Men and women are not equal in islam! My source? The Qur'an and kutub al-turath al-islami that our dear so called Nabil cannot read in ArabicReader comment on item: Replacing the U.S. Constitution with the Koran Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Sep 2, 2009 at 07:43 Our dear so called Nabil and his bogus context thing ... >Now why would I use deception against you to argue my point? You did already you told us that your name is really Nabil Ahmad then you told me that this is not really your name and then you told me that you went to not just one but two schools in the US but you never provided me with the names of such schools and then you hide behind your less than funny blogs and you never repsond to any refutation of your bogus claims >Deception is to be used only when open warfare has broken out... But I thought that your Allah tells you qatilu blah...blah ahl al-kitab and iqtoloo al-mushrikeen which means that your Allah declared war on us infidles at all times and do not even talk about your bogus context here >that's just common sense. What common sense? You have common sense? you just told that that if you disagree with someone then they have to be executed or deported. But I guess you are not unlike your so called prophet that was responsible for the killing of Asma Bint Thabit because she believed that he was no more than an Arabian warlord and caravan raider which he was >But I am not fighting against you... Then you are not a Muslim and do you think that I should tell the folks in Saudi Arabia that you who is no more in their eyes than a maskeen min el-hind aw el-bakistan does not follow their Allahs commands? >I am defending my views on MY beliefs. Oh your beliefs as in deporting and executing people that you disagree with? >To defend my views with lies doesn't make any sense to me. And see who is talking you have no credibility do you hear me? >What the hell do you take me for? I take you for no more than another tablighee who makes up things as he goes right our dear so called nabil al-tablighee? >What universe do you live in? Let me see: we live among real humanity that does not desreve islam or the prophet or the god of islam >You sure are one hell of an ignoramus. The ignorant is you and the fake is you >Nice try, with more selective quotes from the Qur'an. You didn't even have the guts to quote 2:228 in its entirety: What nice try? oh and I see you cannot read the Qur'an is Arabic and I will just concentrate on any bogus Arabic translation porvided by you >Divorced women shall wait concerning themselves for three monthly periods. Do men also wait for three (the word here is thultha or 3 but there is nothing in the aya about thalthat ashhur or 3 months! so we do not even know what this opaque revelation is really saying)? If not then women are treated differently from men right mr fake? >Nor is it lawful for them to hide what Allah Hath created in their wombs, if they have faith in Allah and the Last Day. Quranic blah...blah... >And their husbands have the better right to take them back in that period, if they wish for reconciliation. not a bad translation but it is the men that can ahaqqa biraduhunna fi dhalika in aradu islahan which means in Arabic a language that you cannot read or write or speak that only men can take them back if they wish. So much for the equality of men and women in Islam! > And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, it says here in arabic a language that you cannot read speak or write wa lahuna mithlu al-ladhi 3alayhuna bi al-ma3roof or and for them (f.) like what is against them in kindness. Gobbeldygook Notice that opaque revelation does not define what is really bil ma3roof so much for the claim that the Qur'an is akitab mubeen >according to what is equitable; Really? so where would i find in the aya: 3ala muujab al-ladhi yakoona 3adilun This part of the translation is bogus and how come you did not know that? But you know what? You tablighees are pathetic because you want to believe anything >but men have a degree (of advantage) over them. And here it is in black and white: wa lel rijali 3alyhunna darajatun Or men and women are not equal in the case of (and speaking of context) divorce and as if we did not know >And Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise. Blah....blah...blah... Allah and his ego >In Islam, men and women are equal. Bogus your Allah is saying in Arabic a language that you cannot read speak or write that in the case of marital problems WA LEL RIJALI 3ALAYHUNA DARAJATIN No I will not translate this for you but you know what this means? It means that in case of marital problems then men and women are not really equal. Shame on you >Look at the following verse (Qur'an 33:35): Another gem form the book of Arabian ignorance >For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise,- for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward. Gobbledygook >Men and women are equal but not identical. So where does it say in the above aya ina al-rijal wa al-nisa' mutasawiyuuna bal inaham mukhtalifuuna You claim is bogus But it seems that Allah knows about the brids and bees! Sobhanallah >They are the two halves of mankind. Wow sobhanallah this is allah's yen and yang >Look at Qur'an 49:13: Oh I can spot a tablighee a mile away from the "look at Qur'an (sic)" Oh missing is al al-ta3reef but like all tablighees you have no clue about al al-ta3reef so what is it? you can ask one of your Arab masters to tell you >O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). So? what is your point? Let me help you: you are making things up as you go right ? >I could go on and on. Oh you can go on >Men and women have different roles in society and in the family, and the restrictions and duties are not meant to be a burden to anyone. Men are primarily charged with supporting their respective families; a woman is not required to work outside the home although she can. A husband must share his earnings with his family and support them at the same time; a woman is not required to share any of her wealth with her husband. Men are obligated to attend Friday prayers; women are not. Women bear children, men do not. When a war takes place, the male/female ratio becomes unbalanced; many women may become widowed or may not be able to find available men to marry and support them financially. Gobbledygook and I think I need to tell al-wahabiyuun that you our dear so called Nabil believes that men and women are equal in islam you will have a fatwat al-takfeer issued against you at the blink of an eye >The purpose of polygamy was not to permit men to have sexual orgies with multiple women but to allow women to have a way out in extreme situations. Sexual orgies! Why are you so pre-occupied with sex? ... >When all things are considered, it all balances out and men and women are still equal in the eyes of God according to the Qur'an. gobbeldygook > And if you still don't think so, I have nothing more to say on this subject to you. No we only tell you what kutub al-turath al-islami tell us in Arabic something that you cannot do
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