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Trump and his advisors are inteligent, qualified and pro-Israel

Reader comment on item: Why Chris Christie Will Never Be President of the United States
in response to reader comment: It's become a choice between Trump and chaos.

Submitted by Michael S (United States), Mar 29, 2016 at 04:30

Hello, Daniel

The demonstrations were perpetrated by the Anti-Trump people; so I don't see how you can possibly blame them on Donald.

I don't understand why you're so hot under the collar against the rank-and-file Republican plurality that supports Mr. Trump; because that is whom you are effectively criticizing. The rank and file have been supporting Donald since June, 2015. I know that you consider all these people to be "ignoramuses"; because if you consider Trump, a self-made billionaire and political genius, to be an ignoramus, then you must really think lowly of his supporters. This is how the Left-Wing and Monied media has been describing us; and you seem to have, to use your own words, "fallen into their trap".

Have you watched Trump's speech to AIPAC? The media has been describing him as "wavering" concerning Israel. I don't know how anyone watching that speech can come away with such an idea. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, skipped the AIPAC event and used the time slot to make strongly anti-Israel statements. Hillary, meanwhile, gave her usual lies. I didn't even bother to watch her, because her track record speaks only of ineptitude compounded with bald-faced cover-ups.

You said you think Trump is an ignoramus (but a clever one, clever enough to entrap me and the plurality of Republicans); you say Kasich is irrelevant; and you say you like Ted Cruz. Fine -- I will vote for Trump, Kasich OR Cruz; and if it comes to a match-up of Clinton and Rubio, I will support Rubio as well. Get this: I would vote for Romney as well, as I did last time, and maybe even McCain. Jeb Bush? If he were the nominee, I would probably pass. We have write-in ballots here in Oregon; and I would likely vote for any Republican nominee; and get this as well: I don't think any of them are ignoramuses.

Again, I wonder what your agenda is, in calling my party's candidates by such a low remark. What is your agenda? You must know, of course, that if Trump is not nominated, a substantial part of the Republican Party will stay home in disgust, and Hillary will be our next President. Is that what you want? Another eight years of Clintons in the White House? Maybe she'll choose Monica Lewinsky as her running mate, just for spice.

Have you considered Trump's foreign policy team? They seem like a qualified group to me. They have to be, because the mainstream media has totally ignored them. If there were dirt in the choice, you can bet you would have heard about it by now:


Let's look at them:

1. Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions

Sessions signed Schumer-Graham letter to Secy. Rice from 79 Congress members

Dear Secretary Rice,
In the past, the lack of sufficient support from [non-participating] Arab states have made it difficult to reach agreements [on the Arab-Israeli conflict]. You should press friendly Arab countries that have not yet done so, to:
Participate in the upcoming international meeting and be a full partner of the US in advancing regional peace
Take visible, meaningful steps in the financial, diplomatic and political arena to help Palestinian President Abbas govern effectively and meet obligations to fight terror
Stop support for terrorist groups and cease all anti-Israel and anti-Jewish incitement
Recognize Israel's right to exist and not use such recognition as a bargaining chip for future Israeli concessions
End the Arab League economic boycott of Israel in all of its forms
Pressure Hamas to recognize Israel, reject terror, and accept prior agreements, and isolate Hamas until it takes such steps.

2. Counter-terrorism expert Walid Phares

Like many of colleagues on the far right, Phares has accused the Obama administration of supporting Islamist movements in the Middle East. In a December 2012 Fox Business interview, Phares claimed that outside of Washington, "Everybody knows—or at least everybody criticizes or accuses—the Obama administration of being a partner, of pushing, of helping the Morsi government [in Egypt]. And before that, the engagement with the Muslim Brotherhood. It's a well-known reality.

3. Energy consultant George Papadopoulos

NGE: How do you see the developing axis between Israel, Cyprus and Greece in relation to Turkey?

Mr. Papadopoulos: This is an unintended consequence of Turkey's foreign policy, which went from having no problems with its neighbours to now having problems with all her neighbours. When the Muslim Brotherhood were in office, Turkey was the Muslim Brotherhood's no. 1 ally. The Muslim Brotherhood in 2013 wanted to cancel the peace agreement with Israel and to nullify the EEZ with Cyprus, because both [those agreements] are against Turkey's interests. All of a sudden, the Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown and Turkey lost Egypt.

3. Former Defense Department inspector general Joe Schmitz

Joseph E. Schmitz served as Inspector General of the Department of Defense from April 2002 until September 2005; before that, while he was a Partner in the international law firm of Patton Boggs LLP, he served as Inspector General of the Naval Reserve Intelligence Command (as a Naval Reserve Captain). He co-founded the law firm of Schmitz & Socarras LLP in October 2014. He graduated with distinction from the U.S. Naval Academy, and earned his J.D. degree from Stanford Law School. In 2013,

4. Managing partner of Global Energy Capital Carter Page

Carter Page is Founder and Managing Partner of Global Energy Capital LLC, a New York-based financial institution and investment fund focused on energy investments in developing markets. He is the former Chief Operating Officer of the Energy & Power Group at Merrill Lynch. Until July 2007, he was Deputy Branch Manager of the bank's representative office in Moscow which he opened in 2004. Carter is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, where he was a former International Affairs Fellow and Co-Director of the Council's study group on the Caspian Sea region.

5. Former Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg

Prior to joining Cubic, Kellogg held several executive assignments with CACI and Oracle Corporation. In his military career, as a retired Lieutenant General he served as Director C4 Systems at the Pentagon as principal advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on military command and control. Previous assignments included Assistant Army Chief of Staff for Operations; Commanding General 82nd Airborne Division; and Chief of Army Combat Development, TRADOC, Fort Monroe, Virginia.

Even supposing, as you assert, that Trump is an "ignoramus", you must admit that his knows quality when he sees in, in picking advisors. He also seems to have a pro-Israel attitude; and his advisors' credentials seem to point in that direction


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

Daniel Pipes replies:

Demonstrations: Trump invites violence by encouraging his followers to assault interlopers and then pay their legal expenses.

Rank and file: Just because Trump has a plurality of Republican votes in the primaries thus far does not mean I have to sheep-like follow him. I loathe and fear him, will do all I can to prevent him from becoming president.

AIPAC: The speech was good. I don't believe it has any policy significance, however, as Trump panders to whoever he speaks to.

My agenda: To preserve the Republican party and the conservative movement from a vulgar buffoonish narcissist.

Foreign policy team: Trump has announced that he is his own advisor. There's no reason to think he would rely on anyone else.

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Reader comments (118) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
I don't think it was principle... [37 words]LeslieSep 10, 2017 23:50240766
This blog entry never fails to bring a smile to my face... [114 words]LeslieJan 2, 2017 13:03235062
Updated URL for 8/6/2011 McCarthy article [29 words]Dan SchwartzAug 6, 2016 17:43231230
2It's become a choice between Trump and chaos. [71 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Michael SMar 14, 2016 02:41228407
Trump or any Pol may have a Trap, but one of Trumps virtues is his uncensored Twitter Account [245 words]Mike ConlonMar 20, 2016 00:01228407
A vote for Cruz is a vote for Hillary [39 words]MIchael SMar 25, 2016 00:04228407
Trump and his advisors are inteligent, qualified and pro-Israel [1097 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Michael SMar 29, 2016 04:30228407
You and I can be confident that another Mike is voting the same way [67 words]Mike ConlonMar 29, 2016 04:39228407
It's about Democracy vs. Corruption and Oligarchy [545 words]Michael SApr 4, 2016 07:47228407
Trump, Cruz and others [653 words]Michael SApr 5, 2016 05:39228407
"Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter" [33 words]AlexMar 4, 2016 09:39228302
One Appeaser Down [54 words]LindaKFeb 14, 2016 00:26228068
Seems like you were right: Chris Christie Finds Himself Squeezed Not Just by Bush but by Walker [16 words]PezDispenserFeb 21, 2015 10:32221869
1Christie's benefit from supporting Islamic causes [284 words]PrashantMay 10, 2014 12:09214772
Chris Christie is his own worst enemy [53 words]dhimmi no moreMar 31, 2014 07:20214156
Sometimes it's the simple things [70 words]Dan SchwartzJan 8, 2014 16:54212527
no comments in response to 8 "updates" since 9/30/12, the last on 8/7/13?! [6 words]dcdocAug 18, 2013 19:08209068
Support Freedom [77 words]DanSep 30, 2012 21:39199313
Focus on the facts, not physical issues [126 words]stranchanJun 28, 2012 04:07196777
2Christie cannot be trusted re islamic lunacy [87 words]Domenic PepeApr 5, 2012 10:28194989
1Christie as VP? [31 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
scullyMar 21, 2012 15:47194622
2Puzzling stance [73 words]saraMar 18, 2012 19:49194497
1More dangerous than islamists.... [14 words]car313Oct 11, 2011 02:48189960
Vote bank politicians are indeed very dangerous [22 words]PrashantOct 12, 2011 22:49189960
They Still Want Him To Jump In The Race [39 words]Mark DSep 12, 2011 00:22189280
Christie will never be nominated to be US President [148 words]Isaac FlaksAug 22, 2011 08:35188598
1Candidates for President of the US 2012 elections [282 words]Isaac FlaksAug 21, 2011 06:08188527
Allen West? [47 words]DianeAug 24, 2011 21:02188527
Two Words [2 words]Geno M.Oct 18, 2011 22:40188527
Courtly garb [29 words]Mark McAndrewAug 18, 2011 10:01188481
1Sharia law in American courts [22 words]G. DyerAug 17, 2011 12:49188463
baby with bathwater [157 words]michael hayutinAug 12, 2011 14:59188333
Unfit For Higher Office [47 words]Mark D.Aug 13, 2011 19:09188333
1Sharia vs Religious Arbitration [135 words]JimmyAug 12, 2011 13:16188332
Private contracts based on Sharia [75 words]PrashantAug 12, 2011 20:43188332
I Need An Answer For This Post [151 words]Mark D.Aug 13, 2011 19:13188332
1Chris Chrisie blew it big time [41 words]JoubinAug 11, 2011 22:37188310
Chris Christie Sells His Soul to the Hightest Bidders To Gain The Governorship [116 words]Renee BouvierSep 9, 2011 19:03188310
Media [58 words]Mark D.Aug 11, 2011 22:00188304
Vote [57 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mark D.Aug 10, 2011 22:02188279
Voting For Christie [33 words]Mark D.Aug 11, 2011 22:05188279
Republican Jews of New Jersey Voting for Christie A Second Time Around? [96 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Renee BouvierSep 9, 2011 19:11188279
90 to 95% of NJ Republicans Will Vote For Him, But... [47 words]Mark D.Sep 12, 2011 00:09188279
... out of context [87 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
BroughInCTAug 10, 2011 18:44188264
8Pamela Geller's attack on Rick Perry [187 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
lucretiusAug 15, 2011 06:01188264
4Pipes on the "moderate" Aga Khan [713 words]HesperadoAug 31, 2011 15:34188264
Norquist and Aga Khan [155 words]Ron EdgeSep 3, 2011 10:33188264
1anti-Islamism vs Islamophobia [1109 words]lucretiusSep 4, 2011 05:50188264
One slight correction to my previous comment [43 words]HesperadoSep 4, 2011 18:49188264
I agree and I am baffled by Pipes and many "Conservatives" on this issue [76 words]HesperadoSep 4, 2011 18:55188264
1More on Geller and Spencer [127 words]lucretiusSep 6, 2011 01:50188264
another response to Pamela Geller [691 words]lucretiusSep 10, 2011 13:03188264
Look behind the curtain [419 words]zaneSep 18, 2011 16:36188264
You lose [197 words]JamesJan 13, 2015 04:30188264
Why Chris Christie will never be President of the United States. He definitely Blew it! [60 words]AnneAug 10, 2011 08:58188257
Christie will never be President (?) [24 words]Jules PostenAug 9, 2011 19:54188233
Sorry, Gov. Christie [37 words]lee rainesAug 9, 2011 19:14188232
Christie [29 words]Dave WeinbaumAug 9, 2011 17:50188231
Somthing rotten in the state of NJ [212 words]Peter HerzAug 9, 2011 15:58188230
This is what Chris Christie is defendng [42 words]Louise M. SmithAug 9, 2011 13:02188225
Christie's comments [83 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
MalbuffAug 9, 2011 08:36188217
2Sharia Law is a non issue [23 words]SCAug 8, 2011 12:41188203
Soothsayer in our midst [5 words]aspaciaAug 9, 2011 11:53188203
Moving On With Sharia [52 words]Mark D.Aug 13, 2011 19:26188203
1Its the economy (not Sharia). [14 words]Looking CloselyAug 8, 2011 11:38188200
New Jersey [57 words]Mark D.Aug 11, 2011 22:19188200
1The guy is too tempermental and too loose with the truth- look at what he did to Bret Schundler [48 words]David AndersonAug 8, 2011 08:40188193
Marginally Controllable Temper [41 words]Mark D.Aug 11, 2011 22:28188193
3Has Sohail Mohammed ever ruled in a way... [49 words]ChungAug 8, 2011 08:24188192
There is a problem with this Imam. [14 words]aspaciaAug 9, 2011 11:58188192
he's cracking up [35 words]97tr9o7iukjchxAug 8, 2011 07:32188191
4Gov. Christie [29 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Connecticut LawyerAug 8, 2011 06:36188189
1always more yings than yangs [48 words]egoistAug 8, 2011 06:31188188
1Who was the judge? [38 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Seven MachosAug 8, 2011 00:39188183
Well then what's the issue? [48 words]Seven MachosAug 8, 2011 21:59188183
2His other Achilles Heel [9 words]Gary S.Aug 7, 2011 23:54188181
3BIG BRAIN [116 words]VEERESHAug 7, 2011 22:24188179
1Saw It [19 words]Mark D.Aug 7, 2011 18:57188171
Fifth Column advances [16 words]aspaciaAug 7, 2011 14:39188161
GOVERNOR, GET A GRIP!!! [42 words]Lovey in Las VegasAug 7, 2011 12:18188157
3Sharia Law appointee [92 words]margaret metcalfAug 7, 2011 11:21188154
3Open mouth, insert foot [128 words]Rebecca MouldsAug 7, 2011 10:14188152
2To those misguided conservatives [54 words]Yossi bar NegevAug 7, 2011 05:51188144
4All this "crap" [128 words]Michael the KAug 7, 2011 05:25188142
The Arab World in the papers [50 words]Mark D.Aug 13, 2011 20:55188142
2Ecumenical Jihad [102 words]Martien PenningsAug 7, 2011 01:23188139
Alliance With Muslims [40 words]Mark D.Aug 11, 2011 22:12188139
Another one bites the dust [124 words]SusanAug 7, 2011 01:10188138
3Christie will lose supporters [51 words]KathyAug 6, 2011 23:59188136
1Christie, we must not allow our country to be the United States of Americastan [120 words]NuritGAug 6, 2011 22:56188133
Excellent point -- Support or antipathy for Sharia IS THE TRUE LITMUS TEST! [301 words]GWKAug 6, 2011 22:47188132
Unhappy with Chris Christie [63 words]AlanAug 6, 2011 22:16188130
Sharia Law [200 words]Richard M. PiousAug 6, 2011 21:40188129
Follow the money? [27 words]LarryAug 6, 2011 21:06188127
8Misinterpretation [66 words]Pat BenjaminAug 6, 2011 19:42188123
It is a question of judgement [9 words]aspaciaAug 7, 2011 14:41188123
2Separation of Church and State [68 words]Mark D.Aug 6, 2011 15:33188118
11'Crazies' [84 words]NickAug 6, 2011 08:18188109
Deficit more imminent threat than Sharia [234 words]John in Michigan, USAAug 6, 2011 21:34188109
1Christie is off on this one [15 words]aspaciaAug 7, 2011 14:43188109
reply to UK [155 words]Bob - USAAug 7, 2011 16:11188109
Response [136 words]NickAug 11, 2011 19:11188109
8Big Mouth, Small Brain [73 words]jdAug 6, 2011 07:47188107
Big mouth small brain [73 words]saigarjeAug 7, 2011 22:01188107
2Christie has several Achilles heels [57 words]AlistairAug 8, 2011 09:13188107
Two things [63 words]gorgoAug 8, 2011 09:42188107
9Sharia Law [65 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mark D.Aug 6, 2011 00:07188095
Creeping Sharia [62 words]aspaciaAug 7, 2011 14:47188095
Conservative vs Neoconservative [79 words]fuzzfaceAug 9, 2011 14:53188095
1Christie ... [19 words]Mark D.Aug 5, 2011 23:55188094
Christie [14 words]Mark D.Aug 5, 2011 23:51188093
1Unbelieveable [18 words]JACOBAug 6, 2011 22:19188093
1I agree with Dr. Pipes [137 words]Fred WeissAug 7, 2011 03:47188093
neoMcCarthyism [83 words]ameer_r2Aug 7, 2011 06:32188093
1Out of the race even if he wasn't in it. [41 words]JALAug 8, 2011 00:47188093
1Gun grabber [28 words]CCAug 8, 2011 08:42188093
Republicans Incredibly Stupid? [45 words]Mark D.Aug 8, 2011 19:47188093
McCarthy [13 words]Mark D.Aug 10, 2011 22:14188093

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