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Reader comment on item: Give Gaza to Egypt

Submitted by infosifter (United States), Jan 29, 2008 at 21:50

If I were a palestinian, wanting a state side by side with israel. At the first chance of voting, I would elect Hamas! That way I could enjoy all the prosperity & peace that radical islams totalitarianism produces!! I would then not need the aid extorted capitalistic $ s from infidel U.S. tax payers. Or from the global pawn $ s that my elected leaders hoard!!! "peacefull" jihad by muslim brotherhood being waged & appeased wont change the hitler in headscarfes caliphate agenda.

Dr. Pipes' suggested chess move sounds good, but what happens when the attacks start coming, after a period of false peace?


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Reader comments (127) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Palestinian Counttries: De Jure & De Facto [535 words]RobertApr 17, 2016 08:02228992
gaza [17 words]joeNov 16, 2012 14:21200697
MOVE GAZA PALESTINIANS INTO EGYPT [158 words]Ilene RichmanApr 15, 2011 14:42184289
That's the link ?! [105 words]BahgatJan 4, 2009 09:55146858
let them choose [185 words]Adel ElkabanyNov 3, 2008 05:01141869
What happened to the story about how Egypt mistreated the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza? [433 words]DrRJPMar 19, 2008 10:38123014
Open Rafiah gate and let them fall out! [14 words]Sagi CohenMar 3, 2008 07:31121615
Tempting Short-Term Solution [128 words]AaronFeb 20, 2008 07:50120593
1re GAZA [224 words]Tess (Australia)Dec 29, 2008 02:07120593
Eretz Israel; from Dan to the Sinai and from the Med to Arava Jordan [227 words]Ari - JakartaFeb 5, 2008 01:17119598
Who Will (Or Can) Pay Egypt (Or Anyone) Enough to Take Gaza? [170 words]Sofa SogoodFeb 3, 2008 03:10119501
Thanks Sofa [39 words]YnnatchkahFeb 4, 2008 09:10119501
Join the Maccabean Resistance [52 words]Maccabean ResistanceFeb 2, 2008 11:32119460
Gaza WAS and now IS Egypt's - make it a fait accompli - by force, of course. Duh [264 words]MitchFeb 1, 2008 11:20119436
How will that stop the rockets? [50 words]GabrielFeb 1, 2008 05:49119431
The rockets WOULD stop because Egypt -- not Hamas -- will be held accountable for any attacks on Israel [67 words]DrRJPFeb 5, 2008 00:30119431
The Hatred of Gaza is Infectuous - Who Really Wants That? [366 words]M. ToveyFeb 5, 2008 18:44119431
Do you really think there is a difference between Hamas and the Jew-hating Sunni leaders in Egypt? [120 words]Doc TaterFeb 6, 2008 18:15119431
How could Israel be more safe? [94 words]jennifer solisFeb 9, 2008 01:32119431
Israel's border with Lebanon has been blissfully quiet? [415 words]Doc TaterFeb 11, 2008 13:28119431
Quite right, Doc Tater [325 words]jennifer solisFeb 13, 2008 04:49119431
The history of the Lebanon versus Hezbullah conflict, and "disproportionate use of military force". [1201 words]Doc TaterFeb 15, 2008 20:00119431
giving Egypt a ready to go bomb and then blaming her for the explsion ??? [74 words]JimMar 26, 2009 08:29119431
Excellent Idea [169 words]jennifer solisFeb 1, 2008 00:04119416
Islam is love and compassion: The Proof !!! [184 words]YnnatchkahFeb 3, 2008 01:21119416
To Ynnatchkah dont bring religion into this [217 words]someoneDec 21, 2008 07:07119416
Egypt does not want Gaza back [57 words]Jose AmramJan 31, 2008 21:50119410
Gaza back to Egypt? Bad idea. [83 words]B DubyaJan 31, 2008 15:20119384
8Before 1920, only Jews were called, "Palestinians!" Read Joan Peter's book, "From Time Immemorial" [355 words]DrRJPJan 31, 2008 14:50119383
2"Peleshet" were the forefathers of "palestinians". [108 words]jennifer solisFeb 3, 2008 18:38119383
If these idiots weren't bent on our destruction, the following would be extremely funny!! [818 words]DrRJPFeb 17, 2008 17:07119383
not really [21 words]MakedonosJul 28, 2011 10:17119383
Give Gazans 2 Egypt [21 words]skmillerJan 31, 2008 13:51119381
Problems Solved [75 words]Alex SabyFeb 7, 2008 22:05119381
Bravo [9 words]David SabghirJan 31, 2008 12:18119377
Egypt doesn't want Gaza [67 words]bernardZJan 31, 2008 09:52119368
Gaza to Egypt? [92 words]DanFeb 1, 2008 15:51119368
The best solution for everybody . [33 words]Giora NevoJan 31, 2008 06:17119362
I predicted this outcome 4 years ago [14 words]Y Brandstetter MDJan 31, 2008 05:56119359
Egyptian takeover of Gaza not an option [98 words]Richard WebbJan 31, 2008 05:33119358
Not A Bad Idea [90 words]Naveed KhanJan 31, 2008 05:13119357
1No, thanks ! [51 words]Mohammad NabilJan 31, 2008 04:46119355
the mess israel made? [118 words]bosJan 31, 2008 16:58119355
Mohammad Nabil and Islam [217 words]YnnatchkahFeb 1, 2008 13:35119355
Mohammad's history of Israel [422 words]InfidelFeb 1, 2008 17:15119355
Question to MohamMAD How does Egypt serve US interests? [205 words]Abu ShawarmaFeb 2, 2008 08:37119355
Brained Washed [13 words]Alex SabyFeb 7, 2008 22:26119355
Mohammad Nabil [32 words]Alex SabyFeb 7, 2008 22:44119355
US ,don't give aid to Egypt for nothing! [35 words]alex SabyFeb 9, 2008 13:20119355
Gaza To Egypt? [30 words]OmarJan 31, 2008 04:31119354
Gaza to Israel [40 words]Charles SmythFeb 1, 2008 10:14119354
Arab succesfully tagteaming Israel once again [160 words]Ari - IndonesiaJan 31, 2008 01:24119351
The Evolution of a Mistake-Period [179 words]JayJan 30, 2008 22:39119344
Kahane was right [40 words]JoshuaJan 30, 2008 22:30119338
Makes Much More Sense than a Divided Palestinian State [99 words]GWKJan 30, 2008 19:57119335
It's An Intriguing Idea [44 words]James HellwigJan 30, 2008 19:39119334
If only it were true! [199 words]W.A. TomlinsonJan 30, 2008 18:23119332
What? [13 words]john w mcginleyJan 30, 2008 17:39119331
Keep Dreaming [72 words]BIOYA1Jan 30, 2008 16:54119328
End the rocket fire? [84 words]Joe AuchterJan 30, 2008 16:34119327
I like it!! [16 words]Abu NudnikJan 30, 2008 16:20119325
Does Dr. Pipes mean "RETURN Gaza to Egypt"? [40 words]SadhasivJan 30, 2008 15:55119320
Why Would Anyone Want It ? [96 words]Gene TagliaJan 30, 2008 10:47119308
Gaza to Egypt [62 words]mikeJan 30, 2008 10:01119305
Dividing the land [438 words]Bart WillruthJan 30, 2008 09:21119301
May I disagree? [171 words]Rebecca MouldsJan 31, 2008 16:38119301
Dividing the land/Give Gaza to Egypt [182 words]Bart WillruthFeb 4, 2008 09:44119301
clarification [336 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 4, 2008 22:47119301
good idea [52 words]dan deenyJan 30, 2008 09:16119300
Why would this stop the rocket fire? [34 words]Ken MJan 30, 2008 08:53119299
They don't want Gazastan in Egypt [53 words]The Middle East InterestJan 30, 2008 06:54119292
Give Gaza to Egypt? [250 words]MauriceJan 30, 2008 05:36119286
I hope i'm wrong! [117 words]leo solomonJan 30, 2008 04:43119284
If only Egypt and the Arab world really wanted to create a better Middle East [174 words]Ken BesigJan 30, 2008 03:31119282
Good idea, in theory [498 words]FoxJan 30, 2008 03:27119281
One inconvenient truth [46 words]Doug GreenerJan 30, 2008 02:14119279
How would it stop the rockets? [146 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Michael SedleyJan 30, 2008 01:37119276
Suppose [17 words]Sol SchindlerJan 30, 2008 00:39119270
Egypt's big headache [327 words]Rebecca MouldsJan 29, 2008 22:44119265
Give us Darfur and we will take Gaza . [105 words]el brinceDec 21, 2008 06:40119265
I could not agree more. [136 words]stephen burnsJan 29, 2008 22:43119264
A Real Life Horror Story [214 words]Richard B.Jan 29, 2008 22:26119262
Gaza,Then...? [104 words]infosifterJan 29, 2008 21:50119260
Gaza to Egypt Great Idea -- But ..... [461 words]Sofa SogoodJan 29, 2008 21:35119257
A Couple of Thoughts [56 words]BlackspeareJan 29, 2008 21:11119255
A Undivided Israel. [180 words]Benjamin FoxJan 29, 2008 20:59119254
Letting Egypt annex Gaza [198 words]daniel wangJan 29, 2008 19:59119245
Gaza as a part of Egypt [128 words]Janusz KowalikJan 29, 2008 19:51119243
The Permanent Solution is Not Going to be a Secular One - Read the Biblical Directives on Gaza [210 words]M. ToveyJan 29, 2008 19:33119238
Gaza [173 words]Donald W. BalesJan 29, 2008 18:47119230
Surprised at Dr. Pipes' Conclusions [130 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AlexJan 29, 2008 18:35119227
Autonomous territories [110 words]David W. LincolnJan 29, 2008 18:30119226
We wish [54 words]EvanJan 29, 2008 18:25119225
Re:Abu Nudnik comments [187 words]Evan LFeb 1, 2008 10:47119225
Gaza to Egypt [12 words]Steven LJan 29, 2008 18:22119224
gaza security [58 words]sammy goldbergJan 30, 2008 06:42119224
Both lucid and comprehensive [164 words]Ron ThompsonJan 29, 2008 22:37119223
gaza state [373 words]sammy goldbergJan 30, 2008 06:59119223
The "Palestinian" Trojan Horse [49 words]Joel SteinJan 31, 2008 17:44119223
Stop paying jizya to Egypt!!! [133 words]JaladhiJan 29, 2008 17:48119220
jizya [66 words]sammy goldbergJan 30, 2008 07:09119220
Exceptionally Said, Jaladhi. [92 words]YnnatchkahJan 30, 2008 14:28119220
Excellent point Jaladhi! [95 words]SadhasivJan 30, 2008 16:04119220
A jizya by anyother name is still a jizya!!! [156 words]JaladhiJan 31, 2008 18:08119220
Gaza is Jewish land [116 words]natJan 29, 2008 17:29119217
22 to 1 [275 words]Dr. AvringtonJan 29, 2008 18:45119217
Second the motion [123 words]Joe KaffirJan 29, 2008 23:54119217
Even under the religious point, Dr. Pipes is not wrong. matter of Interpretation.- Issue aside plus. [378 words]YnnatchkahJan 30, 2008 14:48119217
And God's directives is that Andalusia is a Muslim waqf until the day of resurrection! [115 words]Abu NudnikJan 30, 2008 16:18119217
You sound like an Islamist [45 words]YovenJan 31, 2008 13:30119217
TRANSFER PERIOD! [267 words]JeremyJan 31, 2008 20:38119217
Allah is not an Arab name for the God worshipped by Christians and Jews [429 words]InfidelFeb 3, 2008 00:24119217
6Al-ilah not Arab/Islamic but (?) rooted in Aramaic [324 words]trans-parereFeb 5, 2008 18:42119217
I never said "That the Hebrew God was co-opted by Muhammad for his needs" [50 words]Abu NudnikMar 13, 2008 10:11119217
The Egyptians aren't insane [76 words]David SternlightJan 29, 2008 17:26119216
extra territory [118 words]sammy goldbergJan 30, 2008 07:33119216
Pipes make a convincing argument, but it ain't ever gonna happen. [176 words]RickJan 29, 2008 17:23119215
gazegypt [16 words]sammy goldbergJan 30, 2008 07:38119215
Very difficult since the Israel bashers would be entirely against this [218 words]LarryJan 30, 2008 09:52119215
Rick gets it exactly right -- Egypt won't accept Gaza voluntarily [215 words]Charles MartelJan 30, 2008 12:32119215
Nat, rather apt comparison with Miami [39 words]SadhasivJan 30, 2008 16:09119215
re Gaza [59 words]edith m. cordJan 29, 2008 17:20119212
Ah, the three state solution is back [12 words]MannyJan 29, 2008 17:11119209
An Interesting Situation [53 words]Seamus MacNemiJan 30, 2008 10:46119209
arab nationalism [57 words]joeJan 31, 2008 12:31119209
Create the fact on the ground. [101 words]MontyJan 31, 2008 17:53119209

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