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More Syriac in the Qur'an and the Bism in al-Basmala is revisited and it is a big time disaster

Reader comment on item: Ten Percent of Muslims Call for Niqabs or Burqas
in response to reader comment: All answers are in Pg99 of Al Mawrid Pg426 of Hans Wher

Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Feb 7, 2014 at 13:10

Our dear Amin you know as i always tell you silence is golden and half knowledge is damn dangerous as you shall see

So here is your bonus question for today: is it true that al-Ahmadiyya is no more than Kufr as per al-Qaradawi? and is it true that Sunni Muslims corrupted the Qur'an as the Shia tell us? And i love this one did 3A'siha cheat on Abul Qasim and breast feed the youth of Quraish? and is it true that Allah says in Q9:60 that Muslims can bribe yes bribe non Muslims so they would convert to islam? And is this why your ancestors converted to Islam? and are you an Arzal (the lowest caste in Islam in India)?

I will be waiting for your answers with great anticipation

For the readers as this is beyond our dear Amin who lives among kuffar in al-Basmala we have the word بسم or Bism or in the name of but the problem here is in classical Arabic the word is supposed to be باسم or Bi Ism or there is a missing alif in the Bism in al-Basmala

Oh and we are told that al-Fatiha where the basmala appears for the first time cannot be the words of Allah as how can Allah prays to himself so the author must be either Gabriel or Muhammad which means that the command of both Muhammad and Gabriel of the Arabic language must have been poor

Now let us turn to Q96:1 where it says اقرا باسم ربك but the disasters here are it says Read in the name of or Bi Ism and this is the correct Arabic and by the way how can Muhammad read when he was a big time Jahil like you? and because the speaker is supposed to be Gabriel then he got it but he did not get it in al-Basmla and why is that our dear Amin? was he jahil too like you?

So you see our dear Amin there is a mistake here and in the name of in Arabic is either بسم or باسم and it cannot be both now do you get it? Or the word Bism which is a mistake is really in the name of but not in Arabic but in Syriac

What a fadiha oh remember your bogus fadih?

Well let us see what your Arab masters tell us about this disaster

واذا قيل : لم سقطت الالف من بسم والاصل باسم؟

Or and why did the ltter alif disappeared from Bism and the correct (word) is Bi Ism

And here is the lame tabreer (oh tabreer? You can ask your Mullah to tell you what it means)

فقل: لانها كثرت على الاسنة، اختصار للخط، سهولة للنطق

Or because it is too much on the tongue and it is an abreviation and it is easier to vocalize

What a disaster Muslims must be lazy

Do you know what this means our dear Amin? It means that your masters the Arabs are syaing that the word Bism is indeed a mistake and it should be Bi Ism

Oh and here is the link if you can read Arabic which i doubt very much


What a disaster oh more references about this disaster from Arabs? check this


And here is the embarrassing tabreer

دت كلمة بسم في القرآن رسما بطريقتين : بسم، بدون ألف وباسم بالألف
فهل مرد ذلك خطأ الصحابة كونهم أول عهد بكتابة كما قال ابن خلدون
أم أنه لحكمة يعلمها الله الذي أنزل الوحي على نبيه
كنا تعرضنا لمثلها وقلنا أن لا زيادة ولا نقص في حروف القران إلا أجرا لتاليها ومتدبرها وأن كل ما نظنه زيادة أو نقص في رسم القرآن إنما هو لعلم بين وحكمة بالغة ومعنى مستنبط.
وقد وردت بسم بدون ألف في قوله تعالى :
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ( الفاتحة : 1)
وقوله تعالى :
وقال اركبوا فيها بسم الله مجراها ومرساها ان ربي لغفور رحيم (هود : 41)
وقوله تعالى :
انه من سليمان وانه بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (النمل : 30)
ووردت بالألف في قوله تعالى :
فسبح باسم ربك العظيم (الواقعة : 74، 96، الحاقة : 52)
وفي قوله تعالى :
اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق ( العلق : 1)
وكنا علقنا مرة أن الكلمة إذا اختلف رسمها ونسبت مرة إلى الله ومرة إلى من هو دونه وجدنا أن الفعل إذا نسب إلى الله حذفت الالف من الكلمة لتمام فعله وكماله وإذا نسب الفعل إلى الإنسان رسمت بالألف لنقص فعله وحاجته.
وبين أن ما كانت نسبته إلى الله رسم بدون ألف لتمام فعل الله وكماله وما نسب إلى من هو دونه رسم بالألف. فالأول، بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، وهو فاتحة التنزيل والتنزيل من الله تعالى فهو في كماله وحفظه وتمامه لذلك لا ألف فيها، والثاني، بسم الله مجراها ومرساها، فالله تعالى هو مجريها ومرسيها لا تحتاج فالفعل تام كامل لأنه فعل الله لذلك كتبت بسم بدون ألف، والثالث، الرسالة من سليمان لكن الهدى الذي يدعو إليه هو هدى الله لا دخل لسليمان به لذلك لم تحتج بسم لألف النقص إنما حذفت لتمام الهدى الذي من الله وكماله..
وفي الرابعة سبح باسم ربك العظيم، فإن التسبيح المأمور به أمر به الإنسان والإنسان محتاج إلى توفيق الله في ذلك لذلك مهما عمل الإنسان فإن عمله ناقص وتسبيحه لله تعالى ناقص لذلك رسمت بالألف دلالة على عدم الكمال، وكذلك الأمر في القراءة باسم الله فإن الإنسان هو الذي يقرأ لكنه قد يغفل فالإنسان مهما فعل لم يتم عمله ولا بلغ بعلمه الكمال، لذلك رسمت الكلمة بالألف.
هذا والله تعالى أعلم

And as usual it ends with the funny only Allahu A3lam

So we are left with only one other fact that the word is really from Syriac ܒܫܡ or Bishm and Syriac and Hebrew Sheen becomes Arabic Seen et voila it is read in Arabic as Bism




Classical Syriac[edit]


From Proto-Semitic *šim-. Cognates include Arabic اِسْم (ʾism), Hebrew שֵׁם (šēm).



ܫܡܐ m (plural ܫܡܗܬܐ ,ܫܡܗܐ)

  1. name
  2. appellation, title
  3. fame, reputation, renown, glory
  4. (grammar) word; part of speech; noun
  5. person
  6. rumor/rumour, suspicion
  7. pretense, pretext

Oh the B? In Syriac and Arabic and Hebrew B means in




Classical Syriac[edit]


Compare Arabic بِ- (bi-) and Hebrew בְּ־ (bə-).


  • IPA(key): [b(ə)-] (followed by a consonant and vowel)
  • IPA(key): [ba-] (followed by a two-consonant cluster)



  1. various senses: in, on, upon, at, among, to, into, by, according to, for, because, about, as, against, during
  2. (instrumentally) with
  3. (with an adjective, forming a superlative) -est, most
  4. (with a substantive, forming an adverb) -ly

What a disatser Bism is really Bi Ism and in the case of the Basmala it is either a mistake or a from Syriac Bishm

So which one is it our dear amin?

Oh next? You are I will revisit other Quranic disasters the likes of the meaning of the word al-Samad oh and the Arabic word paper receipt again


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Reader comments (24) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Religion Based Attire [22 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mark DFeb 26, 2014 02:15213435
3In the case of Egypt only 1% of Muslims prefer the no hijab [28 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
dhimmi no moreJan 15, 2014 07:53212676
Cultural mixture? [49 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
VadimJan 15, 2014 01:38212672
Niqab a cultural thing ? [30 words]Shawarma NewsJan 23, 2014 08:45212672
Lost (to lose) in Terms [27 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Amin RiazJan 14, 2014 23:31212670
1the hairy questions [231 words]mythJan 14, 2014 18:13212667
2It does not make sense [69 words]dhimmi no moreJan 13, 2014 15:37212649
1Different attitude of Hijabis [136 words]Nazim CairoJan 12, 2014 17:10212626
4Egyptians and head covering by women [386 words]dhimmi no moreJan 13, 2014 07:41212626
5Would be interested in finding how many would go for number 7-Paris Protesters [103 words]Michael Hanni MorcosJan 11, 2014 22:59212607
1Were those polled men and/or women? [21 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DavidJan 11, 2014 22:40212605
Key for chart? [22 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
LindaKJan 11, 2014 22:01212597
Who says? [21 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
WallyJan 11, 2014 19:17212593
Values [49 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Sam hillardJan 11, 2014 19:07212592
1Only 10% want it?...It's settled then! [179 words]M.D. ANTHONYJan 11, 2014 19:03212591
A lack of clarity [188 words]Amin RiazJan 14, 2014 23:43212591
3What lack of clarity? [550 words]dhimmi no moreJan 18, 2014 11:40212591
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1The Syriac Qur'an! Evidence? Read and enjoy [525 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 1, 2014 09:23212591
1All answers are in Pg99 of Al Mawrid Pg426 of Hans Wher [117 words]Amin RiazFeb 4, 2014 10:43212591
2Syriac in the Qur'an again [568 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 6, 2014 15:05212591
Where to look for answers... [194 words]Amin RiazFeb 6, 2014 18:57212591
2More Syriac in the Qur'an and the Bism in al-Basmala is revisited and it is a big time disaster [1167 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 7, 2014 13:10212591
4Where are the moderate Islamics? [81 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Doug MayfieldJan 11, 2014 18:34212589

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