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The books of the Greeks and the pipeline and the destruction of the great cities of Hellenism by Muslims

Reader comment on item: Islam vs. History
in response to reader comment: reply to DNM

Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Jul 13, 2012 at 07:01

As I say half knowledge is a disaster and here is a case in point

1 Historical discontinuity,see my posts destruction parts 1 and 2

So what is historical continuity vs. discontinuity and why does your so called prophet proposes the concept of al-jahiliyya to explain what really happened in early Islam which is a fraudulent concept that cannot be supported by the historical evidence

2 Consensus is that the library was destroyed during an anti pagan riot by a Christian mob who had the Roman power behind them.The Muslim claim looks like a propaganda piece, a construct made up years later.

Oh darn it so were the Muslim historians a bunch of liars? a yes or no will do

So were they a bunch of liars and it seems that you are saying that they were so I must conclude that there is no reason for us to believe Muslim historians that tell us that a certain Arabian warlord and caravan raider spoke to an Arabian deity via an angel right?

3 Whoever did the translations of ancient texts it was done under Muslim administration with Muslim funds to address the curiosity of Muslim intelligentsia which is a healthy thing and the world at large gained from it.Golden age of Islamic discourse was in the early Abbasid period especially under Calif Mamun.Scholars such as Avicinna,Averroes Farabi etc.flourished.These scholars whom the Islamists are proud of never made the ordinary curruculum of the madrassahs.It is asif the Cambridge University never mentioned Newton.With the needs of a large Empire to control a reaction to free thinking emerged at 12th century spearheaded by AL Ghazali.Averroes was spat at as he sat on the steps of a mosque in Andalus,but he still continued to write. I venture to guess had these philosophers lived today and published their books in Saudi or Pakistan they would find life a bit difficult.

So where did these books come from? and as you shall see this very much link with the library of Alexandria and its fate

For the readers: Go and check in your library in the Loeb Classical Library "Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos" and you will find that the earliest version we have is Arabic translation of the book by Hunein Ibn Ishaq who was a Nestorian Christian and he was not Muslim as Muslims were never interested in books plus they did not care to learn neither Greek or Syriac! Desturction, war, enslaving, looting and killing that was a different story and this is what they were interested in. This book was translated from Greek to Syriac and then to Arabic and it was translated at Dar al-Hikma in Baghdad in the time of al-Khalifa al-Ma'muun and this was done in the 9th century CE which means that the Greek books were in circulation in the 9th century CE but the pipe line of Greek education was destroyed by the Arabs who ruined the great centers of Hellensim as in the case of Alexandria so you see our dear Mozere the books existed but it was the Arabs that destroyed the source of this learning and to add insult to injury the value of the Greek language as the language of education was lost to places like Egypt where the Greek language was a dead language by the 9th century so what is the value of having such books in a place where no one was able to read these books in their original language. And this is why I told you about idioms and ideology and iconclasm now do you get it?

Even the one who paid for these translations was not an Arab he was a cultured Persian and that is al-Khalifa al-Ma'muun! The Arab barbarains cared less about books or learning and even those that read these translations were not Arabs the likes of Ibn Sina and those that translated these books from Arabic to Catalan and then to Latin were Jews that lived in Spain!

And indeed the great German historian Becker is very correct in his celebrated conclusion: Without Alexander the great there would have been no islamic civilization

It means that the concept of al-jahliyya proposed by your so called Allah and his so called prophet is bogus

So you see it was islam and the arabs that destroyed the Greek learning and it was not the burning of books in a certain library that led to this collapse

So I can oly blame the Arab invasion for the collapse of Hellenism and learning in places like Alexandria? The burning of books? You still had books as in this case in distant places like Baghdad

Now do you get it?

4 Ancient monuments in the Byzantine Empire was a source of building materials.The citadel in my hometown of Ankara was built by the Byzantines in its walls you can clearly see reused marble pieces with Latin and Greek inscriptions.


5 Hagia Sophia in Istanbul is a museum and it is well looked after.I refer you to a book titled Salonica city of ghosts by Mark Mazower and I quote after the fall of Salonica "the municipality decided almost immediately to demolish the cities minarets...the demolishing followed the pattern set over the past century in the Balkans where the departure of Muslims was often followed swiftly by the destruction of their places of worship".

Then give it back to its owners the Greeks

6 concerning China and India:Ihave no religious axes to grind.I neverquote dogma and never use religious scripts as a reference to ake a point.I will not defend the indefensible.My pointis to destroy the holier than thou attitude of some Christian commentators who think christians never commit despicable acts and only Islam is to blame.

But you see our dear Mozere this thread is about Islam vs History and if the topic was Christianity vs History then you make a good point so spare me this one

You say 90 million Hindus were slaughtered you are right to lament this.

And 1.5M Armenains and 1-2M Greeks your own ancestors were killed in cold blood by the monsters the Turks

This was the human nature,it was power politics every nation did it then.Indians were too fragmented to defend themselves,

So they go out and kill 90M? really? are you for real?

they should have got rid of their cast system and united.

It is non of your business what they do or do not do and as a matter of fact even islam in India there is caste system (Gasp!) so you see in this case we have things being worked by Muslims backwards and even Muslims today in let us say Wahhabi land Indian Muslims and Pakistanis are regarded by the wahhabis as second class Muslims and no more

Soon after this the Mongols killed millions of Muslims and leveled the country side,their horsemen were better than ours.The Spanish obliterated a continent full of Aztecs Mayas and Incas,their technology was better.Only 70 years ago millions of people died in Europe including children.All I am saying is we should grow out of this bloodlust.You cannot keep on blaming Muslims look at the greed for oil. It was Reagan administration who funded and encouraged the extremists to contain the Soviets.

Do me a favor and stick to islam vs. History

7 Asoka ,prince of India became a Buddhist after the battle of Kalinga,he was sick of bloodshed.This shows the Indians were quite capable of killing each other without outside help.Demise of Buddhism in India has many causes ,you cannot tie it down to Islam.After all Hindus survived and they did very well under Akbar. Maybe the cast system played a part,as Buddhists were against it and thus eliminated by the Brahmins

So would this justify killing 90M Hindus? you tell me

.A lot of Indians converted to Islam to escape the despicable caste system, under Islam they found brotherhood and dignity.

Where is the historical evidence? you tell me


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (173) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Egyptians Call on British Museum to Return the Rosetta Stone [130 words]dhimmi no moreNov 30, 2022 14:16289180
5Time to take punitive action against political party called Islam. [201 words]
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5Nalanda University and old civilizations are not conjured away [112 words]dhimmi no moreSep 1, 2014 09:52217545
Consider adding this one to the list: ISIS destroys Ibn al Athir's sanctuary [102 words]PezDispenserJun 21, 2014 18:04215545
1Next? It will be Karbala and Najaf [133 words]dhimmi no moreJun 22, 2014 20:21215545
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Re: Nineveh and the Bible and ISIS [18 words]MotkeAug 3, 2014 13:56215545
3Islam and its origins [606 words]dhimmi no moreAug 5, 2014 17:30215545
1Since the Muslims Want To Destroy Israel's History, Why Not Show Them Israel's History? [12 words]Lujack SkylarkFeb 10, 2014 14:45213117
3The George Anastase Michaelides and his collection of the Quranic fragments and the Islamic Museum in Cairo [181 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 7, 2014 13:26213047
7The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo is the latest in the long list of crimes of Islamists against the heritage of all of mankind [165 words]dhimmi no moreJan 24, 2014 17:22212804
2The MB are liars and here is the evidence [89 words]dhimmi no moreJan 25, 2014 11:57212804
1The Saeh library in Tripoli and the barbarism of Islamists [119 words]dhimmi no moreJan 13, 2014 15:48212650
4The Mallawi Museum looted and destroyed by members of the criminal organization called the MB [180 words]dhimmi no moreAug 30, 2013 09:08209318
4The MB are terrorists and they are destroying the literary sources of modern Egypt [135 words]dhimmi no moreAug 27, 2013 21:01209240
An amazing picture of Nasser and Hasan el-Banna [120 words]dhimmi no moreSep 2, 2013 11:55209240
5Burning then looting then converting Churches to mosques still goes on to this day in Minya Egypt [314 words]dhimmi no moreAug 24, 2013 09:34209195
Moslem conquests will come to an end [135 words]JasonJul 8, 2013 23:55207992
what new thing [52 words]donvanSep 27, 2012 16:55199238
2Letter to the free world [530 words]JimmySep 21, 2012 16:19198905
1More information on Islamism and Buddhist antiquaries [55 words]ArundhatiSep 8, 2012 00:10198450
4Why do you expect Muslims to honor other religious structures and artifacts when they are hostile to their own? [164 words]ShishirSep 6, 2012 03:21198391
1Azerbaijan Demolishes Priceless Medieval Christian Monuments And Western Nations Yawn [17 words]The StilettoAug 27, 2012 16:22198215
1Turkish destruction of churches [23 words]The StilettoAug 27, 2012 16:07198214
2blame it on west and america [41 words]wencySep 3, 2012 02:47198214
8Another less known atrocity committed by Muslims and this time the massacre at Simele, Iraq in 1933 [91 words]dhimmi no moreJul 27, 2012 07:11197466
1Israel way [161 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Yehoram GaonSep 14, 2012 08:59197466
1The mazing mind of our dear Yeroham [23 words]dhimmi no moreSep 15, 2012 06:00197466
1I have a few questions for our dear Yeroham [34 words]dhimmi no moreSep 15, 2012 06:39197466
1I have another question for our dear yeroham [149 words]dhimmi no moreSep 15, 2012 06:50197466
2One more member of the fan club of our dear Haim [109 words]dhimmi no moreSep 15, 2012 07:46197466
Israel way ... [103 words]Gaon YerohamSep 17, 2012 12:49197466
2The sword verse and the religion of peace [77 words]dhimmi no moreSep 18, 2012 06:57197466
5More islamic delusions [629 words]dhimmi no moreSep 21, 2012 09:14197466
10Other less known sites destroyed by Muslims and this time by Salah al-Deen and it is the St. Simeon Monastery in Aswan [244 words]dhimmi no moreJul 27, 2012 06:36197464
Deceptive Opinions [114 words]Amin RiazAug 16, 2012 17:51197464
4And speaking of the glorious family of salah el-deen this time his son who tried to demolish the pyramid of Menkaure [93 words]dhimmi no moreAug 17, 2012 06:57197464
4The crimes of islam and Muslims against humanity [259 words]dhimmi no moreAug 17, 2012 12:36197464
1Misplaced Sentiments [115 words]Amin RiazAug 17, 2012 17:15197464
1A question of relevancy. [128 words]Amin RiazAug 17, 2012 17:39197464
2Islam and reality [119 words]dhimmi no moreAug 18, 2012 07:03197464
6Islamic words of wisdom and the Monks that obliterate! [108 words]dhimmi no moreAug 18, 2012 07:24197464
So why did Muslims loot and sack monasteries? any guesses our dear Amin Riaz? [69 words]dhimmi no moreAug 18, 2012 14:54197464
2Singing praises of Saladin. [148 words]Amin RiazAug 19, 2012 09:01197464
2Lost ... [57 words]Amin RiazAug 19, 2012 09:25197464
2When you can't think of an answer [24 words]Amin RiazAug 19, 2012 09:27197464
3So why did did the Arabs invaders of let us say Egypt sack and loot monasteries? [108 words]dhimmi no moreAug 19, 2012 17:02197464
2Mahabharata and Jihad [359 words]PrashantAug 20, 2012 01:40197464
2Tablighee bakhwas [208 words]dhimmi no moreAug 20, 2012 06:03197464
4Our dear Amin Riaz is quoting a corrupted book read and laugh [476 words]dhimmi no moreAug 20, 2012 06:35197464
1Monks that obliterate Muslims! And our dear Amin Raiz is saying that jihad really means holy war and as if we kuffar did not know [242 words]dhimmi no moreAug 20, 2012 07:42197464
1Military aspirations [152 words]Amin RiazAug 20, 2012 08:04197464
4Our dear Amin Riaz is saying that jihad is really just war! Oh and what happened to the bogus claim that the word jihad means strive to improve? [213 words]dhimmi no moreAug 20, 2012 14:52197464
1One day you might be able to [329 words]Amin RiazAug 20, 2012 17:20197464
1Oh the imagination. . . [71 words]Amin RiazAug 20, 2012 17:22197464
1When telling the truth is painful [300 words]Amin RiazAug 20, 2012 17:34197464
2Our dear Amin Riaz is quoting a corrupted book to prove a point [386 words]dhimmi no moreAug 21, 2012 07:41197464
4Our dear Amin Riaz is trying to justify the absurd [338 words]dhimmi no moreAug 21, 2012 08:11197464
1A Figure of Fun, Perhaps!? [98 words]Amin RiazAug 21, 2012 09:02197464
5Is the Qur'an a corrupted book? It seems that some Muslims believe so! [604 words]dhimmi no moreAug 21, 2012 13:05197464
1Extra Ordinary Leaps [225 words]Amin RiazAug 22, 2012 13:36197464
1I repeat [142 words]Amin RiazAug 22, 2012 13:45197464
Keep avoiding', K,K Keep avoiding. [142 words]Amin RiazAug 23, 2012 05:35197464
2The Qur'an is a corrupted book? It seems that some Muslims believe so [173 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2012 06:15197464
It seems that our dear Amin Riaz quotes the Bible then ooops he forgets [65 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2012 06:22197464
3What a disaster even Sheikh al-Azhar seems to be saying that the Qur'an is a corrupted book [151 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2012 06:32197464
The mother of all gems and our dear Amin Riaz's "Monks that obliterate Muslims" [87 words]dhimmi no moreAug 24, 2012 07:26197464
Arabian imperialism and those that support it [120 words]dhimmi no moreAug 25, 2012 15:27197464
1Arabian imperialism and its victims [342 words]dhimmi no moreAug 25, 2012 16:04197464
2Mahabharata & Jihad (or Islamic expansion) [125 words]MrAug 26, 2012 11:08197464
2Allah al-makkar and atrocious Arabic by a wannabe Arab [166 words]dhimmi no moreAug 26, 2012 12:43197464
Islam vs. Your scruple [4 words]Claude LelouchSep 12, 2012 15:15197464
4And speaking of scruple [112 words]dhimmi no moreSep 13, 2012 06:05197464
10Less known crimes in the name of islam against humanity and in this case the less known Syrian/Assyrian genocide [142 words]dhimmi no moreJul 26, 2012 07:38197451
4Less known destruction of Sufi shrines and the closure of the Abu Hasira shrine in Egypt [181 words]dhimmi no moreJul 25, 2012 08:19197431
5Don't forget BOROBUDUR the Buddha Temple [48 words]from meJul 24, 2012 22:58197421
6Destruction of Buddhas in the Maldives [28 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AnonymousJul 24, 2012 19:13197417
2More on Buddhist antiquities destroyed in Maldives [145 words]ArundhatiSep 8, 2012 00:16197417
6THANKS TO OBAMA [104 words]John TothJul 10, 2012 22:06197139
8you left out [18 words]sallyJul 10, 2012 11:24197124
14More destruction of older civilizations by Muslims and this time less known monuments; The Church of St. Theonas in Alexandria Egypt [111 words]dhimmi no moreJul 10, 2012 09:27197121
2Mosque at Sevilla changed to Churchill [34 words]B SoetoroJul 10, 2012 20:08197121
6Being Even Handed [143 words]MichaelJul 12, 2012 16:46197121
13Islam is the religion of the Arabs only and you ain't no Arab [205 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2012 17:27197121
16Muslim hypocrisy [101 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2012 18:15197121
Mosque at seville [11 words]k2680Aug 12, 2012 06:15197121
Etc. [65 words]Paul NeubauerJul 10, 2012 06:29197113
One More Wreckification [32 words]binks, webelfJul 9, 2012 12:32197099
5Destined to Rule What? [60 words]Chaz MartelJul 9, 2012 00:47197081
First Principles [13 words]donvanJul 8, 2012 15:17197074
17The Abu Mina site looted and sacked by the Arabs that invaded Egypt is on the list of "World Heritage in Danger" [155 words]dhimmi no moreJul 8, 2012 10:55197073
As I know [31 words]CoptSep 6, 2012 16:04197073
2Another victim of Arabian imperialism and Islam [72 words]dhimmi no moreSep 6, 2012 19:51197073
3ضحايا الاستعمار العربي في مصر [431 words]dhimmi no moreSep 7, 2012 07:18197073
1Turning a blind eye to the massacre of Burmese Muslims [747 words]Aymen IjazOct 1, 2012 11:03197073
1Another lost tablighee [50 words]dhimmi no moreOct 2, 2012 07:09197073
12Quran comes with respect to worship places [377 words]Eithan BlaireOct 4, 2012 16:37197073
1Another lost tablighee [33 words]dhimmi no moreOct 7, 2012 06:43197073
Multiple personalities and spotting a plagiarist again [155 words]dhimmi no moreOct 27, 2012 12:26197073
4The Islamist suffers from psychological complex [77 words]aktJul 7, 2012 08:23197056
28More crimes by Muslims against our human heritage and in this case Wadi el-Natrun and Abu Mina in Egypt [350 words]dhimmi no moreJul 5, 2012 09:54197007
1Stop redundancy and be objective ! [147 words]QuantumSep 7, 2012 10:19197007
3Another tablighee victim of islam and Arabian imperialism [321 words]dhimmi no moreSep 7, 2012 19:16197007
3Muslims and apples and oranges and the ignorance goes on and on [155 words]dhimmi no moreSep 7, 2012 19:29197007
2Another lost tablighee [399 words]dhimmi no moreSep 8, 2012 09:39197007
2Let us have a deal our dear Quantum! [121 words]dhimmi no moreSep 8, 2012 10:38197007
1Stop redundancy and be objective ! [81 words]dhimmi...Sep 10, 2012 14:24197007
3In memory of the victims of the 9/11 atrocity and the victims of Islam [113 words]dhimmi no moreSep 10, 2012 19:11197007
6In memory of the victims of the 9/11 atrocity and the victims of Islam [768 words]dhimmi no moreSep 11, 2012 07:43197007
Bad teacher [2460 words]YakalbahSep 13, 2012 15:16197007
10Please read "The History of the Coptic Nation" to understand well the problem [13 words]Jacob NakhlahSep 14, 2012 12:27197007
1Questions but no answers [49 words]dhimmi no moreSep 15, 2012 06:04197007
2I have a question for our dear Yakalbah al-tablighee [24 words]dhimmi no moreSep 15, 2012 06:37197007
Please read "The History of the Coptic Nation" to well understand the problem [20 words]Jacob NakhlahSep 17, 2012 12:56197007
1Our dear Jacob lived with muslims for too long [79 words]dhimmi no moreSep 17, 2012 18:37197007
1And speaking of "crazies" [332 words]dhimmi no moreSep 18, 2012 06:47197007
23All abrahamic religions are destroyers [248 words]MozereJul 5, 2012 06:55197005
14History Turkish style [606 words]dhimmi no moreJul 9, 2012 16:30197005
11History Turkish style part two [523 words]dhimmi no moreJul 10, 2012 08:34197005
12History Turkish style part three [448 words]dhimmi no moreJul 10, 2012 13:40197005
destruction part 1 [148 words]MozereJul 11, 2012 08:46197005
destruction part2 [217 words]MozereJul 11, 2012 09:38197005
reply to DNM [567 words]MozereJul 11, 2012 12:47197005
8History Turkish style part four [304 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2012 18:05197005
8The library of Alexandria and Muslims! [181 words]dhimmi no moreJul 13, 2012 06:11197005
21The books of the Greeks and the pipeline and the destruction of the great cities of Hellenism by Muslims [1328 words]dhimmi no moreJul 13, 2012 07:01197005
5religions and history [170 words]dhimmi no moreJul 28, 2012 18:06197005
One mistake in the article [22 words]aktMar 7, 2020 10:48197005
4Islam destroying history [164 words]JACQUES HADIDAJul 3, 2012 22:15196971
10Palestinian barbarism [41 words]MosheJul 3, 2012 16:08196959
Academic Historical Perspective [24 words]C.S.Jul 3, 2012 11:35196950
2what is missing in Islam [169 words]mythJul 3, 2012 10:57196947
5What is missing in Islam is humanity. [38 words]PrashantJul 4, 2012 00:34196947
Bukhari Vol 9, Book 87, Number 111 (V9B87N111) [64 words]HarryJul 9, 2012 03:43196947
11Why should we be surprised as Muslims destroyed their own history [374 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2012 10:37196945
Islamic history [27 words]YazzJul 7, 2012 13:54196945
8One more victim of the Arabs and their imperialism [338 words]dhimmi no moreJul 9, 2012 06:01196945
11Jewish Quarter in the Old City of jerusalem [35 words]Meron medziniJul 3, 2012 10:15196944
16Islam vs. History [67 words]S.C.PandaJul 3, 2012 05:57196942
3Add to the list the Temple Mount [33 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
PezDispenserJul 3, 2012 04:24196940
Destruction of the Past [188 words]Joel RaupeJul 3, 2012 03:54196939
2Destroy the pesky facts. [88 words]SergeiJul 3, 2012 01:26196934
1Insecurity of Islamists [111 words]StasJul 3, 2012 00:15196931
5Untrue muslims [80 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
PrashantJul 2, 2012 23:39196929
A terrible loss [203 words]David KoralJul 2, 2012 21:59196922
5Islam VS History [85 words]Dennis GarwitzJul 2, 2012 20:43196917
Islam and history [107 words]ameer_r2Jul 3, 2012 11:34196917
15Victims of the Turks and their imperialism and Allah is a Zionist [1962 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2012 06:53196917
1Ou poor guy! [162 words]Arid YaacobJul 5, 2012 22:04196917
13Another victim of Arabian imperialism and Islam [992 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2012 06:48196917
5INo Logical Explanation [132 words]JudithJul 2, 2012 20:40196916
1Very well said ... [173 words]kmanJul 2, 2012 23:03196916
2The tragedy of ignorance [245 words]Les LiebermanJul 2, 2012 20:10196915
Not ignorance at all, really [78 words]GarryJul 3, 2012 02:07196915
7HOW TO COEXIST? [35 words]DAVID R.GROESBECKJul 2, 2012 19:41196913
Prologue to History Being Rewritten - Destroy the Evidence [241 words]M. ToveyJul 2, 2012 19:28196910
2Islam the Destroyer [37 words]EthanPJul 2, 2012 18:59196909
14Muslims are desecrating the Temple Mount. [79 words]M.D.Jul 2, 2012 18:50196908
3More on the Moslem destruction of Jewish artifacts [103 words]Pinchas BaramJul 2, 2012 23:17196908
Religion of Peace? [61 words]stranchanJul 2, 2012 00:59196875

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