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March-April 2013 Arabs' drawing of swastikas: Jerusalem and the Negev

Reader comment on item: Pretending There's a Country Called "Palestine"

Submitted by Thomas (United States), Jul 31, 2022 at 22:54

ביום השואה: צלב קרס רוסס על שלט בגן לאומי בנגב


על השלט שמפנה לאתר תל באר שבע הסמוך ליישוב בעל אותו שם רוססו גם קללות. המשטרה פתחה בחקירת נסיבות המקרה

יניר יגנה, 09.04.2013

צלב קרס וכתובות גנאי רוססו אתמול (שני), יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה, על שלט בכניסה לגן הלאומי תל באר שבע, סמוך ליישוב תל שבע שבמרכז הנגב. לאחר שהתגלו הכתובות פתחה המשטרה בחקירה.
הבוקר הגיעה מנהלת האתר, אושרה גבאי, למקום וגילתה כי על שלט המפנה לאתר רוסס צלב קרס וכן מילות גנאי כמו "זונות". לדבריה, "בסביבות השעה שמונה הגעתי לאתר ובכניסה לשביל הגישה אל האתר – על גבי שלט מע"צ - רוססו צלבי קרס בספריי לבן ועוד מספר קללות. המקום הוא אתר מורשת עולמית, בכל יום מגיעים לאתר תיירים ותלמידים. זה מעשה נפשע וזה מאוד מכעיס בצורה בלתי רגילה, מיד הגשנו תלונה במשטרה".
גבאי הוסיפה כי "צריך לתפוס את הפושעים שעשו את הדבר הזה, ולמצות עמם את הדין במהירות כדי שדברים כאלה לא יחזרו. אסור שדברים כאלו יקרו בשום מקום ובפרט במדינת ישראל". מהמשטרה נמסר כי התקבלה תלונה על המקרה וכי נפתחה חקירת האירוע.

[https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/law/2013-03-20/ty-article/0000017f-e149-d9aa-afff-f959455b0000 צלבי קרס וכתובות "מוות Mar.20.13 - ליהודים" על מבנים ביפו]

לפני שלושה שבועות רוססו כתובות נאצה על קירות בניינים וחלונות ראווה של חנויות ברחוב עזה ובשדרות ירושלים ביפו. מדובר בעיקר בכתובות "מוות ליהודים", אך במקומות מסוימים אף רוססו צלבי קרס. כמו כן הוסיפו המרססים כתובות גנאי שהופנו ישירות נגד יהודים המתגוררים בעיר המעורבת.

המשטרה פתחה בחקירת האירוע במטרה להגיע למבצעים. עובדי עיריית תל אביב הגיעו למקום ומחקו את הכתובות מקירות המבנים ומחלונות החנויות.

תגיות קשורות: גזענות, יום השואה.

On Holocaust Day: a swastika is sprayed on a sign in a national park in the Negev

Curses were also sprayed on the sign pointing to the Tel Beer Sheva site next to the settlement of the same name. The police started investigating the circumstances of the case

Yanir Yegane, 04.09.2013

A swastika and derogatory inscriptions were sprayed yesterday (Monday), Holocaust Remembrance Day, on a sign at the entrance to the Tel Be'er Sheva National Park, near the settlement of Tel Sheva in the central Negev. After the inscriptions were discovered, the police started an investigation.

This morning the manager of the site, Ushera Gabai, arrived at the scene and discovered that a swastika was sprayed on the sign pointing to the site as well as derogatory words such as "whores". According to her, "Around eight o'clock I arrived at the site and at the entrance to the access road to the site - on top of a sign of a police station - swastikas were sprayed with white spray and several other curses. The place is a world heritage site, every day tourists and students come to the site. This is a criminal act and it is very infuriating in an unusual way, we immediately filed a complaint with the police."

Gabbay added that "the criminals who did this should be caught, and they should be brought to justice quickly so that such things do not happen again. Such things must not happen anywhere, especially in the State of Israel." The police said that a complaint had been received about the incident and that an investigation into the incident had been opened.
[https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/law/2013-03-20/ty-article/0000017f-e149-d9aa-afff-f959455b0000 Swastikas and "Death to the Jews" inscriptions on buildings in Jaffa.
Yaniv Kubovitch, Mar 20, 2013]

Three weeks ago, Nazi inscriptions were sprayed on the walls of buildings and shop windows on Gaza Street and Yerushalayim Boulevard in Jaffa. These are mainly "Death to the Jews" inscriptions, but in some places swastikas were even sprayed. The sprayers also added derogatory inscriptions directed directly against Jews living in the mixed city.

The police started an investigation of the incident with the aim of reaching the operations. Tel Aviv Municipality employees arrived at the scene and erased the inscriptions from the walls of the buildings and the windows of the shops.

Related tags: racism, holocaust day


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

Reader comments (63) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
In "Palestinian" Shatila: 'swastika-graffitied alleyways of the camps' [49 words]ThomasAug 9, 2022 21:37284959
Arabs' drawn swastika at checkpoint (seen in 2007) [52 words]ThomasAug 8, 2022 19:07284880
Arabs' swastikas in Rehovot & Harish - July 2014 [123 words]ThomasAug 1, 2022 06:21284454
March-April 2013 Arabs' drawing of swastikas: Jerusalem and the Negev [643 words]ThomasJul 31, 2022 22:54284437
The Nazism of Mohammed El-Kurd & Muna El-Kurd - Islamist "Palestinians" [453 words]ThomasJul 29, 2022 06:57284299
Hamas concerned about the relations between Turkey and Israel [432 words]LolaJul 27, 2022 10:35284200
Continuing Obfuscation About Motives From Contravening Ideological Opposites [287 words]M ToveyJul 28, 2022 15:16284200
1Scholarly Palestine? How about a modern free-thinking Mecca? [141 words]PrashantJul 26, 2022 02:10284150
Imputing to 'Palestine' Conditions of Legitimacy Without True Legal Standing [180 words]M ToveyJul 26, 2022 13:01284150
1Their constitution: they lied for about 15 seconds but could not resist any more. [472 words]PrashantJul 27, 2022 11:28284150
Transavia's website lists Israel [85 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
mythJul 7, 2022 12:01283365
Legitimacy of Still Referencing 'Palestine' Without It's Roman Roots a Clue to Its Future Failure [167 words]M ToveyOct 23, 2021 11:59275964
Legacy of 'Palestinian' Claim to Israeli Territory in Deeper Jeopardy - Israeli-Arab Political Influences Notwithstanding [153 words]M ToveyJul 7, 2022 19:11275964
Following radical Ben Sales' spreading the bigot Sally Roony's stunt against translating in Heb. [1291 words]RitaOct 22, 2021 15:20275956
World anti-Semitism [67 words]Marvin KalekyFeb 6, 2014 09:34212999
1Truth Hurts [62 words]Abdulkarim Al-habsiSep 11, 2012 04:59198503
1Real Truth Really Hurts [196 words]KenSep 30, 2013 15:25198503
1Reprehensible and incomprehensible [73 words]saraJul 22, 2012 18:21197358
Sports and Politics [70 words]StasJul 19, 2012 04:43197305
Semantics [191 words]Peter HerzAug 6, 2009 12:47159751
Palestine is Paleostone, the land of dreams [93 words]Ismael Pio EliasMay 24, 2009 02:06156074
Where is Palestine???? Come on!!! [166 words]Adam the Scot.Jan 23, 2009 17:54148870
Middle earth?? [226 words]FatimaMay 16, 2009 00:49148870
Response to Fatima [353 words]adam the scotMay 17, 2009 06:58148870
YWCA refers to my wife [181 words]yuval Brandstetter MDJan 5, 2009 02:39146941
American Express Card cooperating with Islamists Palestinians again for lethargy? Possible? [310 words]YnnatchkahAug 14, 2008 02:50136699
Bank of Palestine.- a currency exchange agency and a broker with no pants (no own currency). [226 words]YnnatchkahApr 5, 2008 04:14124699
PNINA and the UN Pretending there is a country called palestine-Schocking. [72 words]YnnatchkahApr 5, 2008 03:36124694
maale adumim is not in Israel [78 words]Emmanuel PMar 14, 2008 19:04122662
1Hajj Amin al-Husayni-- Arafat's uncle? Base of Arafat's position? [281 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jennie Blaine WatsonMar 14, 2008 11:57122645
Rise of Islam as a political power [139 words]Patricia HallerNov 15, 2010 23:15122645
Edward Said "conservatorium" in Palestine./Schocking [210 words]YnnatchkahMar 13, 2008 03:53122540
Conductor Barenboim: I have 6 questions to you. [216 words]YnnatchkahMar 12, 2008 23:49122521
the country that doesn't exist [141 words]Rebecca MouldsNov 22, 2007 23:15114423
deluded... [71 words]donvanNov 23, 2007 11:11114423
Not only Rice [8 words]YnnatchkahNov 24, 2007 02:43114423
Dr. Phil addressing a country called "palestine" in his program. [190 words]YnnatchkahNov 21, 2007 19:53114282
Jews own Israel not anyone else. [93 words]Phil GreendJun 3, 2007 22:0695929
Palestine never existed [103 words]SamuelMay 3, 2006 10:2744792
1Are you kidding me? [245 words]PalestinaSep 23, 2006 00:2344792
To Palestina [91 words]JohnMar 29, 2007 12:5044792
What's in a name? [65 words]KatteyNov 16, 2007 13:5444792
bizarre way of thinking [286 words]GregDec 11, 2007 13:2144792
Israel as Rome [16 words]jennifer solisDec 11, 2007 17:5744792
Palestine, the country [176 words]Frank G AndersonMar 12, 2008 23:5744792
Proud and Oppressed People? [47 words]Linda HaslamMar 17, 2008 12:3344792
Frank G Anderson [12 words]adam the scotMay 24, 2009 08:2644792
People like you only go back so far. [153 words]LynnMay 25, 2009 09:0844792
What did he mean by that? [203 words]AlanJan 6, 2006 20:5531208
its a name [61 words]bosNov 13, 2007 16:4731208
Declaration Palestine. [167 words]Genivaldo d.c.n.Dec 31, 2005 06:3730836
Sesame Street Fundraising for 'Palestine' [176 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Genivaldo Da Costa NevesDec 29, 2005 20:0330754
The country called Palestine [183 words]Ed SDec 30, 2005 07:1530754
Canadian Ignorance [150 words]GenivaldoDec 31, 2005 06:5930754
it doesnt surprise me [58 words]danidaniDec 16, 2005 09:0230067
Pretending! [8 words]tariqDec 14, 2005 09:5429945
Identity Politics [122 words]AlexJan 6, 2006 18:4229945
to alex [16 words]tariqJun 5, 2006 06:1829945
To tariq, [68 words]JimMar 29, 2007 12:5629945
to jim [549 words]tariqApr 3, 2007 05:3429945
To Palestina [16 words]JasonNov 12, 2007 12:5329945
to tariq [218 words]bosNov 13, 2007 16:3629945
Another reason why there is no country called Palestine [321 words]PC ManiOct 1, 2009 03:0129945

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