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syed obsessed with porn...

Reader comment on item: Documentary Exposes Radical Muslim Rhetoric
in response to reader comment: how many innocents did so called terrorists against those who called themselves a civlized people

Submitted by susan (Italy), Feb 25, 2007 at 15:06

"we send our women half naked on the ramp neither we allow any porn movies made in our countries, neither we send cheer leaders..girls like some christians organization who shows herself in half skirts.

actually those who believe in liberation of women in their feminism make the biggest mistake. thanks god we dont have 60$ billion porn industry to degenerate women. neither we have first date rape system.. neither we sell products on the back of the women."

Pakistan: Pornography is illegal. However they are easily accesible in most parts of the country especially in privately owned video shops and through the internet. They are commonly referred to as Blue Print movies.

You probably know of the story of the pakistani guy importing porn movies for pakistani audience and having his cinema full every day of pakistani losers?

You don't allow porn movies in your countries because ...?. ...otherwise you are n. 1 consumers of such stuff.


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Reader comments (126) on this item

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Title Commenter Date Thread
08 it is called double talk [94 words]Phil GreendJan 28, 2008 17:33119166
There are peaceful/moderate Muslims... [57 words]MuslimApr 22, 2007 01:1890129
Shouldnt be shocked [121 words]KatJun 11, 2007 07:4290129
No Muslim is really interested in peace... [32 words]LarryJul 31, 2007 21:5890129
Just some additional information [68 words]ChillyFeb 26, 2007 04:1378971
Oh My! A respected moderate Muslim American businessman caught financing terror. [391 words]gellin&infidellinFeb 20, 2007 09:4978043
'Stupid American' thats what he is. [73 words]KatFeb 26, 2007 11:0478043
Kat is right! [52 words]LarryJun 10, 2007 16:0078043
Encouragement [3 words]KatJun 11, 2007 07:3578043
1I agree. [37 words]ManalOct 18, 2008 11:2678043
UN definition of Genocide matches Islamic teachings [225 words]Robert CunninghamFeb 7, 2007 23:3776497
To Sir Robert [51 words]nna(tchkah)Feb 19, 2007 22:0176497
UN definition of Genocide [151 words]RobertFeb 20, 2007 17:3976497
WOW [60 words]ManalOct 18, 2008 11:3776497
Speak Up! [167 words]Caesar M. ArevaloFeb 7, 2007 21:3576474
Another Hypothesis, Caesar [240 words]LDCFeb 17, 2007 23:2176474
easy solution [61 words]HarrakFeb 7, 2007 16:3076420
666 [107 words]LDCFeb 17, 2007 23:0176420
Britain Will Soon Surrender followed by Canada and France [159 words]Jeff BurkeFeb 7, 2007 16:0176412
Neolibs of Canadastan [145 words]JaladhiFeb 7, 2007 20:3076412
Buck-up, Jeff [94 words]LDCFeb 17, 2007 23:2776412
I see no reason to NOT be optimistic despite the arsenal of advanced weaponry held by the West [144 words]Jeff BurkeFeb 26, 2007 13:2076412
Jeff, my man... [119 words]LDCFeb 26, 2007 19:2376412
You're kidding right ? [58 words]KatJun 11, 2007 07:4676412
blow ins [66 words]david kennedyJan 6, 2009 17:3776412
Religion and politics [477 words]jFeb 7, 2007 09:0376377
Understanding [334 words]TerryFeb 16, 2007 17:5476377
Rhetoric in British Moslem Mosques [260 words]jFeb 18, 2007 08:4776377
D'accord [321 words]TerryFeb 19, 2007 17:1776377
Fear [326 words]jFeb 20, 2007 07:3776377
they only think to implements islamic laws [129 words]syed mohammad aliFeb 7, 2007 05:3576356
Muslims have killed muslims since islam originated [461 words]Ali KhalafFeb 7, 2007 18:0576356
you have to change your name from ali kalaf ...to someone john patrick or some thing else [1169 words]syed mohammad aliFeb 11, 2007 06:0176356
what a load of nonsense [282 words]Terry CurryFeb 13, 2007 16:2276356
how many innocents did so called terrorists against those who called themselves a civlized people [288 words]syed mohammad aliFeb 14, 2007 03:5076356
Our dear syed and the caliphate [32 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 14, 2007 11:5676356
responding to rubbish [275 words]TerryFeb 14, 2007 16:2776356
2immorality and porn culture is freedom that is fine...i dont need to understand a sin [258 words]syed mohammad aliFeb 15, 2007 04:0276356
Insulting comments [194 words]TerryFeb 16, 2007 17:0576356
Yo, Syed [79 words]LDCFeb 17, 2007 23:4376356
easier to read [23 words]TerryFeb 18, 2007 18:5376356
Islam, the religion [169 words]johnFROMjerseyFeb 24, 2007 06:5876356
syed obsessed with porn... [157 words]susanFeb 25, 2007 15:0676356
how many dead from Islam itself ?> [62 words]KatJun 11, 2007 07:4876356
and ?? [251 words]KatJun 11, 2007 07:5876356
Amen [41 words]KatJun 11, 2007 08:0076356
re: reply to Kat [115 words]johnFROMjerseyJun 12, 2007 19:2076356
Okay......... [81 words]KatJun 13, 2007 19:4276356
how many cases of honor killing [134 words]syed mohammad aliJun 21, 2007 04:3276356
kat who said maimed genitalia is islamic way [461 words]syed mohammad aliJun 21, 2007 04:4976356
apostate sites online...... [202 words]KatJun 21, 2007 20:2776356
You misjudged the argument subject. [482 words]KatJun 21, 2007 20:5676356
i have gone through all apostate sites [9 words]syed mohammad aliJun 23, 2007 13:4076356
what do you think? [490 words]syed mohammad aliJun 23, 2007 14:3576356
Thanks [97 words]KatJun 24, 2007 12:0576356
that is NOT what happens though. [29 words]KatJun 24, 2007 12:0776356
agree with you [55 words]syed mohammad aliJun 27, 2007 12:2476356
find out yourself read these verses [1297 words]syed mohammad aliJun 27, 2007 12:4476356
truth [58 words]mz. mOct 23, 2014 11:0376356
'Radical' muslim, as used, a misnomer [127 words]rickzFeb 6, 2007 13:0976273
Undercover Mosque! [160 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 6, 2007 07:1976247
and [76 words]KatJun 11, 2007 08:1476247
There is only One Islam, and it is Radical [580 words]Caesar M. ArevaloFeb 6, 2007 02:5976218
Islam is all radical [242 words]JaladhiFeb 7, 2007 15:2576218
Arevalo, I could not agree with you more [107 words]AhmedFeb 7, 2007 17:0976218
Key words,,,,,,,,,REFUSAL TO ADMIT [29 words]KatJun 11, 2007 08:0276218
Why The Shallow Learning Curve? [511 words]orange yonasonFeb 6, 2007 01:0876206
Friends? not !!! [232 words]dfwhite19438Feb 6, 2007 00:1576187
dfwhite, crack open... [29 words]LDCFeb 6, 2007 17:0776187
victims of un-bridled greed [147 words]joe danFeb 12, 2007 11:2576187
50% of British Muslims are Islamist? What about Canadian Muslims [251 words]M.D. AnthonyFeb 5, 2007 23:5376186
Poll results in USA and Canada will be similar to those in UK [416 words]JaladhiFeb 8, 2007 15:2976186
its up ?? [92 words]KatJun 11, 2007 08:1076186
Moderate vs. Radical [64 words]BertFeb 5, 2007 22:2676178
The Wilderness is Shrinking [35 words]LDCFeb 5, 2007 21:2276171
A challenge to Tony Blair! [563 words]nick4693Feb 5, 2007 20:4776168
Nothing to be astonished about [140 words]SanchezFeb 5, 2007 20:2876166
"Undercover Mosque" [8 words]Michael BenensonFeb 5, 2007 18:5776154
Under Cover Mosque [12 words]BrandonFeb 8, 2007 12:2976154
Piggy-backing [150 words]David W. LincolnFeb 5, 2007 18:4276148
Say What? [11 words]LDCFeb 6, 2007 17:1876148
Hopefully clearer than mud [421 words]David W. LincolnFeb 7, 2007 23:5476148
Much Clearer, Thanks [3 words]LCDFeb 8, 2007 16:3276148
1Radical Islam. The word 'Radical' seem redundant. [69 words]SergeyFeb 5, 2007 18:0976138
Islam by concept is FUNDAMENTALIST -- reply to Sergey [100 words]Romesh ChanderFeb 5, 2007 18:4976138
"Radical" / "Extreme" / Violent Islam is True / Pure Koranic Islam [192 words]Keith SkillicornFeb 5, 2007 19:2376138
totally agree [157 words]TerryFeb 16, 2007 18:2976138
Keep Perspective [67 words]LDCFeb 17, 2007 23:3676138
Identifying a threat is not enough [131 words]TerryFeb 19, 2007 17:3376138
Don't Underestimate... [130 words]LDCFeb 19, 2007 19:2476138
wait til those records are opened ....... [242 words]KatJun 11, 2007 08:3176138
Canada: Classic Left Wing Mentality, Anti US, Israel = Hizbollah A budding Canadistan [171 words]Nabil ShwarmaFeb 5, 2007 17:3076131
Threat Level Awareness, And Response [172 words]orange yonasonFeb 6, 2007 11:5876131
You would have to live here to understand what's going on... [241 words]J.S.Feb 7, 2007 19:1576131
. . . And I'm In Good Company [72 words]orange yonasonFeb 9, 2007 13:3176131
Please read Nabil: How Canadians really feel [173 words]gellin&infidellinFeb 10, 2007 13:0776131
Research in the USA [44 words]MariFeb 5, 2007 16:5676126
You are darn right [52 words]JaladhiFeb 6, 2007 13:0076126
Radical Muslim Rhetoric [114 words]Romesh ChanderFeb 5, 2007 15:5376118
Romesh [8 words]LDCFeb 5, 2007 21:2676118
Reply to LDC -- I hope British have the guts to smash Islamic Fundamentalism [76 words]Romesh ChanderFeb 6, 2007 16:2176118
Brits & Islamists [134 words]LDCFeb 6, 2007 17:0476118
thank you [35 words]TerryFeb 17, 2007 20:3576118
Terry... [30 words]LDCFeb 17, 2007 22:4976118
Ugly indeed [30 words]TerryFeb 18, 2007 18:4476118
radical islam [34 words]herb abelowFeb 5, 2007 15:0476114
Documentary Exposes Radical Muslim Rhetoric [233 words]MariaFeb 5, 2007 14:4176110
Good Muslims [193 words]orange yonasonFeb 6, 2007 01:5076110
there are no effective moderates [73 words]truth_finderFeb 6, 2007 02:0276110
You can'ttrust them [28 words]JaladhiFeb 6, 2007 09:2876110
Britain could be the first to surrender [118 words]muminsalihFeb 6, 2007 15:4076110
Don't trust them at all [49 words]jesperFeb 7, 2007 08:1976110
Maria, only safe muslims are ex-muslims [130 words]NaziaFeb 7, 2007 16:2176110
Nazia, Islam today is a very dangerous disease! [67 words]MosheFeb 8, 2007 03:0176110
Documentary exposes Muslim rhetoric [271 words]FaqiFeb 8, 2007 04:0976110
Moshe, Nazia, jester & muminsalih [27 words]LDCFeb 8, 2007 16:3976110
Hate documentary [203 words]Terry CurryFeb 12, 2007 15:5376110
nazia ...you are ex muslimah [432 words]syed mohammad aliFeb 13, 2007 01:4176110
nazia you have no idea what you're talking about [99 words]AaliyahApr 8, 2007 18:4676110
recount please....... [63 words]KatJun 11, 2007 08:3776110
Perhaps you should show this [113 words]KatJun 11, 2007 08:4476110
You have a problem...... [40 words]KatJun 11, 2007 08:4676110
who said old testament is abandoned [87 words]syed mohammad aliJun 21, 2007 04:2576110
Many ignore it..... [269 words]KatJun 21, 2007 20:3776110
horror of war [23 words]syed mohammad aliJun 23, 2007 14:1976110
our leadership.... [281 words]KatJun 24, 2007 11:5876110

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