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Jesus Christ Calls For Personal Peace as a Blessing to Those Who Believe

Reader comment on item: A Rapid and Harsh Turn against Israel
in response to reader comment: Peace

Submitted by M. Tovey (United States), Jul 2, 2009 at 19:34

A tardy response, yet it is prompted now: There is the saying for physicians that they do no harm to their patients, and the same is true for true Christians who are to be in obedience to the Master's (Jesus Christ's) commandment to preach the Gospel to those who have not yet believed and teach the Gospel to those who have. In this is the prayer of the true Christian directed, that those who are recipients of the Truth take it to heart, and in the heart make their own prayer for salvation. To that end, for everyone who does make that prayer known to Almighty God through Jesus Christ makes the heart of this Christian content. Where no attempt to receive Jesus Christ personally and know Him after the witness is made is cause for this Christian to pray for salvation of those who are hesitant still, until there is no further chance for it to happen (meaning the death of the unbeliever). Then it is up to the person and the LORD in eternity to deal in judgment with the unbelief in this mortal realm.

As for debate in this Christian's faith, there is none; only the witness for the greatness of Jesus Christ in any man, woman or child's life, and the eternal life promised for believing in His death, burial and resurrection. Believing in that is the only blessing this Christian can pray for and know it is in the will of Almighty God to do so. Believe in that blessing for yourself (and this goes for anyone who reads this), and He will be faithful and just in Jesus Christ's name to forgive the sins of any who ask. It is the blessing He bestowed upon me decades ago, and it is the blessing available (in His peace) to you now.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (170) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Obama [53 words]DianaMay 23, 2011 17:50185498
2How prophetic! [111 words]REXJul 3, 2009 00:02158416
Rapid harsh turn on Israel [139 words]IsaacJul 2, 2009 12:30158391
jews voted mainly for obama because is black [84 words]gianfrancoJul 2, 2009 02:24158360
1Jews always vote the same way. [49 words]Georg von StarkermannDec 11, 2009 01:32158360
Georg Starcker man! Many Jews vote republican... [53 words]Tevya RDec 27, 2009 12:29158360
Israel at War: How fast can I get there to help my brothers and sisters [64 words]Terry HenrieJun 28, 2009 23:03158164
1Count me in [63 words]Raju (India)Jun 30, 2009 08:51158164
Count in me too [158 words]AngelApr 13, 2010 09:30158164
Help [44 words]sachinJun 21, 2012 02:50158164
My opinion [165 words]shaynaJun 24, 2009 14:52157899
Obama's Nuclear Iran [548 words]Stephen HughesJun 20, 2009 16:51157687
Israel doesn't seek for Peace! [281 words]Karam H AL-HashmiJun 18, 2009 09:57157580
Israel's existence and survival is utterly inconcevable outside... [282 words]jonahJun 29, 2009 01:36157580
I just gave my hearted advise! [31 words]Karam H AL-HashmiJun 30, 2009 08:38157580
Just to remind those?! [97 words]Karam H AL-HashmiJun 30, 2009 08:45157580
what is the name of the tree? [59 words]ButtonGreenJun 30, 2009 14:32157580
1Muslims Occupiers must also vacate other parts of the world [157 words]Raju (India)Jun 30, 2009 21:23157580
Reminder - Zion Exists Just as Israel Exists - Just as the Holy Bible Says [610 words]M. ToveyJul 2, 2009 11:55157580
This! A non biased Muslim comment [142 words]adam the ScotJul 3, 2009 10:05157580
it is clear who occupies the minds of people muslims or others? [287 words]ZanaOct 2, 2009 00:46157580
I've got news for you Muslims [119 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 9, 2009 21:47157580
Palestine and Palestinians are a myth [60 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 9, 2009 21:55157580
1It's not peace you Muslims want [68 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 9, 2009 22:15157580
Karam forgot the history [170 words]AngelApr 13, 2010 10:06157580
Raju: I totally agree with you [12 words]AngelApr 13, 2010 10:08157580
Raju, Muslims conquered also the land of Israel [172 words]EstherApr 15, 2010 01:21157580
There will never be peace in Israel, islamists don't want peace. [127 words]Phil GreendJun 14, 2009 15:02157347
No real peace will ever occur [361 words]Button GreenJun 30, 2009 14:15157347
Poor Obama can't win [26 words]KafiristJun 13, 2009 18:49157305
policy [23 words]Jon PurizhanskyJun 13, 2009 14:48157298
North American Jews converted to SallyFieldism decades ago - very few jews left [213 words]james burkeJun 12, 2009 08:22157219
It would be a fatal mistake for Israel to allow any room for Islamic Palestinians to gain significant political power within its borders. [218 words]CanadianChrisJun 11, 2009 13:14157188
The only real solution-the absolute destruction of Islam [92 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 9, 2009 22:46157188
A Way Out for Bibi [103 words]Edward RosenblattJun 11, 2009 11:57157181
After Jerusalem - It Will Be Another Venue of Islamic Contention [193 words]RobWJun 10, 2009 03:12157116
it will another contention of islamic view [153 words]Sufi imdad Ali SoomroJun 11, 2009 01:13157116
why was the nme mahmad deleted from the old testament [47 words]camille pashaOct 30, 2009 08:46157116
Will he walk the talk [32 words]Abdulkarim Al-HabsiJun 8, 2009 09:24157006
Current American Administration's Stance on Israel will be a Walk on the Dark Side for America [427 words]M. ToveyJun 10, 2009 15:53157006
a volley [36 words]TajJun 10, 2009 17:50157006
1Palestinians have the right to exist as well [90 words]Abdulkarim Al-HabsiJun 11, 2009 07:59157006
Walk the walk but it's all talk [160 words]BAJun 11, 2009 12:07157006
Sounds like a plan. [10 words]Abdulkarim Al-HabsiJun 12, 2009 06:09157006
'Palestinian' Right to Exist Does Not Supercede Israel's Right to Exist [292 words]M. ToveyJun 15, 2009 11:32157006
1In that case, Jews should settle in Egypt, not Palestine [66 words]Abdulkarim Al-HabsiJun 16, 2009 00:14157006
Abraham's Promise was Not Given to Him in Egypt - But IN ISRAEL [60 words]M. ToveyJun 16, 2009 19:47157006
i agree [22 words]Abdulkarim Al-HabsiJun 17, 2009 01:43157006
The Jews Homeland [31 words]Charles NickalopoulosJun 17, 2009 11:07157006
Further more [21 words]Abdulkarim Al-HabsiJun 18, 2009 03:13157006
Agreement Must Be Based In Facts - The Hebrew Holy Bible Places Abraham's Promise Solely In Israel, The Promised Land [97 words]M. ToveyJun 18, 2009 10:19157006
Israel is Settled Exactly Where the LORD Her Almighty God Has Said They Belong - Clue..It is Not Egypt [325 words]M. ToveyJun 18, 2009 17:40157006
2Land ownership by holy scripture, now thats funny. [140 words]Abdulkarim Al-HabsiJun 18, 2009 23:03157006
Abdulkarim Al-Habsi, the new Historian [128 words]InfidelJun 19, 2009 14:36157006
Thank you, M. Tovey [52 words]Rebecca MouldsJun 19, 2009 18:51157006
Only in Disrespect Does one Dismiss Things Holy as Funny - Not Uncommon for Those Who Disrespect a Holy God [91 words]M. ToveyJun 22, 2009 10:17157006
Quit your whining Abdulkarim [58 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 9, 2009 23:10157006
to pershian gulf [73 words]yeshuaDec 17, 2009 03:01157006
It HAS happened in America [220 words]Martin HoranJun 7, 2009 17:46156973
adonai [44 words]elijah maceinriJun 6, 2009 11:53156899
M. Feiglin and The Jewish Leadership Faction of Likud [421 words]Jon GaltJun 5, 2009 18:35156860
Israel should not give even a single square inch to even a single Muslim. [194 words]RajuJun 8, 2009 07:24156860
"MUSLIMS ARE UNFIT TO BE ANYBODY'S NEIGHBOR" -- Eh? [240 words]GWKJun 9, 2009 21:52156860
If you believe even a single word of the Muslims, then I have some real estate I'd like to sell you. [288 words]Raju (India)Jun 14, 2009 23:23156860
Namaste, Raju [142 words]GWKJun 15, 2009 22:02156860
Oh, you are so naive!!! [490 words]Raju (India)Jun 20, 2009 04:18156860
Let's see more academically authoritative links -- trustworthy ones [301 words]GWKJun 21, 2009 21:54156860
Peace with Barbarians [78 words]notimpJun 22, 2009 06:17156860
A good primer for you on Islam's ways and agenda [26 words]Raju (India)Jun 25, 2009 01:07156860
You're right about Taquiyaa = Untrustworthy & Deceitful Heritage [299 words]GWKJun 25, 2009 21:38156860
Patience is No Virtue [182 words]Barry BlackJun 5, 2009 16:52156856
Obama will achieve nothing [141 words]KathyJun 5, 2009 15:04156848
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions! [208 words]FroikeJun 5, 2009 08:42156816
The great Israel sell off has begun! [583 words]Ken BesigJun 5, 2009 02:29156803
Obama the narcissist [161 words]Jon, a Brit in EurolandJun 8, 2009 09:05156803
Before Israel is Bargained Away, The LORD Her Almighty God has a WORD to Say Something About It. [347 words]M. ToveyJun 8, 2009 11:11156803
Settlements in Occupied Territories [214 words]GWKJun 8, 2009 15:52156803
Using Deceptive "Labelling" With the Word "Expansion" and By That The Outright Insult to American's Intelligence, Will Not Turn American Opinion against Israel -- It Will Turn Them Against Obama [306 words]Sofa SogoodJun 4, 2009 20:09156774
What Does God Say? [151 words]JuliaJun 15, 2009 15:37156774
Obama has got to be the greatest fool to ever reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. [86 words]james burkeJun 4, 2009 19:40156772
The Kenyan King [108 words]J KaffirJun 7, 2009 19:45156772
i can't wait... [13 words]TajJun 4, 2009 15:10156753
There is this SMALL issue of "Sovereignty" Involved... [155 words]Wana88Jun 4, 2009 13:16156733
A "small" issue indeed! [114 words]Abu NudnikJun 5, 2009 12:37156733
terror must stop first [8 words]Jon PurizhanskyJun 4, 2009 12:57156729
"Truth" [87 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
barbara lehmannJun 4, 2009 11:17156711
Truth means TRUTH-either you read Quran, Bible or Talmud [485 words]NishiJun 11, 2009 12:23156711
Abbas says that life is normal for Palestinians [96 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Anthony DaytonJun 4, 2009 10:56156708
disinformation [48 words]pdmJun 4, 2009 10:13156705
Palestinian Dreams [42 words]Stuart TeichJun 4, 2009 07:32156685
Doesn't anybody else see the train coming? [295 words]Stephen E. ConnorJun 4, 2009 06:39156682
An opportunity for strategic reassessment for Israel. [238 words]Jon, a Brit in EurolandJun 4, 2009 06:04156680
Misreading Obama's Strategy [323 words]Ryan KayJun 4, 2009 03:31156674
Misreading Obama's Strategy ???? [27 words]davodJun 7, 2009 08:44156674
JERUSALEM CONTROL [116 words]NoraJun 4, 2009 03:20156673
THE REAL ISSUE OF THE WEST BANK IS NOT BEING ADDRESSED [155 words]NoraJun 4, 2009 03:07156672
The time has come for Israel to be self reliant [525 words]Ron GerskupJun 4, 2009 02:58156670
Take the Lead and Relax [216 words]JayJun 4, 2009 02:41156666
Wrong about Shas [208 words]yuval Brandstetter MDJun 4, 2009 00:48156660
American king Hussein = fascism [9 words]MaccabeeJun 4, 2009 00:47156659
American King who ? [93 words]Doug CorriganJun 4, 2009 12:56156659
It is about time! [84 words]eric zornbergJun 4, 2009 00:41156658
Does Abu Mazem have time to wait-he & Fatah will be out of office in 6 months! [236 words]David GoshenJun 4, 2009 00:29156657
Appeasement revisited [130 words]DavidJun 3, 2009 23:53156652
Muslim President [165 words]Christine AnnJun 5, 2009 09:15156652
dont be a fool [67 words]judasJun 10, 2009 14:49156652
Muslim President [190 words]Christine AnnJun 11, 2009 08:59156652
Perfectly said [61 words]notImportantJun 22, 2009 05:44156652
OBAMA APPARENTLY WILLING TO TELL ISRAELIS WHAT TO DO [94 words]Mike BieverJun 3, 2009 23:22156650
The Rapid and Harsh Turn Against Israel [172 words]Dan RusenJun 3, 2009 23:13156649
Comment of Dan Rusen's response to Daniel Pipes: A Rapid and Harsh Turn against Israel [508 words]Ron GerskupJun 4, 2009 02:54156649
The Cairo Pontification - Ignoring the Consequences of Meddling with Israel [155 words]M. ToveyJun 4, 2009 19:44156649
West Bank Arabs face only 2 real options: (a) Hamas rule , (b) Jordanian rule [96 words]G MarcusJun 3, 2009 22:36156647
totally unrealistic [93 words]yuval Brandstetter MDJun 4, 2009 07:48156647
Comments on Middle East Peace Plan [207 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 5, 2009 04:48156647
Want Peace? Support Israel. [57 words]Tom DundeeJun 3, 2009 22:27156645
Why history revolves around Israel... [270 words]chrisJun 8, 2009 23:07156645
12Israel should seriously explore working very closely with Mr. Narendra Modi [206 words]Raju (India)Jun 13, 2009 00:11156645
Perfectly said [28 words]notimpJun 22, 2009 06:23156645
ISRAEL AN MR. MODI.... [48 words]JAY PATELDec 5, 2009 10:48156645
Buyer's Remorse? [181 words]John W. McGinleyJun 3, 2009 22:26156644
Yer kidding ! [28 words]Doug CorriganJun 4, 2009 13:07156644
Add My Kick in your Butt to Your Own [193 words]Sofa SogoodJun 4, 2009 20:34156644
eyes wide shut [33 words]fudJun 5, 2009 00:41156644
Scary [52 words]AbhiJun 3, 2009 22:19156642
why cannot Obama see the real culprit in the Middle East [151 words]IsaacJun 3, 2009 21:39156639
appeasement [85 words]DAVID L ISRAELJun 3, 2009 21:23156636
B.O. [16 words]outspoken2Jun 4, 2009 01:06156636
Harder to care since the last election [30 words]toccataJun 3, 2009 21:02156634
Harsh realization [84 words]Doug CorriganJun 4, 2009 13:24156634
The Deeper Reason for Disappointment [383 words]Ron ThompsonJun 3, 2009 20:29156630
illusionary toughness [101 words]Hyman PeskinJun 3, 2009 20:05156627
Lopsided political policy [72 words]outspoken2Jun 3, 2009 19:50156625
Caveat Viator - The 'Road Map to Peace' Does Not Have the Blessing of Israel's Prince of Peace [187 words]M. ToveyJun 3, 2009 19:37156624
The more the pressure the greater the resistance. [160 words]Isaac HaskiyaJun 4, 2009 08:47156624
Balance [177 words]K. AhmedJun 4, 2009 09:15156624
Israel's Response of Maintaining Her Security - Courage for Netanyahu's Sunday Answer to a World Chafing at Israel's Defiance [310 words]M. ToveyJun 11, 2009 11:25156624
Balance Requires Two Parts [257 words]M. ToveyJun 15, 2009 10:54156624
1Destiny [320 words]attaturkJun 17, 2009 09:31156624
Reality of Israel in Her Own Land is Not Fantasy - But Biblical Destiny Realized Against All Human Logic [466 words]M. ToveyJun 18, 2009 11:46156624
Destiny Again [355 words]attaturkJun 19, 2009 08:17156624
Destiny is Eternal - The Reason Why It Is Not Easily Discerned By Human Understanding [409 words]M. ToveyJun 22, 2009 11:33156624
Peace [114 words]K. AhmedJun 24, 2009 09:15156624
Jesus Christ Calls For Personal Peace as a Blessing to Those Who Believe [306 words]M. ToveyJul 2, 2009 19:34156624
A Rapid and Harsh Turn against Israel [522 words]Mike GhouseJun 3, 2009 19:36156623
I question the wisdom of Obama's advisers. [182 words]batya daganJun 3, 2009 18:44156621
Unbelievable! [54 words]PavaJun 4, 2009 02:10156621
I question... [108 words]Doug CorriganJun 4, 2009 13:39156621
A Rapid and Harsh Turn against Israel. I did not vote for Obama, because I suspected this would happen. [100 words]AnneJun 3, 2009 18:14156620
Why did Jews vote for Obama? [169 words]EarlJun 4, 2009 21:14156620
I have a question [98 words]PavaJun 6, 2009 20:26156620
1Why did Jews vote for Obama? [198 words]AnneJun 6, 2009 21:54156620
Anne; Why did Jews vote for Obama [100 words]InfidelJun 8, 2009 14:14156620
1We are living in a world of deception [427 words]AnneJun 9, 2009 08:51156620
Why did jews vote for BHO? Didn't they see the writing on the wall [40 words]JaladhiJun 9, 2009 16:58156620
Why? Indeed!! [118 words]M. ToveyJun 9, 2009 19:44156620
Why did Jews vote for Obama? Didn't they see the writting on the wall. response to jaladhi [184 words]AnneJun 9, 2009 20:40156620
Why Did Jews vote for Obama- There are several reasons- response to M Tovey [290 words]AnneJun 9, 2009 21:07156620
The Western Left has almost been against Israel - and I do not understand Jewish support for the Left. [274 words]rensburgJun 10, 2009 22:38156620
Why Obama? [129 words]UgriJun 12, 2009 07:04156620
Why Jews voted for Obama [407 words]sara bJun 12, 2009 15:53156620
Can the US Senate come to the rescue? [22 words]RajuJun 12, 2009 22:52156620
Thanks, sara b [104 words]UgriJun 13, 2009 10:02156620
Why Did Jews vote for Obama? Join the millions of us who are totally shocked.- response to Ugri [576 words]Anne- USAJun 13, 2009 10:36156620
Kyrie eleison - Jews and all of us [139 words]UgriJun 14, 2009 09:54156620
Lack of Appropriate Policy Towards Israel Limits Effective Action by American Legislature [132 words]M. ToveyJun 15, 2009 11:46156620
We're all dooomed if the evil Obama has his way [104 words]Optimistic AmericanJun 15, 2009 12:59156620
People are calling representatives and senators. [139 words]AnneJun 15, 2009 23:04156620
We are definitely the Terminal generation. [565 words]AnneJun 16, 2009 20:26156620

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