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Pan-Syrianism is a by-product of European Nazism and local myths: The case of Antoun Saadee and the SSNP

Reader comment on item: "Greater Syria" in the News

Submitted by Pal Malater (United Arab Emirates), Jul 22, 2006 at 03:02

This long post shall deal with the various traits that reveal the fascistic nature of the Pan-Syrian movement especially the version that became the dogma-ideology espoused by the late Anton Saadee and his party, the SSNP 9The Syrian Social National Party), the real architect of such a movement. It is thought that the late Assad of Syria managed to reconcile his Pan-Arab credentials with Saadee's Pan-Syrian ideology (Assad's wife may have come from a mostly SSNP family).

To begin with, let us look at his Saadee's racial theories, those of the "fused Syrian" which are almost the same as the "Aryanism" of the Germans?. From "Mein Kampf " by Adolf Hitler, page 286, I quote:

"if Nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate
with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race
should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such a case
all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to
establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be
rendered futile.

History furnishes us with innumerable instances that prove this
law. It shows, with a startling clarity, that whenever Aryans
have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race the
result has been the downfall of the people who were the standard-
bearers of a higher culture. In North America, where the
population is prevalently Teutonic, and where those elements
intermingled with the inferior race only to a very small degree,
we have a quality of mankind and a civilization which are
different from those of Central and South America. In these
latter countries the immigrants أ¢â???¬â€œ who mainly belonged to the
Latin races أ¢â???¬â€œ mated with the aborigines, sometimes to a very
large extent indeed. In this case we have a clear and decisive
example of the effect produced by the mixture of races. But in
North America the Teutonic element, which has kept its racial
stock pure and did not mix it with any other racial stock, has
come to dominate the American Continent and will remain master
of it as long as that element does not fall a victim to the
habit of adulterating its blood.

In short, the results of miscegenation are always the following:

(a) The level of the superior race becomes lowered;

(b) physical and mental degeneration sets in, thus leading
slowly but steadily towards a progressive drying up of the vital
sap. "..

From Saadee's "Ten Lectures" we read that "the Syrians in the
case of the Canaanites who colonized Africa considered Negroes
and Libyans to be lesser breeds." Carthage fell at a later
stage, we are told, at the hands of the "Romans, a superior race at
par with that of the Canaanite Syrians."

Further, we see "the Arabs allowing under Islamic Sharia,
copulation and mixing with all races and peoples ......in Africa which did
not result in any real civilization, unlike that of Carthage of
the Syrian Canaanites, because the granting of equal rights to
all peoples made the Arabs lose some of their racial ingredients
and vitality which were gained by the Africans, but between the
lifting of the African racial mix and the lowering of the
Arabs', a middle mix was created that was closer to the lower
or decadent racial mix,"- from "The Ten lectures" pp-71-72.

Hitler advocated and saw in the Aryans but one superior Race.
For Saadee, on the other hand, the Syrians were a "mixture of
races." However, the end result, as we saw in the above
passages, was the same. The Syrian is compared, and is at par,
with the European, Italian, Roman (all white) or peoples that are on a
higher civilisational plane. But The Syrian according to Saadee
is "superior to the Arab, the Afghan, the Indian."

While Saadee rejected Nazism in theory, he ended up accepting it
in practice (see "The SSNP, An ideological analysis" by Labib
Zuwiya Yamak, 1966).

Therefore, If we were to test this very ugly and Nazi theory, then a negro like Kofi Annan and his Swedish wife should give birth to hybrids or half-breds?

Further, borrowing by Saadee from Nazi craniometry, craniology,
anthropometry and phrenology whose ultimate aims were to prove
the superiority of "his Syrian".

A man's physical, and by extension, moral, intellectual, and
social development, could be determined by, and seen in, his
physiognomy, in say, jaw structure and frontal forehead
development. These theories were accepted by many in the
nineteenth century but the Nazis' pushed them into full blown
practices with the establishment of the "Bureau for
Enlightenment on Population and Racial Welfare" which used
Anthropometry to classify Aryans and Non-Aryans. These racial
techniques were known as Nazi pseudoscience. This is where
Saadee learned his "Skull size theory" as revealed clearly in his writings.

Anti-semitism (by a semite, in this case) or judeo-phobia that unfortunately continue with his "great" party today? Anyone who disagrees with the SSNP is immediately accused of being or acting like a "Judas Jude" (a Nazi term that means a Jew of the interior to remind the Germans at the time of Judas the traitor and linking him to Judaism). Further, The Old Testament is attacked and described as nothing but a series of wisdom-borrowings from Syro-Mesopotamian folklore and myths.

Moses, according to the Saadee and his followers, plagiarized the Ten Commandments from Hammurabi. One can easily see that the Jews have no place in the
"Syrian Reich" of Saadee as his ideology calls for an "eternal" conflict and war against them.

Even Jesus, in Saadee's deconstructionist ideology ceases to be a Jew and becomes a "fellow Canaanite Syrian" just like he was Aryan and not a Semite in Nazi ideology (notice how both the SSNP and the Nazis convert Jesus into a non-Jew).

The FC or his version of Greater Syriagoes from from Cyprus to Kuwait without forgetting the Sinai peninsula (which is very much Egyptian). Isn't this another way of speaking of Living space or Lebensraum? Saadee had to modify "his Syrian" maps a few times., especially after oil was dicovered in Kuwait.

I am not going to mention the Swastica and its ugly colours or the Heil Saadee salutes and other rituals and dogmas in here; all hallmarks of his anti-democratic teachings.

How about Saadee's speech of June 1, 1935:

" Amidst the confusion of
irresponsible talk and shouting spread all over this nation, the
Syrian Social Nationalists undertake their work with calmness and
confidence; and the spirit of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party is
growing in the body of the nation and it is organizing its groups. The
day shall come, and that day is near, when the world will see a new
sight and an important event: the sight of men clad in black sashes on
gray suit, with sharpened spears shining above their heads; men
walking behind the banners of the Red Tempest carried by giants of the
army. The forests of spears will advance in well organized ranks and
the Syrian nation shall have a will which cannot be checked. For this
is destiny."

While Saadee warned his partisans in the same speech of Italian and German propaganda, one cannot but notice that this was the year 1935
and for those who have seen the impressive Nuremberg or Munich
Nazi rallies in TV documentaries, you would see the similarities: Steel
helmeted Nazi soldiers, flags, Swastikas, Spears, a forest of troops,

In particular, the 1935 documentary of Leni Riefenstahlt, "Triumph des
willens" or "Triumph of the Will", which records the 1934 Nazi
Party Congress at Nuremberg, was commissioned by Hitler himself for
Leni was Hitler's favorite filmmaker and served the Nazi propaganda
machine. Notice how the documentary's date coincided with Saadee's speech and "parades" and this is what he probably saw and noticed at the time in local newspapers.

One can see the "predestination" of Saadee in this speech as a form of "end of Syrian
history" (not like Hegel or Fukuyama, of course). If this predestination played a part in Saadee's doctrinal development, it was at the level of arbitrary synthetic
historic pronunciations that he fantasized in just like Hitler's grand
utopia of the third Reich that will rule for a thousand years. The
parades incarnated the triumph of the German Nazi over man and his will
exactly the way Saadee imagined his "Syrians" march into the
final chapter of Syria's history. Syria's destiny according to Saadee
transcends human free wills because as he said it "for this is
destiny" and human involvement to change or decide their own destiny or identity
is irrelevant. Syria's history is above human intervention,
parliaments, human decision making, and freedom to choose: its history
is on auto-cruise. And this in my opinion is the ultimate proof of
Saadee's Fascistic ideology

These are but samples and I wanted to share them with you. They have been accumulated from posts during my long debates ...


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