Maccabean ResistanceReader comment on item: Accept Israel as the Jewish State? Submitted by Ed Warmoth (United States), Jan 3, 2008 at 00:50 Builders of Zion calls upon everyone who professes to follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to unite. Jerusalem and the entire Holy Land is under attack by Arab/Islamic proxy forces, the so-called "palestinians." The "palestinan" myth was concocted by the League of Arab Nations as a means to garner World support for the Arab/Islamic goal of ridding the Middle East of the Jewish Nation. Now the Arab League has a new accomplice in their diabolical scheme, the American President, George W. Bush. President Bush brings to bear the full force of his super power's worldly influence. Like father, like son, we cannot forget how George H. Bush, when he was President, withheld crucial loan guarantees in a last minute back stabbing maneuver to force Israel to stop building in the homesteads. So, now the World super power, the United States, has demanded that by the end of the year 2008 a "palestinian" state will be birthed, on Jewish soil. God Forbid! As Bible believing Christians and Jews we must all do everything within our power to stop this atrocity. The events of today are reminiscent of those the Israelis living in the second century BCE faced. The super power of the day, the Seleucid Empire, ruled over the Jewish people and forced them to worship their false gods and live their Hellenistic lifestyle. God's Holy Temple in Jerusalem was looted, an altar to Zeus was erected inside and the practice of Judaism was outlawed. A Jewish priest named Matitiyahu ben Yochanan HaCohen began a revolt against the tyrannical pagan rulers. Matitiyahu's son Yehuda, known as Yehuda HaMakabi (Judah the Maccabee, meaning "the Hammer"), Yehudah's followers became known as the Maccabees. Yehudah led the revolt after his father's death and on the 25th of Kislev, 165 BCE, the Temple and the land of Israel was liberated. After the liberation the first assignment for these Macabees was to re-dedicate the Temple so God could be worshiped in His prescribed manner from His Holy Hill. Only one flask of consecrated oil was found, enough to light the menorah for only one day, it would take several days to prepare more oil. Tradition has it that the oil lasted eight days until more oil could be prepared and the light in the Temple never went out, a sign of God's acceptance of their efforts. Thus, the origins of the feast of Chanukkah (Hebrew, meaning "the Dedication") with its remembrance of those faithful Jews who rose up and went into action to uphold God's Honor, overcame the super power of the day and rededicated the Temple. As King Solomon said, "there is nothing new under the sun," today Israel is once again confronted by the world super power of the day, the United States, forcing the Jewish Nation to bow down in submission and causing the Temple of God to remain desecrated. During the past two decades the United States has consistently twisted the arm of the Israeli leaders forcing them to cave in to Arab/Islamic pressure to give up strategic land in trade for false promises of peace from Her Arab/Islamic enemies. President Bush recently demanded that Israel's enemies (three quarters of the 49 countries invited) come to Annapolis, Maryland to participate in what was being billed as a "peace summit." This "summit" was designed to do one thing -- to force the U. S. President's so-called road map to peace on the domestically weakened Olmert Government. In an act of outrageous disrespect during the Annapolis "peace" conference the Bush Administration forced the Israeli Delegation to enter the meetings through a service entrance because the Arab/Islamic "peace" partners refused to allow the Israeli's to use the same hallways and doorways as the Arabs and Muslims. Rather than tell the Arab/Muslims that here in the United States we treat everyone as equals the Administration subjected Prime Minister Olmert and his delegation to the humiliation of being treated as Dhimmis (second class citizens in Islamic culture) by their mortal enemies. In addition, the Saudi delegation and many other Arab/Muslim leaders removed their head phones used for translation during Prime Minister Olmert's speech, another sign of outright disrespect. These enemy leaders had no interest in so much as hearing the Israeli Prime Minister's comments. This feigned attempt at a genuine peace conference was no more than an opportunity for Muslims to deride the Israeli Government. This sort of abhorrent behavior has not been tolerated in the United States since the civil rights movement obtained equal treatment for all men under the law. Condoleezza Rice has caused the Israelis to be abused in the same way she experienced as a child growing up with segregation where blacks had to use separate entrances and facilities. This behavior cannot be tolerated in the United States, most especially when directed toward invited dignitaries from other countries. We have all been disgraced before man and God by the willful and wanton actions of the Bush Administration. President Bush has crossed the line. It is time to rededicate our country to the Judeo-Christian principles which have made the United States what it is today. The United States needs to have a modern day Chanukkah experience. Once again, we must become a Nation under God, submitted to and committed to His precepts. The United States must return to supporting Israel, to blessing the Jewish Nation, providing Her strength and assistance to fight off Arab/Islamic aggression. Our leaders are dragging us into disfavor and ultimately disastrous Divine Judgment for the sin of dissecting God's Land and setting our hand against the Remnant of Jacob. The time has come for a Maccabean Resistance. We the People must arise and do what we can to overturn this evil decree calling for an Enemy State inside Israel's borders. The time is short we must rise up now, we must extract ourselves from our comfortable lifestyles and begin a major campaign to stop the Islamic aggressors waging a relentless war upon the Holy Land and the Jewish Nation. Like the Maccabees, we must band together as an organized front to effect change. The present course of the governments of the Nations with their wicked decrees calling for dismantling the Holy Land must be reversed. We must do what our faithless leaders will not, we must stand against Islamic expansionism and murderous terror. We can make a difference, but only if we unite and exercise our legal rights to assemble in opposition to our leaders, to demonstrate, to pressure our elected leaders, to organize a resistance against poor government, to demand that our "representatives" begin representing us in a Godly manner, to expose the corrupt policy makers and have them ousted, to elect Godly men and women to office who will uphold the Precepts of our Creator, to teach Godly Precepts so Believers will understand what it means to Bless Israel, to encourage the Nation of Israel to stand in Faith. Builders of Zion calls on every Bible believing Christian and Jew to unite in solidarity just as the Maccabees did, every day is a day of Chanukkah (the dedication) until the Bush Administration changes its course in relation to Israel and becomes a blessing to the Nation of Israel rather than a curse. Below is a list of actions requested of every Maccabean Believer: 1. Christian and Jewish Believers must come together and unite, stand side by side to act as a unified front against the evil decrees of our governments. We must give all our policy makers no rest until they turn from this present course of enabling and supporting Islamic aggression and imperialism. 2. Believers must congregate to protest the actions of the Bush Administration and encourage the People of Israel. 3. Demonstrate in front of the White House every day of the week. Any Maccabee traveling through the DC area should take a sign and stand in front of the White House for at least an hour, more if you can. If you have a Chanukkiah (nine candle Menorah used for Chanukkah) take it and light it, filled with nine candles for the President to see. 4. Demonstrations should be held in front of the local office of your Congressmen and Senators, In DC you may or may not get their attention, at their local office you WILL get their attention. Let them know their constituents expect to be properly represented by them as a blessing to Israel. Every two weeks there will be meetings forced upon the Israeli Government to negotiate with the pLO, we should have repeated demonstrations to coincide with these negotiations. 5. Make appointments with your representatives, sit down and explain the Maccabean Resistance cause to them and gain their support. Express the need to cut off American funding for the pLO and any group connected to and associating with this homicidal organization. 6. Utilize the genuine Maccabean Resistance signs and shirts with the Chanukkiah icon when demonstrating. By consistently using the same posters and shirts displaying the Chanukkiah icon, from shore to shore, it becomes obvious to our political leaders and the media that throughout the Nation we are a unified front, and a serious voting block. 7. Speak to your Pastor or Rabbi, ask them to become involved in the Maccabean Resistance and begin to organize local demonstrations. 8. If you are a pastor or Rabbi, speak to your congregations about the Maccabean Resistance, schedule demonstrations locally and make trips to the White House for mass demonstrations. 9. Provide Builders of Zion with pictures of your demonstrations so they may be placed on our web site to encourage each other. 10. Write letters to the Bush Administration and the U. S. Secretary of State telling them to stop their abuse of the Israeli Government and encourage them to be a blessing to Israel. 11. Monitor your local media for stories about the so-called "peace process" and Maccabean Resistance demonstrations. 12. Hold demonstrations at presidential candidate rallies, make this an issue for the upcoming elections. Press the candidates to make known their stand on the issues effecting Israel. If they give the wrong answers they are not the ones to vote for. 13. International Maccabees can write the United States President and encourage him to stop his present course of action and become a blessing to Israel. If it is legal to do so in your country, hold a demonstration in front of the U. S. Embassy. You can also rally in front of the Israeli Embassy encouraging the Prime Minister to have faith in God, to stand against the pressure from the Nations. Encourage your heads of state to be a blessing to Israel. Don't forget, utilize the genuine Maccabean Resistance signs and shirts with the Chanukkiah icon so it will be recognized that we are a unified front. Builders of Zion needs your financial support to facilitate and carry out the work we are doing. The hard and fast reality is, it takes a lot of money to travel and drum up support from key figures in the Christian and Jewish communities, speak at Churches and Synagogues and to supply and attend major demonstrations. This is all work which must be done. President Bush has mandated that before he leaves office at the end of 2008 he wants to see a "palestinian" state in existence. The President's demand has challenged the forces of The Lord of Hosts, we must respond in a major way. We have little time and a great need. We are calling upon every Maccabee to become an active part of the Resistance. Become involved in every way you can, sacrifice of yourselves for the sake of Jerusalem. To enlist in the Maccabean Resistance contact Builders of Zion at: NORETREAT@BUILDERSOFZION.ORG
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