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still helping the ungrateful

Reader comment on item: Sarah Palin Endorses 'Bomb Iran'
in response to reader comment: More answers to GIoK

Submitted by the Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan (Australia), Feb 26, 2010 at 03:06

Anangry and frustrated mr. Bannerghee, seeking to lash out at imagined enemies, writes:

...Anti-freedom in the Muslim world?? What a joke.The Muslim world itself is anti freedom.

My Answer >>>> This is an inconsequential opinion by an inconsequential western person who is living in an politically insignificant land called Australia.

Ah, copying my original description of your good self I see? Initation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thankyou. But I see you really don't like to be called insignificant do you - too much for your enormous muslim ego to handle.

My Answer >>> Another incorrect remark. Try to prove that the Chechens are not white skinned , western Muslims ?

They're certainly not Westerners by any stretch of the imagination - though they may have light skin. Russians immediately identify them and tend to treat them with some disadin. Also - I see that '....the Chechens' own pagan religion was still strong until at least the 19th century. " So obviously they are not all Islamic.

'I said >>>Talking about WWII you must admit that the Soviets did the bulk of fighting during that war. So should the Europeans not remember them also ?'
You said >>> Why 'must' I admit to a lie? They did the bulk of the fighting in their own country .

My Answer >>>> And who liberated the much of eastern Europe from the clutches of Nazi Germany. First learn some history and then start muttering something to me.

I think it is you who should learn somethig about non-Muslim history - it would help you get things into perspective. Specifically see the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact - and understand that stalin's goal was the annexationj of those countries that were defined as coming under the Soviet sphere of influence in the pact. as for 'liberating' those countries - you need to do someserious research . Ask native Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvian, Poles , Czechs, HUkrainians and Hungarians - how wonderfully liberated they felt after the Russian tanks rolled in and they were subjected to 50 years of stifling communist rule

"...Bye the bye how many people did your "Australia" send to fight ? "

With a population of 6 million at the time - a LOT more as a percentage than India did - though that is neither here nor there and proves nothing. India didn't have to get involved.. Here's a link


- you do the maths

"....e Indians fought bravely in WWII."

Good on you. But so did the Canadians, Poles, Estonians, Americans, English, French resistance, Dutch resistance, Norwegian resistance and even the Nepalese etc etc

BUt why did they bother - India wasn't under attack?

But most of the poor in the US have colour TV's.

My Answer >>>>> Another funny comment.

but true nevertheless

"Most of the people in the US cannot eve npay for their home loans "

Most of the people can and do pay their home loans though as we have seen a large number but by no means the majority defaulted on some loans which started the recent 'crisis'.

".....and medical insurance premiums. Anyway I consider your comment another insignificant comment by another insignificant Westerner like you."

There you go again - such flattery. Thankyou.

"....Tell me one thing what is the contribution of Australia to the world rather than being the attack dogs of British and American imperialism ?"

What has the history of Australia got to do with the subject matter? But if you really have to know - you have the internet, do you know how to use google? If it is a sincere question then I'm sure you can do your own research to find the great contributions Australia has made in the last 100 years alone.

One that directly benefitted your country would be http://www.dfat.gov.au/PUBLICATIONS/colombo_plan/index.html

several Nobel prize winners spring to mind (and I do know how much you deest this non-muslim institution.) http://www.whitehat.com.au/australia/people/NobelPrize.asp

Try - 'Australia and medicine', 'Australia and agriculture', 'Australia and science' , 'Australia and international law' - there's so many categories where this country punches above it's own weight.

Oh, what's this - http://www.ausaid.gov.au/country/post/india.cfm - we're STILL giving aid to India??? Why doesn't the massive middle class there give aid to its own citizens??

But it's not just aswutralia that gives massive amounts of aid to the 'developig' countries - canada, the EU and the 'great satan' - the US which you despise so much - give enormous amounts of aid every year. and wh o is first to help out in a humantiarian disaster? You might be able to help out here....Which muslim country heads that list??


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Reader comments (115) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
DailyKos bans poster protesting calling Trump a 'non-human-being' [115 words]WilsonJul 17, 2020 19:10259658
How would this solve anything? [60 words]DavidFeb 24, 2010 15:22169359
Compromise [59 words]Albrecht KleinFeb 26, 2010 10:12169359
Another war is surely not the best option. [590 words]HansMar 1, 2010 18:46169359
argument [439 words]HansMar 5, 2010 20:30169359
To Hans [149 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 15:44169359
To Mr. MacNemi [203 words]HansApr 5, 2010 13:37169359
To Hans [212 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 6, 2010 01:06169359
Palin reading [28 words]TajFeb 23, 2010 21:11169340
To Taj [5 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 15:48169340
Bomb Iran? [11 words]aussiFeb 18, 2010 18:09169138
...Nothing to brag about [212 words]jaFeb 12, 2010 23:49168845
I pray for Sarah Palin to be the next President of the USA [59 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 14, 2010 12:47168845
1whose fault? [350 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanFeb 14, 2010 16:00168845
Our dear Deb and Sara Palin [286 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 14, 2010 17:37168845
Reply to Grand Infidel [950 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 17, 2010 02:00168845
Don't be so hasty... [246 words]KMSFeb 18, 2010 14:50168845
1comments- Mr. Bannerjee [1998 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanFeb 18, 2010 23:45168845
2Our dear Deb and charity starts at home! Read and laugh [748 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 20, 2010 08:40168845
My answers to Grand Infidel [2446 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 21, 2010 03:48168845
2Islam and slavery and al-3abeed wa al-barabra [413 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 21, 2010 14:21168845
1800,000 Hindus can't be wrong [2427 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanFeb 23, 2010 05:17168845
My response to DNM [381 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 24, 2010 10:59168845
More answers to GIoK [465 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 24, 2010 11:49168845
More responses to the GIoK [419 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 24, 2010 12:53168845
1still helping the ungrateful [771 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanFeb 26, 2010 03:06168845
1muslims responsible for any crimes? Surely not [811 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanFeb 26, 2010 03:35168845
1Our dear Deb islam and slavery and gem time [1149 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 26, 2010 07:21168845
1Our dear Deb I'm still waiting for your reference that "the number of slaves that Arabs had was miniscule" These are your words [112 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 27, 2010 14:29168845
It's mathematics... [95 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 2, 2010 11:21168845
1Our dear Deb I'm still waiting for your reference that "the number of slaves that Arabs had was miniscule" part duex [234 words]dhimmi no moreMar 4, 2010 17:49168845
1Our dear Deb and this time Abul Qasim's last sermon [177 words]dhimmi no moreMar 5, 2010 07:30168845
To DNM [39 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 7, 2010 01:20168845
1Muhamma'd's last sermon and the islamic comedy goes on and on [97 words]dhimmi no moreMar 7, 2010 12:34168845
1To Ja [148 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 16:03168845
1To Debanjan Banerjee [18 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 16:07168845
1Hey Dhimmi No More-- How's tricks?? [33 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 16:15168845
1To Debanjan Banerjee [170 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 16:42168845
2To Mr. Banerjee---- A solution to your problem [58 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 17:22168845
1To Mr. Banerjee [108 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 18:20168845
A reply to Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemi [73 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 31, 2010 01:52168845
More to Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemi [157 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 31, 2010 02:01168845
More to Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemi [73 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 31, 2010 02:23168845
1Hey Debanjan [53 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 1, 2010 04:41168845
1Hey Debanjan [112 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 1, 2010 04:50168845
1Hey Mr.Banerjee [43 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 1, 2010 04:55168845
My reply to Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemi [153 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 2, 2010 05:09168845
1Our dear Deb and speaking of cults and the Islamic comedy goes on and on [201 words]dhimmi no moreApr 2, 2010 15:21168845
Answer to DNM [58 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 3, 2010 23:25168845
1Ah my dear Debanjan [331 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 6, 2010 00:40168845
1Our dear Deb and speaking of cults and the Islamic comedy goes on and on part deux [375 words]dhimmi no moreApr 6, 2010 07:20168845
Epiphany [37 words]Michael RosenbergFeb 12, 2010 13:19168833
1Congratulations Iranian Revolution! [33 words]pdmFeb 12, 2010 11:39168830
1Young and Attractive-Maybe? [243 words]Jay1Feb 12, 2010 00:12168815
Israel will not need Palin endorsement [232 words]LazmanFeb 11, 2010 23:05168813
Isn't There a Catch as to Why No Other Country Except Israel Considers a First Strike a Good Option? [155 words]M. ToveyFeb 11, 2010 19:46168807
The MSM and Sarah Palin [35 words]DavidFeb 10, 2010 23:39168773
The time is over we need to act NOW. [174 words]Peter KikareasFeb 10, 2010 23:01168772
Whitehouse motives and key to Palin's victory [146 words]Ron SingerFeb 10, 2010 10:20168754
Sarah as a leader [78 words]KMSFeb 18, 2010 15:09168754
Obama needs to declare a fatwah on the ayatollah and on president whatsathedamaj?! [44 words]PeterFeb 10, 2010 03:41168749
Sarah Palin, would take, nuclear iran seriously ! , sadly President Obama does not SEEM to be doing this. ... '10 [149 words]Phil GreendFeb 10, 2010 01:07168745
Sarah Palin! Scary indeed [41 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 9, 2010 18:07168733
our dhimmi is sometimes right too, ha ? [25 words]endrit huFeb 15, 2010 20:49168733
1Another victim of Turkish imperialism [144 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 16, 2010 19:26168733
1Bomb Iran, pay the price? [150 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 9, 2010 13:54168719
The US won the Super Bowl in 45! [51 words]albert palmerFeb 12, 2010 07:15168719
Asserting power [199 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 12, 2010 09:49168719
A war the US would not win [130 words]Anonymous Kid Genius (Ha IM Only 14)Feb 13, 2010 10:07168719
Die Welt [24 words]AlexFeb 9, 2010 13:34168718
OK. Now I know it is a foolish idea. [46 words]LazmanFeb 9, 2010 12:32168713
Sarah Palin Endorses "bomb Iran." For the Future of this World, Iran needs to be Stopped. [250 words]DebbieFeb 9, 2010 10:44168707
War [69 words]Joe Six-PackFeb 9, 2010 12:56168707
War. There has been a complacency in the Obama administration. - Response to Joe Six Pack [140 words]DebbieFeb 11, 2010 16:49168707
To: Palin, Joe six pack and likes of dhimmi [126 words]Cristina BoleFeb 15, 2010 20:55168707
Complacency in the Obama administration. response to Christina Bole. [605 words]DebbieFeb 16, 2010 12:34168707
Would bombing a nuclear reactor be enough? [122 words]Peter HerzFeb 9, 2010 09:25168702
Widespread pusillanimity [35 words]Steve KleinFeb 9, 2010 08:49168699
That's what I'm afraid of [46 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreFeb 9, 2010 08:13168698
Out of Respect for Decency, I will not comment on the headline. [24 words]Tom SatterleeFeb 9, 2010 00:23168685
Sarah Palin also endorses bridge to nowhere and Billion dollar research on drosophelias !! [46 words]Lisa TahonikaFeb 9, 2010 00:18168684
Lisa Tahonika, if BO can run the country, any one can!! [78 words]BAFeb 9, 2010 22:54168684
Sarah Palin scares me to death- shouldn't be a good role-model for anyone ! [203 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mike DukanovicFeb 9, 2010 00:08168683
Mr. Pipes: Couldn't you find a better example than this silly lady? [42 words]Sara MilesFeb 8, 2010 23:55168681
Sarah Palin [53 words]Norman MeyersonFeb 8, 2010 22:55168679
Akin to handing an atomic bomb to Hitler in the last days of World War II [126 words]markjuliansmithFeb 8, 2010 21:42168678
Sarah should learn to read [100 words]Mike ShapiroFeb 8, 2010 21:41168677
To You and Everyone Else: Grow Up! [129 words]AlexFeb 12, 2010 17:12168677
Sarah Palin? Bomb Iran ! [84 words]Nenette GrunbergFeb 8, 2010 19:04168669
Affording a third war now. [56 words]Nathan KravetzFeb 8, 2010 18:52168667
Sarah Of America [23 words]InfosifterFeb 8, 2010 18:41168665
Palin support for bombing Iran [132 words]Janusz KowalikFeb 8, 2010 18:39168664
Nuclear bombing of Iran? [14 words]Aad MolenkampFeb 20, 2010 18:14168664
Pat Buchanan [65 words]Ronald BelkinFeb 8, 2010 18:17168663
Notice the US & Israel flag lapel pin. [8 words]Maccabee613Feb 8, 2010 18:04168659
Absolutely Unglued [142 words]Sheldon TyberFeb 8, 2010 17:53168656
You and Sarah are NOT the first to want the U.S. to attack Iran [27 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Alec RawlsFeb 8, 2010 17:46168655
Having it both ways - but who will ultimately end up under the bus if she actually wins? [181 words]Cavan JohnFeb 8, 2010 17:42168654
wishful thinking [48 words]Isahiah62Feb 8, 2010 16:59168652
Obama is now aiming to get the Nobel Prize for Economics. [108 words]M.D.Feb 8, 2010 16:49168650
to M.D. - Nobel Prize in Chemistry not Economics [62 words]ASFeb 12, 2010 23:54168650
American male leaders take note [33 words]Tom F.Feb 8, 2010 16:47168649
1really? [194 words]dogagasMar 9, 2010 04:23168649
Our dear dogagas and what is really al-jihad [125 words]dhimmi no moreMar 10, 2010 06:28168649
offensive jihad [333 words]dogagasMar 10, 2010 09:21168649
our dear dogagas and the word al-jihad [569 words]dhimmi no moreMar 13, 2010 16:28168649
1i'll try this again [113 words]dogagasMar 14, 2010 18:58168649
our dear dogagas and the word al-jihad part deux [312 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2010 18:29168649
31 years [17 words]Walter E. WallisFeb 8, 2010 16:24168648
You like Sarah Palin? [3 words]Pablo IkbaFeb 8, 2010 16:20168647
Sara Palin is just a show girl [8 words]Todd ParkerFeb 9, 2010 12:27168647
Let's hope more serious Republicans chime in supportively [60 words]Boston guyFeb 8, 2010 16:16168646
Put Iran on dock for "War Crimes" [275 words]L. N. ErnstFeb 8, 2010 16:14168645
Ah, yes. [34 words]Peter HerzFeb 23, 2010 18:25168645
Sarah Palin [57 words]Bob HansonFeb 8, 2010 16:05168644

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