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Reader comment on item: Something Rotten in Denmark?
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Submitted by Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthi (India), Jan 3, 2011 at 14:20

Dear Jews, Christians, Buddhist, Hindu/Sikhs & Atheists join your forces and resources to eradicate a Chronic Disease, to save Human Species and this Planet. Treat the unfortunate patients of this disease carefully and very humanly isolate and keep them under observation until they are cured and are normal human beings.

West must realize

JIHAD IS A WAR, ever-going;

not against West, or Only West.

It is jihad verses humanity

In fact it is Jihad verses Reason, Freedom, sanity, love, women, animal, kafir, rivers, sea, dog, pig, wolf or anything & everything on this Planet and beyond.

It is as much against East, if not more.

It is not Clash of Civilizations; it is Clash with Civilizations of the Barbarians.

Unfortunately, Jihad got attention of West only after, the heat was unbearable for it.

On the other hand, The East, especially Bharat (that is India), bore the brunt of the Jihad attack for centuries.

Dear Westerners, please understand clearly that Jihad is not only against the West, it is as much against the East, specifically against all humanity and now the human race has to fight it out, JOINTLY.

You need to know: How Jihadis overran India!

Who uprooted Jihadis?

Who are Sikhs? How they contained Jihad?

How and why Sikhism was formed!

Why Sikhs were specially targeted & how were they tortured to death for not accepting Islam?

Why Jihadis still consider Sikhs as enemy No.1 and a Potential Death Threat!

To stop Jihad, the West should do what Sikhs did Centuries back, and remember that time Sikhs were badly outnumbered, out of power, had no Nation, no State, were on the run, individual properties were confiscated and were having a Price and a Prize on their Heads.

The slaughter of India started much before that in the West. Right from 714 AD. Although 'Test Fire Skirmish' took place decades before any major onslaught.

How Bharat survived and still keeps going strongly is a study case for the West.

The struggle of the Hindus to resist the Jihadi aggression into India was spread over a period of 600 years from 715 AD. up to 1328 AD. This contrasts with the swift Muslim victories in Persia (Iran) over the Zoroastrian Sassanians and in Mesopotamia, Egypt and North Africa over the Romans (Byzantines). The Muslims could not subjugate India with ease. And even after subjugating different parts of the country, they were never able to rule it entirely. The next 400 years from 1328 up to 1720 was marked by a valiant and ceaseless struggle for independence by Hindus to deliver India from Muslim tyranny. The hardest blow to the Jihadis was when their power was at a peak - when they were a superpower and believed to be invincible. Rajputs and Gujjars opposed them first as they were first victims. Later, Jats opposed them. Tribals and almost every community in India opposed them.

But the role of Sikhs is a special and a source of inspiration. As they did not just fight Jihadis for themselves and just by themselves, they were especially created for the purpose, to end the tyrant.

Sikhism started with Guru Nanak. He opposed the mighty aggressor Babbar single-handedly. He called him Jabbar (meaning tyrant and cruel) right to his face. Later Guru Arjun Dev was tortured to death for not accepting Islam. The story of the Last Sikh Guru Govind Singh begins as Aurangzeb the Emperor was a most intolerant Sunni Jihadi. To him Sufis and Shias were also infidels. Intoxicated by his power, he was killing Hindus on refusal to convert to Islam. Kashmir being the center of learning and Land of the Learned (Brahmans) became his special area of interest, as he believed converting intellectuals is more useful and easier. Disappointed, helpless Brahmins of Kashmir met Guru Teg Bhadur father of Last Guru with a hope. After discussions with them Guru Teg Bhadur sent a message to Aurangzeb that "all Hindus especially Kashmir Brahmins will embrace Islam willingly, provided you convince me and convert me". This was a heartening development for Aurangzeb. By just converting one man he would get Paradise with 72 Virgins. Guru visited Delhi; he was made to converse with Quazi. Kazi said:" Idol worshiping and ringing of bells to please God is a sin. Muslims don't do it, and we must finish these idol worshipers." Guru said:" I don't worship Idols nor believe in bells and I am against this ritual." Kazi asked:" Why are you siding with them, if its so? "Guru said:" I don't have the right to kill someone who does not believe in what I believe. I am for freedom first." Not being able to convince Guru, his companions were brutally tortured before him to terrorize him. But he did not budge an inch. Finally Guru Teg Bhadur was also put to Death. This was the turning point in the history. After beheading him, Kazi announced: "In this land of Kafirs anyone who calls himself a Hindu, may come forward and pick your Kafir Guru's head. There was a crowd of thousands and most of them were Hindus. But no one dared to come forward. That was declared the end of Hinduism. However, there was a dust storm and, taking advantage of it, one man cleverly managed to smuggle out the head of the beheaded Guru. He took Guru's head straight to Punjab. He narrated the whole story to Guru Teg Bhadur's son, the next and last Sikh Guru. "My Lord, no one dared to expose himself as Hindu, though there were thousands of them."

Guru Govind Singh thought if Hindus can not dare to say publicly that they are Hindus that really means Hinduism has now ceased to exist." Private, in-house rituals done secretly are not going to last long. One must have the courage to affirm his or her faith openly otherwise let's disown our respective faiths. Timid should be turned into Soldier. At this point of time So Guru Govind Singh gave Sikhs an Identity, a sign and lost Pride through 5ks, the bearing of which meant he can not shy away from the fact that he is a follower of his faith. These sign are hair, (unshorn), Kirpan/weapon Kara, Kachha, Kanga . Now onward turncoat can not be a Sikh. If you are a Sikh you are a thorough Sikh, Sikh inside and Sikh outside. No room for escape. Your enemy knows you, be ready to face it; otherwise you are not a Sikh and you can't be. That is it ! This boldness and direct challenge is the only Mantra to answer Jihad, and to radicals, to oppressors, to mad lunatics. No double-mindedness, I am what I am, I am here to save humanity, old or young, sturdy or fragile but I am bold and strong; I am a Sikh. Sikh Slogans and challenging chants are 'Chardikala' meaning 'in high spirits'. Sikhs chant it even when injured or dying or even in captivity. 'Sat Sri Akal' meaning Truth shall prevail. 'Raj Karega Khalsa, aaki rahe na koy' The Pure shall rule (not oppressors with worldly power) and there is no impediment in that.

Now the whole Human race needs same firmness and zero tolerance against Jihadis. Guru Teg Bhadur did not die for his faith; he was not an Idol worshiper: he died for others faith and his principal which is: " not to oppress and not to be oppressed ".

From the very beginning they were outward looking, developing new relations and maintaining old ones, seeking new techniques, seeking and providing help from and to anyone and everyone who can defeat Jihadis.

Still how a handful of Sikhs overthrew the Mighty Moguls, chased Jihadis right up to their burrows in Afghanistan and Iran, took over Kabul, Kandahar, and Jalalabad, and made them sign a "document of repentance and apology" for their and their forefather's misadventures/misdeeds. Nalwa made Afghans wear Salwar Kamiz (the dress of women, who were seen as lowly creatures and slaves by Jihadis). This was blow to their ego, against their, beliefs and considered as humiliation to self esteem of 'Great Warrior Tribes'. This situation cropped up because 'Brave Pathan Mercenaries' tried to escape as women, disguised as women, by putting dressed in Salwar-Kamiz and a Burqua on top of it. Since the Sikh commander-in-chief : Hari Singh Nalwa's order to his men was : 'no rape, no molestation, and no harm to children'. While trying to fool Nalwa & Sikhs, they were caught in women dresses. Nalwa sneered and spared them as 'Men without Manliness' so at par with women.

Afghans had to accept this humiliation and, later it became part of their life, and now it is their 'National Dress'. Arabs still taunt Afghans as homos and Kafir regarding the Salwar issue.

Battle of Saragarhi, fought in September is just on example, where 21 Sikhs in an unknown land, ill-equipped and cordoned off, battled with 15000 Jihadis, for three days till their last man was killed. Figures are: Sikh Causalities 21, Jihadis Causalities 600 on the spot and 2000 wounded, from unconfirmed sources to 2500 killed latter because of battle wounds and 4000 Injured.

We all need to study, what were military and other strategies and strengths of Sikhs? What can we learn from Sikh history?

As history revels despite Jihadis being in absolute Power when Sikhs came into being, there was reverse conversion, through dialogue and peaceful means.

How hurting was Islamic Rule impact on India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh that a new religion/Panth came into being as retaliation?

In living memory

India (Bharat) was tragically partitioned nearly six decades back(1947). The great tragedy is that it was not partitioned as "Muslim India" and " Hindu India" or " Muslim India" and "Non-Muslim India" but as "Muslim India" ( now Pakistan ) and "Secular India".

In other words Muslims got a Muslim Monopoly ( Darul-Islam Country) in Pakistan as well as a share in Bharat (India) where they are equal partners with Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and Buddhists, who got one country to be shared amongst them and Muslims. .

It was a clear victory for Jihad, but was projected as a Win-Win situation by Gandhi and his sponsors and former Colonial Masters 'The British'.

Busy in celebrating or reconciling WW II, the West did not realize the Jihad that had taken Place in East.

This 'Independence' had a price tag "One and a half Millions Deaths", "Uprooting of 10s of Millions" of citizens on the basis of religion ( very obviously favoring Jihadis) and the seeds of another Jihad/Partition to be watered by left-over Jihadis in Secular India, Jihadis smartly hidden in the garb of Liberal Hindu culture/Secularism..

It was a Win-Win Situation in fact for Jihadis ( the new Rulers of Pakistan ) and for their Partners in the establishment of Secular India.

Jihadis got a full-fledged Nation State (Pakistan) plus Rights in the other Nation State called India, by being Equal Partners in it.

India's new, installed and incompetent leaders also felt themselves winners, because they got rid of their competitors in power, especially Mr. Jinnah who could outsmart incompetent Indian Leaders/ Installed Agents.

One Mr. Mohan the Ringleader of these incompetent, imposed and bogus leaders wanted himself to be written down in history as the apostle of Love, and he succeeded in it.

He fooled the world that time, now the world is still fooling itself by seeing that agent, power-broker, Jihad-Sympathizer and veiled Jihadi as a SAINT! The deceiver was probably also hoping for a Nobel Peace Prize. His followers, who are still in absolute power in India, are still trying to get a Nobel Peace Prize for him posthumously.

The Jihadi Propaganda was so strong that at one time even Hindus started feeling that Sikhs were too inhuman to Jihadis, without realizing 'Human Rights for Right Humans only'. Hindus were made to believe by Ringleader called 'SAINT' and his followers (most probably to serve Jihadi interests) Sikhs were no longer their well-wishers and this strategy did work to some extend, at one point some Sikhs started distancing themselves from their Hindu brothers. But in fact the bond between the two communities is so strong that nothing can separate them. 'It was like cutting water with a stick' as old Punjabi saying is. Jihadis failed miserably in their operation and their stooges so called Seculars and followers of Dubious Saint could not accomplish the assigned project

Sikhs did not fight the Jihadis just for themselves, but for the whole Human Race. Since Sikhs realized the time bomb has not to be just neutralized, but be diffused and dismantled and destroyed. Sikhs also did not fight just by themselves.

As expected, in six decades the population of Non-Muslims that was more than 20% in Pakistan has diminished to less than 3%.

The reason is Jihad, working to, convince the gullible, give concessions to, and indulgence to terrorizing the traumatized Non-Muslims to convert.

The population of Bangladesh ( a State which later separated from Pakistan) had more than 35% Hindu Population now has less than 7% Hindus.

Whereas the Muslim Population of Bharat (India) that was lesser than 10% after Partition, is now anything between 15 to 25%. This Game of Demography is another struggle, lost by Bharat (India) and followers of Indigenous Dharma/Panths (Religions) including non-Jihadi foreign-originated Religions (of course now these religions are as much part of India as Indigenous Religions/Panths)

Furthermore, Zoroastrianism is condemned in its country of origin, Iran , but is respected in Bharat. This religious tolerance of Bharat was respected by Parsis but is exploited by Jihadis.

Now whole world Knows Sikhs, so Support Sikhs, adopt their strategies.

Hereby, continuing the Sikh Tradition, 'I appeal to the whole human race to unite against Jihadis'.

Why am I writing this to the Christian West ? Because you need Sikh (type)-Christians to be raised to counter the onslaught of an anti-human evil cult.
FAQ 1.
"There are allegation of fraud conversion to Christianity by Christian Missionaries, why are you not against Christianity?"
Answer. First. Christianity is a Religion and no one who adheres to Manav Dharma by means of any of the Bharat Panths, can not be against any Religion. So how can I be against Christianity? Jesus was killed, he never killed or ordered revenge, he prayed for his own killers. Who can be sane and criticize Christianity?
Second. Christianity is not with a mindset of Subjugation, Conquest or justifying any means including lies, deceitful means or promises virgins to covert.
Third. I am against Cheats, and cheats can not be followers of Jesus. All atrocities, cheating done in the name of Christianity by so called Christians can not defame Christianity in my eyes, I have studied Jesus. Taking the advantage of its religious tolerance some (Un)Christian Missionaries are also into spurious conversions, but its overzealousness of some Christian denominations, Churches and individuals behind it. No way can Holy Bible be held responsible, nor is any Christian Governments budgeting the conversion or actively or remotely promoting it. The damage done by these Missionaries to Indigenous Dharma/Religion are
a: the converts are uprooted from their roots, cut of from their folks and there is mistrust between neo-converts and parental community.
b: They identify themselves with alien faith that they hardly understand since the Missionaries converting them are namesake Christian, anyhow the neo-converts are alienated from motherland. These neo-Converts in turn convert more aboriginals, Tribals, poor, disadvantageous victims. They use every method from 'planted miracles' to glorifying false stories about Jesus to draw analogies with Hindu Gods the animal and fallible gods of primitive, lowly, colonized Hindu Race. Now these neo-converts become anti-Hindu, and identify Jihadis as lesser enemy or even friends as discriminated cousins.
c: The neo-convert (and their white masters) in turn are extremely dedicated, some times they are carried away, sometimes because of own reasons and most of the time to prove their loyalty. They keep inventing Christianity and have created a Pagan-Christianity. So this false Christianity is doing harm to soul of Christianity as the genuine peace loving Missionaries also get maligned.
d: Much of Christian and Hindu force is spent contending each other, like Jews and Christians or Catholic and Protestants. This dilutes their energy to fight Universal Evil 'The Jihad'.

FAQ 2.

" Are Sikhs Hindus?"

Answer. I say No, they are not. Now I counter question:" Is butter milk?" The answer is here: Butter is not milk, it is enhanced milk. It is not milk yet butter is milk.

Sikh is by not Hindu. Sikhism is an Independent Panth.

Sikh is not Hindu technically (legally). Sikhism is an independent Panth, like any other Panth of Bharat.

I repeat Sikh is not Hindu, the same way butter is not milk, and Sikh is very much a Hindu as butter is only milk though in a different form.


1. 'Whole human race to unite against Jihadis'.

2. While eradicating the disease the patients should be dealt carefully and very humanly, isolate and keep them under observation until they are cured and are normal human beings. Surgical operations should be done where required but Mercy killings should be avoided.

3. Hindus, Jews, Christians, Atheists, Buddhist, Sikhs, jains, Bhais all are humans and can stay togather

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Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (2094) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
2Sweden and Swedes [3 words]danneAug 4, 2020 01:39259823
14Sweden is hell [59 words]FabianoFeb 10, 2018 13:08242167
8Rotherham Syndrome [38 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DonSep 19, 2014 18:32218052
1Londonistan [67 words]MuslimkSep 21, 2014 12:07218052
2Rotherham Syndrome [90 words]DonSep 23, 2014 14:02218052
5The British (and others) Are Wimps [81 words]DaveSep 14, 2014 16:40217877
21Stop [28 words]doolJan 21, 2011 04:51181933
26A SANE MAN [60 words]REBECCAFeb 25, 2011 02:02181933
6Hammertime [18 words]dudeMay 7, 2011 13:22181933
4RULE OF RECIPROCITY [159 words]AGNIJul 26, 2011 11:20181933
10The reason Islamophobia is rampant... [271 words]TuppDec 16, 2011 15:44181933
14Islamophobia is rampant because of legitmate fear of Muslims! [151 words]saraDec 16, 2011 18:59181933
4Crime, pedophilia, physical abuse, massacres, serial murders = U.S.A.!!! [45 words]truthsayerFeb 29, 2012 14:14181933
The u.s. [66 words]fact checkerOct 13, 2014 03:53181933
2thank you for writing this piece [58 words]Rachel SorrentoNov 23, 2010 08:40180406
43Denmark is Racist [182 words]naderAug 21, 2010 06:21177041
26Facts versus Fiction [186 words]American WisdomSep 26, 2010 22:35177041
10AMERICAN IGORANCE [85 words]nateSep 28, 2010 20:08177041
15Typical leftist response [260 words]American WisdomOct 4, 2010 16:47177041
1What [9 words]Johannes PungbråckOct 19, 2010 10:51177041
2Americans have at least chance to educate themselves. [60 words]Ravi RanjanNov 1, 2010 07:02177041
humanity verses jihad [11 words]Ravi RanjanNov 1, 2010 07:14177041
12why they live on Danish charity? [71 words]RaviNov 1, 2010 07:59177041
2Jihadists [125 words]YunisDec 17, 2010 23:41177041
5assumptions based on myth based on assumptions [359 words]RaviDec 19, 2010 01:54177041
5racism=bad [99 words]YunisDec 22, 2010 14:05177041
1let us be free & fair in thinking [9 words]RaviDec 27, 2010 02:59177041
2westerners are bad as if you did not figure that out already [92 words]YunisDec 27, 2010 15:57177041
thanks, for at least listening [170 words]RaviDec 30, 2010 07:41177041
2American Wisdumb [42 words]CassandraFeb 22, 2011 13:19177041
7CANADIAN [89 words]swedeFeb 25, 2011 02:00177041
2take it easy swede [171 words]canadian nateFeb 25, 2011 20:47177041
3Bringing the word of truth [46 words]truthguyApr 26, 2011 15:36177041
2Be nice and smart! [33 words]TuppDec 16, 2011 15:47177041
1A Question??? [32 words]The DaneFeb 15, 2012 18:34177041
14Racist Denmark [136 words]RaySep 1, 2012 00:58177041
11Denmark is the most racist country I know [225 words]Sara Bermejo (Spain)Feb 21, 2013 02:56177041
Sucess [8 words]CarlosNov 3, 2013 18:34177041
2Feel free to live if we dont live up to your expectations . [87 words]Stavros DakosFeb 15, 2014 22:47177041
You are right. Thank you Sara [59 words]smiSep 7, 2014 12:57177041
No chance of your kind being the good people [113 words]BardSep 25, 2014 09:41177041
27Living In Sweden [143 words]In SwedenAug 18, 2010 13:34176900
7What a load ... [41 words]JoachimOct 18, 2010 14:42176900
3Spoiled?? [113 words]in SwedenOct 23, 2010 08:13176900
7What's surprising about this? Sweden is an atheist country [103 words]theOneWithoutASecondMar 7, 2011 15:29176900
2stop complaining [156 words]EdenMay 9, 2011 13:25176900
1wrong! [128 words]EdenMay 9, 2011 13:36176900
6Pigeon Languages [294 words]RobertAug 8, 2011 04:26176900
1seriously? [46 words]Muhammed A.Oct 1, 2012 11:17176900
2You base this on...? [239 words]someoneDec 8, 2012 09:58176900
3I know what I am talking about [103 words]SeamusDec 14, 2012 14:34176900
Overreacting? [49 words]klenoxJun 2, 2010 03:37173715
16Living in Sweden [181 words]Expat UKJun 7, 2010 19:35173715
1huh? [29 words]MathiasJun 11, 2010 18:26173715
6The USA is the Most PERFECT union on the face of the EARTH [24 words]Jim in Iowa,. USA and PROUD of itJul 10, 2010 19:15173715
2Atheism [16 words]Concerned awesome dudeJan 19, 2010 06:42167532
4It is something rotten in the entire world not just in Denmark [48 words]simonNov 28, 2009 08:56165157
2I'm Worried [140 words]SoniaDec 19, 2009 11:25165157
4Something Rotten in Denmark: $30,000 bounty [66 words]Mrs. SmithSep 12, 2009 10:54161435
12Preserving Western Civilization [117 words]J DSep 6, 2009 14:24161145
4Preserving western civilisation [91 words]Give us PeaceJan 3, 2010 21:44161145
1Well said! [20 words]AngelMar 15, 2010 16:56161145
3I Find it Strange [184 words]JustinApr 20, 2010 22:19161145
Wilderness [92 words]Vanu VaskorMay 29, 2010 13:59161145
2I agree [83 words]AlexJun 20, 2010 12:23161145
5True but otherway round [25 words]fedressSep 15, 2010 05:28161145
2Interesting comment [98 words]YunisDec 18, 2010 12:59161145
4Australia - stolen land [142 words]YunisDec 18, 2010 13:08161145
7Yunis knows nothing [77 words]TedDec 19, 2010 01:44161145
To your reader Yunis [37 words]TedDec 19, 2010 01:50161145
4Shocked! [263 words]A.K.AApr 11, 2009 22:18153756
6Of course denmark is a racist society [172 words]numanAug 26, 2009 17:48153756
1Typical immigrants [70 words]ThorNov 1, 2009 10:12153756
1DENMARK NEEDS TO INTEGRATE MORE [169 words]K RICHARDJan 3, 2010 12:53153756
2RE: DENMARK NEEDS TO INTEGRATE MORE [503 words]Birger SkruddusvingenJan 21, 2010 19:19153756
2Obligations of the Guest toward the Host [183 words]spare meMar 3, 2010 13:39153756
1Opinion about your comment [102 words]YunisDec 17, 2010 23:07153756
3what ? [66 words]kunvar khannaJan 29, 2011 05:24153756
Same stuff different area all together [369 words]Amazed yet notDec 5, 2011 00:55153756
2If there is a moderate Islam, it is time to speak up [336 words]Peter WaldoNov 30, 2008 09:20144156
5WHITES ARE PLAIN RACIST [39 words]islam khanDec 17, 2008 23:17144156
2Islam - Something is Rotten in Denmark [34 words]GneausApr 6, 2009 17:21144156
AGREED [27 words]a nony mouseMay 19, 2009 15:06144156
6Sadly, there cannot be a moderate Islam. [218 words]João Paulo Fernandes PontesJul 5, 2009 13:08144156
3re Whites are plain racist [63 words]AndersOct 8, 2009 19:23144156
8whites are plain racist? [229 words]kafurFeb 4, 2010 05:31144156
4What are you talking about? [71 words]HansMar 1, 2010 07:09144156
2Your interpretation is wrong [80 words]Khalid KhanMar 31, 2010 04:00144156
2white people are not racists [48 words]ann varelaSep 2, 2010 19:42144156
2Great but unIslamic [108 words]RaviNov 1, 2010 05:54144156
2Only, quest for truth will land you to believe the truth [171 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthiNov 1, 2010 06:49144156
it search for modrate Aids [20 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthiJan 5, 2011 15:10144156
1Sheffield culture [181 words]Braeg HeneffeNov 17, 2008 11:45143064
4American opinion of Denmark [179 words]Jared YoungMar 25, 2009 03:26143064
1No way back for Denmark [174 words]newmanOct 11, 2009 06:01143064
2A simple matter [597 words]DaneOct 18, 2009 15:10143064
1REMEMBER! [137 words]SimonJul 24, 2010 19:09143064
1judge the people individually [4 words]BehrouzSep 29, 2010 08:10143064
1Typical [249 words]lpMar 21, 2011 09:50143064
1listen... [116 words]JessieDec 19, 2013 11:06143064
Banned moslems? [36 words]human beingApr 11, 2008 16:57125377
10Australia's Muslim Problem [134 words]LeoneApr 5, 2008 08:55124728
2the disease of racism [132 words]truthJul 4, 2008 20:37124728
1Australia [5451 words]denisJul 20, 2008 15:46124728
re:australia's muslim problem by Leone [13 words]lindaApr 29, 2009 07:40124728
seriously.... [51 words]leilaMay 4, 2009 20:59124728
Reply to Truthseeker [136 words]SapphireMay 27, 2009 02:22124728
what? [9 words]The BossDec 8, 2013 19:27124728
1The writing is on the wall ! [233 words]dfwhite19438Mar 13, 2008 02:31122535
3Send the Muslims Home [119 words]christianMar 18, 2008 20:11122535
Stupidity is a bad thing [183 words]MimsMar 21, 2008 16:50122535
2not stupid [92 words]christianMar 24, 2008 11:58122535
2Knowledge--in answer to your question [581 words]LaelaApr 29, 2008 22:28122535
something rotten again [102 words]tiredMay 1, 2008 17:59122535
Shame [39 words]KhaleeqMay 31, 2008 18:51122535
1HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT AGAINST ISLAM [76 words]Chaudary Saad Ahmed NasirJun 27, 2008 10:49122535
TRY the BIBLE [81 words]AliceJul 9, 2008 21:45122535
Looking out is good, disparity is not... [306 words]Hari SrinivasanAug 12, 2008 22:24122535
common sense [257 words]dfwhite19438Aug 13, 2008 18:59122535
it is ...spreading throughout the world [96 words]amitAug 28, 2008 04:06122535
1Re: Send the Muslims Home [69 words]Isaac DearnaleySep 17, 2008 23:51122535
yes it is [134 words]christianSep 19, 2008 14:41122535
2Islam Kills [242 words]Ban Islamo-FascismSep 27, 2008 20:14122535
2Reply to: Send the Muslims Home [121 words]AnalystJan 30, 2009 16:41122535
Reply to part of Khaleeq comment [45 words]BenApr 21, 2009 09:39122535
Thank You for your counter comment. [32 words]Asoka MauryanOct 2, 2009 11:30122535
muslims [35 words]mrs. jonesNov 13, 2009 22:17122535
RE: Stupidity is a bad thing [506 words]Mysil BergsprekkenJan 22, 2010 11:35122535
Amen [10 words]Ronnie PaulasJun 20, 2010 13:14122535
Two can Never meet [70 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthiNov 1, 2010 07:11122535
I say what I want! [22 words]EdenMay 9, 2011 13:28122535
again [184 words]AmazedDec 5, 2011 02:21122535
vision clear, communication a little blurred [322 words]remainingconfidentialMay 25, 2013 15:36122535
1Muslims [123 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
RoyFeb 1, 2016 10:29122535
Daniel Pipes' "solution" doesn't address any of the problems he mentions [104 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Michael S.Mar 13, 2016 06:28122535
Goodbye to Danes and flatulence [81 words]sshJan 12, 2008 20:53118053
Supper's on the Table -- for the birds? [707 words]Michael SMar 19, 2016 20:38118053
A proper discussion requires the proper facts... [139 words]MarcoJan 7, 2008 15:43117671
Symbol of Islamist-left alliance [40 words]VijayNov 12, 2007 17:40113613
1disrespect is the name of this game [60 words]Phil GreendJul 1, 2007 01:53102089
DISRESPECT IS THE NAME OF THE GAME [277 words]Paramasvaran KandiahJul 27, 2007 08:13102089
Moshe: Perspective? [1520 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanDec 5, 2006 22:0068431
Sword [43 words]Bombs of Israel and Babies of QanaDec 14, 2006 07:4168431
assimilate [83 words]RevertNov 28, 2006 18:2467627
when in rome [161 words]jeroen van der mierDec 22, 2007 17:3367627
The future [301 words]jeroen van der mierDec 28, 2007 20:4867627
1muslims must be left to be [165 words]hamidNov 3, 2008 04:0867627
1or else what? [165 words]jeroen van der mierNov 22, 2008 11:4567627
Just found this site [255 words]SchwabenSep 29, 2006 14:4558218
2ASSIMILATE OR LEAVE [147 words]VeraOct 12, 2006 23:4158218
a cancer consuming humanity [85 words]l. kellegOct 22, 2006 13:5858218
True Islam [299 words]donvanOct 23, 2006 11:3658218
100% agree [79 words]dfwhiteOct 23, 2006 15:2658218
1racism [40 words]an American patriotNov 21, 2006 23:4658218
Muslims X assimilate. [186 words]SANJAYSep 21, 2007 12:3158218
Peace for All around the World [322 words]Waleed El-batatOct 29, 2007 16:5158218
where to begin... [198 words]donvanOct 30, 2007 17:0558218
1Islam and Muslims are innocent (free) of Terrorism [201 words]Waleed El-BatatOct 31, 2007 09:1758218
1True.. [231 words]DONVANNov 1, 2007 09:2058218
might makes right [57 words]jeroen van der mierDec 29, 2007 21:2858218
i m sorry about u:( [129 words]figenJan 15, 2008 05:1558218
YOU ARE CORRECT... [164 words]DONVANJan 15, 2008 16:2258218
THE PROBLEM [135 words]kafurMay 18, 2008 19:3958218
join to father [2879 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthiJan 3, 2011 14:2058218
To whom Israel belongs? [36 words]Russian bear 1987Oct 2, 2014 04:4758218
not asked to be Born as Muslim [325 words]Not askedSep 25, 2006 10:0657449
Iran Jews to wear yellow ribbons, Christians, red ribbons [119 words]ArmageddonMay 19, 2006 20:4745986
1From a Muslim [89 words]SJul 18, 2006 09:5245986
Muslims should stand up to brainwashing techniques [250 words]Horatio NelsonAug 3, 2006 12:2845986
Response to Horatio Nelson [124 words]JustMeAug 4, 2006 12:0845986
What is a 'normal' Muslim? [146 words]JustMeAug 8, 2006 11:0345986
1Are Tamil Tigers Muslims? [40 words]Deepali ChowdhuryAug 15, 2006 10:2345986
It's simple. Please don't try to deny reality. [86 words]JustMeAug 20, 2006 00:1145986
Come on JustMe, I am not a Muslim [89 words]Deepali ChowdhuryAug 21, 2006 09:2445986
Terrorist sympathizer, is that better? [104 words]JustMeAug 21, 2006 16:5145986
Tamil vs. others [118 words]Danish/AmericanSep 12, 2006 23:1145986
Hello Danish/American!! [89 words]JustMeSep 19, 2006 22:2645986
I'm fine JustMe..and you? [225 words]Danish/AmericanSep 20, 2006 19:4445986
For Danish American: TERRORISM [393 words]J DSep 21, 2006 08:5545986
JD...thanks for the links [299 words]Danish/AmericanSep 21, 2006 22:3445986
Brown-Black-Yellow-White-Hindu-Muslim-Christian-Jewish-Buddhist-Arab-European-African-Asian etc. etc. etc [408 words]Deepali ChowdhurySep 22, 2006 11:2745986
LITE killed a whopping TWELVE people??? [360 words]Danish/AmericanSep 22, 2006 16:4845986
The Fiction on Library of Alexander [471 words]EgeMar 19, 2007 19:3345986
to Deepali [76 words]ASJun 20, 2007 16:3645986
LTTE IS LAMB COMPARED TO ISLAM [107 words]sanjaySep 12, 2007 17:4845986
Masters and Followers [161 words]Kandiah KarunakaranApr 18, 2008 22:0445986
TAMIL TIGERS AREN'T TERRORISTS [14 words]yourmomSep 16, 2009 17:5045986
4Life in Denmark [509 words]GeorgeOct 6, 2009 18:4645986
1Sorry but that's not true [159 words]ZekeApr 27, 2010 18:0745986
1What about equality? [323 words]Linda FMay 18, 2006 04:5945863
1what about equality -Linda F [209 words]MandyMay 19, 2006 05:2745863
do you read the holy Quran? [92 words]ariezOct 3, 2006 03:2645863
Have I read the Koran? [255 words]Linda FreedmanOct 3, 2006 15:1945863
MAYBE you do.. [224 words]ariezOct 3, 2006 21:0945863
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [89 words]Linda FreedmanOct 4, 2006 15:3545863
What the "true islam" is why it has "NO ASSET to reform" [229 words]Mohammad JabbarNov 16, 2007 00:1645863
1Danish/American & JustMe: Keep Fighting The Good Fight! [96 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanMay 17, 2006 19:1345834
Abu Qatada: Begging to stay in Britain [244 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanMay 9, 2006 14:5845124
Sword...they have no real power [168 words]Danish/AmericanMay 10, 2006 10:0045124
Weasles [68 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanMay 10, 2006 15:2245124
They kill each other [31 words]Danish/AmericanMay 10, 2006 17:3645124
2British Traditions [75 words]Khalid KhanMar 31, 2010 03:5345124
Begging Bowl [95 words]Sword of IslamApr 1, 2010 08:0145124
Primitive [92 words]Sword of IslamApr 2, 2010 12:1245124
1Sweeden just love Hamas [31 words]BobApr 27, 2006 17:5044360
4more from Sweden [378 words]Danish/AmericanApr 29, 2006 16:1444360
Sweden [53 words]Bombs of America & Babies of IraqApr 29, 2006 17:0744360
I predict a riot [264 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 30, 2006 05:4944360
Living with the enemy [341 words]JustMeApr 30, 2006 09:3844360
Bombs of America & Babies of Iraq [28 words]Danish/AmericanMay 1, 2006 01:1144360
Disgusting entertainment. [375 words]Danish/AmericanMay 1, 2006 09:4944360
Name the enemy or just keep fighting in vacuum [38 words]JaladhiMay 1, 2006 13:5944360
1Danish/American [112 words]JustMeMay 1, 2006 16:0944360
JustMe..sect for serial killers [58 words]Danish/AmericanMay 2, 2006 08:3744360
Iran..big talk for a bunch of cowardly fanatics [162 words]Danish/AmericanMay 2, 2006 16:3044360
How to handle a maniac [126 words]JustMeMay 3, 2006 15:5444360
Love Hamas? [192 words]Dansih/AmericanMay 3, 2006 20:2344360
Disgusting entertainment!Danish/american [143 words]mandyMay 7, 2006 06:0744360
learn from history [95 words]hSep 19, 2006 21:4144360
To Anonymous: I'm back [75 words]ArmgeddonApr 24, 2006 20:1744056
Armgeddon,..the atrocities keep coming daily [399 words]Danish/AmericanApr 25, 2006 19:1944056
1To Danish/American [177 words]JaladhiApr 27, 2006 13:5944056
Muslims in Europe [52 words]RogerSep 20, 2006 11:4544056
Simple question about Mussaui's trial outcome [100 words]Innocent and curiousApr 12, 2006 01:4443001
For Innocent and curious, answers to your questions (and I'm curious too) [225 words]AnonymousApr 12, 2006 05:1143001
1for innocent and curious [271 words]MuslimApr 12, 2006 05:2643001
Innocent and curious, in re: Zacarias Moussaoui [191 words]JustMeApr 12, 2006 21:2243001
Vote for a murderer? Good question, Anonymous! [162 words]JustMeApr 14, 2006 13:1043001
Sword of Islam: Muslims/Jews [101 words]JustMeApr 18, 2006 15:4543001
JustMe..thank you so much! [55 words]Danish/AmericanApr 18, 2006 16:4043001
JustMe [41 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 18, 2006 16:4043001
Moussaoui : Is lunacy his only defence? [57 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 18, 2006 20:3243001
Insanity defense [99 words]JustMeApr 19, 2006 15:5643001
Never forget [252 words]JustMeApr 20, 2006 15:2543001
JustMe: United we stand, divided they fall [444 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 21, 2006 15:3643001
Sword, in re: bravehearts [123 words]JustMeApr 22, 2006 01:0543001
Sword, JustMe and Mandy..someone finally has the backbone to stand up to these aggressors. [297 words]Danish/AmericanApr 25, 2006 23:4643001
1Danish/American Re At last someone with backbone! [241 words]MandyApr 26, 2006 05:5243001
Mandy..you're not the only one disappointed. [185 words]Danish/AmericanApr 26, 2006 19:1543001
Mussaui [34 words]RedMountainHighApr 30, 2006 17:0543001
Moussaoui ... [98 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 30, 2006 18:0543001
Zacarias Moussaoui [97 words]JustMeApr 30, 2006 21:1943001
RE: for innocent and curious [40 words]Solan GundersenJan 23, 2010 17:1543001
Will the Real Sword of Islam please stand up! Morteza read, rhetoric of hate, instigating bigotry, deliberate lies, fake Sword exposed. [4851 words]Sword of TruthApr 11, 2006 12:1742922
Sword of Truth, you did a great job!!!! [123 words]AnonymousApr 11, 2006 16:4242922
Sword of Truth, THANK YOU!!! [157 words]The Real Sword of IslamApr 11, 2006 18:0842922
true [81 words]RonnieApr 11, 2006 19:0142922
My fan club appears to be growing! [312 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 12, 2006 04:4342922
The Plastic Sword of Islam: Delusional [61 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 12, 2006 04:5042922
Ronnie [186 words]JustMeApr 12, 2006 11:3742922
Anonymous [13 words]JustMeApr 12, 2006 11:4142922
Yes JustMe [134 words]MuslimApr 12, 2006 17:4042922
The things we do for peace! [10750 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 12, 2006 18:1342922
The things we do for peace! [29 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 13, 2006 14:5242922
JustMe: Solidarity [122 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 13, 2006 15:2942922
Ronnie [31 words]Danish/AmericanApr 13, 2006 16:5442922
Justme [77 words]AnonymousApr 14, 2006 11:1742922
Muslim [106 words]JustMeApr 14, 2006 12:2642922
Sword of Truth, in re: Truth? [433 words]JustMeApr 15, 2006 13:3442922
Unity with eyes wide open [155 words]JustMeApr 15, 2006 23:1842922
Anonymous - [182 words]PCMadnessApr 17, 2006 21:3242922
2Anonymous, you call this compassion? [148 words]JustMeApr 18, 2006 12:4342922
The list has grown since then [52 words]fersusFeb 28, 2012 18:2142922
JustMe-Danish/American [186 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 8, 2006 19:1542747
2The Danish role during WW2..for those who don't know. [178 words]Danish/AmericanApr 10, 2006 07:2542747
Life is not just about potatoes and gravy... [538 words]SammyApr 5, 2006 19:0242487
Sammy ... [226 words]Sword of IslamApr 6, 2006 19:1642487
Sword of Islam [559 words]SammyApr 7, 2006 20:4642487
Goodbye, Sammy. [220 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 8, 2006 19:0442487
How Typical. [211 words]SammyApr 10, 2006 06:0042487
Sammy..question [208 words]Danish/AmericanApr 10, 2006 15:0242487
Sammy: Get Over It! [193 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 10, 2006 17:1342487
Answer for Danish/American [432 words]SammyApr 10, 2006 17:1342487
Danish/American, what is rotten in Denmark? [356 words]Adib FarakishApr 11, 2006 17:2142487
Sammy [531 words]Danish/AmericanApr 11, 2006 21:0942487
Adib Farakish [367 words]Danish/AmericanApr 12, 2006 06:3642487
" What are the little boys made of?" [268 words]Innocent MumApr 12, 2006 09:1842487
DanishAmerican [293 words]SammyApr 12, 2006 15:1242487
Danish/American [241 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 12, 2006 17:4642487
Sammy.. [363 words]Danish/AmericanApr 12, 2006 21:0242487
Innocent Mum [316 words]Danish/AmericanApr 12, 2006 21:1542487
For Danish/American regarding the Puppets [389 words]Adib FarakishApr 13, 2006 13:5042487
Sword of Islam & The Babies of Beslan on Sammy [27 words]Danish/AmericanApr 13, 2006 15:1842487
Sword of Beid and DanishAmerican [26 words]SammyApr 13, 2006 15:5242487
Sword and Danish/American - Rules of Engagement (Sammy Style) [208 words]JustMeApr 15, 2006 16:3742487
Adib Farakish [102 words]Danish/AmericanApr 16, 2006 00:5942487
Adib ... Now wash your hands! [382 words]PCMadnessApr 16, 2006 21:4242487
JustMe..Sammy style [65 words]Danish/AmericanApr 16, 2006 22:0742487
PC MadnessRe Adib [212 words]MandyApr 17, 2006 05:5942487
Sins of the flesh..... [151 words]PCMadnessApr 18, 2006 16:1842487
Of truth and playboy [357 words]nameApr 19, 2006 07:0342487
name [314 words]Danish/AmericanApr 19, 2006 15:5342487
Danish/American - lol [135 words]JustMeApr 19, 2006 16:1442487
name or no name.... it's rubbish! [1105 words]PCMadnessApr 19, 2006 16:5442487
name [248 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 19, 2006 17:2242487
Othello vs 'name' [190 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanApr 19, 2006 19:2942487
Name Re Nudity in the West. [209 words]MandyApr 20, 2006 10:1942487
Nudists everywhere!! [64 words]JustMeApr 20, 2006 16:1342487
is this a rosie or oprah site ? [79 words]ronJun 30, 2007 17:2742487

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