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A sheikh from UAE with a name like MIRZA?

Reader comment on item: Arabian Sex Tourism

Submitted by Iam An Idiot (United Arab Emirates), Mar 24, 2007 at 17:04

Wajihuddin also offers a specific case history:

On the first of August, forty-five-year-old Al Rahman Ismail Mirza Abdul Jabbar, a sheikh from the UAE

Whom are you kidding? A sheikh from UAE with a name like MIRZA???? ...


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (411) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
10Hypocritical behaviour [81 words]sjhesseMar 14, 2012 23:37194396
That is Islamic [69 words]aviAug 31, 2014 04:24194396
siner [44 words]people thinkJan 2, 2015 20:56194396
1Misyar [219 words]AdilSep 7, 2011 04:39189151
2QURAN DISCOURAGES NAKEDNESS AMONG MUSLIMS [232 words]Machi FandiJun 23, 2011 19:24186712
QURAN DISCOURAGES IMMEDIATE DIVORCE AFTER MARRYING [176 words]Machi FandiJun 23, 2011 19:05186709
2Qu'ran prohibits Muslims to become prostitutes [400 words]Machi FandiJun 11, 2011 18:35186211
1good [6 words]Muazu HardawaApr 3, 2011 08:42183832
10The most confusing religion on earth [50 words]FishBoneFeb 9, 2011 05:50182479
8Islam is the best religion in the world [204 words]Arshia KazimiJul 28, 2011 09:11182479
7What a surprise [280 words]The Atheist IndianSep 16, 2011 04:41182479
3Arshia Kazimi Response [102 words]JC VaughanNov 23, 2011 12:44182479
4How to understand the true concept of Islam [277 words]Arshia KazimiNov 24, 2011 08:56182479
1Half knowledge is dangerous [128 words]SalmanBaigJun 19, 2016 17:02182479
...ignorance knows no bounds [117 words]PrashantJun 22, 2016 21:05182479
Islam is Perfect. [82 words]Zohaib MaharJun 1, 2019 20:36182479
2Dear readers: We have an Islamic scholar here and his name is our dear Zohaib! Mashallah [229 words]dhimmi no moreJun 3, 2019 14:24182479
More questions for our dear Zohaib about "Mary" Oh I mean marry! [142 words]dhimmi no moreJun 4, 2019 11:02182479
2Thanks for sharing the truth, we can save humanity [38 words]Truth WarriorJan 21, 2011 06:03181934
10this is SHOCKING [115 words]Mohammad from Saudi ArabiaAug 26, 2010 20:58177329
2Muslims by Names are Not Muslims but Devils- Shitans. [271 words]Mohammad, CPAFeb 10, 2011 23:37177329
89Ban Islam, this is the only way! [159 words]Ali Ben NezriMar 17, 2010 11:25170285
5I must disagree... [53 words]MichaelMar 28, 2010 13:18170285
2ISLAM OR REGIONAL CULTURE [278 words]A.MurtazaApr 20, 2010 01:44170285
4Banning Islam is not the solution but the practice of humanity is the Right solution. [335 words]Mohammad, CPAApr 20, 2010 02:04170285
4Islam not Terrorism [95 words]NajmJul 3, 2010 11:19170285
the mercy [108 words]hasanJan 23, 2011 07:09170285
4if you can give best examples of Holy Quran and its Greatness....you are welcome [139 words]NooriJun 26, 2011 03:55170285
2why your name is ALI [118 words]Arshia KazimiJun 28, 2011 09:39170285
A reply.. [197 words]AnonymousSep 9, 2011 06:29170285
1behave according to Islam [474 words]Arshia KazimiSep 27, 2011 02:24170285
1We must not comment against Shariah [57 words]abdullahFeb 13, 2010 08:20168857
2NOTHING JUSTIFIES THESE CRAVEN ACTS! [105 words]Solyd OneJan 18, 2010 15:46167492
6FOUR WIVES VS MANY PARTNERS [644 words]JAMESNov 27, 2009 10:21165119
1Polygamy [123 words]FrankishJan 1, 2010 20:16165119
4Pathetic excuse [223 words]Sugato MitraJan 3, 2010 03:17165119
Alchohol in bible [17 words]ShenJan 7, 2010 11:20165119
No Four Wives but one is Enough for a Decent person. [256 words]Mohammad, CPAJan 11, 2010 23:55165119
not all of us... [99 words]MichaelMar 28, 2010 13:22165119
13why can't a woman have multiple husbands [31 words]RoyApr 29, 2010 08:10165119
1Re:pathetic excuse [186 words]letusliveJun 29, 2010 02:30165119
Why one company have more than one CEO with same power and authority? [11 words]NajmJul 3, 2010 11:22165119
response [425 words]JayApr 21, 2011 02:14165119
Reply [73 words]AAApr 25, 2011 16:37165119
2no decent Muslim wife will agree to behave like hooker . [71 words]MCOM100MINJul 20, 2009 19:41159081
Injustice [15 words]AllisonApr 28, 2009 13:00154608
2In Islam theses acts are highly punishable.......... [572 words]AhmedMay 21, 2009 04:49154608
2Reinvoking the "this is not true Islam" argument [195 words]AbhiMay 25, 2009 14:23154608
Reply to your argument: Become more wise man.......think!! [862 words]AhmedMay 27, 2009 04:08154608
Temporary marriages are perfectly acceptable in islam [43 words]Dutch KafirJul 4, 2009 07:55154608
Reply to Dutch Kafir in reponse 2 his message [999 words]ahmedJul 21, 2009 05:13154608
temporary marriages [440 words]parvezDec 30, 2009 09:17154608
Koran and marriage [17 words]Look and learnJan 13, 2012 19:50154608
Horrible! [1 words]PaceSep 3, 2012 12:11154608
Muslim History is Not Islam [169 words]Moin AhmedAug 25, 2014 06:41154608
1Victims of Islam and of Arabian imperialism [699 words]dhimmi no moreAug 28, 2014 17:36154608
Nothing new in the sun! [142 words]OpheliaApr 27, 2009 00:12154510
What Goes Around Comes Around [185 words]karmaFeb 26, 2009 16:44151249
Reply to what's goes around comes around [179 words]BassamFeb 27, 2009 22:41151249
4Arabs are deviant??? [60 words]ahmedApr 14, 2009 12:55151249
comment [50 words]ArslanApr 28, 2009 09:19151249
A Bit Strong? [232 words]KarmaMay 1, 2009 06:10151249
reply to a bit strong? [136 words]ArslanMay 3, 2009 08:50151249
Are you blind [154 words]expatcommentsMay 11, 2009 07:35151249
2Marriage in Islam [143 words]Someone caresJan 24, 2009 19:45148970
3Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation and HIV/AIDS [675 words]Mohammad Khairul AlamJan 4, 2009 06:01146837
Justifying temporary weddings (one night stands, islamatized!) [34 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
MaheshDec 4, 2008 16:09144406
1What would you rather prefer? [213 words]AnonymousDec 2, 2008 00:01144262
look deeper [74 words]s.c.Sep 11, 2008 01:50138269
comparison [57 words]PDMSep 11, 2008 18:24138269
5Greatness of Islam [76 words]surinder singhAug 21, 2008 13:09137109
dear brother surinder singh [54 words]ummer sheriffOct 8, 2008 01:40137109
2surinder singh [148 words]jkmanJan 6, 2009 23:33137109
4Arabian sex tourism [194 words]ParvezSep 7, 2008 00:45136416
mohammad [78 words]btillyOct 10, 2008 07:00136416
About: prostitution is immoral etc etc by Mohammad CPA [19 words]racJun 18, 2009 11:28136416
Prostitution is immoral. [11 words]Mohammad, CPAJul 2, 2009 01:33136416
3Absolutely what you are saying true. we should punish these ... [7 words]Raheel AmjadApr 19, 2010 12:08136416
6Sex Trade in the Arab countries. A Shameful Practice by so-called Muslims. [262 words]Mohammad, CPAApr 20, 2010 01:12136416
1these arabs are prostitutes rather than true muslim [32 words]yasir from saudiaFeb 9, 2011 21:34136416
in the uk they are just buying churces and turning them into mosques [78 words]qJun 20, 2008 19:43132817
Arab tourism & in the uk they are just buying churces and turning them into mosques [157 words]ParvezSep 8, 2008 23:26132817
3Sex Trading [89 words]Sex is the part of human lifeApr 27, 2008 13:42126972
12Time to Ban Islam in Europe & USA [80 words]Mana BhaiOct 6, 2008 19:28126972
1a view [163 words]tataJan 26, 2009 17:30126972
COMMENT [49 words]RUBESSMar 31, 2009 15:50126972
reply to mana bhai [201 words]Yousuff SiddiqiMay 6, 2009 14:40126972
get your balance right............ [144 words]ahmedMay 21, 2009 05:01126972
Wrong again! [88 words]AbhiMay 29, 2009 03:15126972
Islam is the solution... [1303 words]Yousuff SiddiqiMay 31, 2009 14:29126972
1Yousuff Siddiqi reponse to my comments is loaded with circular logic [296 words]abhiJun 1, 2009 23:34126972
Dear Mana Bhai [92 words]Reza WOct 28, 2009 06:32126972
1I would like all muslims and all to do with Islam removed form Great Britain [99 words]DavidFeb 6, 2010 07:14126972
Time to Ban Islam in Europe & USA [6 words]jackJun 21, 2011 18:29126972
ISLAM is no longer a subject of human rights [88 words]Rudolf ZlabingerOct 4, 2014 22:26126972
1fabulously hypocritical [71 words]SHANEYJan 7, 2008 17:46117682
It is not islam that has a drink its those so called "muslims" [182 words]ShahidJan 10, 2008 13:29117682
not an attack on Islam [258 words]shaneyJan 14, 2008 13:48117682
1Reply to Shahid, United Arab Emirates [716 words]JohannJan 18, 2008 14:43117682
Why hypocritical? Do you go to the church every sunday morning? [68 words]pgnardJan 18, 2008 17:15117682
1Read carefully [69 words]ShaneyJan 21, 2008 16:51117682
1To Shahid [38 words]NMar 6, 2008 03:50117682
2Woman is but an object of lust in Islam [99 words]RonDec 11, 2008 13:51117682
3REPLY TO ARABIAN SEX TOURISM [51 words]RUBINOIDMar 31, 2009 16:01117682
1sick of it [103 words]ShaneyNov 25, 2009 10:21117682
1Islam is the mirror of Arab's cruelty [74 words]Arab-dispraiserDec 30, 2009 15:03117682
Why do you people centre on Muslims ? [145 words]MikeJan 6, 2008 10:18117594
2Slavery in the "Modern" world [183 words]DaveMar 31, 2008 22:38117594
Think [97 words]MikeApr 2, 2008 04:00117594
MIke stop, wait, look here [89 words]josephMay 21, 2008 12:44117594
Lower down the scale [108 words]MikeMay 23, 2008 01:26117594
respect [101 words]Saeed yousefAug 9, 2008 09:40117594
All nationalities and religions [85 words]AnnonymousDec 13, 2008 18:33117594
annonymous and Mike [175 words]jkmanJan 6, 2009 23:59117594
it's not right [30 words]NJDec 25, 2010 00:35117594
1Its about being rich. [181 words]MohammedOct 3, 2007 19:02110248
1mirza is not a name of any sheikh [122 words]khanOct 22, 2007 16:23110248
There are Arabs with the surname Mirza [35 words]ArmaanJan 23, 2008 17:12110248
6Mirza is not an Arabic last name [128 words]Atique MirzaApr 19, 2009 18:44110248
Much Needed Clarification [106 words]Mirza is multi-ethnic last nameMar 16, 2015 21:12110248
ISLAM [193 words]GarySep 18, 2007 20:56109171
Dear brother GARY - SWEDEN [55 words]Brother ummer sheriff - indiaOct 9, 2008 10:41109171
Please [20 words]Ibrahim LoneNov 19, 2008 13:54109171
brother ummer sheriff-india [221 words]jkmanJan 7, 2009 00:14109171
Islam is for peace... [162 words]YousuffMay 6, 2009 14:58109171
Islam is for peace [194 words]AbhiJun 3, 2009 20:16109171
sunnites dont see themselves and blame shias [40 words]Syed ali kazimJul 24, 2007 04:54104532
9In Holy Quran, there is no Division in Islam: Shia or Sunni. [218 words]Mohammad, CPADec 14, 2009 11:11104532
3poor female treatment is common [126 words]Phil GreendJul 2, 2007 21:58102472
Presumptions [195 words]JoJiApr 29, 2008 18:47102472
A sheikh from UAE with a name like MIRZA? [38 words]Iam An IdiotMar 24, 2007 17:0487862
Réponse [432 words]onsaApr 27, 2007 05:3787862
4Another Example of how Islam condones the exploitation of Women [198 words]William Dennis Brown Jr.Mar 6, 2007 08:4580522
Is This Islam? [168 words]JoJiApr 29, 2008 18:5980522
the muslim [296 words]mushoodOct 2, 2008 02:2480522
It's not a clear cut issue............ [448 words]Umm MiriamFeb 23, 2007 19:0678564
Girl [110 words]IsabellaMar 3, 2007 17:0378564
Thats true [89 words]VisitorMar 30, 2007 10:4578564
1Muslims of "exceedingly high moral standards" [160 words]DONVANApr 3, 2007 17:2178564
Now read it again with your brain switched 'ON', Donvan...... [158 words]Umm MiriamApr 5, 2007 18:2778564
1sensitive?? [137 words]donvanApr 6, 2007 10:5678564
1You can't improve or reform Islam! [337 words]R K IyerSep 22, 2007 03:1878564
Write to the Saudi Tourist Board to protest treatment of Saudi women. [40 words]NoreenNov 30, 2007 02:2778564
For your info [147 words]A MUSLIMApr 27, 2008 18:2578564
Really.... [126 words]donvanApr 28, 2008 10:3078564
1It is truth written by daniel pipes [33 words]ADNAN KHANApr 29, 2008 01:4078564
Keep our powder dry [34 words]Charles NickalopoulosSep 10, 2008 21:2478564
Is it in the name of God? [35 words]Elena GomezDec 24, 2008 04:5378564
elena gomez [43 words]jkmanJan 7, 2009 00:3078564
Read before commenting! [21 words]Rana RajputanaMay 5, 2009 07:5478564
find a life [263 words]Ahmad as-SanusiJan 28, 2007 19:2674885
Original Sin [62 words]ZaneFeb 20, 2007 10:0474885
original sin [109 words]EsmeMar 15, 2007 16:1874885
1Original Sin Myth [151 words]Sound DocMar 14, 2009 00:4574885
the great mislead! people who called them muslims? and the non-muslim defaming islam [433 words]razaNov 12, 2006 20:5065949
1Islam officially sanctions enslavement of Africans on reasons of Arab racial superiority [420 words]No BlinkersNov 29, 2007 08:3865949
Authenticity??!! [90 words]JoJiApr 29, 2008 20:0865949
2Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam [571 words]Facts not FantasyApr 30, 2008 18:3465949
? [75 words]JoJiMay 1, 2008 20:0165949
1Mohammed confirmed and institutionalized slavery: Modern Islam cannot change it [165 words]Facts Not FantasyMay 2, 2008 15:2165949
Racism [27 words]JoJiMay 3, 2008 19:5765949
16Arab Supremacist Racism: Islam's Dirty Secret Shame [2451 words]Facts not FantasyMay 6, 2008 09:0365949
misleading [319 words]sunnyAug 9, 2008 03:1265949
2Islam's purpose is to own slaves - Contemporary Scholars [309 words]Facts not FantasyAug 10, 2008 10:2365949
This is a lie. [41 words]HussainOct 14, 2008 08:0465949
270 million dead Africans because of Islamic Arab Racism: Islam's Greatest Taboo [233 words]No BlinkersOct 14, 2008 22:5065949
too ... uneducated [412 words]halil salihMay 21, 2009 21:3165949
1Ad hominems and tu quoques from halil salih - "Submission" is a euphemism for slavery [415 words]Facts not FantasyMay 23, 2009 14:4965949
African slaves of Muslims [15 words]DeidreOct 26, 2009 13:4465949
3Islam the principle slaver in Africa - over 20 million enslaved [452 words]DemocracyistheanswerOct 27, 2009 02:0665949
Islam [109 words]Saif HasaanMar 24, 2011 16:1365949
1Moslems avoid scholarship = Obscurantism [49 words]AburgaMar 27, 2011 21:3465949
1Know Some Arabic First!!! [147 words]M.Dec 31, 2013 00:4665949
1why do you always attack islam [213 words]zam aliNov 12, 2006 14:0365925
2Zam Ali's misunderstanding of rape law in Deuteronomy. [629 words]J GentileDec 28, 2006 09:5565925
Islam is responsible. [51 words]ABBASJan 31, 2007 15:1365925
2Islam on rape .............. to Zam Ali [269 words]Umar al-Khattab AnsariFeb 20, 2007 15:4165925
Can you verify this information? [62 words]MalMar 2, 2007 01:2265925
verification of umar's story [26 words]FarahMar 3, 2007 19:2365925
Islam not as you said [77 words]AbdulrahmanMar 15, 2007 16:5065925
rape in islam [240 words]AbdulrahmanMar 15, 2007 17:0765925
2Yeah, right. [647 words]Right of Center FilipinoMar 16, 2007 02:3465925
its all about peace... [210 words]donvanMar 16, 2007 16:0665925
Reply to Islam On Rape to Zam Ali [722 words]AadilMar 17, 2007 04:5465925
1Zam Ali the expert on Christianity [73 words]ASApr 4, 2007 09:5665925
Reality of Islam [84 words]IndianMay 17, 2007 08:3365925
Reality of Islam by Indian [324 words]Aadil AsmatMay 19, 2007 05:0265925
dont talk wrong [311 words]mohammed akbarJun 22, 2007 09:3165925
Muslims should educate themselves [148 words]RajendraJul 6, 2007 05:4165925
2Rape in Islam should be seen as the CRIME it is!!! [249 words]NazNov 5, 2007 13:1865925
Response to "Yeah, right." [234 words]Shirin HasanDec 9, 2007 00:2565925
You dont know Islam [65 words]leonardoFeb 23, 2008 12:0265925
Viewing this holistically [30 words]JoJiApr 29, 2008 20:1265925
Lies against Islam [28 words]ABCApr 29, 2008 20:1765925
Lawless Islam??? [220 words]JoJiApr 29, 2008 20:3965925
shirin hasan [184 words]jkmanJan 7, 2009 01:3365925
1Are you kidding? Is this satire? [64 words]Larry HansenJan 25, 2009 14:0165925
2OMG you are funny [60 words]Peter HallSep 4, 2011 16:4065925
1The Religion of Peace? [26 words]Peter HallSep 4, 2011 16:4865925
3Leonardo, You don't sound Christian [74 words]Peter HallSep 4, 2011 17:0765925
1ARABIAN SEX TOURISM [35 words]Mohamed BhallooSep 5, 2011 03:1065925
Hypocrisy [50 words]SureshOct 22, 2006 00:2463497
Where are the voices against Islamic Slavery? [1431 words]julieOct 17, 2006 11:0060705
islam and muslims [152 words]aaOct 11, 2006 08:2959755
Sex tourism goes one step lower [431 words]VijayOct 15, 2006 12:4759755
16Muslem sex in perspective [207 words]MOHAMMAD YAQOUB GOWONOct 6, 2006 12:1059134
37Arab Sex [650 words]RamaOct 9, 2006 12:5959134
There is no islamic sexual purity [252 words]Peter JacksonFeb 8, 2007 14:4459134
There is no Islamic sexual purity by reader Peter Jackson [107 words]BASHIR AHMAD, MALAYSIAApr 3, 2007 01:1459134
Comments for article by Hindu Rama [141 words]Dr KhanApr 1, 2008 21:5859134
SHAMEFUL [61 words]PRAKASHOct 6, 2013 13:2359134
Pakistani christian children seized by Islamist slave traders. [741 words]Arvind MadhavanMay 22, 2006 03:2046118
Plenty of Arabs in Bangkok [65 words]arabs in bangkokMay 18, 2006 18:5745916
YEAH NOT JUST ARABS most nationalities [163 words]S.M.DHAWALEMay 22, 2006 05:5545916
Yet another attempt [314 words]S.M. DHAWALEMay 22, 2006 06:3345916
Referring to the Article Arabian Sex Tourism [443 words]S.M. DhawaleMay 16, 2006 06:4745697
1Rape of Innocents and the Keepers of Islam [103 words]Vishnu GuptaApr 24, 2006 11:0544004
Do as I say but not as I do [105 words]John 8:32Apr 7, 2006 20:1842679
2Child Abuse and Islamist Madrassas [1502 words]Vishnu GuptaMar 22, 2006 04:5941026
2Muslims the world over - wake up to the ills of the pervert clerics! [309 words]Nasim KJul 12, 2006 03:1841026
response to nasim k [246 words]clarence puckettAug 24, 2006 00:0941026
1You are also brainwashed... [200 words]FliptrxSep 6, 2006 16:0741026
Response to fliptrx [340 words]clarence puckettSep 9, 2006 22:3941026
Brainwashed... [133 words]FliptrxSep 11, 2006 00:4941026
1paedophilic imams [242 words]rashida hussainDec 19, 2006 18:2241026
1MUTA MARRIAGES [362 words]PRASADFeb 19, 2007 10:3341026
pervert clerics [16 words]AlfieMar 27, 2007 06:5941026
1Muslims the world over - wake up to the ills of the pervert clerics! by reader Nasim K. [15 words]AlfieApr 2, 2007 07:3741026
child abuse in islam , hurts the kids and the society [68 words]Phil GreendJun 2, 2007 19:4241026
Fatwa [60 words]JohnJun 11, 2007 13:2941026
Victims must denounce the perpetrators to save others [161 words]Weeping for the ChildrenNov 28, 2007 10:1641026
agreed [44 words]jojiApr 29, 2008 22:4841026
yes [197 words]jojiApr 29, 2008 23:0441026
Maldives imam in gay porn [44 words]Dhivehi RaajjeJan 4, 2010 16:4141026
1Targetting Islam [225 words]Arshia KazimiJul 28, 2011 09:3941026
1Karo Kari Honour Killings in Modern Day Pakistan [33 words]Vishnu GuptaMar 13, 2006 05:0739914
not fair [20 words]gulNov 25, 2007 10:4439914
fox news special report fails [402 words]garyJul 27, 2008 13:0239914
Saudi Arabia: Ministry of health official angry at Saudi Aids rate revelation [361 words]SophieFeb 24, 2006 06:1637884
The Saudi regime is the responsible one [90 words]We'am QMar 25, 2007 17:5537884
2More on the Arab 'Marriage' Sex Tourism [551 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Georges FernandezFeb 24, 2006 05:1337878
perverts are everyehere [79 words]AjMar 5, 2007 05:5737878
Enough using the term "Arabs"! [96 words]George Abdel MessihJan 4, 2006 16:4431052
Is this the world we live in? [213 words]Jewel From AustraliaApr 10, 2006 10:0531052
You are 100% correct... [68 words]FliptrxSep 6, 2006 16:3031052
"Muslim Arabs" would be the most appropriate term. [9 words]Yaakov K.Oct 17, 2006 12:4431052
Generic terms [39 words]MalMar 2, 2007 01:1731052
1this is real islam [85 words]a.ahmedDec 25, 2005 19:4130557
1Be Careful Miss Ayesha Ahmed [63 words]Talal Bin GhizalDec 31, 2005 11:3930557
Its your misinterpretation and ignorance. [348 words]ShahzadJan 8, 2006 17:0630557
1Is this real islam? [176 words]conundrumFeb 21, 2006 00:1730557
1Muslims talking Satya? Taqiyya! [222 words]Rakshas 10 AnanFeb 25, 2006 01:1930557
Islam is not responsible for people mistakes [175 words]MeMar 21, 2006 23:5330557
1re: Dear me corrected [519 words]true believerMay 4, 2006 03:0030557
to True Believer [211 words]faisalMay 16, 2006 04:4430557
Muslim Lies [144 words]Pusyamitra SungaMay 18, 2006 02:3230557
Hindu boo boo [7 words]WillMay 20, 2006 03:3430557
the lie [18 words]GUY CLARKJul 27, 2006 02:0530557
2"Miss" indeed ! [132 words]yfiOct 2, 2006 02:2030557
1carefull of becoming hatefull [106 words]Phil GreendMay 26, 2007 17:5130557
i dont think Ayesha Ahmed is real [21 words]aahsenAug 24, 2008 00:3930557
1YOU be careful, Talal Bin Ghizal [192 words]Kafir911Oct 1, 2008 05:4130557
A Muslim Fashion Show? Yes, in Jakarta! Honestly, I did not think a Muslim runway show could exist [510 words]syedmdasadullahOct 14, 2008 03:2830557
COMENT TO TALAL [159 words]fahim babarNov 18, 2008 14:1330557
you people will never change....... [106 words]Ahmed RashidJun 4, 2009 14:0630557
true islam [71 words]lemarDec 6, 2005 18:3229544
1To Lemar [224 words]Georges FernandezDec 11, 2005 00:4529544
1Arabs & Muslims [69 words]Ajay KumarMay 8, 2006 13:2029544
2Islam - a resounding success story, why and how [6020 words]y brandstetter MDDec 4, 2005 18:0129408
1Islam - a resounding success story, why and how [163 words]IreneJan 31, 2006 10:5929408
Islam - a resounding success story, why and how [156 words]SamiMar 18, 2006 02:3029408
1Sami's distortions [625 words]JasonApr 11, 2006 07:3129408
2thank you [259 words]yfiOct 2, 2006 03:0129408
a reply to your fallacious comments [264 words]Moh'dFeb 2, 2007 09:5329408
To Moh'd [367 words]G.VishvasMar 8, 2007 12:0129408
fake and wrong propagation against Islam [41 words]mohammed Hamed AliMar 14, 2007 04:3429408
idealised version of islam [376 words]G.VishvasMar 15, 2007 05:0529408
you cant blame the religion [200 words]ArslanApr 28, 2009 09:0729408
islam has to be judged too [143 words]G.VishvasApr 30, 2009 10:3129408
again? [11 words]ArslanApr 30, 2009 18:5929408
references abound [285 words]G.VishvasMay 2, 2009 03:5129408
Imrana 28, Mother of Five, Victim of Islam [76 words]Rakshas 10 AnanNov 21, 2005 00:5328638
all they need is inspiration [326 words]Sam PhilarNov 17, 2005 14:2828544
U make my point [147 words]Sam PhilarNov 20, 2005 13:1228544
In Footsteps of the Prophet... [673 words]Rakshas 10 AnanNov 16, 2005 11:1128482
Islam does not protect it's wrongdoers [161 words]Sam PhilarNov 14, 2005 03:1528344
1Does Islam Grant Precedence to Individual Will Over Allah's Dictat? [161 words]Rakshas 10 AnanNov 13, 2005 05:2328311
blame the individuals [105 words]Sam PhilarNov 11, 2005 11:0628227
Control Islamist Priests [52 words]Rakshas 10 AnanNov 8, 2005 10:4227959
to rakshas [55 words]hadiNov 8, 2005 19:3927959
What of the Priests, Mr. Hadi? [52 words]Rakshas 10 AnanNov 9, 2005 06:2527959
Reply to Hadi [64 words]DanielNov 9, 2005 11:3427959
1To Hadi: Wages of Blasphemy [225 words]Rakshas 10 AnanNov 10, 2005 01:1427959
to Daniel [251 words]Hamzah KattanDec 11, 2005 03:4627959
Arabian sex tourism [83 words]mohammed wajihuddinMay 11, 2006 09:3027959
no he didnt eat with his neighbour [143 words]tommyAug 16, 2006 04:3927959
Make a difference between an arab and a true Muslim. [55 words]ehmarDec 12, 2006 05:2627959
good islam [54 words]hadiOct 30, 2005 22:1427533
paranoia [151 words]FarzadOct 27, 2005 08:3127412
1Arabs "shopping" in Thailand too [165 words]Funk Soul BruhvaOct 25, 2005 21:0327334
4Arabs and Thai Racism [259 words]Kreakos IbraheemSep 1, 2006 04:0527334
thai [10 words]KwAug 22, 2010 22:2827334
what? [2 words]SamOct 9, 2013 15:0227334
What about the widespread Arab racism? [147 words]KhalidaDec 16, 2016 19:4727334
WIVES FOR HIRE BY THE HOUR FOR ARABS [1036 words]SophieOct 25, 2005 13:1127294
DISGRACEFUL [42 words]DONT LIKE WAHABISJan 28, 2007 16:3627294
Wives for Hire [14 words]Syed TareqOct 26, 2009 03:5727294
lets look at the other side of the coin aswell [157 words]sidiqOct 25, 2005 02:0727279
1Arab Pedophiles [114 words]Johar YusufMay 20, 2006 15:5127279
marriage [158 words]An Insight...Oct 24, 2005 08:0627250
Muslims have less AIDS [68 words]Oct 19, 2005 23:3627131
Response to Hadi : Muslim have less AIDS [429 words]SophieOct 30, 2005 16:4227131
100% agree to sophie [125 words]hadiOct 31, 2005 19:1727131
Response to Hadi [28 words]Atim BasseyNov 1, 2005 10:4927131
Indians Reform India, Not Outsiders [533 words]Swahili DinazOct 19, 2005 20:0727124
1Reply to Mr. Swahili Dinaz (Abuse against kids - a world' problem) [184 words]AbbasOct 20, 2005 13:1627124
My suggestion for developed India [128 words]deepesh thakurOct 18, 2006 14:0527124
I do not think anybody would say India is doing nothing about child abuse. [262 words]Peter HallSep 5, 2011 19:5027124
A report on child prostitution in india. [44 words]AbbasOct 19, 2005 01:5927086
Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning [138 words]SophieOct 16, 2005 08:1326989
1Your point? [47 words]That other guyOct 7, 2006 21:5626989
words of appreciation [19 words]smithDec 28, 2006 07:1526989
What is the consequence of adultery from Quran's point of view? [263 words]ZUMAMay 17, 2012 02:2226989
A sincere cry from a real Muslim. [214 words]MuhammadOct 13, 2005 21:0426924
Yes, Mr. Muhammad, we heard your sincere cry of a real muslim [345 words]John BastileOct 14, 2005 08:4626924
1John Bastille [240 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 14, 2005 18:5726924
are we realy terrorist [490 words]parvezDec 30, 2009 08:4326924
Vices East & West: Apples and Oranges [203 words]Merry WhitneyOct 13, 2005 17:0326915
Horendous sin; who are they kidding? [146 words]rukhsana sharifOct 13, 2005 04:0026897
2Misinformation by Rukhsana Sharif [498 words]Ayesha AhmedOct 18, 2005 12:1526897
Reply to Ayesha [95 words]Mu'een Ud DeenNov 2, 2005 06:0026897
seen worse in Thailand [638 words]R.IbrahimOct 12, 2005 16:1226875
Bet this isn't taught in Western Islam classes... [65 words]TomOct 12, 2005 10:3126859
Pedophilia in Islam [161 words]KazmiferOct 11, 2005 12:2926783
SICKENING [5 words]anneMar 9, 2006 20:5426783
Be open minded... [567 words]Jimmy EbascoSep 22, 2006 17:3026783
misunderstood [89 words]JOJIMay 1, 2008 10:1926783
Religions all need to be held accountable [228 words]Peter HallSep 5, 2011 20:3326783
Muslims are not the main problem [131 words]John GiannascaOct 10, 2005 21:4026771
1Response to John G. [256 words]DarrellOct 11, 2005 12:4526771
1They ARE real Muslims [162 words]AVOct 10, 2005 19:1226767
1Just a thought . . . [130 words]Daniel M.Oct 10, 2005 17:3126764
1To enforce my point [121 words]BorisOct 10, 2005 16:3226762
Slave trade [178 words]JohnnyOct 10, 2005 14:3126761
1Response to Johnny, Islam and abuse of women [336 words]Abdullah A.Oct 10, 2005 18:3526761
Evil Desires [84 words]F. ShawkiOct 10, 2005 11:4726759
They are not Muslim [67 words]YavuzOct 10, 2005 06:2326754
1Temporary marriages can be the solution to Islamic economies [481 words]John BastileOct 10, 2005 03:4926753
You may consider Prostitution as a economic activity [52 words]Mahreen KhanJul 31, 2007 16:1926753
1I'm not surprised [155 words]Peter J. HerzOct 9, 2005 17:2026747
What of the girls [175 words]yuval Brandstetter MDOct 9, 2005 16:1526746
1Answer to Yuval [188 words]PansyOct 9, 2005 19:0326746
answer to Pansy [43 words]yuval Brandstetter MDOct 10, 2005 12:5126746
False comparisons [163 words]PansyOct 9, 2005 12:2626742
Not only in India... [271 words]MorrisOct 9, 2005 10:3026739
Slavery is realy part of Islam [133 words]F.ShawkiOct 8, 2005 23:3726729
Would CAIR care? [8 words]DaisyOct 8, 2005 23:2826727
Double Standards [555 words]Steve RalstonOct 8, 2005 20:1526726
muta [6 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
ploomeOct 8, 2005 17:3026723
2History of Muta and the future of an Islamic society [451 words]John BastileOct 9, 2005 12:0526723
11Arab Sex tourism [226 words]Imdad AliMar 16, 2007 04:0526723
double standards [166 words]Asim AhmedOct 8, 2005 16:5726722
Response to Asim Ahmed [110 words]BorisOct 9, 2005 08:0726722
Asim Ahmed has a point [267 words]John BastileOct 9, 2005 12:3926722
Shalt not take God's name in vain [285 words]BorisOct 8, 2005 13:2526717
Islam and Women [180 words]Arlinda DeAngelisOct 8, 2005 11:1726715
islam treats women poorly , then us ? [145 words]Phil GreendMay 31, 2007 20:1926715
2Regarding Arabian Sex Tourism [66 words]NaeemOct 8, 2005 10:4526714
l0% affected by Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in the Middle East [84 words]SophieOct 8, 2005 07:2626711
Russian and Ukrainians are Favorites, Too! [94 words]GWKOct 8, 2005 07:0026710
11Arabian Sex Tourism art. No.3022 [70 words]S.C.PandaOct 8, 2005 06:2426709
1They are following Quran and Sunna [149 words]Ayesha AhmedOct 8, 2005 02:5526705
arabian sex tourisum [85 words]nazeer ahamedMar 25, 2007 05:3626705
Muslims victim of Islam [297 words]Amitabh tripathiOct 7, 2005 23:3826702
Muslims are not victim [116 words]Aamir RizviFeb 8, 2007 12:0226702
8ramayan v quran [320 words]surjMay 20, 2007 19:4926702
What else is new [35 words]StanOct 7, 2005 20:0826697
"What Is Truth?" [505 words]Yehoshua ZellerOct 7, 2005 20:0026696
Arab's delight [102 words]Gudrun EussnerOct 7, 2005 19:5726695
Then what happens? [60 words]Chaya JaneOct 7, 2005 19:2826691
So what else has changed? [272 words]James ROct 7, 2005 17:3226686
just a tribalism [65 words]maksmanOct 7, 2005 16:4626683
relgious misuse [34 words]Donald W. BalesOct 7, 2005 15:5726682
1Dirty old men: Islam, the Muslim way of life. [155 words]Mark-Alan WhittleOct 7, 2005 13:4926675
reply to Mark-Alan Whittle [154 words]WILLIAM BOYDOct 9, 2005 14:3426675
the difference... [62 words]Dinesh PatelMar 16, 2006 05:5126675
you can not beat us [73 words]airborneOct 14, 2006 20:1526675
1arab sex [33 words]andyDec 30, 2006 13:4426675
Islam in a nutshell. [325 words]kaleJul 29, 2007 14:1626675
Some Thai bars Ban " Abusive" Arab Men [64 words]joshuaAug 22, 2007 22:0626675
islam is true religion [29 words]Md. Sultan HussainNov 10, 2007 00:4226675
to SUPER CHRISTIAN [91 words]SUPER MuslimDec 17, 2007 14:5826675
1Thankful for being muslim [110 words]Aziz IslamAug 11, 2008 13:5726675
RE: andy, Dec 30, 2006 at 13:44 [109 words]BilalAug 14, 2008 06:3526675
error from the Quran? [318 words]CuriousMay 10, 2010 21:2626675
what goes around, eventually comes around [69 words]David W. LincolnOct 7, 2005 13:0726673
US Military supplying pornography to soldiers and Moslems [90 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Patty OuimetteOct 7, 2005 12:3926671
Could be true? [20 words]That other guyOct 7, 2006 22:0126671
I saw it happen [121 words]SteveSep 28, 2007 21:0626671
1The truth is that ... [112 words]Vishnoo RathFeb 21, 2009 16:5626671
AS ABOVE [9 words]RUBYMar 31, 2009 16:0726671
medieval monarchs [89 words]abrahamOct 7, 2005 12:3526670
Midieval monarchs indeed! [258 words]Daniel M.Oct 7, 2005 13:3026670
"medieval monarchs" indeed [32 words]Michael JoyceOct 7, 2005 14:1126670
Nikaah- shi'a or sunni? [97 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Canadian Miso-islamistOct 7, 2005 12:2726669
1Arabian Sex Tourism [28 words]PhillipOct 7, 2005 11:5426664
Saudi Promiscuity [41 words]DvoraOct 7, 2005 11:4926663
3Men and their sex drive [211 words]MirriSep 10, 2007 15:5826663
Men and their sex drive by reader Mirri [173 words]AbdullahOct 13, 2007 10:2526663

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