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Dhimmi no more the anti-Arab of the new Orientalists!

Reader comment on item: Muslims in the West: Can Conflict Be Averted?
in response to reader comment: For Ramses99 and the history that they do not teach you in Egypt!

Submitted by ramsesy99 (Colombia), Jan 22, 2007 at 14:53

Dhimmi no more,but the anti-Islam racist and liar,

Your agenda is certainly and obviously, not for searching for the truth but to profane, bash, and spread filthy slanders about the great religion of Islam and its great Islamic culture and civiliaztion. Your endeavour is a futile sinful effort in vain . Here in a nutshell what is Islam all about:

Aa a Faith: Islam is the greatest monotheistic dynamic religion for more than 14 centuries and currently is expanding worldwide with over 20% of world population believers in Islam ( because of its basic nobel tenets: ONENESS of ABOSULUTE ALMIGHTY GOD in English, ALLAH in Arabic, without the rubbish of original sin, salvation, and multiple faces of Human/God in Paul's concepts, nor the racist God-chosen people concept of Jews/Israel while the rest of humanity are considered beasts and slaves!) . It is a DIVINE MESSAGE delivered via the most honest and humble man on earth Prophet/ Rasul of Allah Muhammad,for all humanity, and not racist as Judaism is confined to the so-called God-chosen Hebrew and not for the demeaned inhuman non-Hebrew , so-called the Gentiles( read well your Jewish scriptures including the Towr'ah and the Talmud, because I dont have the desire nor the time to point out the filth and rubbish piled in them). Islam is also a philosophy and a way of life, and not an imaginary utopia and mix of myths as in Paul`s distorted Christianity ( read carefully the new Testament books which you may believe in them too).

Politically: Islam is the theory/practice of the victory of human intelligence over the devilish materialistic animality which represents the end goal of the Western way of life and culture you yourself and your likes ( whether called yourself a Jew, a Christian, or an athiest ) cherish and worship. Islam represents the victory of logic and science over ignorance and oppression of intelligence ( read about the bloody history of Christianity in middle ages with its inhuman barbarity as the case of the infamous Inquisition era and the Cruzades as compared to what Islam did for European Spain!). Islam is the victory of justice over injustice spread in the western Judeo-Christian culture. Islam advocates and demands implementation of equality and not discrimination on the basis of race, color and cread as fully practiced in the Judeo-Christian culture. A case in point: the appartheid treatment of the oppressed Palestinians in their illegitimately occupied home-land at the hand of the bandists, gangisters and western whites colonialists under the cover of so-called Jews and Judaism( as the same bloody histrory of Western-Christian colonialists in Africa and Asia!); another case is the slavery turned-into a second class citizenship of African-Americans in the land of the native extinct Amerindians now called US ( the Hurricane Katrina case is still fresh in the heart and mind of the poorest of the poor in New Orleans, Louisiana) !. Finally, Islam is the victory of the downtrodden over arrogants, exploiters and tyrants as generally manifisted in the Western culture of yours.

As for your misguided malignant comments on my personal origin: I am a proud Muslim Egyptian who valued and admired his Arabic culture and heritage regardless of his genetic DNA composition and origin. The ancient Egyptians, of whom I may or may not be related, under the Pharaos were slaves who own nothing other than do dirty work for the tyrants who called themselves Gods or Gods representatives on earth!. The old Egyptian civilization was all dedicated to worshipping tyrants called Pharaos. It was a civiliaztion of slavery , cutting stones and building useless large monuments for the mummified bodies of Pharaos and the eilet class who wrongly believed they will enjoy it in their so-called life after death. Where are the artifacts and traces that might have shown how the poor downtrodden common Egyptians had been treated and lived?. The then downtrodded Egyptians took some revenge by attacking the tumbs of the recently buried mummified Pharaos and put their hands on the vast treasures stolen from poor Egyptians and buried with the defunct Pharoas!. Cant this remind you of what the US and European animalists are doing now with the rest of the world by stealng and robbing the wealth of the poors worldwide. And yet, arrogantly still claim to have the best moral values and culture in human history, what a great lie.

In short: the ancient Egyptian cilivilization have little to offer in terms of human concepts ( the same can be said about similar old civilizations elsewhere such as the INDO-CHINESE, PERSIAN and the ROMANS) as compared to the humanitarian concepts of Islam. In a nutshell, the ancient Egyptian civilization, if one may consider it a civilization, was one of the DEAD, STONE and SLAVERY. It is now a tourist attraction providing the NEW PHARAOS (under the highly corrupt tyrant regime of Mubarak, whom the US is supporting against the Egyptian public will, as a loyal client and a " Messenger Clerk! " for protecting the exploitive animalistic interests of the US and Israel in the Middle East) with a bounty while the poor Egyptians are struggling for their daily food. With the full implementation of Islamic laws and human concepts nothing of this will be tolerated. The French laws belonged to-and remained- in France!.

Under the Roman Christianity: Egyptians again fell victims of exploitations and slavery under the ROMAN CHRISTIANS. Their fertile land was a producer of food in large quantities and varieties for feeding their Masters, the Romans, but the poor downtrodded Egyptians were deprived of it at home!. The Egyptians Christians embraced wholeheartedly the nobel Islam and rid themselves of the tyrant Roman Christians.

The Jeziah and Dhimmi notions: the minority of the Egyptians who remained as Christian were tolerated and equally treated as believers in a monothiestic religion ( otherwise now we could not see any Egyptian Christian living in Egypt), and were called Dhimmi( I explained the meaning of the term before, see my original comments in this regard). The Jeziah, was a sort of taxation for not serving in military and joining in non-civic activities. In contemporary Egypt, however,a similar form of monetary substitutition for not serving in military was in practice for both Muslim and Christian untill mid 20th century when Nasser military regime abolished it. The Egyptian Copts, plus other non-Copt Christians, enjoy equal rights and have the same obligations, in civic as well as military activities, as those of Muslim Egyptians. They are over-represented in proportion of their number across all state agencies. They are holding higher political positions as ministers of government. The current important ministry of finance, for example,is occupied by a a Christian-Copt. One of the top military Generals during the 1973 war with Israel was a Christian-Copt. The former UN secretary Dr. Butros Ghali is an Egyptian Christian-Copt. My ex-colleagues who studied at the expense of the Egytian government finance and scholarships in late 1950's and mid sixties , 20th century, for their graduate degrees abroad, including USA and Europe, were a mix of Muslims and Christians. Who are interested should check the records of US and European universities for the sake of searching the truth. Dhimmi no more, you have demonstrated enough your malignant and misguided aggenda here!!!.

The Egyptian medical cardiologist in UK: first he is not to my knoweldge a LORD but a SIR! by the name Dr. Magdy Ya'coub. He was a brilliant Egyptian student graduated in medical sciences early 1950's in Egypt, where higher education was and still free for all Egyptians regardless of faith. As the implemented rules in Egyptian Universities dictate, a graduate with high grades is entitled to join the University staff first as a instructor/demonstrator until he got higher degrees.

Magdy Ya'coub, to my knoweldge, was appointed a demonstrator in one of the Egyptian medical faculties. Later he opted to immigrate to UK and successfuly pusrued his higher degrees and became an eminent heart surgeon , now UK citizen. Once in a while he goes to Egypt either for a visit, like myself, and/or to performe difficult/complex heart operations ( as he is specialized in open-heart surgery). The story of Ya' coub is similar to mine and many other Egyptians, Muslims or Christians who have opted to immigrate and work abroad. Most notably, is Dr. Ahmad Zewail, an Egyptian Muslim and a recent Nobel Laureat in Chemistry. Zewail got his Bsc. and Msc. at the faculty of Science, Alexandria University ( where I got my Bsc. in agriculture long before him), then awarded an Egyptian government scholarship, as the case of mine and many others Egyptians, to study for his PhD in Penn State Univ., USA. Then, he opted, as many other Egyptian students abroad, to remain in US. So Dhimmi no more, your slanders and misguided malignant background are so abhorrent , despicable and worthless anti-Islamic and anti-Arab sort of a cheap propaganda serving your hidden agenda no more!

Muhammad Ali, the European Albanian soldier under the command of the Ottoman/Turks Empire: Egypt at the time of Muhammad Ali arrival with his Albanian soldiers early 1800's, was already a prosperous country feeding the Ottoman Empire since the 16th century as it did before with the Romans during the first 6 centuries after Christ ( and also as have feeded the dying of hunger nomadic Hebrews offsprings of Ya'coub/Israel long before, read the history well, stupid!). (Islam conqured and ousted the Romans under the heroic military leadership of Amr Ibn Al'Aass with the great welcome of the Egyptians who were Christian-Copt).

Egypt population at that time of Muhammad Ali, the Albanian , was probably around 8 millions and not your falsified figures Dhimmi ... Your slanders earned you a fame here that only ...like yourself would believe in. Muhammad Ali legacy left Egypt in ruins as his corrupt offsprings did( called themselves Khedevies , Sultans and later Kings such as the infamous playboy King Farouk who was toppled by Nasser miliatary coup in 1952). A case in point is the suez Canal project: Egyptians have dug the canal by their bare hands under the idiot son of Muhammad Ali called Said Pasha, at the cost of thousands of lives of the poor Egyptians, but the canal onwership was finally usurped by the British and French imperialists because of the corrupt Ismail Pasha, the Khedevy of Egpt in 1860's.

another case in point: is that Muhammad Ali declared himself the SOLE land-onwer of whole Egypt endowing large estates to his non-Egyptian slodiers, the early Muslim Arabs never done that as you falsely claimed. Nasser corrected that evil doing via his land reform laws by putting a cieling over land ownership (no more than 100 acres or feddan per family) and by nationalizing the Suez Canal in 1956 in order to be able to build the most needed Aswan High Dam which the west arrogantly refused to collaborate in its construction.

Upon that correct and legitimate actions of Nasser, the French, British and Israel plotted secretly the infamous 1956 war on Egpyt. The Soviet Union under the leadership of Nekita Khurchief extended its hand of friendship to Egypt in constructing the dam. What a moral stand and values of the so-called civilized western Judeo-Christians you are bragging about?. ...

Mabrouk A. El-Sharkawy, PhD, Univ. of Arizona, 1965.

Senior scientist, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Troipical (CIAT), Cali, Colombia.

A Muslim Egyptian proud of his Arabic culture and heritage.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (111) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Jamal Idrissi - Arab racist charged for hate crime against blacks in NYC [103 words]ClarisaApr 18, 2022 17:08279890
muslims-in-the-west: A great article and an eye opener [10 words]SHILOH PURIFOYSep 30, 2016 12:50233088
1I am a Assimilated Muslim [426 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Imran1977Sep 8, 2015 16:48224953
Well done Mr. Pipes - but are Iranians equal to Muslim? [140 words]Pirouz KasMay 29, 2015 12:20223590
Removal of two noble verses from sura -9 (128 & 129) [35 words]NihmathullahOct 13, 2014 10:49218677
2Huge underestimate of Islamic population in Europe [49 words]HugoSep 30, 2014 05:50218326
8I do not believe they can assimilate [250 words]chris heathNov 26, 2013 17:41211829
8When inaction rules [42 words]Michael KerjmanJul 12, 2012 22:47197206
2Excellent Commentary [51 words]GWKJan 27, 2013 08:56197206
1Not each muslims are terorists [36 words]Amar AldebJan 19, 2012 13:14192694
ISIS is okay then. [26 words]Hugo LindumOct 1, 2014 18:26192694
12We will never get along [76 words]tikitakiMay 26, 2011 08:38185597
12islamists don't want peace, they want islam to be the one religion and everyone else dead ! [116 words]Phil GreendJun 29, 2009 14:54158210
6Feel tired of Islam [18 words]JeffryAug 3, 2011 23:18158210
1Don't feel tired. Get to action [116 words]PrashantOct 2, 2016 17:42158210
Quite good [37 words]MiriamMar 19, 2008 06:08122997
1incorrect... [94 words]donvanJan 14, 2010 17:51122997
38The death of Rashad Khalifa mathematicaly coded [299 words]PierreMar 31, 2007 19:0088333
1For our dear Pierre and his flawed logic and poor Muslim education [13 words]dhimmi no moreApr 11, 2007 13:5388333
1Praise God! What a sign! [52 words]SaudAug 23, 2007 01:4788333
3I just happened to be reading the comments here and... [53 words]Lover of God AloneAug 23, 2007 12:2688333
Rashad Khalifa [11 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
MazharSep 10, 2007 16:0488333
3Incredible! [24 words]illmanDec 5, 2007 19:4988333
The gematric value of R-K is not correct [19 words]BachirJul 5, 2008 18:1288333
4Yes the gematrical value of Rashad Khalifa is 1230 [374 words]PierreJul 8, 2008 16:1988333
6How would you reply to Rashad Khalifa's number 19 theory, where he removed 2 Noble Verses from the Noble Quran because their references were not multiples of the number 19? [1098 words]salinaSep 17, 2008 03:4788333
39:128-129 Truth versus falsehood [2095 words]PierreSep 20, 2008 12:1688333
1The Rashad Khalifa Cult Exposed: [1017 words]salinaSep 21, 2008 14:0488333
29:128-129: the decision on 31/01/2009 on 19.org Forum [130 words]PierreSep 22, 2008 13:0388333
simple answer Pierre [1951 words]SALINASep 23, 2008 03:3088333
3Please review the article 361 on islamrevolution.org [54 words]PierreFeb 27, 2009 12:0888333
reply to Pierre [1248 words]salinaFeb 28, 2009 01:4588333
4I,m speechless,very impressive.God has provided us with great miracles through Mr,Rashad Khalifa pbuh. [51 words]ASAD ANDY MALIKMar 3, 2009 20:1788333
8Sur quoi pointe la date décès de Rashad Khalifa [368 words]AbderrahimApr 24, 2010 21:1688333
4Dear Peirre [70 words]AnoushJun 30, 2010 01:2188333
Even Birth of Dr.Rashad Khalifa is coded with 19 [57 words]ShamMar 8, 2012 15:3588333
2Go brother Pierre! [26 words]OsmanJul 12, 2012 06:0988333
All Praises are to God [114 words]Anna_Aisha (Thailand)Aug 10, 2012 19:2288333
Response to the death of rashad khalifa [44 words]NannyAug 16, 2012 15:1888333
I feel like [11 words]Fahmi N.Apr 1, 2014 20:3588333
nonsense [20 words]faresDec 18, 2014 07:2488333
The Verses with the expression WAHDAHOU [75 words]BouqdibNov 26, 2015 18:3588333
Quran [43 words]jafarlaAug 13, 2016 05:3188333
2Claim of Prophethood by Rashad Khalifa [48 words]RizalJul 1, 2006 13:4348668
For: Rizal: "there is a difference between a messenger and a prophet" [154 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2006 18:2148668
Messenger ,Prophet, and Imam [171 words]HarrakJul 2, 2006 00:4048668
Claim Of Prophethood by Rashad Khalifa [397 words]RizalJul 2, 2006 00:5748668
Is the Qur'an a dictionary? I do not think so! [47 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2006 06:1548668
You missed "my encyclopaedia"? Oh yeah? [567 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2006 07:3248668
Claim Of Prophethood by Rashad Khalifa [117 words]RizalJul 4, 2006 00:3548668
For Rizil: Of Anbia (and not al-nabiyyin) and al-rasul [207 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2006 18:0948668
3Rashad Khalifa is a fraudulent [277 words]ramsesyOct 2, 2006 21:1648668
For ramsesey and his misdirected diatribes! [137 words]dhimmi no moreOct 9, 2006 07:4148668
'Seeking Qur'anic Resonse' [65 words]Hekmatullah NafeJan 12, 2007 18:3248668
2To dhimmi no more :Reveal your identity first in order to have crediblity and relevence [1335 words]ramsesy99Jan 16, 2007 14:5448668
Response to Hekmatullah Nafe [460 words]ramsesy99Jan 16, 2007 15:4748668
For ramsesy99 and more diatribes and no substance! [86 words]dhimmi no moreJan 17, 2007 08:0348668
For ramsesy9 and more diatribes and no substance part trois! [593 words]dhimmi no moreJan 18, 2007 07:4548668
...signs of ingnorance and incompetence, Dhimmi no more! [338 words]ramsesy99Jan 18, 2007 11:4148668
you are incapable of learning Dnimmi no more [277 words]ramsesy99Jan 18, 2007 16:4548668
For Ramsesy and Muslim meltdown part deux! [108 words]dhimmi no moreJan 19, 2007 07:1148668
3Dhimmi status.. [186 words]donvanJan 19, 2007 11:1848668
Keep your grudges for yourself. [5 words]ramsesy99Jan 19, 2007 19:1848668
Wrong information [254 words]ramsesy99Jan 19, 2007 21:1448668
Fior Ramses9 [200 words]dhimmi no moreJan 20, 2007 15:5348668
For ramses99 [350 words]dhimmi no moreJan 20, 2007 16:3648668
so you belong to the ...usurers of the world! [170 words]ramsesy99Jan 21, 2007 11:3448668
For Ramses99 and the history that they do not teach you in Egypt! [751 words]dhimmi no moreJan 21, 2007 16:5548668
Dhimmi no more [174 words]ramsesy99Jan 21, 2007 17:2548668
clairification... [143 words]donvanJan 21, 2007 20:5148668
1For ramsesy and Islamophobia really? [259 words]dhimmi no moreJan 22, 2007 07:2248668
Donvan ... [352 words]ramsesy99Jan 22, 2007 09:0548668
Dhimmi no more the anti-Arab of the new Orientalists! [1907 words]ramsesy99Jan 22, 2007 14:5348668
dhimmi who forgot his ...roots... [432 words]ramsesy99Jan 22, 2007 18:0548668
to muslim egyptian proud of his arabic heritage [41 words]ASJan 23, 2007 01:1548668
to Dhimmi no more on Farsi and Arabic [179 words]ASJan 23, 2007 01:2748668
1Tolerance [165 words]donvanJan 23, 2007 09:4048668
For ramses99 and his diatribes [83 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2007 17:1348668
For ramses99 and justifying the absurd! [153 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2007 17:2748668
For AS and Farsi [101 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2007 18:0148668
For Ramses99 and roots! [110 words]dhimmi no moreJan 24, 2007 07:3448668
... dhimmi and his likes [385 words]ramses99Jan 24, 2007 11:3748668
Islam was the only religion liberated human beings from slavery [287 words]ramsesy99Jan 24, 2007 17:5448668
For Ramses99 and the history that they do not teach you in Egypt part deux! [1538 words]dhimmi no moreJan 26, 2007 19:4948668
For Ramses99 Islam tawheed! [126 words]dhimmi no moreJan 27, 2007 07:4148668
for ramses and Iran and islam [236 words]dhimmi no moreJan 27, 2007 07:5748668
For Ramses99 Arabian imperialism and the history that they do not teach you in Egypt part trios! [50 words]dhimmi no moreJan 27, 2007 08:0248668
to the egyptian mathematician! lol [55 words]ASJan 27, 2007 08:1748668
for ramses Islam and slavery! [103 words]dhimmi no moreJan 27, 2007 16:4648668
1For Ramses and joining a cult! And islamophobia? really? [277 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 7, 2007 07:2748668
response to Dr. Mabrouk A. El-Sharkawy, PhD [9 words]sandraAug 11, 2009 19:3748668
Islamophobia is rampant in the Western countries [5 words]M. A. ElsharkawyJan 3, 2010 12:4248668
A great need to respond... [154 words]donvanJan 13, 2010 11:3248668
1Speak the truth pierre [11 words]Apple PieJun 30, 2010 01:0048668
2Hey dhimmi no more.. Guess what [277 words]Apple PieJun 30, 2010 01:1248668
Christians in Egyot? [118 words]grangerFeb 27, 2012 11:2948668
PRODUCE YOUR PROOF BEFORE ALLEGING [64 words]SunilOct 23, 2012 10:0048668
How True & False is the History [174 words]Herry WiyanaAug 21, 2013 07:5548668
Islam need moderation and change in interpretation of Quran [867 words]R K SharmaFeb 18, 2015 00:0448668
Conspiracy Against the Truth [52 words]Shah DanMar 6, 2017 23:3648668
Rashad Khalifa, Messenger of the Covenant [68 words]Halima DAHMANJun 30, 2022 07:4348668
3ISLAM BOOSTERS [292 words]DONVANMay 2, 2006 15:1244752
what REALLY needs to change [373 words]JimMay 18, 2006 02:3244752
What Really Needs To Change [420 words]RizalJul 2, 2006 01:3944752
1Quranic Grammar [127 words]Truth BringerJul 15, 2007 17:2544752
1When will they ever learn? [200 words]Howard E. CookJan 9, 2010 15:3344752
so true [95 words]donvanJan 12, 2010 15:1744752
Yes, Conflict Can Be Averted [281 words]Allison KhanApr 17, 2006 00:2643356
Good summary [45 words]S CarrollJun 11, 2003 16:589507
wake up [3 words]Alexander (not muslim) StrokoschMay 17, 2003 16:329113
1there is truly deceit in Islam against all who are not Islamic [47 words]dawudJun 4, 2009 14:279113

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