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More about Islam and the construction of a mosque inthe Groud Zero

Reader comment on item: Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan

Submitted by Manu Rodríguez (Spain), Aug 27, 2010 at 01:34

More about Islam and the construction of a mosque in the Ground Zero.

Manu Rodríguez. From Europe (25/08/10).

*I am afraid that also in the USA have been lost lucidity, courage and dignity; not only in Europe. It seems that the imbecility, weakness, and cowardice have settled in the land of the free world and not only Muslims. Perhaps one thing responds to another.

I don't know what we hope to confront determined and bravely this absurd and scary enemy of our way of life that is Islam; to eject of our lands both Muslims (as individuals 'non grata') and own Islam (Quran, Sharia, and others), to which we could ban, with our laws in hand, as we do with Nazism.

Given current circumstances (our conflicts in various parts of the world with Muslim countries) we must deny access, at the Muslims residing in our lands and both converts native as to the non-native already nationalized, at the army, security forces, and the rest of civil institutions.

It is important to prevent the Muslim proselytizing to continue its work on our lands. This proselytism deprives to the country of their citizens, think of this. A convert to Islam is a citizen lost in his own country, his own blood, and his own people, because from the moment of his conversion due to newly acquired faith; now has new nation, new family, and new fellow citizens (the Islamic nation and the Muslim brothers). We are talking of treason, sedition; and instigation to them.

We should pay attention to these clear and truthful voices emanating from the Islamic area (Ibn Warraq or Wafa Sultan), and which tell us without fainting on dangerous Islam. The latter recently provided us data coming from the Center for Studies of the Political Islam ( www.politicalislam.com ) where we can find the figures of various non-Islamic religions martyrs killed, since the advent of Islam thousand four hundred years ago, for the Muslims and on behalf of his sinister faith (270 million of 'Pagans', 60 millions of Christians, 80 million of Hindus, 10 million of Buddhists, and 120 million 'Animists' African enslaved). This criminal harassment to other faiths and cultures still remains in the area of domain of Islam (Islamized countries, or 'submitted'). This macabre list does not mention the Jewish martyrs or to thousands or millions of Muslims (it's Millennial and also criminal discord between Muslim sects, which extend up to the present; and that we are witnessing all the inhabitants of the planet, and every day, on our news).

*In the interrogations (already topical and rancid, and nothing intelligent) made by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (the promoter of the project dia-bolic of the mosque in the Ground Zero) in a recent interview (why a suicidal Palestinian who kills innocent people is called 'terrorist' and if USA or its allies bombed by mistake a building in which die civilians is called 'collateral damage'?), there is to say that he responds when distinguishes, conceptually, between intentionality (of killing innocent) and the no-intentionality (accident, mistake; but also information maliciously false).

I would add that we could also asked him to that prefer that we denote to the violent acts committed by Muslims in the lands of the free world and in the name of Islam, acts of terrorism, acts of war, or collateral damage?

As of 'violent acts' I mean to the intimidation of the civilian population and street violence (strategies followed recently in Europe, where foreign Muslim population exceeds already the very worrying figure thirty million -and I speak only of the legal), and the bloody attacks (these internationally and, in most cases, on clearly civilian targets).

Another 'pearl' of the Imam Rauf is as follows: "Seven centuries before the Declaration of Independence was written the Sharia law, which was intended to protect life, property, family, religion, mental wellbeing. This is the reason that affirms (who?) that USA is in fact a State in accordance with the Sharia". Those are the barbarities that we listen, and then repeat Muslims. It is the art of confused, misrepresent.

I ask for, please, to the historians, political scientists, and philosophers (of history, law, or language...) Americans that clarify this crude sophism more own an ignorant or a liar who someone lover of good and of truth. It is the duty of the countries free 'intelligence' precisely ensured their traditions (policies, legal... cultural in broad sense), as well as protect their people from similar conceptual traps; also the unmasked and silence the mouth once these ominous and insidious preachers of submission, violence, lie, and death. I ask for to the intellectuals of the free world to take part in this cold war (verbal, conceptual), and to take part truth (historical or philosophical); not leaving, please, to their respective peoples in these serious moments of confusion spiritual.

The Sharia is a terrifying legal text that crashes with our sensitivity and our legal traditions all. It is at the Antipodes of the American Declaration of Independence, or of the French Declaration on Human Rights, somewhat later, which are political, legal and philosophical sources of contemporary democracies in the world free.

*To finish. I had hoped that, with regard to the future mosque at Ground Zero, were million the Americans launched the street to prevent such monstrous project. But, judging from what we have seen, have hardly been a few hundred people have expressed against (members of the estimable SIOA and people directly affected by the attack of 9/11). And this happens in the mother country modern of democracy and freedom.

This weak popular response (which also implies indifference or lack of solidarity) reminds our effective decay; the decline in the world free. We sell off our heritage; our current economic, political, social, cultural status... that cost our immediate ancestor's blood, sweat, and tears.

Shame, shame, shame.


Until the next. Best regards

Manu (http://larespuestadeeuropa.blogspot.com/)

Please sorry for my English school. The article on Spanish, can find it on my blog.

(Para 'Daniel Pipes's blog').

Manu Rodríguez.

Desde Europa (25/08/10).

*Me temo que también en U.S.A. se han perdido la lucidez, el coraje, y la dignidad; no sólo en Europa.

Parece que la imbecilidad, la debilidad, y la cobardía se han asentado en las tierras del mundo libre; y no sólo los musulmanes.

Quizás una cosa responda a la otra.

No sé a qué esperamos para enfrentarnos decidida y valientemente a este absurdo y tenebroso enemigo de nuestro modo de vida que es el islam; para expulsar de nuestras tierras tanto a los musulmanes (como personas 'non grata') como al propio islam (Corán, Charia, y demás), al cual podríamos prohibir, con nuestras leyes en la mano, como hacemos con el nazismo.

Dadas las circunstancias actuales (nuestros conflictos en varios puntos del planeta con países musulmanes) se les debe negar a los musulmanes residentes en nuestras tierras, y tanto a los autóctonos conversos como a los alóctonos ya nacionalizados, el acceso al ejército, a los cuerpos de seguridad, y al resto de las instituciones civiles.

Es importante impedir que el proselitismo musulmán prosiga su labor en nuestras tierras.

Este proselitismo priva a los pueblos de los suyos, entiéndase esto.

Un converso al islam es un ciudadano perdido para su propio país, su propia sangre, y su propia gente, pues desde el momento mismo de su conversión se debe a la fe recién adquirida; ya tiene nueva patria, nueva familia, y nuevos conciudadanos (la nación islámica y los hermanos musulmanes).

Estamos hablando de traición, de sedición; y de instigación a las mismas.

Deberíamos prestar atención a esas voces claras y veraces que proceden del ámbito islámico, como Ibn Warraq o Wafa Sultan, y que nos avisan sin desmayo sobre el peligroso islam.

Ésta última nos proporcionó recientemente datos que proceden del Centro de Estudios del Islam Político (


) donde podemos encontrar las cifras de los mártires de las distintas confesiones no islámicas asesinados, desde la aparición del islam hace mil cuatrocientos años, por los musulmanes y en nombre de su siniestra fe (270 millones de 'paganos', 60 millones de cristianos, 80 millones de hindúes, alrededor de 10 millones de budistas, y unos 120 millones de 'animistas' africanos esclavizados).

Este criminal acoso a las otras confesiones y culturas se mantiene aún hoy en el área de dominio del islam (países islamizados, o 'sometidos').

En esta macabra lista no se menciona a los mártires judíos, ni a los miles o millones de musulmanes (se trata de la discordia milenaria y también criminal entre sectas musulmanas que se prolonga hasta el momento presente; y de esto somos testigos todos los habitantes del planeta, y todos los días, a través de nuestros informativos).

En cuanto a las interrogaciones (ya tópicas y rancias, y nada inteligentes) hechas por el Imán Feisal Abdul Rauf (el promotor del dia-bólico proyecto de la mezquita en la Zona Cero) en una reciente entrevista (¿Por qué un suicida palestino que mata a inocentes es llamado 'terrorista' y si EEUU o sus aliados bombardean por error un edificio en el que mueren civiles se le denomina 'daño colateral'?), hay que decirle que él mismo se responde en cuanto distingue conceptualmente entre la intencionalidad (de matar inocentes) y la no-intencionalidad (el accidente, el error; aunque también la información malintencionadamente falsa).

Añado que también se le podría preguntar que cómo prefiere que denominemos a las actos violentos cometidos por los musulmanes en las tierras del mundo libre y en nombre del islam, ¿actos de terrorismo, actos de guerra, o daños colaterales?

Con lo de 'actos violentos' me refiero a la intimidación de la población civil y la violencia callejera (estrategias seguidas últimamente en Europa, donde la población musulmana extranjera supera ya la muy preocupante cifra de treinta millones –y hablo sólo de los legales), así como a los sanguinarios atentados (estos a nivel internacional y, en la mayoría de los casos, sobre objetivos claramente civiles).

Otra 'perla' del Imán Rauf es la siguiente:

"Siete siglos antes de la Declaración de Independencia fue escrita la Ley Charia, que estaba destinada a proteger la vida, la religión, la propiedad, la familia y el bienestar mental.

Ésta es la razón por la que afirman (¿quién?) que Estados Unidos es de hecho un Estado conforme a la Charia".

Éstas son las barbaridades que escuchan, y luego repiten, los musulmanes.

Es el arte de confundir, de tergiversar.

Ruego, por favor, a los historiadores, politólogos, y filósofos (de la historia, del derecho, del lenguaje…) estadounidenses que desenreden este burdo sofisma más propio de un ignorante o de un mentiroso que de alguien amante del bien y de la verdad.

Es deber de la 'inteligencia' de los países libres velar, justamente, por sus tradiciones (políticas, jurídicas… culturales en amplio sentido), así como el proteger a sus pueblos de semejantes trampas conceptuales; también el desenmascarar y callarles la boca de una vez a estos ominosos e insidiosos predicadores de la servidumbre, de la violencia, de la mentira, y de la muerte.

Pido a los intelectuales del mundo libre que tomen partido en esta guerra fría (verbal, conceptual), y que tomen partido por la verdad (histórica, o filosófica)

; que no abandonen, por favor, a sus respectivos pueblos en estos graves momentos de confusión espiritual.

La Charia es un texto legal terrorífico que choca contra nuestra sensibilidad y nuestras tradiciones legales todas.

Está en las antípodas de la Declaración de Independencia estadounidense, o de la Declaración sobre Derechos Humanos francesa, algo posterior, que son las fuentes políticas, jurídicas, y filosóficas de las democracias contemporáneas en el mundo libre.

*Para terminar.

Yo esperaba que, con relación a la futura mezquita en la Zona Cero, fueran millones los estadounidenses que se lanzaran a la calle para impedir tan monstruoso proyecto.

Pero, a juzgar por lo que hemos podido ver, apenas si han sido unos pocos cientos los que se han manifestado en contra (miembros de la estimable SIOA y ciudadanos directamente afectados por el atentado del 9/11).

Y esto sucede en la moderna patria de la democracia y de la libertad.

Esta débil respuesta popular (que implica también indiferencia y/o falta de solidaridad) hace pensar en nuestra efectiva decadencia; en la decadencia de todo el mundo libre.

Malbaratamos la hacienda; nuestro actual status económico, político, social, cultural… que costó a nuestros inmediatos antepasados sangre, sudor, y lágrimas.

Vergüenza, vergüenza, vergüenza.

Hasta la próxima.




Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (165) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
5Daisy Khan watch and I'm not kidding you: Falafel is Muslim food! I can see the Copts of Egypt saying is she out of her mind? [366 words]dhimmi no moreNov 25, 2010 15:27180464
Its falafel time [58 words]SimonNov 26, 2010 18:24180464
1Falafel revisited [138 words]dhimmi no moreNov 28, 2010 08:27180464
Thanks dhimmi.... [139 words]SimonNov 29, 2010 01:18180464
2Arabic and Syriac [153 words]dhimmi no moreDec 1, 2010 07:14180464
2what happened??? [66 words]mariahNov 14, 2010 15:02180141
1Alaskan Muslims officially call their First Mosque (Masjid) "The Islamic Community Center Anchorage Alaska" [56 words]scottOct 23, 2010 23:20179586
5I am offended by islam, I am offended by muslims. [106 words]SolidspineOct 17, 2010 15:25179358
2Daisy Khan watch and the theater of the absurd [177 words]dhimmi no moreOct 5, 2010 07:09178977
1Daisy Khan watch and Marie Antoinette [143 words]dhimmi no moreSep 30, 2010 07:29178826
1Right Response To Mosque [28 words]Clifford IshiiSep 18, 2010 22:56178400
Reflections of an Islamic Ctr. NYC [431 words]VigilantSep 14, 2010 10:32178243
3Still Fighting September 11, 2001 - the Never Ending Day [427 words]M. ToveySep 13, 2010 15:55178214
Fiasco! [479 words]KanaanSep 13, 2010 13:23178204
I don't object to the proposed mosque near the former World Trade Center [285 words]Avi MorrisSep 12, 2010 22:09178157
1sheer provocation [115 words]debora derlagenSep 11, 2010 08:50178051
3Defending fundamental American rights and values [214 words]There is NO Santa ClausSep 10, 2010 11:32177998
2lack of definitions from moderate Muslims belie any "Moderate Islam" [662 words]Charles StevensSep 8, 2010 22:44177919
1Moslems' behavior hurts them [388 words]NuritGSep 8, 2010 19:54177907
mosque at WTC [52 words]brad bucherSep 8, 2010 08:35177862
Idea Of The Ground Zero Troublesome Mosque Does Uphold An American Principle We See [179 words]D.K. Milgrim-HeathSep 10, 2010 13:17177862
1Americans wake up....... [127 words]Russell GaddinSep 7, 2010 12:18177793
Something good out of this mess. [229 words]batya daganSep 7, 2010 00:04177760
2What about St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church? [79 words]Peter HerzSep 4, 2010 22:07177691
The Greek Orthodox Church [76 words]There is NO Santa ClausSep 10, 2010 11:38177691
2Totally Offbase [201 words]ProudMuslimAmericanSep 4, 2010 19:52177684
to proudmuslimamerican [79 words]ASFeb 16, 2011 05:30177684
2Daisy Khan watch and the on being a slum landlord and other sordid matters [545 words]dhimmi no moreSep 4, 2010 07:29177670
1Exposure Of The Real Crooked Ones At Last [171 words]D.K.Milgrim-HeathSep 5, 2010 22:50177670
Ms Con I mean Khan exposed [23 words]dhimmi no moreApr 14, 2011 06:21177670
Ground Zero [56 words]SimonaeSep 2, 2010 13:39177598
Personal Reflections Of Lower Manhattan-9/11 Revisted 2010 [271 words]D.K.Milgrim-HeathSep 12, 2010 12:21177598
4the silent terror [342 words]vladutzSep 1, 2010 19:02177566
2Ground 0 mosque [1004 words]ASSep 1, 2010 00:38177521
1Victory mosques built by Muslims all over invaded lands since seventh centuru!!! Ground Zero mosque won't be the last!!! [118 words]JaladhiSep 3, 2010 15:19177521
I would have liked a hyperlink for the fourth bullet [31 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AmesAug 31, 2010 02:17177486
Not legal [54 words]meleagerAug 30, 2010 19:46177475
2Gathering storm... [147 words]donvanAug 28, 2010 10:18177397
1Islam/Muslims at war with us!!! [94 words]JaladhiAug 29, 2010 21:15177397
A possible solution [226 words]David SAug 28, 2010 02:40177386
Great idea! Zero chance of it happening though... [140 words]saraSep 19, 2010 17:46177386
3More about Islam and the construction of a mosque inthe Groud Zero [2056 words]Manu RodríguezAug 27, 2010 01:34177342
Why let the facts get in the way [46 words]Amin RiazSep 3, 2010 10:42177342
A rather glaring fact [89 words]Mr SanityNov 10, 2010 06:08177342
Sadly some people do not see this as a victory mosque, for that is what it is. [168 words]Phil GreendAug 26, 2010 16:30177313
1A Mosque is a victory mosque when built over hallowed grounds of the invaded people!!! [161 words]JaladhiAug 26, 2010 21:23177313
9Some more info on Islam [634 words]ASAug 26, 2010 07:14177299
1Good Info on Islam!!! [23 words]JaladhiAug 26, 2010 21:29177299
1Economy by 2017 is gone [29 words]firozali A. Mulla DBAAug 27, 2010 21:42177299
7Imam Rauf is connected to Muslim Brotherhood and IIIT- The Wahabbi corridor in VA [114 words]saraAug 25, 2010 18:43177276
why? [100 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
helenAug 25, 2010 15:51177272
2Islam in denial [45 words]Sam the hereticAug 24, 2010 23:03177241
2GET OVER IT! [22 words]burt kwoukAug 24, 2010 15:05177206
1Dear Burt... [95 words]donvanAug 30, 2010 21:29177206
1Legal can still be offensive [116 words]JeffAug 24, 2010 14:51177204
2The Victory Mosque [42 words]donvanAug 24, 2010 06:55177190
1La construcción de una mezquita en la Zona Cero [698 words]Manu RodríguezAug 23, 2010 12:07177148
2Razzin' Reuters [911 words]Denis AhearnAug 23, 2010 07:29177130
Terrorist ties [28 words]Trestin MeachamAug 23, 2010 06:49177129
Fight to save the Netherlands from future Dutch dictator... [419 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
eslaporteAug 22, 2010 13:44177096
2Ground zero mosque [16 words]M.A.SASTRYAug 22, 2010 01:53177072
SHARIA INDEX [80 words]SusanAug 21, 2010 16:56177050
6Thank you Dr Pipes [266 words]dhimmi no moreAug 20, 2010 19:01177026
2Cordoba thingy [65 words]Rob Ala kaffirAug 20, 2010 12:04177014
2Garnering Respect [31 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDAug 20, 2010 08:54177008
1By way of perspective [6 words]Dave BonesAug 19, 2010 20:02176996
1Birds of a Feather? [93 words]Jules PostenAug 19, 2010 19:43176994
2The mosque is a symbol of victory. ..just like the mosque on the Temple Mount. [115 words]Phil GreendAug 19, 2010 01:06176949
3Muslims have erected vicory mosques in all the invaded countries - India, israel, Turkey, Spain...!! And now in USA!!! [275 words]JaladhiAug 24, 2010 20:23176949
1So Dear World Hear Our Battle Cry [133 words]D.K. Milgrim-HeathAug 30, 2010 20:50176949
Powerful... [22 words]JaladhiSep 1, 2010 19:10176949
Don't Lose Your Freedoms Them In The First Place Yes-Powerfully I do write-thank you so much Jaladhi! [133 words]D.K.Milgrim-HeathSep 3, 2010 23:01176949
History repeats itself [33 words]gloria lindaJan 3, 2013 12:32176949
3Ground Zero Mosque - A Poke in the eye of every American [134 words]Victor LipshutzAug 19, 2010 00:11176945
1Mosque near ground zero [88 words]ed marguliesAug 18, 2010 22:55176943
dubious background [13 words]elishebaAug 18, 2010 20:15176936
freedom of religions [30 words]b soetoroAug 18, 2010 18:04176923
Hypocrisy thy name is Islam!!! [50 words]JaladhiAug 22, 2010 20:28176923
Whats going on is evolutional [48 words]Arilf Jayish al AmirikiAug 18, 2010 16:12176912
You have a good nose Dr Pipes [22 words]NCHAug 18, 2010 11:24176893
3Reflections On a Killing Machine [337 words]Arlinda DeAngelisAug 18, 2010 09:26176890
4It is Islamist's hobby to make their buildings around places sacred to other religions [237 words]RajeevAug 17, 2010 23:18176875
1Failure to learn from history of Muslims!!! [479 words]JaladhiAug 25, 2010 20:24176875
the protest indicates the public wants another strategy towards the islamists [84 words]mythAug 17, 2010 20:09176859
Freedom Of Religion [41 words]Clifford IshiiAug 17, 2010 19:05176852
Dubious Associations? You mean, like Reverend Wright? [148 words]David KoralAug 17, 2010 18:15176848
Heads Still in the Sand [104 words]Jules PostenAug 17, 2010 14:29176835
2Failure to learn from history of Muslims!!! [187 words]JaladhiAug 22, 2010 20:58176835
1Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan. Islam always demands Respect. Now Show respect for Others! [66 words]DebbieAug 17, 2010 11:28176830
1We have nothing to fear. Openness will destroy Islamism [45 words]Jeremy KarekenAug 17, 2010 11:13176828
4Shades of Tariq Ramadan [87 words]DavidAug 17, 2010 10:39176825
2The hypocrite Tariq Ramadan and and the so called Sheikh Feisal Abdul Rauf have much in common [629 words]dhimmi no moreSep 4, 2010 08:06176825
5Israel must win /Barack Obama [66 words]Dr Gianpaolo BernasconiAug 17, 2010 04:51176801
1Islam [182 words]David H. PartingtonAug 17, 2010 03:31176800
Ground Zero Mosque [27 words]JugglerAug 17, 2010 03:05176799
1Cordoba House [67 words]Shirl in OzAug 17, 2010 02:09176797
1Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan [109 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyAug 17, 2010 02:02176796
2Contradictions in Curmally's threat [91 words]VijayAug 18, 2010 20:01176796
3Where is Allah when you need him [516 words]dhimmi no moreAug 21, 2010 18:16176796
Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan [34 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyAug 21, 2010 22:21176796
Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan [118 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyAug 21, 2010 22:35176796
2Our dear Fazal and the floods in Pakistan and he really has no answer [90 words]dhimmi no moreAug 22, 2010 17:43176796
2Respect for other faiths [61 words]RajeevAug 22, 2010 23:35176796
1lack of proportion [142 words]VijayAug 23, 2010 16:05176796
Asymmetrical warfare [127 words]VijayAug 23, 2010 17:49176796
1Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan [697 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyAug 24, 2010 00:44176796
Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan [72 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyAug 24, 2010 03:24176796
1Where is Allah when you need him part deux [347 words]dhimmi no moreAug 24, 2010 07:07176796
Reply to Curmally [546 words]VijayAug 24, 2010 21:15176796
3Two sides to the picture [667 words]JeffAug 25, 2010 15:19176796
1Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan [265 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyAug 26, 2010 00:12176796
Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan [425 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyAug 26, 2010 00:44176796
Don't look now, Fazal [6 words]JeffAug 27, 2010 09:31176796
1Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan [318 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyAug 28, 2010 00:22176796
2Where is Allah when you need him part trois [52 words]dhimmi no moreAug 28, 2010 09:13176796
Respect and Exceptional [178 words]Jay1Aug 16, 2010 22:44176791
Religious freedom or religious superiority? [108 words]Rebecca MouldsAug 16, 2010 21:23176784
1Every legal right ....? [190 words]Ron ThompsonAug 16, 2010 20:20176783
Why, Why Here? [41 words]Nate RosenblattAug 16, 2010 20:02176782
Agreed! [107 words]NoraAug 16, 2010 19:41176780
Imam Faisal Rauf [118 words]NoraAug 18, 2010 07:06176780
Imam Faisal Rauf [190 words]A.K BasakSep 18, 2010 17:35176780
1has bloomberg gone mad [196 words]jerome henenAug 16, 2010 19:30176778
Why Islam is Allowed to Demonstrate Its Disregard for the American Way [314 words]M. ToveyAug 16, 2010 19:19176775
what Obama does not seem to understand, what democracy is about [84 words]mythAug 16, 2010 19:10176774
The American majority is the only hero here. [164 words]batya daganAug 16, 2010 18:48176773
"I'd rather focus, say, on Islamist penetration of security services." .... + 9 more items, by Geert Wilders [18 words]Rochelle MichaelsAug 16, 2010 18:11176771
3Islamists celebration of the 9-11-2001 attack [151 words]Ralph C. Whaley MDAug 16, 2010 17:47176769
4Daniel Pipes RIGHT AGAIN! Islamic triumphalism is rampant . [371 words]Carmen WaggonerAug 16, 2010 17:01176768
1Mosques: Military Outposts behind prayer [53 words]JenTAug 16, 2010 16:37176767
1Simple solution [310 words]Bob SullivanAug 16, 2010 16:05176765
re the mosque on holy ground [53 words]edith m. cordAug 16, 2010 15:42176764
1What is a "relogion" [163 words]martin kesslerAug 16, 2010 15:33176763
1Is Obama Muslim? [222 words]firozali A. Mulla DBAAug 26, 2010 01:40176763
islamic center in New York [75 words]concernedAug 16, 2010 15:24176762
All for One [95 words]John BAug 17, 2010 07:10176762
1Freedoms For All and Nothing Built On Hollow Ground [265 words]D.K.Milgrim-HeathAug 16, 2010 15:22176761
6Good-bye Mr. Bloomberg [209 words]Maurice LeonAug 16, 2010 15:15176760
Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan. Goodbye Mr. Bloomberg- Idiots show lack of respect. response to Maurice Leon [245 words]Anne-USAAug 17, 2010 11:03176760
Fair, Non-hysterical, and Helpful [86 words]john w mcginleyAug 16, 2010 14:31176759
references? [370 words]gingersnapAug 16, 2010 21:27176759
1A mosque at Ground Zero [54 words]Russell GaddinAug 16, 2010 13:43176758
1Legal? Yes. Sensitive? No. [162 words]Vazir MukhtarAug 16, 2010 13:29176757
No Golden Rule in the Qur'an [173 words]Kim BruceAug 16, 2010 22:34176757
1Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan [309 words]Kim BruceAug 16, 2010 13:26176756
Marginalizing the moderates and proving al Qaeda right [144 words]David LAug 16, 2010 13:23176755
Understanding Islam [474 words]gingersnapAug 16, 2010 22:18176755
Reply to David L. re. moderate Muslims [133 words]Kim BruceAug 16, 2010 22:56176755
disagree...? [200 words]David LAug 17, 2010 20:31176755
The Wrong Question [372 words]Art M.Aug 16, 2010 13:19176752
The Wrong Question by Art M. [268 words]Kim BruceAug 16, 2010 23:24176752
1the symbolic question: what is the future symbol of religious freedom [146 words]mythAug 16, 2010 13:08176751
1GZM [117 words]jhstuartAug 16, 2010 12:34176750
Ground Zero Musoleum [59 words]Kim BruceAug 16, 2010 23:34176750
6Dr. Pipes, I disagree about the Cordoba House - Park 51 [60 words]Mark PrestonAug 16, 2010 12:33176749
2Rights and responsibilities of religious minorities in US and trhe world [794 words]RaoAug 16, 2010 17:51176749
GZM [47 words]jhstuartAug 16, 2010 19:34176749
3What are the real aims? [273 words]VinodguptAug 16, 2010 12:31176748
2When Will Our Leaders Get It [55 words]Ilbert PhillipsAug 16, 2010 12:18176746
reflection on an islamic center in lower manhattan [21 words]bileAug 19, 2010 09:44176746
Religous Freedom [241 words]Ilbert PhillipsAug 22, 2010 02:51176746
1Obama: Wrong on Mosque Issue [351 words]Jerrold L. SobelAug 16, 2010 12:15176745
1Response to "Obama: Wrong on Mosque Issue by Jerrold L. Sobel [155 words]Ilbert PhillipsAug 22, 2010 03:01176745
3Public figures that are speaking out for the First Amendment where the mosque is involved have an ax to grind. [133 words]PRockyAug 16, 2010 12:09176744
yes! [2 words]NoraAug 16, 2010 19:47176744

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