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Title Commenter Date Thread
DailyKos bans poster protesting calling Trump a 'non-human-being' [115 words]WilsonJul 17, 2020 19:10259658
How would this solve anything? [60 words]DavidFeb 24, 2010 15:22169359
Compromise [59 words]Albrecht KleinFeb 26, 2010 10:12169359
Another war is surely not the best option. [590 words]HansMar 1, 2010 18:46169359
argument [439 words]HansMar 5, 2010 20:30169359
To Hans [149 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 15:44169359
To Mr. MacNemi [203 words]HansApr 5, 2010 13:37169359
To Hans [212 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 6, 2010 01:06169359
Palin reading [28 words]TajFeb 23, 2010 21:11169340
To Taj [5 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 15:48169340
Bomb Iran? [11 words]aussiFeb 18, 2010 18:09169138
...Nothing to brag about [212 words]jaFeb 12, 2010 23:49168845
I pray for Sarah Palin to be the next President of the USA [59 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 14, 2010 12:47168845
1whose fault? [350 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanFeb 14, 2010 16:00168845
Our dear Deb and Sara Palin [286 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 14, 2010 17:37168845
Reply to Grand Infidel [950 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 17, 2010 02:00168845
Don't be so hasty... [246 words]KMSFeb 18, 2010 14:50168845
1comments- Mr. Bannerjee [1998 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanFeb 18, 2010 23:45168845
2Our dear Deb and charity starts at home! Read and laugh [748 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 20, 2010 08:40168845
My answers to Grand Infidel [2446 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 21, 2010 03:48168845
2Islam and slavery and al-3abeed wa al-barabra [413 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 21, 2010 14:21168845
1800,000 Hindus can't be wrong [2427 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanFeb 23, 2010 05:17168845
My response to DNM [381 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 24, 2010 10:59168845
More answers to GIoK [465 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 24, 2010 11:49168845
More responses to the GIoK [419 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 24, 2010 12:53168845
1still helping the ungrateful [771 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanFeb 26, 2010 03:06168845
1muslims responsible for any crimes? Surely not [811 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanFeb 26, 2010 03:35168845
1Our dear Deb islam and slavery and gem time [1149 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 26, 2010 07:21168845
1Our dear Deb I'm still waiting for your reference that "the number of slaves that Arabs had was miniscule" These are your words [112 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 27, 2010 14:29168845
It's mathematics... [95 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 2, 2010 11:21168845
1Our dear Deb I'm still waiting for your reference that "the number of slaves that Arabs had was miniscule" part duex [234 words]dhimmi no moreMar 4, 2010 17:49168845
1Our dear Deb and this time Abul Qasim's last sermon [177 words]dhimmi no moreMar 5, 2010 07:30168845
To DNM [39 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 7, 2010 01:20168845
1Muhamma'd's last sermon and the islamic comedy goes on and on [97 words]dhimmi no moreMar 7, 2010 12:34168845
1To Ja [148 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 16:03168845
1To Debanjan Banerjee [18 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 16:07168845
1Hey Dhimmi No More-- How's tricks?? [33 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 16:15168845
1To Debanjan Banerjee [170 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 16:42168845
2To Mr. Banerjee---- A solution to your problem [58 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 17:22168845
1To Mr. Banerjee [108 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 28, 2010 18:20168845
A reply to Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemi [73 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 31, 2010 01:52168845
More to Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemi [157 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 31, 2010 02:01168845
More to Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemi [73 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMar 31, 2010 02:23168845
1Hey Debanjan [53 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 1, 2010 04:41168845
1Hey Debanjan [112 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 1, 2010 04:50168845
1Hey Mr.Banerjee [43 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 1, 2010 04:55168845
My reply to Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemi [153 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 2, 2010 05:09168845
1Our dear Deb and speaking of cults and the Islamic comedy goes on and on [201 words]dhimmi no moreApr 2, 2010 15:21168845
Answer to DNM [58 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 3, 2010 23:25168845
1Ah my dear Debanjan [331 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiApr 6, 2010 00:40168845
1Our dear Deb and speaking of cults and the Islamic comedy goes on and on part deux [375 words]dhimmi no moreApr 6, 2010 07:20168845
Epiphany [37 words]Michael RosenbergFeb 12, 2010 13:19168833
1Congratulations Iranian Revolution! [33 words]pdmFeb 12, 2010 11:39168830
1Young and Attractive-Maybe? [243 words]Jay1Feb 12, 2010 00:12168815
Israel will not need Palin endorsement [232 words]LazmanFeb 11, 2010 23:05168813
Isn't There a Catch as to Why No Other Country Except Israel Considers a First Strike a Good Option? [155 words]M. ToveyFeb 11, 2010 19:46168807
The MSM and Sarah Palin [35 words]DavidFeb 10, 2010 23:39168773
The time is over we need to act NOW. [174 words]Peter KikareasFeb 10, 2010 23:01168772
Whitehouse motives and key to Palin's victory [146 words]Ron SingerFeb 10, 2010 10:20168754
Sarah as a leader [78 words]KMSFeb 18, 2010 15:09168754
Obama needs to declare a fatwah on the ayatollah and on president whatsathedamaj?! [44 words]PeterFeb 10, 2010 03:41168749
Sarah Palin, would take, nuclear iran seriously ! , sadly President Obama does not SEEM to be doing this. ... '10 [149 words]Phil GreendFeb 10, 2010 01:07168745
Sarah Palin! Scary indeed [41 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 9, 2010 18:07168733
our dhimmi is sometimes right too, ha ? [25 words]endrit huFeb 15, 2010 20:49168733
1Another victim of Turkish imperialism [144 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 16, 2010 19:26168733
1Bomb Iran, pay the price? [150 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 9, 2010 13:54168719
The US won the Super Bowl in 45! [51 words]albert palmerFeb 12, 2010 07:15168719
Asserting power [199 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 12, 2010 09:49168719
A war the US would not win [130 words]Anonymous Kid Genius (Ha IM Only 14)Feb 13, 2010 10:07168719
Die Welt [24 words]AlexFeb 9, 2010 13:34168718
OK. Now I know it is a foolish idea. [46 words]LazmanFeb 9, 2010 12:32168713
Sarah Palin Endorses "bomb Iran." For the Future of this World, Iran needs to be Stopped. [250 words]DebbieFeb 9, 2010 10:44168707
War [69 words]Joe Six-PackFeb 9, 2010 12:56168707
War. There has been a complacency in the Obama administration. - Response to Joe Six Pack [140 words]DebbieFeb 11, 2010 16:49168707
To: Palin, Joe six pack and likes of dhimmi [126 words]Cristina BoleFeb 15, 2010 20:55168707
Complacency in the Obama administration. response to Christina Bole. [605 words]DebbieFeb 16, 2010 12:34168707
Would bombing a nuclear reactor be enough? [122 words]Peter HerzFeb 9, 2010 09:25168702
Widespread pusillanimity [35 words]Steve KleinFeb 9, 2010 08:49168699
That's what I'm afraid of [46 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreFeb 9, 2010 08:13168698
Out of Respect for Decency, I will not comment on the headline. [24 words]Tom SatterleeFeb 9, 2010 00:23168685
Sarah Palin also endorses bridge to nowhere and Billion dollar research on drosophelias !! [46 words]Lisa TahonikaFeb 9, 2010 00:18168684
Lisa Tahonika, if BO can run the country, any one can!! [78 words]BAFeb 9, 2010 22:54168684
Sarah Palin scares me to death- shouldn't be a good role-model for anyone ! [203 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mike DukanovicFeb 9, 2010 00:08168683
Mr. Pipes: Couldn't you find a better example than this silly lady? [42 words]Sara MilesFeb 8, 2010 23:55168681
Sarah Palin [53 words]Norman MeyersonFeb 8, 2010 22:55168679
Akin to handing an atomic bomb to Hitler in the last days of World War II [126 words]markjuliansmithFeb 8, 2010 21:42168678
Sarah should learn to read [100 words]Mike ShapiroFeb 8, 2010 21:41168677
To You and Everyone Else: Grow Up! [129 words]AlexFeb 12, 2010 17:12168677
Sarah Palin? Bomb Iran ! [84 words]Nenette GrunbergFeb 8, 2010 19:04168669
Affording a third war now. [56 words]Nathan KravetzFeb 8, 2010 18:52168667
Sarah Of America [23 words]InfosifterFeb 8, 2010 18:41168665
Palin support for bombing Iran [132 words]Janusz KowalikFeb 8, 2010 18:39168664
Nuclear bombing of Iran? [14 words]Aad MolenkampFeb 20, 2010 18:14168664
Pat Buchanan [65 words]Ronald BelkinFeb 8, 2010 18:17168663
Notice the US & Israel flag lapel pin. [8 words]Maccabee613Feb 8, 2010 18:04168659
Absolutely Unglued [142 words]Sheldon TyberFeb 8, 2010 17:53168656
You and Sarah are NOT the first to want the U.S. to attack Iran [27 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Alec RawlsFeb 8, 2010 17:46168655
Having it both ways - but who will ultimately end up under the bus if she actually wins? [181 words]Cavan JohnFeb 8, 2010 17:42168654
wishful thinking [48 words]Isahiah62Feb 8, 2010 16:59168652
Obama is now aiming to get the Nobel Prize for Economics. [108 words]M.D.Feb 8, 2010 16:49168650
to M.D. - Nobel Prize in Chemistry not Economics [62 words]ASFeb 12, 2010 23:54168650
American male leaders take note [33 words]Tom F.Feb 8, 2010 16:47168649
1really? [194 words]dogagasMar 9, 2010 04:23168649
Our dear dogagas and what is really al-jihad [125 words]dhimmi no moreMar 10, 2010 06:28168649
offensive jihad [333 words]dogagasMar 10, 2010 09:21168649
our dear dogagas and the word al-jihad [569 words]dhimmi no moreMar 13, 2010 16:28168649
1i'll try this again [113 words]dogagasMar 14, 2010 18:58168649
our dear dogagas and the word al-jihad part deux [312 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2010 18:29168649
31 years [17 words]Walter E. WallisFeb 8, 2010 16:24168648
You like Sarah Palin? [3 words]Pablo IkbaFeb 8, 2010 16:20168647
Sara Palin is just a show girl [8 words]Todd ParkerFeb 9, 2010 12:27168647
Let's hope more serious Republicans chime in supportively [60 words]Boston guyFeb 8, 2010 16:16168646
Put Iran on dock for "War Crimes" [275 words]L. N. ErnstFeb 8, 2010 16:14168645
Ah, yes. [34 words]Peter HerzFeb 23, 2010 18:25168645
Sarah Palin [57 words]Bob HansonFeb 8, 2010 16:05168644

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