My column this week, "That NIE Makes War against Iran More Likely" seems to reflect how a very sizeable majority of Americans feel, according to a brand-new poll by the Israel Project. Here is its eighth question, asked of 800 likely voters during the period December 10-12:
Some say the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran means we are more safe because it shows the threat from Iran is not as imminent as had been believed. Others say the estimate will make us less safe because it might lead to reduced pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear weapons capacity for good. Do you think the new estimate means we are more safe or that we will be less safe?
16% Strongly more safe
11% Not-so-strongly more safe
22% Not-so-strongly less safe
42% Strongly less safe27% Total more safe
64% Total less safe
Comment: (1) These are strong numbers; when the "don't knows" and "refused to reply" are factored out, the "strongly less safe" cohort approaches half of the entire population. (2) The answer to this question, as well as to the rest of the questionnaire, confirms the American people's basic good sense, no matter what the political class my instruct them. (December 13, 2007)