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Reader comment on item: Israel Does Not Need Palestinian Recognition?

Submitted by FERN SIDMAN (United States), Jun 27, 2006 at 13:26

If the Jewish people would ever establish a national day of celebration and glorification of the victories of those amongst them who can be defined as "lemmings", today would be that day.

It has been reported by Arutz Sheva (6/23/06) that, "Members of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' personal guard, "Force 17", used Israel's weapons to shoot Israelis this week, according to Israeli security and PA terrorist sources. Israel is the supplier of the weapons used in the gunfire that killed one Israeli and wounded several others, according to an interview written by journalist Aaron Klein and released Friday by WorldNetDaily. Klein quoted Abu Yousuf, a senior member of Force 17, who like many other guards is a member of the Al-Aksa Martyrs' Brigades terror group."

The report goes on to say, "Olmert's administration decided to transfer the U.S.-manufactured weapons to Abbas' guard troops in a bid to shore up his ability to protect himself in the fight against the terror group Hamas for control of PA security forces. The recent shipment included 3,000 M-16 automatic machine guns and one million rounds of ammunition. Abu Yousuf said bluntly that the weapons will be used to shoot Jews, and added that the terror organization may share the weaponry with Hamas as well, if its 3,000-member militia is absorbed into the general PA police force.

"These weapons will not be used in an internal war but against Israelis," Yousuf told Klein. He added as far as his group was concerned, Israel transferred the weapons to his Force 17 unit "for its own political purposes. We are not concerned with the reasons. The weapons will not be used against our brothers, only [against] Israelis."

And if this news doesn't warm the hearts of the global community of Jewish lemmings, then perhaps the following will make great fodder for celebration. According to a report in The Jerusalem Post (6/25/06), "The Aksa Martyrs Brigades announced on Sunday that its members have succeeded in manufacturing chemical and biological weapons. In a leaflet distributed in the Gaza Strip, the group, which belongs to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah Party, said the weapons were the result of a three-year effort.

According to the statement, the first of its kind, the group has managed to manufacture and develop at least 20 different types of biological and chemical weapons. The group said its members would not hesitate to add the new weapons to Kassam rockets that are being fired at Israeli communities almost every day. It also threatened to use the weapons against IDF soldiers if Israel carried out its threats to invade the Gaza Strip. "We want to tell [Prime Minister Ehud] Olmert and [Defense Minister Amir] Peretz that your threats don't frighten us," the leaflet said."

And while all this is happening, ynetnews.com (6/24/06) is reporting that PA President Mahmoud Abbas, the good friend and ally of the Jewish lemmings, is pressing US Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice to intervene on behalf of the Palestinians to get Israel to stop launching air strikes in the Gaza Strip.

According to their report, "Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has urged US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to press Israel to stop escalating tensions, Abbas' office said Saturday. In the telephone conversation Friday, Abbas called for US intervention on behalf of the Palestinians to get Israel to stop launching airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rdeneh said."

There is no doubt or question that euphoria, ecstasy and unbridled joy is filling the hearts and souls of the Jewish lemmings. They can bask in their efforts to secure a national suicide of the State of Israel and of the Jewish people. They can reap great reward and benefit from these latest news developments. The Jewish lemmings are a clever bunch and they are led by their appointed leader, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

While the world is focused on the threat of Hamas and their promises to destroy the Jewish State, the lemmings ingeniously devised a plan to help "our friends," Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority. They have led us to believe that Abbas and his Fatah party are trying to quell Hamas' terrorist activities aimed at Israel. They have succeeded in convincing those who desperately want "peace" that the way to go is to support those Arabs who define themselves as "moderate" and can be reasoned with. Yes, the lemmings are great at public relations and know how to manipulate the minds of the people. The lemmings know the truth and are exploiting it for their ulitmate goal of expeditously destroying themselves.

The Jewish lemmings know the truth about the background of Mahmoud Abbas. They know he is a terrorist mastermind, but they couch their rhetoric in the most palatable terms for the consumption of the masses. Quoting from an article written by this author in May of 2003 entitled "A Tale of Two Frauds", subsequent to the election of Mahmoud Abbas, a/k/a Abu Mazen, the following information came to light, "The Israeli civil rights group Shurat Hadin has announced a campaign to convince US and German law enforcement agencies to open an investigation into Mahmoud Abbas, a/k/a Abu Mazen in the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany.

On September 5, 1972, a squad of heavily armed Palestinian terrorists attacked the dormitories housing the Israeli Olympic team and murdered a coach and weightlifter David Berger, who was an American citizen. The terrorists then took nine Israeli athletes hostage. While the terrorists and their hostages were transported to the airport, the German police botched a rescue attempt and all nine of the athletes were murdered.

The director of Shurat Hadin, attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, sent letters this week to US President George W. Bush and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder containing new information indicating that Abu Mazen provided financing to the PLO's Black September terrorist group, in order to carry out the notorious terrorist attack at the 1972 Olympic Games.

While recent newsmedia profiles of Abu Mazen have accentuated his alleged "terrorism-free" personal history, the Shurat Hadin charges that in 1972, Abu Mazen, then a high ranking PLO official, provided financing for the terrorist attacks being perpetuated by Yassir Arafat's PLO faction Fatah under the nom de guerre Black September.

Shurat Hadin is basing its information on published statements by the terrorist who masterminded the Munich attack, Mohammed Daoud Oudeh ("Abu Daoud"). In his French-language autobiography, Palestine: From Jerusalem to Munich, Abu Daoud describes the role of Abu Mazen in providing the funds to carry out the Black September Olympic attack.

Furthermore, in an interview with journalist Don Yaeger of Sports Illustrated Magazine in August 2002, Abu Daoud reiterated his charges that Abu Mazen supplied the money for the deadly attack.

In his memoir Abu Daoud states:

"After Oslo in 1993, Abu Mazen went to the White House Rose Garden for a photo op with Arafat, President Bill Clinton and Israel's Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. . . .""

"Do you think that ... would have been possible if the Israelis had known that Abu Mazen was the financier of our operation?" Abu Daoud writes. "I doubt it." Today, the Bush Administration seeks a Palestinian negotiating partner "uncompromised by terror," yet last year Abu Mazen met in Washington with Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Abu Daoud's allegations have been confirmed by sources within the Palestinian Authority, according to Shurat Hadin.

Attorney Darshan-Leitner's letter to President Bush states: "Under your leadership the United States has declared that it will no longer maintain contacts with those tainted by terrorist pasts. It appears that the new Palestinian leader, on whom the United States and Israel are now pinning their hopes, was also involved in murderous attacks perpetrated by the PLO's Black September. If proven true, Abu Mazen's role in the brutal killing of the Israeli athletes and American citizen David Berger must preclude his involvement in the negotiations between the United States, Israel and her Arab neighbors."

Both Germany and Israel still have the legal jurisdiction to prosecute those involved in the Munich Olympic killings."

Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah and the PA are no different than Hamas. They share one goal and that is the eradication and destruction of the State of Israel and of the Jewish people. Terrorists don't change their stripes. Once a terrorist, always a terrorist. While the world and the media are quite adept is whitewashing the terrorist past of those they seek to transform into legitimate statesmen who are dedicated to "'peace", we need only look to Yasir Arafat and his ilk to see that this kind of propaganda is a thinly veiled attempt to deceive the public.

And the top brass at the Jewish lemmings' headquarters know the truth as does their rank and file membership.

And to those Jews who are not lemmings, to those Jews who respect the sanctity of Jewish lives and are dedicated to the preservation and survival of Israel and it's people, now is the time to rain on the parade of victory that the Jewish lemmings are enjoying.

Now is the time to exude Jewish pride, power, strength, courage and commitment to their convictions. Now is the time to proclaim to the Jewish lemmings that their ill conceived plans for national suicide will be thwarted (with G-d's help) by those who believe in life, justice and righteousness.

And to those who believe in the laws of the Almighty G-d of Israel and whose lives are committed to practicing His commandments and whose lives are committed to adhering to the values of Hashem's Torah, then now is the time to end the "party" for the Jewish lemmings. Now is the time to raise our collective voices in prayer to the G-d of Israel and plead for His mercy and compassion and now is the time to ask for the strength and temerity to expose the lies and corruption of the Jewish lemmings.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (26) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Time [5 words]Michele EzellSep 26, 2009 00:02162127
It's the words ... "Right to Exist" is not an acceptable phrase. [148 words]Sofa SogoodDec 8, 2007 22:42115939
Don't follow your logic, Dr. Pipes [321 words]HarryJul 11, 2006 07:0149383
Israel Should Walk Tall: Recognizing "Right to Exist" Small Consolation & Misguided [84 words]Robert VivaletJul 5, 2006 10:3548918
A Right to EXIST? (August 2002) [635 words]Giv CornfieldJul 1, 2006 20:5848691
Israel Does Not Need Palestinian Recognition? [14 words]steven lJun 30, 2006 21:2748622
right on [32 words]allan wallaceJun 30, 2006 17:2948597
Right to Exist [44 words]BruceJun 30, 2006 15:1748585
Recognition [98 words]Robert SolotJun 30, 2006 14:1948579
Cnly the Names Change [153 words]dr. richard s. tombackJun 30, 2006 13:5048573
time to act- end of oslo era [332 words]michael wiseJun 28, 2006 11:5948355
"With God On Our Side" [271 words]GeorgesJun 28, 2006 03:5448322
JEWISH LEMMINGS HAVE THEIR DAY [1656 words]FERN SIDMANJun 27, 2006 13:2648256
The Arabs are such babies, and dangerous ones [128 words]bobJun 26, 2006 19:0148205
I agree [107 words]ServanneJun 9, 2007 02:4948205
The "rightest" nation in the cemetery.... [64 words]AaronJun 26, 2006 10:0048178
The most important Israeli achievement would be Arab Islamic recognition of our right to a sovereign state [194 words]Kenneth S. BesigJun 26, 2006 02:4448163
The "Israel Test" [113 words]PRODOSJun 27, 2006 09:3848163
Recognition is a game, what will matter will be the borders [347 words]Jonathan PfefferJun 25, 2006 22:3748158
voa [32 words]cyrusJun 22, 2006 15:4348057
alamdari [36 words]cyrusJun 22, 2006 16:4248057
A question of reciprocity? [75 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Saikat BiswasJun 22, 2006 15:2548055
in my opinion [40 words]terence silberJun 21, 2006 11:5148001
and? [42 words]S.H.Jun 23, 2006 00:5948001
Israel's legitimacy rests on its embrace of liberty [137 words]PRODOSJun 26, 2006 09:1648001
The Legitimacy of the Palestinians is the Issue [343 words]Alan NitikmanJun 30, 2006 13:4248001

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