To Moshe againReader comment on item: [Naveed Haq and] "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" in Seattle Submitted by Nabil Ahmad (United States), Sep 8, 2006 at 18:32 To Moshe: I have been condemning the followers of Bin Laden for years, even before 9/11 took place. Before 9/11/01, I considered him to be a raving lunatic. 9/11 was a rude wake-up call and convinced me that these guys really meant business, and that they needed to be dealth with severely. Bin Laden and his followers are not following what I consider to be "True Islam". They have turned justice and mercy on their heads and have turned Islam into some sort of deranged, violent, nihilistic cult. One way they can succeed in this venture is to make as many followers as possible out of Muslims. Another way is by winning over non-Muslim sympathizers (such as the anti-war peaceniks) and leftists over to their side. And yet another way is for non-Muslims to agree with them with regard to the meaning of words like "Jihad". I do not condone, nor ever will condone, the activities of these individuals. But you're not really making any sense here. On one hand, you claim to say that Islam has been hijacked and corrupted by these violent extremists, and you are right in this regard. But on the other hand, you also claim that Muhammad himself was a violent, murderous bandit and a forgerer of Scripture. If he was, then you also need to agree on the fact that Bin Laden and his followers are following "True Islam", and that it is people like myself who are corrupting the faith by claiming, surreptitiosly or otherwise, that it is not a violent religion! If you indeed believe in the truth of your religion, you should argue not with me, or with the other non-Muslim "infidels", but rather with your Mullahs and your brothers in faith, whose voices can be heard loudly only when protesting the measures taken by the Free World to protect itself from their murderous terrorist attacks. I have been arguing for nearly TWO DECADES with fellow Muslims with regard to religion. Do I need to go back in time and videotape all of my encounters and then show them to you in order to prove myself here? I'm getting really tired of the likes of you. I've openly advocated "profiling" against people with Muslim and Arab backgrounds in some of my posts on this forum. A letter that I wrote to my local radio station here was read aloud on the air. In it I advocated NOT giving Qur'ans to the prisoners of Guantanomo Bay prison, because they would soil it with their filthy, bloodstained hands. I advocated executing the prisoners there because they are truly dangerous and should not be allowed to see the light of day. But I also have to keep a low profile, even here in the West, not because I'm a Muslim, but because I'm a Muslim who supports the West. I would probably be barred from entering my mosque if its leaders found out about my views. Wasting your energy to justify the unjustifiable, to defend the indefensible, and to excuse the inexcusable makes you no different from the rest of your brothers in faith. You're really full of it. Where have I "justified the unjustifiable and defended the indefensible and excused the inexcusable" as you have claimed here? Dear Nabil, after having understood and acknowledged (with your kind help) the absolute truth and greatness of the Islam, the above insightful and intelligent question has been in fact fully answered. No further comment required. I was being sarcastic and turning the tables on you because you claimed that the Qur'an is a work of forgery. The truth is, neither of us can prove one way or the other with our limited resources andd knowledge that ANY scripture contains authentic revelations from God. It all boils down to faith and what we believe in as individuals. Islam is not owned by man any more than Christianity or Judaism is. You're looking at religion from a humanistic point of view. Just because many Muslims have "corrupted" the religion of Islam by violating its most sacred commandments and principles doesn't make Islam a bad religion any more than acts of violence by Christians (such as the Crusaders) make Chistianity a bad religion or Jews (such as Dr. Baruch Goldstein) make Judaism a bad religion. The purpose of religion is to outline the duties of mankind in this life in relation to God, with the rest of mankind and with God's creation. What I do believe is that ALL ancient scriptures, including the Old and New Testaments, the Qur'an, the Tripitak, the Geeta, the Book of Zoroaster, etc. contain revelations of God to mankind. It appears to me that you and I will have to respectfully disagree on this. How many of your people have been slaughtered by Muslim fanatics, Moshe? What do you know about them? I can tell you righ here, right now that 2-3 million of my people, mostly fellow Muslims like myself, were slaughtered in the name of Islam by the Pakistani armed forces and their "Islamic" fundamentalist, extremist backers among my own people. And thanks to India, we were able to overcome them and throw them out, but the West has more often than not sided with the extremists! Both my parents are Muslims, and my father developed a visceral hatred of Muslim fundamentalists and their ideology, and I picked that up from him. Free nations of the West have had years of warning from moderate Muslims like myself about the extremists amongst our peoples, but to no avail. A Muslim religious officer in Uzbekistan remarked BEFORE 9/11 that the situation in the USA with regard to Muslim extremists was "very dangerous for both America AND the Muslims" living there. Ahmad Shah Masood, the leader of the Afghan Norther Alliance before he was murdered just days before 9/11 in a suicide attack by Bin Laden's minions, was an ally of the West and an enemy of Bin Laden. What you don't seem to realize, Moshe, is that there is a war within Islam going on, and has been for the last 100 years or so. The extremists have played the West like a fiddle. They will do business with you and want guys like you to insult Islam and Muhammad, because you would be playing right into their hands as they would then turn around when you're not looking and say to the great, unwashed masses of ill-informed, uneducated and illiterate Muslims in their home countries: "See? See? You can't trust the Infidel. You must make war on him!" As the author of the book "The Two Faces Of Islam", Stephen Schwartz has said, they will smile at you while they measure your necks for the cutter's blade. But I know better. I know the game that the extremists have been playing with the West. God be Willing I will never side with the extremists...I would rather die. And I want the West to be harsh with extremists and their followers and sympathizers. A dead extremist or extremist sympathizer can hurt no one. Now I must ask you the following question: Whose side are you REALLY on? I really don't care what your views are with regard to Muhammad, but we are in a war here, and every bit of help will be appreciated. I may disagree with Dr. Daniel Pipes from time to time, but he's right about Muslim extremists. President George W. Bush said after 9/11: "Either you're with us or you're with our enemies". I made my choice back then...I'm with the USA and stand by my decision. My Muslim brothers in Bosnia and Kosovo have made the same decision. And if you wish to be on the side of freedom, then take my advice and keep your negative views of Muhammad to yourself, or you'll only be helping out our enemies on the other side that you claim to be against. And unlike you, I know I haven't helped them at all. There is one other thing...rumor has it that Hamas was initially propped up by Israel to counterbalance the PLO back in the 1980s. I have always been against Hamas, and I also turned against the PLO when I finally realized that they really didn't want peace with Israel, that they were just playing with words in order to play to the West's gullibility and especially to the Western Media's gullibility. I was incredulous when I found out that Israel would even think about propping up Hamas: Hamas wanted Israel to be destroyed from the very beginning! How could Israel prop it up? If you had a rat running loose in your home, would you bring in a cobra to get rid of it? As far as I'm concerned, I don't think you realize who the friends of civilization are, Moshe. I've grown increasingly pessimistic over the last few years. The West, especially Europe, has dragged its feet when it comes to dealing with Islamic extremists. The West seems to be more afraid of looking "bad" and "unfriendly" than it is committed to winning the War on Islamic fanaticism and extremism, which is NOT a "War on Islam" as claimed by the mullahs. And all the while, the fanatics continue to gain strength. Do you know why I can't talk to the Muslim fanatics out there, Moshe? Because they don't want to talk...they just want to kill. And the rabidly left-wing "Mainstream Media" is more eager to go after George W. Bush than it is against the likes of Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, who are then painted as "victims" of "American arrogance and aggression". It seems to me that if current trends continue, we could all be in BIG trouble, but I hope and pray that I'm wrong. I came to the USA to start a new life as a free man, not to live under the thumbs of some uneducated, arrogant mullahs.
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