New Amsterdam, New York, New CordobaReader comment on item: Mosque in Cordoba, Church in Damascus Submitted by myth (Germany), Aug 6, 2010 at 17:19 Today I read that dutch MP Geert Wilders is going to speak as part of protesting the Ground Zero Mosque in New York. Earlier Wilders and another MP Fritsma from his party asked the dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Maxime Verhagen about dutch subsidies funding the so called Cordoba House mosque. This questions was filed in writing and it is recorded with the minister's answers on the ministries website: I try my best translating: Vraag 1 Is het waar dat Nederlands belastinggeld gebruikt wordt voor het steunen van American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), de organisatie van imam Faisal Abdur Rauf, die een moskee wil bouwen op ground zero? 1) Question 1 Is it true that Dutch tax money is used in support of the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), the organisation of imam Faisal Abdur Rauf, that wants to build a mosque on ground zero ? Antwoord Nee, d e American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) is niet betrokken bij de bouw van een moskee op ground zero in de Verenigde Staten. Daarvoor wordt dus ook geen Nederlands belastinggeld gebruikt. Answer: no, the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) is not involved with the construction of a mosque on ground zero in the United States. Consequently there is no dutch tax money spent on this. Wel ontvangt de American Society for Muslim Advancement subsidie van het Nederlandse MDG3 fonds voor de uitvoering het Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equity (WISE) Compact program. WISE heeft als doelstelling zelfbeschikking en volledige participatie van moslimvrouwen in hun gemeenschap. Om dit doel te bereiken richten activiteiten zich onder andere op hervorming van bestaande wetgeving, ontwerpen van nieuwe wetgeving en trainingen voor vrouwen die gericht zijn op meer gelijkheid tussen vrouwen en mannen. The American Society for Muslim Advancement does receive subsidies from the dutch MDG3 fonds for the execution of the Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equity (WISE) Compact program. The goal of WISE is the self-determination and complete participation of muslim women in their community. In order to reach this goal the activities aim at, but not limited to, the reformation existing law, the creation/design of new laws and traning of women focussed on more equality between women and men. Dat doen ze in voornamelijk Afghanistan, Egypte en Pakistan. Het gaat om projecten om genitale verminking te voorkomen, geweld tegen vrouwen tegen te gaan, vrouwen-trainingen (o.m. media, leiderschap) te organiseren. De projectduur is van 13 oktober 2008 tot 30 juni 2011. They predominatly engage in Afghanistan. Egypt and Pakistan. The projects deal with preventing genital mutilation, counter violence against women, organize among others (* translating o.m. = onder meer ) women's training. The project duration is from 13 october 2008 until 30 june 2011. Vraag 2 Zo ja, erkent u dat het absurd is om juist op ground zero een moskee te bouwen en dat dit ook een belediging is voor (nabestaanden van) de slachtoffers van 9-11? Zo nee, waarom niet? Question 2 If yes, do you recognize it is absurd to build a mosque right on ground zero and that it is also an insult against the (families of) victims of 9-11 ? If no, why not ? Antwoord Zie vraag 1 Answer See question 1 Vraag 3 Zo ja, bent u, gelet op het beledigende plan om genoemde moskee te bouwen, bereid om de subsidie voor ASMA onmiddelijk in te trekken? Zo nee, waarom niet? Q Question 3 If yes, are you, now aware of the insulting plan to construct the named mosque, ready to retract the subsidy to ASMA at once ? If no, why not ? Antwoord Nee. Aangezien er geen sprake is van steun aan de bouw van een moskee. Het intrekken van de subsidie aan ASMA, die zich richt op het bevorderen van gelijke rechten voor vrouwen in landen als o.a. Afghanistan, Pakistan en Egypte, wordt dan ook niet overwogen. Answer No. Taking into consideration that there is no case of supporting the construction of a mosque. The cancellation of subsidies to ASMA that are intended to promote the equality of rights for women in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Egypt, will not be considered. (end of record) On the other hand the Cordoba initiative's website http://www.cordobainitiative.org/?q=content/ci-partners does list ASMA as their "partner". My comment: Foreign ministries should focus on their own country's interest and not engage in development aid. If they do, it is ill-advised to support acitivities in Afghanistan transferring money to an organization in the USA. Other than that one should support individuals only for only an individual can be held responsible. The EU is all the example one ever needs. The result this time is that the Netherlands invest in New York as if it was still New Amsterdam creating some New Cordoba.
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