It's All Gone Too Far; Time, Perhaps, To Cut-Loose Some Chronic Loosers!Reader comment on item: The West's First Niqab-Covered Public Official? Submitted by mariana (United States), Jun 6, 2007 at 22:27 King: I'm less surprised than dismayed. Thank you for your revelatory response. I doubt not one word of your posting. ">...The USA is the only country/ civilisation in the West that is willing and able to confront these new Nazis. That is the mentality in Europe, largely due to the many socialist governments and airhead idiots." Tru, ya! Actually, while there was a time I'd spend a month or three in Europe almost every year, I have eschewed travel to Eurabia for years, because I found myself compelled to give "Lecture 242 on The Holocaust, Marshall Plan and WWII" too often to derive any pleasure from spending my hard-earned leisure time and money there; [ingratiating myself to America-haters by accepting their snide insults or remaining silent was obviously, not an option]. I found French and Germans particularly, to be rabidly anti-American, anti-Semitic ingrates, with the world view of self-obsessed, maleducated, tantrum-throwing adolescents with very short memories. Many years ago, a German shopkeeper in Frankfurt once confided to me: "You Americans are very foolish: you all come to Europe expecting everyone to like you and be your friend." Can you imagine? Makes one ponder that perhaps we should have ENSLAVED and subjugated [not rebuilt and fed with costly airlifts] them all after WWII, as they certainly deserved, and assuredly would have done to us! We are at a crossroads living in the most dangerous times, ever. Elected [democratic?] governments in the Civilised world have become Regal Elites; careless and negligent with their pre-election promises and/or the explicit views of their constituents; they have forgone either understanding of or concern for our well being and national interests. While some of us have faught and tried at least to slow down this suicidal plunge towards socialist enslavement for years, the dangers have become prominently displayed for all to see. People have become indolent; intoxicated by and habituated to the hand-outs, and brain-washed by the Left permanent government into believing that they cannot function without government schemes and "largess," coercively extracted from the productive, and distributed to chronic, systematically non-producing "dependent classes." The Left, Communists and Socialists ["Communist" is verboten and the word "Socialist" isn't much used in America currently] calling themselves "Progressives" or "Social Democrats," control our mutilated education systems, and the bureaucracies of local, state, regional and national government and unions. ">...In Amsterdam the municipality paid 2 million euro extra to a Islamic "mosque" to get it off the ground. In Europe the governments and people are trying their best to appease the Muslims, or not to upset them..." [A distinction without difference?] One thing we do not have in America is a "state church tax;" any attempted legislation causing $5 million taxes to build a mosque, would probably bring out onto the streets, millions who'd never even consider such behaviour. Legitimate churches, synagogues, mosques, temples or other places of worship get "Tax Exempt Status," and receive [hard] government money only for running special "community service programs" [e.g.: Head Start]; but they are built, maintained and paid for by the consenting constituent individuals of the congregation. Removing Islamist's Tax Exemptions should be the first action taken; a lever used to decertify anti-American radical Islamist Mosques and Madrasas, where indoctrination of children to hatred, suicide, jihad and insurrection are taught; tax abaitments are per se subsidies, and Islamists should not be subsidized. No King, Mosque-funding would be going too far even for our feckless, pandering officials; and when I ask myself "How dare these jackanapes jeopardize our national interests, security and way of life?" I look at the compulsory national education industry complete with it's monopoly teacher's unions, and the answers are obvious. People are ignorant, because little of value is taught in school; lazy, because everything [and more] that should have been taught in schools is available on the internet and in public libraries; and they are stupid, because they tolerate this status quo, turning their children over to these charlatans without so much as a whimper [unquestioningly paying $30,000 per year tuition to be indoctrinated in "PC" colleges and universities]. I still find banning books odius and futile. Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn were banned in America years ago. Dog-eared, beaten-up, coverless copies in brown bags were surreptitiously passed [like "samisdot"] from hand to hand; probably more young people had them in their hands than [had read] Moby Dick. Kind of like what "Prohibition" did for liquor consumption: banning a thing makes it highly desirable, irresistible, and almost compulsory for the young to chase or "sneak a peak." It is with the overarching assumption that NOTHING can be successfully banned with technology as it is, that I feel these things MUST be taught: and with great care. As for the Muslimization of Old Europe, I've basically lost interest. I would leave them all - excepting liberated Eastern Europe and those who, understanding the value of Liberty are willing to fight to defend it - to stew in their own juices; none of them [particularly the UN, G-8, WTO and NATO] has ever fulfilled their reciprocal responsibilities, and all of them have made a life's work of sucking off America's naive generosity and good will, one way or another for the better part of a Century. I'm enraged by the disrespectful way they treat my President; their outrageous slurs, undermining and litigious grabs at Microsoft, Boeing, [enjoining merger between] United and US Airlines, Google, the Internet and American Corps in general; their attempts to further control, adjudicate [threatening Rumsfeld with "war crimes"], legislate, levy "international" taxes on Americans even beyond our having consistently paid the lion's share of all dues and fees in "World" orgs, disaster relief, and private donations. The squandered expenditure of American lives and resources to provide a "security umbrella" for treacherous, nihilistic morons who are h*ll-bent on self-destruction [while at the same time, effectively working earnestly {parallel and in conjunction} with Islamists for the destruction of America and Israel, an end to open-mindedness, the pursuit of Reason, The Enlightenment, and Western Civilisation] have long since become considerably more than we should be willing to continue to provide. mariana
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