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Mansoor: You are doing a good job of bringing up the worst features of Islam - Part II

Reader comment on item: The West's Islamist Infiltrators
in response to reader comment: Mansoor: You are doing a good job of bringing up the worst features of Islam

Submitted by Plato (India), Sep 23, 2008 at 22:15

Mansoor, you wrote:

>>Allah has given you multiple chances but with the help of Satan you keep on distracting yourself from the true path!!!

Can't you see that you are suddenly filled with anti-islamic sentiments the moment any sign or any proof comes in front of you? Better seek guidance from Allah.<<

Allah's chances are worth nothing if Satan, a lowly former slave of His, can so easily distract me from the truth. You have been bringing Allah's proofs to me on this blog and instead of being attracted to the truth I am repelled by them.

Among the many truths you have revealed you stated that Muslims are ever ready to eat bullets and wash up in the blood of infidels. You also told us that Muslims will soon rise up and the sound of infidel skulls being smashed by them will be heard all over the world, or something to that effect. If that is how you are going to bring me the truth of Islam and Allah, no thank you I prefer to be on the side of Satan.

>>Surely he will guide you...but your basic aim is to distract yourself and finding ways to run away from the truth!!!<<

Mansoor, you are the harbinger of truth on this blog. I have never run away from you, if you have noticed.

>>As far as I have understood you are pretending to be the supporter of so called advocates of liberty. The liberty where religion is thrown out of houses and you are given license to do whatever sin you want to commit!!!<<

And what sins would they be? The sin of women with the freedom to work, show off their bodies, marry or divorce whom they wish? Remember Islam is obsessed with women's so-called chastity.

The religion you so dearly want to establish everywhere wants to encourages you to kill or be killed to please Allah (9:111), He wants you to defeat and humiliate Christians and Jews and collect a tax from them.

I would rather allow women the liberty to roam free than have the liberty to attack and kill my neighbours and have the freedom to keep their wives and daughters as my concubines and slaves.

>>Few points you raised in your posts but with incomplete information.

You referred "Volume 8, Book 76, Number 450: Narrated Abu Dhar":

…..He said, "It was Gabriel who appeared to me beside Al-Harra and said, 'Give the good news to your followers that whoever dies without having worshipped anything besides Allah, will enter Paradise.' I said, 'O Gabriel! Even if he had committed theft or committed illegal sexual intercourse?' He said, 'Yes.'

As usual you did a great job by quoting incomplete text. Have it in detail as below!!!

Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) while he was wearing white clothes and sleeping. I went back to him again after he had got up from his sleep. He said, "Nobody says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah' and then later on he dies while believing in that, except that he will enter Paradise." I said, "Even if he had committed illegal sexual intercourse and theft?" He said, "Even if he had committed illegal sexual intercourse and theft." I said, "Even if he had committed illegal sexual intercourse and theft?" He said, "Even if he had committed illegal sexual intercourse and theft, in spite of Abu Dharr's disliking (it)." Abu `Abdullah said, "This is at the time of death or before it if one repents and regrets and says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' He will be forgiven his sins." <<

See my previous short post in reply: http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/138011

>>As for Bani Mustaliq, better read the following link which has detailed information which is extremely lengthy if I would attempt to paste it over here !!! I am sure you will be able to pick out more negative points against Islam...but clarification is available for every event!!


As you so presciently noted picking out negative points against this link was as easy as ABC. Here they are:

The site has this to say about the attack on the Mustaliq: ‘Another tribe who plotted against the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was Bani Mustaliq. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) gathered a Ghazwah[3] this time to attack Bani Mustaliq .'

The author of the article has not given any proof they were plotting from the prophet's biographers or any other authenticated history of the time. Now when Bush and his cohorts said Saddam was plotting to acquire WMDs and attacked, after giving months of warning, why do you object?

>>‘Again this event gives us a clear perception on how the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) dealt with attempts against the Muslims. He did not wait for imminent physical danger to come to him, instead he went forth and took are of the threat before the enemy acts upon it.'<<

Ditto for Bush. He was protecting his countrymen against a perceived threat. He was not about to wait until Saddam acquired WMDs before striking he ‘went forth and took care and snuffed out the threat'. Bush has probably read the Koran and understood its true message.

>>The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and his companions who joined him in the Ghazwah attacked Bani
Mustaliq at a well called al Muraysah. They attacked and killed the men while their women were apprehended. This is proof that one does not need to always announce an attack to the enemy because a warning at this situation would harm the Muslim's position.<<

Bush probably had not studied the Prophet's gazhwas in detail. Otherwise he too would have struck without warning to avoid harming America's position. Bush also left well alone the women and children of Iraq, did not make them into slaves, nor did he marry any of Saddam's daughters or wife. He did not even allow his faithful soldiers to do so, despite the fact that Islam allows it. Muslims claim that the Banu Quraiza were massacred using their own law. Bush refrained from using Islamic law in Iraq with disastrous results!

Look at the trouble Bush is having in Iraq now. It comes of not following the Koranic freedom to attack without warning and enslaving the women and children. The Iraqi men would be loath to attack when they knew their family were hostage with the Americans.

>>‘At this battle, one of the Sahabah named Hisham Ibn Tababah was killed by another Sahabah by accident. His brother named Mithyas approached the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) later on and asked to be paid blood money of 100 camels. They questioned his identity as a Muslim but he professed to have been Muslim. After he was paid, he returned to his tribe boasting about how he deceived the Muslims. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) sent the Sahabah to kill Mithyas for his deception to the point of telling the Sahabah, ".. even if you see him hanging on the Ka'bah."'<<

Such a beautiful Islamic story. Greed, deceit, vengeance all elements of a good story. Especially the vengeance part. The Prophet was willing to desecrate the holy Kaaba to get his vengeance. I can imagine the deceitful Mithyas hugging the Kaaba stone for dear life hoping to be spared only to have his blood spattered on the holiest of holies in Islam for an act of greediness. Ugh.

>>‘Only one man was able to escape this battle- Harith ibn Dirar. His daughter, Juwairiyah bint Harith, was captured. She was a very wise and beautiful woman. She was to be the slave of Thabit ibn Qays, but the moment she was captured she requested for a mukatabah [4]. Thabit had no choice but to accept this since it was fard to accept a request like this. Juwairiyah approached the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) for help. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) in turn told her he would pay all of the ransom and also marry her. [5] She accepted his proposal and she eventually became one of his wives. The consequence of her marriage was that her entire tribe was set free because the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) could not possibly conceive of having his in-laws enslaved. <<

Cool. Juwairiyah probably knew about the reputation of the prophet. Why should she settle for the life of a slave of an ordinary Arab when she could wangle an interview with the prophet himself. She also must known about her attractiveness. When he had a look her, the inevitable happened. One little detail intrigued me. If only one man survived the battle then what remained of the tribe to be set free, except the women and children?

The link you have given: http://www.ahmadjibril.com/students/seerahbanimustaliq.html

was worth reading and brings out some other negative points of Islam. There is the story of a son willing to kill his father because of his religion. There is the story of a pre-teen boy carrying tales about a prominent Madinan and Umar ever ready with his sword offering to slice off the Madinan's head. Allah then goes to extent of revealing the entire Surah Munafiqeen (Surah 63). In 63:6 Allah shows His displeasure at the Prophet praying for a hypocrite and says He will not accept intercession by any one. Allah and His prophet seems to have forgotten this and claimed that he was the only prophet allowed to intercede on behalf of his followers: Volume 6, Book 60, Number 236:

Volume 1, Book 7, Number 331:

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:

The Prophet said, "I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me.

1. Allah made me victorious by awe, (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month's journey.

2. The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform Tayammum, therefore anyone of my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due.

3. The booty has been made Halal (lawful) for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me.

4. I have been given the right of intercession (on the Day of Resurrection).

5. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind.

The story also informs us of Allah's decree that prayers should not be said over the graves of unbelievers and chided the prophet for praying over a hypocrite's body.

And this is the wonderful point/moral of the story according to the narrator:

‘The main point of the battle was that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was surrounded by hypocrites. While it is easy to see the kuffar because their disbelief is clear, the hypocrites are hidden.'

I read this as telling Muslims to be suspicious of other Muslims, not of the Kuffar who are honest about their disbelief. If even the prophet could not pick out a hypocrite, imagine, the person standing next to you in prayer could be a hypocrite!

>>Can I ask you? do you see American as biggest advocates of Human rights and do you see Indian Army as a clean entity? I can quote you numerous cases and events when American and Indian Army committed crimes against humanity and they are still labeled as clean by mad horses like you!!<<

After reading about what happened to the banu Mustaliq what human rights do you think the Prophet practiced? A man slaughtered in a holy place for greediness. An entire tribe's women and children taken as slaves. Thank your Allah that the Americans and Indians do not follow your prophet's idea of human rights. If they did, seventy thousand of your soldiers who committed Islamic slaughter in East Bengal would still be sweeping floors and cleaning toilets in India. And most American soldiers' homes would have an Iraqi gardener and an Iraqi concubine hidden away in his basement.

May this ‘mad horse' ask what your holy warriors did in East Bengal. How many did they massacre? Kashmir is nothing compared to what Pakistan did.

What is your army doing in Waziristan? What is your army doing in Baluchistan? What did your army do in the Lal masjid? Could the army not have starved out the women and children holed up there?

>>Indian Army's influence in prolonged Martial Law in Burma is not a hidden story now!!! American missiles hitting innocent Muslim women and children in Afghanistan, Iraq & Pakistani tribal areas is an ongoing bloodshed without purpose which people like you would love to close their eyes to.<<

What are Muslims doing to Muslims in Darfur? Why is the Muslim world not making a hue and cry about the hundreds of thousands killed and made homeless in their own land? Are the Muslim women and children of Darfur not innocent? Have Muslims closed their eyes to the massacres taking place in Darfur?

>>I would once again say that the moment Allah decides to punish the forces lined up against Islam...then there will be no shelter left for anybody like you!!!<<

Will Allah punish the Sudanese Arab Muslims for unnecessarily killing other Muslims? Mutual slaughtering Muslims seems acceptable in islam, only when the infidels do that to Muslims do you scream loudly. You talk about Muslims killed in Kashmir. Do a count of the Muslims killed by Muslims in your very Islamic nation. And don't leave out East Bengal from the count. Is Allah going to shelter the Muslims who kill Muslims??

>>As for `Ad, they were arrogant in the land without right and they said: 'Who is mightier than us in strength?' See they not that Allah Who created them was mightier in strength than them. And they used to deny Our Ayat!<<

There are a few billion people who denied and continue to deny Allah's ayat. Nothing has happened to them. Why did Allah single out the people of Ad? If it was a lesson to the rest of humanity it has proved to be of zero value.

>>So, We sent upon them a Sarsar wind in days of calamity that We might give them a taste of disgracing torment in this present worldly life. But surely the torment of the Hereafter will be more disgracing, and they will never be helped.<<

This ayat tells us that Allah has realized that his threats and punishments on earth are ineffective and is reduced to threatening people with torture in their after life. Is anyone listening?

>>And as for Thamud, We showed them the path of truth but they preferred blindiness to guidance; so the Sa`iqah of disgracing torment seized them because of what they used to earn.<<

Is Allah asleep now? He has shown His truth in the Koran but hundreds of nations are blind to it. Why does he not torment them? On the contrary He is tormenting believers in Him and those who refuse His guidance are the ones prospering.

>>And We saved those who believed and had Taqwa.

Qur'an, Fussilat [41:15-18]<<

Why are the righteous believers in Palestine, Afghanistan, Kashmir or Chehnya not being saved?

>>Allah always gave warnings and gave ample time to evil forces to repent and behave. Right now America is thinking the same way, they are entering the land of their choice on charges they have no proof available. WMD or Osama or blah blah!!! Dramas like 9/11 were long unfolded as Jewish/American plot to trigger offensive against Islam!!! <<

So what is Allah waiting for? And did Allah not know beforehand that America would become an enemy of Muslims? Why is Allah allowing them to torture the poor believers? Allah is sleeping on the job.

>>Better wait and see when Allah decides to Crush USA into pieces like we saw U.S.S.R becoming History!!!<<

We are waiting with bated breath for Allah to end his siesta to watch the USA crumbling. If Allah's does not end soon maybe my grandchildren will have the pleasure of watching the spectacle.

>>Stay in touch Plato baba<<

Will comply, Mansoor.

>>Kafirs like you are always prefer misquoting and maligning the original text to satisfy their aims to misguide others.<<

Misquoting, maligning? Bring me your proof.




Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (190) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1there are still more islamic terror attacks happening, is now (Feb,2010) the time to limit muslims coming to the West? [195 words]Phil GreendFeb 12, 2010 12:24168831
1RE: If there were no Islam the entire West would be still in Dark Ages - UTTER RUBBISH [334 words]TruthAloneTruimphsJan 7, 2009 06:41147264
Without Islam there would be no Chemistry, no physics, no modern medicine, no astronomy [67 words]Dr. ANWAR UL HAQUEJan 1, 2012 21:34147264
If there were no Islam the entire West would be still in Dark Ages [193 words]Prof. (Dr.) Anwar Ul HaqueDec 7, 2008 03:00144550
1Islamic History [196 words]ArlindaDec 22, 2008 08:38144550
2Zillions of lies can not creat an iota of truth [385 words]Prof. (Dr.) Anwar Ul HaqueDec 22, 2008 19:50144550
NOT one of them have the courage to come up [105 words]Sarfaraz Ali KhanFeb 8, 2010 09:33144550
agree with you, zillion lies and 1400 years [14 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthiSep 23, 2010 01:44144550
Dealing with it right away but also right [251 words]ashrafOct 14, 2008 18:44140180
If MA's were awarded on verbosity - congratulations [158 words]PDMOct 15, 2008 18:08140180
1I have NEVER read or heard one muslim criticise islam [88 words]PDMOct 15, 2008 18:42140180
The Morals of Difference [436 words]ashrafOct 16, 2008 21:08140180
2Islam is from Allah and it is therefore Perfect as Allah is perfect [265 words]Dr. Anwar Ul HaqueDec 7, 2008 03:09140180
1Muslims Criticize Muslims [141 words]IslamfactorMar 1, 2009 11:38140180
1we are all humans [214 words]muslim girl.Aug 17, 2009 03:06140180
2dear muslim girl [93 words]pdmAug 17, 2009 09:17140180
truth of mohamad [26 words]josefDec 29, 2009 09:11140180
Islam is a religion deeply rooted in extreme violent [156 words]Candid ViewsJun 13, 2014 02:52140180
3re:infiltrators [134 words]J. C. Penhos, MDOct 8, 2008 06:28139725
Cair [72 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
ChristinaSep 24, 2008 14:08139100
Where is the outrage? [46 words]scpackratSep 19, 2008 21:01138874
Obama: the ultimate Islamist infiltrator [105 words]PolarikSep 18, 2008 19:13138831
What about Hindu terrorism ? [219 words]Third eyeSep 16, 2008 03:42138655
What about islamic oppression on Humanity? [154 words]neilSep 18, 2008 05:22138655
2Hindu violence is reactive & not proactive like Islamic Terror [515 words]TruthAloneTriumphsOct 4, 2008 12:48138655
Hindu terrorism [404 words]Third eyeOct 10, 2008 06:47138655
funny this [42 words]rahmenOct 17, 2008 08:06138655
HINDU TERRORISM [334 words]ABHISHEKOct 26, 2008 06:20138655
5th Columns [659 words]TSGT Uvin A. CloughJR., USAF, RET.Sep 15, 2008 13:50138634
30How Islam works [900 words]Del PhantomSep 14, 2008 22:37138579
In my opinion, Muslims should be not expelled from all Western countries and isolated. [190 words]JoeSep 24, 2008 04:40138579
"...violent muslims as much as there are violent christians, and more violent Jews and Hindus..." HA! [419 words]Del PhantomOct 2, 2008 00:14138579
Musliims should be expelled from Philippines too [141 words]Mike TJul 26, 2009 15:35138579
what [37 words]muneeraMay 27, 2012 08:21138579
Kosovo [28 words]MilosFeb 2, 2019 17:07138579
islamic fundamentalism [45 words]maheshSep 14, 2008 10:11138527
Mahesh: Peace TV is a flop show [144 words]PlatoSep 23, 2008 22:28138527
Muslims in sensitive positions [36 words]FaqiSep 14, 2008 04:20138506
2How to defeat Jihad [1852 words]PDMSep 12, 2008 12:28138348
Father Zakaria Botros [303 words]dhimmi no moreSep 14, 2008 08:56138348
right on! [93 words]Donald OSep 15, 2008 20:16138348
not true at all, learn b4 speaking [99 words]bashMar 9, 2009 09:34138348
The only problem is . . . [51 words]AmillennialistSep 11, 2008 00:37138265
1Infiltrators are spies and should be accorded the same fate! [48 words]Billy the InfidelSep 9, 2008 03:44138168
infiltrators [21 words]Jon PurizhanskySep 5, 2008 15:10137989
Read Paul Sperry's book- Infiltrators- scary facts [330 words]saraSep 5, 2008 18:12137989
Here is a follow-up scary fact on Sperry's INFILTRATION -- he was threatened into silence by Moslems [52 words]Charles MartelNov 21, 2008 10:57137989
1Brigitte Gabriel Unfairly Accused In NY Times of "Islamophobia" [571 words]GWKSep 2, 2008 13:23137851
Shocked? Ebrahim Eboo Patel has been doing that for a long, long time !!!!! [266 words]YnnatchkahSep 3, 2008 20:10137851
Falling on deaf ears [153 words]Rebecca MouldsSep 3, 2008 20:43137851
whatever [401 words]78987Aug 31, 2008 09:30137737
Infiltrators [41 words]MonikaAug 25, 2008 18:05137360
Islam is a way of life [154 words]Joe six-packAug 24, 2008 12:17137257
" Muslims do what Muhammed told them " [162 words]surinder singhAug 24, 2008 10:54137253
if you provoke hate you get hate [68 words]shahAug 25, 2008 01:22137253
1Follow Mohammad. [166 words]surjAug 31, 2008 18:54137253
Peace be upon you. [69 words]surjAug 31, 2008 19:44137253
for you mr singh [50 words]Sameer PAthanDec 22, 2008 04:54137253
Who and why are Sikhs ? [2169 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthiSep 23, 2010 02:02137253
Thanks for this info, Daniel Pipes [19 words]Lucille PAug 23, 2008 03:25137177
Knowing about your enemy. [31 words]surjAug 31, 2008 19:52137177
Shadow Fear!!! [333 words]MansoorAug 22, 2008 07:00137143
2Our dear mansoor and the worst enemy of islam is islam itself [294 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2008 07:35137143
the west's islamist infiltrators [70 words]btillyAug 23, 2008 14:35137143
Mansoor's "Shadow Fear" [381 words]EuskalHerriaAug 23, 2008 16:03137143
...shadow "religion" [602 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 24, 2008 02:31137143
Add action to writting [132 words]Lorenzo BoucharsAug 24, 2008 19:30137143
Old trick new colours [217 words]MansoorAug 25, 2008 07:54137143
Shadow Fear!!! [110 words]CherAug 25, 2008 21:22137143
no tricks at all [677 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 26, 2008 22:54137143
Islamic Aggression [208 words]ThiaganAug 28, 2008 00:31137143
the west's islamist infiltrators [82 words]btillyAug 28, 2008 15:52137143
Mansoor: Allah, the Great Trickster, deceives Muslims into believing in Him and then leaves them in the lurch. [599 words]PlatoAug 29, 2008 04:31137143
Welcome to the party!!! [325 words]MansoorAug 30, 2008 23:49137143
Lorenzo Bouchars is right [252 words]anonOct 14, 2008 22:29137143
Who REALLY is an Islamist infiltrator ? [56 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreAug 19, 2008 10:51137012
Militant Muslim lies and treachery even on the far east! [414 words]Mindanao-CivilianAug 19, 2008 05:40137004
Re: The West's Islamist Infiltrators [227 words]William EastAug 18, 2008 13:09136952
Islamic style peace [62 words]surinder singhAug 21, 2008 12:27136952
Peace in Pieces!!! [114 words]mma_ansari@hotmail.comAug 23, 2008 05:52136952
Brandeis University & Ms/ Siddiqui [43 words]RedbearAug 18, 2008 07:43136939
Why are the Muslims infiltrating into the West? [187 words]M.D'SouzaAug 17, 2008 18:28136897
Why? [32 words]marieAug 29, 2008 11:05136897
Imam's teach Canadians [413 words]InfidelAug 17, 2008 00:30136868
what's good for the goose...... [40 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 17, 2008 23:15136868
Infidel - Isn't this is the usual hypocrisy and deception practiced by imams worldwide!!! [156 words]JaladhiAug 18, 2008 10:38136868
Why Islam is the Religion of Peace [193 words]PrepareAug 18, 2008 18:55136868
This just in... [427 words]RockmelonAug 19, 2008 16:44136868
Self Explanatory!!! [27 words]MansoorAug 23, 2008 06:36136868
The words Imam, Mullah and Sheikh and the Qur'an says that men can beat their wives [401 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2008 08:13136868
What is really islam? [269 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2008 17:17136868
The West's Islamist infiltrators [41 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Aaron PoscovskyAug 16, 2008 20:35136860
What a shame that the MSM won't report...... [137 words]DorineAug 16, 2008 16:51136843
Pro-Islamic tevisionism accepted by cowardly academics who would not tolerate it elsewhere. That's hypocrisy! [169 words]GWKAug 18, 2008 16:28136843
Well said, TIRDAD GHARIB [244 words]jennifer solisAug 16, 2008 19:22136829
Thank you to a great lady name Jennifer Solis From the bottom of my heart From Tirdad Gharib [112 words]Tirdad GharibAug 18, 2008 04:56136829
My apologies, TIRDAD GHARIB [172 words]jennifer solisAug 18, 2008 16:31136829
Dear Jennifer Sollis you are more than welcome i saw it but please do never worry about it you are one more american patriot hero whom my respect in indeed tremendous from Tirdad Gharib [283 words]TIRDAD GHARIBAug 19, 2008 17:24136829
Senator Barack Hussain Obama please answer my questions? [537 words]TIRDAD GHARIBAug 20, 2008 07:47136829
Freedom [108 words]Peter, ScotlandAug 20, 2008 17:16136829
Obama...is heading towards right path!!! [215 words]MansoorAug 23, 2008 06:16136829
Mansoor is back! [44 words]jennifer solisAug 23, 2008 16:59136829
Hello Peter from Scotland [178 words]jennifer solisAug 23, 2008 17:22136829
TO MANSOUR FROM TIRDAD GHARIB [263 words]TIRDAD GHARIBAug 24, 2008 12:27136829
"The West's Islamist Infiltrators" [408 words]jennifer solisAug 30, 2008 15:14136829
Putting a decree for appropriation of private property? [352 words]YnnatchkahAug 31, 2008 08:54136829
Hello Ynnatchkah - it boggles the mind [249 words]jennifer solisSep 1, 2008 01:13136829
Good day Jennifer,And Thank you Kindlly For your Nice Words. [51 words]TIRDAD GHARIBMar 7, 2014 04:55136829
To Be or Not to Be - Politically Correct [180 words]RockmelonAug 16, 2008 04:00136817
Political correctness is nothing but "Lying"!!! [77 words]JaladhiAug 16, 2008 17:53136817
The West Has Lost its Mind / Will [179 words]PrepareAug 17, 2008 21:31136817
Islam is as Islam does [144 words]RockmelonAug 17, 2008 22:35136817
Pakistanis Assembled an Entire Nuke by Infiltration and Stealth [11 words]SinghaAug 16, 2008 02:49136815
Pakistan is the victim of Perpetual conspiracy! [419 words]MansoorAug 24, 2008 07:45136815
Terrorism part of life in the 21 Century [46 words]VictoriaAug 15, 2008 22:38136806
Western Islamization [42 words]Steven LAug 15, 2008 21:40136802
They vow to raise Holy war kids [9 words]smbawaAug 15, 2008 21:23136801
Why is anyone surprised? [133 words]DavePAug 15, 2008 20:35136799
The West's Islamist Infiltrators [96 words]Ram PatrolAug 15, 2008 18:54136796
How far this "watching" should go? [485 words]atheist mohammedAug 15, 2008 16:33136787
Just doesn't hold water [394 words]PrepareAug 21, 2008 23:18136787
Don't let the fundamentals spoil your values. [641 words]atheist mohammedAug 24, 2008 12:25136787
That is just it - we don't. [1151 words]PrepareAug 24, 2008 23:58136787
Can we do more feasible action? [633 words]atheist mohammedAug 31, 2008 11:55136787
Not till leaders recognize it is a problem [360 words]PrepareSep 8, 2008 02:15136787
Thx George.. [40 words]Francesco MangasciàAug 15, 2008 16:19136786
Absolutely well stated [86 words]ThomasAug 15, 2008 15:44136782
How many !! [248 words]dfwhite19438Aug 15, 2008 15:40136781
no jews need apply [34 words]leo solomonAug 15, 2008 15:21136776
Leo, I hope not! [53 words]gwkAug 15, 2008 21:52136776
No Jews need apply [24 words]Ram PatrolAug 17, 2008 15:45136776
You meant that comment to be posted as a reply to Leo Solomon [103 words]gwkAug 18, 2008 06:08136776
Kudos to Pipes! Long overdue news that needs to be publicized. [267 words]GWKAug 15, 2008 14:28136774
Correction: Violent extremists estimate = 1/8 to 1/16 of the 1.3 billion population [413 words]gwkAug 16, 2008 08:35136774
what's it going to take [95 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 16, 2008 10:19136774
Oh they will cross over the line [178 words]dfwhite19438Aug 18, 2008 20:20136774
Islamists infiltrate US [190 words]Janusz KowalikAug 15, 2008 14:21136773
No,no,no,no,no! [254 words]jennifer solisAug 15, 2008 18:09136773
Not so fast. Islam did not spread beyond the Pyrenees through the example of pacifistic monks. [318 words]GWKAug 18, 2008 16:13136773
Correction -- [165 words]GWKAug 19, 2008 21:53136773
The West's Islamists Infiltators. [811 words]Kim SegarAug 15, 2008 13:52136772
The (potential) Islamic Infiltrator in the White House. [111 words]PolarikAug 15, 2008 15:28136772
The West's Islamist Infiltrators [287 words]kim segarAug 17, 2008 10:54136772
oust Obama [50 words]sableAug 30, 2008 14:13136772
It's too late - I think!!! [145 words]JaladhiAug 15, 2008 13:19136770
6month, 5 year and 7 year olf terrorists [116 words]Anwar Ul Haque, MDAug 15, 2008 20:58136770
Bogus claims by Anwar [468 words]JaladhiAug 16, 2008 17:39136770
Universities were in India before islam [152 words]G.VishvasAug 17, 2008 05:54136770
1Dr. Anwar Ul Haque: Koran 6:32:…..Will ye then not understand? [748 words]PlatoAug 17, 2008 07:45136770
And the doctor is in the house [309 words]dhimmi no moreAug 17, 2008 09:00136770
Anwar Ul Haque, MD [587 words]EuskalHerriaAug 17, 2008 22:57136770
the Muslim idea of enlightenment [164 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 17, 2008 23:03136770
4islam means peace of the graveyard [187 words]G.VishvasAug 18, 2008 05:21136770
Plato: If.. [41 words]Julia JohnsonAug 21, 2008 14:16136770
What do Muslims do now? [95 words]YovenAug 22, 2008 16:55136770
what can we do about islam [340 words]G.VishvasAug 23, 2008 06:13136770
Another tablighee who pretends to be a woman [315 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2008 07:16136770
yes - what is their alternative? [538 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 24, 2008 01:52136770
2Julia/Maryam: What makes you think I want to become a Muslim?! [372 words]PlatoAug 24, 2008 10:22136770
Blindness under sunlight! [246 words]MansoorSep 1, 2008 05:51136770
Our dear mansoor the victim of Arabian imperialism part deux [122 words]dhimmi no moreSep 2, 2008 18:41136770
Mansoor: Allah's special logic is leading me blindly to "that horrible day" [1263 words]PlatoSep 3, 2008 21:09136770
Mansoor - you're a Hindu!! [124 words]HrishiSep 5, 2008 01:31136770
Negative Ideology!! Plato [768 words]MansoorSep 5, 2008 02:06136770
Mansoor: You are doing a good job of bringing up the worst features of Islam [667 words]PlatoSep 5, 2008 22:12136770
Our dear Mansoor and Arabic [64 words]dhimmi no moreSep 7, 2008 08:42136770
Mansoor: You are doing a good job of bringing up the worst features of Islam - Part II [2724 words]PlatoSep 23, 2008 22:15136770
Eating words !!! [123 words]ShahidOct 20, 2008 07:08136770
Shahid: Eating words? When it is a no contest Muslims regurgitate the context excuse [452 words]PlatoOct 21, 2008 00:21136770
False Propagenda against Quran, Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) [519 words]Dr. Anwar Ul HaqueNov 16, 2008 07:59136770
dr. anwar [278 words]btilly`Nov 24, 2008 08:47136770
DR ANWAR [112 words]btillyNov 24, 2008 09:07136770
Please remove biases and read it with an open heart [345 words]Dr. Anwar Ul HaqueDec 7, 2008 02:51136770
ISLAM [14 words]SOMEONEDec 9, 2008 00:30136770
islam [102 words]getlostMar 18, 2009 06:06136770
Out of reference and poor references [219 words]Anwar Ul HaqueMay 29, 2009 21:45136770
u have the wrong image about islam.. [500 words]muslim girl.Aug 17, 2009 02:52136770
1I am a Muslim [39 words]ShihabFeb 24, 2010 06:35136770
mostafa [13 words]mostafahassanMar 9, 2011 08:54136770
4Another victim of Arabian imperialism [95 words]dhimmi no moreMar 11, 2011 05:51136770
Out of reference quotes [288 words]Dr. ANWAR UL HAQUEDec 31, 2011 17:03136770
I am right because I say that I am right. What more proof do you need? [35 words]TedJan 1, 2012 15:50136770
my comments all the proofs [43 words]Dr. ANWAR UL HAQUEJan 1, 2012 22:39136770

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