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Bravo for Netanyahu

Reader comment on item: Israel's Stunning Response to Palestinian Aggression

Submitted by John W. McGinley (United States), Sep 23, 2013 at 08:54

Israel won a self-defensive war in 1967 and came into posession of the Wst Bank area which includes Hebron. Yes. Israel struck first. But the armies of the Arabs were deploying a masisve force for invasion. Israel was vulnerable on all of its borders.. Striking pre-emptively under those conditions is recognized in international law as a valid self-defensive stategy. In 1973 Israel had to defend itself yet again and did so, retaining its conquests of 1967. Over time much of the land taken by Israel was ceded back to Its enemies. But what is referred to as "The West Bank" was was retained by Israel and remains under the control of Israel. But unlike Israel's annexation of the previously occupied sectoin of Jerusalem, Israel decided to not annex the West Bank. It would not be feasible (indeed it wuld be insane) to integrate that huge Arab population into Israel.. Hebron is one of the four holy cities and the only one not yet legally integrated into Ertes Yisrael. This is outrageous. The Palestinians lost and they are attempting through to re-gain what they couldn't defend back in '67 through alliances with the enemies of Israel.

There is really only one way to deal with this mess. Israel must annex what would be referred to as "Greater Hebron" along with a generous AND SAFE corridor to the rest of Erets Yisrael. The rest of teh West Bank can be given to the Palestinian with the requirrement that they not arm themselves such that they pose a threat to Israel. am very impressed with the actions which Netanyahu has implementd for the "Territories." God-willing he and his successers will continue to stand steadfast on these matters. There can be no compromise on Hebron; Israel will have lost its soul if it does not annex and integrate, totally, a Greater Hebron into Erets Israel (and that necessary corridor mentioned above). Period. Netanyahu's recent gutsy decisons on the Hebron/West-Bank matter augurs well for the suvival of Israel. I sense that, come what may, Netanyahu will do what it takes to insure that Iran does not attain nuclear capability. Israel may have to go it alone given that Her greatest ally is now run by a clown. But these moves by Netanyahu send a message to its enemies that it will do whatever it takes to make sure that Erets Yisrael will not only survive, but will become the beacon for those who hate tyranny.


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Reader comments (20) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
2the responce [62 words]ДеметраSep 25, 2013 11:13210041
An Appropriate Response [110 words]JerrySep 25, 2013 05:32210028
Enough of Hebron being a killing field of Jews [42 words]NuritGSep 24, 2013 21:02210019
Correcting mistake: Enough of Hebron being a killing field of Jews by Arabs since 1929 [49 words]NuritGSep 25, 2013 21:00210019
Aftermath [53 words]David W. LincolnSep 24, 2013 12:30210004
Not enough ! [55 words]A DSep 24, 2013 11:55210003
In a game of chess the pawn never settles for long on it's square. [118 words]LynnSep 24, 2013 08:40209996
robust an appropriate word [36 words]mythSep 24, 2013 07:28209995
1why wait for an attack? [5 words]SandySep 23, 2013 18:51209987
2An Appropriate Response [108 words]Chaim ForerSep 23, 2013 18:22209985
1I should be the Prime Minister [40 words]martinSep 23, 2013 17:07209984
w/response from Daniel Pipes
JACQUES HADIDASep 23, 2013 15:34209982
Punish by taking land. [91 words]peter knopflerSep 23, 2013 11:47209976
1Peace [70 words]William LeeSep 23, 2013 11:38209974
Naughty child, naughty parent? [249 words]Tony CSep 23, 2013 10:49209972
2Back during Operation Cast Lead.... [116 words]Opinionated VogonSep 23, 2013 10:02209969
Killing Jews [28 words]steven LSep 23, 2013 09:34209967
1Reply to Mr. Pipes Sept.23, 2013. [83 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
MartinSep 23, 2013 09:06209966
Weak response to terror [93 words]George KeselmanSep 23, 2013 09:02209964
1Bravo for Netanyahu [410 words]John W. McGinleySep 23, 2013 08:54209963

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