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Reader comment on item: Westerners Welcome Harems

Submitted by PhiL (United States), Nov 30, 2008 at 16:10

I think our leaders should stop telling us that Islam is peaceful, We are at war with all of islam. Muslims keep telling the west that we must convert or die. I say to Islam convert or die. There is no compromise with islam, there is no peace with Islam. We must wake up from our Long sleep and self delusion. Islam has been slowly growing in the west like a cancer and it must be removed. Good luck all as for me the rest of my life will be dedicated to spreading western values and exposing Islam for what it is a violent and aggressive religion.

Peace and freedom be yours. May you survive the long night our leaders are blindly walking us into.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (179) on this item

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Title Commenter Date Thread
the coming colonialism [101 words]Tarek AlhawaApr 17, 2020 15:00258637
3more than one wife [268 words]nadiraSep 10, 2009 06:45161343
5I am itching to grow a beard [245 words]true believerSep 11, 2009 08:32161343
3Justification of Polygamy? [310 words]DisagreeJul 13, 2012 19:09161343
Islam encourages Chastity and safeguarding [50 words]MustafaMay 3, 2015 11:57161343
Chastity (none can be expected if you marry four times) [45 words]PrashantMay 7, 2015 00:29161343
2Islam needs a revival [293 words]RekhaJan 2, 2009 15:14146668
"Islam" needs to find a religion of truth and love towards fellow mankind - Jesus Christ. [348 words]kmanJan 3, 2009 17:23146668
2To Rekha [116 words]FFFFFFeb 25, 2009 01:43146668
1Islam needs NO revival [86 words]TruthAloneTruimphsMar 7, 2009 05:24146668
You have a good point [175 words]Abu NudnikNov 24, 2009 20:20146668
Revival in Islam [97 words]KamathJan 4, 2011 08:32146668
1polygyny than what atleast 60% of American men do... [215 words]kellyDec 25, 2008 00:11145830
1La La land [86 words]pbDec 27, 2008 12:29145830
1New political streams needed. I demand polygamy for women! [106 words]LolaDec 29, 2008 05:51145830
polygamy definitely better than cheating [130 words]hienaFeb 14, 2009 04:59145830
One Final Point [120 words]orange yonasonDec 21, 2008 05:20145552
1Similarity of Tolerance of Slavery with Tolerance of Polygamy [218 words]Mishah PipikDec 18, 2008 18:28145383
1Worldwide Islam [70 words]Ralph EkwallMar 26, 2009 21:00145383
polygyny [100 words]Naheem MalikDec 16, 2008 18:15145246
naheem-male arrogance is polygamy [85 words]btillyDec 17, 2008 23:07145246
Power of Islam [36 words]NariDec 11, 2008 06:55144892
2Polygamist marriages = consanguineous marriages = neurometabolic, nuerogentic, autosomal disorders, etc. [391 words]jennifer solisDec 10, 2008 19:38144862
nari-fornicating in a god's name [79 words]btilly`Dec 12, 2008 21:00144862
1See Video of a Polygamous Muslim Man in Australia beating Jounalists when they ask him about his four wives.. [37 words]FreedomDec 7, 2008 13:51144590
Oh, PRICELESS !!!! [98 words]kmanDec 7, 2008 19:06144590
KMAN [75 words]btillyDec 8, 2008 20:08144590
You called it!! I agree. [148 words]kmanDec 9, 2008 19:25144590
"It's None Of Your Business!" -- Mohamed [95 words]orange yonasonDec 10, 2008 12:32144590
Quoting CNSNews ...Islamic nations against connecting Muslim atricities with "Muslims". [80 words]kmanDec 6, 2008 19:54144532
2Harems are an inevitable sideshow, a symptom of the real problem [108 words]SullyDec 6, 2008 10:08144506
There is No god but God and that Muhammad is his Messenger [24 words]abdulJan 5, 2009 18:52144506
1reality [56 words]mariahOct 18, 2010 19:19144506
Harems are better options [27 words]Syed KasimDec 2, 2008 23:21144327
syed hasim [6 words]btillyDec 3, 2008 23:20144327
What a silly comment [47 words]TimDec 5, 2008 13:30144327
1Harems - easy way for men to sleep around in "legal" fashion. [90 words]kmanDec 5, 2008 21:33144327
KMAN-it's called "shacking up" [10 words]btillyDec 7, 2008 16:19144327
Yeah, truth - that tickles my sense of humor ...good! [5 words]kmanDec 7, 2008 18:47144327
Better for who? [65 words]DonDec 8, 2008 08:08144327
Read Between the Lines [14 words]cynic2Dec 8, 2008 09:38144327
Re: Harems are better options [60 words]Del PhantomDec 21, 2008 11:51144327
Harems =Brothels [80 words]ArlindaDec 22, 2008 06:41144327
1Islam and multiple wives [142 words]Dan BarnesMay 9, 2009 05:02144327
Polygamy is the life [72 words]Abu HazirNov 30, 2008 18:53144183
113 year old wives are illegal in NZ [319 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 1, 2008 20:17144183
abu hazir the greedy [30 words]btillyDec 1, 2008 20:48144183
Polygamy is the life [12 words]moDec 3, 2008 17:12144183
1Abu a 'troll' ??? Could be, I hope so, but would not surprise me in the least if he were not. [126 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 4, 2008 03:27144183
2Lust & Mind Control [144 words]RianDec 5, 2008 15:25144183
I get here late, the others have all the fun with you [48 words]kmanDec 5, 2008 21:42144183
1In Kuwait you can tell... [172 words]DonDec 8, 2008 08:20144183
1As Winston Churchill said of Islam . . . [202 words]orange yonasonNov 30, 2008 18:35144181
You forgot Israel [86 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
yuval Brandsteter MDDec 1, 2008 16:36144181
You are right. [25 words]YnnatchkahDec 2, 2008 15:11144181
1I think I've answered your question numerous times... [40 words]kmanDec 5, 2008 21:52144181
And, also, amongst the wisest. [115 words]kmanDec 5, 2008 21:59144181
West's policy = present a glass jaw [312 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 6, 2008 22:22144181
@kman [33 words]orange yonasonDec 6, 2008 22:59144181
Excellent - no less than Churchil himself - whew! [78 words]kmanDec 7, 2008 18:34144181
You are correct ... [104 words]kmanDec 7, 2008 18:45144181
Correction [16 words]orange yonasonDec 8, 2008 01:50144181
kman - check who my first post was directed to again [74 words]orange yonasonDec 8, 2008 22:36144181
1Unions non-traditional in the US [189 words]John BlakemoreNov 30, 2008 11:58144165
Monogamy is not eroding under the influence of Sharia [70 words]Peter HerzNov 30, 2008 05:56144142
The slippery slope [342 words]kazanderNov 30, 2008 18:12144142
Q for Mr Pipes and Mr Herz: Doesn't our Bible approve Polygamy? [93 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Morris GrahamDec 1, 2008 11:11144142
1I agree with you in part Kazander [77 words]SullyDec 5, 2008 00:48144142
Morris Graham, traditions of men [237 words]InfidelDec 8, 2008 22:32144142
for Morris Graham on Biblical polygamy, [296 words]Peter HerzDec 9, 2008 10:41144142
Examples of monogamy in the Bible [92 words]jennifer solisDec 11, 2008 22:00144142
Polygamy is legal in Canada [27 words]HazemMar 30, 2009 09:58144142
1Third World Sharia Law is poisoning Western Civilizaton [261 words]Ron KilmartinNov 29, 2008 18:54144118
on topic web radio [32 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 29, 2008 04:51144071
1WAR OR ASSIMILATION [125 words]PhiLNov 30, 2008 16:10144061
1Incrementalism [41 words]jennifer solisNov 28, 2008 16:36144039
Trouble and strife [445 words]Rebecca MouldsNov 28, 2008 13:56144027
WHICH IS BETTER? [185 words]RawiNov 28, 2008 11:08144019
1Something is missing. [269 words]Mary ConnorNov 29, 2008 07:03144019
Rawi, disobeys the Qur'an [76 words]InfidelNov 29, 2008 12:17144019
WHICH IS BETTER? [167 words]RawiNov 29, 2008 23:23144019
Rawi flawed figures [183 words]JorgeNov 30, 2008 19:05144019
1poly-anything... sure - but, you got to pay for it! [187 words]KarlDec 2, 2008 05:39144019
Westerners welcome harems [132 words]kim segarNov 28, 2008 09:16144012
What's wrong with polygamy? [86 words]kazanderNov 27, 2008 16:25143963
hear hear [49 words]Ari ZadeNov 28, 2008 00:00143963
kazander [58 words]btillyNov 28, 2008 03:57143963
1Two Things Wrong With Polygamy [80 words]AnneMNov 28, 2008 07:30143963
1There are 57 Islamic States...... "What's wrong with polygamy?" -- kazander [61 words]KristaNov 28, 2008 09:45143963
Polygamy [45 words]Carla BauerNov 28, 2008 13:11143963
AnneM [180 words]kazanderNov 28, 2008 19:30143963
Krista and Carla [191 words]kazanderNov 28, 2008 19:42143963
1polygamy - great idea for fat egos [316 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 28, 2008 21:13143963
not possible. [126 words]havasNov 29, 2008 14:31143963
What is wrong ? [139 words]RianNov 29, 2008 14:46143963
Morals, values, ethics [35 words]KristaNov 29, 2008 21:05143963
Huh? [18 words]kazanderNov 30, 2008 03:40143963
Greater Sucess Was Realized By The West Because The Bible-Based Monogamy Marriage Made It Possible [45 words]AnneMNov 30, 2008 16:17143963
Rebecca and AnneM: Then why the Polygamist Ranch wives were happy ? [55 words]Vanessa DouglasDec 1, 2008 11:26143963
Carla: Two Huge Problems in a Reverse Situation. [91 words]Ibn MasudDec 1, 2008 17:21143963
The loosening of any moral base will lead to many ultimate debaucheries ... [713 words]kmanDec 6, 2008 01:26143963
success and west...... poles apart. :) [58 words]ayatul islamDec 6, 2008 02:52143963
There Is One Bride That Jesus Has, It Is The Christian Church [56 words]AnneMDec 9, 2008 09:38143963
ari zade-ONE man one woman is fair [104 words]btillyDec 18, 2008 12:45143963
The Essence of Our Culture [45 words]CharlieNov 27, 2008 13:54143959
Westerners regarding Harems [276 words]Margaret HoodNov 27, 2008 12:18143953
Thank you D. Pipes. [43 words]kmanNov 27, 2008 02:21143914
Sharia does not REQUIRE polygamy, and we should not tolerate it. [67 words]Norm GreenNov 27, 2008 01:57143909
Islam, polygamy,sharia law [170 words]LaurieNov 28, 2008 06:30143909
norm green aka muhammad [109 words]btillyNov 29, 2008 08:16143909
Norm Green, polygamy acceptable in Qur'an [59 words]InfidelDec 4, 2008 15:15143909
No polygamy neede in the Wester world [37 words]Norm GreenDec 5, 2008 20:23143909
Polygamy Canada [161 words]RogerthatFeb 16, 2009 10:15143909
1.... guess who strikes again ? [169 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 26, 2008 22:56143903
Religion of Peace strikes again and again and again... [287 words]JaladhiNov 28, 2008 22:14143903
....deranged is incorrect [874 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 30, 2008 05:00143903
In India , Deputy CM of Haryana State converted to Islam inorder to take second wife.. [438 words]IndianDec 7, 2008 13:35143903
4Polygamy in Spain [70 words]Gudrun EussnerNov 26, 2008 22:17143899
Polygamy [54 words]ZentristDec 11, 2008 22:00143899
So what? [27 words]EdwardJan 23, 2009 11:24143899
1Polygamy is better than same sex marriage [66 words]JohnSep 18, 2009 07:42143899
What Yeshua says, and what man-made religions say, are at odds. [171 words]gordon weareSep 27, 2009 15:02143899
1Spanish policemen starting incidents in protest march [61 words]JavierJun 17, 2011 10:02143899
1Harems [106 words]AyashaNov 26, 2008 21:41143896
1Polygamy [114 words]joe six-packNov 26, 2008 21:38143895
polygamy? [10 words]B. SoetoroNov 26, 2008 19:49143893
post name of judge [36 words]kawNov 26, 2008 16:27143886
post name of judge [66 words]ChancyApr 2, 2009 09:44143886
Mormons aren't polygamists [158 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jason AlderNov 26, 2008 15:53143883
Mormons & polygamy [92 words]pigpenNov 26, 2008 19:46143883
Canda already allows polygamy [35 words]TerryNov 27, 2008 11:15143883
Mormons & Polygamy [271 words]Jason AlderNov 28, 2008 10:10143883
Mormons WERE polygamists, Jason [62 words]jennifer solisNov 28, 2008 16:52143883
Joseph Smith was a polygamist with 30 wives [96 words]btillyDec 21, 2008 12:00143883
The Mormon Church and Racism [546 words]Jason AlderDec 22, 2008 13:59143883
1Feminists mute [59 words]DarrylNov 26, 2008 15:35143881
Why? [37 words]Francesco MangasciàNov 26, 2008 14:29143876
Why not ? [42 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 27, 2008 11:43143876
Anne-Marie Delcambre, don't run away, answer [41 words]Francesco MangasciàNov 27, 2008 17:23143876
I am not feminist ! I am a jurist [78 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 29, 2008 05:27143876
Anne-Marie Delcambre I knew you are not a feminist [100 words]Francesco MangasciàNov 30, 2008 02:43143876
The Feminists are crazy ! [76 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 30, 2008 20:23143876
May polygamy rule! [67 words]Ari ZadeNov 26, 2008 14:11143875
Where does it end Mr. Zade? [260 words]jkmanNov 26, 2008 23:15143875
Ms Zade, actually [17 words]Ari ZadeNov 27, 2008 23:52143875
1Moral decadence. [42 words]M.D'SouzaNov 28, 2008 17:27143875
My apologies Ms. Zade [97 words]jkmanNov 28, 2008 21:54143875
Fascinating: Development or Degeneration? [115 words]Stuart TeichNov 26, 2008 13:30143874
Vulnerability to Polygamy [37 words]Douglas Van DevenderNov 26, 2008 13:01143873
The Foundations are being destroyed [67 words]Thomas F.Nov 26, 2008 12:44143871
Asinine judgement [83 words]VijayNov 26, 2008 11:53143868
1The not so subtle influence of Islamic intimidation through ... [243 words]kmanNov 27, 2008 02:40143868
Flabbergasted [106 words]Aaron Z SnyderNov 26, 2008 11:42143867
Polygamy in the U.S.? [34 words]Stephen MerkelNov 26, 2008 11:30143866
1Unbelievable [168 words]John WalkerNov 28, 2008 23:35143866
Why shouldn't the Polygamist be rewarded? [52 words]Aneeta KumarDec 1, 2008 11:04143866
1aneeta-greed is 4 wives [108 words]btilly`Dec 1, 2008 20:58143866
Aneeta Kumar, Bible or Qur'an [48 words]InfidelDec 2, 2008 14:01143866
The Bible Gives Preference To One Man, One Woman Marriage [47 words]AnneMDec 2, 2008 16:26143866
AnneM Is Correct, ...But... [14 words]orange yonasonDec 8, 2008 22:45143866
Aneeta Kumar - There Has To Be One Law For Everyone, That's why... [146 words]orange yonasonDec 8, 2008 23:20143866
Torah never gives "green light" for polygamy, Orange Yonason [532 words]jennifer solisDec 14, 2008 19:23143866
Sorry, Jennifer, But You Are Mistaken [290 words]orange yonasonDec 16, 2008 12:29143866
reply to Orange Yonason [533 words]jennifer solisDec 18, 2008 00:59143866
orange yonason, Torah laws [45 words]InfidelDec 18, 2008 02:11143866
Reply To Jennifer Solis [309 words]orange yonasonDec 18, 2008 21:58143866
To Infidel [10 words]orange yonasonDec 18, 2008 22:20143866
Why does Deut. 21:15 not use the Qal imperfect of "satam"? [710 words]jenifer solisDec 20, 2008 02:55143866
Jennifer Solis, Please Consult A More Knowledgeable Source [318 words]orange yonasonDec 21, 2008 00:15143866
Jennifer Solis, More Problems With Your Interpretation [396 words]orange yonasonDec 21, 2008 03:57143866
Agree to Disagree [87 words]jennifer solisDec 22, 2008 00:36143866
"Dikduk"? OH, my gosh, you are FUNNY, Orange Yonason [104 words]jennifer solisDec 22, 2008 00:58143866
? ? ? ? [24 words]orange yonasonDec 22, 2008 19:20143866
Agree To Disagree [198 words]orange yonasonDec 22, 2008 19:36143866
Islam "agrees to disagree" - temporarily? [391 words]jennifer solisDec 27, 2008 15:45143866
Wrong assumption ? [29 words]true believerJan 16, 2009 07:19143866
Thats why [20 words]true believerSep 11, 2009 07:14143866
Verse 15 correction [49 words]CorrectionAug 1, 2012 17:22143866

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