Arab Racism VS Israeli WorriesReader comment on item: [Theo van Gogh and] "Education By Murder" in Holland Submitted by Al (United States), Dec 13, 2010 at 17:35 While anti-Israel bigots, Arabs, Muslims have for so long tried to cast Israelis' legitimate concern over a growing racist Arab threat that seeks its annihilation - in a bad light, the recent phenomenon is that radical leftysts inside Israel cast at times these worries and subsequented defensive actions also with such bombastic -unfair- definitions, though their aim is political, the damage is simply horrific, nevertheless. Now, why don't we talk about the real racism in the area, outside or even inside Israel, the Arab racism of course, that which since (at least the 1920s) tried to commit genocide on the Jewish population and together with Islamic bigotry, these two fascisms motivated the expulsion of 1,000,000 Jews and the anti-Israel campaign. The latter campaign has never been discntinued. [Racism by Israeli Arabs include: creating - via intimidation and violence- an "off limits to Jews and "pure" Arab (areas) zone; Arabs' targeting of innocent Jews, simply for being Jews; the massive rationaliztion for support of attackers in the Arab public.] Arab Racism against Jews - in general [1920's - today] Anti-Semitism in the Arab/Muslim World Arab Media Review Arab Anti-Semitism And the Arab-Israeli Conflict... For many years anti-Semitism in the Arab world was seen as a marginal issue. Poll: 90% of ME views Jews unfavorably Feb 9, 2010 ... But Pew poll finds only 35% of Israeli Arabs express bad opinion of ... a worrying picture of attitudes towards Jews in the Middle East. ... The roots of Arab Anti-Semitism - By David Greenberg - Slate Magazine 31 Oct 2001 ... Since Sept. 11, many Americans have been surprised by the prevalence and depth of anti-Semitism in the Arab world ... Racism and Middle East Politics MEMRI: Antisemitism Documentation Project 2276 Arab and Muslim Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism - A Study... There is a problem of Arab anti-Semitism... The case for Israel - by Alan M. Dershowitz - 2003 - History - 264 pages (page 101) Arab/Muslim Anti-Semitism Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everything from anti-Semitism to Zionism... 'Arabs are taught hatred of Jews with mothers' milk.'.. journo Brigitte Gabriel, Lebanese journalist Brigitte Gabriel: "universities teach hatred of Jews"- The Mufti of Berlin Never-ending Islamic Conspiracies... 20 Jan 2005 ... African Muslims regularly accusing "Zionists" of spreading AIDS...They were told that the 'Jews' were behind the contamination of the vaccine which might cause Aids or infertility ... In Iraq today, conspiracy theories are spreading fast and easy. Many even claim that Al-Zarwaqi is an invention of the American propaganda machine.... Arab countries also regularly host conferences where Holocaust deniers masquerading as historians claim to be able to "prove" there was no massacre of Jews by the Nazis during World War II. Whereas many Muslims worldwide praise Hitler for his services, yet almost in the same breath they deny the Holocaust as "a big illusion of the Jews".. ...Some popular theories gain credence no matter how far-fetched they seem, like conspiracy theories in the Arab world that claim Jews were behind the explosion of the space shuttle Columbia, and the U.S. is behind the SARS virus. Columnists in prominent Arab newspapers, including Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, blamed the Madrid Spain bombings on the Jews. Indeed, the deputy editor of the Egyptian government daily Al-Gumhouriyya, wrote a March 18 2004 article accusing the Jews of perpetrating virtually every major terrorist attack throughout the world which westerners blame on Islamic extremists. Some have gone as far as to claim the CIA controls Osama bin Ladene ... Israel, America and Arab Delusions.. In mid-January 1991, as the first bombs began to fall on Iraq, Saddam Husayn and his ... An Imperialist Conspiracy . . . ? The notion that Zionism serves as a tool of the ... It is an invention of their enemies, especially the British. ... 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Take Root in Arab/Muslim World, 8 Sep 2006 ... The outrageous lie about 'Jewish involvement' in the 9/11 attacks took off ... it was Hezbollah's television station al-Manar, six days after 9/11, .... Five Years Later, Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Live On ... Muslim Conspiracy Theories, According to certain reports, there are over 200 Zionist troops in Iraq ... that while conspiracy theories continue to be rampant in the Middle East, Arab ... Najem Wali: The dictator's orphans - signandsight, Iraqi-German writer Najem Wali feels that the Arab Writers Union has a problem or two. ... collaboration with the "Zionist enemy" is an invention of the Arabic racist lexicon, ... The goal of Arabs is simple: to wipe out the state of Israel from the map and create the twenty-second Arab state. If anyone doubts me, just listen to what Yasser Arafat, the late leader of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, told a reporter, Arianna Palazzi in 1970: ...by M Seiden pseudo Arabist terminology where, for instance, the pejorative epithet "racist" applies to Jews alone... Forum on the Jewish people, Zionism and Israel, Volumes 54-59 By World Zionist Organization. Information Dept, 1985 [Page 84] ...the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Husseini, exploited social discontent, nationalism and religion to incite the Arabs of Palestine against the British and the Jews. His unscrupulous modus operandi and his reliance on frequent assassinations precluded any serious political opposition to his fascist rule. As a result of escalating Arab terrorism, Nazi-Germany decided to support the Mufti and his movement. On July 15, 1937, the Mufti told the German Consul-General in Jerusalem, W. Dohle, that the Palestinian Arabs were united in their "sympathy for the new Germany". But it was not only the Mufti's burgeoning relationship with Nazi-Germany that made his ilk of fascism so dangerous. The Mufti's views, deeply influenced by the Nazis fascist ideology and his diplomatic initiatives quickly became the single unifying political cause celebre of the entire Arab world. Throughout World War II, Nazi propaganda praised the Arab terrorists as freedom fighters. In turn, the Mufti and his followers did everything in their power to weaken Great Britain in Palestine, the Middle East and North Africa. During the years 1948-1967, pan-Arab ideologies were the rage of the Muslim world. The Iraqi statesman, "Abd al-Rahman al-Bazzaz, a leading proponent of conservative pan-Arabism, likened the position of the Arabs in Islam to that of the Russians in world communism. The radical strain of pan-Arabism, however, became far more influential than its conservative counterpart. Both pan-Arabism and pan-Islamic ideologies looked to Hitler's Germany as a model Haj Amin al-Husseini expressed his admiration for the way the Germans have definitively solved the "Jewish problem" Radical Islamic Jihad and pan-Arabism in its violent form find a common root in Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. CMIP - CENTER FOR MONITORING THE IMPACT OF PEACE: REPORTS [the sense of] Arabism is firmly established in (Arab racist textbooks) Israel is depicted as an alien entity that Imperialism has planted in the midst of the Arab homeland in order to crush the Arabs. Hence, it is both illegitimate and artificial. the Mufti ...Husseini's pan-Arabist, pan-Islamist character THE GRAND MUFTI OF JERUSALEM AND THE NAZIFICATION OF THE ARAB WORLD Mufti influenced pan-Arabists continue to wage war against non-Islamic nations and peoples... Amin el-Husseini imported his views on pan-Arabism into Palestine upon his return .... the Arab League, which is based on the principle of pan-Arabism. ... When Islamic Radicalism, Fascism and Arab Nationalism Collide: Haj Amin al-Husseini ...Husseini is a perfect manifestation of how jihadists, violent Arab nationalists and fascists collide. It is also another tragic example of an Arab leader ... Islamic terrorism linked to Nazi fascists Aug 15, 2006 ... They based it in Croatia and called it the Handzar Muslim Division, but it was to become the core of Hitler's new army of Arab fascists that ... Satia Al-Husri spawned a whole generation of men who advocated violence. One example is Sami Shawkat who is famous for his 1933 speech "Sina'at al-Mawt" (manufacture of death) in which he rationalizes mass violence and war as the way to achieve Arab aspirations. Tragically, this speech was widely distributed in Arab schools and in Iraq in particular. It is interesting that Shawkat teaches that "force is the soil which sprouts the seeds of truth". Although not widely known, Shawkat was a main force in the organization of the Futuwwa Youth Organization - a movement modeled directly after the Nazi Hitler Youth Movement. The Futuwwa set the pace for future Arab chauvinist movements, such as the B'aath party of Iraq and today's followers of Bin Laden. It is interesting to note that Shawkat's ideas became somewhat too hot to handle, even for the pan-Arabists - Satia Al-Husri later disowned Sami Shawkat. The terror behind Iraq's Jewish exodus Julia Magnet Last Updated: 10:39AM BST 28 Apr 2003 "In Baghdad, there are only 30 Jews left. Thirty. You can count them." ...As he weeps, his wife gestures at the television set in the corner of the sitting-room, where they are constantly flicking between al-Jazeera, Sky and Fox. "It's because we are watching this all the time," she says. "It came back." Their old life has invaded their clean London sitting-room, and all the memories of persecution in Baghdad are flooding back - "like a dream". It wasn't always a hard life. In the 1920s, Baghdad was 40 per cent Jewish: Jews made up the largest single community in the city and controlled up to 95 per cent of business. The first finance minister of the country - established after the First World War, when the British drew up new borders - was a Jew, as was the justice minister. And when the British imported King Faisal I to Iraq, in 1921, one of his first visits was to the leaders of the Jewish community. As late as 1948, after Israel's war of independence, there were still about 150,000 to 180,000 Jews in Iraq. Now there are between 30 and 40 left in the entire country. In 50 years, one of the oldest Jewish communities in the world has all but vanished. Within the borders of Iraq, of course, is the city of Babylon, where the Jews came after their first exile from Jerusalem in 587bc. Iraq is also the birthplace of Abraham. Islam arrived only when the Arabs invaded in ad641 - more than 1,000 years after the Jews had first settled. [...] Sadly, what this couple remember is only an interlude: the persecution of the Jews had started 20 years before. In June 1941, there was the Farhud - or pogrom - during which "the mob wreaked havoc", recalls Kahtan. "For two days, they killed Jews in the streets, kidnapped girls, raped them, killed them and mutilated the bodies. They burned property, looted houses - it's estimated that about 600 Jews were killed in those two days." For Jews born later, such as the Edgware couple, the public hangings of Jewish teenagers in 1969 and the omnipresence of the secret police are fresher memories. But their insistence on the "nice life" of the past echoes a pattern set long before. ... In the Thirties, the rise of pan-Arab nationalism coincided with the second King Faisal's admiration of the Nazis. By 1936, says Sylvia Kedourie, widow of the eminent Middle Eastern scholar Elie Kedourie, there were "episodes of Jews being killed in the streets that led to a growing sense of insecurity". Meanwhile, Zionism was on the rise, and though the Iraqi Jews were hardly Zionists, many Arabs began to see them as hostile, intent on conquering Arab territory. The Nazi agenda crystallised Arab anti-semitism. On April 3, 1941, the rabidly pro-Nazi Rashid Ali, a former prime minister, with a group of similarly inclined politicians and army officers, staged a coup against Faisal II. Rashid Ali's aim was to root out British influence and ally Iraq with the Nazis. His new "government" declared war on Britain, and was promptly defeated. On May 31, Rashid Ali fled. But his soldiers and policemen, inflamed by Nazi ideas, started the Farhud - aided by the Arab mob. Although the British Army was stationed outside Baghdad, it waited for two days before stopping the massacre: "They didn't want to wound Iraqi pride," says Kahtan. "I was a very young child at the time, but certain things are imprinted on your mind. On the first day, the mob came to our door to do their business. The house was rented from a Muslim neighbour, of the old generation, and he came down with his rifle, shot in the air, and said: 'These people are under my protection; anyone who lifts a finger will be dead' - and he drove them off. [...] "When the whole question of the partition of Palestine came up," says Dr Zubaida, "all the Arab countries sent armies to Palestine, including Iraq. This generated a kind of hysteria, and then Jews who were prominent in public life started being sacked and students in higher education started being expelled." Kahtan was 10 in 1948, when the state of Israel was declared. The son of his Muslim neighbour - the one who had saved his family - called him into his house. "He was 19. He showed me a map and said: 'Today, seven armies are going to attack Israel, kill all the Jews and throw the survivors into the sea.' Now, that was the son - you see what a change of mentality had taken place. I'll leave it to your imagination to think what change of mentality has taken place between 1948 and now." It doesn't take much. In 1949, a court of law falsely accused Safiq Adas, one of Iraq's most prominent Jewish businessmen, of selling arms to Israel. The charge was ridiculous: Adas sold scrap metal to Italy. He protested his innocence and refused to pay the bribes that might have saved his life. Although he had some of the best lawyers in Iraq, his defence was not allowed to call witnesses. He was hanged in front of his house as his wife and children watched. His Muslim partner was never charged and continued the business. This, Elie Kedourie has written, was the moment when the Jews realised the full extent of their vulnerability: they were no longer under the protection of the law and there was now little difference between the mob and Iraqi court justice. Everyone I spoke to mentioned Safiq Adas's "trial". [...] His escape on a smuggler's boat, like all those in the 1960s and 70s, was organised by Israeli agents who mapped out the routes, paid the necessary bribes and met the refugees in Iran. "Israel was paying to save the Jews," Kahtan said. "I owe my life to the state of Israel." After the Six-Day War, the Iraqi government took its revenge on the few thousand Jews left in Baghdad. The woman in Edgware recalls: "They started putting young people - youngsters of 16 years old - on trial, just because they were Jews. "They would just catch them in the streets - whomever they could find - and take them to prison. Then they would torture them and put them on trial as spies. "And they hanged them in the main square of Baghdad. People were dancing around the gallows there, dancing and celebrating, distributing sweets. 'What a big day, what a happy day', catching the Jews and hanging them." The silent exodus of Jewish refugees from Muslim lands Here is the trailer for the superb filmmaker Pierre Rehov's Silent Exodus. Silent Exodus was selected at the International Human Rights Film Festival of Paris in 2004 and presented at the UN Geneva Human Rights Annual Convention that same year. Here is a summary of the film: In 1948 nearly one million Jews lived in Arab lands. But In barely twenty years, they have become forgotten fugitives, expelled from their native lands, forgotten by history and where the victims themselves have hidden their fate under a cloak of silence. And here also is an illuminating article on the subject by Magdi Cristiano Allam, "The Arabs Without the Jews: Roots of a Tragedy" (translated from Italian by Lyn and Lawrence Julius): Israel is the keeper of a mutilated Arab identity, the repository for the guilty consciences of the Arab peoples, the living witness to a true history of the Arab countries, continuously denied, falsified and ignored. http://www.pierrerehov.com/exodus.htm Roughly half of Israel's 5 million Jews are Jewish refugees from Arab countries or their descendants, and they received no humanitarian aid from the United Nations. To this day, the Arab states have refused to pay any compensation to the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were forced to abandon their property before fleeing their homelands. Israel has consequently maintained that any agreement to compensate the Palestinian refugees must also include Arab compensation for Jewish refugees IsraCast: MIDDLE EAST REFUGEES - PALESTINIAN & JEWISH Friday, March 14, 2008 In The House Of Ishmael: A history Of The Jews In Muslim Land, By Martin Gilbert Republic of fear: the politics of modern Iraq.. - Kanan Makiya - Page 48 Iraqi Author Dr. Rashid Al-Khayoun: Iraqi Jews Were Driven Out of the Country by Pan-Arab Extremists, Led By Nazi Ally Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini Recognising the Jewish 'Nakba' Acknowledging the plight of Jewish refugees from Arab countries written out of history'could be the key to Middle East peace Lyn Julius guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 25 June 2008 09.00 BST Article history This week, before an audience of peers and MPs, an 80-year-old Jewish refugee named Sarah told the story of her traumatic departure in 1956 in the wake of the Suez crisis. Her husband lost his job. Taken ill, she had remained behind in Egypt with her new baby, while he left to look for work in Europe. She departed with nothing ' along with 25,000 other Jews expelled by Nasser and forced to sign a document pledging that they would never return. In a final act of spite, the customs officers ransacked her suitcase and even her baby's carrycot. Sarah was speaking at a House of Lords briefing as part of the Justice for Jews from Arab Countries congress. JJAC, an international coalition of 77 organisations, is holding its inaugural congress in London, and aims to highlight the neglected rights of (according to indisputable UN figures) 856,000 Jewish refugees like Sarah. The exodus began 60 years ago when Arab states, hell-bent on crushing the new state of Israel militarily, also turned on their peaceful Jewish communities. Street violence killed over 150 Jews. Within 10 years, more than half the Jews had fled or been expelled, following discriminatory legislation , extortion, arrests, internment and executions. Those who remained became subjugated, political hostages of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Today 99.5% - all but 4,500 - have gone. As the historian Nathan Weinstock has observed, not even the Jews of 1939 Germany had been so thoroughly "ethnically cleansed". The displacement of Jews from Arab countries was not just a backlash to the creation of Israel and the Arabs' humiliating defeat. The "push" factors were already in place. Arab League states drafted a law in November 1947 branding their Jews as enemy aliens. But non-Muslim minorities, historically despised as dhimmis with few rights, were already being oppressed by Nazi-inspired pan-Arabism and Islamism. These factors sparked the conflict with Zionism, and drive it to this day. The Jewish "Nakba" - Arabic for "catastrophe" ' not only emptied cities like Baghdad (a third Jewish); it tore apart the cultural, social and economic fabric in Arab lands. Jews lost homes, synagogues, hospitals, schools, shrines and deeded land five times the size of Israel. Their ancient heritage - predating Islam by 1,000 years ' was destroyed. The Jewish state, which struggled to take in 600,000, many of them stateless, is both a response to Arab antisemitism, and the legitimate political expression of an indigenous Middle Eastern people. Half Israel's Jewish population is descended from refugees from Arab and Muslim lands. Arab governments have never admitted committing mass violations of Jewish human and civil rights, much less apologised or offered restitution. Over 120 UN resolutions deal with the 711,000 Palestinian refugees; not one refers to the greater number of Jewish refugees. Although peace initiatives have been worded to refer generically to the "refugee problem", Jewish and Arab, Israel has been reluctant to politicise the Jewish refugee issue, having successfully integrated them as full citizens: Arab denial has thus conspired with Israeli silence to airbrush Jewish refugees out of the picture, leading to obfuscation, distortion and decontextualisation. This April, JJAC scored a major success, however, when the US House of Representatives adopted its first resolution (pdf) on Jewish refugees; future resolutions mentioning Palestinian refugees must refer explicitly to Jewish refugees from Arab countries. The resolution is about recognition, not restitution, although Jewish losses have been quantified at twice Palestinian losses. Such resolutions could lead to a peace settlement by recognising that there were victims on both sides. Thus justice for Jews is not just a moral imperative, but the key to reconciliation. Moreover, a major hurdle to peace could be removed if the Palestinian "right of return" were counterbalanced by the Jewish right not to return to Arab tyrannies, recognising a de facto population exchange of roughly equal numbers. The Jewish refugees, who spent up to 12 years in Israeli ma'abarot (transit camps), could also serve as a model for the resettlement (in host Arab countries or an eventual Palestinian state) of Arab refugees languishing in camps. Meanwhile, awareness of the "Jewish Nakba" is growing: a Libyan Jew who fled in fear of her life has addressed the UN Human Rights Council. Jewish refugees were mentioned at Westminster and discussed on BBC radio. In the US, Canada and at the European parliament, the campaign for justice is steaming ahead. At Tuesday's briefing, Sarah will be testifying to the fact that two sets of refugees emerged from the Arab-Israeli conflict. The UK will be urged to look at what role it could usefully play in seeking to resolve issues affecting all Middle East refugees. Fifty-two years ago, Sarah rejoined her husband in England; they rebuilt their lives and put Egypt behind them. This does not mean that she should be denied justice. A Backgrounder of the Nazi Activities in North Africa and the Middle East During the Era of the Holocaust Key issues the reader should note: 1. The Islamic leadership (vis-à-vis the Mufti) did in fact have a significant relationship with the German government during the era of the Holocaust. 2. Pro-Nazi sentiment often resulted in grave consequences against the Jews in Arab countries during the Holocaust. 3. The Germans influenced the Arabs resulting in incitement that led to attacks against Jews in Arab cities during the Holocaust. 4. The Mufti promoted the idea to the Nazis of destroying the Jews before they could escape to Palestine. 5. The Axis powers persecuted Jews in North Africa during the Holocaust... • Bernard Lewis states: "We know that within weeks of Hitler's coming to power in 1933, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem got in touch with the German consul general in Jerusalem, Doctor Heinrich Wolff, and offered his services." 1 There, the Mufti spoke approvingly of the Nazi's Jewish policies, particularly of the anti-Jewish boycott in Germany. • A Pan-Arab Committee established at Baghdad in the Spring of 1933 approached Fritz Grobba, the German Ambassador to Iraq, two years later with proposals for closer ties and cooperation. • Hitler's Mein Kampf was translated into four different Arabic translations and circulated between 1933-1939 in Beirut, Baghdad, Cairo and Berlin. • In the first few months of WWII, shops in the towns of Syria would frequently show posters with Arabic sayings: "In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler." In the streets of Aleppo... Damascus a popular verse in a local dialect said: "No more 'Monsieur', no more 'Mister'-God in heaven, on earth Hitler!" Nazi Hatred Dwells in the Arab World ...Although the Allies killed Nazi troops, destroyed their buildings, burned Nazi books, and even the fact that German Fuehrer killed himself, the Nazi spirit lived on. This spirit of Jew hatred was brought into the Arab world by Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. The relationship between Amin Al-Husseini and the Third Reich was strengthened when the Mufti visited the German Consul General at Jerusalem in 1937. After that, he met with Eichmann when he visited Palestine. This was when the Nazis were examining the possibility of deporting German Jews to Palestine. It has been reported that based on war-crimes testimony and the Eichmann trial transcripts, Eichmann and the Mufti enjoyed a close relationship. The Mufti would soon become the spiritual leader of the Islamic legions that were trained by-and-for the Nazis. The rise of Hitler to power in 1933 marked a turning point in the new mufti?s activities. He sent a cable of congratulations to the Nazi leader and expressed support for the Jewish boycott in Germany. Soon after Hitler's Mein Kampf was translated into four different Arabic translations and circulated between 1933-1939 in Beirut, Baghdad, Cairo and Berlin. In the first few months of WWII, shops in the towns of Syria would frequently show posters with Arabic sayings: "In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler." In the streets of Aleppo, Homs and Damascus a popular verse in a local dialect said: "No more 'Monsieur', no more 'Mister'-God in heaven, on earth Hitler!" Anti-Jewish feeling continued to mount in the Middle East during the 1930s, as the Fascist and Nazi regimes and doctrines made increasing sense to many Arab nationalists. King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia sought German arms and contacts and was favorably received. Various delegations of Syrians and Iraqis attended the Nrnberg party congresses, and there were several different Arabic translations of Mein Kampf. Both the German and Italian regimes were active in propaganda in the Arab world, and there was much pro-German sentiment in Egypt. Anti-Semitic elements seized upon the Palestine problem and Arab Revolt of As part of the new, tough policy against Arab violence, the British dismissed Al-Husseini from his post as head of the Supreme Moslem Council. Fearing arrest, on October 12, 1937, the grand mufti donned disguise and fled to Lebanon, where the French gave him asylum. During 1937, Damascus was center for anti-Jewish activities. During this same year, a Nazi delegation went to Syria where a symbiosis was developed that would lead to intensified anti-Jewish sentiment, especially among both German and Arab youth. Nazi Germany started transmitting in Arabic for the first time in April 1938. Germany thus became an Italian radio surrogate, providing a new programming dimension by the addition of anti-Jewish and anti-British themes broadcast by several prominent Arab exiles, including Rashid Ali El-Ghailani, an ex-prime minister of Iraq, and the Mufti, Al-Husseini. The Mufti developed a world headquarters in Germany. In an office in Berlin, his activities included: 1. radio propaganda; 2. espionage and fifth column activities in the Middle East; 3. organizing Muslims into military units in Axis-occupied countries and in North Africa and Russia; and 4. establishment of the Arab Legions and the Arab Brigade. These groups were trained by the Nazis and used by them. The Mufti's radio broadcasts were some of the most violent pro-Axis broadcasts ever produced. He had at least six stations, Berlin, Zeissen, Bari, Rome, Tokyo and Athens. He used these radio broadcasts to tell Muslims across the world to commit acts of sabotage and kill the Jews. Hitler had made it clear that the project of killing Jews was by no means confined to Europe. As he explained to the Mufti, "his hopes of military victory in Africa and the Middle East would bring about the destruction of Jews in the Arab World." In November of 1941 Hitler informed the Mufti at a meeting in Berlin that he intended to kill every Jew living in the Arab world, including those in Palestine as well as "Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Arabian peninsula, Egypt, and French Northwest Africa." Hitler asserted that, in the event of a German advance into the Middle East, the German objective would be the "destruction" of "Judaism" in Palestine. During 1941, in Mosul, Iraq, pro-Nazi Arab activists continued to propagandize against Jews. In Baghdad, when the war film For Freedom showed in cinemas, audiences cheered Hitler and booed Churchill. Leaflets circulated: "Rashid Ali, the Leader of all the Arabs, is returning with ropes and gallows to hang a number of criminal Jews, Christian traitors and other enemies of Islam." October 5, 1943, the Mufti arrived in Frankfort, Germany visiting the Research Institute on the Jewish Problem where he declared that Arabs and Germans were, "Partners and allies in the battle against world Jewry." The Mufti beamed radio sermons to the Balkans, the countries of North Africa, and the Muslims in India. Arabs in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Egypt were called upon for Jihad against the British, these statements included the suggestion Muslims could "save their souls by massacring the Jewish infidels" they came across. In a letter to Himmler, dated September 28, 1944, General Berger of the Waffen S.S. reported: "Today the Mufti came to see me for a long talk. He talked about his work and noted happily that the day is nearing he will head an army to conquer Palestine." It was during this same year that the Mufti developed an Arab Brigade in 1944 that included Arabs trained in Holland by the Germans. It was said the Mufti even visited Auschwitz and Maldanek. In both of these death camps, he paid close attention to the efficiency of the crematorium, spoke to the leading personnel and was generous in his praise for those who were reported as particularly conscientious in their work. He was on friendly terms with such notorious practitioners of the "Final Solution" as Rudolf Hess, the overlord of Auschwitz; Franz Zeireis of Mauthausen; Dr. Seidl of Theresienstadt; and Kramer, the butcher of Belsen. After VE Day, May 8, 1945, Nazi officials were prepared to allow Jews to be diverted from concentration camps and even let children go to Palestine via "illegal" ships -- all in exchange for cash. Yet, Al-Husseini insisted they get dispatched to concentration camps. That same year, liberated Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his activities in Bosnia, but with help from the Nazi SS, the Mufti had already escaped Germany with other members of his clan." While it is easy to reinvent history, it is not easy to overlook original first hand documents, tens of thousands which show the Mufti of Jerusalem in bed with Hitler. As Dr. Bernard Lewis of Princeton University recently said, "The Nazi propaganda impact was immense. We see it in Arabic memoirs of the period...." The fierce anti-Jewish hatred that was exacerbated by the Mufti in the Islamic world, fueled by the German war machine, continues to resonate today throughout the Arab and Persian world. Incitement, instituted decades earlier, remains a root cause of anti-Semitism as well as the reason for hostility toward the State of Israel after its formation. This is the reason why over 900,000 Jewish people, born in Arab counries, were made refugees after 1948. Simply, because while the Nazis were destroyed and the Holocaust ended, the intense hostility instituted during that era lived on -- and continues to live on in the Islamic world. Dilemmas of Dhimmitude [...] Naturally, the Palestine question was also to have serious repercussions on the Jewish population. Menahem Salih Daniel, a Baghdad Jewish leader, expressed his misgivings as early as 1922 in a letter to the Secretary of the Zionist Organisation in London (quoted by Nessim Rejwan), even though there had as yet been no active resistance to Zionism: It is... the feeling of every Arab that it is a violation of his legitimate rights, which it is his duty to denounce and fight to the best of his ability. Iraq always having been an active centre of Arab culture and activity, the public mind is always stirred up as regards Palestine. One Jewess, growing up in the 1930s, recalls how the mob would rampage every anniversary of the Balfour declaration carrying clubs dipped in tar. It fell to a kindly neighbour to shelter her until the mob had passed. In the 1941 farhoud too, when the forces of law and order failed to come to the Jews' rescue, the last line of defence was again the kindly neighbour. As Nessim Rejwan writes, Throughout the disturbances, with a few exceptions, Jewish homes in mixed neighbourhoods were defended and hundreds of Jews were saved by the willingness of their Muslim neighbours to protect them, in some cases at the cost of their own lives. The broader picture For the Jews, the 1930s and 1940s were a time of turmoil across the Arab world. Seven years before the farhoud, Jews had been killed in the pogrom of Constantine, Algeria. In Libya, 136 Jews, 36 of them children, were slaughtered in 1945. That same year, bloody riots erupted in Egypt and Aden, as in Syria in 1947. All these events, targeting civilian communities, predated the creation of Israel. They demonstrated the vulnerability and insecurity to which Jews were exposed up to 50 years ago. Things might have turned out differently -- Crown Prince Faisal, later the British-appointed King of Iraq, had signed a pact in 1919 with Chaim Weizmann viewing with sympathy the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine. Instead, Arab ruling elites made Zionism a crime from 1948 onwards, passed discriminatory legislation and whipped up popular feeling against the Jews to distract attention from their illegitimacy, their internal problems and obligations. The situation today At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the concept of Ottoman pluralism (whatever its limitations) could not be more remote. The Arab world is almost monolithically Muslim and judenrein. Pan-Arab nationalism is a spent force but pan-Islamism is asserting its grip. Those Copts, Assyrians and other groups who have not fled continue to be persecuted and marginalized. The mass media of the Muslim world pump out a new antisemitism, inspired by Saudi Wahabism, fed by Koranic accounts of Jewish treachery and drawing on every antisemitic motif and conspiracy theory in the book. This antisemitism is a product of the Israel-Arab dispute, but a fight between two nationalisms over the same piece of land has changed, with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, into an intractable religious conflict. Israel is an affront to the umma: what was once Muslim territory can never become non-Muslim. Palestine must be reconquered by jihad and the Jews revert to their natural status of dhimmitude. Until this alarming religious dimension is addressed and the forces of Islamic militancy subdued, the conflict will be insoluble. ...One thousand years before the advent of Islam, Jews in substantial numbers resided in what are today Arab countries. For centuries under Islamic rule, following the Moslem conquest of the region, Jews were considered 'dhimmi', or second-class citizens. But they were nonetheless permitted limited religious, educational, professional, and business opportunities. It is within the last 55 years that the world witnessed the mass displacement of over 850,000 long-time Jewish residents from the totalitarian regimes, the brutal dictatorships and monarchies of Syria, Trans-Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. The rise of pan-Arabism and independence movements in the 20th century resulted in an orchestrated, multi-state campaign against Zionism. These states vehemently opposed the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people. Hundreds of thousands of Jews resident in Arab countries were ensnared in this struggle. In August 1929, leaflets prepared by the mufti instructed Muslims to attack the Jews The Jewish refugees who came to live in Palestine had to overcome Turkish, British, and Pan-Arab imperialism in order to achieve self-determination. ... We've Come A Long Way... Let's look back. In 1920, 1921 and 1929, there were no '67 territories to disturb the peace. Indeed, there was no Jewish State to upset anybody! Yet, the upset Palestinians killed defenseless Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Safed, slaughtering 67 one fine day in 1929 in Hebron. Why did Arab rioters kill 510 Jewish men, women and children in 1936-39? Was it Arab rage over Israeli aggression in '67? ... How do you let hypocritical racist regimes accuse us of racism? ... The Sephardim of Sydney: coping with political processes and social pressures - Page 34 From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine - Page 50 Six Day War Comprehensive Timeline Culture of Hate A racism which denies the history and sufferings of its victims. By Bat Yeor August 2, 2002, 8:45 a.m. ...If the liberation movement of the Jews in their ancestral homeland is interpreted as racism, then all the movements of liberation from expropriation and servitude imposed by jihad are racist. Such a stance reinstates the imperialism of the Islamic jihad, which has claimed millions of victims over three continents during more than a millennium, deported an incalculable number of slaves, and annihilated entire peoples, destroying their history, their monuments, and their culture. Have the Copts of Egypt a right to their history and their language? Do the Kabili of North Africa have a right to theirs? We must acknowledge all the victims of the racism that jihad creates, a racism which denies the history, sufferings, and memories of those conquered. Hey Kristof... You're Late! While The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof is no stranger to these positions throughout the year, he frequently comes out with his gems of Middle East wisdom right around Bike Week here in Daytona Beach, Florida, when tens of thousands of Harley enthusiasts arrive to also spread their hot air exhaust around town. This year Nick was a few weeks late. Like others of his ilk--Thomas Friedman (better of late), David Ignatius, Richard Cohen, just to name a few, who are also obsessed with creating a 22nd Arab state (second, not first, Arab one within the original April 25, 1920 borders of the Mandate of Palestine before the Brits gave some 80% away to Arab nationalism creating Transjordan in 1922)--Kristof loves to lecture Israel, practically invisible on a map of the world, about the need to bare the necks of its kids so that Arabs, who conquered over six million square miles of territory from mostly non-Arab peoples in the name of their nation, can have that additional state as well. [...] I have never met Cole, but I had--unfortunately--studied under a number of his academic clones in my own graduate school days. While also--but a bit more subtly than President Obama's dear friend, Rashid Khalidi, Juan Cole, et al--promoting the themes of nasty Zionists and the need to create Arab state # 22, Carter Findley never mentioned the plight of some thirty-five million Kurds who remain stateless to date. They had been gassed and slaughtered by Arabs repeatedly and had their one best chance at statehood aborted by a collusion of British petroleum politics and Arab nationalism after World War I. Indeed, the only time Findley ever mentioned Kurds in his doctoral seminar was when he mocked their plight in Turkey. In Juan Cole's Informed Comment blog of February 11, 2009, he proclaimed Israel's new incoming government as being prone to racism, apartheid, and so forth. Nothing new...his positions from the get-go. That has been how one gets ahead in Middle Eastern Studies for quite some time now. Israel is routinely placed under the high power lens of moral scrutiny, while a blind eye is turned to literally millions of victims of Arab massacres, gassings, genocide, enslavement, dhimmitude, subjugation, and so forth. And woe unto the student who dares to question such duplicity. Been there, done that...unfortunately. Turn the clock back several decades again as we return to Findley's doctoral seminars. I'll never forget one Greek Orthodox woman who I'm sure has a great position at some university today...can't think of her name, but remember her well. Unlike myself, she wasn't denied a Ph. D. dissertation advisor to finish her doctoral work. Geez...I wonder why? Her idol was Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who spent World War II in Berlin at Hitler's side and organized a division of Muslim Nazis, 'the Hanzar.' He also played a first-hand role in instigating the genocide of Europe's Jews, Serbs and Gypsies. When she presented her research on the Mufti at our seminar, all the above was either white-washed or ignored altogether. Findley, of course--her mentor and featured guest at her wedding--sat through it all approvingly. Now, contrast this with my own research about Ze'ev Vladimir Jabotinsky…the man most responsible in the early Mandate era for Jewish defense against Arab slaughter. Findley had no problem emphasizing his alleged "fascist connections" and so forth. Unlike too many of his pipe-dreaming Zionist opponents on the Left, Jabotinsky was not delusional about what the Arabs' true intentions were regarding the resurrection of the Jew of the Nations--regardless of its size. A reading of his Appetite Versus Starvation speech in the early 20th century reveals a man truly concerned about justice for Arab and Jew alike. If the so-called Arab World had produced such "fascists," the Arab-Israeli conflict would have been resolved long ago. But none of this makes a difference to the Juan Coles...Kristof's sources of enlightenment. Jabotinsky's heirs are now set to take office in Israel. I hope they do justice to his memory. So, the Rashid Khalidis, Juan Coles, Nicholas Kristofs, and so forth now bemoan the end of the so-called peace (of the grave) process because at least most Israeli Jews have finally woken up to the reality that the end game for both the West's alleged Fatah good cops of Abbas and the bad cops of Hamas is the same regarding Israel. The façade of a difference is largely about who will gain access to the billions of dollars in foreign aid that is and will be pouring in. Arafat's stashed $$$ millions or more are legendary. Hamas is simply more honest. Daniel Pipes has long approached the Middle East with a far more realistic and objective appraisal of the facts at hand. He has been virtually prophetic regarding such things as 9/11, militant Islam, and so forth. On the other hand, the Juan Coles of the Ivory Tower have blamed solely Israel and America as the culprits. The fact that the vast majority of conflicts today, for example, involves militant Islam and/or real Arab racism is of no concern to them. What does the fight in the Philippines have to do with Israel?...Thailand?... Kashmir?...the Balkans? What do the murder and subjugation of Egyptian Copts, North African Berbers, Assyrians, those Kurds mentioned above, or Arab genocide in black Africa's Sudan have to do with Israel? The truth is that Israel--one half of whose Jews who are from refugee families from the "Arab World" where they were known as killers of prophets and kilab yahud, Jew dogs--is on the front lines of the age-old war the Arabs and Arabized have continuously waged for over thirteen centuries now, the conflct of the Dar ul-Islam versus the Dar al-Harb. Here's a few examples of the real problem, the one largely Arab petro-dollar sponsored, Arab, and hypocritical Lefty professors like Cole won't touch with a ten-foot pole... The Sudan's ex-president, Gaafar Muhammad al-Nimeiry, stated during the earlier slaughter of nearly a million blacks (over a million more since): The Sudan is the basis of the Arab thrust into... black Africa, the Arab civilizing mission ("Arabism and Pan-Arabism in Sudanese Politics," Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 11, no. 2, 1973, pp. 177-78). While Kristof's Juan Cole mentors are passionate about such things as Rudyard Kipling's late 19th-century poem, "The White Man's Burden," supposedly typifying continued Western colonialist and imperialist attitudes towards the Third World, why are such Arab racist attitudes and mindset ignored? Is it that the Arab Man's Burden is kosher but the White Man's isn't ? Recall, again, Cole's recent blog worries about alleged Israeli "racism." Consider also this quote from the Syrian Arab Constitution...something, I'm sure, Juan Cole's students never heard a peep about... The Arab fatherland belongs to the Arabs. They alone have the right to direct its destinies.... The Arab fatherland is that part of the globe inhabited by the Arab nation that stretches from the Taurus Mountains, the Pacht-i-Kouh Mountains, the Gulf of Basra, the Arab Ocean, the Ethiopian Mountains, the Sahara, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. Can't tell for sure--are any Eskimos included in this Arab plan of conquest? The Juan Cole-type "scholarly" reaction: hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil...After all, these are Arabs we're talking about--not Jews. And besides, it's all just made up fascist Zionist propaganda anyway... As I like to remind folks and as exemplified above, Arabs have habitually referred to most of the region as purely Arab patrimony--the Arab-Israeli, Arab-Kurd, Arab-black African, Arab-Berber, and other such conflicts in a nutshell. So, summing it up, here's a rule of thumb for those truly interested in a realistic and objective analysis of what's really going on over there... When it comes to sources such as Juan Cole or Daniel Pipes, whatever Kristof tells you, choose the opposite. Copyright by Gerald A. Honigman Anti-Semitism: From The Holocaust To Israel-Bashing Evening Bulletin - 04, 07, 09 In the Judenrein Arab Middle East, racist anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial are preached in mosques, featured in the media and taught in schools. ... The Arab position on 'details' flows from their racist assumption of superiority and absolute refusal to accept a Jewish right to self-determination. MEMRI TV Project: Saudi IQRA TV Examines Public Attitudes toward Jews This is state-controlled TV allowing this to be broadcast. The amount of hate, ignorance and vitriol within that community is pretty disgusting and something we ignore at our own risk. And note, this guy is not a poverty stricken member of the underclass either. This sort of thing is all too common in the Middle East. I would be interested in seeing the same sort of "man on the street" interview in Iraq. While we have skinheads in the USA who have similar views we don't put them on TV as mainstream representatives of public opinion Guernica / November 2008 Like pan-Arabism, pan-Islamism is an exclusivist ideology. By rejecting the modern conception of citizenship, it rejects the idea of non-Muslim civilian participation. Absolutist by nature, its discourse excludes non-Muslims, which explains why the flame of pan-Arabism was often borne by Christian Arabs, uneasy about the hegemonic designs of political Islam. Non-Muslim Arabs (Christian Arabs, Druze, etc.), excluded from the pan-Islamic club, still have an honorable place within pan-Arabism. And non-Arab Muslims (Turks, Iranians, Kurds), excluded from the pan-Arab club, can still join pan-Islamism. But the Israelis, being neither Arabs nor Muslims, are doubly a minority. The Jewish state is not an intruder in the Middle East. It is the extension and the representative of one of the most ancient civilizations of this part of the world. Everything links Israel to this region: geography, history, culture but also religion and language. The Jewish religion is the primary theological reference and the very foundation of Islam and Eastern Christianity. Hebrew and Arabic are as close to each other as two languages of Latin origin. The author is an Egyptian writer. (Turkish Daily News) A RETURN TO PAN-ARABISM - 30-Dec-94 Khaddam, like Nasser in his day, speaks about.. about the need for pan-Arabism in order to block Israel Arab Racism One of the accusations which the various Arab countries (including Egypt and Jordan which have peace treaties with Israel) often make against Israel is that "Zionism is racism". Defining Zionism, the national liberation movement of jews, the victims of racism, as racism is particularly cynical, yet it seems that the Arabs have succeeded to convince the leaders of some nations, themselves victims of racism, to support this vicious accusation. The latest attempt to define Zionism as racism was at the 2001 UNESCO conference which was held in Durban, South Africa. The resolution which was initiated by Arab countries enjoyed the support of most participants. Especially painful was the support of such African leaders as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Some Western countries, however, notably Australia and Canada, objected and accused the conference of hypocrisy. The Canadian delegation, for example, issued the following statement: "Canada is still here today only because we wanted to have our voice decry the attempts at this Conference to de-legitimize the State of Israel and to dishonor the history and suffering of the Jewish people. We believe, and we have said in the clearest possible terms, that it was inappropriate - wrong - to address the Palestinian-Israel conflict in this forum. We have said, and will continue to say, that anything - any process, any declaration, any language - presented in any forum that does not serve to advance a negotiated peace that will bring security, dignity and respect to the people of the region is - and will be - unacceptable to Canada." It was for that reason that both Israel and the United States under the leadership of Secretary Colin Powell, himself no stranger to racism, pulled their delegations from the conference. The final text adopted by the conference drops all direct criticism of Israel, but does recognize the Palestinians' right to self-determination and expresses concern at their plight under foreigh occupation. All those years the Arab countries continued to promote this false notion. It is therefore of interest to check how different things are on the other side of the fence, namely in the Arab countries. Even though there are many blacks who live in those countries the question whether they are subject to racism was academic for a long time and one had to resort to circumstantial evidence in order to answer it. One well-known fact is that most Arabs refer to blacks as "Abed" which means "slave" in Arabic. This seems to say something about the situation of racism in the Arab world. Today, due to the recent events in Darfur and the active role that the Arab Janjaweed play in the slaughter of black Africans there, this question has become more urgent and relevant than ever before. It is time for the UN and the whole world to fight it NOW What a world: Racist Arabs & Islamic bigots call the victims of their racism - "racists" Darwish also disagreed with the labeling of Israeli conduct towards Palestinians as "apartheid." Islamist Fundamentalism Fundamentalist Islamist circles in Belgium seem to have some influence among Muslim youth in the country, some of whom chanted antisemitic slogans during anti-Israel demonstrations organized in Brussels and Antwerp. Activists within the Maghreb community have circulated anti-Jewish propaganda, despite calls for calm issued by various Islamic religious and cultural bodies. Antisemitism appears to be promoted by Islamic fundamentalist groups such as Centre Islamique de Belgique. In April 2002 the Centre pour l'égalité des chances et la lutte contre le racisme (CECLR, the federal government's public anti-racist agency) lodged a complaint against the Centre Islamique on the grounds that it had breached the laws against racism and revisionism. The Centre Islamique had broadcast on its Internet site a short video document ' produced by Lebanese students ' equating the State of Israel with a Nazi dictatorship. In June 2002, CECLR lodged another complaint against the Antwerp-based Arab European League, also for infringing the anti-racist law. Another agent provocateur is Dyab Abu Jahjah, a Belgian immigrant of Lebanese origin who is the founder and leader of the Arab-European League (AEL).... the AEL website posted a cartoon of Anne Frank in bed with Adolf Hitler AEL spot met holocaust ("AEL ridicules holocaust"), De Standaard, 6 February 2006 Muslim European group posts anti-Semitic cartoons, European Jewish Press, 6 February 2006 Arab European League Behind Anti-Jewish Riots in Belgium By BEILA RABINOWITZ and WILLIAM MAYER January 6, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The Arab European League's anti-Israel protests in Antwerp, Belgium held on Sunday descended into rioting and attacks throughout the Jewish quarter of the city. As a result, Antwerp Jews are living in fear and many are afraid to venture out on the streets. The Dutch based Telegraaf reported, "After the demonstration organised by the Arab European League a number of demonstrators went to the Jewish quarter of Antwerp where disturbances took place." [source, http://www.telegraaf.nl/buitenland/2902076/__Rellen_na_AEL-manifestatie__.html?p=15,2] By mid-afternoon approximately 200 rioters headed for the Jewish district while conducting a campaign of wanton destruction, smashing car windows and damaging trams and buses. Efforts by the police to close the district off were met by violence by the largely Muslim crowd. According to Michael Frielich, editor in chief of the Jewish magazine Joodse Aktueel, "The Jewish community is extremely upset about the presence of Hamas-flags at the demonstration for the stopping of the bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Brussels¦According to Freilach the green flag with the white text from Hamas is a symbol of a terrorist organisation and is forbidden in Belgium..." http://www.standaard.be/Artikel/Detail.aspx?artikelId=DMF31122008_060# This was not the first time the AEL has staged attacks on Jews. In April, 2002 a similar episode occurred where store fronts of Jewish owned businesses were smashed while the rioters chanted, "Hamas," and "Osama bin-Laden." [see, http://www.defenddemocracy.org/research_topics/research_topics_show.htm?doc_id=228652] The Arab European League has lately been gaining ground in Belgium. Diab Abu Jah Jah, at the time the group's leader was labeled as the "Pimp of the Profit" by Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh, during a debate. [see, http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/89] In 2004 van Gogh was assassinated by a Muslim youth, Mohammed Bouyeri, who was upset over van Gogh's criticism of radical Islam. Jah Jah, a known terror friendly individual who went to Lebanon in 2006 to show solidarity with Hezbollah, has also been quoted as describing 9/11 as, "sweet revenge." The AEL was instrumental in attempting to bring a lawsuit against then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "for war crimes" threatening him with arrest if he traveled to Belgium. The organization is violent and openly supports terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah. That they are allowed to demonstrate and terrorize Jews in Belgium is more proof that Europe [Eurabia] is wilting under the jihad being conducted by its Muslim residents and it remains problematic whether the Continent has the will to protect its Jewish population and thus halt the trend towards creation of Jewish ghettoes as a response to violence and threats of aggression. Belgium was not the only place in Europe where Jews were recently attacked by Arabs. In Odense, Denmark two Israelis who were selling products from the Dead Sea, were shot by men shouting at them in Arabic. Danish authorities have arrested a Palestinian Arab [born in Lebanon] with Danish citizenship in connection with the crime. According to Yossi Levi, the Foreign Ministry spokesman there is a connection between the upsurge of such attacks and Israel's Gaza operation. [see, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/129152] http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=leagueid=1.6.09%2EhtmWhy the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism - by Dennis Prager, Joseph Telushkin - 2003 - Religion - 244 pages [Page 108] Among many Arabs the Holocaust has come to be regarded with nostalgia. On August 17, 1956, the French newspaper Le Monde quoted the government-controlled Damascus daily Al-Manar as observing, "One should not forget that, in contrast to Europe Hitler occupied an honored place in the Arab world.... [Journalists] are mistaken if they think that by calling Nasser Hitler, they are hurting us. On the contrary, his name makes us proud. Long live Hitler, the Nazi who struck at the heart of our enemies. Long live the Hitler [ie, Nasser] of the Arab world." During the 1961 Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt commented on the astounding degree of anti-Jewish venom and praise for Hitler in the Arab press together with regret that he "did not finish the job". 40 years later the state-controlled Egyptian daily Al Akhbar (April 18, 2001) declared "Our thanks to the late Hitler...", Hitler's Mideast helpers Arabs were cheerleaders and enablers of the Final Solution. Max Boot MAHMOUD Ahmadinejad has an impeccable sense of timing. Just a week after the Iraq Study Group recommended a heart-to-heart with him, the president of Iran convened a conference in Tehran to examine whether the Holocaust really occurred. The answer from such "scholars" as David Duke, the notorious former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, was a resounding no. On one level, Ahmadinejad's embrace of Holocaust denial might seem surprising. A man who has repeatedly called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" surely has no problem with the murder of Jews. You might expect him to adopt the position espoused by the Egyptian newspaper Al Akhbar, which a few years ago ran an editorial praising Adolf Hitler ("of blessed memory") and complaining only that "his revenge on [the Jews] was not enough." Or you might expect Ahmadinejad to take the far more common line in the Muslim world, which is to admit that, sure, some Jews died, but it was a lot fewer than 6 million and, anyway, what's the big deal? A lot of Gentiles died too. What makes these Yids so special? This is the position taken by Arab "moderates" such as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, whose doctoral dissertation pooh-poohed the figure of 6 million dead Jews ("no one can verify this number") while expressing great concern that "the German people sacrificed 10 million" implying that the killers suffered more than their victims. Ahmadinejad does not hide behind such equivocations. He flatly calls the Holocaust a myth. But he is hardly a model of consistency. At the same time that he denies the Holocaust, Iran's president claims that Israel was established by the Europeans as penance for ¦ the Holocaust. But why atone for something that didn't occur? Never mind. Ahmadinejad says that "if the Europeans are honest" in their claims about the Holocaust, "they should give some of their provinces in Europe ¦ to the Zionists and the Zionists can establish their state in Europe." This is the crux of the matter. In Ahmadinejad's view, shared by countless others across the Middle East, whatever the Nazis did is no business of theirs, so why inflict the "Zionist entity" on their region? It is only a small step from this position to claiming that Israel's destruction is justified. POINTLESS though it may be to argue with a madman, it is worth noting that Muslims were not as blameless in the genocide of the Jews as Ahmadinejad and his ilk would have it. Arabs were, on a small scale, cheerleaders and enablers of the Final Solution. The most famous example was Haj Amin Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem (and uncle of Yasser Arafat), who took refuge in Berlin in World War II. A rabid Nazi, he personally lobbied Hitler to kill as many Jews as possible and even helped out by recruiting Bosnian Muslims to serve in the Waffen SS. Robert Satloff, one of the world's smartest Arabists, reveals other links between the Arabs and the Holocaust in his groundbreaking new book, "Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust's Long Reach Into Arab Lands." He shows how the Nazis set up the machinery of death in North Africa. Although "only" 4,000 to 5,000 Jews died before the Allies liberated the area in 1943, many more were consigned to forced labor camps in hellish conditions. "Arabs played a role at every level," Satloff wrote. "Some went door to door with the Germans, pointing out Jews for arrest. Others led Jewish workers on forced marches or served as overseers at labor camps." The picture is not entirely one-sided because, although most Arabs were either apathetic or sympathetic to the Nazis, a small number helped their Jewish neighbors. Satloff uncovered lost tales of "righteous Gentiles," such as the wartime rulers of Morocco and Tunisia. And on the whole, he found that Arabs behaved no worse under German occupation than did Europeans. But that isn't saying much because almost every country on the Continent was heavily complicit in the extermination of their Jewish populations. Satloff's research makes a mockery of Ahmadinejad's protestations that the Holocaust if it occurred! was someone else's responsibility. Individual Muslims were complicit in the horrors of the 1940s, even if, under foreign rule, they were not the primary culprits. Even worse, while Europe has disowned its terrible history, the Nazis continue to be glorified in the Middle East. ("Mein Kampf" is a perennial bestseller in the region.) Nowhere else in the world is Holocaust denial so prevalent. Ahmadinejad deserves thanks for calling the world's attention to this pervasive sickness. The same regret (of Hitler not finishing the "job"...) and heartfelt wish to see all Jews finally annihilated was expressed in April 2002 by a columnist in the second largest, state-controlled Egyptian daily Al- Akhbar What kind of role does anti-Semitism play in the Middle East Conflict? At what point does opposition to Israel turn into anti-Semitism? These issues are discussed by Brian Klug, British philosopher and journalist, and Robert Wistrich, director of the International Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism in Jerusalem... The spiritual and physical connection of Jews with Zion has been continuous, preceding by centuries the emergence of Muslim conquerors from the Arabian deserts. Not only that, but over half the Israeli population is not "European" at all. It was uprooted from the Arab Middle East by exclusivist pan-Arabism, Islamic fanaticism, and the pressures of decolonization. Testimony at the UN - Racism and Historical Truth: Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands ... In 1948, there were thirty-six thousand Jews living in Libya. Today, there are none. During the 1967 war between Israel and her Arab neighbors, mobs took to the streets and shouted, "Edbah el Yehud!" - "Slaughter the Jews!" They burned my father's warehouse and came to burn our home. An honorable Muslim neighbor stopped them, and saved our lives. I come here today bearing no hatred -- only these historical truths: Jews have been an indigenous people of the Middle East for over 2,500 years. On the basis of race and religion, Arab regimes subjected Jews to arbitrary arrest, confiscation of property and expulsions. This is fully documented in this report by Justice for Jews from Arab Countries. pan-Arab and pan-Islamic parties and movements in almost every Arab state have fomented mob violence against Jews George Will, "America must preempt next level of terrorism." In 1967, on the eve of the Six-Day War, Egypt's President Nasser proclaimed: "We are confronting Israel and the West as well." Netanyahu says: "The soldiers of militant Islam and Pan-Arabism do not hate the West because of Israel; they hate Israel because of the West." They hate "Zionism as an expression and representation of Western civilization." And they hate America because it is the purest expression of modernity--- individualism, pluralism, freedom, secularism. Global Terrorism and Pan-Arabism: Adelson Scholars on the Six Day War Adelson Institute Distinguished Fellow Moshe Ya'alon. "Terror was used by the Arabs against the Jews in the Land of Israel since the dawn of Zionism. ... CHANGING FACE OF THE KKK IN LOUISIANA! by Creole Folks (October 13, 2006) The KKK has grown in diversity. Since Sept 11 and Bush declared selective war on the enemies of his oil buddies in Saudi Arabia. The out cast middle east Arabs and the KKK have been getting very, very cozy! The Arabs just cant stretch their Muslim minds to even consider that their fellow Arab brothers in Saudi Arabia have been in bed with the Bush family for generations so they do what any Arab normally does...they blame the Jews for the invasion of the Middle East! New Orleans own David Duke being the breakout American Jew hater, all of a sudden had an army of Arabs who shared in his hatred and they had a state to immigrate into and penetrate..Louisiana. In Louisiana where the banking system will discriminate against natives of this state but will give Arab immigrants great business loans with the best rates, they have started to monopolize business in certain areas. This isn't a mistake! The KKK uses Arab businesses to recruit it's members. One can always tell the KKK when they have a politician in office. When former Gov. Foster of Louisianan went into office, the confederate flags went up on bumper stickers around Louisiana. Confederate flags were raised in the suburbs and David Duke t-shirts came back into style and the same thing would have happened if east-Indian "token" Bobby Jindal would have gotten into office. A white female whose boyfriend happens to be African-Americans was approached by an elderly white lady to attend a Klan meeting in Jefferson Parish, where she worked for an Arab man from Lebanon. The older white lady didn't realize that her potential recruit was dating a black guy! ...Offensive term used by anti-Semites and neo-Nazis referring to the government of the United States and occasionally to Britain, implying that Jews and their supporters control the mechanisms of government.e.. the term... used to describe the state of Israel, generally by hardcore Palestine supporters and Pan-Arabists who seek the elimination of Israel... the term was coined in 1976 by neo-Nazi Eric Thomson. http://www.zombietime.com/lgf_dictionary/#ZOG Unlikely partners: White supremacists ally with Moslem extremists In Arabists' rule - Apparently, If you attempt to defend yourself against racist Arabs you are 'the racist' Antisemitism & racism, ARAB COUNTRIES 2003-4, Typical of the Arab rhetoric, Palestinian preacher Shaykh Ibrahim Madayris described the attack on Iraq in a Friday sermon at the 'Ijlin Mosque in Gaza, broadcast live on Palestinian Authority TV on 21 March, as "a Crusader Zionist war." The Crusader, "Zionist America," he stated, had initiated an attack on "Iraq of Islam and Arabism," thus expanding the limited notion of the war to Arabs, Muslims and Islam at large. 'Eurabia' Defined Arab and Islamic anti-Israeli propaganda, barely disguised in academic and ... and geopolitics of Euro-Arabism; in this process, European anti-Americanism... What has happened to the 800,000 Jews who lived for over two thousand years in the Arab lands, who formed some of the most ancient communities long before the advent of Islam...We are being attacked by a society which is motivated by the most extreme form of racism known in the world today. This is the racism... There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that is not Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection... The question of Israel is the question of what happens to all minorities in the Middle East. The Arab Muslim Middle East has 300 million people. It has a very hard time treating Coptic Christians with equality, treating Maronites in Lebanon with equality, treating Southern Sudanese in an equal way, treating Kurds in an equal way, and dealing with Jews – not only in their national expression, but even as minorities within their own countries. There was never a golden era for Jews who lived in Arab countries. All minorities living within the Arab world are under siege. Tunisian human rights activist Muhammad Bechri has traced this to the "twin fascisms" – his term – that dominate the Arab world, Islamism and pan-Arabism. The first promotes murderous intolerance of religious minorities. It helps explain why Christians are under siege across the Arab world and why Sudan enjoyed broad Arab support as it killed some two million non-Muslim blacks in the south of the country. Pan-Arabism translates into endorsement of murderous policies toward Muslim but non-Arab groups and accounts for Arab support for Saddam Hussein as he slaughtered 200,000 Kurds in northern Iraq, as well as backing for Sudanese policies toward the Muslim but black population of Darfur. The Arab world is not about to make an exception for the Jews. This broad intolerance of minorities is further evidence of how unlikely it is the Arab world will accept the legitimacy of a Jewish state in its midst any time soon. MEMRI: Special Dispatch - No. 835 'The Arab Silence Can Only Be Explained Once We Understand the True Nature of the Twin Fascisms of Islamism and Pan-Arabism' ... "Tyranny is a fundamental tenet of Baathism and other Islamism. They want to reestablish the Islamic Empire. Indeed, the Baathist ideology, as defined by its founder Michel Aflaq, taught that the Arab race was superior. The Baathists and Islamists have more in common with totalitarians and racists than they do with patriots. The Iraqi insurgents are identical to the Imperial Japanese, Nazis, Fascists, Communists, and the KKK. They share the same beliefs of totalitarianism, racism, as well as a moral and political superiority." Israel as the result of the national liberation movement of the region's aboriginal Jews. Liberation of the aboriginal Jews (and anyone else lucky enough to find refuge within Israel's borders) from the twin fascisms of pan-Arabism and Islamism which have oppressed and even eliminated so many of the region's aboriginal ethnic groups. Israel's aboriginal Jews were not unique in accepting outside help (and even immigration) in their liberation struggle. Lebanon's Maronites; Egypt's Copts, Iraq and Turkey's Kurds, and Iran's Zoroastrians have all sought and received outside help in their liberation struggles, each group according to its own circumstances. Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the "Arab" world One key element missing from the discussion is the question of non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the "Arab" world. The Arab nationalists have succeeded in establishing some 23 non-democratic, ethnically (Arab) and religiously (Islam) defined nation-states in over 1 million square miles of territory, often at the expense of non-Arabs, such as the Kurds (Muslims, non-Arabs), Assyrians (Christians, non-Arabs), Copts (Christians, non-Arabs), southern Sudanese (Christian and pagan non-Arabs), Maronite Lebanese (Christian and mostly identified with their Phoenician ancestors) and Mizrahi Jews. Arab nationalist ideology claims all this territory exclusively as "Arab" despite the legitimate claims of non-Arabs and/or non-Muslims to ancient homelands long ago arabized with the spread of Islam, often through conquest. I believe that the Arab opposition to the existence of non-Arab, non-Muslim Israel is based on the ideological motivations which led to the persecution of non-Arab minorities. The Assyrians suffered massacre and expulsion by the Arab nationalists of Iraq in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kurds have been persecuted and have suffered terribly for their struggle to establish an independent Kurdistan (at the hands of the Turks and Iranians as well, but that is another story.) Arab nationalist ideology, and its Islamicist couterpart, cannot and will not tolerate non-Arab and non-Islamic peoples organizing themselves into their own independent nation states. Indeed, I have seen on Islamicist web sites the goal of "regaining" Spain in the name of Islam. I believe that we need to place Israel's struggle to survive into this context. Any non-Arab/non-Islamic state in the region must rely on strength (political, moral, spiritual and military) if it wants to survive in the Middle East. In this context can we thus place Israel's demand for security. It is not security for the sake of security, not seucirty for the sake of oppressing another people, but security for the sake of survival against two racist and exclusivist ideologies (Arabism and Islamicism) which have succeeded in repressing the just struggles for national self-determination of most non-Arab peoples in the Middle East. Arab racism must go - There will be no peace around here before Arabs view Jews as human beings. IT'S ABOUT BIGOTRY! The war on terrorism is a war against bigotry... Bigotry is a terrible thing; no one appreciates being discriminated against. Imagine, however, someone hating you so much that theyrefuse to even recognize your very existence. Conversely, imagine being told if you did precisely as you were instructed, your right to exist would be recognized. Israel has faced this catch-22 situation since her rebirth in 1949. Millions of Arab bigots are propagating as true the diabolical lies quoted by Hitler from Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Arab children are being taught that all wars are caused by the Jews, that the Jews invented AIDS, that Jews attacked America on September 11 than blamed it on the Arabs, and that America went to war against Iraq to appease the Jews. While this sounds ridiculous to us, it is accepted as truth in Arab lands. The truth is the "Baghdad Bobs" of the Middle East feed these myths and conspiracy theories to the masses daily. These fabrications are believed as the Gospel, and used to inflame Palestinian children to commit violent acts against the Jews. Children play death games, collect "terrorist" cards (complete with pictures of suicide bombers), and fantasize about killing Jews to reclaim al-Quds (Jerusalem.) And it doesn't stop with pretense! At least two-dozen children under the age of 18 have perished as suicide bombers; children as young as 11 have been enlisted as "mules" to smuggle bomb-making supplies into Israel. The two young Palestinians who carried out the most recent attack in Ashdod were 17-years-old. In 1997, I wrote an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal entitled, "Where's the Outrage?" The article outlined the fact that the world continued to tolerate Arafat's speeches calling for one million martyrs to liberate Jerusalem. Yet today, Arafat's Palestinian Authority uses the television airwaves to encourage children of all ages to become "Shahada" -- suicide martyrs. Money keeps Arafat in power! Since 1994, he has kept a tight grip on $5.5 billion dollars of international aid that has flowed into Palestinian coffers. He dispenses his wealth to would-be martyrs, as well as to purchase 50-ton shipments of weapons from Iran. Arafat's critics are either paid off, or murdered. According to Israeli intelligence,Arafat's personal holdings are reported at $1.3 billion. This includes a 23 percent stake in a casino in Jericho (estimated worth - $28.5 million), 20 percent of a Tunisian telecom [Page 2] company (estimated at $50 million), and a $55 million share of a firm that controls most of the cement imported into the territories. Every six months, President Bush has an opportunity to allow the Anti-terrorism Act of 1987 to become law. The time has come for Mr. Bush to refuse to sign another waiver on this resolution, and allow it to be enacted. This document places the PLO firmly where it belongs; on the terrorist list. This Act would hold Arafat and his entire terrorist cartel accountable, and stop PLO terrorists from entering the U.S. under diplomatic immunity. It is time for President Bush to freeze Arafat's $1.3 billion in PLO funds, and paycompensation to the survivors of Americans killed by Arafat. As far back as February 12, 1986, a letter was sent from 47 Senators to the U. S. Justice Department demanding that Arafat be indicted for the murder in Khartoum, Sudan, of Ambassador Cleo Noel, and charge d'affaires, C. Curtis Moore. To date, no action has been taken; but there is no statute of limitations on murder. It must also be noted that the U.S. State Department has an audiotape of Arafat's order to have the American diplomats killed... it is time to send Arafat to The Hague to stand trial alongside Milosovic. In order to win the war on terrorism, America must fight a war on bigotry. The same bigotry that kills Jews also kills Christians. We discovered that on 9/11. For all the Arab bigots who call themselves "patriotic Americans", and who don't like the signing of this document, the President needs to refuse to recognize their right to exist as an American, and send them back to their countries of origin. The reconstruction of Palestinian nationalism: between revolution and statehood [New approaches to conflict analysis] - Page 151 - Helena Lindholm Schulz - (Manchester University Press ND) 1999 - 194 pages [ISBN 0719055962] - Preview ...On the one hand, Hamas displays an 'almost blind hatred' and racism against Jews, partly inspired by European antisemitism (Milton-Edwards, 1996: 185). Israel, Jews and Zionism are viewed as one entity. On the other hand, Hamas discusses Israel in a religious perspective and regards Jews as a dhimmi people. The conflict between Palestinians and Israelis was not solely between two peoples, but between believers and non-believers. Ultimately, it was a conflict between 'right' and 'wrong. 'good' and 'evil'. Racism in the Islamic World: How can peace prevail in the Middle East in the face of Islamic bigotry and hate? When will moderate Muslims speak out? For years, the U.N., led by Islamic ... I have always seen Israel as the result of the national liberation movement of the region's aboriginal Jews. Canada: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference a 'Gong Show' of Hatred ...That conference was marred by anti-Semitic bigotry that eventually led the United States Israel to walk out ... Arab and Muslim countries ganged up in their criticisms of Israel. Cohen Cont'd - Jonah Goldberg - The Corner on National Review Online Liberation of the aboriginal Jews (and anyone else lucky enough to find refuge within Israel's borders) from the twin fascisms of pan-Arabism and Islamism ... Dr. Kenneth Levin... I believe that many people in the Arab world remain intoxicated with the messages constantly given them by leaders both secular and religious; a message not unlike that proffered to Germans between the world wars: That they are heirs to a superior nation which has been robbed of its proper superior status and must militantly reclaim it from those who have stolen the Arabs' rightful place in the world. It is the message disseminated by what one liberal Arab writer called the "twin fascisms of Islamism and pan-Arabism." For democracy to take root will require an end to the Arab romance with this fascist world view. This is about a 250 million strong Pan-Arab Movement seeking to drive 6 million Jews into the sea In an article titled "Ramon Can Go to Hell," Hamed Salamin, a columnist for the UAE daily Al-Bayan, wrote: Hiding Israel's Contribution To The U.S. Military... the racism from the Arabs which Israel eliminated in its official policy.... What kind of role does anti-Semitism play in the Middle East Conflict? At what point does opposition to Israel turn into anti-Semitism? ...The spiritual and physical connection of Jews with Zion has been continuous, preceding by centuries the emergence of Muslim conquerors from the Arabian deserts. Not only that, but over half the Israeli population is not "European" at all. It was uprooted from the Arab Middle East by exclusivist pan-Arabism, Islamic fanaticism, and the pressures of decolonization. Op-Ed: What apartheid is and is not - The Stanford Daily Online And while black labor was exploited in slavery-like conditions under apartheid, ..... Islam is clearly anti-Semitic and racist against the Jews. ... Good News From Europe and the US - Testimony at the UN... Jews have been an indigenous people of the Middle East for over 2,500 years. On the basis of race and religion, Arab regimes subjected Jews to arbitrary arrest, confiscation of property and expulsions. This is fully documented in this report by Justice for Jews from Arab Countries Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson: (Feb. 2009) European Union member states may follow in the footsteps of the United States [and Canada] which announced Friday it would not be participating in the Durban anti-racism conference set to take place in April, Critics of the April conference, say Arab nations will use it as a forum to bash Israel and charge that the draft document will limit freedom of religion and speech. 'Racists cry racism at U.N. conference' Terrorism and racism: the aftermath of Durban... the 'Terrorists' Racist Strategy' Arab states pressed the Durban racist strategy in ...Arab states pressed the Durban racist strategy... Arab peace or Durban war? | Op-Ed Contributors | Jerusalem Post, Nov 25, 2008 ... Arab peace or Durban war? By GERALD M. STEINBERG ... This UN forum, ostensibly called to combat racism and discrimination, was abused by ... Arab delegates led by Syria and Pakistan ... Let Us Study Racism in Durban, South Africa, Aug 8, 2001 ... This is exactly what they wish to do at the U.N. Conference on Racism in Durban. The Arabs, hopelessly mired in xenophobic hatred of their ... Jewish Activists Stunned by Hostility, Anti-Semitism at Durban ...On the grounds of the U.N. conference itself, the Arab Lawyers Union ... attention on the conference's ostensible anti-racist aim, Irene Khan, ... They are also treated to lunch and dinner, courtesy of the Durban Jewish community. ... Embracing Holocaust Deniers (Durban 2 EU threatens pullout from racism conference March 16 2009 at 08:07PM Brussels - The European Union on Monday threatened to pull out of an upcoming United Nations conference on racism unless a controversial draft declaration, deemed anti-Semitic, is changed. "The main voices were very sceptical about the directions of the papers prepared," said Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency. The EU is seeking to remove at least five paragraphs from the draft declaration relating to the situation in the Palestinian territories, such as an assertion that "in order to consolidate the Israeli occupation, (Palestinians) have been subjected to unlawful collective punishment, torture." Schwarzenberg, speaking to reporters after presiding over a meeting of EU foreign ministers, said the EU would "probably" send its own suggestions for the draft. Italy has already pulled out of the conference Italy has already pulled out of the April 20-24 conference in Geneva, "complaining of unacceptable, aggressive and anti-Semitic phrases," while Britain has said it will not attend unless there is a "change in direction" to the draft declaration. Israel, Canada and the United States have also vowed to boycott this year's gathering, dubbed "Durban II". The inaugural racism conference, held Durban in September 2001, saw a walkout by Israeli and US delegates in protest against a bid by Arab nations to adopt a resolution equating Zionism with racism. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is among those calling for a unified EU withdrawal from the talks unless the preparatory papers are substantially modified. The documents "suggest that this is not simply dealing with racism, but that the conference could be diverted by the taking of one-sided positions on the Middle East conflict, or to condemn some European and American positions regarding the Arab-Muslim world," he said after the Brussels meeting. "I would plead for us to withdraw from this conference if in the coming hours and days we don't get a substantial modification of these documents," he said. - Sapa-AFP http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=3&art_id=nw20090316193612328C818953&set_id= EU ultimatum to the OIC: Change your tune on Durban II or we won't ... EuropeNews Italy pulls out of UN racism conference The Associated Press Italy says no to Durban II Australia ready to boycott Durban II Mideast Outpost: Durban II: The U.N.'s Racist Jamboree, The U.N.'s Durban Review Conference, scheduled for April 2009 in Geneva... The key individual keeping tabs on what she aptly calls the U.N. Racist "Anti-Racism" Campaign is the Hudson Institute's indefatigable Anne Bayefsky. She has posted the "Draft Outcome Document" for Durban II on the website www.EYEontheUN.org.... the threat posed by Durban II goes beyond Israel -- and indeed beyond anything in Durban I. As noted earlier Durban I ended just before 9/11 -- in its aftermath Islamic organizations and countries have been nurturing an odd combination of sentiments: a sense of grievance and victimhood along with feelings of empowerment. The end result is that the Moslem countries setting the agenda for Durban II seek to outlaw a new form of "racism," namely "Islamophobia." Criticism of Israel dropped from Durban II draft resolution Initial draft resolutions for the United Nations Durban II summit branded Israel as an occupying state that carries out racist policies. ... U.S. boycotts racism conference, says it 'singles out' Israel Obama: Durban II risks 'hypocritical' Israel hatred - Haaretz ...Apr 21, 2009 ... Obama Skips Controversial U.N. Durban Conference by Thomas P. Kilgannon 04/20/2009 ... in two words -- bureaucratic terrorism. The conference is dominated by the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and is used largely as a forum to promote hatred of Israel. The gathering in Geneva is a follow-on to the World Conference Against Racism held in Durban, South Africa in 2001 -- a conference which found the American and Israeli delegates walking out in protest. It was described by the late Tom Lantos, the only Holocaust survivor to serve in Congress, as "the most sickening and unabashed display of hate for Jews I had seen since the Nazi period." Today, neo-Nazis, Islamists and Arabists as well as their supporters pursue the traditional antisemitic aim of making the world Judenrein -- i.e. cleansed of Jews - - and... one step further, attempting also to make it Judenstaatrein -- i.e. free of a Jewish state Attacks on Jews by Arabs in Concordia University the "centre of militant Arabism in Canada" Hate Speech At San Francisco State University By Richard L. Cravatts February 24, 2009 ...The virulence of anti-Israelism and antisemitism at The University of California, Irvine campus, for instance, has been so flagrant and endemic in recent years that it actually prompted an investigation by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights, the findings of which were issued in a damning 2007 report. But San Francisco State University is not far behind in the ignoble way it has enabled its Muslim students' organizations to create a veritable reign of terror on campus against Jewish and pro-Israel students, while simultaneously attempting to silence voices of opposition, a situation made evident this January when SFSU's College Republicans were once again pushed into the limelight for their outspoken challenges to the school's ubiquitous Palestinianism. Playing off the recent indignity suffered by former president Bush when an insolent reporter hurled a shoe at the President's head during a press conference, the College Republicans had set up a booth to let students who so wished to sign an anti-Hamas, anti-terror petition and throw a shoe at a Hamas flag. Deeply "offended" by the Republicans for daring to condemn terrorists, rather than the Israeli state in defending its civilians from genocidal attack, members of SFSU's General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) and socialist club overturned the table, seized the Hamas flag, and were physically aggressive enough in their assault of the Republican students to result in two of their members, Muhammad Abdullah and Jeremy Stern, being put under arrest. The outcome of this event, one would think, would be fairly straightforward, since the pro-Hamas protestors clearly violated SFSU's own rules for student behavior, which clearly prohibit "conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person within or related to the university community, including physical abuse, threats, intimidation, [or] harassment," all of which the Republican group experienced. But in the morally-inverted world of academia, the Republican group, for the third time, find themselves the target of punishment and censure, not their attackers, and the "offended parties -- the GUPS and the socialist club -- have made some breathtakingly audacious demands to the SFSU administration: the College Republicans must be punished or sanctioned for throwing shoes at the Hamas flag; pending charges should be dropped against the two protestors who assaulted the College Republicans and seized the Hamas flag; and, most ominously for defenders of free expression on campus, a forum should be created to "educate" students about what forms of speech the "offended" students deem acceptable or unacceptable, including what the Left regularly tries to proscribe as "hate speech." The idea that one group of college students believe they can and should decide what acceptable speech is at any given moment is a particularly chilling concept, particularly when those same students have defined their political beliefs with an unwavering support for the jihadist aggression of groups that threaten not only Israel, but the West, as well. Two years ago, the College Republicans held a similar anti-terrorism rally at which SFSU students were invited to stomp on the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah, and with similar punitive results: the complaining students accused the Republican group members of "acts of incivility" and "intimidation," suggesting that they created a "hostile environment" by publicly walking over the terrorist flags, which, unbeknownst to the Republican students, happen bear the name of Allah in Arabic script. While college demonstrators here and abroad regularly burn, deface, and desecrate the flags of Israel and the United States, something that the courts have repeatedly upheld as Constitutionally-protected speech, only on a campus controlled by Left-leaning faculty and radicalized students could the protest against the flags of genocidal terrorist thugs be considered, as it was here, an attempt to "incite violence," "hateful religious intolerance" and an act by those who "pre-meditated the stomping of the flags knowing it would offend some people and possibly incite violence." Thanks to the intervention of The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a group that defends campus free speech, the Republican club was exonerated, but only after they had been dragged through proceedings by University officials who had to be reminded by FIRE that "speech does not constitute incitement if a speaker's words result in violence because people despise what the speaker said and wish to silence him or her." Were only the College Republicans acting out in a provocative way on an otherwise peaceful SFSU campus, they might well be rebuked for being crude and demonstrating impolite and impolitic behavior. But not only has the campus gained notoriety for the outrageousness of some of its morally-defective protests, but the same "offended" parties who sought punishments for the College Republicans, the General Union of Palestinian Students, have continually been at the center of a succession of riots, protests, and anti-Israel, anti-American hate-fests and counter-protests at which radical speakers regularly, and with unbridled invective, denounce and demonize Jews, Zionists, Israel, Republicans, and America. Most notorious, for example, was the Muslim student-sponsored, pro-Palestinian April 2002 demonstration that included odious flyers and posters depicting a dead Palestinian baby on a soup-can label imprinted with the words "Palestinian Children Meat, slaughtered according to Jewish rites under American license," echoing the centuries-old blood libel of European antisemitism that accused Jews of murdering Gentile children and using their blood to bake matzos -- a slander that has, not surprisingly, currently gained credence in the Arab world. Even if the perpetrators of this cruel protest consider this type of expression merely "academic free speech" and legitimate debate about Zionism, and also disingenuously claim that that there is no underlying Jew-hatred here, only debate about Israeli policies, and even if they are to be believed, might not such flyers possibly offend Jewish students on campus? Could accusing an ethnic group of infanticide possibly be construed as "intimidation" or fostering "incivility" on campus? Not content to mount their own vile protests against Zionism, Jews, and Israel, the pro-Palestinian student groups took it upon themselves the following month to disrupt a vigil for Holocaust Remembrance Day where some 30 Jewish students who were reciting the Mourners' Kaddish -- the Jewish prayer for the dead -- were shouted down by protesters who countered with grisly prayers in memory of Palestinian suicide bombers. The pro-Palestinian counter-demonstrators, armed with whistles and bull horns, physically assaulted the Jewish students, spat on them, and screamed such charming epithets as "Too bad Hitler didn't finish the job," "Get out or we will kill you," "F**k the Jews," "Die racist pigs," and "Go back to Russia, Jews." The violence escalated to the extent that San Francisco police officers finally had to usher the Jewish students to safety off campus. "This is not civic discourse, this is not free speech," lamented Laurie Zoloth, SFSU's Director of the Program in Jewish Studies at the time of the incident, "this is the Weimar Republic with brown shirts it cannot control." Is this merely academic debate about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, or is something more insidious finding expression in the minds of these hate-filled students blinded by their obsession with the plight of the Left's favorite third-world victims, the Palestinians? Claims by pusillanimous college administrators that hate-filled protests against Jews and Israel are merely conversations about politics are more than disingenuous; while universities see no difficulty is making moral judgments about "hate speech" when it is aimed at groups who have achieved status as victims in a world bereft of social justice -- blacks, gays, Palestinians, illegal aliens, among them -- that same moral recognition is oddly absent when vitriolic charges of racism, imperialism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, occupation, and genocide are carelessly lodged at Israel and its supporters in the U.S. and the West. Victim status also insulates members of those groups from criticism; only the acts and behavior of the "other," the oppressors, are subject to critique, a convenient way for SFSU's jihad-supporting student groups to justify their ideological onslaught against the Zionism and Jews. How has this corruption of what should be legitimate academic debate come about? Irwin Cotler, a Canadian MP and former minister of justice and attorney-general, believes that this pernicious ideology has manifested itself so "that Israel is delegitimized, if not demonized, by the ascription to it of the two most scurrilous indictments of 20th-century racism -- Nazism and apartheid -- the embodiment of all evil. These very labels of Zionism and Israel as ˜racist, apartheid and Nazi' supply the criminal indictment. No further debate is required." Given this false sense of moral superiority by the libelous framing of Israel as the singularly most evil nation on earth, its campus enemies at SFSU and elsewhere feel free to speak against it in the most destructive and hurtful way possible. At the same time, pro-Israel, anti-terrorism voices are marginalized, disregarded, shouted down, or, as in the case of the College Republicans most recently, denounced as hate speech, unworthy of being part of an ongoing, vigorous debate, and deserving only of being punished and silenced by those who want only one side of the debate to be heard in what should be a vigorous, thoughtful debate in the ˜marketplace of ideas.' Jewish students warned of growing threat of violence Mideast Narratives Have Changed Over Time The traditional narratives have been supplanted by new and fundamentally different and revisionist ways of looking at the region and its conflicts. In reality, today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. In actuality, during the period of time in which Judea/Palestine was under the yoke of Ottoman imperialism, the dominant national identification of the "Palestinian Arabs," a group of scattered peasants (fellahin in Arabic), was that of members of the Arab people, and more specifically as residents of greater Syria. Palestinian nationalism as such did not exist. There has never been an independent Palestinian state, nor has Jerusalem ever been the capital of an independent Arab polity. These facts, while undeniably true, do not in any way form the basis for modern thought and diplomatic practice in regards to Israel and its long-running conflict with its Arab neighbors. Though Arab governments in a spirit of Pan-Arabism founded the PLO, the acknowledged historical chronology relegates such inconvenient facts to the dustbin. Instead, fiction assumes the realm of fact while charges of racism are leveled against anyone who denies the veracity of "Palestinian claims." Instead of the Palestinians being perceived as a group of immigrants from various Arab states that have only recently coalesced into a semi-unified community, they are acknowledged as a group deserving of equal rights to the historical Jewish homeland. It is to combat these myths that Professor Steven Carol has published his new book, Middle East Rules of Thumb (iUniverse 2008). Professor Carol examines the underlying assumptions behind popular support for the "Palestinian" cause, and the policy ramifications of such ideas. A good example of this would be his treatment of the Arab-Israeli conflict as the sole source of Middle East instability. It has been contended, by both the Arabs and the international community, that the underlying problem in the region is Israeli intransigence and that a negotiated peace with the "Palestinians" would lead to a better climate for economic growth and the spread of democratic values. However, in the spirit of Josef Joffe (see "A World Without Israel," Foreign Policy, 2005 http://tinyurl.com/atltvk), Dr. Carol has compiled a list, chart, six pages in length, that lists the various religious, national and ethnic conflicts in the Arab/Muslim world that predate Israeli independence in their root causes, or, having begun since the inception of the Zionist enterprise, still have no connection to the settlement of Jews in their ancestral homeland. Dr. Carol does the general public a great service in providing historical, religious and political context to what one sees every day in the newspapers. The book is written in a light and breezy style, making it easy to read. This is quite an accomplishment, given the subject matter. As a companion to such books as Myths and Facts or From Time Immemorial, rather than a self-contained work in and of itself, Middle East Rules of Thumb proves itself to be a both a highly entertaining read and a good source of information. Having taught at such schools as Adelphi University and Long Island University, written previous scholarly and popular works and consulted for radio, Dr. Carol certainly knows his subject material and is familiar with writing for a popular audience. Dr. Carol supplements the main body of his work with generous and well-written appendixes that are both entertaining and informative. Venezuela 2000-1, Antisemitism And Racism, Responses to the intifada in the media, in wall graffiti and by Arab organizations in Venezuela such as FEARAB (Arab Federation for Latin America) were directed at de-legitimizing the State of Israel, which was accused of causing the Palestinian tragedy. Chavez's Venezuela: The Jewish Community Under Threat ...Praise for Chavez and his anti-Israel actions echoed across the Arab and Muslim ... Chavez Fosters Atmosphere of Intimidation and Fear for Venezuelan Jewish ... Venezuela's Chávez: the New Hero in the Arab World - Mideast Watch ... Chavez, hero of the Arab world | The Observers, Chavez's anti-American ramblings have always found a ready audience in the Arab world. But since the Venezuelan leader referred to Israel's operation in ... Nasrallah: Arabs have much to learn from Chavez Chavez forging his own links / Venezuelan president makes arms ..."The Arabs have appreciated Chavez's declarations of support, and the Arab League has promised to lobby in behalf of Venezuela in the United Nations." President Chavez and Archbishop Porras spar punches in return bout Critical foreigners will be expelled: Chavez Defector: Chavez gave money to Al Qaeda Chavez on Al Jazeera Al Arabyia Supports Chavez The Chavez Regime: Fostering Anti-Semitism and Supporting Radical ..."In that Zionist, criminal and terrorist state, the Arabs who are supposed ... Report: Anti-Semitism on Rise in Venezuela; Chavez Government "Fosters Hate" ... Chavez pledges unity with Syria - Americas - MSNBC.comChavez develops ties with Arabs Chavez said he and Syria shared a "decisive and firm" stance against "imperialism" and American attempts for "domination." ... He's also recalled Venezuela's ambassador to Israel, scoring big points among Arabs. Using Israel and the United States as punching bags ... "Palestinian Artists Find Venezuelan Ally - Forward.com "The relationship between Venezuela and Israel has been strained ever since Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez began adopting an increasingly pro-Arab. Chavez plans for terrorist regime: Venezuelan security officials ...Intelligence sources familiar with the cover-up say Chavez is withholding information on the Arabs, some of whom were important financial contributors to terrorism BBC NEWS Middle East On tour with Chavez and Ahmadinejad Presidents Ahmadinejad of Iran and Chavez of Venezuela revel in each others' ... than is usual with Western or Arab leaders in this security-conscious age. From Venezuela, a counterplot: as agents from rogue Arab states ...Exhorting his countrymen to return to their "Arab roots," Chavez has paid state visits to Libya, Iraq and Iran and signed a series of mutual-cooperation ... In 2001, Chavez paid state visits to and signed "cooperation agreements" with ... has illegally given more than 270 Venezuelan passports to Arab extremists. ... Venezuela: Anatomy of a Dictator BBC NEWS Americas Bishop attacks 'Chavez control'Bishop attacks 'Chavez control'. President Hugo Chavez The president of Venezuela's Catholic Bishops Conference, Baltazar Porras, has accused the ... Catholic World News : Chavez renews conflict with Venezuelan bishops4, 2007 (CWNews.com) - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has renewed his attacks on the country's Catholic hierarchy, saying that the Venezuelan bishops' ... Chavez Threatens to Nationalize Private Hospitals in Venezuela (Totalitarian) Hugo Chavez versus (free voice) RCTV Strategy Op. Ed.: -Hugo Chavez -- "dictator-in-training"With the pieces in place, Chavez will get the legislature to "vote" for dictatorship. Chavez's dictatorship will squash those foolish enough to express ... Venezuela's Chavez Squeezes Oil Companies With Taxes Chavez Threatens Venezuela Central Bank Takeover the full Arab League has voiced its support for UN Security Council Seat. Descendants of Arabs thriving in S. America -DAWN - International ...Venezuela has a flourishing Arab community of about 1.5 million... business and commerce. Shop names like Flower of Palestine are a common ... Japan Today - News - Chavez moves to nationalize power, telecoms firmsgo look at CNN, the americans are grooming Chavez to be Castro's replacement. .... They were all for taking out one of Chavez's Arab buddies. ... Chávez has developed what some observers call a postmodern dictatorship, ... The constitutional changes draft has been leaked: the path to an eternal Chavez dictatorship Latin American Herald Tribune - Worldwide Condemnation Pours Down ...Jan 21, 2009 ... Worldwide Condemnation Pours Down On Venezuela After Synagogue Attack in Caracas ... of Palestinian and Arab supporters in Venezuela were responsible. .... The American Jewish Committee stands with Congressman Engel in ... http://www.laht.com/article.asp?CategoryId=10717&ArticleId=326963 Venezuela expels Israeli ambassador over Gaza World News ...Jan 6, 2009 ... Chavez's government says it's expelling the Israeli ambassador in response to ... Justice Minister Tarek El Aissami, who is of Arab descent, ... http://www.cleveland.com/world/index.ssf/2009/01/venezuela_expels_israeli_ambas.html Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Expels Israeli Ambassador ...Jan 6, 2009 ... Venezuela Expels Israeli Ambassador, Staff .... as a sizable population of Arab descent, hundreds of people marched to the Israeli Embassy ... http://cbs5.com/national/Venezuela.israel.gaza.2.901451.html Moroccan Islamist Daily: "Amazighs of Morocco, Where Do You Stand on Palestine?" On January 15, the Moroccan pro-Hamas Islamist daily Al-Tajdid published a column by Hassan Bouikhf titled "Amazighs of Morocco, Where Do You Stand on Palestine?" The article took to task Berber activist groups that did not show support for the Palestinians in Gaza: February 26, 2009 No. 2262 Columnist Ahmed 'Asid: We Don't March Because Islamists and Pan-Arabists Have Monopolized the Public Sphere Columnist Ahmed 'Asid responded to Al-Tajdid's accusations in the Moroccan Bayan Al-Yawm daily on January 23, 2009: "¦We know the Moroccan people's solidarity with the Palestinian people, and we [the Amazighs] join in this. It is in the hearts of people of all ages and in all sectors [of society]. It is a true and spontaneous solidarity¦ But there is nowhere for this to be expressed apart from the private sphere. As for the public sphere, it is monopolized by others who have other aims in expressing solidarity¦ The author's second error is that he has limited solidarity with Palestine to participation in marches organized by the political current to which he himself belongs [i.e. the Islamists], in cooperation with the pan-Arab current - whether in its left-wing, nationalist salafi, or right-wing liberal forms. Everyone knows that these marches are held in the framework of these two political ideologies [Islamism and pan-Arabism], both of which we reject completely and irrevocably. These marches are organized in the name of the Moroccan people, but in truth they only represent their organizers, and promote a 'solidarity' of a different sort, and a struggle of a different sort - [that of] agitators for jihadi Islam and preachers of pan-Arabism, whose feelings are roused only when it is Arabs who are wronged¦ "Thus, we are for Palestinian rights and against the instrumental political use to which they are put; we are for the Palestinian people but against Hamas, [Islamic] Jihad, and all the peddlers of Palestinian blood¦ We are against the savagery of brutal revenge demonstrated by Palestinian political Islam in the Gaza coup, and against all the maneuvers aiming to derail political talks through missiles - which kill no one apart from the Palestinian dream of an independent state. We believe that the Palestinian cause is a human one that is larger than the Arabs and the Muslims, and that those who have Arabized it and Islamized it have cost it the world's forceful solidarity and have turned it into a wearisome play of which all have tired¦" [4] Berber Activist Moha Moukhlis: "The 'Arab Street' Is Jubilant When an Indoctrinated Palestinian Child Blows Himself up in Tel Aviv" - And Ignores Crimes in Darfur and Kurdistan An article by the Moroccan Berber journalist Moha Moukhlis posted on the amazighworld.org website expressed in starker terms what some Berbers feel is the gulf between themselves and the Arab world: "¦I want first to emphasize that I am writing as an Amazigh deprived of my most basic and legitimate rights: to be myself in the land of my ancestors and to express myself freely without constraint. "I am not part of the flock that bleats as it is being led to the slaughterhouse. I am allergic to totalitarian ideologies and impassioned rhetoric. I hate confusions and ambiguities: I am an Amazigh, a free man. "I can thus affirm that the tragedy of the Gaza Palestinians serves as fuel for Hamas, a gang of fundamentalist criminals who are perpetrating self-genocide, with the assistance of genocidal Arab regimes. [They are] mentally disturbed people who hate life and use the blood of their fellow Muslims to perpetuate their macabre aura. "What can homemade and primitive rockets do against the fifth [largest] army in the world? '[They can bring us] Paradise,' say the Islamists and their dark networks, and they have the Quranic verses and hadith to prove it! [These are] criminal Islamists who conceive of their own people as cannon fodder destined to build up their bogus 'glory'¦ "Death is their ideal, their culture, and the pillar of their values. The society that it [Hamas] dominates is indoctrinated to murder, to kill in jubilation and in horror. They are vampires who suck the blood of their citizens¦ It matters little to them if hundreds of children die or are torn to shreds. They think that they will go straight to Paradise. How morbid! "And the so-called 'Arab street[?]' A brainless herd that has been indoctrinated and riled up and that has lost all sense of gravity and direction. They express their hatred for the Jews, whom they hope to exterminate from the face of the Earth¦ Yet this 'Arab street', which sees itself as the voice of the [world's] peoples, never dared to lift a finger against the crimes committed by the Hamas fundamentalists, or by the Arabo-Islamist regimes against non-Arab populations in Darfur, Kurdistan, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Algeria, or Niger. No! [And] the rights of the Amazigh people are supposed to be sacrificed on the altar of [this] Arab fundamentalism ¦ "It is striking that the denunciation of the massacres in Gaza by the 'Arab street' and the Arab 'intellectuals' is not meant to defend the Palestinians' right to live in peace, but to denounce the identity of the aggressor: the Jew. Who cares about the massacre perpetrated by the Hamas gangs against their brothers in Fatah? This macabre [attitude] is taken to extremes: The 'Arab street' is jubilant when an indoctrinated Palestinian child blows himself up in Tel Aviv." "The Amazigh People¦ Will Never Give in to the Siren [Songs] of the Peddlers of Death" Moukhlis continues: "They criticize the Amazigh movement for its 'silence' on Gaza! This is because its position [on Gaza] is determinant [of its status]: either it goes along with the herd, or else it is condemned and accused of high treason against the fundamentalist Arab nation. To rehabilitate itself, it is expected to send its children to blow themselves up in Tel Aviv, to teach them to hate Jews, and to express the wish, after every prayer, that they [the Jews] will disappear from the Earth! "No! The Amazigh people love life and work to perpetuate it. They will never give in to the siren [songs] of the peddlers of death and human flesh. They will always know to defend just causes without hatred and without vengefulness. While for the 'Arab street' and the Arab fundamentalist groups the death of dozens of children and women means nothing - since their death is a means of entering Paradise - for the Amazighs the life of every human being is sacred and must be defended by legal means and with respect for the other. "In order to develop, the Arab fundamentalists and [pan-]Arabists need to start by changing. This change, which will allow them to build a future for coming generations, needs to be based on the total and definitive rejection of the culture of death." Kabyle Writer: "Selective Humanism and Compassion Are the Expression of an Unspoken Racism" The same attitudes could be observed in Algeria as well as Morocco. In an article on the Kabyle (Algerian Berber) website kabyle.com, Azouaou Azeggagh wrote: "The Palestinians, taken hostage in the Gaza Strip, suffer martyrdom while serving as a human shield in a war imposed on them by Hamas' Islamist militias and their allies in Damascus and Tehran. The media are at the source of the clamors of indignation heard from the four corners of the world when faced with the horrors of a war broadcast live¦ They would do better to turn against the persecutors of the Palestinians' liberty -namely, the Hamas fundamentalists, disciples of Khomeini and bin Laden¦ "The method remains simple and terribly effective. First, you must make Israel commit an error, by launching rockets from crowded neighborhoods, schools, or hospitals, so that the return fire will inevitably hit the largest number of civilians possible - preferably women and children. Then, you show the TV [crews] the shredded bodies, and there you go. The condemnations pour in and the world looks at Israel as the barbarian of the 21st century, when it did nothing but defend its right to live - a right openly and unambiguously contested by Islamists of all stripes. "Nonetheless, Western opinion, which often stops at the emotional level, wants neither to see nor to understand the reasons for the Israeli military reaction. [According to them], all Israel had to do was not fall into the trap of its enemies. What Western opinion forgets is that with such a reaction, it encourages in Gaza what it condemns at home: Islamist terrorism¦ "Other tragedies - in Darfur, Kivu, Gambia, the Ivory Coast, Kabylia, Somaliland, Sri Lanka, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, and the Touareg lands ([in] Niger, Mali, Lybia, and Algeria) - are largely minimalized, and do not give rise to mass movements [of sympathizers]. Selective humanism and compassion are the expression of an unspoken racism. The victims of political and military violence are equal in death, whatever their identity." "The Majority of Kabyles Cannot Show Solidarity with Hamas - When It Is Arab Islamism that Remains the Principle Menace to the Survival of the Amazigh Peoples" Another author, D. Messaoudi, wrote on the same website: "The violence of the fighting, the mistakes [on the battlefield], and the proportion of civilians killed by the IDF in Operation Cast Lead have traveled the world round. Both in Europe and in the so-called Arab countries, the tragedies of the Kabyles, the Kurds, and the Darfurians have not excited the same compassion. In this context, it should be added that no one in Algeria or in [other] Berber countries cared when, for eight years, the Islamic jihadi militias of Hamas and Hizbullah tore Israel to pieces with Qassam rockets and Grad missiles. "The majority of Kabyles cannot show solidarity with Hamas when it is Arab Islamism that remains the principle menace to the survival of the Amazigh peoples¦ "To be sure, the slaughter being carried out by the Israeli army against the Arab Palestinian residents of Gaza is condemnable. Thus it is normal that the Arabs of other country would express solidarity with their blood brothers, try to bring in non-Arab Muslims on a basis of religious solidarity, and try to swell their ranks with people of different ethnicities and faiths on the basis of human solidarity. "But a question has been bothering me for quite a long time and holds me back from expressing solidarity with the Palestinian cause, though I am Muslim and a human rights activist: Have the Arab peoples and regimes, whether Muslim or Christian, ever demonstrated their support for oppressed non-Arabs, whether around the world or in their own countries? The answer is 'no'¦" Messaoudi then reviews the cases of the Kurds and Darfur before going on to address that of his own people in Kabylia: "¦ In the Black Spring (2001-2004), Kabylia was invaded by government troops and 126 Kabyle civilians were murdered, and hundreds of others were crippled for life. Yet the Kabyle tragedies have never aroused the compassion of Arab figures, regimes, or simple Arab citizens, either nationally [in Algeria] or in the so-called Arab world¦ "In sum, the Arabs believe that only their causes are noble and only their populations are to be classed as human - this being the justification for [why] one [should] support them and surround them with love and compassion. It is unfortunate that many people have let themselves be carried away by this wave of hypocritical inter-Arab solidarity." Arab racism by "Palestinian"/Israeli Arabs Believe it... Hamas are using the population of Gaza as human shields/bomb fodder... What people in the west find almost impossible to believe is that Hamas exult in and glorify the death of Palestinians as the highest form of spiritual attainment. The more Palestinians die, the greater they believe their achievement to be. That is why this man gloats that ˜death has become an industry'...What is also being almost totally obscured by the western media jihad against Israel is the murderous onslaught by Hamas against the Palestinians themselves. Also obscured by the media jihad is the fact that Hamas are not parochial Palestinian terrorists but Islamists bent on global domination... video they say in terms that the wish to annihilate not just Israel but Europe and America and conquer the entire world for Islam... Israel's triumph in this battle with jihadi Islam and racist pan-Arabism will also benefit precisely those nations as well. ... Doing Zionism - Resources and articles on Israeli Arabs So much for the good Israeli Arabs | Jewish Journal The rise of 'Bish-Arabism' | Features | Jerusalem Post BISH-ARABISM COULD be defined as a radical and rapid shift among Israeli Arabs - especially their representatives in the Knesset - from relative moderation ... Arab Workers Attack Use Hammer to Injure Jewish Electrician PA Court: Hang Arab for Selling Land to Jews Arabs threatened against selling homes to Jews Apr 22, 2009 ... Arabs are now the majority on the Jewish-owned land. U.S. protesting Jewish construction. The PA is not the only agency that is monitoring ... In 1996, the Palestinian Authority (PA) Mufti, Ikremah Sabri, issued a fatwa (religious decree), banning the sale of Arab and Muslim property to Jews. Anyone who violated the order was to be killed. At least seven land dealers were killed that year. Six years later, the head of the PA's General Intelligence Service in the West Bank, General Tawfik Tirawi, admitted his men were responsible for the murders. On May 5, 1997, Palestinian Authority Justice Minister Freih Abu Middein announced that the death penalty would be imposed on anyone convicted of ceding "one inch" to Israel. Later that month, two Arab land dealers were killed. PA officials denied any involvement in the killings. A year later, another Palestinian suspected of selling land to Jews was murdered. The PA has also arrested suspected land dealers for violating the Jordanian law (in force in the West Bank), which prohibits the sale of land to foreigners. During the Palestinian War, few, if any Palestinians tried to sell land to Jews, but the prohibition remained in effect. Now that the war is over, the persecutions have begun again. In April 2006, Muhammad Abu al-Hawa was tortured and murdered because allegedly sold an apartment building in Israel's capital city to Jews. Since the Mufti forbade Muslims accused of selling land to Jews from being buried in a Muslim cemetery, al-Hawa was laid to rest in a makeshift cemetery on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho. Apr 13, 2006 21:02 | Updated Apr 14, 2006 0:27 Our World: Why is Muhammad Abu al-Hawa dead? | Jerusalem Post Palestinian who allegedly sold land to Jews killed - Oct 7, 2004 Arab MK: 'Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews' - News Briefs ...Arab MK: 'Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews'. Reported: 15:30 PM - Jul/29/07. (IsraelNN.com) Israeli Arab Knesset Member Ahmed Tibi ... Fear of calling a terrorist a terrorist [Last update - 08:18 08/07/2008] By Bradley Burston Tags: media, terrorism, bulldozer This week the people of London mark the anniversary of the 7/7 suicide bombings, which claimed the lives of 52 people. This might be as good a time as any to look at the challenges journalists face in covering intentional, ideologically based lethal attacks on civilians, which is to say, terrorism. Journalists are right to fear calling a terrorist a terrorist. The word is often misused, its power exploited, its capacity for bias unbounded, its application all too often judgmental, inflammatory, grossly inexact, even racist. Sometimes, though, terrorism actually is terrorism. Last week, a Palestinian drove a bulldozer past a building which houses a number of major world and Israeli news media outlets, ramming the earth mover over and into a succession of cars in an incident which shocked and perplexed a public and a journalist corps which, until that moment, believed that they had seen it all. There were those among the Israeli press who were all too ready to definitively declare the incident - which at first appeared a possible accident - as outright terrorism. At the same time, there were those, many of them members of the international news media, who chose a different option, one which, initially at least, seemed much better grounded in journalistic ethics. Their approach could be seen as a two-dimensional, literal, oddly bloodless, thoroughly anonymous reading of certain facts at hand. "Man shot dead after Jerusalem bulldozer rampage" read the headline in the U.K. Guardian newspaper's online edition." Accompanying picture captions read like a shuttered window: "Bulldozer crashes into Jerusalem bus." "A man seized control of a bulldozer in Jerusalem today and used it to overturn a bus before he was shot and killed. Warning: contains images of dead bodies some may find disturbing." One of the journalistic lessons of 7/7, like the September 11 attacks four years before, was this: All terrorism is local. That is to say, editors, reporters and news outlets for whom the word terror was long off-limits, may truly comprehend the word and the necessity of its use, only when terrorism strikes their own community. So it was in London, as in New York. The reactions of journalists, accordingly, may also be seen to be emotional in the extreme, especially when viewed by those who have yet to be stricken. Sometimes, when a Palestinian terrorist strikes, it is the natural reaction of some observers to find new and creative ways to explain why Israel - and only Israel - was truly to blame. So it was, that last week, when this space carried a dispatch called Palestinian terrorism as a natural act, I received a number of letters which took me to task - one taking the trouble to call me a racist ******* - for failing, in the same essay, to list Jewish massacres of Palestinians, failing to condemn runaway settlement construction, failing to list hundreds of Palestinian villages leveled, failing to denounce house demolitions and expulsions of Palestinians in East Jerusalem, killings of Palestinian children, and "the occupation of lands stolen in 1967." In other words, for failing to explain why this man did what he did with the bulldozer, and why it pales in comparison to what Israel has done and continues to do. For the benefit of this reader, and many others, I would like to say this. I do unreservedly and without apology condemn Jewish massacres of Palestinians, runaway settlement construction, the leveling of Palestinian villages, house demolitions and expulsions of Palestinians in East Jerusalem, the killings of Palestinian children and the occupation. Call me a racist, but that doesn't change my opinion of the man with the bulldozer one bit. Just as Palestinian murders of Israelis, Palestinian inculcation of children with racist anti-Semitic incitement, and radical Islamic Palestinian refusal to accept the possibility of a Jewish state, change not one whit my opinion of Baruch Goldstein, who slaughtered 29 Muslims at prayer in Hebron in 1994. Sometimes, terrorism is just that. There are those who argue that the bulldozer driver was not a terrorist because he did not belong to an organization which ordered him to kill, or because he used drugs, or was otherwise emotionally unstable. I would suggest that terrorism is terrorism whether committed on orders or on one's own volition. I would suggest that terrorism is terrorism even if the terrorist is not a model of emotional health. It isn't just anyone off the street, one supposes, who has the emotional instability to intentionally detonate a bomb belt he has strapped to his midriff, or who intentionally flies the plane he is riding into a skyscraper I would also suggest that terrorism is equally execrable, equally unjustifiable, equally obscene whether committed by a Jew for supposedly Jewish causes, or a Muslim for supposedly Islamic ones. As for the question of state terrorism, I would suggest this. IDF soldiers and officers have committed war crimes, they have killed innocent people in incidents which could have been prevented, and Israel has an obligation to see that they be punished. The government must see to it that its policies do not harm innocent people, and it is the job of the press to make sure that when this happens, it comes to light, and that officials take steps to see that it does not recur. At the same time, the Palestinians, and Hamas in particular, can no longer have it both ways. You cannot pretend to be a legitimate government, and still countenance, sponsor, and otherwise permit terrorism to continue. Terrorism is many things, but justifiable is not among them. The person who justifies terror in any form, is declaring that it is legitimate in certain cases to kill innocent people. If justifying the murder of innocents because they belong to a certain hated group is not abject racism, I'd like to know what is. Make no mistake: Arab racism is killing Jews... OP-ED The True Face of Israeli Racism By Steven Plaut Posted Nov 24 2010 Allow us to introduce you to young Kochav Segal Halevi. The 26-year-old Israeli is receiving death threats. In fact, he had to go into hiding. His offense? He purchased an apartment in the Arab town of Ibillin, not far from Haifa. The Arabs there do not like the idea of their town being polluted by the presence of a Jew. I mean, one Jew and there goes the neighborhood. Arabs who sell property to Jews have similarly been threatened and attacked. And of course the moderates from the Palestinian Authority routinely torture and execute Arabs who sell to Jews. I mention this because the leftist media in Israel and in the world are, as usual, up in arms over supposed Israeli Jewish racism against Arabs. Yes, there are Jewish closed communities in Israel, some of them religiously observant, where one must be accepted by admissions committees, and they tend to refuse membership to Arabs "to preserve the character of the community." (In religious communities, non-religious Jews get barred as well. Other communities, including kibbutzim, have age and marital status restrictions.) But the reality is that, by and large, Israeli Arabs can live in just about any Jewish area in the country, while Jews cannot move into any Arab town, village or neighborhood. Jews cannot move into the Arab areas because they will be murdered if they move there. Every Israeli understands these unwritten "rules of the game." In fact, Jews often risk their lives just passing through Arab areas, as a group of four Jewish Hebrew University students discovered during a recent weekend when they were almost lynched after making a wrong turn into an Arab neighborhood next to the campus. Arabs from (Arab) Nazareth routinely buy housing in (Jewish) Upper Nazareth, but Jews from Upper Nazareth never purchase property in (Arab) Nazareth, knowing they'd be killed if they did. During the pogroms by Galilee Arabs in the summer of 2000, Arabs invaded Upper Nazareth and attacked Jews there. The Jews of Upper Nazareth did not attack Arabs in Nazareth. So who are the racists there? More generally, the new party line of the radical Left is that, yes, Arabs must be permitted to live anywhere they want among Israeli Jews, but no, Jews must be prevented from ever moving into areas the Left regards as "Arab" - i.e., places where Jews do not belong. Hebrew University's tenured leftists and their jihadi fellow travelers have been leading the marches in Jerusalem to prevent Jews from moving into neighborhoods inside Jerusalem regarded by the Left as areas where Jews are regarded as "intruders." Many parts of the Galilee today have Arab majorities. The Jews in Carmiel and Safed, to name but two towns, feel they are under demographic siege. Much of the local opposition to Arabs moving into those towns is based on the fact that violence and hostilities have broken out whenever significant numbers of Arabs moved to neighborhoods there. After all, we are in the middle of a war and the local Arabs, by and large, openly identify with the country's enemies. The anti-Israel Left sees "racism" in calls to restrict Arabs moving into the Jewish towns of the Galilee, but has never expressed an iota of criticism about the violent threats that prevent Jews from moving into Arab areas. Those folks have had nothing to say about the plight of young Halevi. That's not racism, you see. The Left also is completely silent about the violent attacks by Arabs against right-wing Jewish protesters who hold marches in some Arab towns, like Umm al-Fahm, the seat of the Israeli Arab pro-jihad Islamofascist movement (a movement that openly identifies with the Hamas). After all, those Jewish marchers are violating the anti-Jewish sensitivities of the local Arabs. Of course, when gay pride marches are held in Jewish religious neighborhoods of Jerusalem (but never, mind you, in Muslim neighborhoods there), no leftist thinks those marchers should be expected to respect local sensitivities. It is true that threats against Jews, which effectively prevent Jews from living in Arab areas in the Galilee and Negev and elsewhere, are not formal and officially proclaimed. Nevertheless, everyone in the country understands the threats of violence that operate against Jews seeking to live in Arab areas. Again, the leftist knee-jerk response to Jewish "invasions" of areas where "Jews do not belong" has been to demand that the Jews be evicted. Arabs routinely move into many Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa and there have been virtually no incidents of violence against them. Meanwhile the Left keeps insisting that any peace deal with the Palestinian Authority must involve the complete eviction of all Jews living in the West Bank. Arabs will be free to live in Israel after any such "peace deal," but Jews must be prohibited from living in what could become "Palestinian areas." So who are the real racists? Where is the real apartheid? Racism: The reality whose name we do not speak Jerusalem Post - Seth J. Frantzman - Nov 2, 2010 [...] I WAS witness to the "hooliganism." Walking to a bus stop across from the Hebrew University, I saw four Arab youths walking in the middle of the street. Every time a car driven by Jews passed, they would jump in front of it, make menacing gestures, laugh and then let it pass. The same day a 57-year-old Jew was stabbed in the Old City by two 20-year-old Arabs who, according to police, went there to stab a Jew. In mid-October in the village of Deir al-Assad in the Galilee, a Jewish woman on leave from the IDF drove into the neighborhood with her Jewish friends looking for a bakery. She was immediately sexually harassed – what the police described as "teased" – by young Arab men. While attempting to leave, a stone was thrown through the car window, fracturing her skull. The police subsequently arrested an Arab man "on suspicion that the [he] was driving the car at the time of the incident and was involved in the assault." The police concluded that "there is no evidence indicating the assault was motivated by anything other than hooliganism." The mayor of the village condemned the attack "and underscored the good relations between" its residents and the Jews in nearby Karmiel. Of course it's not the only story in the news regarding hooliganism and racism. On October 8 Arab children gathered in Silwan for what had become a daily event. Lookouts were posted to watch for cars driven by Jews. When they arrived, the children threw stones at them. On that day, for some reason, a number of cameramen were invited to watch the ritual and good footage resulted. An accident resulted in which a Jewish driver, David Be'eri, struck two of the children. Of course this rock throwing takes place against a backdrop of tensions in east Jerusalem between Jews wishing to live there and Arabs who see their neighborhoods as being invaded by settlers. The "hooliganism" is a daily occurrence, whether it's in the Negev or Route 65 that runs through Umm el-Fahm. In Jerusalem the Jewish victim of the stoning is called a "settler." But what is more interesting is a third term that crops up from time to time: "nationalist motives." In 2007 French-Jewish immigrant Julian Soufir "decided to murder an Arab." He lured taxi driver Taysir Karaki to his apartment in Tel Aviv, slit his throat and left his body in the apartment. The head of the Yarkon District police investigation unit "suspected that there was a nationalistic motive behind the murder." MK Ahmed Tibi noted that an "atmosphere of incitement, hatred of Arabs and escalating racism in the country are fertile soil for this crime." On August 15, 2009, six Arab men from Jaljulya and their Jewish girlfriends, one of whom was a soldier and another a minor from Petah Tikva, went to Tel Baruch beach, north of Tel Aviv. Arik Karp, his wife and daughter were out for a stroll. One of the Arabs harassed them, "baiting them by asking the father to fix him up with one of the women." Then two others came and assaulted the Jewish women, who managed to escape. The Arabs then beat Arik Karp, whose dead body was found later on the beach, purchased more alcohol and went to a forest where they lit a fire and danced through the night. The case against them is ongoing more than a year later. There was no outcry about racism in the Karp murder. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu condemned what he called "domestic terrorism." In the end it is all semantics. There are no "nationalist" motives. There is no "hooliganism." There is only racism. The one deciding factor in each case was race. Had Arik Karp been Khalid Musa or Taysir Karaki been Ben Cohen they would be alive today, and had David Be'eri or the Jews from Karmiel been Arabs entering an Arab neighborhood no one would have harassed them. In many communities here the evils of the American Old South are alive and well, and the police seem to distort the nature of the crimes in the name of "quiet." Tibi is right, there is escalating murderous racism, and a lot of it is in his own community. Until we address the truth rather than covering it over with semantics and "coexistence" initiatives, the racism will only grow. Those who put themselves in charge of talking about racism rarely witness its manifestations, and those who know it firsthand will never accept the pie-in-the-sky slogans about ending it. Is there one positive note to this whole story? When the Arab youths on Mount Scopus were harassing Jewish drivers, they were approached by a woman who shouted at them that they should be ashamed: "You are the reason people say terrible things about Arabs!" The woman was Arab. The writer is a PhD researcher at Hebrew University and a fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies. Arab MK: 'Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews' - News Briefs ...Arab MK: 'Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews'. Reported: 15:30 PM - Jul/29/07 ... Arabic edition of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" distributed by Palestinian Authority in 2003; Yasser Arafat in Fatah militia; Hamas children in military indoctrination; Palestinian Fatah militia salute Jordan: Israeli tourists asked to hand over Jewish paraphernalia [Pew Poll on] How Muslims Think Under-fire UAE likely to give Israel's Andy Ram a visa Sponsors pull out of Dubai Open after UAE deny visa to Israeli Tennis: Racism Rears Its Ugly Head Shahar Peer is an Israeli tennis player. The United Arab Emirates barred her from participating in the Barclays Dubai tournament The Journal Editorial Report, February 21, 2009... Hits & misses... STEPHENS: This is a hit to the Women's Tennis Association to players like the Williams sisters, to the American tennis channel, to everyone that did not allow the Arab Emirate of Dubai from getting away of barring women from playing in the Israeli tennis player, Shahar Peer, from playing in the Barclays Dubai tennis championship. Instead of shrugging it off, the tennis world insisted that Dubai reverse its decision or be kicked off the tennis calendar. Dubai folded. And while it's too late for Shahar Peer to play, Israeli tennis great, Andy Ram is on his way to Dubai. It's a victory for sports and it's a defeat for bigotry. History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression DiCaprio To Convert to Judaism To Marry Bar: Arab World Says To Hell With Him A Diary of Four Years of Terrorism and Anti-Semitism: 2000-2004 - Page 249 The Case Against Israel's Enemies: Exposing Jimmy Carter and Others Who Stand in the Way of Peace - Pages 157-8 - Alan M. Dershowitz - (John Wiley and Sons) 2009 [ISBN 0470490055] - 304 pages - Preview Hassan Nasrallah apologized to the families of two Israeli children who were killed by a Hezbollah rocket that hit the Christian holy city of Nazareth. He called them shahids, martyrs, even though they did not choose to die at the hands of Hezbollah terrorists. The apology was issued not because they were children or innocent bystanders, but because they were Israeli Arabs and not Jews. Hezbollah's rockets are aimed at Jews and earn cheers whenever they kill a Jewish baby or a grandmother. No apologies there. The so-called Arab-Israeli conflict represents the first instance since the Holocaust that Jews, as Jews, are being specifically [p. 158] targeted by an international organization... Hezbollah has threatned to attack Jewish targets outside of Israel as well. And it has proved its willingness to do so, as evidenced by its attack on a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires ... The grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was recognized as the official leader of the Palestinians during this period, was a virulent anti- Semite whose hatred of Jews was both religious and racial. Husseini's heir was Yasser Arafat, a cousin who also targeted Jews, through his surrogate terrorist groups. When a young student at the Hebrew University was gunned down while jogging through a mixed neighborhood of Jews and Arabs in north Jerusalem in 2004, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a wholly owned subsidiary of Arafat's Fatah movement, joyously claimed credit for killing yet another innocent Jew. When it was later learned that the jogger was a Jerusalem Arab and not a Jew, Al-Aqsa quickly apologized to the family, calling it an accident. This is anti- Semitism, pure and simple. And despite efforts by supporters of Palestinian terrorism to justify the murder of innocent civilians as national liberation or by any other euphemism, these selective apologies prove that Islamic terrorists' targeting of Jews is little different in intent from other forms of extermnatory anti-Jewish murders. And... UN... and many within the European Union have condemned Israel for its reasonable military actions to prevent these racist... Palestinian racism exposed Recently, a young student at the Hebrew University was gunned down while jogging through a mixed neighborhood of Jews and Arabs in north Jerusalem. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, joyously claimed credit for the killing yet another innocent Jew. When it was later learned that the jogger was a Jerusalem Arab and not a Jew, al-Aqsa quickly apologized to the family, calling it an accident. But the killing of the innocent young jogger was not an accident; the murderer had deliberately taken aim at his head and midsection, intending to end his life. The only thing accidental about the murder was the religion of the victim. Al-Aqsa had sent the assassin to murder a Jew - any Jew, so long as he was a Jew. This is racism, pure and simple. And despite efforts by supporters of Palestinian terrorism to justify the murder of innocent civilians as national liberation or by any other euphemism, this case proves that the Palestinian terrorists' targeting of Jews and only Jews - as many as possible - is little different in intent from other forms of lethal or exterminatory anti-Jewish murders. (I don't use the term anti-Semitic only because some Arabs claim that because they too are Semites, they can't be anti-Semitic.) Obviously the numbers are different, because Israel is capable of defending its Jewish citizens, but if it were not, the goal of Palestinian terrorist groups would not be very different from that of previous groups intent on murdering as many Jews as possible. The Web sites of various Palestinian terrorist groups proclaim - usually only in English and almost never in Arabic - that they have no quarrel with the Jews, only with the Zionists. Yet they target every Jew, regardless of his or her individual political views, and they apologize when they accidentally kill a non-Jew, regardless of his political views. The racist acts of these terrorist groups speak louder than their sanitized English-only anti-Zionist Web sites. Yet the international community - including the UN, the Vatican, and the European Union - claims to see no difference between Palestinian terrorists who target random Jewish civilians and the Israel Defense Forces that target specific mass murderers, such as Ahmed Yassin. It's all part of a "cycle of violence" in which both sides are morally equivalent, according to the double standard consistently applied against Israel by people who should know better. The preventive killing of the mass murderer Sheikh Yassin received much more negative attention from the moral leaders of these organizations than did the racist attack that accidentally killed the young Arab. This failure - or refusal - to distinguish murder based on religious affiliation from preventive self-defense based on past and future murderous acts is the height of immorality. It would be as if the soldiers who killed Auschwitz guards in the process of liberating the inmates were deemed morally equivalent to the Auschwitz murderers. It should not be surprising that Palestinian terrorists employ racist criteria in selecting their civilian targets, since the entire goal of Palestinian terrorism is racist to its core. It seeks to deny the Jewish people the right to self-determination. Under their version of Islamic law, it is impermissible for Jews to govern any land that was once under Muslim control, and it is equally impermissible for a Jewish majority to govern a Muslim minority, namely Israeli Arabs. The time has come for the international community to listen to what Palestinian terrorists say to their own people: that this is a racist struggle to ethnically cleanse all of Palestine, which includes Israel, of all Jews (except, they say, those Jews who lived there before 1917 and are willing to remain as a minority in a Muslim land). The civilian targets are selected on a racist basis - all Jews are fair game, and if a non-Jew is killed, that is an unfortunate accident. The terrorist killing of the young Jerusalem Arab student, coupled with the apology when it was learned he was not Jewish, was not only a tragedy for his family (which lost another member to a terrorist attack years earlier), but it is also a revealing episode in the history of Palestinian terrorism. All who hate racism should condemn the selective morality under which a deliberate Jewish civilian death is applauded and a deliberate Arab civilian death is regretted. All deliberate targeting of non-combatants must be equally condemned. And the deliberate targeting of civilians based on their religion is to be especially condemned. The Palestinians' genocide campaign The civilian targets are selected on a racist basis - all Jews are fair game, and if a non-Jew (Arab) is killed, that is an unfortunate accident. Are the Israeli Arabs a Trojan Horse... The P.L.O. and its leader, Arafat.. a macro concept of "Pan Arabism," espousing the idea of a "Greater Palestine" in which every Arab is considered to be an integral part of a territorial dream... Their "liberation" means first of all the espousing of a Palestinian identity and national consciousness. After all they, they have loyalty to their brothers and sisters in the West Bank and Gaza or in the U.N. refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria. They also have loyalty to the great idea of Pan Arabism. BISH-ARABISM COULD be defined as a radical and rapid shift among Israeli Arabs - especially their representatives in the Knesset - from relative moderation to extremism, spearheaded by Azmi, who himself went from being an advocate of peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs in Israel to a preacher against Israel's existence. Arab MK: Too Many Jews in Galilee by Maayana Miskin (March, 30, 2009) (IsraelNN.com) Israeli MK Taleb A-Sana of the United Arab List (Ra'am Ta'al) accused the government Monday of "Judaizing the Galilee and the Negev" by encouraging Jews to move to those areas. A-Sana called on the government to encourage Arab life in those areas... The Israeli-Palestinian Version of "Back to the Future"... NJ - Jan 31, 2009 Mr. Klein said the notion that Palestinians, but not Jews, may live in Judea and Samaria is blatant "racism." Have the "Arab Palestinian" Knesset members turned racist? Essentials of Terrorism: Concepts and Controversies - Google Books Resultby Gus Martin - 2007 - Political Science - 343 pages, Page 59 Lieberman is no racist No Arab land is occupied by Israel Thursday, 8th January, 2009 THE current fighting in the Gaza Strip needs clarification for people to understand its genesis. I accept that the situation is complex, and that might explain why even the US President-elect, Barack Obama has so far opted to remain silent since the war broke out. However, I would like to bring out what seems to have been ignored and yet it is important for a balanced analysis of the conflict. Whereas on the surface it is the terrorist group, Hamas, fighting the only Jewish nation, Israel, it is in fact a continuation of the war that Arabs have waged against the Jews since Israel was created in 1948. The geographic area called "Palestine" was governed by the British after it took it from the Turks at the end of the First World War. The League of Nations (precursor to the United Nations), according to the Balfour Declaration of 1917, mandated Britain to create a Jewish state in all of "Palestine" due to historical right. Tragically, Britain did not fulfill its mandate and instead created a formerly nonexistent Arab-Palestinian state called "Transjordan" (now Jordan) on 77% of the Jewish soil in 1922. Even when the United Nations decided on the Partition Plan on November, 29 1947, Britain voted against it and all the Arab states boycotted the vote. Never mind that the Plan that gave the Jews only 23% of its original land was not legally binding since the UN Security Council did not ratify it. In 1948 Britain abandoned Palestine without fulfilling its primary responsibility. Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948 but was attacked by six Arab states the next day. Ironically, Jordan was led, armed and trained by Britain. It invaded occupied and annexed Samaria and Judea (now called the "West Bank") as well as East Jerusalem. On the other hand, Egypt invaded and occupied Gaza. These are the so-called "occupied territories" after Israel recaptured them in 1967. Incidentally, for 19 years when Egypt and Jordan were in charge of those territories, nobody cared about creating a Palestinian state. Instead Jordan destroyed 58 synagogues in East Jerusalem and desecrated 38,000 of the 50,000 ancient and modern Jewish graves in the cemetery on the Mount of Olives. They used the stones for latrines and walkways. In 1967 when Egypt and Syria announced on national media their intention to attack Israel, Jordan joined and attacked Israel. However, Israel defeated them all and took back Gaza and the "West Bank", including capturing the Golan Heights from Syria from where it was shelling Israeli territory for sometime. Due to international pressure, Israel, under prime minister Ariel Sharon, about two years ago, uprooted Jewish settlements from Gaza, from where Hamas has been firing rockets at Israel. Last week alone it fired about 500 rockets. To those calling for peace talks, how can you talk peace with a person who does not recognise your existence and seeks to destroy you? The goal of Arabs is simple: to wipe out the state of Israel from the map and create the twenty-second Arab state. If anyone doubts me, just listen to what Yasser Arafat, the late leader of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, told a reporter, Arianna Palazzi in 1970: Arab terrorism, with its commitment to the eradication of Israel, is the principal cause of the collapse of the peace process. Terrorism's primary targets are virtually all the Middle Eastern regimesnot just Israel's but those of the surrounding Arab countries as well. Fear of being overthrown by terrorists leads those regimes, in an effort to divert their people's attention toward external targets, to inundate them with anti-Israel propaganda. Israel's willingness in recent years to abandon its formerly nonnegotiable positionsand the withdrawal of Israel Defense Forces from southern Lebanon and the offer to give up the Golan Heights to Syriahas created a conviction among Arabs that terrorism is working and that no accommodation of Israel need be considered. The Arab world today consists of 21 countries, all members of the League of Arab States. Few seem comfortable with their own statehood except as a means of casting a veil of international legitimacy over their own version of power politics. Some, such as Morocco, are hereditary paternalistic monarchies whose royal heads are uneasy indeed. Some are secular regimes on the national socialist model, dominated by the Ba'th Party. Still others, such as Egypt and Syria, borrowed Western constitutional forms but have never achieved legitimacy because they have not been accompanied by democratic freedoms. A look at the region as a whole reveals inauthentic "states" attempting to function within the concept of pan-Arabism (one Arab nation) within the wider body of statesmembers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, where, if anywhere, the unfilled office of the caliphate resideswith a commitment to pan-Islam. All these concepts hamper the full participation of the region in the contemporary international system of states. The absence of credible political systems and the inability to participate in a world of state powers incite protests under the banner of Islam. Judenrein Palestine - Ethnic cleansing Max Singer: Inequality Will Bring Mideast Peace - WSJ.com Aug 30, 2010 ... This asymmetrical demand of tolerance from Israel while accepting a judenrein Palestine is based on historical experience. Judenrein Palestine - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Apr 8, 2008 ...The concept of removing all Jews from a certain region is surely repugnant to any person not prepared to deny somebody's rights on the grounds of his ethnic or religious origin.... What kind of a peace can this be when nobody Jewish will be allowed to live within the borders of Israel's neighboring state? Judenrein Palestine? BBC NEWS | Middle East | Who are the Maronites? 6 Aug 2007 ... Its early stance was pro-Western and opposed to Pan-Arabism. It once formed ties with Israel. Worried [not racist] Israelis of racist Arab attacks Israelis aren't 'racist' - they're worried Isi Leibler Israel's Arab citizens are being drawn toward radicalism by their leadership. When Defense Minister Amir Peretz designated MK Ghaleb Majadle for a ministerial post, in order to garner Arab support for his position in Labor, Israel Beiteinu faction chairwoman Estherina Tartman branded the appointment "shameful and pitiful," "a huge ax poised over the neck of Zionism," and damaging to "Israel's character as a Jewish state." Granted Tartman's outburst was contemptible. But that does not detract from the reality that increasingly hostile, even treasonable outbursts by Israeli Arabs against the state have created enormous resentment among Jewish Israelis. Some are beginning to regard their Arab neighbors as fifth columnists. In large measure it is the radical Israeli-Arab politicians who compete against each other to undermine the legitimacy of the Jewish state who must shoulder the blame for this. For example, it was treason, pure and simple, when MK Azmi Bishara and two other Balad MKs last year traveled illegally to Beirut and Damascus and proclaimed their solidarity with Hizbullah. "Hizbullah won, and for the first time since 1967, we tasted the taste of victory," Bishara stated, adding that demonstrating "solidarity with these heroes is the least we can do." Bishara also supported Syria's struggle to free "occupied Arab land" and praised Syrian support for "resistance." Balad MK Wasal Taha described the abduction of IDF soldiers as legitimate and said that "resistance is not terror but a moral value." MK Taleb a-Sanaa was forced to resign from the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee after conducting illegal meetings with Hamas leaders. During the Lebanon war an Arab survey found that 78% of Israeli Arabs believed that Israeli leaders should be tried for war crimes. At funerals of Arab children killed by Hizbullah missiles, some parents went so far as to blame Israel, praise Hizbullah, and refer to Hassan Nasrallah as their "brother." At a rally of his followers, Sheikh Raed Salah, an Islamic Movement leader, urged Hizbullah and Hamas not to release kidnapped Israeli soldiers. More recently, in greetings extended to Fatah supporters in Gaza, MK Ahmed Tibi praised them for having nurtured "the first martyrs who fell and the first prisoners arrested." He urged them to "continue the struggle" until a Palestinian state is established. In the religious arena, the mufti of Jerusalem and other Islamic leaders openly support Hamas, and call for the establishment of a caliphate on Israeli territory. MK Ibrahim Sarsour warned that any attempt to build a synagogue on the Temple Mount would plunge Israel into a bloodbath. "Muslims and Arabs would not stand by idly while representatives of Satan on earth try to launch their insane plots." Arab schoolchildren are taught about the Nakba, the "catastrophe" of Israel's creation and encouraged to despise the Jewish state. ANOTHER DISCONCERTING development was a report from the National Committee of the Heads of Arab Local Councils titled "The Future Vision of Palestinian Arabs in Israel." Backed by Arab leaders and intellectuals, the report effectively calls for the dismantling of the Jewish state and its replacement by a binational entity. It demands the abrogation of the Law of Return unless a Law of Return for Arabs is promulgated, replacement of the current Israeli flag and national anthem, and total autonomy in Arab education. It also requires that Israel acknowledge responsibility for the 1948 Nakba and take steps to "rectify the damage inflicted on the Palestinians." Clearly the radicalization of Israeli Arabs already poses a genuine threat to the security of the nation. In fact, some Arab citizens of Israel have been arrested for spying on behalf of Hizbullah and the Iranians, and others for direct involvement in suicide bombings and terrorist attacks. As of now such incidents are not widespread, but with Israeli Arab MKs calling on their followers to identify with shaheeds, it is inevitable that more youngsters will move in this direction. To offset these trends the government must introduce a twin-track approach. Israeli Arabs enjoy a higher standard of living than Arabs in any Arab country. One merely has to enter hospitals or universities in Jerusalem or Haifa to appreciate this. But despite this, they are among the lowest-income earners in the country, and still experience discrimination at various levels. The government must commit itself to granting Israeli Arab citizens genuine social and economic equality. Decent Israelis must publicly support this goal. But in turn, Arab-Israelis must accept the fact that Israel will remain a Jewish state. Those unwilling or unable to do so should join their Muslim kinsmen a few kilometers across the border and live in a future Palestinian state. Of course most would undoubtedly choose to remain in a Jewish state rather than become citizens of Hamasland. The government is now belatedly reviewing the situation and the Knesset has even begun drafting legislation which will invariably impose limits on freedom of expression. But we are a nation at war and must defend ourselves. The Knesset was able to outlaw Meir Kahane's party, which posed no threat to the security of the state but was allegedly promoting racism. It should therefore not be difficult to take similar steps against actions which undermine our security. As a nation surrounded by enemies pledged to our destruction, we must become far more vigilant. This is not a lapse into McCarthyism. It is common sense and self-defense. If British-born Muslims can be transformed into suicide bombers in London mosques and schools, similar situations will inevitably ensue here unless we take firm action in advance. This should in no way detract from our determination to ensure that Israel remain a Jewish democratic state. Most of us always dreamt of having an Arab minority that would live with us in peace and friendship and possibly even act as a bridge for reconciliation with the Arab world. Alas, at least in the short term that is not on the horizon. But this dream becomes even more distant if we continue burying our heads in the sand and fail to take determined action to bring a halt to the ongoing encouragement of substantial numbers of our citizens into undermining the state in which they live and hating their Jewish neighbors. The writer chairs the Diaspora-Israel relations committee of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and is a veteran international Jewish leader. Israeli Jews aren't racist - they're anxious - Ha'aretz When most of the Jewish public feels the Arab-Jewish pincers closing on them to change the Jewish-Zionist identity of the state, it begins to defend itself. By Israel Harel A recent survey by the Israel Democracy Institute has revealed that 62 percent of the Jews in Israel support conditioning the right to vote for the Knesset on a declaration of loyalty to the state. With regard to this finding and other, similar ones, Prof. Tamar Hermann, a senior fellow at the Institute said: "If for some reason or other the Jewish public has its back to the wall and has to choose between the two components of the definition of the state's character, it is very highly likely that the national, Jewish definition will be chosen over the definition of the regime, democratic." A key expression for understanding the survey's findings is therefore: "If the Jewish public has its back to the wall..." But this "if," for those who hasten to claim that racism has spread through the country, is no longer an "if." The Jewish public's back has been against the wall for a long time now. That is mainly the result of the harsh expressions, in word and deed, of the Arab public in Israel. A public whose political, religious and intellectual elites are working in Israel and abroad to delegitimize the Jewish nation-state. Expressions aired in Nazareth or even in the Knesset, are sometimes becoming more extreme than in the Palestinian Authority. The Arab pressure is joined by those in Jewish circles that have public opinion-forming tools, such as academics and culture and media gatekeepers. When most of the Jewish public feels the Arab-Jewish pincers closing on them to change the Jewish-Zionist identity of the state, it begins to defend itself. Self-defense is not racism, and when others lash out and tell this public that it is racist to demand a loyalty oath to the state as a condition for obtaining Israeli citizenship (for both Jews and Arabs ), it is even more persuaded that its fears are justified. After all, this Jewish public knows that naturalization in the most liberal countries, first and foremost the United States, requires a long period of study culminating with a loyalty oath. If the Arab public would show basic loyalty to the state, the situation would not have come about in which a third of the Jewish public - indeed a worrisome figure - supports detention camps for Arabs in wartime. If the human rights groups would fight the oppression of human rights, particularly of women, in the Arab sector as well - where the situation is much worse than in the Jewish community - the survey would not have found that half the Jewish public believe these organizations cause damage to the state. Moreover, 45 percent of those surveyed believe that the High Court of Justice is not politically objective and limitations should be placed on its powers. Presumably, with regard to the High Court, and perhaps even with regard to practical steps that should be taken with the Arab irredenta, the public is still reticent - or fearful - about expressing its true feelings, even in a survey. The Jewish public is not racist; it is anxious. And it is defending itself against the trend to change - by judicial and propaganda manipulations - the identity of the Jewish state. The road to reducing the anxiety is not by preaching morality or by labeling self-defense as racist. The Arabs, who have led the Jewish majority to this undesirable state of affairs are the ones who must prove that these fears are groundless. Quite a bit of the blame is on Jewish groups, which, in most of the conflicts between Jewish and Arabs, stands almost automatically with the Arabs. These groups include political parties, human rights groups, NGOs, cultural organizations, think tanks within and outside of universities, and a good deal of the judicial establishment, including High Court justices. "Palestine" - [REAL] Apartheid Beware Palestinian apartheid Op-ed: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic cleansing of Jews Jonathan Dahoah Halevi Published: 08.04.10, 00:03 / Israel The Palestinian Authority is under heavy international pressure, mostly American, aimed at facilitating the transition from proximity talks to direct negotiations with Israel. The written message recently sent by President Obama to Palestinian Chairman Mahmud Abbas indicated that the American administration is not content, to say the least, with the Palestinian foot-dragging in the peace process, or with what is perceived to be a lack of appreciation for American pressure on Israel (which led PM Netanyahu to accept the two-state solution and to temporarily freeze settlement activity in the West Bank and Jerusalem.) However, there is no obvious fundamental change in the Palestinian stance. The PA hesitates and refrains from explicit commitment to direct negotiations without any pre-conditions. Instead, it tries to weather the American demands by raising a new proposal to convene a three-way meeting of Palestine, Israel, and America to discuss the agenda of the negotiations, its legitimacy, and the settlement cessation. While briefing the Egyptian media in Cairo, Abbas divulged last week his version of the failure of the peace talks with former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and his positions regarding the political settlement of the conflict. Abbas noted that he almost reached an agreement with Olmert, but the negotiations failed at the final stretch because of disagreement on the discussed land swap. Olmert proposed 6.5% but Abbas accepted to no more than 1.9%. Abbas said that he demanded to divide Jerusalem, with the city's eastern section handed over to the Palestinians and the western part remaining in Israeli hands, and insisted that the refugee problem must be settled in accordance with an Arab peace initiative from March 2002, and UN resolution 194. He also stressed that he will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state. "I'm willing to agree to a third party that would supervise the agreement, such as NATO forces, but I would not agree to having Jews among the NATO forces, or that there will live among us even a single Israeli on Palestinian land," he was quoted by Wafa, the official Palestinian news agency. A state without Jews The Palestinians intend to demand the implementation of the UN resolution regarding refugees, from a Palestinian perspective, which gives the 5.5 million refugees and their descendants the right of return and to settle in the State of Israel. In his briefing to the Egyptian media, Abbas presented this strategy and denied the Jewish character of Israel. He maintains that Israel should, in fact, become a bi-national state, but on the other hand that Palestine must become a state "clean" of Jews. The term "Israeli" used by Abbas means "Jew," as the PA sees Israeli Arabs, Muslims and Christians alike as an integral part of the Palestinian people. The future State of Palestine, according Abbas, must resist any Jewish presence in its territory. In other words, the PA embraces a racist policy – Palestinian apartheid – directed at Jews, based on denial of Jewish history and the cultural and religious linkage of the Jewish people to the land. The anti-Semitism embodied in Abbas' words refers also to his position towards the NATO observers' force that may be deployed in the West Bank to monitor the implementation of the peace agreement with Israel. He is opposed to Jews being included in this force; meaning, he will ask Germany and all other partner countries in NATO to use their own forces in the West Bank, in an effort to the exclude any Jewish soldiers. He didn't explain how these countries would determine who is a Jew, whether according to orthodox Jewish laws or just if one of the parents or grandparents was a Jew. But even Saudi Arabia didn't dare oppose the deployment of American Jewish soldiers on its land during operation Desert Storm (1990-1), and no one in Israel ever demanded to disqualify Muslim soldiers from serving in the international observers' forces in Lebanon, the Golan Heights and Sinai. The racist language used by Abbas i s particularly despicable as it doubts the loyalty of the Jews to their country. It is for this reason that his comments call for a firm Israeli and European response. AskIsrael.org | Quick Facts: Apartheid Racism Definition: A system of legally and culturally enforced discrimination and/or persecution based on a person's race or national or ethnic identity. Death sentence to those who sell land to Jews Freih Abu Middein, responsible for the Justice portfolio in the Palestinian Authority, said that the PA will impose the death sentence on any Palestinian involved in selling land to Jews or Israelis. The Palestinian Legislative Council voted last week to authorize the PA to strengthen security and judicial frameworks in order to crack down on such land sales. Arutz Sheva News Service Monday, May 5, 1997 / Nisan 28, 5757 The body of the Arab real estate agent Farid al-Bashiti, who was murdered last week by Arafat's security forces, was examined today in the (Israeli) Pathological Institute in Abu Kabir. His family was refused permission to hold a funeral ceremony in a Jerusalem mosque, and the imam [the prayer leader] told them that he should be buried next to the murdered Arab who sold his Jerusalem apartment to Ariel Sharon some years ago. MK Chanan Porat (NRP) has joined his colleague MK Shaul Yahalom in asking the Attorney-General to open an investigation against top Arafat-advisor Dr. Ahmed Tibi. They claim that Tibi's remarks against Palestinians who sell land to Jews - "They have sold their soul to the devil" - constitute incitement to murder. Al-Bashiti was murdered the same day that Tibi's remarks were broadcast. Arutz Sheva News Service Sunday, May 11, 1997 SECOND ARAB MURDERED FOR SELLING LAND TO JEWS Harbi Muslah Abu-Sara, of the Arab village Ein-Yabrud near Ofra, was found dead with gunshot wounds in his head this past Saturday in PLO-controlled Ramallah. Villagers say that he was suspected of selling real estate to Jews. Abu-Sara's murder is the second killing of this sort since the announcement by Freih Abu-Medein, holder of the Justice Portfolio in the Palestinian Authority, that any Arab who sells land to a Jew will be executed. Yesterday, Farid al-Bashiti, a 70-year-old eastern Jerusalem real estate agent, was laid to rest after being brutally slain on suspicion of selling properties to Jews. According to Israeli officials, he was seen at Arafat's Force 17 headquarters in Ramallah on Thursday night, May 8th. Five hours later, the hospital in Ramallah phoned his wife and told her to "come and pick up your husband's body;" his skull was crushed, his hands were tied behind his back, and his mouth was sealed with plastic tape. His burial was delayed because of threats by Muslim elements who wished to prevent his body from being interred in Jerusalem. The Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman expressed outrage at the murder of Bashiti. The Judea-Samaria Israel Police District spokesman said that the police would not investigate the murder, as the crime was perpetrated in an area under Palestinian jurisdiction. American congressmen, including U.S. House International Relations Committee Chairman Benjamin A. Gilman (R-NY) and Jim Saxton (R-NJ), have labeled the new PA policy "racist and anti-Semitic." The big lie: on terror, antisemitism, and identity - David Solway [LMB Editions] 2007 - Page 191 ZOA: Obama policy on eastern Jerusalem is 'racist' By Eric Fingerhut · July 22, 2009 US-Funded Racist Apartheid Government Will Execute Man Who Sold Land To Enemy Religion... Apr 29, 2009 ... PA Court: Hang Arab for Selling Land to Jews Judenrein palestine ...Therefore, instead of Israel being the 'apartheid state' in the region, it is the Arab world that is not only apartheid, but also racist and religiously exclusive ... Creating a Palestinian Apartheid State? by Ariel Natan Pasko The Real Apartheid State by David Bedein The "Palestine" envisaged by the UN is an apartheid state in the making. Israel Apartheid Week is the time to publicize that fact. During Israel Apartheid Week, orchestrated on campuses around the globe, the time has come to go on the attack, and to put the shoe on the other foot. In 1948, Apartheid laws institutionalized racial discrimination in South Africa & denied human rights to 25 million The time has come to go on the attack, and to put the shoe on the other foot. Black citizens of South Africa. In 1948, the Arab League of Nations applied the Apartheid model to Palestine, and declared that Jews must be denied rights as citizens of Israel, while declaring a total state of war to eradicate the new Jewish entity, a war that continues today. In 1948, at the directive of the Arab League of Nations, Jordan devastated the vestiges of Jewish life from Judea and Samaria, and burned all schules in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. In 1948, member states of the Arab League of Nations began to strip the human rights of Jews and to expel entire Jewish communities who had resided in their midst for centuries In the mid 1960's, The Arab League of Nations spawned the PLO to organize local residents to continue the war to deny Jewish rights the right to live as free citizens in the land of Israel - well before Israel took over Judea, Samaria, and the Old City of Jerusalem in the defensive war waged by Israel in 1967. And since its inception in 1994, the newly constituted Palestinian Authority, created by the PLO, has prepared the rudiments of a Palestinian State, modeled on the rules of Apartheid and institutionalized discrimination: 1. The right of Palestinian Arab refugees and their descendents to return to Arab villages lost in 1948 will be protected by the new Palestinian state. 2. While 20% of Israel's citizens are Arabs, not one Jew will be allowed to live in a Palestinian State 3. Anyone who sells land to a Jew will be liable to the death penalty in the Palestinian State 4. Those who murder Jews are honored on all official Palestinian media outlets. 5. Palestinian Authority maps prepared for the Palestinian State depict all of Palestine under Palestinian rule 6. PA maps of Jerusalem for the Palestinian State once again delete the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem 7. Recent PA documents claim all of Jerusalem for the future Palestinian State. 8. The right of Jewish access to Jewish holy places is to be denied in the new Palestinian State. 9. The Draft Palestinian State Constitution denies juridical status to any religion except for Islam. 10. No system which protects human rights or civil liberties will exist in a Palestinian State If that is not a formula for a totalitarian apartheid state of Palestine, then what is? http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/9335 Beware Palestinian Apartheid: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic cleansing of Jews Fri Aug 5 2010 ( 25 Av 5770) Meanwhile Israel today is called '"apartheid" and "racist" but the PA and a future Palestinian state will not be? After all the Jews will have deserved everything they get for their 100+ year struggle to defend themselves and find a few thousand square kilometres of land where they can exercise self-determination in their ancestral homeland. No one will cry for the Israeli Jews as their remnants make their way to America and Europe where they will face a growing Islamist threat and once again become a persecuted minority in the lands of their great grandparents or swell the former "Israel lobby" which will now be honestly called the "Jewish lobby". HIT SQUADS UNLEASHED [July 1997] "Any Palestinian who sells land in violation of this law will be considered to have committed national treason and will receive the maximum punishment. "Any foreigner who violates this law will be prosecuted on charges of harming the national interest and will receive a life sentence. "Any past or future deals with the occupiers concerning properties in Palestine are considered null and void." - Excerpts from the Property Law for Foreigners, under consideration by the Palestinian Legislative Council, outlawing land sales to "the government of occupation, its civilian and military institutions and its individual citizens". ...And so the spectre of semi-official deathsquads has come to the PA self-rule areas, conjuring up memories of apartheid South Africa, the former Yugoslavia--or indeed, of PLO-controlled Lebanon. The campaign began on May 4, when Yasser Arafat's "Justice Minister", Freih Abu Meddein, announced the PA would start to enforce an old Jordanian law, which made the selling of land to Jews a capital offence. (Jordan rescinded the statute when it signed a 1994 peace treaty with Israel.) Four days later, news broke that a prime property on Jerusalem's Mount of Olives--in a part of the city Palestinians want for the capital of a future independent state--had been sold to a Jewish businessman, and then donated to a Jewish religious seminary. Ahmed Tibi, an Israeli Arab politician and Arafat aide, reacted to the sale during a radio interview by warning: "Whoever sells his house to Jews, has sold his soul to Satan and has done a despicable act." With the groundwork thus laid by the Arab leaders, and amid angry reactions to the law from Israelis and some US Congressmen--although not yet the State Department--the violence was set to begin. Seventy-year-old Bashiti, an Israeli citizen who lived in eastern Jerusalem, was reportedly involved in the closing of the Mount of Olives land deal. On May 8, he was lured to a meeting at a Jerusalem hotel by a woman who told him she had buyers for two houses in Ram'Allah he was trying to sell. From there it appears he was abducted. That evening, he was seen at the Ram'Allah offices of Arafat's personal security unit, Force 17. Five hours later, in the words of an Israeli official, "the hospital in Ram'Allah telephoned his wife and told her she could come and pick up his body." He had been found dead, with his hands bound, his skull crushed, and his mouth sealed with plastic tape. Pouring salt on the grief-stricken family's wound, the PA-installed Islamic mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, refused to allow Bashiti a Muslim funeral: "Such a person is not a Muslim and according to our religion we shouldn't pray over the body in a mosque. He should not be buried in a Muslim cemetery." The body of Abu Sarah, the second man suspected of selling land to Israelis, was found in Ram'Allah on May 16. He had been shot several times in the head. April 28, 2009 Apr 1, 2009 23:24 | Updated Apr 2, 2009 14:09 Article: PA: Death penalty for those who sell land to Jews Title: What could [be] more apartheid than killing people for selling land? PA Court: Hang Arab for Selling Land to Jews Arabs threatened against selling homes to Jews Apr 22, 2009 ... Arabs are now the majority on the Jewish-owned land. U.S. protesting Jewish construction. The PA is not the only agency that is monitoring ... In 1996, the Palestinian Authority (PA) Mufti, Ikremah Sabri, issued a fatwa (religious decree), banning the sale of Arab and Muslim property to Jews. Anyone who violated the order was to be killed. At least seven land dealers were killed that year. Six years later, the head of the PA's General Intelligence Service in the West Bank, General Tawfik Tirawi, admitted his men were responsible for the murders. On May 5, 1997, Palestinian Authority Justice Minister Freih Abu Middein announced that the death penalty would be imposed on anyone convicted of ceding "one inch" to Israel. Later that month, two Arab land dealers were killed. PA officials denied any involvement in the killings. A year later, another Palestinian suspected of selling land to Jews was murdered. The PA has also arrested suspected land dealers for violating the Jordanian law (in force in the West Bank), which prohibits the sale of land to foreigners. During the Palestinian War, few, if any Palestinians tried to sell land to Jews, but the prohibition remained in effect. Now that the war is over, the persecutions have begun again. In April 2006, Muhammad Abu al-Hawa was tortured and murdered because allegedly sold an apartment building in Israel's capital city to Jews. Since the Mufti forbade Muslims accused of selling land to Jews from being buried in a Muslim cemetery, al-Hawa was laid to rest in a makeshift cemetery on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho. Apr 13, 2006 21:02 | Updated Apr 14, 2006 0:27 Our World: Why is Muhammad Abu al-Hawa dead? | Jerusalem Post Palestinian who allegedly sold land to Jews killed - Oct 7, 2004 Arab MK: 'Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews' - News Briefs ...Arab MK: 'Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews'. Reported: 15:30 PM - Jul/29/07. (IsraelNN.com) Israeli Arab Knesset Member Ahmed Tibi ... PA's fallacious premises Palestinian Authority demands based on egregiously false assumptions Arlene Kushner Published: 04.20.09, 12:06 We here in Israel have been asleep at the wheel. In a rush of concessionary zeal after Oslo, we chose to refrain from making our own case. At first this decision, made at a governmental level, was intended to demonstrate our eagerness for peace. But after a time it was almost as if we had forgotten how to speak for ourselves with vigor and forthrightness. Meanwhile, the Palestinians have waxed inordinately successful at promoting their positions – you'll find no concessionary zeal on their part. And today the international community swallows those positions whole – without either setting them into historical context or doing a fair and reasonable analysis of precisely what it is that is being promoted as a "given." In fairness to the members of the international community, there has been scant reason for them to analyze the validity of Palestinian Authority premises as we haven't been doing so ourselves. This situation must change, and that change must begin here at home with a forthright challenge to several Palestinian presumptions. The Netanyahu government, at long last, gives hope of being ready to do this. Among the many issues that require a public airing are these: Mahmoud Abbas, PA president, and others speaking on behalf of the Palestinian position, regularly refer to the "June 4, 1967 border." What Abbas et al have in mind is the line, commonly called the Green Line, behind which Israel operated before the Six Day War that began on June 5, 1967. Implied is that this line constitutes Israel's "real" border, and that Israeli presence beyond this is automatically "illegitimate." Thus, goes the PA argument, there can be no justice, no fairness that will lead to peace, unless Israel returns to her border. Yet the simple, irrefutable, historical fact is that this line was not a border at all, but merely an armistice line. It was drawn when hostilities ceased at the end of the 1948-49 War of Independence — a war initiated, it should be noted, by the Arab League, which attacked the nascent state of Israel as soon as independ¬ence was declared. Not only was it an armistice line, it was intended to be temporary. In the signed armistice agreement with Jordan (which was on the other side of that line) there was a clause stating that this line would not prejudice future negotiations on a permanent border. Thus the case cannot legitimately be made that the Green Line has any legal status in determining Israel's "true" border. It does not. That border has yet to be determined. In negotiations. Intolerable inequity of demands When the Palestinians declare with great self-righteousness that "settlements are an obstacle to peace," what they are actually pushing for is the total removal of Jewish presence on the land they are seeking for their state. It's past time to ask why this is all right. This demand is particularly ironic in light of Palestinian charges that Israel is an "apartheid" state. "Apartheid" is a buzz word, utilized spuriously to delegitimize Israel: anyone who has spent time in Israel and seen the freedom with which Arabs walk the streets and secure equal services knows full well that there is nothing remotely resembling apartheid here. The situation grows even more ludicrous as the Palestinian leadership has just rejected the demand of Israeli Prime Minster Netanyahu that the PA recognize Israel as a Jewish state. On Saturday, Azzan al-Ahmed, a close Abbas associate and major Fatah official, declared that, "We reject Netanyahu's demand to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. This demand illustrates the racist nature of Israel…" If Israel – which permits its Arab citizens (citizens!) to elect representatives to the Knesset and provides them with full health care and other rights – is "racist" for insisting that the nation must be recognized as having a Jewish character, what, precisely does this make the PA – which seeks to totally drive out every Jew from the land it envisions to be part of a future state? How long will this intolerable inequity of demands fail to be noted by those who are promoting that "two-state solution"?
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