361
1The New Nazi Country [55 words]Dan LubowJun 27, 2009 16:1578361
Iran is not a danger [43 words]JIMJFOXMay 3, 2017 13:5478361
yes [26 words]Steve SmithJan 11, 2007 08:4272406
3its Mecca and Medina stupid (ie not economy) [286 words]VolviNov 23, 2006 03:5767047
go in for maw maw, not blah blah [132 words]ADAMNov 21, 2006 08:5966803
Re: Descision Time for Iran [218 words]Donna PaschalNov 15, 2006 00:2466162
Up To The President [292 words]John RNov 11, 2006 12:1065821
1must be stopped [173 words]jo maherNov 8, 2006 09:4865543
Is this war worth the price? [57 words]Ocatvio JohansonNov 8, 2006 09:2465542
1Try to imagine the price of allowing Iran go nuclear. [30 words]MosheNov 9, 2006 14:5565542
2We have to pay the price for security and freedom otherwise .............. [82 words]KeutuNov 10, 2006 18:5065542
Worth the price, Octavio? You bet. [861 words]James VesceFeb 13, 2007 15:1165542
I am no neo-conservative [69 words]Octavio JohansonNov 7, 2006 15:1465470
Wake Up [180 words]JO MNov 8, 2006 10:0365470
Dear JO M [152 words]Octavio JohanssonNov 9, 2006 08:5165470
To JO M: focus on the home-front [266 words]Octavio JohansonNov 9, 2006 09:2465470
We are the only idiots [124 words]Octavio JohansonNov 9, 2006 10:4665470
"We are the only idiots" he said.. [231 words]HarrakNov 9, 2006 23:0865470
Terrorists are recruiting in our schools, says MI5 boss [965 words]ASNov 10, 2006 03:1465470
War on Islam -Octavio [207 words]Jo MNov 10, 2006 05:0465470
Re: terrorists are recruiting in our schools, says MI5 boss [179 words]Octavio JohansonNov 11, 2006 11:2165470
Options left to prevent Islamists from carrying out a Terror Attack [445 words]TosherNov 11, 2006 11:5065470
Harrak: insulting people is no good [168 words]Octavio JohansonNov 12, 2006 16:1065470
How about insulting the god of some people.. [22 words]HarrakNov 12, 2006 21:5065470
what's Harrak... [126 words]ASNov 12, 2006 23:4765470
"bikinis in mecca" is prohibited by Dick Cheney! [499 words]HarrakNov 13, 2006 20:5165470
Let Mahmoud be Mahmoud [95 words]Octavio JohansonNov 6, 2006 05:3065358
War With Iran [145 words]John RNov 5, 2006 14:4865305
Iran: a European view [53 words]Octavio JohansonNov 6, 2006 02:5165305
Say " No " to full European Union Membership to Islamic Turkey [213 words]Costas MpourabanisNov 7, 2006 05:4465305
They shall not pass [241 words]Octavio JohansonNov 7, 2006 17:0565305
Iran showing the guts, USA watching the situation closely..common US this is no peep show [151 words]HarrakNov 4, 2006 13:1965252
This is the result of America's weakness on Iran: [424 words]Gellin and InfidellinNov 4, 2006 23:0165252
Arab States and Nuclear Science, two opposite things [252 words]HarrakNov 5, 2006 16:4565252
Harrak , you are an Islamist and you will see destruction of Iran with in six months from now [105 words]tonyNov 6, 2006 15:5265252
1All Muslims may not be Terrorists but All Jehadis / Terrorists are Muslims [100 words]NauraNov 6, 2006 16:1765252
response to Naura [41 words]gellin and InfidellinNov 6, 2006 18:5965252
to Harrak [36 words]Gellin and InfidellinNov 6, 2006 19:0265252
You know with stress you can lose your hair!! that is if you don`t lose your mind..Tony! [392 words]HarrakNov 6, 2006 23:1765252
unfounded views [111 words]Asim AhmefNov 7, 2006 04:3665252
Infidelin... [94 words]HarrakNov 8, 2006 12:2465252
answer to mr tony and others like him [502 words]Pir SahabNov 8, 2006 13:5565252
Idea for those who want to do the real swinging [344 words]HarrakNov 8, 2006 19:5665252
Harrak is being sarcastic, but. . . [39 words]MaureenNov 9, 2006 09:5465252
Except... [46 words]Another InfidelNov 10, 2006 01:3865252
Reply to all Islamists ... on this Forum ! [679 words]ColinNov 10, 2006 18:3365252
Islam as a "wicked, vicious faith" and said Muslims were turning Britain into a " hell hole". [96 words]PanoramaNov 10, 2006 18:4565252
Harrak You Are A Genius- Thank You [231 words]Seamus MacNemiJul 11, 2007 02:3065252
1tigers fight for free home land [87 words]sanjayMar 11, 2009 04:4865252
Response [121 words]Anurag PandeyJun 14, 2009 15:0265252
1Islam another problem to our times [23 words]TruespiritSep 2, 2012 03:3665252
Nukes, nut jobs and natural resources [420 words]trans-parereNov 4, 2006 04:2165229
The North Korea hiccup may be a hopeful sign [129 words]SullyNov 2, 2006 16:4865123
UN decision on Iraq leaves Bush with tough choice [263 words]Joe FitzgeraldNov 2, 2006 11:0665092
Who wants to WIN!? Can you spell V-I-C-T-O-R-Y?! [1178 words]DeadMessengerNov 3, 2006 18:4165092
Reply [109 words]BlackspeareNov 4, 2006 13:3765092
To DeadMessenger Very good post Sir! (EOM) [2 words]Gellin and InfidellinNov 4, 2006 23:0865092
DeadMessenger, Who wants to WIN? [88 words]InfidelNov 5, 2006 15:0565092
Blackspeare, Self appointed critique [94 words]InfidelNov 5, 2006 16:4665092
No negotiations with Islamists , Jehadis , Terrorists , Militants , Islamic Groups [117 words]manojNov 6, 2006 15:4465092
Wrong! [204 words]Rick HouseNov 6, 2006 16:3765092
Reply to Infidel [140 words]BlackspeareNov 6, 2006 17:2665092
Reply to Rick House [138 words]BlackspeareNov 6, 2006 21:5665092
I got your message LOUD AND CLEAR Messenger [90 words]Seamus MacNemiJul 11, 2007 03:1465092
Decision Time on Iran [88 words]S.C.PandaNov 2, 2006 03:0065071
No real negotiations for Iran; they've burned this bridge. Onward to jihad! [184 words]MelMNov 2, 2006 01:2565065
Bunker Bust 24 Iran Nuke sites, Lose Israel? [198 words]TonyGuitarNov 2, 2006 21:4565065
Translation [53 words]BlackspeareNov 4, 2006 17:2465065
translation right the first time [79 words]joe kaffirNov 5, 2006 17:4165065
WHAT'S COOKING IN THE JIHADI KITCHEN--ENTRY PASS FOR HEAVEN [6348 words]MuraliNov 6, 2006 15:2165065
No bombing Iranian nuclear facilities [381 words]Garry PriorNov 2, 2006 00:0065059
Ok! The answer is here! Don't bomb the jihadis; instead, provide mental health counceling and investment. [465 words]MelMNov 2, 2006 19:4365059
Excellent.... [10 words]AmmarNov 2, 2006 20:5765059
Has war ever "worked"? [115 words]MosheNov 4, 2006 12:5865059
We have to Fight this War and should not hesitate in using NBC against Islamists [62 words]BangloreNov 6, 2006 15:0965059
Iran's miscalculation [75 words]Rick HouseNov 1, 2006 18:2065032
War with Iran [226 words]Debby MayerNov 1, 2006 17:5665028
Pessimism is a dead end. [150 words]MelMNov 3, 2006 01:5465028
Can't believe that anyone in this day and age can believe a Republican or a Democrat makes such a difference!!!!!!!!!! [146 words]Ruth B, SeidelmanNov 4, 2006 18:2165028
Muslim woman told to divorce husband; marry rapist [324 words]bhavnaNov 6, 2006 15:1465028
What is the real power of Retaliation of Israel? [329 words]Germain Lucas, Ottawa CanadaNov 1, 2006 17:2965025
an interesting thesis - but not credible [82 words]SullyNov 2, 2006 16:3765025
Russian_Iran connection...link [17 words]mbitNov 2, 2006 22:2365025
US should equip Israel with ................ [170 words]MikeNov 11, 2006 20:5165025
Reply to Mike [66 words]Germain Lucas, OttawaNov 12, 2006 17:3665025
UNEASY ALLIANCES [177 words]Edgar Malcolm ErvinNov 1, 2006 16:1765012
Ripples of the Cold War [133 words]Rick HouseNov 1, 2006 17:3165012
All Countries are using double standards while fighting Islamists [295 words]MauryaNov 2, 2006 11:4865012
WELL DEFINED... [9 words]Edgar Malcolm ErvinNov 2, 2006 21:1865012
all must unite [119 words]SiddaNov 3, 2006 14:2965012
Sidda [141 words]Octavio JohansonNov 7, 2006 17:3465012
to Octavio [288 words]SiddaNov 8, 2006 19:4565012
False flag op needed. [121 words]Sgt. SlaughterNov 1, 2006 14:4565004
إيران تهديد إرهابي نووي أخطر بكثير من القا [472 words]mohamed.mNov 1, 2006 12:0765000
Is letter of Al Qaida calling for Jehad or Warning by Ahmedinejad to annilate Israel ?? [26 words]DemocratNov 2, 2006 05:0965000
translation or digest, please?(Mohammed M.'s post) [37 words]Peter HerzNov 2, 2006 07:2765000
Excellent post Mohamed!!!!! [23 words]MosheNov 2, 2006 09:0265000
Is this a letter of " Hudna " ( ceasefire pact ) [87 words]ChanakNov 6, 2006 16:0865000
- translation of this postإيران تهديد إرهابي نووي أخطر بكثير من القا [683 words]sanjayMar 11, 2009 04:3465000
1Islamic Republic Steadfastness [109 words]HarrakNov 1, 2006 10:4064991
Why only Iran? [143 words]MaureenNov 1, 2006 09:3164983
Chicken Little [288 words]K.H. AhmedNov 1, 2006 09:0264982
Chicken Little [117 words]mikeNov 1, 2006 16:5864982
1There are two diplomatic languages [214 words]Rick HouseNov 1, 2006 18:0764982
Not Rational [366 words]K.H. AhmedNov 2, 2006 10:1464982
Mike, how can you call Ahmed's demagoguery "reasonable"? [249 words]MosheNov 2, 2006 14:1064982
Another aspect to C. Little's Coop [200 words]Kevin MNov 2, 2006 14:4364982
right on [89 words]dfwhiteNov 2, 2006 14:4864982
Two Languages [86 words]K.H. AhmedNov 2, 2006 18:5664982
Demagoguery? [285 words]K.H. AhmedNov 2, 2006 19:1364982
Isn't there some way [33 words]LDCNov 1, 2006 08:2864977
Possible consequences [160 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
D MaraNov 1, 2006 08:1064974
Thank you Daniel Pipes [129 words]JackdawNov 1, 2006 08:0664973
no tears over the Jews [168 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDNov 1, 2006 07:4764970
no tears for others [55 words]ASNov 2, 2006 09:2664970
Not without me! [301 words]David R. WillsNov 1, 2006 07:0164966
A lesson in geography [125 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jonathan D. SafrenNov 1, 2006 02:0664940
Wreck (very quickly) the military power, government, mullahs. Then, wreck the nuclear facilities and seize the oil. End the totalitarian fantasy. [254 words]MelMNov 1, 2006 01:3064938
Go Ahead America , One Billion Strong India ( minus 220 Million Muslims) are with you [288 words]NehruNov 2, 2006 14:5064935
Ahmadinejad is copying Hitlers tactics of 1938 [97 words]Arthur CohnOct 31, 2006 23:3164930
1938CE tactics for 1100CE [193 words]Donald ONov 1, 2006 22:3364930
Sad [22 words]Herb SamenfeldOct 31, 2006 21:2164925
On the Verge of Disaster [295 words]Prof. Paul EidelbergOct 31, 2006 17:5064908
There's another party here... [60 words]J.S.Oct 31, 2006 18:4964908
Fondly in advance.. [158 words]JayOct 31, 2006 22:3464908
Regime change in Iran [352 words]Faqi HussainNov 1, 2006 02:0364908
Iranians aren't the same as Iraqis [265 words]Trans-parereNov 1, 2006 02:1364908
even worse [49 words]CevertNov 1, 2006 08:1764908
Professor? [16 words]LDCNov 1, 2006 08:3364908
227Only way left to stop Islam from conquering The World [541 words]Indian RepublicanNov 1, 2006 11:4764908
1You have a point! [63 words]Kevin MNov 1, 2006 13:0864908
Brain dead leaders of the West [159 words]JaladhiNov 1, 2006 17:2364908
To Indian Republics [153 words]AlbertNov 2, 2006 00:2164908
You get it [153 words]Charles StewartNov 2, 2006 01:3564908
There's a parallel [257 words]Peter HerzNov 2, 2006 07:2564908
But it will not [107 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDNov 2, 2006 15:5864908
We need regime change in Islamic Iran : Mullah must go in drains [89 words]CongressiNov 2, 2006 23:2264908
to Indian Republican and India's non-sensical policies [126 words]Anubhav SinghNov 10, 2006 04:1664908
God willing [173 words]EL MESSAOUDIOct 16, 2008 09:4264908
truth [112 words]sanjayMar 10, 2009 05:5164908
1Zakir Naik Exposed by Sanskrit Scholar [25 words]Patriotic MonkAug 19, 2009 18:2764908
Mosque at ground zero [67 words]AbeJul 19, 2010 15:1264908
You Can't Win [114 words]AbdulDec 8, 2010 07:5864908
1Another victim of Arabian imperialism! Our dear Abdul the wannabe Arab is saying that he will "conquer" us! [642 words]dhimmi no moreDec 13, 2010 07:2964908
islam [13 words]jpApr 3, 2011 06:3264908
Only way left to stop Islam from conquering The World [40 words]ShakirJun 16, 2011 11:2364908
1People have the wrong idea about Islam [57 words]DavidJun 8, 2012 07:3864908
Stop Islam practice by making acts from whole world [205 words]AndroAug 10, 2012 23:2764908
stop islam [66 words]abhayOct 26, 2012 14:0564908
Muslims are thriving in non-muslim countries [128 words]PrashantOct 27, 2012 01:3764908
Only one way? [72 words]GramDec 11, 2012 01:5464908
World has to wake up to this [29 words]DhilaverMar 30, 2013 01:4164908
You are right [38 words]PhilipMay 16, 2013 05:1564908
big mistake [52 words]ranaNov 10, 2013 11:1864908
1The only way to stop Islam [194 words]JavierMar 25, 2014 15:5964908
Islam is threat to all non muslim [92 words]Sushil kumarApr 16, 2014 09:3764908
1Absolutely Correct [35 words]RockyApr 23, 2014 05:5964908
1Religious war [102 words]BlaAug 26, 2014 04:0064908
1Islamism is enemy of World [97 words]VelayudhanJun 10, 2016 06:1764908
Not true [49 words]Khalid IbrahimSep 7, 2018 05:4464908
Our dear Khalid صلى الله عليه وسلم is not aware about ثورة الزنج in Basra, Iraq and the destruction of a "nation" by Arab slave traders [428 words]dhimmi no moreSep 8, 2018 10:3364908
How the came and what they did matters less; their constitution matters more [370 words]PrashantSep 8, 2018 17:0764908
1islam will self implode? [172 words]milroyAug 21, 2021 09:3864908
Restrained by Christian ethics [180 words]Ralph C Whaley MDOct 31, 2006 17:1364907
I disagree, sir. [163 words]LDCNov 1, 2006 08:4664907
Be Happy--Don't Worry [165 words]BlackspeareOct 31, 2006 16:4564904
Blackspeare, the crescent moon is rising [297 words]InfidelOct 31, 2006 20:3464904
Dangerous Assumptions [162 words]LDCNov 1, 2006 08:5664904
Think about this [78 words]Charles StewartOct 31, 2006 16:4064903
What if they already have the bomb? How about a psychic detective help! [232 words]HarrakOct 31, 2006 16:3764902
Two Questions [204 words]BlackspeareOct 31, 2006 16:0864901
There is a huge difference between Nukes of Israel and Nukes of Iran [160 words]Delhi IndianNov 1, 2006 03:1864901
Sooner better than later !!! [237 words]dfwhiteOct 31, 2006 16:0864900
Ahmadinejad and the Hidden Imam [379 words]Dr. Marc MayersonOct 31, 2006 15:2164896
Ahmadinejad and the hidden Imam [404 words]InfidelNov 1, 2006 12:3964896
Akmadinejad and the hidden Imam [123 words]Dr. Marc MayersonNov 1, 2006 18:1264896
Who's being non-inclusive? [206 words]PatNov 2, 2006 19:5964896
Mayerson, Dr. eschatological mythological fantasies [64 words]InfidelNov 3, 2006 16:3764896
Akmadinejad and the hidden Imam [195 words]Marc MayersonNov 3, 2006 17:3964896
A small area of agreement [423 words]PatNov 5, 2006 10:0764896
Mayerson, Dr. Marc, Self appointed religious critic [117 words]InfidelNov 5, 2006 17:2964896
Akmadinejad and the hidden Imam [109 words]Dr. Marc MayersonNov 6, 2006 17:4064896
Pat, aren't you a bit naïve? [182 words]MosheNov 9, 2006 15:4564896
ThankYou Dr. Pipes! [114 words]AlexOct 31, 2006 14:4564893
Some options remain [144 words]David W. LincolnOct 31, 2006 14:4364892
The Irony Of It [107 words]Bill GreeneOct 31, 2006 13:4664890
Another irony [156 words]PatNov 2, 2006 19:1364890
No more dithering please [95 words]ColinNov 2, 2006 23:0064890
Not so simple [90 words]StanNov 4, 2006 10:0264890
Decision time now... [138 words]Paul DavidOct 31, 2006 13:1064886
Thank you for informing me. [111 words]Eamonn GavinOct 31, 2006 12:5064885
The Hinge of Fate [98 words]Jon B., Oxford UKOct 31, 2006 12:3064884
We must disarm Iran now by Military Force if necessary [79 words]Indian SupporterOct 31, 2006 12:2264883
Indian Supporter [18 words]LDCNov 1, 2006 08:5964883
to LDC on Indian supporter [139 words]ASNov 2, 2006 01:4864883
What do you mean "we"? [107 words]PatNov 2, 2006 19:0264883
India voted against Iranian Nuclear enrichment [112 words]JorbaNov 6, 2006 14:5164883
We see the same situation differently [261 words]PatNov 6, 2006 20:3464883
1There is no NAM , There are two sides now , Either you are will Islamists or against them ......... [239 words]DakshNov 8, 2006 05:4164883
Use tactical weapons to take out the sites... [66 words]J.S.Oct 31, 2006 11:2564878
Ten Steps to Win War in Iran [234 words]BhajpaiNov 2, 2006 23:3264878
oh...I see! [3 words]HarrakNov 5, 2006 16:5264878
Harrak's best comments [85 words]InfidelNov 6, 2006 20:4364878

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